Webull came out with a new desktop app. This is a complete breakdown on how to set up the Webull app on your computer! Webull offers free commission trading which is ideal for beginner traders. Everything from an advanced trading platform to a paper trading feature that allows you to practice as a beginner trader!
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Hey, what's going on team, it's ricky with techwith solutions and the video is finally here. How is it that i have my weeble desktop version laid out? One of the first things that you should know is that weibo offers two specific applications when it comes down to you can download the app on your computer, but it's just the mobile version. On top of that they actually have the desktop app. So make sure that you understand that you are downloading the weibull desktop app and i have the ios which i'm using on my mac mini.

So let's go ahead and jump right to it. If you like the weibull platform - and you want to make this switch, they have an amazing and very seamless way on how you can go from your current trading platform and seamlessly switch on over to weeble. So make sure that you take note of that you can use the first link down below, which is an affiliate link. You do not have to use it, but it will earn you two free stocks.

When you fund your trading account 100. So make sure you take that into consideration. And if you like, what it is that you saw today make sure you drop a thumbs up, and i'm also going to be making a walkthrough not just on the setup which is for today, but on how to actually use the platform when it comes down to Scanning for stocks when it comes down to hotkeys when it comes down to buying and selling this is going to be a very useful video, so make sure you subscribe and turn on those post notifications. So, let's get right to it! You guys can see that i have mine laid out in a very unique way, very similar to my previous trading platform and it's all about preference.

At the end of the day, you don't have to have yours laid out. This is just a walk through step by step on how you can get yours. Looking one step closer to mine, you guys can see that i have a couple different indicators. I have my level two down here.

I have the ability to be able to buy and sell. I have my uh, you know amc uh position, so let's go ahead and show you how i have this set up specifically. One of the first things that i want to cover is on this right hand: side. You guys can see that this originally comes overlapped on one another, so these things are called widgets and then within the widgets there are tabs and within these tabs you guys can actually drag and drop tabs.

You can make them individual tabs if you want to make them individual ones or overlap these tabs inside the widgets themselves. So i have mine overlapped, so i can go back from activetrade. I can go back from trade, and this originally comes with orders and positions and again the order book level. 2 originally comes on this side, so i actually want to show you this originally comes on this, that it kind of comes like overlapped like this.

So you guys could see this and then originally it has the charts on it's all about preference. I don't like looking at the charts. I don't find it useful if you do feel free to keep it and you can keep it on the right hand. Side.
I kind of feel like it looks like the order flow or the time and sales so because of that, what i decided to do is within this widget i didn't, drag and drop that entire widget. I just wanted the order book level. Two level two does not automatically come with all weibull accounts, so you do have to subscribe to that and it should be free depending on your trading account. So once you subscribe to level two, you guys can drag and drop and i want mine to come all the way down here and once i let it go and sorry i didn't let it go appropriately, but you guys can see that it pops up right here.

I have the charts and then i have the actual level two. I don't want the chart, so i'm gon na click on this and click on turning it off and then i'm gon na drag and drop, and i really just wan na be able to see the first three or four orders of level two. If you don't understand what level two is, this is the bid where people are asking to buy, and this is the ask where people are asking to sell so just take that into consideration the next step. This is pretty simple.

It already has it pretty uh, similar to the trade to the active trade um. I've really focused on the uh, the trade part where it comes out to buy, sell or short um when it comes down to the different order types they have. It nicely laid out for you uh the overall quantity of shares that you want to buy the limit price. If i want to buy with market that thing goes away and when i want to buy with a limit order, then it does.

Allow me to select a very specific price for whatever stock. It is that i'm trading in this example uh. It is dkng, so this also allows you to trade during extended hours. If you are unaware of what extended hours is extended.

Hours is during normal market hours. In arizona as of right now is from 6 30 in the morning, all the way up to 1 p.m. Mountain standard time, but extended hours, means that after the market closes as of right now, market is currently closed. I can still trade.

All i have to do is select yes, and my order will execute if i want to buy. If i want to sell, if i want a short sell, that is all still made available on the weibull platform, i can trade two and a half hours before the market opens and four hours after the market closes so make sure you take that into consideration and All you have to do is select yes. When it comes down to extended hours, i'm gon na drag and drop this just a little bit. So i can go ahead and see my position on dkng one of the first things that you'll notice is that your position might not be laid out just like mine is, and if you want to customize your positions, tab on your weeble platform, all you do is, Instead of going on over here and selecting like filter and all of this, you can just go on over here on this little left hand, side of the positions column and you can highlight and select the items that you want selected and remove and uncheck the ones That you don't also if you want them in different orders, where, if you want the last price to be first and the symbol to be second, then you just drag and drop accordingly from top to bottom and that will reflect on your positions tab.
So once you have that all done, then you click that one of the things that i wanted to make sure that i do on my weeble platform is very similar to my previous platform. As i'm navigating through different stocks. I only want the p l or the positions tab to show me whatever stock. It is that i'm looking into it suits me, or does me no good to have my tesla position and my amc position, showing when i'm day trading dkng.

It's just irrelevant information at the time right, at least from my preference. So what i do is you go on over here and you go on filter and instead of having it on all, i click dkmg only and by clicking that it will only reflect my dkng position. So, as i navigate to my amc position, it will only reflect that. As i go to my tesla position, it will only reflect that and again that is all done on the positions tab when it comes down to orders.

This is on your working orders. If i put a limit order to buy something - and it hasn't been filled, this will reflect here and when it comes down to filled, cancelled, pending partially filled or failed, that will all reflect under the orders tab uh. Let's go ahead and move on over to watchlist watchlist i have it pretty uh set up uh very basic. I have two specific actual watch lists where i have my all stocks or main watch list.

Those are the two individual watch lists that i'm actually using at the end of the day. Again, the whole idea of your layout should be to be both effective and efficient, at least in my eyes, and i only want to focus on stock that i'm actually trying to pay attention to, which is the watch list that i have here. So the really cool thing about the weeble platform is once you search up your stock. You can just go ahead and click follow and you can add it to either your main watch list or whatever watchlist.

It is that you want to highlight and refer that specific stock to you can see as soon as i searched up a stock that wasn't in my watch list. It takes me to the recently viewed so, as i continue to search for different stocks that are not in my watch list, i can quickly click on them and add them to my watch list or just leave them under the recently viewed, which is pretty much just A history of the stocks that i've searched for on the weeble platform, so i'm going to go back to my main watch list, as these are the actual stocks that i want to stay up to date with and what i now want to talk about is we Talked about level two, we talked about the watch list. We talked about my left, my right side column. I want to talk about the indicators that i have set up.
Weibull makes it very simple on the indicators, the drawing tools, so a very similar tool to my trend line tool is literally the trendline tool. You just activate drawing you click on trendline tool and i can drag and drop according to you know. If i want to buy here and i plan to sell at 25, i can calculate and see that okay, well, that is almost you know, 15 potential that it has to offer and do that all with the drawing tool you can play with it and see whatever Drawing tool you find to be the most useful and that's up to you: this is the line style. My line style is candle, it might come with a different preference originally or default uh.

You can use. You know, whichever one it is, that you find to be the most useful. I use the candle layout and the grid is simply how many charts you have laid out on your screen. I can have four different.

You know stocks within my grid. It just becomes overwhelming and counterproductive at that point right, there's a thing of like you know, indicator paralysis. I call that chart paralysis right where there's so many different charts that it's like. Why am i trying to uh pretend that i can focus on four different stocks? At the same time, at least for myself, i like to keep things simple, which is why i only have one grid on my screen, and if i want to add one to my second screen, then i can.

But at least it's big enough for me to be able to focus on real information. The last thing is again: the indicator people love to ask what indicators do i have and what you know is the customization and the length, and with this one i have the ma, which is the moving average. I have the macd, the rsi and the ema very similar to my previous layout. You can go to edit and this will allow you to change the input which is super super important.

So if you previously had a length of 180, but you don't see a length of 180 again, i can go here and you know add whatever length. It is that i want. If i want 100, if i want 5, whatever the case might be, you just add that, but that doesn't really matter until you activate it. So, as you guys can see, i only have the ma180, which is my moving average 180 and i have it with a green color, because i, like my m8 to you, know, be green.

I like to keep things simple. My ema. I only have one activated ema. 20, that's the length that i have it.

I change the input here and again. The introduction explains you gives you a definition, so you don't have to go on google and search for this, which just makes it that much easier when it comes down to my macd and my rsi, those are default settings so my input, you guys, can see it's 12. 26. 9.

When it comes down to my style. This is what i have set up when it comes down to my rsi. I have rsi 14 set up and when it comes down to my inputs again, you can change that here and it gives you a definition. So the really cool thing about this is as you're learning about these different indicators, and if you want to actually use them, you don't have to google search all of them.
Weeble makes it that much easier for you to be able to learn more about them, and if you want to activate them, then again it's just one click away. So now that we have that we're going to click done there, and that is how you activate and get your indicator set up just like this. The last thing that i want to cover is the chart settings i'm going to go on over here and go on chart settings and you guys can kind of just uh compare based off of your default settings and mine, so chart settings. I have this under fixed.

I have this under none. I have show extended hours, so what that does is, if i don't want to show extended hours after the market closes, it won't show you any information. I want to make sure i get up to date on where it's trading after market hours, which is this highlighted fuel right here, it says, uh, shows high and lows: that's activated overlap volume. You can see the volume right here i can uncheck it volume goes away.

I can check it, it goes there showing flashing lights opening. I don't care for that, so i unchecked it highlight indicator values. I highlighted that show corporate action, splits, reverse stock, splits forward splits dividends, earnings. I want to make sure that i stay up to date with that, which is why i have that highlighted and then show grid online.

That's for your x and y axis. If you remove it, it removes them. So i find it to be useful to have these different lines, so i can use them again a little bit more as a reference which gives gives me more accurate. You know definitions on what price it's at and again uh, depending on what time it is as well for the x and y axis.

I don't have a cost line basis. I don't care where it is that i bought at. What i do want open is the show open order, so i have an open limit order to buy or to sell. I want to make sure that i have that reflected on my screen, so i can either cancel it or adjust it accordingly, which again is very nice to have.

I have this under default and then my access i have this under linear. I have show last prize show last indicator values. I have show price alerts and this is under default. I don't want my alerts to extend to the left and make it very loud on my screen, where again there's just so so much going on.

I want to make it very seamless and very fluid and very useful, which is the whole point of your trading platform. The last thing is the auto y access indicator. You can adjust those according to right here so, on the bottom right hand, tab you can remove extended hours. If you don't want that information or you can activate it the same thing with the auto as you transition from the one day, one minute chart to the four day 180 day chart your charts might not automatically adjust according to your x and y access.
So if you want to make that a little bit easier, then again you just click auto and it will automatically adjust. So it looks nice on your screen again making it that much easier when it comes down to the intervals, the pretty much time frames. I have the one day one minute chart the five day. One minute chart again all these different time frames.

The only one that i had to add was the four hour 180 day. Time frame and all you have to do is literally star. Whatever time frame, it is that you want active on this interval tap, makes it very easy to go from the one day, one minute, uh to the 20 day, one hour or the 180 day, four hour time frame again, allowing me to go back and forth the Cool thing about this as well is again: you can adjust these according to how much it is. I want to see of the rsi how much it is that i want to see about the macd and make your layout to be the most effective.

Make sure that you're aware of this left side column they have paper trading, they have account information, they have. You know a customized layout where you can really really customize it. I don't personally find it the most useful, but that's just me the screener. So again, we're going to be getting into that on the next video, so make sure you subscribe to the channel on how to be able to scan for stocks and using the weeble scanning setups that they have set up when it comes down to overall market conditions.

When it comes down to the stocks, which is this tab and then when it comes down to the watch list so again understand that there are a total of seven different columns on the left hand, side from watch list, stocks, markets, screeners, customize account and paper trading. You can go to chart settings. I deactivated these two widgets on the top bar, which will reflect right on over here. I don't care how many working orders i have and i don't care how much money i have in my account.

So i took that information out of there. As again, i don't find it to be useful. I also have a very basic theme set up. You have three different options and then, when it comes down to the colors of green is up red is down very simple right, so you can exit right on over there.

I have all of this set up on the right hand, side. It's very easy for me to see hey. This is draftkings. I have my effective indicators.

I have my p l on the day, p, l on the open. I have all this information right on over here. I can overlap this if i find it to be too overwhelming the really cool thing about weeble. Is you get to customize it to be the most suitable for you? So i have mine laid out this specific way.

Just know that this is just an example of how to get it to this. At the end of the day, there are a lot of different widgets, you can add, and you can click on, add widgets and learn more about them and see if you find them useful. But again, sometimes too much information becomes counterproductive. Which is why i want to encourage you to take that into consideration and having a platform and a layout that is both effective and efficient for your trading or investing style.
So i hope that i did a good job walking you through on my layout for the webull desktop app and if you want to download it again and earn two free stocks just by opening an account and funding it 100. That's gon na be that first link down below. I would love to have you guys, join our team and, if you're, an absolute beginner and you like the way that i break things down. But you want more structure and you want the ability to be able to watch me.

Trade live click. The second link down below you guys can use coupon code weeble. It will earn you an additional fifty dollars off the learn plan. Profit course - and you can join us as soon as tomorrow, for the live trading session at market open.

Until then. I hope that i earned a thumbs up, don't forget, to subscribe, to see future walk through videos for the weeble application and as well as comment down below what you would like to see. Next and like always, let's make sure that we end the year on a green now, take your daisy team.

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30 thoughts on “πŸ–₯ how to set up webull desktop app (2021 tutorial)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Agralt says:

    How can I see the price distance as a percentage?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andre Leander says:

    wait, Webull alllows you to trade 2.5 hours before market open?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2A Gardener says:

    Why does it make every widget pop up in its own seperate window window? I have like 5 webull tabs on because of this

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheMXyMAG says:

    this program fucking sucks. Why is it so finicky?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aqrxo says:

    Make a nee board, that’s how you show us how to set up , this is clickbait forsure done watching you

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dez highlyy says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freeman Love says:

    Hi Ricky! I just subscribed to your channel. Great video. Easy to follow and to the point. Do you have any videos for options trading layouts? Thanks!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dalt11 says:

    What are the fees for day trading? Like how much will they take out after you sell a stock? Also is there leverage?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prashant Murthy says:

    Thanks for this video Ricky. Was very helpful. One question – I have been using Webull on one laptop and I am moving over to a new one. Is there a way to move all my configs (widgets etc), trendlines, alerts, etc that I have created on my current laptop to the new one? When I logged in on the new laptop, it doesn't look like I found any of my configs there (this is going to be a huge pain since my current laptop is dying!!).

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deborah Fine says:

    you have to update how to set up desktop as Webull upgrades over the last 3 months doesn't allow one to have widgets showing on the platform – they are placed into tabs across the top.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mucked4u says:

    Geez are you guys running a marathon. friggen just noise

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James James says:

    Why do all of you Youtubers go so fast when trying to teach this stuff?? πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ It’s like being at your 1st day of math class & the teacher is just SPEEDING through how to solve the equations. Slow DOWN!!!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin J says:

    Ricky I need help! I just downloaded the new version of Webull desktop. When I create a custom tab to watch multiple tickers all the charts change tickers at the same time to the same stock. I changed this in the previous version but can't find the settings for it now.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andrewrosen423 says:

    Don't be fooled, Webull desktop is a fucking nightmare!!! Enough to make you wanna throw your computer across the damn room!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oped says:

    Im from indonesia, why i cant use webull ? Is webull deny user from indonesia?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars s1dest3p says:

    I setup Power ETrade with what I think are equivalent indicators that you are using, but my SMA is off by several dollars compared to yours. Using 180 day SMA

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh H says:

    Everytime I change the MA to 180 it puts it in the middle of the screen. It doesn't look anything like yours πŸ™

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A R C A N E says:

    Webull looks nice and easy to use I might switch over from Thinkorswim

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DebbieWilliams6910 says:

    Sorry but this video doesn't help beginners. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tito Sirj says:

    Ironically, I have not seen a single question answered.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus Wu says:

    Hi Ricky. I am about to switch to webull but one question, did u feel delayed when executing the order? its because when every time I clicked the buy or sell button, the desktop app was keep refreshing like I am refreshing the browser. Thank you

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Manbir Singh says:

    Is it possible to have multiple open charts on different monitors when running Webull?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaidan rumph says:

    definitely joining the team tomorrow im a beginner and ready to learn! lets get it started ricky

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FloridaLion says:

    We are all very curious-

    Why did you make the transition from Think or swim to Webull? Please make a video on this subject !!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Dale says:

    4 hours on either side on Webull – unlike Etrade/ThinkSwim

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Tran says:

    What minimum time does the webull has ( 1 minute or 30 seconds)?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hannah Webster says:

    I don't know who, but someone actually needs to hear this, you've got to stop saving all your money. Venture into investing some, if you really want financial stability

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akshayan says:

    Please make videos on your new indicators! Thanks Ricky!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward Clark says:

    Having googled 'Walter Bulls signals" you can find a interesting individual. He made a fortune some years ago. In recent times, such services have appeared that allow copying the results of professionals. This individual shows how to copy him in automatic mode using such services. We gotta try while the market is on the rise

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Gutierrez says:

    If you have any further questions about how to use the platform please comment them down below. I plan to make a video on how to use and trade on the app! So make sure to ask your questions!

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