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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Hey, what's up guys? Well it's time for me to welcome you into my office to break down my newest day-trading setup. I Wanted to give you guys the opportunity to see exactly what I use day in and day out to trade the markets and as always, please be sure to have any comments or questions to leave them below. I Definitely answer each and every one of them I Want to be sure that I'm helping you guys get set up in a way that you want for your tradestation. So let's take a few minutes and we break down the newest additions to my trade setup.

Alright guys, time to break down my newest tradestation here. There's been a few changes, you know, mainly in the computer that I have, which we'll talk about here shortly. but this is my setup that I use every single day that I'm here trade in the office. We'll talk about a traveling trading station in my next video, but for today we're gonna talk about my main trading setup that is here in my office.

We'll just start from the top down. We'll start with the screens. You can see that I'm working with six screens here on a six monitor array. Now these are 27 inch monitors.

You'll see that most monitors either use on an array are probably anywhere from 21 inch to 23 inch. I Choose the 27 inch mainly because I essentially get eight screens worth of screen real estate in six so I don't have to look as far across I don't have to hook up two more monitors and I can curve these six monitors in towards me while I'm standing which we'll talk about so my standing desk in a moment. but I can curb these in so I can get a pocket-like feel. My eyes don't really have to move that much to see the information I'm looking for.

which again, it all goes back to efficiency, especially when we're trying to day trade this momentum that happens out of the open of the markets. All right. So we've got six ASIS 27 inch LED Full HD screens that I use here on the daily basis and notice that the finish on these screens are matte. All right.

Really important that finish is matte and not gloss. Gloss finishes tend to tend to put off a little bit of glare, especially if you've got an office where you have Windows that that glare can create a lot of fatigue. A lot I fatigue. It even cause headaches.

So I would definitely encourage. If you're looking to get new screens or you're trying to decide on screens, go the map route. Okay, it's really important for type of exposure. our eyes are getting to be screen for several hours a day.

That's the finish is. Matte will really help with that. You might experience it for using claws, all right. So matte finish on the screens, all sitting on a six monitor array that supports these again.

I can adjust these individually I could even turn the monitor sideways if I want that's the viewing angle I I choose but I do like this this angle here. the normal angle. It provides me plenty of plenty of viewing angle, plenty of ability to move around quick, but that is sitting on a very inexpensive six monitor array. That's all again.
I'll leave all the links to all this stuff below so you guys can easily replicate my setup for yourself. Alright, so that is the screens that were working with. That's the hardware. As far as far as what I'm watching on these screens, we can break that down here to for you as well.

So how's you guys can see the top row is going to be charting. So this is where all my charges when I take places the top row of the screens and over here on the top left is gonna be all my market internals. I'm gonna be able to see what the markets doing Alright Moving on, we've been moving down as a choppy. You know what type of sentiment do we have in market and that's gonna help me kind of get an idea.

what's the type of trade I'm gonna take for the day? Alright, so market sentiment, all the different indices, and what's going on internally with the market. My top middle screen is probably one of the most important or is definitely one of the most important. that's gonna be the stocks and I'm trading for the day All right. Usually two stocks up on this screen with two different time frames on each.

So I've got two stocks, two different time frames I'm watching those very very closely because those are likely the stocks I'm going to trade since they're that stock to the top my watch list. Alright, so that's the top middle, the top right? It's going to be more of a back up trading screen. So let's say I have three or four stocks on the watch list which you know is rare but will come in an earnings season. Starts a little bit more action and there probably will be more than two stocks on the watch list.

So I usually pick the two up watching that the most potential on my top middle and then I put over on the top right the two stocks that I'm watching as a backup. All right and I usually watch those a little bit longer term time frames 5, 10, 15 or 30 min charts depending on the type of movement we're having and I just kind of keep those up in the event that's my stocks and on the tough my watchlist don't end up working out or they're not really moving quickly. If you Lance over to my right and see the stocks that I had on the back up watchlist and a trade, those at one of those is moving properly. Alright, so so go back up a trading screen that I keep up over there just to monitor some other action of the market in the event our stocks that we have on the top watch are not really working out All right.

Justin that's going to comprise the top row. The bottom row is equally important in a sense in that the middle screen below is gonna be my broker all right now. As you can see, this is pretty minimal on this screen and there's a reason for that. I Don't like to have several different windows and all different kinds of things on my broker window because I want to avoid being distracted? All right.
We're watching these stocks out of the open most of time. These things are moving fast. We can't be really focused. we've got to be really risk-averse so I've got to be really focused on what's happening on the time of sales at level 2.

I have other stuff going on around here I'm probably not gonna be as focused on that and it's gonna. it's gonna be seen and the results of my trading. so I want to keep it very minimal. Just my my broker right there and those are linked to the top two stocks and I'm watching just above.

So this this stack right here is gonna be the most important stacks. Probably spend 90% of my time looking at screens and that's where we're going to trade the stocks from, right? so broker? They're very minimal. Again, it's all in an effort of efficiency and profitability at the end of the day, right? So that is the middle screen. This screen over here.

This runs all my broadcasting software. So as you guys know, we're running all the social channels on live broadcasts. We're doing broadcasts such as this and broadcasts the chat rooms and this software over. here is that management software.

So this is where I manage all the output of that and it's It's somewhat demanding so I've got to have it up at all times and make sure we're not going over the capacity the computer can handle. Obviously not something that most of you will need, but I do have it up watching it. You know, throughout the day to make sure that the broadcasts are one still alive, that there's no lag, and three that they're clear and it's not putting too much demand on the computer. So that's going to be my monitoring screen for all the broadcasting that we do.

And then this screen over here. I Bottom-left This is going to be all of our chat rooms and our news. All right. There's a reason I have it set up that way because when I look over the chat rooms and I'm monitoring our chat rooms, you know we have a couple different rooms running.

Got my room? the large-cap room, We've got the small-cap room, We've got a futures room. We've got our inner circle room so we've got several different rooms running. Need to keep tabs in those rooms for throughout the day, watching students are doing, answering questions, talking about trades. Quite a bit of action is going on in our room, so we're monitoring that.

and I'm also monitoring the news. So when you're arranging your screens, you want to try to group it in terms of priority, right? So if this screen and the information I'm looking over here is somewhat of a high priority, I probably want to group something else over there. That's high priority, All right. So high priority.

The chatroom making sure we're attending to all the questions and members? well, news is also high priority. All right. So I want to be watching what the news is. So that means every time I'm glancing over the chat room, I'm seeing a headline or seeing what the news is doing, or every time glancing over at the headlines.
I'm probably seeing a post in the room. So I'm essentially increasing my efficiency there by looking at a high priority screen with information that's all coming in and being able to be processed rather than looking at a chatroom over here and the news over here. Alright, so there it all is in the effort to maintain that efficiency and not having to do above and beyond what you really need to in order to focus on the training. So when you are setting up your screens, try to think about it in that regarde alright and it will take some time to kind of arrange how you look at things and that sort of thing.

But try to keep down the back of your mind that when you are arranging your screens, try to do it on a priority basis. All right. So I know this screen over here is is not necessarily high priority. it does all the broadcasting I can go into this, you know, every few minutes throughout the day, but there's nothing else over that I need to look at.

So that means 90% of my time it's gonna be from this. Over All right this these screens over. Like I said this one up here. Not necessarily high priority.

It's a backup watch list. It's a backup in case our main watch just doesn't work. So again, that kind of eliminates those two that need to watch how to be open. So now I'm down to really four, right? It's really for these two month watching in sync with each other.

So that's you. That's essentially I'm watching one monitor and then these over here are just glancing back and forth and I'm standing and so it makes it really efficient. I Really don't have to do that much movement to process that information. All right.

So it's a screen layout. We have pretty simple. Pretty straightforward, Again, not not too cluttered, but enough information up there to make quick decisions. All right.

So that is a Screen layout Next thing we'll talk about is I do have a backup computer here. This isn't a Lenovo Lgion series. this actually is the computer that I use in my traveling training station that I connect to side monitors to do that I'll do in a separate video and we'll talk about my traveling tradestation on the next video that I make. But I do keep this here on my desk every day if I'm looking I have my emails up or really the main reason I have it here is that if I lose internet on my hard wired setup here, my computer station in my office I can jump on a different network on my Wi-Fi and be able to bring up my broker platform as well as charting to manage a trade or get out of a trade if I need to.

So I have two sources of internet, one hardwired. I also have a totally separate line as Wi-Fi so it gives me options of switching back and forth between networks and the event one is down. when it's not working properly, one is overloaded for some reason I like to have that back up there in the event that's I'm gonna trade I need to exit quickly. All right.
So it's just a backup system that I use and I like to have that here accessible in the event that happens. it's rare. but I do keep it up. It has happened and I'm sure it'll happen again at some point in the future.

So that computer I keep on my desk which takes us to desk. Now this is probably something that you may have not seen before or you may not be familiar with. This is actually a standing desk. It's fully remote capable I can go up or down push the button I can also set Pripet preset settings with the different levels I like.

So for instance, I have a level that I press when I'm sitting also a level and I press no I'm standing. It automatically goes to that level when I press the preset button. Now what I will say about a standing desk is they're not necessarily cheap, but what you've gained for it in the focus factor is pretty incredible. If you haven't tried standing while you're trading, I would highly encourage you to do so.

It really brings another level of focus to what you're doing as opposed to sitting down I feel much more awake I know for a fact that much more focused and I feel much more in the zone involved when I'm standing close to the screens looking at them real quickly left and right rather than kind of sitting in a chair. You know sometimes that that that could I can promote sort of. you know you being tired. you're not really being all they're focused.

So standing really brings another level of focus that will definitely help improve your trading results. You'll be on more on top of it, you know I feel that I'm much more risk averse when I'm standing as opposed to when I'm sitting. So it really helps with my risk management when I'm standing and I would definitely encourage you guys to look into that. Now this one.

This is a pretty. It's a relatively basic model. you can get pretty crazy with these different shapes and that sort of thing, but this is a pretty basic model in that it just has the weight capacity that I need and provides me with the preset settings that I can use when I need to stand or when I choose to sit. which I do stand for about first two hours of the day and then while doing work in the afternoons I will tend to sit down through those mentor sessions or different meetings we may have.

But definitely definitely trading. I'm standing. You can bet that pretty much every time that I'm trading, I'm standing. It's really remarkable what kind of focus you can gain from doing that and again.

I would tell you that if you haven't tried it, definitely try it because it's sure to help you with your results. All right. Standing Desk: This is a sense made by uplift. I Will put the link below for this as well.

Again, you can order this up pretty quickly and set it up for yourself. Really easy to do and Again, it's a nice simple option opposed to a sitting desk. All right, So that's the desk. Next thing we'll move to.
What you can't see at the moment is my computer. Now this thing is A. It's an absolute beast. It it's really incredible.

What this thing can do is a Falcon F1 series computer. It's all liquid cooled. It's got top-of-the-line everything in it. the latest software hardware.

It's incredibly fast. One thing I was dealing with when I started trading is: I was always maxing out my computer like so I was always adding monitors, I was always adding I got a program or more charts which is really demanding and my computer just never could keep up with it. It was always lagging or freezing. shut down, restart.

there's always issues and I was experiencing with that. and I Finally, I made the investment into a really high-end computer and I can't tell you how important that is for what we're doing here, especially some of the broadcasting that we're doing. that's pretty demanding. but as far as it's Chardee, the software's confirmed concerning that we're running that the ability of this Falcon computer is just amazing and I would buy another one tomorrow.

Their customer support is really great and they just provide providing an exceptional level of quality and what they're building. And again, no issues with this thing. It's really really incredible. Super super fast and this thing actually has the ability to put up to sixteen monitors individual monitors on it.

Don't plan to do any time in near future, but I will probably add another two screens here soon, which do another update when that comes. But again, Falcon Computers Really amazing. That's what I'm using here and it's been nothing short of phenomenal. So that's my computer, you know again.

I'll put the link to that below. Definitely an investment. It is pricey I think it was about 7000, but again that that will last for quite a long time and easily you see the return on that and in a relatively short period of time when you're able to execute these extremely fast trades. All right, so that's gonna be the set up.

My share over here is really nice to have I use it probably about a quarter to a third a day when I do actually sit on. Really nice thing about that is is that it's all mesh so it keeps you really cool. I'm here in South Florida so it's obviously hot most of the time and it's nice to have a chair that keeps cool. Really, really, really adjustable any way that you want.

If you've got any sort of back issue or whatnot, that thing will solve the problem as I did it's It's a really great adjustable chair. again. I'll put the link to that below as well. but again, what I would tell you guys gonna take away from this set up is make sure you have a very capable computer and get get looking into a standing desk if you don't have one already.
Alright so that's my newest update to the trading station. Stay tuned guys and we'll do an update today. Travelling trading station coming next but please be sure to leave your comments below. I'm happy to answer any questions or comments you may have I want to help you guys get set up properly for your trading station so everyone hope you enjoyed it and that we'll see you in our next video.

Hey everyone, thanks for watching the videos! I'll continue to make sure that all of the watch lists as well as the recaps are available to all of you. Make sure you subscribe to keep date on what's hot, what's not in Mark.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “How to set up a 6 monitor trade station”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FunHumanUSA says:

    In 2023 I use a 70 inch 4k TV and 2 55 inch 4k TVs. total cost $950. Running TOS on a Dell 12th Gen i7-12700 32 gigs of ram, $1200.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Puter kid says:

    Talks about everything EXCEPT setting up a 6 Monitor Trade Station.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salah Grey says:


    I got a traading setup of 4 monitors and one laptop (HP Victus 16 inch).

    I want to have 4 different displays on my monitors. Should I buy an HDMI matrix or any other device. Please help!

    I'm stuck on this for weeks.

    I bought ah HDMI splitter, but I get 4 duplicate displays upon my 4 monitors. (My laptop's display is different as I switch to extend option using win + P option).

    I got one input which is my laptop, and I want 4 more different displays upon my 4 monitors.

    Appreciate the help!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Sherman says:

    I can’t find the monitor information in the description. Where can I get your set up?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deeveebee598 says:

    How do you cope with the eye strain

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheXGCTv aka The Architect says:

    I'm using 8 Asus Rog Swift 360hz Monitors on a single windows 10 PC with USB graphics adapters with the 4090 graphic card.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fredrick Callahan says:

    Is it possible to have each extended monitor connected to the broker so a trade can be executed on any monitor, or can only 1 monitor be connected to the broker and all trades have to be executed from the 1 screen only?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Clayton says:

    what kind of monitor mount or arm are you using

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars peter boston says:

    nice setup, but no information about the desk, mount frame, …? where to buy, specs?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CryptoMum says:

    How do you hide the wires?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars In the Public Domain says:

    Can you please tell me what kind of computer you need to run 6 monitors? How many ports do you have and what types? Six DP ports? Six HDMI ports? Thank you. Loved the video.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ja says:

    Does anyone know what monitor arm he uses?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tbot1 says:

    Nice instructions for the tradestation. Can you advice what platform is best for viewing several charts.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C 137 says:

    A lot of hand movement

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mister Holdsworth says:

    Was looking to see how to set up 6 screens. Lot of talking but nowhere did I find how you set up 6 monitors, like what are they plugged in to?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars noah shurtliff says:

    Can you please put the links on where to find the monitors, laptop, and desk?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Gubay-Smith says:

    thanks mate nice set up!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Allen says:

    What GPU are you running for 6 monitors?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1820Temidayo OYEGUNWA says:

    Great set up and it's cool.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InLaws Attic says:

    I have four, and want to make one with larger font and not mess up the others- still trying to figure that out….hmm..

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MJ Barbin says:

    may I ask for your specific trading platform

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Filoyan says:

    Where is the description? You’ve mentioned it below.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Tela says:

    Why is not Warrior Trading who talks about is set up?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gJonasx says:

    i have 4 HDMI ports how i can use 6 monitors on my gaming computer ?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Casanave says:

    very nice set up. I just ordered a computer system from Falcon Computers. Really like your chair too, but can't find the link to it, can you send it along here please?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ash Williams says:

    What news channels do you watch?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Imperial Racing says:

    Very nice setup! Thanks for the video ! 📈

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dai Nguyen says:

    It's not the right title for this video. This entire video just introduce his trading station, not "How to set up 6 monitors".

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Remer says:

    What is a liquid cooled computer?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohd Nouman says:

    I came here to get information what graphic card are you using to expand the display to upto 6 monitors, My workstation/laptop only supports 3.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iliass Ach says:

    Hi guys. Do we need an hdmi splitter or switcher to work with multiple screens?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Dissent says:

    How many graphics cards are you using?

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Giovan Theunissen says:

    Came here to see what video cards he is using. No luck.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Firstname Lastname says:

    in other words, you paid someone to put all this together for you and have no idea about the hardware itself.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hiren Thaker says:

    Hi Ross good video. what screens you use or which are currently best.

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