Getting 1000 subscribers on YouTube is actually a lot easier than most people think... So in this video I'm giving the 3 best tips to get 1000 subscribers quickly and organically. Let me know what you think!
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Hey, what's up welcome back to your new video Shawn's, a name YouTube's a game, and recently I just crushed a thousand subscribers on this channel. It's actually pretty cool! Now, how YouTube actually sends you an email to congratulate you back when I hit my first thousand subscribers on a different channel. Mine is like way back in 2012. I don't even think I got a paddling back from YouTube and I also want to say that a thousand subscribers is a huge deal for most people.

It's a huge deal so today I want to tell you how I've actually built a thousand subscribers on this channel. Relatively quickly, organically, okay, no BS, no fluff, I didn't like pay or promote abs, or do any of any of this BS or promote it from a different channel mind. This is all pretty much. Organic okay took me four months, roughly four months to get a thousand subscribers, but those are all organic subs and if you don't really know me, I've been on YouTube for ever like four years in here I mean since, like 2011, one of my main channels there's Like over 300,000 subscribers, I manage so many other channels.

I've been on this platform forever, so a thousand subscribers of me is like really nothing come, but it's a big deal to a lot of people and that's why I want to make this video. So if you're sitting there going, how does this whole YouTube thing work? I get like three views per video, like my mom, my dad, my dog, like how am I gon na get a thousand subscribers then you're in for a real treat, because I'm gon na tell you how to do it and it's a lot easier than most people. Think now, before I go into the three steps in how you can get a thousand subscribers very easy there's one way that can get you a thousand subscribers instantaneously and that's by hitting that like button on this video, no I'm just playing. But first of all I do want to address something: okay, there is no simple way to get a ton of subscribers and views on YouTube instantaneously.

There's no way to do it. Unless someone who's already established, basically promotes your channel or brand heavily. Okay, there's no possible way: you can't buy subs anymore, can't buy views anymore. This is 2019.

Okay, YouTube has figured that stuff out now and they don't really allow that. So when you see a channel with subscribers or views or whatever they are not paying for those they're not paying in like botting their channel up like BOTS, don't really exist on YouTube anymore and if they do boost the channel, it doesn't last very long because YouTube's Constantly deletes and make sure that all the numbers analytics and everything on YouTube is correct from real people and also, I want to say if someone did even promote a channel or a brand heavily. That's already super established if your content isn't good. What's the point in having 10,000 subscribers, if three people watched your videos, I mean organic growth is really the only way to succeed on YouTube these days.

Organic growth isn't instantaneously. Okay, it takes time and a lot of people don't want to hear that, but to get really great organic growth, you just got ta put the time into it, and if you follow these three steps, you're gon na be going over today, it's a lot easier than You think, but the time it takes you to get a thousand subscribers if it's organically grown the time it takes you to get a thousand subscribers. It's probably gon na be the same timeframe. It takes you to get three to four thousand subscribers.
You mean everything is so exponential. I will tell you that it took me, maybe a year on my first channel to get a thousand subscribers, then in that next year I got ten thousand subscribers, then in the year after that I got thirty thousand subscribers. I mean it's all exponential, okay, so little growth now means big growth later down the line, and that's something I'm always preaching in my youtube courses link down below. But if you actually look it up, I've had this channel for a while.

Okay, I've had channel for a long time and I created it as an example in my master class, so I was showing people from ground one how to actually create a youtube channel from scratch. So while I was recording the lectures for my master class, I created a brand new channel. I just titled Sean mal ku, then I started uploading some example: videos just to show people how it actually works, but then come 2019 of this year. I have a lot of people reach out to me that we're in my master class saying you know, YouTube is a little bit harder to grow on now, like it's easy for you to preach it, you know standing out this high pedestal of having a big channel, But you know, I think it's really tough to start from Ground 1, and I said you know I agree.

I think it is tough to start from the bottom. It's never going to be easy starting from the bottom. It's always gon na be an uphill battle, but I wanted to prove to people that it is possible and it's not as hard as a lot of people, think so that's what I did started out in 2019. If you look on this channel, I've uploaded a weekly video on this channel every single week since January 1.

So, yes, YouTube changes all the time. It's definitely different. Now than when I actually grew my original channels back in 2012, 2011. 2010.

All the way back, then yeah things have changed, but I personally don't think it's any tougher. A lot of people say: oh there's so much more content on YouTube. Now, there's so much more content, so much harder to get people to watch your content, because there's so much more content and that's true, but there's also so many more users. The amount of users that were on the platform way back in 2010 has grown so much since 2010 to now, so you can't really argue that it's ridiculously tough to actually grow a channel these days.

I honestly think, yes, it's still gon na be as tough as it was back in the day, but it shouldn't necessarily be any tougher than it was oh and also her saying I could have easily promoted this channel out from another channel of mine, but I decided Not to you for the reason to prove to people that this is how it works so moving forward. I might be promoting this channel out a lot more, but at the time of me recording this video and getting that thousand subscribers. I have not made a single video on another channel, mind promoting this channel and here's your proof again. It wasn't like I boosted this channel with like tons of traffic and all that, whatever I mean look at these stats, it's organic just a couple of subs a day and that's the key to getting going on YouTube.
Just a couple subs a day, a little bit of growth now is big growth later down the line joining me took me four to five months, whatever you want to call it since January 1 of this year, for me to get a thousand subscribers. Okay, maybe five months, whatever, whatever you want to call it, but that is all organic growth and the reason I was able to do that is from the three steps that I'm going to be telling you today so step. One consistency. I cannot stress that enough.

You have to be uploading regularly on YouTube. You can't expect to upload three videos in January and then you know what leave the channel alone for three months come back and I don't know like April May whatever and say: oh I'm gon na upload a bunch of videos. Now no, you have to be consistent. You have to prove to viewers and subscribers that hey this guy Sean, like he uploads a video once a week like I'm gon na, go to his channel every week and just see what he's got rollin plus.

That proves YouTube that you're bringing regular content. You can't expect people to watch three videos, you upload every single day for three days straight upload, three videos. They watch those and then come back to your channel and never see an upload for months and months and months. You think they're gon na come back to your channel when you actually upload a video, no they're gon na think that you quit that you no longer upload that oh maybe I'll, check his channel like in a couple months, but he's not very regular.

So why would I go to his channel and see if he's uploading anything do not rely on YouTube to notify your subscribers or the people that know you that you uploaded a video, do not rely on that because, as we probably all know by now, that's not How it necessarily works, so you need to be uploading consistently. Okay, whether that be once a week once every two weeks twice a week three times a week, I mean when you're starting out, you don't need to upload daily. If you upload once a week, I think that's plenty, but you need to have some sort of schedule and doesn't have to be perfect, doesn't have to be uploading every Sunday. It helps, but you doesn't have to be uploading every Sunday at this time.
If you upload every week every other week, like I said, you have some sort of consistency and your viewers know that and they're coming back to check your content, you're gon na do just fine so based on my strategy right now, my plan is upload, a video Once a week on this channel for all of 2019, so that's only 52 videos over the course of a year. That's not bad at all. Considering on other channels of mine, I've got like 2000 videos on those channels, so 52 in a year is definitely manageable. The toughest thing with this is that our lives change.

We have good weeks, we have bad weeks, we have busy weeks, we have you know, lazy weeks like our time varies. Everything that's going on with their life, always changes. What I always recommend is you: if you have the time now, you've got five hours and you can make a video in two hours. Three hours make another one you've got free time, make it schedule it out.

You got your consistency. You've got a little bit of breathing room, and that way you can make sure that you are bringing regular content number two tell people you have to tell people. You cannot expect to have zero subscribers 100 subscribers. Even now that I have a thousand subscribers, I'm still going to be telling people about my videos.

You cannot expect to upload them to YouTube and YouTube goes hey Shawn. This is a great video, we're gon na promote it out to a hundred thousand people. That's not how it works. You have to create a video.

You have to tell people that you create a video put it out on social media Facebook, Twitter Instagram, whatever you have, it is so much easier, so much easier to tell people about a message or some sort of communication in 2019 versus it was in 2011 texting And smart phones are like a normal thing these days, so you should be able to promote a message out so much easier than you were able to way back in the day. Okay - and I know it's tough - I mean you don't want to necessarily be spamming. Your friends and family saying hey, look like I uploaded. This video uploaded feel go.

Watch it go watch, it go watch it, but if you have quality content, if you have quality content that you truly believe in you truly like, and you want to share it with others, then telling people about it shouldn't be an issue at all. In fact, if you're doing it right, you should be so amped up about the video you created that you should want to tell everyone in the world to go. Watch it. So your goal should be create a video and tell as many people as possible whether you're texting the link to people whether you're putting a Facebook post.

Like I mentioned whether you're emailing people, I mean there's so many ways that you can tell people about your video as nying funny and a thousand seems like a lot of people. You're like a thousand subscribers man, that's tough. My channel is at 80. My channel is at 200.
My channel is at 300 think about how many people you know in real life, how many Facebook friends you have, how many people do you have on on Instagram or Twitter or whatever you've probably got a pretty good base, and you could probably reach a thousand people Relatively easily and know that it's not gon na happen overnight, you're not going to make one Facebook post and all sudden all of your face, like oh we're, gon na go, subscribe and watch the students. Videos know you got a constantly telling me every week, hey upload! Another video this one's on this, I think all of you guys, will like it. If, for this reason I mean you got to get creative, you got to get people interested in your content and you got to tell people you have to tell people about your videos. The way YouTube works these days and you can actually look in your analytics.

I've done a lot of videos on analytics in the new YouTube studio, but the way YouTube works is you have to scratch. Youtube's back before YouTube scratches yours, okay, so you have to promote it out, prove to YouTube that hey people, like my content, people are watching my content, not only that, but I'm bringing people to YouTube and then they're going there watching my video liking, my video and Then going to watch another video on YouTube. Now, YouTube goes hey this guy. This video that he made is bringing people from outside of YouTube to our platform.

Maybe it's a good video. Maybe we should promote it out more and that's how you start to get organic growth. You have to tell people about you're, getting these slow family friends co-workers whatever you're getting them slowly. Working in your YouTube channel and YouTube is slowly working.

Your content into the rest of the community and then 3. Lastly, you need to have a great strategy on YouTube. You just you have to these days, so you know you want to put the time and energy into actually creating a plan and a strategy for your channel, because you can have some great content. You can be working really hard, but if you don't have a good strategy and you don't drill down on your strategy, you're only gon na make it so fun.

It's gon na be really tough on yourself, so I've actually made a video on how to create a really good strategy. I'll link it down below definitely want to check that one out. You need to have a great strategy to actually progress. For example, if you're uploading a vlog video and then something completely unrelated people might like the videos, but they might not necessarily subscribe to you because they're like I, don't really know if this guy's gon na upload I'm kind of interested.

Only in this content - I don't know if he's really gon na continue doing that he's kind of doing this other stuff. Now I don't really know what he's doing. Maybe I'll subscribe, probably won't watch his stuff and then your channels, like oh man, it's gon na, be tough. So you need to have a great strategy.
But if you can be consistent, if you can tell people about it and if you have a great strategy, getting a thousand subscribers on YouTube is not hard at all. I cannot stress enough. This is living proof. This channel is living proof.

I did those three things and I have a thousand subscribers on this channel. That was the goal of this channel 2. Do these main three things to make sure there's a big piece of pie to YouTube and it's all broken out and I've got lots of content on my channel explaining those things. But if you can do these three things, a thousand subscribers is easy, and this channel is living proof.

That was my goal of this channel. I did it in four to five months. Definitely doable. I mean organic growth and we'll see where the channel goes from here.

So right now, if you want a thousand subscribers, I need you to pull out a piece of pen and paper and write down the three things we just talked about, because you could know about these things, but you don't actually do them. You're not gon na get anywhere okay. So if you do these three things write them down on a piece of paper set goals. Set expectations, promise you.

This is gon na happen for you, but ultimately I hope you learned something new. That was a goal of this video, and this channel again is living proof of the thousand subscribers. So you can definitely do it. I guarantee it - and I hope you guys have the best look on here, because really it's not that hard.

A lot of people get discouraged really quickly and you can definitely do it. So if you enjoyed the video smash like on the video subscribe for more content, I'm always releasing good YouTube information along with some other really good stuff on this channel, so definitely subscribe. Like all that good stuff comment, what you think everything guys and until next time, don't forget: Shawn's, a name YouTube's, a game and I'll see you in the next video.

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8 thoughts on “How to get your first 1,000 youtube subscribers – 3 steps”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Barbara Smith says:

    Can ya’ll go sub to Rob Steiner? It’s the one with the Eagle icon. I’m trying to beat my classmate for most subscribers and it would mean so much if you guys did that. Thanks a lot!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CinYungLove says:

    the 2nd step so hard for me.. i just feel outsiders support is more nice than insider.. if u know what i meant.. Great advices Shawn.. your name is same with my son. xoxo. Thanks for sharing

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mamta kumari says:

    Great video bro! 👌👍

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luana's Life says:

    Thank you for this video, this helped. Great video. ☆

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Agent Casey G says:

    750 subs on year 3. Getting there. Lol great video!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Ayerle says:

    Whoever subscribed to me I’ll sub back but only if your gonna be permanent . Reply so I know

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason says:

    Yeah, it is really cool to see the growth! Great video.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Not Nub Cow says:

    I came from your channel ❤️♥️😂

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