A slightly different video which can show how you can relatively easily and quickly earn £700 or more in half an hour.
No gimmicks, no fakery - just a few very simple tips - check the steps from the video below:
1. Sign up for an American Express Platinum Cashback Credit Card via Topcashback or Quidco. You will get £15 cashback (check on the day - this seems to change very frequently) for doing so.
Use my affiliate links to get £5 for signing up to either service:
○ Topcashback - https://www.topcashback.co.uk/ref/sashayanshin
○ Quidco - https://www.quidco.com/raf/1662916/
2. Use your cashback credit card for your regular spend. It's important to remember that the objective here is not to overspend, get into debt or pay interest as that defeats the whole point.
Assuming an average spend of £1,000 per month for the first 3 months, you'll earn £105 cashback after deducting the £25 annual fee for the credit card.
3. Using a credit card for regular spending allows you to effectively defer payment for 1 month's worth of expenditure for as long as you have the card.
This is NOT an excuse to get into debt!
What you can do though is take the money you would have spent in the run up to Christmas, put it on the card and essentially delay paying it because you will only have to pay it 25 days after the next statement is generated following your purchases even if you repay it in full by Direct Debit.
You can take this money and put it into a savings account OR invest it - you need to decide what level of risk you are happy with.
○ Use my link: https://www.trading212.com/invite/FzYbCfTM
If you open an account using the link above, you will get a random share worth up to £100. I will also get one if you choose to sign up using the link.
4. Open a new bank account to get over £100 cashback if you switch and follow their rules for 1-3 months. Check HSBC, RBS and Natwest for these offers.
5. Sell your old phone. You might be surprised by how much it's worth. My 4-year old iPhone 7 Plus pays £160 for trade in. Older iPhones and Android phones can easily fetch over £100!
There are endless websites out there - check on comparison websites to get the best deals and make sure you check reviews as some of these services can be very scammy. Better earn a little less from a reputable firm.
6. Switch Electricity and/or gas - use the same link I provided earlier to check the offers available on Topcashback - https://www.topcashback.co.uk/ref/sashayanshin
Make sure you check with comparison websites first to understand which provider and which tariff would be cheapest for you.
Don't click through to the energy firm. Open a new browser to make sure the cashback tracks properly (or clear all your cookies) and go to that provider through the cashback website.
Not only will you save money on your bills (I know - I put off switching myself!) but you'll also get over £100 in cashback for doing it!
○ Make Passive Income with £0 - https://youtu.be/iwgaZXYgf4U
○ Monzo vs Starling Bank - https://youtu.be/0bLmBpg4BTU
○ Investing for beginners - https://youtu.be/5_Z5Zw4t72c
DISCLAIMER: Some of these links may be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service using one of these links, I will receive a small commission from the seller. There will be no additional charge for you.
DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor and this is not a financial advice channel. All information is provided strictly for educational purposes. It does not take into account anybody's specific circumstances or situation. If you are making investment or other financial management decisions and require advice, please consult a suitably qualified licensed professional.

What's up you guys, sasha here today, i've got a slightly different video for you. I thought it would be really interesting to go and just give you a few really simple, really quick tips for how you can go. Make 700 pounds in the next 30 minutes. Pretty much literally sat on a sofa.

I know i'm not gon na, tell you how to match betting or how you should buy a course or anything pointless. Like literally just super simple things, most people probably can do most of this very very easily. Maybe you can't do one or two of these things. I'm gon na talk to you about why, but anyway, let me tell you specifically exactly the things that you can do, but not before i talk about the sponsor for today's video and the sponsor for today's video is no no still no sponsor.

If somebody wants to sponsor videos about making money make sure you get in touch, send us an email and we'll talk by way of a disclaimer. None of this constitutes financial advice. I don't know your circumstances, so i can provide you financial advice. If you do need financial advice about any of this financial stuff that i'm talking about, go and seek help from a suitably qualified professional.

So let's dive right in the first thing to do uh very, very easy. When you're just getting started, we're trying to make a very quick amount of money once you sat down on the sofa you've got your laptop, you open up your screen and you go to the cashback website of your preference. I use top cashback. It doesn't really matter.

You can use quickco, you can use, there's lots and different providers, everyone has their own favorite and go and sign up for the american express platinum, cashback credit cards. So it's it's there's two different ones. There's an everyday one and a regular one depends on how much you're spending one might be better than the other. I'm gon na put a link in the description below uh, where i talk specifically about those two credit cards and which one is better for which purpose.

But i went for the one with the 25 pound annual fee because it pays more cashback anyway. So if you go and sign up through topcashback again for every single thing, i'm talking about i'm going to actually put the steps in the description below with the specific links that you need to use. Um go and look through that. If you need them, you will get 15 pounds cash back just for clicking from that website to american express and signing up for that card.

So that's 15 pounds to get you started once you do get an american express credit card. All you have to do is go and spend your regular everyday spending onto that credit card. I assume that you are going to spend say 1 000 pounds for the whole household per month for the next three months. So if you put all your groceries or your food shopping or your bills or utilities, not all utilities will allow you to use a credit card to pay for them.

A lot of them will, though, so go and put all of that spending on there any regular, ongoing insurance payments. Anything else where you can go and use that credit card instead of just your regular debit card or some other credit card that doesn't give you any benefits or any points um that will allow you to go and build up that cash back. That's why you got the card in the first place. So if you're just going to spend three months at 1 000 a month, you will get 105 pounds worth of cash back, that's net of the fees, because you will earn 125 pounds for the first two and a half thousand that you spent then you'll subtract.
The 25 pound annual fee that you had to pay to go and get that credit card in the first place and then you're gon na get an extra five pounds for the last five hundred. So from the two and a half thousand to the three thousand that you spent, that will be giving you one cent cash back, so you get an extra five pounds for a grand total of 105. So that means by this point, you've earned 120 pounds. Next.

You have one other benefit from getting a credit card which lots of people don't really talk about, but that is you can essentially defer having to spend money in your current account on spending that you normally are doing by about a month. Typically, what happens when you have a credit card is when you go and spend on that credit card, all the expenditure during the month kind of goes onto the card and at the end of the cycle, whenever that is, is different for everybody. You'll get your statement generated and after the statement is generated, you then have a further 25 days for the direct debit payment to come out or manual payment. If you choose to do so, but direct debit is a lot safer and a better way of doing it.

So what that means is, on average you'll have more than a month from the point when you are actually doing the spending on the card to the point when the money comes out of your current account. So what that means is, if you previously spent on your current account debit card or cash or any other means that isn't a credit card based what that means is you were spending money and it was immediately leaving your bank account. Suddenly, then, you now have this 30-day period where nothing is going to be coming out of your bank account because it's going onto your credit card - and i am in no way advocating that people borrow money in order to go and make this money. I'm not saying that at all what i'm saying is suddenly in terms of your cash flow, the amount of money that you are spending for about and one month period is going to be zero on all these regular things, because it's now going to be deferred.

By about a month, so what you can do, if you continue using that credit card for the next 12 months, is go and take that amount of money so one month worth of, spend and go and do something with it, which will actually earn a return on It because you don't need it for managing the cash flow. Now, if you have debts, if you have other things to do, you know by all means, go and figure out the best way of managing your cash flow. This is not again any kind of financial advice, but for the sake of the argument, what you could do because it's you know the run up to christmas - we've got about a month uh and a bit left before christmas. Properly starts so a lot of people, probably gon na, be spending a lot more money than average on presents on travel.
Maybe if we're allowed we'll see, maybe on food on decorating a house and on whatever it is that they're spending their money on. So if i assume that over this period in the run of christmas, you are going to go and spend say 2 000 pounds in total on everything, not just the christmas stuff, but also your other ready to spend that you will essentially be able to postpone uh By always being able to pay your credit card bill 30 days or more later than you would otherwise be paying for that money, you can go and take one month's worth of that spent and go and put it into some form of an investment or a savings. Account again, there are massive risks involved. There is no certainty about making money and your money is actually at risk if you're investing, so you could lose it all.

But for the sake of the argument here, what you could do is you could go and take that money. Stick it into some form of investment. Let's say the s p 500 or a portfolio of companies that you like or whatever else it doesn't really matter. As long as you're, you know, you're doing the right thing, that's going to give you solid enough returns and at the moment, the way the market is going and the way that the economy has been for the last 20 or 30 years.

It is probable, and probably you know possible, to go and make something like seven to eight percent return on that money. Uh some people close huge numbers like 12 or 15. Other people say that you can't make anything more than four. I mean, i think, seven to eight is probably a reasonable expectation if you were to keep that money invested for about a 12 month period.

So using our assumption on a 2 000 pound spend at about 8 percent. That's about 160 pounds that you're going to be able to go and save so on top of the 120 that you've already managed to earn previously that's 280 pounds that you've managed to make just by doing that, little exercise by the way. If you do choose to go and invest this money and go and open an account with trading 212, you also will get a free share if you use my link below, which is an extra benefit. I haven't actually accounted for it in this, but you will get a free share and for me they tend to average about 10 pounds.

That's that's a nice little extra on top of everything else that i'm mentioning here, but anyway, let's move on with the video. So i'm actually not necessarily advocating any of these, but natwest rbs and hsbc will all pay you over a hundred pounds to switch your banking to them and the switch here is you know it's a it's, not the absolute term you are allowed to have other bank Accounts, it just means that whatever bank account that you choose to switch to it, uh usually has to close. In some cases the rules are slightly different to go and read them. What it does mean is you have to go and pay a certain amount of money into the bank account in the first month or three or whatever, depending on the terms, and you have to set up at least one direct debit or something like that.
But if you go and do that just go and sign up for a new account set up your debit, put your salary in it or some money from some other source from some other income into it for a month or two months or three months, you'll be Able to get over a hundred pounds just for the privilege of spending 10 minutes filling in the forms and setting it up. So that's not not bad at all, so i would say on average, depending on which one of these accounts you choose you're, probably going to get about 120 pounds. Some of them actually pay more. You've got to decide which one it is that you want, but assuming the 120 pounds average we're now up to a grand total of 400 pounds earned already next this one's one of my personal favorites.

Absolutely everyone has one of those man drawers that is in your kitchen or utility room or in the lounge there's that one drawer, which has all your old electricals that you just don't know what to do with there's random wires from gadgets that you no longer own And, very, very often, in that drawer there'll be that phone. You know the last time, two or three years ago, when you upgraded your phone, you will leave your old one lying in that drawer and it'll just be lying there gathering dust doing absolutely nothing. What you actually can do is you can go and sell that phone there's loads of different websites out there, where you can go and type in the details of your phone and even something like a four-year-old iphone 7, which is what i have. I just want to check how much one of these is.

You will get over a hundred pounds for selling one of these on one of those websites. So if we just assume that 100 pounds a lot of people will be very very surprised by how much their old handset is actually worth we're up to a grand total of 500 pounds already - and here we come to step number six, which again, everybody just puts Off everyone knows they need to do it, but they just put off and they never get around to doing it, because it's boring, because it's not very exciting but anyway, using exactly the same process. Exactly the same method that i mentioned earlier, you can go and switch through electrical gas, but instead of using one of those comparison, websites or one of those companies that automatically does it for you. In order to save you money, you can go and do it yourself and the benefit there is.
You can go and get cash back for the process of doing it. So you actually get two benefits. You one get a much cheaper tariff. In most cases, you'll save a huge amount if you're on a standard tariff or, like you haven't changed for several years.

You're gon na save a ton of money that way, but also you get a load of cash back for the privilege of switching to something. That's gon na save you money in the first place, which you don't get if you use one of these other companies. So what i would urge you to do is go and use a comparison website of your choice. Go and look up which particular provider is going to offer you the best deal at the moment, then go back into the top cashback website or your preferred.

I have no affiliation, i'm not sponsored this video is not paid for in any way. It's just one that i personally use, i'm going to top cashback or your particular preferred website, go and pick the one that you want to pick from the list and click through go and sign up and do your switch over and using very, very conservative estimates. The likelihood is you're gon na save one over a hundred pounds in the next 12 months on just the bills alone, for your gas and electric, some of them will probably tell you that you can save 200 or more, but i'm just using 100. As a conservative estimate - and they all pay over 100 pounds for the producer, switching so edf, uh scottish power ssc, like all of these big companies, are on there they're all paying over 100 pounds for the privilege of switching.

So you might as well i'm going to take that one as well. So once you add the 100 from switching and the 100 from the savings, that's another 200. That's a grand total of 700 pounds that you've just earned, and i wager that you can probably if you go and just turn off the tv, get your laptop in front of you and just get on it. You can easily do these steps in about 30 minutes and you will have earned 700 pounds that you wouldn't otherwise have had.

I hope you guys found this interesting if you did make sure you go and smash the like button for the youtube algorithm. I would really really appreciate it if you want more videos about personal finance, about making more money and doing more with the money that you have make sure you subscribe to this channel hit that bell so get notifications every single time. I release one of my videos. Thank you so much for watching.

I really really appreciate it and i'll see you guys later. You.

By Stock Chat

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27 thoughts on “How to make £700 in 30 minutes sat on your sofa”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IamGrimalkin says:

    But it takes about a week to buy and sell shares, so if you're putting the money into the account at the beginning of the month then taking it out again to pay off credit card bill at the end, you're losing two weeks out of four in the market.
    Also, what do you think of the psychology of credit cards? Studies show that having a credit card makes you spend more.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L A says:

    Thank you!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sandeep Vyas says:

    Just a quick message love your vids. Thanks

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Brown says:

    All of these businesses and banks just rely on the fact people are to lazy to switch great video👍

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B-Legend504 says:

    New video that’s paid for by sponsors

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan G says:

    Love topcashback. Have you seen american express is lowering the rate this year. I have 3 current accounts and move my pay around to get the cashback/saving deals lol for Gas/electric and any insurance which I change every year I use topcashback any money saving expert to get the best deal. Great video explaining the little tricks… As they say look after the pennies the pounds look after them selves 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! fuckeries says:

    Sasha. Genuine question. Why are you always wearing the same t-shirt?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maria Vardanian says:

    Your name sounds russian are you partly russian ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prastt says:

    700 pound over a year and ending up with a few garbage who knows what contracts lying around? I rather contribute a monthly chunk to my s&p index….

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spellerwix says:

    some day, sometime soon, a company will sponsor you !

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Undercover_Secret_Agent says:

    Hi, I signed up to Trading 212 using your link, but have not received a free stock yet. Please advise. Thank you.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars InfiniteQuest86 says:

    Wow, I did not realize the old phone one! Nice!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tofu says:

    Someone sponsor this man! On another note great & informative videos as always Sasha 👍

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amir Penkar says:

    I will wait for the day when you start talking about the sponsor and actually get sponsored. What a day that will be. Btw Squarespace would be a good sponsor since you have your own blog 😀

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joy Fullerton says:

    Unfortunately Amex wont approve me for a credit card

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leonard Estrella says:

    Great info Sasha as always. I see you have passed the 4k sub mark, good on you sir.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muhammad bin Shafqat says:

    hi sasha, besically i turned 18 i can't seem to get verified on any CRA, i am registered to vote since 2 years. and is there a way to get a reasonable card in next 4-6 months because i want to stick to my first credit line.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Hughes says:

    Great video thanks

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy c says:

    I would imagine this will be a well watched video 🙂

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sir. Albion71 says:

    Great video – going to look forward to see your channel growing

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My YouTube account says:

    Buy the BTCE ETF in your Trading212. Thank me later. 🙂

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My YouTube account says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha Yanshin says:

    A nice little starter for the Christmas fund…

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry says:

    Hi Sasha, haven't seen one of your videos in a while but thanks for this video, really informative. You're looking good btw, like the new hairstyle!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen says:

    It's all fun and giggles until one wants to stop paying for utilities with the card (e.g. Maybe because of a switch), and realises it's the utility company that has controls charging money on the card, not the card holder…

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adam stockton says:

    Great video with real life achievable results. Very well put together.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Rhodes says:

    Opened a Amazon Premium credit card for my wife and I the other day. Got £30 each for 5 minutes work. Just another simple one

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