Getting 1000 subscribers on YouTube is actually a lot easier than most people think... So in this video I'm giving the 3 best tips to get 1000 subscribers quickly and organically. Let me know what you think!
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Hey what's up and welcome back to a new video showing the name, YouTube's a game, and today, let's talk about you so for those of you who don't know by now, I've got numerous YouTube channels. I've been cranking away on this platform for a really long time. Now and because of that, I've actually built up a six-figure income stream off YouTube alone, which is pretty amazing, and I cannot complain at all pretty life-changing and because of it. So many people ask me all the time who have no idea anything about YouTube.

They say how the heck you even make money on YouTube, so today I'm gon na be going over how to do just that. Alright, so, first off before I show you 3 ways on how to generate $ 1,000 on YouTube. I want to show you just how much you can actually make on this platform, this guy dance EDM made over sixteen point: five million dollars in 2018 alone. Dantdm is the absolute goat when it comes to YouTube and that guy started out just like everyone else on this platform, posting videos at his mom dad and dog watched, oh, and if you want to know who the top ten richest youtubers were in 2018, I made A video on this a while ago, you can check it out down below I'll leave it links for you, but the money-making potential on YouTube is pretty incredible.

But before you go click that video, let's go over the three ways on how to make a thousand dollars on YouTube, why main simplest way to really make a thousand dollars on YouTube? All you have to do is just hit that, like button on this video, do it do it now, I'm just playing, but seriously. One thing I do want to go over is the fact that just you watching this video, that does not mean you're gon na make a thousand dollars overnight on YouTube. It's a process, it's a grind. You got to be prepared for that, and I don't want you thinking that, oh at the end of this video, I'm gon na have a thousand dollars in my bank count cuz, that's not how it works.

Nothing good in life happens overnight. I feel like I say this all the time, but YouTube is like a snowball. It starts out really small rolling down the hill and, as it goes and goes and goes, it gets bigger and bigger and bigger until it's absolutely freakin massive and that's when your dainty vmstat is making sixteen point five million dollars a year. Keep that in mind little progress now big progress later, but okay, three ways to generate money on YouTube.

Now we're gon na start out with, hopefully the more common ways and then we're gon na get to the more unique way so, contrary to popular belief, most people don't know that the first and most prominent way to make money on YouTube is actually through ad revenue. It still surprises me and blows my mind that people can watch YouTube and have no idea how you can generate money on YouTube, because, if you're watching an ad just know that someone is paying for that ad. So that creator that created that video, that you're watching. If there's an ad before that during that, after that, whatever they are getting paid on that now, something most people actually don't know about is the splits that happen, because that so advertisers pay money for their ads to be shown.
Well, that doesn't mean that every penny that they pay is going straight to the person who created that video more likely it's gon na, be that they pay, let's say $ 100. Forty five percent of that is going to go to youtube. So forty five dollars is going to go to YouTube. Fifty five dollars is essentially going to go to the Creator so boom.

That is the easy money and the easy way to actually make money on YouTube. Now I will say that you need a lot of views to actually start raking in some serious money, but that is the most important and probably popular way to make money on YouTube. And I do want to say that 55 percent that the creator gets is also going to be after any splits if they're involved with an MCN, I don't want to go over what an MCN is. You can look it up, it's basically a multi-channel network.

It pretty much partners with channels takes a percentage of their earnings and does something in return. I don't use an MCN. I don't think they're really all that useful, so I actually make the full fifty five percent from that advertiser. When there's an ad in front of my videos so recap way, number one is to just create videos, throw them up on YouTube, get people to view them.

That's how you're gon na make money by monetizing them with ads. Now I will say that YouTube has changed their requirements for you to actually be able to monetize your video recently. I want to say those, maybe two years ago, possibly three years ago, at the time I'm making this video and basically it just makes it so you have to have a certain requirement, a certain threshold to meet before you can actually throw ads up on your channel, But once you get those ads up on your channel up on your videos, that's when you start accruing some money. Oh and I've also got two resources for you.

I'll link them down below. One is going to be how to reach the eligibility requirements from YouTube Partner Program. That's how you monetize your videos to get into that program. I'll leave a link down below I've got some great tips on how you can actually get into that sooner than later, and then also I've got another video down below on how much one view actually makes a creator in terms of a monetary value I'll leave that Link down below as well but okay, hopefully most people knew about the ad revenue thing.

It still surprised me that so many people are so oblivious to that. But okay, number, two on how to make money on YouTube is what I like to call the freebies. These are going to be the things like sponsorships from different brands and different companies who want you to promote their product. These are things like donations when you're, live-streaming, maybe or or Channel memberships from someone pays monthly, just to get some special perks or or different things that you give on your channel.
These are those things that are not really steady income streams but they're great to have as bonuses Plus. These are really great because you can actually start a channel today and actually start making money off these things. If I created a brand new channel today, i went live on that channel, promoted it out to my friends and family. Had some people show up and said hey for every five dollar donation that I get, I'm gon na throw a backflip do it? My guess is that I feel like some of my family and friends would be like.

Oh I'm gon na give this guy five bucks and hope he breaks his neck now, but seriously. These freebies can actually be a huge help to new channels when they're starting out, because a lot of people want to do YouTube full-time. They don't have the money making potential. That's there.

So they'll start streaming their fans really like them. They want them to be able to do this full-time. They want them to be able to create more content, so they open up their wallets to them or they'll. Do some fun things for them.

So it's just a great way and again you don't need YouTube's approval for these things. You can start earning these things right away, plus once you're super established on YouTube. The sponsorships from your brand deals are insane, but again, freebies are great. They really help creators out.

So if you're a viewer, maybe you've given a freebie to some creator of yours that you like it really helps them out a ton, and it's just awesome for the community all right. So we've got ad revenue when we've got freebies now that typically generates you about 90 to 95 percent of all the revenue that you make from your YouTube channel. Based on those two things now, the other 5 % is something that's a little bit more unique that a lot of people don't think about now before I tell you what this last one is, though, I want to say realistically, if you had 10,000 subscribers on YouTube And it really comes down to views, but if you had 10,000 subscribers on YouTube, I'd say realistically you'd be getting about 900 to 950 dollars a month from your ad revenue and from your freebies, so that extra 50 to $ 100. Where does that come from? Well? Most people overlook this as well, but it comes from merchandise sales and I don't really like to say merchandise sales, because everyone thinks about.

Oh, he sells t-shirts or hoodies, but really the good channels get really creative with things and if they've got a definite theme around their channel they'll create a product and sell it to their audience. Their audience really likes it. So, for example, these are things like yoga. Pants, if you're a fitness channel or a book, if you're, a writer or art, if you're an artist, think things like this really get your subscribers engaged and want to actually purchase things now, the shirts, the hoodies, the hats.
All I could stuff is just icing on the cake I mean it's great stuff to have. It builds up your brand if you've got really dedicated fans. They're really gon na want that merchandise. But again, when I say merchandise, I mean more just product sales plus when I say sales, it doesn't necessarily have to be your product.

These creators don't have time to go out and actually create their own product, so they're working with other companies to supply them products and sell the products so you're, almost like an affiliate and that's another thing that I want to say is affiliate. Sales gets factored into this merchandise sales category. So for those of you who don't know if you watch a famous tech youtuber on YouTube and he promotes a product like a camera or a microphone or just a phone or really any type of product, a shoe pretty much any product if they say hey. If you want to go, learn more about this product link down below it's most likely a shortened link and that shortened link is actually an affiliate link.

If you don't know what affiliate links are, it essentially means for every bit of traffic I send to that product or every sale I generate to that product. The Creator is actually making a portion of the profits on that product. So there's a lot of things that come in a to account when you're talking about revenue on YouTube but affiliate sales and merchandise sales. I characterize as one because if I'm a product that is around my brand, then I consider that to be a salesy type of income, and I bet that was a little hard to follow.

So I want to give you a real example on this channel. So I'll leave another video link down below it's actually the top five crms in real estate. I made a video on that on this channel, maybe a couple months ago, I'll leave that link down below, but I talked about five companies. Five CRMs customer relationship management programs that are amazing for real estate professionals, and I put in the description in that video I said hey if you want to go actually and learn more about these programs.

You'll click, the link down below and each one of those links is actually an affiliate link I'll be completely transparent, they're an affiliate link. I think if someone signs up with those links depending on which one it is, I might make $ 1 or $ 2 - maybe $ 5 per sign up. So it's not a ton of revenue, but it's a little bit and it's something that can help you out on YouTube. Every little penny counts on YouTube.

I cannot stress that enough. You get so much revenue from a bunch of different streams that you really have to just count the pennies and they all add up at one point to start making you some good money. Think of it. This way, if I posted a video that got let's say 10,000 views, I don't know - and it made me - let's just call it 25 bucks.
Okay, 25 bucks a month is nothing that doesn't even really account for like a day's worth of food. But if I were to have a thousand videos that generated me 25 bucks, each then we're talking so again, every little penny counts on this and it's strength in numbers. A little bit of success now equals huge success later on. But really those are the three that's gon na make a YouTube creator money on YouTube.

Again, majority of it is gon na, be that ad revenue, then you're gon na get some pretty nice. You know freebies every once in a while and they're gon na get those sales right, you're gon na get those affiliate, link sales or you're gon na get those actual merchandise sales, t-shirts hoodies, whatever you want to call it and again, I probably sound like a broken Record but it still blows my mind that so many people have no idea the money-making potential on YouTube. It literally blows my mind: it's been my main source of income, for I don't know since like 2012. So it's pretty incredible.

If you want to get started on YouTube, I will leave another link down in the description guys. I have a great youtube course online. It's not too expensive check it out down below. I do a free webinar, everyone Somali, you can actually learn some good stuff and then there's actually the paid content.

If you want to take it to the next level so again link down below. But if you don't want to head over to that link, which is just YouTube Sean Malka comm, if you don't want to go over that link, you make six figures a year and you just want to kind of do this for fun. Maybe make a little bit of money here and there then I highly recommend that you just hang around on this channel cuz I give away loads of free stuff, but again, if you enjoyed the video, then smash that, like button also subscribe guys again, like I just Said I'm giving away tons of great information on this channel, so it's worth your while, if you're interested in YouTube and some other fun stuff. But ultimately I hope you learn something new again Sean's a name YouTube's the game, and I will see you in the next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

8 thoughts on “How to make $1000 on youtube – 3 ways to earn money”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wanna B Musician says:

    I haf questions

    . If u get 1 mill views on ur first video, do u get the money from THAT video or ur future videos

    . If u do get paid from that video, does it pay u from the very first view u made off of that video or only the views u make after setting up an adsense account?

    Plz answer 🙏

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Bless says:

    Hey can I watch my own YouTube adsense with different account

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan J Davis TV says:

    I would pay for your lessons but I have like 0.00 dollars and my bank account was so broke i lost it and it got cancelled

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Presidential Phantom says:

    Dope video bra, I knew it was getting serious for me trying to make it on YouTube when I watched the whole video.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Novemberrr says:

    You dont even make money on YT😂 You get no views lol👏

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eazi East says:

    I learnt something cool and new today 😁

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobo says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ConnorWhatsHisFace says:

    Hi Shawn I watch Your Gaming channel and I love Your videos 🙂

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