How Trade For Beginners 8/12/2021
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, everybody welcome back to your morning live stream. Thank you guys once again for tuning in um. So, let's see good morning good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, no channels for me, hmm good morning, n e mailed clne. Yesterday not sure exactly what that means, but um sure give me one.

Second, i got ta double check, something here so um. This is. This is something that i want to show you guys right now, while you're on the channel, so that um, we know that you can see this all right, ready, here's connor's channel, so this is from youtube: how to trade for beginners. This is live right now.

It says one person is watching, we can refresh the page, it still shows only one person is watching. So if you're live on youtube like going through trying to find people to watch, currently, youtube is only showing that one person is watching our stream when in reality we have 75 people to 55 people currently watching our stream. So why is it when you search connor on youtube? It only shows one person is watching him live. Excuse me when we actually have you know over 75 60 people currently watching live.

Do you guys see white? What i'm up against so and look at? We can refresh the page. I've been doing this um, so we just refreshed the page. Still there, let's try doing uh, let's try doing a new page there. We go so really weird that it was staying like that on that page, but even this morning um, i noticed that you know too so random glitches, really weird glitches.

I got ta tell you so nonetheless, weird things, weird things: um yeah now i would say 80, but that was an older page, but like anyway, so a lot of weird reoccurrences i've noticed yeah. I know i was going to get in contact with someone at youtube. So that was kind of my next thing, but you know how hard it is to get in contact with them. So i didn't even want to try.

So, let's get rocking and rolling here we're going to start the day off with the market, so we're going to peek on over here at the spy we'll creep on over the nasdaq. So the assumption was yesterday that we're gon na basically stay trending kind of sideways. Well, the market ended up having somewhat of a decent good long day, um. So on the spy.

Yesterday we recommended this was hold on these two red lines were kind of like the long move, and we expected that there was going to be resistance in this area. Well, the inflation numbers come out, yadda yadda, yadda market blows up. You will see that it ends up breaking through that resistance and then later in the day, comes down to it and balances as a support. So this was the true trending resistance yesterday that ended up breaking, which in result turned it into a support, so, nonetheless, markets are still kind of bullish heading on the up um, like i said, i just really expect markets to continue following this trend until the day That they don't um so the levels today have adjusted from yesterday, so we will give the updated levels on the market here.
Give me just a half a second so and i'm gon na go full screen on this. We don't need the other screen there um. Somebody said thanks for the call on mrna - yes, absolutely anytime, alrighty, so with the spy right now, the current support of that market is 443 to 443.05. So, in the event you see the market sells down to here.

This is a level you'd want to be buying a bounce around. So again, this is your long level down at 44.43 to uh 44. It's pretty much to say 44.43 is you're pretty much a long level already we're going to pop on over to the nasdaq. Really no long targets on any of that stuff all right, so the nasdaq didn't have quite as good a day as the spy did yesterday.

That's still kind of struggling so still really the same. Well! No! It's not! The levels have changed from yesterday on this. On the nasdaq, so now the new dip long level where we would consider buying a dip on the spy is located a zone from 360 150 to 3, 360., so 360 to 50. That's the long zone of the market right now for me on the nasdaq meaning.

That's where i'd be more likely to add a long play as opposed to right here, so just long markets, not really adding anything new, not trying to be anything crazy unless they were to dip down into this support area so market's still the same as they were. Yesterday, ho home diddly dumb on the up, unless they pull back and actually tag a bigger support, all right, so that's really the market, like i said until this actually does something it's pretty much going to be the same analysis every single day. Do i think spce is at a buy level for a swing trade yet um? I could take a peek in a second. Can we get the price in pre-market, nice, um, so yeah we can take a quick peek at spce here, uh nope.

I don't think spce is a swing along here. Um again, if you look at the what just happened right, the market tried to base here tried to do break up it broke through the mean briefly back down. So that's extremely bearish. Anybody who bought this bottom is probably getting ready to stop out.

So honestly, i don't know if we're gon na pop back up first or go down first um, but i really okay, that helps all right, so actually yeah spce is on a support. Today. It's probably more of a long than it is a short um, so it's kind of hard to judge, there's a couple reasons why i got to explain so pretty much put it this way. Whenever a market base is like this, and then the market comes through it.

A lot of times it's going to lead to more of a downside, move and pretty much all that means is what i'm trying to get at. Is the market tried to base here on a half deviation, as opposed to a full deviation? All right. We have a support here at 28.84, but everyone just tried to support the market here now, since they're stopping out, they might actually add enough selling pressure to break the support. So, if i could support right now, is that, like 28, they tried to base the market here that failed, so everybody basing here might stop out cause it to break support and swing it down to 23.46.
I'm not certain about that. So for the day, you're still really watching this level, which is 27.11 for a hold if it starts to break below. Maybe you go bearish, but nonetheless i don't like the way that this is set up to be extremely long, biased um. So i would really just be looking to see if the market starts to sustain this price level today, which is 27 10..

If not, then i could see the market swinging down to a low of 23.46 and at 23.46. That's where i'd be more long, biased. So again, i'm not comfortable being extremely long biased where we're currently at because it seems a little iffy, but you still got to watch it. Maybe something odd happens and the 27 dollar price does end up holding in three weeks from now.

The market is up on spc in the event the 27 price doesn't hold and it keeps swinging down. Then i myself wouldn't really care to put money on alongside trade until it gets down to the price of 23.46, which would be the negative one deviation on the 180-day four-hour chart. She there we go sbc done very nice. Very nice shorting pltr huh, hmm earnings.

It is strong, i could wait, is 26. yeah. I mean definitely not a price that i would be buying plt or long bias in for sure. So i can get behind the fact.

You want to be bearish the fact that it's up at over plus three and at plus four in the intraday um not coming off any long-term resistance. Yet uh long-term resistance exists up at 26.50. So arguably um, you might see a price of 26.50 today, that's possible um, but yeah good earnings moving from pltr long moves already happened this morning pre-market. So for me, that's something that i would just basically be watching for the time being for either a pullback.

Then, along or for it to get extremely overbought up 2650 and then be bearish, that's kind of the way. I would look at that right now, um, that's really so! There's two books i mentioned yesterday. One of them was a cmt book, which is a chartered market tech mission book. It's basically a book.

You study to pass an exam. The other one was stock market trade, craft uh yeah. I was looking at the uh. Yes, i do use light speed, how's the dog.

Oh he's good, he's good. What time frame do i generally use for swing trades daily chart and 180 day chart is roku close to a support level. Um, i don't know, but i believe it was going up. Oh, no, i guess it was going down.

Um yeah roku is getting close to a swing, long actually, yeah. You should probably consider roku already as a swing long um, so yeah we're going to give the alert right now. Roku. You want to be more swing.

Long on um so wait. Let me just double check. I mean you could start something small, but you still have risk of down to 350ish 345.. So this is the desired long level.
For me, this is where i would like to consider um being long bias on roku down in that, doesn't i'm not even going to put a box just tell you the prices again, i i would rather be long at about 354 to 346., so you're, pretty close To that, so does it get down there? It's debatable, but we're pretty much getting into a long level on roku, yes, uh pltr max price target for me today, 26.50 um. What is your bread and butter uh set up really none uh. If i could pick reversals buying in low risk levels, shorting on low risk tops, that's my bread and butter um. You know.

Actually, the more i studied my cmt book, the less that i've used patterns and things like that, because realistically i mean it, i mean. There's some edge to patterns, but you know, based on like market research and and things like that patterns, don't really have much of a statistical edge in the market to begin with so and that's based on just patterns happening in general, looking at patterns most of them, Don't actually provide profitability um on a long-term perspective, uh patterns create big moves, but patterns, don't necessarily dictate up and or down. There's some things you could look at that can give you an idea of it going up and down but realistically patterns. Don't have a great track record, so what's the bread and butter for me, uh, the bread and butter for me is basically like something like this roku selling, all the way down into a low risk support that i can see that a lot of times some of The market doesn't see so that would be a good one um, just like the other day, mrna mrna was trading right up at plus three deviations on the long term chart really well.

I think it was a little higher than that slightly higher than that, but very overbought pretty much time to sell it. You know short play so you know the system and strategy that i work off was able to predict basically a hundred dollars short here right. So this had nothing to do with the pattern right. My my thoughts of being bearish on mrna had no pattern suggestion.

Just simply, overbought should come down from point a to point b and so far it's been about 100 points, and that's really just it um. Looking at things in a high low perspective of the market, there is no, i don't aim towards specific setups really anymore. Um patterns happen all day. Long consolidation happens all day long.

They break up they break down. So i guess the point being is: if i'm gon na use patterns right, if i'm saying i'm gon na, do a bullish, a bull flag, then i want to trade a bull flag when a bull flag is happening at low prices and not high prices. So i really the patterns. If i'm going to trust a pattern on a bull side, then the price has to be low.

If i'm gon na trust a pattern on a bare side, then the pattern has to be happening at a high price. So you know if we started to get a you know what looked like a bear flag up here then i would probably trade it down or if we started to get a bull flag up in the plus three deviations. I probably wouldn't trade it up right, because, when you're trading up at plus three plus four deviation, it's very unlikely the stock keeps going up. So if you're seeing something like a pennant happening, i would assume that that's not a bullish planet and it's probably a bearish one to trade it down, and that's also the other thing as to why, over the long run in terms of trading patterns, haven't really provided Long-Term profitability for many traders, because they could trade a bull flag when the price is low and the bull flag works, really good and they see that same sort of pattern.
But it's happening at a high price. They go in to trade it and then it breaks down and then right there that loss cancels out the win. So theoretically there's a zero win rate by using that pennant pattern from that per that specific trader. So if i'm doing patterns, anything's pattern related, bull or bear bear has to be happening at high prices.

Bull has to be happening at lower prices. Theoretically is kind of how i go about that which here's like a good example actually for me to to show you what i mean by that um is the stock b and geo. So the last time we uh not the last time, but one of the last like trades, we did quite a while back, was along on bngo and uh. So you can see bngo had like a really nice bull flag here right, so i had a bull flag right there and that bull flag broke up, and then we ended up buying in this move.

We didn't buy the bull flag, breakout we bought on the pullbacks. Here and then we traded this move from around here with the price target up here. So we were literally bought here and said market's going to go to that point, and then we sold here and you can see that a really nice bull flag happened there. But if we zoom out - and this isn't exactly how it looked in the past - things have changed a little bit, but you can see from here.

The price was really overbought, then it was really oversold. So we got a bull flag happening in an oversold location or in more of a buy zone as opposed to a selling zone. All right, you can see up here right. Look at this pennant pattern right right here, right, wedge, squeezes up and then comes right back down because you were buying a pennant wedge into an overbought market and sell down, whereas this is you're buying a bull flag in an oversold market break up continuation up.

So that's kind of what's talking about with patterns is naturally it's not me. Looking for patterns, it first is me, looking on a high low perspective for a market uh so far haven't really seen anything running down yeah so far, uh, it doesn't really look like much. Is popped running on the scanner say so, in my opinion, so far, really no penny stock runners or anything like that. Yeah we'll talk about clove, so clove ended up doing a long yesterday.
Now there was somebody that asked me about clove yesterday and i didn't give the most uh enthusiastic recommendation on it. I want to say i was more neutral. I can't remember if i changed my mind, because initially i think i was neutral to bearish, but then i think i changed from neutral to bearish to kind of bullish. But then i changed back from that to just kind of being neutral and like had really no thoughts towards it.

So yesterday i didn't give like the most straightforward analysis for a clove, but part of the analysis did end up coming true. We will talk about that. So all of the long targets that we did give for clove in the event that did go long ended up happening this morning. So i didn't know whether or not it would go along where there's going to be bearish or just kind of stay trading sideways that it was uncertain of, but we did end up giving the price targets.

In the event, the market did go long and it did work, and i was wrong. These are the price targets that it was going to go to those all happened yesterday. So i do have a pretty good understanding of clove. This morning we will get to touching on that in a second.

I will also take a look at neo. I won't be able to look at everything, but of course i will do my best to look at some of the popular ones amd bottoming. I will take a look here in a sec long on skills. Possibly i have no idea thanks for roku any time any time.

I really wish our stream would just randomly stop dropping off. You know users great video yesterday yeah. Thank you. Oh yeah, the video about the turo car, so yeah i mean we can uh if anybody's curious about that.

We can take 10 minutes this morning to discuss that new business venture. There are some things that i left out in that video. So, if you're, following closely along with that, there's a couple other things that we could point out today, but all that will and or is going to be coming in this series, uh who's, the author of the second book i mentioned his name. I don't remember his name off the top of my head.

It's in my email, but i don't. I don't remember his name. I think his name's jean it's jean that's his first name um. I don't have a video on patterns, but that was something that i wanted to do and if i do do those in the future that's going to be, i don't know if it's going to be a top 20 pattern or a top five pattern: video but um, But i will do that and i will give the statistics behind the winning rates of those patterns, but that is something i wanted to do yes, uh sally, so all of the live training that takes place is generally gon na be done in elites program.

Everything you're gon na get here is live analysis uh going forward. I heard you and matt core is about to do a boxing match. Um, no, we're not gon na. Do a boxing match.
Uh, probably not um. Let's check amc, though, because if anybody wants to go over there and let them know how it's going to move for the day, i'm just kidding so we're going to pop on amc just real quickly, i'm going to make sure i continue going through comments um. So i think yesterday's analysis was we're still recommending bearish the market, even though it had a good bounce there um we're still not recommending to be long, the stock uh until the 25 price point or the market. So when i say long i mean if you were to buy so like if you wanted to buy amc right and when i say buy, amc, i'm saying, buy it and you're not gon na go and it's actually going to work.

It's going to move right, not go and then pull back on you so from here. We still have the opportunity that um amc goes long today, long tomorrow, up to the price of 34., and now i'm not recommending you trying to trade up to 34 right or i'm not recommending you trying to buy it and go to 34, because once you get To 34, you still have resistance here that has to clear, in order for bullish the bullish market to gain real control. This would just be a bullish move to attempt uh gaining uh control right. That's like you, going to ask your mom hey.

Can you take me to mcdonald's and then she's like no and then you come back a little bit later, like hey ma, can we go to mcdonald's and she's like no, so before you invest and get your hopes too high just know, mama bear might still knock. You down so again: we got to get through mom's. Second, no, in order to be extremely bullish there. So we still have the potential long move back to retrace, let's say around like 34.50, so i wouldn't really recommend any sort of longs on amc until the market is down at about 25.70 now and or crossing up and through and sustaining above the price point of 34.70, so, nonetheless, we're still bearish on the market for amc, predicting price targets of 27 25.70 or a better way of putting it is we're predicting that amc is trying to trade down to a negative one deviation mark so whether it trades down to the price or The deviation comes to price, that's what the market's trying to do so we're still watching it, but mainly bearish for the time being.

On amc. Who is the author of the second book? I already read: did that? Okay, yes, clove did increase their earnings and a couple things there you're, absolutely right: hmm all right, mogo or not; mogo. Sorry uh we're gon na start top to bottom here on um, we'll start with clove all right so clove yesterday the recommendation was that in the event it did actually turn into a long. The market was going to try to retrace up to the price of 8.71.

Once you cleared 871 in gain control there, you would then target up to 9.38. So if we kind of go, look at the one minute chart from yesterday, you will see that after hours is what caused the move. So the earnings report is what actually caused the long move. So without a good earnings report, this move probably wouldn't be happening.
So the earnings report you can see squeezed up to our first price target. We actually went well above it and then it came back down to it snap below it. Then the market got bought up, gained control of that level moved to the second level, which was here at 940.. So the market is still go and then look at so you can see we pushed above it.

Then we pulled back down to that level and held it so right now it looks like clove is trying to gain control of its long-term statistical mean. So what that means is it's pretty much on the long right now? So, ideally, you need to break this top back in uh, whatever date, that is at 9.90 um, but i think the max target i would go for today on clove is ten dollars and fourteen cents yeah. I don't really think i would try to be anything more long than 10 14 for right now um. I will say that if this is a true uh deviation move, then the target's going to be somewhere up to dollars and ninety cents.

I mean yeah. If this is a true breakout, you're going to see clove up at prices of eleven sixty two to twelve dollars is, is legit see. If this is a true true breakout, you should see so annoying uh. You should see prices of like 12 bucks or so um kevin um.

So that's a good question. You know why not give out your tos and scans for free. Why charge so much um? You know i don't know. I should ask the purse: well it more or less it's it's like.

Why does apple charge so much for their phones right like when you go to the coney island? Why do you have to pay for the chili cheese dog? Because, if you didn't actually charge money for these products, then you wouldn't be operating a business, so in the world of business generally, the way to run a successful one is that you charge for different products and services. So in a nutshell, that's probably the best answer. I can give you is in order to run and operate a successful business and have employees and contractors and people you pay so that they can feed their families. Ideally, you have to charge for some services and or products - that's pretty much it okay! Next, one on the list is neo this morning, all right, we're gon na take a peek over there.

Um also another thing too, when it comes to a lot of the scans and scripts, and things like that, i'm also partnered with another individual on some of those products as well. So i don't have full control over them as well, all right so neo. They reported this morning or was that yeah? I think it was supposed to be this morning. They were gon na actually do the report.

So did the numbers come out, so it looks like neo had sales of 1.3 billion. They beat their s to beat the estimate of 1.2 um. Okay, that's cool um looks relatively choppy on its past charting here, half deviation, price outsole and a half deviation price, pretty solid candle, though all right so for yeah, it's kind of awkward, but the way i see it is. I have a zone right now on on neo.
This is my zone, so you have this being resistance. This means the top of the zone resistance bottom of the zone support. So that's the one, that's literally how i have this market, which is probably why it traded down after hours down to here then it spiked up to about here. Then it dropped back to about here.

Then it spiked to about there and then it spiked down to here and then it spiked up there, and so it's probably why it's doing this back and forth kind of movement is because i have two levels which one of here is here and the other one's Here, support and resistance, creating a channel in which so far the price action's through. So this is something where i'd probably look on the long side for neo to gain control of the prices of 44.39. That's really that's, probably it. I really don't have a great outlook for this, because it's just kind of chopping around for the past couple days and then we're currently in between two levels right now, as opposed to moving towards one and so kind of awkward there on neo.

So take that analysis for what it's worth. But i believe, if it's a long you're looking for neo to gain control over the top of this market - and i kind of want to be more on the long side, because i just would rather be on the long side. But again we're right in the middle of consolidation, so it's probably best just to sit and watch this and wait for clear conviction on what it's doing, as opposed to trying to guess and make assumptions within this consolidation move all right next one i have down on The list here is ahpi, so this is stock. Just from a couple days ago, broke up went into the highs still looks a little bullish.

I mean that's a pretty pretty solid trend. There i mean that's. All of those candles are pretty much just following trends straight up, so ideally, what people are looking for here is they're, looking to squeeze out short sellers again um, so long buys well people shorted right the other day when it was 16, they shorted, then, when it Came back up to retest the 16s, they shorted! Now it's grinding up again and ideally you're looking to force a short squeeze on the long side of things you want to that's what they're trying to do. The longs are trying to force your sword squeeze.

You can see that this is a big pennant, so when people are talking about patterns and wedges, so what you have is a three-day wedge occurring and if the shorts from the past three days get taken out, you're going to see this explode again. Now, i'm not going to try to trade long bias on that within that wedge, because again, that is a wedge taking place over plus three deviation. So, theoretically, it's a wedge it's taking place in an overbought location, so i just feel less comfortable trying to get long on that again. Here we go, ladies and gentlemen: here's our youtube stream right there.
We had a spike to 541 users about couple minutes ago, and then they just dropped it right back off to 332.. So very interesting. I would just like to know where those 200 people come from where'd. They go.

Why so really odd there again, not sure where they all decided to go to or if it's a glitch, but that's the second time we've seen that happen in two days or three days so really odd, really on so with ahpi again, it's trending over into an Overbought location, so i would not feel as comfortable trying to trade this long bias at this point you know so. For me, i got to stay more on the bear side um just because it's it is into some overbought prices, but i will say this that this is definitely a stronger trending stock right. We pushed up, we pulled back, we pushed up, we pulled back, we grinded we're overbought, so it is strong in that regard, but i just can't justify being extremely long bias on that top area amd uh. Next one on the list, somebody, i think they said they think it bottomed - i really don't think it has it could.

I think amd is going to go down more. I think i think it's going to do an awkward rolling over move like this little bottom. Really wasn't a bottom and then it's gon na roll down some more so i think, i'm still on the side of watching uh, watching this bearish amd with price targets still down towards 103.. Well, we are at the plus two mark there.

Yeah part of me wants to stay bearish on this. I don't know for sure, though, but i think i'm gon na still stay on the bare side of this looking forward to continue moving down after this little dip bounce that we've been seeing not a great analysis but uh yeah. That's enough! Sklz um we'll take a peek here down trending. I don't really see you do anything with that.

Maybe it has a start of a bullish divergence occurring, but again it's down trending, it's below negative one deviations which is a pretty bearish thing, uh, so yeah. I would just stay on the bare side until that actually makes a move for you not much to do there mogo. Someone asked me about this and i don't remember what the question was um i mean yeah, there's no support that i have for this. I kind of think this is going to give back that game.

I kind of think mogo's going to give back the gain from yesterday. I think it's going to sell off now if i'm wrong and it doesn't sell off, then we're looking for mogo to take back control of the half candle retrace level, which is at six dollars and like 90 cents. So, in order for me to be considerate of a long today on mogo, i think it would have to result um in getting over the 6.80. Well, it's more like 690 ish uh price 687, 688 690 mo go up and through that, that's what probably convinced me to be more long bias for a move, um yeah living large.
But the thing is it never. Actually it goes from 300 to 500 700 and then it drops right back off. So it's just kind of odd, so it's not like they were actually ever here. It's like they came in and then they were taken out almost.

But what do i know? Um johnny yeah, so yours, your levels, uh, so pretty much put it. This way. Standard deviation calculates and changes almost every single one minute: candle in the market, your daily chart, candles and four hour candles. Those are going to take more time to change, but nonetheless they're always changing they're always becoming different, so you just have to keep up on them and make sure that you're changing with them mrna is at 385.

Yes, yes, yes, it is um. So i was debating whether or not to be long bias mrna. Today, i really wanted to get mrna down to 351.61, because we're only on a half deviation price. So part of me thinks you should probably watch today a little long bias, but i think it's only a counter trend long day.

That's going to end up getting sold back into eventually um, but this was like sort of one of the price targets. We said to look for on the downside of mrna was towards 385, but again i think uh. We would much rather get it down towards 350 before we want to be long, but again we'll see nonetheless, if uh. If anything, i think today is a counter counter trend, long bounce on mrna, with a potential price target up to 414 right now, uh half candle retrace level is taking the 50 mark from the previous trading day action giving you a projected level.

So it's pretty much uh, it's pretty much a fibonacci level from the previous day, so you're, just looking at the 50 retrace level of the previous day, which ends up to be a very common reoccurrence in the market. Would you make a video showing how to simulate a short using options, um yeah, so sean um, i don't know like. I have no idea what your level of knowledge is in the market but or but you would never. You would never.

I don't like simulate. You. Don't simulate a short position using options, you don't simulate anything if you're going to use options, you're, just trading options, you're, not trading options to simulate a short. If you're asking in the sense that i can't be short bias on stocks, i'm not able to short them.

Is there a way to be short to stock with using options? Yes, you're, not simulating a short you're, just being bearish right, and so you just buy a put. So again, a good way of saying is: if stock is at a hundred dollars, you think it can go to eighty dollars. You could buy a put an eighty dollar put, you could buy an eighty five dollar put, you could buy a ninety dollar put, you could buy a ninety three dollar put, you could buy a hundred dollar put. You could buy 120.
Put pretty much if you think something's gon na go down, you just buy a put and it's going to emulate that of being bearers of stock and making money as it falls, but um like simulates like yeah. Maybe the question just kind of slightly confused me: don't take it the wrong way, but yeah you're not really simulating a short you're just being taking a bearish bet on the stock. That's all. How can you day trade with me uh, you can sit in this uh sit in the stream um throughout the rest of the morning and then just uh take our live analysis and if it uh, you see value.

In that analysis, it makes sense for you to take an investment, then feel free to do so. If you're, looking to trade with more hand holding, then you're probably going to be looking at our elites trading program, which would be found at or by one of the links that the nightbot computer sends out um sandra honestly, i don't really know the answer to Your question um again, the 50 retracement level is just calculating previous trading days action. This is, can you use to see a profit and loss for options? Um that i don't really know, because i don't trade options, all that much and i've never used that service or that website. So i really couldn't answer that question fully uh aci for mr patrick hutchinson.

Here, let's take a gander, overbought um, i would yeah. I would. I would probably be uh bearish the stock at these prices, uh in the immediate with the market structure. I don't anticipate this market going higher than 32 bucks right now.

In the event, it does go a little over that definitely overbought, so we've started getting to overbought locations. This is where you would consider the stock as getting ready to to pull down um price targets on the way down are going to be back to about 25.79. For now to 24 bucks with time being so, what i've read is a synthetic short by simultaneously selling a call option. So that would be writing a call option, which means you would need underlying equity theoretically and buying the same number of put options at the same strike price i mean, i don't know exactly which player going for but again, if you buy a bunch of calls and You buy a bunch of puts and they're the exact same strike price.

Then realistically those calls are going to be fighting your put. So when the call goes up, the calls make money and the puts lose money. So, ideally, what you're doing is you're locking yourself into a position where you're, basically not losing any money, no matter whether or not the market goes up or down, because you're straddling the price action of the market, so in that instance, you're, basically buying a put in A call so when the mark goes up or goes down, you make money up and you make money down, and then you would usually ditch your calls or ditch your puts get rid of them after you decided the market's going to continue going this way, so you'll Lose on the puts, but then, if the calls keep going, then you end up making money. So i don't really, maybe that's what you're talking about, but it's really just a straddle at that point.
Uh. What kind of what kind of standard deviation indicator are using on your chart? Uh the custom one made from uh any pennies for today, so yeah i mean no. I guess now is a good time to to maybe take a peek through some of the ones. Uh penny stocks that were moving here but um there wasn't a whole lot.

What was there? There was uh what move this morning hold on. I know this was one. No that's not one of them. Um xbio might have been one of them.

I remember this moved a little bit today. Um pbts was another one, but i got ta say there wasn't when i like, i said like the reason: i've really gone over them, because none of them really looked that good. Pbts is like one that was up kind of looks, okay, so pbts here is of maybe a candidate. The reason it's still a potential candidate is because the four hour chart still has room up to 225 and the daily chart still has.

Actually, i could be wrong. I might have done my analysis wrong earlier, which i think i did so. This is resistance. We did hit resistance.

We hit regression resistance at a dollar 86. So right now with the way the market is currently situated. Currently, no, i don't trust that yeah i mean. I don't really have a support down until here myself.

Resistance is here if break out here target is here: okay, so support resistance target. So maybe we could uh. We could color code for fun, green red and we'll do baby blue for target or blue. So red support, green resistance blue, would be target all right, um all done there with pbt odds but yeah like i said there wasn't really any great great penny stocks this morning that i saw uh has mrin hit a bottom.

You know i got ta check just because uh you know, we've been watching that for so long and you've asked so many times and i'm glad you keep asking or else i'd probably just forget about it. Um but yeah i mean we've been, doesn't look like it's bottom looks like it's stair stepping down still so probably just keep letting it go, um, so actually yeah, ignacio. I was actually it's a great idea. I was actually gon na.

Do i always kind of forget to do that, but um yeah give me a second if you guys just like. Actually let me think for about two seconds, then i can do this uh one. Second, all right, so we got ta, add a text. I think i already added text i did, but it has to be a scrolling bar um, we'll do uppercase.

So all right, uh, i got ta size. This properly see what we want it to be huh over there. It's like a black box, yeah i'll, have to work on this um because there's really no way to. Let me see what that does strike out.
Underline yeah, i mean yeah. I can definitely do that, but it's not gon na be today it's it's something i planned on doing, but um, it's not as quickly as i would like to be able to do it right now: okay, uh um, um. You know this might be some interesting uh stuff for you guys on uh, so this is a member from our trading community um. This is in regards to pltr he's saying he does not believe that the price of pltr will exceed 25, at least for right now, because on the august 21st option chain, there's a lot of calls there for 35.

So basically, that is going on the assumption that the market makers won't allow for those 30 000 calls to be allowed to get into the money. So basically saying that market makers are going to try to keep the price of pltr below 25, so they don't uh. So they can keep from. You know: thirty thousand thirty.

Thirty thousand five hundred calls getting into the money on pltr before uh august, uh, 20 or august august 21st or august 13th. Sorry, that's the 13th august! That's my bad! My bad! Sorry, people, sorry people! Clearly, i'm an idiot so yeah before august 13th, so um so yeah like and you know. If we go back over to pltr, you know this was without even considering the options chain. You know the recommendation myself was that um is that appealing.

Did i even do peeled here? I hardly remember looking at this wait. I got ta delete these i'm getting so confused right now, so anyways with pltr. I remember saying that we do have the one deviation level here. So this is kind of the resistance level.

2550. Um and then the daily chart has the statistical mean at 26 30.. So in reality there is a big resistance zone right here right, so you could just think of that gray box. Here, that's a big resistance zone, um, okay and that resistance zone starts at 25.50.

To a high of 26.30 right so today is august 12th, so maybe markets run into there and then they sell off below 25.. So i do believe, there's a good chance. We can see pltr moving into that price zone, so to speak so again that 25 50 to 26 would be my max target long on the day and in order for that thesis of those options to expire worthless, ideally um, they would move the market into this Price and then they would sell off the resistance before the end of the day below 25 um, allowing for those options to stay out of the money. So we'll see, i'm not too certain on that.

But again that would be my max long zone for pltr. Today, um, how can they do that rob winter via shorting, so um? You know this is maybe a good time to let you guys know that. Oh one, second, before we go further yeah, so this would be a good time to let you know that whenever you're trading in a market, whenever you're buying, whenever you're investing you're, mainly dealing with a direct market maker for whichever market you're looking at and nowadays most Of it's done by computers for the most part, so um, you know when someone's asking: how are they going to keep the price below 25? I mean you know. If i had, let's just say, 35 million shares of the stock pltr, then i could probably all day long sell my shares onto the bid getting rid of some of my inventory on the stock.
Sell the bid sell the bid, sell the bid, sell the bid, sell the bid, inevitably uh, creating the stock from reaching 25 and there's really nothing wrong with that. Because again, i have 35 million shares of the stock. I'm a market maker, my jobs, able is there to provide liquidity. Well, i have a bunch of shares and a lot of people are buying, so i'm gon na keep selling it to them, and i'm gon na sell the bid and i'm gon na damp and weaken the market, and all i'm really doing is the job that i Have been designated to do so, um, that's that's kind of how that can happen and there's nothing wrong with it at really the end of the day, yeah.

Well today that worked quickly. That's a first! Of course. I already said i wanted to do that. Thanks steven appreciate that, thank you, um goed, good earnings and still going down um yeah.

That happens. That definitely happens uh. So what's my watch list today, so after looking at everything in the market um, there isn't any penny stocks, i'm really crazy about that. Could change so i'm sure something will pop on the scanner that maybe is interesting.

So penny stocks - i'm probably just leaving it to the scans, to find aside from that, it would appear that it still makes sense to maybe watch a little bit of mrna, because volatility has been pretty good. There maybe still watch a little bit of amd because it seems like people are interested. So i think today's watchlist for me is going to end up being a little bit of mrna a little bit of amd, watching this pltr keeping an eye on the scanners um and maybe watching clove. I think today.

For me it's going to be clove, pltr! Um. Sorry clove pltr amd mrna and whatever penny stocks come from that swing longs i kind of think we should watch roku still so maybe pirate periodically popping and looking at roku throughout the day for maybe a swing along here, pretty soon um other than that. I don't think there's anything else. Give me a sec folks i'll be right back um, xela one second, so recovered up, not bad! I mean xcla is still holding its own.

Um analysis is pretty much still the same from yesterday, which would be um for like a bigger breakout. You got ta get through your plus one mark, which is at 338 ish nice little hold there from xcla. That's not bad! Oh man, clove short um. Again, let's see 10 13., so does that mean that clove went up to our price target and sold off um? I think i'm getting clove and the other one mixed up daily charts, so no clove is holding below uh that half deviation price so far.

So if we zoom in you can see where the top of the wick today is on, clove exists right at three dollars or sorry: 10, 14.. So the half deviation price clove existed at 10 14., so sort of your new breakout level is in fact the pre-market high. The pre-market high is a half deviation price right now, so essentially clove is at the halfway mark from this level. Um yeah, it's just at the 50 mark, so your breakout level today is probably your pre-market high on clove um.
We did not cover his uh. We did not cover zev. We did not cover su nw, so zev spiked up yesterday sold down again well. I kind of feel like that's still going to come down some yeah.

I think i'd just slightly be bearish on that for right, now, um with a target, maybe down to it kind of already did that yeah. I think i'm still slightly bearish on that to be now typically from where it pulled back. It would be targeting to this orange level. We didn't really touch it, so today's analysis would be either a spike back into 1060 and down, or it just falls down towards that 960s price.

Well, pltr's, starting to pull back a little bit yeah. I wonder what uh i wonder, how our uh, our friend mrna, is gon na shape. Up today, uh zom looks bearish. I don't really think there's a whole lot to do.

There acy a little bit of a move yesterday into resistance again uh mrna, resists or not mrna. Sorry, acy resistance, 2705 current support right now. Current support is 24.95. I don't really have much of an outlook for acy.

Oh boy, sorry, i'm sure someone else is gon na be yawning with that. Not really crazy. About astr me, two red bulls, no yawning no yawning, mr pb mcts. It is like the one penny stock.

Today, that's kind of up, so i mean we will watch this. The range really excuse me, the range really isn't that big it has. A 40 million share, float so a little on the higher side. There cnfr only has a 3 million share float.

So this is definitely a penny stock with and we can see up to there. So sorry, uh yeah, so with cnfr we're kind of in support right now this this might be a candidate, it's kind of awkward looking, but this might be a candidate for us. Here's a coffee! Thank you. I appreciate that i could definitely use a coffee lack um right now.

Lac is on resistance, so, generally speaking uh. This is a level where it could very well pull back um. You also got through the mean, so that's good. So if this is a true break, you should see a target of 20 max 2070 max.

So so right now lac is on resistance. The support level you need it to stay above is 1711.. You will see that the two days ago we broke above it. Then we tried to run yesterday failed pulled back to that red level, bounce back to the red level holding below, so your breakout level really is around 1810.

Your support level you want to stay above is about 17 and then your max target on this new leg up and out, if that does happen, is going to be 20 and like 70 cents to 20 and 80 cents or so wow cnfr is based in birmingham. That's not very far from it's only like 15 minute drive or so um. If the momo and reversal scanners are not populating anything, that's because the scanner hasn't picked anything up that it feels valuable enough to send that's pretty much it btbt um, so btbt that continued down. So remember we were bearish to hear the other way.
Was that that day or was it, that was the marks. We were bearish there and i'm going down to there over here. Do i think btp i don't yeah, i don't think you would be short by sbtb today. I think btb does end up having uh.

I was going to say check this time frame. Yeah part of me thinks that uh no, i do not live in alabama, not birmingham alabama birmingham, michigan um yeah part of me does think that we could see a little down move and then bt bt tries to bounce a day only so that it can hold The previous price action bottom a little bit, so i kind of feel like there's a little bounce here, that's going to happen today on btbt, first annual golf outing that could be lit. I would like to do that if there's a morning sell-off on pltr uh where's a good spot, it's a pltr, um nope! You won't go there. If pltr were to sell off it would most likely retrace down to a level of 2366 again.

I don't really think. That's going to happen, but we'll see i kind of feel like plt is going to get up to the 55 area gosh. I don't know why. I'm so tired um, i mean honestly i'd probably start with the day trading course.

It's definitely not as complicated as the elites program and if you do get that you always get lifetime access to any updates. We do which i guarantee there's going to be a lot of updates over the course of forever so yeah. I would probably start there um before the elites program. If you already got some a decent amount of knowledge, the elites program can definitely be uh, definitely be where you want to be.

We don't offer trials to anything, um maria. I don't know what the deal is. Maybe i really do need a coffee holy smokes, so um yeah, we don't offer a trial also because um, not only do you get a chat room, there's a lot of info in there a lot of material. So that's also why we don't offer a trial there, because once you get access, you gain access to our full library of different materials, and things like that um man, uh so looks like it looks like mrna, is currently going up right now, uh a little bit, Not a ton um, you know like we said you know, wouldn't be surprised if mrna goes up to 414 hell, they could probably even go all the way up to 426 today.

So we'll see it's not like the best buy spot. Obviously um. So we'll see it's a counter trend bounce for the day, but again better buy zones, probably down at 340s 350th area, more keywords in the title: it really doesn't work, no matter what you do. If you do, if you do keyword, tags keywords in the title, it doesn't work, youtube knows who they want to uh um push stuff to and who they don't um for the most part it doesn't matter.
You could try any keyword. You want. I've tried it doesn't work, you know unless you want to be like super click bait, it's like, oh, how to make a million dollars in two minutes which is complete, so it doesn't matter. I've tried all sorts of ways to put words, and this word in that word, and it all relatively comes out to being the same.

Uh youtube generally keeps us at about 3.5 to 4 000 views on any video live stream. Video doesn't matter, ironically enough. Some of my like stories that i post to youtube, get like 20 000 views. So it's actually funny that the stories i post to youtube get 20 000 views, which is like a snapchat basically as opposed to the videos i post, they keep me at 3.5.

4. 000 views we've been over. That too i could post. I could post one video a day, get about four thousand views.

I could post four videos a day and they'll give me a thousand views on each video um but yeah i mean i've, tried keywords and things like that, but uh we'll just keep rocking and rolling the way we are. I'm sure things are fine, i'm sure we'll eventually pick up more so um we're all good, so anyways yeah keep an eye on mrna. Today, uh pltr is definitely going to be a watcher. Obviously we're going to be keeping an eye on clove um may not on the markets, lambos and hookers baby dylan hawthorne, you said youtube is telling me: i'm not live um.

Could you if there's like proof of that? Can you like just send it to me? Is that possible? You could either email it to me or discord it to me um, or is it just the fact that they didn't notify you that we're actually live um, not to nocturna? No, they don't. No, no. The game doesn't want people learning to trade with legitimate information all right. That's why? If i post a video, that's completely unfactual, it will most likely get a lot of views like.

If i tell you rsi is the best indicator that will most likely give views. If i tell you, macd is the best indicator that will most likely give use because those aren't or no yeah yeah, not too ex. That is exactly what you're saying. I know that i know we do need one yeah so and even if i go into like an incognito mode like it still shows our platform and everything so anyways, i think we're good with the numbers have gradually gone up um, so we're pretty close to market.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

13 thoughts on “How to trade for beginners 8/12/2021”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Papi says:

    What are the horizontal lines ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wayne Hudson says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael McDonald says:

    Wanted to thank you for the standard deviation channels. I learned this years ago and some how forgot it. My favorite is the channels and the alligator. with volume.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars osufan20 says:

    TURO or trading?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars osufan20 says:

    You are literally not even trading boss. Would make most seem a bit skeptical about joining a service. especially if the strategy is supposed to work….TRICKTRADES.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars osufan20 says:

    Pat Mitchell trick trades is the GOAT

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spongy bob says:

    He hasn't been putting up P/L latley wonder why? Is everyone losing money?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Dreher says:

    I didn't get any notifications when you went live this morning.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Dreher says:

    Hey Connor, nvnxf novonix can you look on tomorrow stream

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fred Glutz says:

    Things are not as they appear. It is critically important to understand the impetus for a stock's price movement. Pattern recognition, volume spikes and chart formation are aids to judgment. To understand the real drivers to price movement read Stock Market Tradecraft (google it). The market is RIGGED and everybody know it. Wake Up.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A K says:

    Thanks again Connor..! This channel is gold..! 🙏🏽😬😊

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Gee says:

    Looks like the media and big pharma are loosing their power because all you see is desperation by attacking antivaxers, antimask and anti meme stocks.
    Keep waking up America!​​

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buster Keaton says:

    Another excellent live stream!

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