You hear about key levels often as a trader. A lot of that centers around the previous days’ close, red-to-greens, whole-dollar/half-dollar levels, and so much more. It can seem like a lot, so let’s break it down! Today, Tim Bohen shares the key levels you MUST know for day trading.
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In this lesson, Bohen uses Sphere 3D Corp. (NASDAQ: ANY) as an example. This stock has a higher float than what we normally focus on — but it’s an incredible runner.
Remember, don't focus on the ticker. Instead, focus on the levels and the thesis. This is a pattern that repeats over and over.
The first thing you’ll notice when you look at this stock is that it’s a big former runner. It also tends to trade exceptional volume, and it’s tied to a hot sector. This should be on your radar.
Now, where would you trade this? What are the levels to look for?
Always start with breaks of the 52-week high. That’s on everyone’s radar. And the more eyes on the stock, the better opportunity for you.
When stocks break out to 52-week highs, you want to look for those red-to-green moves for entries.
Then when it breaks that previous day's highs, you’ve got a new 52-week high, and so many more key levels to check…
Tune in to the video NOW for all the deets and see where a smart entry would be.
You’ll also learn why you want to line up as many key levels as possible. (Hint: It’s all about a great risk/reward.)
Make sure you check off all those boxes on your trading checklist. The more factors you can put in your favor, the better the potential for success!

#StockMarket #Trading #Stocks
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
You can lose money trading stocks. Do not invest money you cannot afford to lose. You understand and agree you will consider the important risk factors in deciding to purchase any of our products or services.

So something you might hear me mention on a lot of these videos, or you might see mentioned on Twitter or any of the trading-related materials that you'll hear a lot about key levels. And if you've gotten my ebook, you know a lot of that is centered around These previous days' close these red to greens, 52s whole dollar, half dollars et cetera.. So today, I'm gon na break down some of the most commonly used and key levels that you should particularly be focused on for short-term day. Trades., Hey everyone before we get started, be sure to like share, subscribe and ring that bell to be notified as soon as we drop a new video all right.

That being said, I am lead trainer with `` StocksToTrade'' Tim Bohen.. Today I've got an incredible runner. You know it's funny: it's just amazing. The volume we get in penny stocks, these days..

This is a stock. That's a little bit higher float than we tend to focus on, but you can see. If you look at the float relative to the volume, we've got. Float.

Rotation here., So we're talking about ANY. Today is September, 2nd 2021. Feel free to jump back, bring up the chart. And I'm choosing this stock just because it's quote unquote the best play of the day.

But understand if you're, watching this video in November or December or June or 2022 or 2023 don't focus on the ticker focus on what the levels and that thesis and the how and the why I'm talking about because listen ANY is just a penny stock, but it's a pattern that repeats and repeats and repeats.. So, every time I give it the ticker you can insert it with whatever the big runner of the day is whatever the big runner of multiple weeks, which is hence the reason we're talking about ANY.. So don't fixate on the ticker folks say fixate on the levels and the how and the why behind it. All right.

That being said, let's get to work.. So ANY let's break it back. Number one! You can see big former runner. Okay, this stock, I mean I'm looking at the one-year chart and you can see this thing has put in one two, three, four, five, six seven.

This. Basically the seventh run this year. You can see it tends to trade exceptional volume.. I mean look at that day back in June..

You know 200 million shares again today, I'm recording at 11:00 AM.. Here we are at 60 million shares.. I mean we've still got five hours left in the normal trading session., So you've got a stock that tends to move.. Again it's an in play.

Stock. They've, raised money.. I mean there's just so many things to love about this stock. They're tied to a hot sector et cetera., So it should be on your radar.

Should have been on your radar when it went from 450 to six 650 to seven 750 to eight. Today, and here we are sitting at nine - and it's probably gon na break the high today into the afternoon. Okay. That being said, I'm not fixating so much on.

Why it's? Where? Okay, where are we gon na trade? This? What are the levels we look for? So the biggest thing we're going to always start with is breaks of the 52-week high okay.. What that does is, I know we talk about bag, holder, charts a lot and people like to hold on to stocks forever, but I don't know.. I mean in this day and age. I don't necessarily look back at the two-year five-year ten-year chart as much anymore..
I think that one of the things that has changed with how busy the stock market is, how many big runners there are., I don't think people hold as long as they used to. You've heard me whine and cry about like the dark days of day trading. And You know I always talk about like that 2011 to like 2015 area, where we just didn't get the runners, we didn't get the volume. And when you did get a runner I mean I mean I remember being like shocked where it was like.

Oh, we had two 20 % movers today. These days. I don't even if the stocks up 20 % in pre-market, I don't even look at it. I'm like whatever., There's three stocks up 200 %.

So the point is, I just don't think people are as desperate and they don't hold as long as they used to because back then you would go months without seeing a big runner.. Now everyone is programmed to know that I mean if you got bagged. If you took the wrong trade, just give up and move on.. So that's why I look at that one year, chart.! That's why I care about 52 week, highs'cause number one it's en vogue., And I think this has been en vogue since 2016.

And I think it's going to tend to stay en vogue that everyone's running 52 scans.. I mean, I think, if you looked int % o the trading rooms of like every day trader, I think 95 % of them have a 52-week breakout scan because they know stocks that breakout. I mean it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. At the end of the day..

They know that when a stock hits 52s, it's like bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, everyone, it goes off., Then you got a stock like ANY. That's a former runner bing bing bing trading, unusual volume, hot sector et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.. It lights up across the board., So you can see when this thing breaks 52s, even when it failed back here in August when it broke that 52 level of four gapped up went as high as 650. Before slamming back I mean listen if you're agile, that's a 50 % move to the upside..

Now you're not going to sell the top, but maybe you buy 4 450. You sell 5 550.. I mean that's not a bad day day trading. And then you look at a few days ago..

Well, it would have been the 27th. So that have been last week but still trading days just five trading days ago, when it breaks that 52 week high at 576.. That same day went as high as 768 pulled back closed at 640. Again that next day, breaks at 650 goes up to 750..

Today that recent 52-week high would have been 665, which was also the previous days close.. Okay, that's the next level! I want you looking at., So when stocks break out to 52-week highs, then we look for those red to green moves for entries. Now Sphere, maybe not a perfect example of a red to green. But you can see it did: go red right at the market, open, consolidated, VWAP and then dipped red for a second..
Now again, I'm not saying this is a perfect red to green idea, but we love to see those stocks that breakout pull back ,'cause. What that does is lures in the short sellers on that first: red day.. Okay, listen! I know I don't talk about shorting much these days because I think the edge is on the long side. I mean remember.

I was short bias trader from 2007 to 2015. 2016. The world changed and shortings a valid strategy.. I know I get yelled at a lot, but people were like oh you're, anti short-selling., Not at all..

I just think the edge there's always an edge in the market., And I think the edge post 2016 is swung to the long side. Now again for almost a decade 2007 to 2015. It was swung to the short side. Recognize where the edge is..

So that's the point I make a lot., Then what that does that red open that week, open lures in shorts.'Cause, they're, guessing it's first red, day. And again stock, like ANY, I mean look at this run. From four all the way up to seven people. Think: okay, it's time for the for the pullback., Then when it goes back green they get scared..

Then, when you break that previous day's highs - which I think is the best entry on ANY. So now, you've got at 750.. Okay, So bear with me. 750..

What do you got? Going? New, 52-week, high break of previous day's highs, post red degree, stock, reclaimed, VWAP, whole dollar, half dollar.? Okay, I forgot to I think I ticked off five things, but there's so much going on at 750., And it's just you know again. It's just the level where people see that big green candle., There's so many alerts, so many psychological factors in play at that whole dollar. Half dollar that I think that's an incredible entry., Okay And you can see it goes as high as 950. Again you're, probably not gon na hold for 250 a share, but look at those five minute green candles in a row.

Three of them in a row. One red candle, then two more greens, one red, two more greens., So I mean there's so much potential upside when you line up as many key levels as possible And again, those are 52-week. High previous days highs, red to greens, whole dollar, half dollar VWAP. The number one indicator that I think you should be using and all of those come together.

You've got a great risk to reward. Trade., Nothing's guaranteed., Listen, it could have hit 750 and it could have failed. But you stop out ON VWAP, you lose 25 cents. A share for a potential two bucks of upside., So what I would recommend you do and I have a lot of these worksheets in the SteadyTrade Team..

If you're interested in more of this I mean I can only spend so much time on a YouTube video.. They tell me keep these videos under 10 minutes.. Sometimes I make it.. Usually I talk too much and I don't make it., But I mean it's YouTube., I'm specifically told don't ramble on people will close out of the video..
So the great thing about the SteadyTrade Team. If you really care, if you really want to learn this stuff, you really want to get better two 45 minute webinars every single day. And again, as I was saying, we've got worksheets where you can start ticking these things off.. Now I would love to see you in the SteadyTrade team, but if you're not ready to make that commitment, yet do your own worksheet..

All these indicators that are broke down, put'em on a sheet print'em out. And when you're looking to trade, that big float rotator with news, make sure you're checking all those boxes.'Cause. Listen if you're under the PDT, you can't trade. Every runner..

Okay, You've got three day trades in a rolling five day: period. You have to be selective., Maybe you're, not under the PDT, but you have a job or you have school or you have other commitments.. You can't trade, every day. Okay..

So the biggest thing you need to do, whether you're under the PDT or you're part-time, is you need to have a process and you need to be selective.. Okay, One of the reasons you're probably watching this video is you've tried, random stuff and you've gotten random results.. The more odds, the more factors you can put in your favor, the better the potential for success. And when we focus on these key levels, there's a better chance.

You stick to your stop as well: ,'cause you're using those same levels for your stop., VWAPS green to reds. Okay, Say you took. Maybe you were really quick again and you took that red to green on ANY.. You would at say 675..

You then stop out on a green to red, because now it's a failed breakout.. So now you lose 20 cents, a share for that potential, upside or you're trading, whole dollar, half dollars or you're trading 52s, or your trading breaks a previous days highs.. It makes it air quotes easier to stop out when you know those levels come in play. And again hit the link below..

I talk about the ebook, a lot.. I mean it's 20 bucks, 18 bucks., Okay, >. I think it's just for the price you pay. It's a great companion to this video ,'cause, every single one of those 10 chart patterns.

I talk about in that book are key to key levels.. I mean all of'em., There's other setups, we trade, but every pattern in that book is tied to everything we talked about. In this video. All right, everyone get the book, get stocks to.

Trade. - Most importantly check out SteadyTrade Team. I'd love to work with you., It's a small group and it's my life's passion.. So that being said, hope to see you on the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

12 thoughts on “How to spot and use key levels in day trading”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars im honed says:

    Youre so hoooot wow 🤤

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Drolet says:

    How to Spot and Use Key Levels in Day Trading – Great review for me. It is basic information but using the correct levels to determine risk, goals, entries and exits, etc. are all tied to these key levels. Also, we need the patience to wait for a stock to hit and then confirm it can hold a key level. This is one of my issues. Join Tim's Steady Trade Team. I am a member and I just don't understand why serious traders don't become members. Our chat team is awesome.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kim sun says:

    If you don't find a means of multiplying money,you will wake up one day to realize that the money you thought you had,has finished.Investment is key.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Marley says:

    I have to watch this over and over to digest it.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars notagoon695 says:

    Do you ever advise people to trade small position options to get around PDT in a cash account? Settlement is t+1 so the next day you have your unsettled cash back.

    I hate PDT and I certainly don’t have 25k so I started trading weeklys on liquid stocks like the Q’s, amd, faang, and spy.

    In my opinion as long as you’re starting out with a single contract (account size obviously matters) you should be alright in liquid options. Just a thought to consider or maybe advise against. Good video keep it up

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sepehr vafaei says:

    Thanks, great stuff. Awesome. Fantastic.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liam Ethan says:

    <I respect your work mate, because you are pointing people in the right direction, this is the FOMO September for incoming dip in October. It is manipulated but that can be a good thing if you understand it. We should all know that when these reports are bullish take some off to the side lines, when news gets bearish start buying. "Keep it simple simple" that bear/ correction was the best thing that happened me. but all thanks to Rick Richard for his amazing skills for help me to earn 20 BTC through trading chart. I believe we are in the spring phase

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MickT Day Trading says:

    Thank you Tim

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MAXIMUM says:

    jusy\t best

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristi Wamsley says:

    Thank you Tim!! You break it down for us to really get it!!
    You are awesome🙂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zcarrubba10 says:

    This was the video. Sitting here on a Sunday and this is the video that pushed me to submit my application for the steady trade team.

    I have watched a lot of Tim Bohen videos but the most inspiring video I’ve seen to date was the “Step 3” “Grow” video. I can tell Tim is always putting himself out there to make good videos and become a better mentor. Golden video.. Wow 🤩

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Molek Polvarkis says:

    Tim, let me tell you that you are just fu*** awesome guy, thanks for all you do

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