Today I set a new goal!! Excited and nervous at the same time... but I wanted to make a video on how I go about strategically setting and achieving my goals. Enjoy!
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However, one and welcome back to a new video Shawn's, a name and is what we're talking about today. If you know anything about me, you'll know that once I set a goal, I do everything in my power to achieve that goal. For instance, this specific channel exists because I set a goal. I set a goal to post a video once a week for an entire year in 2019, and here we are, we went from zero subscribers to 10,000 subscribers.

My life revolves around goals, whether it's a short-term goal or a long-term goal. If I set a SMART goal, I do everything I can to achieve it so today I want to take a second to kind of explain how I set my goals and how I go about achieving those goals, because it is so important to anything in life. If you want to succeed, you need to be setting SMART goals, and I talked about this in a lot more depth in my time management course, but for today I just want to give you the abridged version. So let's do it? Okay, so if you're really struggling to set a goal and then to actually achieve that goal, then today we're gon na get you out of that rut.

I'm gon na show you how you can set a SMART goal and I am a huge, huge believer of setting SMART goals. So what's a SMART goal? Well, smart stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound, and I like to actually throw my own twist on it by adding an exclamation point, which actually means something really important, and it is the main reason why I'm so motivated to achieve the goals that I set For myself, but I'll get to that in just a little bit first, I want to tell you about a new goal that I am setting today and, as I tell you about the goal, I want to go over every single component of setting a SMART goal. So a little background on me. My life is heavily focused around business and then probably pleasure and then probably Fitness.

So majority of my goals are business or kind of career focus, but I've always been an incredibly small dude in comparison to my peers, I was like 90 pounds in high school until my junior year and then I was like maybe a hundred and fifteen pounds, so I've always wanted to build more muscle, but I found it incredibly challenging because of my high metabolism, which is why today, I am setting a new goal. My body weight currently is that about a hundred and fifty pounds, probably a little bit more than that, but in college I finally got my body weight up to about 150 pounds, and then I had shoulder surgery on my labrum. I pretty much couldn't work out for a full year. Do any physical activity for a full year and dropped my weight down to like a hundred and 20 pounds, and then I kind of built it back up had a few other surgeries brought it back down.

I've kind of always been fluctuating in this range, but I'm at about a hundred and fifty pounds and I've never been able to go above that, oh and you can actually see what I'm talking about on my Instagram at Sean mal ku link down below you should Definitely go follow me wink wink, but bottom line. The goal I'm setting today is the following to gain 20 pounds of muscle weight by the end of 2020, which means I'm gon na be upping my calorie intake by about 35 % and I'm gon na workout. No less than four days a week, no matter what my schedule is like, so, let's break that down with the smart method. Is my goal specific? Yes to double-check this, you just need to answer the 5w questions and write them down.
My office is full of sticky notes and notepads, and even my blackboard is always full of things that I need to either get done or goals that I've set for myself. So I clean it all up for these videos, but there is stuff written down all over. My house, even on my phone of things, that I need to get done, because if I don't write them down, I'm not gon na get them done, but anyway, what do you want to accomplish? Why is the goal important? Who is involved? Where is it located? Which resources or limits are involved? You need to figure all that out, write it down and solidify what your goal is actually about. But next is my goal: measurable, yes, 20 pounds in the next nine ish months, pretty self-explanatory, throw a measurable metric at your goal to make sure you can actually make progress, which kind of leads me into my next one is my goal achievable.

I did a lot of research on this and actually my business partner Nate, which you'll see more of him soon we sat down - and I would say it's been almost two months since we started planning this out, he's a very similar body type to me. He used to be a physical trainer. You know, we've got a lot of stuff in plan to make this goal achievable. I actually got all the classic gym, rat supplements and and stuff to kind of make sure this goal is achievable.

So there's no point in doing you know a lot of research on something and finding out that it's not achievable but still setting it because you're stubborn. If the goal is achievable, then set it and do it. But if it's not achievable, then you're just wasting your time. I know this goal is gon na, be really challenging for me, just because it's hard for me to find the time to cook and actually eat enough food to gain weight.

So I actually am put on a meal plan that gets delivered to my door Monday and Wednesday every single week. So I've got no excuse to up my calorie intake, because I'm just gon na have so much more food in my house that I'm just gon na need to eat. Oh, which makes me kind of nervous, because that means there's literally no out, and I have to make this goal happen. But next is my goal relevant.

Yes, a lot of people set goals and say they're busy when they're doing things that aren't necessarily reaching their overarching goal, so they're really just spinning their. You need to ask yourself the questions to make sure that your goal is actually relevant. Take a step back and ask yourself: is this goal worthwhile or is it the right time in my life, or am i the right person for this all are viable questions that I know for me, I've been trying to reach this 165 to 170 pound goal for, Like six to seven years now, and I've never really been super motivated and super driven to do it and I figured okay, I've got a lot more financial stability. Now I can afford the increased food budget and you know it seems like I'm busy a lot, but I've got actually more time my life right now, while I'm young before things, get really busy.
You know in my late 20s or in my early 30s. So it's really like a now-or-never to reach this goal. Plus my metabolism is gon na be changing a ton over the next 10 years. So, while I know what my metabolism is like, I figured let's just take this thing by the jugular.

Then is my goal time-bound? Yes, 100 %. Yes, I am going to meet this goal by December 31st of 2020 and this is one of the most important steps and is why so many people do not reach the goals that they set. For instance, if someone said oh, I'm gon na be a millionaire in my lifetime. I've got 70 years to make it happen.

I don't need to worry about it now. Well, that's something that requires a lot of time and planning to make happen and if you're not starting now with your plan, then you're never gon na reach that goal. I've always set a goal with a timeframe in mind and then decided. Okay, if I want to do this by this date, what do I need to do specifically to make that happen, and that's exactly what we're doing with this school I've always said.

I wanted to gain weight, but I've never actually put a timeframe on it. So now that we have a date in mind, I've decided okay. What do we need to do to make this happen and I'm kind of nervous, because I feel like the more work I put into it, not necessarily the more gains that I get, because, eventually your bodies do reach a max, which is why bodybuilders all take steroids. So I don't know we're gon na see, I'm all nervous, but I think we can make it happen.

I got nine months to do it, so let's do it, but, lastly, the most important part of setting these SMART goals. It's of course the one. With my little touch on it, it's the exclamation point. The exclamation point is a punctuation mark that is usually used after an interjection or exclamation to indicate strong feelings or high volume.

If you have strong feelings toward your goal, you will achieve it. We've all heard Eric Thomas's famous quote to succeed, so I had the exclamation point for two reasons: one to make sure you're not only physically involved but mentally and emotionally involved in your goal and then to annex which point is used to express your strong feelings towards Other people so tell everyone in anyone about your goal. When I set my goal on this channel to post one video a week, I literally told everyone at the time I had like 20,000 online students, I told all of them. I said here's the strategies.
I've been preaching, I'm gon na, do it and here's my goal and I did it and I told all my friends and family I mean I told everyone because at the end of the day it's a lot easier to let yourself down. Then it is to let everyone else down. Well, I think if you set a personal goal to just wake up at 6 a.m. every morning, you're, like you know, I'm just gon na wake up at 6 and you wake up at 6 for a few days and then it kind of turns into oh man.

It's like 7, 8 a.m. 9 a.m. now, and you let yourself down you're like aw, shucks Sean. You really messed that one up, but if you told someone else hey, I'm gon na meet you at this place at 6:30 a.m.

every morning, which means I got to get up at 6 a.m. every morning. If you don't meet that person, they're you're letting them down - and you feel way worse so you're more motivated to actually keep to that goal. So here I am making this video telling everyone else about my goal.

So I don't have a cop-out to just kind of give an excuse that all life got a little too busy. No I'm making this video it's legit and that's ultimately how you set a SMART goal and also I just love YouTube in general, because it's a great way to document anything. That's going on in your life, so I'm gon na try to make a video update once a month about my progress. I'm not necessarily gon na be uploading it to this channel, but once I hopefully achieve this goal, I'm gon na have all of this video content that I can kind of show you once I reach the goal.

Hopefully, and then I think, it'd be really cool to kind of have that progress and put it up on YouTube for me to look at, and you know years and years from now, so hopefully, in a couple months, you see a video about how I achieved this Goal, which is a good reason for you to subscribe right now, but here's my day, one starting metrics and we'll see what day I actually reach my goal. I'm a hundred and fifty three point one pounds right now. So that means the goal is a hundred and seventy three point one so we'll see if I can follow through with this. But if you take anything away from this, video just know that a dream written down with a day equals a goal.

A goal broken down into steps equals a plan and a plan backed by action. Equals accomplishment shirt link down below. But I hope you enjoyed this video a little bit of a different one to what I usually upload on this channel. But I do want to know what your goals are so leave them in the comments down below.

I wish you all the best of luck in setting and achieving your SMART goals and, if you're new around here, make sure you subscribe. Otherwise I'll see you in the next one.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

2 thoughts on “How to set smart goals you’ll actually achieve (goal setting guide)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Be Bright You says:

    Very important to go where we want. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sdd king says:


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