There is lots of information out there on making passive income but the issue with most of it is that in most cases it takes money to make money.
Whether you're investing in the stock market, buying and renting out properties or even starting a blog, you will have to spend some money upfront.
Sure some things like starting a website won't cost you the same as buying a condo in LA, but the costs can add up once you spend money on hosting, themes, plugins, subscriptions and a lot of other things you don't think about when you first start.
In this video I cover 5 great options for making passive income starting with absolutely no money and ensuring that the earnings are really passive after you do the initial work.
Unlike some other similar information out there, these are all different and separate from each other, rather than mentioning 3 different ways you can earn passively on YouTube, but in the end just talking about the same thing.
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Introduction - 0:00
1. Stock photo or video - 3:17
2. Create an online course - 6:03
3. Start a YouTube channel - 8:54
4. Start a Podcast - 11:22
5. Become a niche influencer - 13:09
Conclusion - 14:36
The 3 tiers of passive income -
11 Ways to make money online -
5 Online businesses to start in 2020 -
○ My camera -
○ Main lens -
○ Microphone -
○ Tripod -
○ Memory card -
○ Ring light -
Full list of gear here:
DISCLAIMER: Some of these links may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service using one of these links, I will receive a small commission from the seller. There will be no additional charge for you.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor and this is not a financial advice channel. All information is provided strictly for educational purposes. It does not take into account anybody's specific circumstances or situation. If you are making investment or other financial management decisions and require advice, please consult a suitably qualified licensed professional.

What's up you guys, sasha here now today, i want to talk about making passive income, but not just passive income, like the millions of other videos out there like stuff that i've personally talked about before. I want to talk about how you can go and make passive income without actually putting any money up front. Now pretty much. Every single video out there that talks about passive income talks about different ways in which you can earn money that actually require you to have some money up front in the first place, and that is a difficult thing.

If you're starting from scratch, if you're just very early on in your journey, you don't really have much option, you can't just go and say: well, i'm gon na go and put up 20 000 pounds as a deposit to go and buy a property and then that Property is going to pay me passive income, because you don't have the 20 000 pounds dollars whatever it is in the first place. So how do you go and make passive income without having money in the first place, the most popular options that everyone tells you you should go and do are investing in stocks and shares buying property, even blogging that i personally recommend - and i hear everybody else - talk About all of these require you to spend money, maybe with blogging not quite as much as with buying property, but you have to have some money to invest in the business, even if it's just for hosting and basic setup. Let's cover some other options that don't require. You to spend anything now.

Let me just tell you one really obvious, but really important truth, and that is there is no such thing as free passive income. You can go and do something which will give you money without having to give something up front of your own in exchange, and if you don't have money, the only thing that you can go and give in exchange instead is time - and i know i know i Can already hear you scrolling down to the comments to write something like but sasha. I don't want to exchange my time in exchange for money. The whole point of passive income is that it isn't exchanging time for money.

Now i get what you're saying, but actually that isn't true, even with passive income, you still have to go and exchange time in order to be able to build the machine that is then going to generate you money. You can't go and not invest money or time and expect to get something for nothing now, if you do want to go and earn a ton of money without either having to put up any money upfront or your time, you can go and watch a video on Youtube from somebody else who will tell you exactly how to do that? There are tons of people who will teach you how to either set up an amazon, fba program or some other scam out. There probably won't actually be free, because, although you won't have to put money up front to go and make your millions, you will have to buy their 3990 course instead. So good luck with that go and watch that, if that's what you want, if you want to find out how to actually make passive income by investing some time in order to build that passive income stream, let me tell you how you can do it right now.
Now, i'm not going to cover a lot of other ways of making money online like doing stuff on upwork or any other forms where you directly exchange time for money and those are also viable. They also don't actually require you to spend any money here. We're focusing on purely passive income streams and the first one that i want to talk about is stock photos and stock videos. This is one that i don't really hear anyone else mention, and certainly when i looked at some of the other videos on the topic, i want to find out what other people are recommending.

Nobody really talks about this, and i think this is a huge opportunity going forward whenever other people go and create content when they write blog posts when they do videos when they go and create any kind of online content on social media, they often want to go And get some kind of stock photo, so let's say they're writing about squirrels. They might want to go and use a photo of a squirrel and they might be living in a city or don't have the time or whatever, to go and find a squirrel and take a picture of it. So what they will do is they'll go on a stock website. Let's say it's: shutterstock or getty: there are loads of very different stock photo websites out there and what they'll do is they'll either pay through a subscription or per image.

They're going to be able to license an image of their choice. If you happen to own a phone that has a camera, you can go out there and take pictures of things that you think people might want to use in their content. It's as simple as that. Go for a walk, go and take a picture of a stream go and take a picture of a tree go and take a picture of a squirrel.

Gon na take a picture of a squirrel on a tree. Go take a picture of a squirrel on a tree in the stream. I mean, probably not gon na happen that one, but anyway, whatever you find whatever you find interesting, whatever you think is something that somebody would actually search for. If you live in a city that is popular with tourism, come and take a picture of some of the landmarks sure, some of the photos that you'll see on these stock websites are going to be very, very dramatic.

It's going to be here is a picture of st paul's cathedral at sunrise, or something like that and they'll use their professional dslr cameras. But trust me, you can go and take pictures of lesser known spots, ones which the big photographers are not spending their time taking, but might actually be useful to someone, and often people just want a photo that they particularly like, because it is the angle from which They want to be posting a photo on their website or they just want a more realistic one, one that doesn't look like it was taken by an expert. It doesn't really matter if you go and take enough photos. If you make enough videos, you can go and submit them to these websites and they work in very different ways.
Some of them are more premium and what they will do is they'll license your images on a per image basis. It's harder to get into those and what you'll find is you'll, sell, far fewer photos, but you'll get a lot more money in exchange for each photo. If you do get in with some other ones, like shutterstock you're likely to see a lot more downloads of your photo and each time one of your photos gets downloaded, you'll get a small amount of money, but that can add up. If you put enough content out there, the other way that you can go and make money online without spending, absolutely any money up front, is by going and creating a course - and this is something that people do talk about.

This is something that is quite common, but what i don't hear is people explaining exactly how you can go and do it very very easily, without very, very complicated architecture underneath and without actually having to spend a huge amount of time understanding the technical element. Now, there's lots of big course provider websites online and the most popular one at the moment is teachable. But you can't go and use that without spending money, because what they do is for people providing the courses they offer packages which cost a monthly fee. In order for you to be able to provide a course that people will then buy and that fee basically covers the cost of the platform, what you can do is you can go and set up a course on udemy.

Now udemy is a different platform and there's other ones that you can go and do your own research. That's probably the second biggest at a teacher. Well, maybe it isn't. I don't know it is a very big platform go and do your own research, but what they do is they will market your course for you and if they sell your course through their internal marketing through their website, then you have to share the amount of money They generate from the course 50 50 with udemy.

If you go and sell it yourself, let's say you go and advertise it on social media or you send people emails or you send a link in any other way and people buy it through that link. Then you get to keep almost 100 off the course fee. Minus just some basic admin costs. So it's a pretty good program.

It allows you to get started right away. It allows you to go and create the content and sell it online and down the line. If you do make enough money, you can go and sell a more advanced version of this course and more in-depth version of this course on teachable or anywhere else, maybe on your own website in the future. But you can go and get started without it costing you absolutely anything.

Some courses are purely written. You can go and write stuff down some other courses. You do have to provide video, but you can go and film the video on your iphone, your iphone, your samsung, your whatever it is that you have in your pocket, has a better camera in it than five years ago. People paid thousands of dollars for so go and just use that amazing piece of machinery in your pocket and you can go and create a course.
What should you teach people? I don't know whatever you feel like. You have enough knowledge that some people would value it. It doesn't have to be expensive if you have an extremely in-depth amount of knowledge about something that people really value. Maybe you can charge several hundred dollars or pounds for it if you want to sell something more basic, something that people will be able to buy without having to think about it or without having to plan ahead for the expenditure, you can go and sell a course That costs 29 or 19 or whatever you like and maybe then you'll be able to not have to spend quite as long producing it and you'll be able to sell it to more people, so maybe you'll be able to make money that way at number three.

My list, i've got starting a youtube channel, and this is something that i've done recently. I started my youtube channel in march of this year and i've only been going for just over six months now it depends on your channel. It depends on how much time you have to put into it. It depends on luck to a huge amount.

A lot of people will not tell you this, but it really really does if some of your videos take off unexpectedly you're going to get there more quickly, but once you reach a milestone of 4 000 watch hours and 1 000 subscribers, you can go and monetize Your channel with adverts, even before you get there, if you build up an audience, you can go and sell them products. You can recommend them things for which you get commissions and affiliate revenue. But when you get past that 1, 000 subscriber and 4 000 watch hour mark, you can actually earn money from ads on youtube. The amount you can earn does vary quite a lot.

It can be very low for general interest channels, but for more specialist channels like finance or technology, you can be earning as much as 15 or 20 dollars per thousand views, and that is really pretty good. I started with absolutely nothing on my channel. I started filming with my phone with absolutely no gear whatsoever, just a desk lamp pointing in my face and it didn't look good and it wasn't particularly professional. But i managed to get to a point where i was actually earning money from my channel within just five months in the fifth month of being on youtube.

I earned just over 400. Now, that's not a life-changing amount of money. It is not something that i'm gon na be able to go and retire on, but it is more than nothing and with youtube. You have to go and start somewhere whenever big creators go and show their numbers from back in the day they started by not earning anything and then earning their first 400.
So you can go and do the same now it will take a lot of work. I am not going to tell you that it's easy or very quick or it won't require effort or definitely will require a very steep learning curve. But if you do go and put the time in, you too can be making money on youtube and in month five. Maybe you'll be earning the same 400.

Maybe you'll get there in just three months. Some people do, it really does vary and really does depend on specifically your skills, your ability and what you want to go and talk about, but maybe after two or three years you could be making more money than you actually earn in your full-time job. It's certainly possible if i can go and get there within just a few months without the sort of bubbly personality and the charisma that most other people have that i seem to be lacking, then you can go and do it as well. If video just really isn't your thing or you don't fancy spending that time, learning how to edit the videos how to upload them or doing all of that or you just really like the audio format instead and you want to do the same type of business, you Can go and start a podcast now podcast isn't as easy to monetize as youtube.

Once you grow your podcast, it doesn't just automatically start paying you advertising money. You'll have to be a bit more. Creative you'll have to find products that you can go and advertise you'll have to go and find sponsorship, deals or other interesting ways like selling courses or something else, and it definitely will take time. But podcasts are an amazing way to build a super loyal audience.

People love listening to podcasts when they're going running when they're driving when they're on the train in all of these different places, where you're not really wanting or able to go and sit there and watch a video. In many cases, people just want to have something in their ears, telling them about a topic that they're particularly interested in, and you can build a very, very loyal audience that really goes and tunes into every single podcast that you release. Podcasts are super underrated and a lot of people just don't go and do them because it isn't seen as cool it's not like building a social media profile and becoming some kind of influencer, and it is still a hugely underserved market. But there's massive movements in the space companies like apple and spotify, are beginning to think about how they can go and dominate the podcast sphere.

The podcast field, by creating a youtube-like platform and they're investing a lot of money and time into building those things up because they see podcasts as a very viable medium in the future of people providing information and other people consuming that information. So if that sounds like something that you want to get into go ahead and just give it a go now, if you're the type of person who loves social media, who knows everything there is to know about how to go and reach large numbers of people on Social media, you can go and become an influencer if you so wish, and that is actually still a very viable business model. But a lot of people think about this in the very, very wrong way. If you want to go and build this sort of social media influencer profile, what you'll need to do is pick a niche and go and be extremely smart about talking about that niche and things to do with that niche non-stop.
All the time sure some people go and become very famous on whatever social media platform, just by talking about anything whatever comes into their head and they do go and build a following. But that is very difficult to do and that is often based on a huge amount of personality and a huge amount of luck. A lot of people go and try doing that, but it's just next to impossible to actually get anywhere with it. If you go and pick a niche and you go and begin providing information like commentary on latest news within niche that you're talking about like valuable snippets of information about that niche, a little nuggets of just useful tips for whatever it is that you want to go And talk to people about, then you can also go and use the same monetization methods as with the other ways of making money passively that i described earlier things like affiliate income, things like sponsorships and other ways of making money like selling courses or even merchandise.

If you want to go down that route, there's a lot of different options available now, if those don't sound good enough, you can go and do something else. There's lots of other options of building passive income online that don't cost very much money. They do cost some, but they don't cost very much things like building a passive income website, whether that's a content, marketing business, some kind of affiliate marketing business, a mix of the two there's lots of other options. I'm not going to talk about them in this video, but you can go and find these other options by checking one of my other videos that i'm going to reference in the link in the description below go and check it out if you're interested.

I hope you found this information useful. If you have please go and subscribe to this channel. I talk about personal finance. I talk about making money online and i talk about making more of the money that you do.

Have i put out videos three times a week at the moment, go and make sure you hit that bell next to subscribe button, so you can get notifications every single time. I release one of my videos. If you like this video, please go and hit the like button. I really appreciate it, and that would mean that this video can reach more people more quickly.

Thank you. So much for watching and i'll see you guys later. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

15 thoughts on “How to make passive income with $0 in 2021”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skullcandy says:

    I think Iv just found my new favourite channel 😃

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucas Himes says:

    As a designer, I can say that there is no money in creating stock photos or illustrations. I've tried this myself and the amount of income versus the effort involved isn't worth it. The market for them is incredibly saturated and free images are very easy to find. Maybe people who got into making stock photos 15 years ago have made money, but that's not the case right now.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Day says:

    Mate, you're a real asset to beginners in this area. You have a no bullshit approach, and your content is articulate, direct and clear.

    Good luck, keep up the good work!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tamas says:

    Hey Sasha
    I will never ever ever ever pay for these so called property or blog or amazon bull… t courses.
    Everything is out there for free on the Internet.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Kim says:

    very helpful. this reminded me of the quote, "When your young you have no money, but no time. When your old you have a lot of money but no time." At 21, I am trying to learn how to maximize my time through passive income. Great Video!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Murphy says:

    Love your content! keep up the good work, very informative and I am learning lots from your videos! smashing that like button on all videos I watch 😁

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Hughes says:

    Great ideas thanks

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HyperAlarm4 says:

    Sasha would you consider doing a video on the vanguard lifestrategy funds as a starting point for beginner passive investor?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars True Reviewer says:

    Luckily I found your channel last month, all the tips and information are very much useful. Hats off to you mate. Hope u will get more subscriber very soon. Cheers!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristian Haidu says:

    Good job man! Thx

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paprika says:

    In your experience, does YouTube pay better than blogging (both using Google Ads)? Assuming you have the same amount of views on your videos as you have on blog posts. I would expect the answer to be yes, since YouTube has better types of ads imo, but I just wanna be sure.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel says:

    Hate to be a shill here, but "the brave browser" pays users to use the internet, it blocks ads but you can choose to watch ads and get paid

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Serge St-Amand says:

    The saddest with Youtube is the less you provide real content (knowledge sharing) and the more you spread fears or share opinions based on falsehoods or half-truths, and the more you have followers:(

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sphinx says:

    You know I have to talk about TES. Everything hinges on a traffic estimation study to make sure whatever you do will bring in traffic or is searched or is a popular niche no matter if it is YouTube, blogging, or anything else.

    Great vid Sasha. 👍

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha Yanshin says:

    Trying a slightly different format. Let me know what you think! 😀

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