How To Do Technical Analysis 8/9/2021
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Good morning everybody good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls welcome back to another boiler. Room trading, live market analysis stream. If you may so good morning, everybody there's quite a bit to talk about, but to be truthfully honest since it's monday morning it's been extremely hectic and busy. Whenever that's the case, i typically don't get as much time to really do a lot of looking at the market.

To start the day, there has been quite a few stocks that have moved around this morning. A lot of mention of bitcoin as bitcoin continues to go upwards dogecoin's on the move, ethereum's on the move, bitcoins on the move, all cryptocurrencies are on the move. All cryptocurrency related stocks are probably moving, so that's sort of a uh, a hot topic for the day. Um, i don't believe bitcoin is going to run too much further before it sees a resistance, then pulls the market back.

So we will talk about that um. I did make a post onto youtube this morning about bitcoin having a price target of 47 000 to 52 000 now, so the resistance zone should be anywhere from 47 to 52 000. Currently so you have a 5 000 window on bitcoin, where a lot of times it would end up seeing some sort of resistance. Bitcoin's been a monster in the past, so we'll see how that all happens, but in a little bit we will discuss bitcoin so good morning um.

So yes, i was actually going to be on a different channel this morning. Um long story short we're no longer going to be working. Well, sorry, we're not going to be on that on that channel or on that stream. This morning, basically uh in a nutshell: yeah so won't be over there.

That's okay, um! So some things changed weren't able to do the meeting today uh, so we will not be there and and that's okay, so we're going to be here full time as we normally are all right so good morning, uh zach good morning, everybody matt reloading time. The boy! Mr montero, the boy mr ontario you're, actually one of the highest, like you comment on our streams, the most i can track, who comments the most and like who's most active, and actually, i think you might be like first or second in activity on the chat believe It or not, um that does not give anybody else, the need to start typing a bunch of words, okay, just saying all right, so we're going to start here with the market we're going to get rocking and rolling. So for the 71 of you guys in here. Thanks for tuning in bright and early as usual, we're going to start here with the market um and just kind of see what's going on.

I again, i haven't really looked this since last week. Haven't really looked at anything this morning, yet um, i don't remember what our last analysis was with the market. I feel like we would have said that was support watch for the breakdown, but i don't remember um, but either way. I still think in a nutshell, you're gon na see the market kind of doing just this slow, choppy grindy trend and that's the way i assume the market will continue to be until you go through a correction right.
You generally don't have these like just super easy, ripping trending moves in the market as often as opposed to when they go through a big correction, so my whole thought process market is just let it keep doing this ho-hum diddly, dumb chop and ride up until you Get a correction and it finally sells off to a desired support. Then you can buy the dip and then you should see a faster, easier trending move to the upside. So, each day, this analysis is basically just telling you where the chop zone is kind of at so for now right you can see here um. We have been like just going back and forth right and i'll.

Just kind of just show you this real quick. So back and forth did a little up did a little down, and then you can see this morning look at where the markets bounce back up to it bounced back up to that dotted trend line right there. So essentially, the market on the nasdaq this morning is on four hour. Uh resistance, not super big resistance, but we are on resistance and the market should pull back here.

It makes most sense that the market would actually probably pull back to start the day and then, if the market is strong enough, it would come back up and break later and the reason i say that is because this move up on the nasdaq this morning would Be a first attempt at the market to sort of break back up to the upside for a lack of better words. So it's really a first attempt of the nasdaq at these prices, since it fell off from there before so. Typically speaking, we would normally see resistance here, so i assume going into the open or through the remainder of pre-market. You know we'll probably see the market on the nasdaq dip bearish into the open.

If not swing down, bearish at the open would only be long bias or tried to be long bias. The market today after it dips towards the opener through pre-market, that's probably the only time i would be long. I wouldn't try to be long now, because you're right on resistance, it hasn't really sold off, doesn't mean it will sell off, but it usually would so again, first temp that resistance, you're right on resistance. The market's already started from 365 today and it's moved up to 368, so it's already made a pretty good move.

First attempt at resistance wait for it to pull back before you even consider being long biased to market today, if you're trying to take a new position or something okay, whoo all right, we're going to pop on over to the spy really quickly uh spy. Again, probably pretty much the same um again sort of ho-hum dilidam just kind of grinding up. You will notice that, after dips, easy bullish, move after a dip, easy up, move after a dip, easy up, move after a dip, easy up moves, dip, easy up, dip easy up, but then once you get up and usually hit around the regression level, or maybe the Point fives on the plus side. Then you kind of go into your chop.
So again, i don't really expect easy fluent ripping moves from the market really just expect ho-hum diddly dumb on the spy, just as we mentioned with the nasdaq. Now the spy is slightly different but sort of similar. All right. You will see that we've been going back and forth right back and forth back and forth all the way up, and then we just pulled back on friday, and then you will notice right now.

This morning, if we draw a little trend line up, you can see we kind of bounced up and if we put a horizontal line here, you'll see we have the regression mean which comes into play at a price of 44.91. We go and look at the chart. You will see that the market has bounced back into this red line slightly over at times with people putting in orders, but for the most part, most of the price action this morning on the spy is existing right at about that red line which we identify as Resistance, so i do believe that the spy is on resistance - it's not quite yeah but anyway, so i think you will try. The market will try to pull back here on the spy today going into the open or at the start of the day um.

So again, i'm slightly bearish on the market to start the day, just given where the markets are positioned. Currently, okay and when i say bearish, it doesn't mean like this whole stock market's just gon na come plummeting down, i'm just saying from an intraday view. It would make most sense for the markets to try to be bearish first before trying to be bullish. So could it be a bigger bearish day sure, but then we would have to start bearish bullish traders come in in the market fail.

The market market keeps going down so ideally when we sell down today, if bulls aren't strong enough to really reverse the move, then that's where it could more turn into more of a cascade effect right so to get a cascading effecting move, then obviously there has to Be no buyers in the market generally, there's always at least like one attempt to bounce a market on a day, and if that bounce fails, then that's where you might start contemplating and readjusting for maybe a bigger bearish day than you'd originally been thinking so again, slightly Bearish market open um also for anybody who signed up for the one-to-one mentoring, the way that the program was originally set up was you had to fill out an intake form? Then i had to read that intake form. Then i had to accept that before you can enroll. That was the issue. I'm changing that setting um today so by tomorrow.

I'm basically going to send out new links and all that. So if you did sign up for it, i haven't even responded to your intake form because of what was going on. So basically it's going to restart the whole process again and then a couple days. We should be up and rolling perfectly so appreciate you guys, support on that and sorry it's taking so long.

Let me grab my notebook and write down some of these requests, so i don't forget: um uh huh, one second sold my wife and kids for bitcoin. Very nice, all right, that's prt! All right, just wrote down a few of those. Now, what we're going to jump into next is we're really going to look at bitcoin and the reason i'm just going to jump here without really looking at some of the requests is because this will probably cover a bunch of the questions on the request. Um.
So we're just going to immediately jump right here into bitcoin, so we'll first start by talking about how extremely wrong i was because you know, i don't think it's really fair as someone who comes on live all the time and makes predictions and analysis to only congratulate Himself on the good ones, but not emphasize the shitty ones too, so with bitcoin um not too long ago, probably like well, i guess i could figure it out. Let's see it is seven four! No it's thing nine! So, probably about three weeks ago, i posted a video saying when to buy bitcoin and really i wasn't wrong in the sense that if bitcoin went there it'd be a good buy, it would have been. It would have been a fantastic buy, so not really wrong in that degree, but wrong in the sense that it never reached that really good buying point all right so, and there was something i forgot to mention in that analysis, so we're going to delete all these Drawings we're going to re-go through all of this, and, if you guys remember on friday, i mentioned that this was the dip to buying the pullback on bitcoin. Bitcoin was coming back down to retest, support levels of trend, and that's where you wanted to dip by bitcoin.

Next um, so let's delete these drawings, we'll tell you how where and why i was bad. So when we look at the four hour chart here, ideally what i was mentioning was we were going for the two standard deviation mark which at the time was like down here at 21, 000 and on the daily chart. It was down here and this these changed a little bit since then they were actually a little higher at the time. It was 25 000 to 22 000..

So these two red lines i just added to the chart, that's where my desired buy point - would have been for bitcoin uh the last time what i didn't mention was if, in the event, it did break kind of this downtrend that could cause like a pop and A squeeze and the trend would shift. So that was something that i didn't even consider to mention and, of course it ends up happening, so we wanted a little bit lower. We made a video about. It was very confident that we would see those prices.

Nonetheless, it didn't happen, so i got a few hate comments after that, but that's okay, all right. So that was wrong. Now. What i'm suggesting is that you will see resistance very soon on bitcoin, i not smart enough, don't know if it's going to be your resistance.

It creates just a small pullback or a bigger one. I imagine, based on the way bitcoin looks how we're moving it's not going to be extremely big resistance, but it's going to be decent, so nonetheless, we're going to give you a new long target, slash resistance zone. Remember all long targets are just resistance right because if you buy a stock and you have a target to where it can go to - ideally that's where you would sell and if it's a good target it's ideally where a bunch of other people would sell. So, ideally, any long target is really your selling target, which is really resistance.
So that being said, i think that the new long target you've already made most of it, but the target would be from 47 138 to the price of 53 36. So, ideally, this is my long slash resistance target of the market on bitcoin for now all right, and so with that being said, if you look at and when i say that's the long target, i believe that this is a long target for now the markets will Then pull back not that they're not going to go higher than that. I believe they can go higher than that in the future. But for now this would be where i'd expect that the current leg and bullish move you're witnessing on bitcoin will end up seeing some resistance and then hesitating.

So if, in the event you don't already own some bitcoin or bought some bitcoin on this drop or in this move, you're starting to get to a relatively high price to buy in relation to its current move, meaning bitcoin can stop at 47 000 pull back then Go up to 53 000: it could just pull back at 57, 000 slightly then run up to 53 and then pull back or it could just pull back at 57, never really go to 53 and then just kind of hesitate for a while. So that's why? It's always best that you're in well before you get to that desired zone because you don't know exactly how the market's going to react on those zones and those resistances, sometimes they'll, stop at the beginning. Sometimes they'll go to the top. You know sometimes it'll get close to the top.

Sometimes they'll go just above the beginning and then pull so it's good to be in well before that, so that, even if it stops at the beginning, you don't go red and so on so forth. Basically, just saying you have to be in early on the move so, where you're at currently on bitcoin you're not really getting in early on the move for this current market structure. But you would be getting an early on the move for the next big bull market run, which could be there to come so for the time being slightly starting to get a little bearish on bitcoin, given where we're at in this current market structure. But i still think it's going to go up a little okay, so that being said, we believe bitcoin is going to see some resistance pretty soon, okay cool.

So if that's the case, what do you think is going to happen with mara? What do you think is going to happen with riot? So again, i think bitcoin is going to continue long. I think, based on the momentum, we are going to get a little closer to 53. 000. That's my opinion.
So that being said, i do and here's a here's a very here. I just i'm so excited to tell you this because it just like when i see this it's just exciting and so and i want you to see it the same way. I do not you're gon na make millions of dollars, but you're gon na be like significantly less confused when you're looking at things. So, let's look at bitcoin.

I got to pull up bitcoin again all right, so watch this okay, um, look at the! So if you're not already aware we're just gon na two stocks, m-a-r-a and r-i-o-t, there's other ones too, you can feel free to mention them. I don't know all of them, because i'm not like the most crypto crazed guy, but anyways mara and riot two prominent bitcoin crypto stocks within the stock market publicly traded. They normally follow pretty close to the price action of bitcoin okay. So when we pull up bitcoin we're going to look at the chart on the left, which is mara and we're going to look at the chart on the right, which is uh bitcoin and we're going to view both of those on a one-year day chart okay, when We look at both of these on a one-year day chart i mean look at look at them.

Look at where bitcoins go, i'm going to delete this red box, it's kind of eye, crushing okay, look at where the price of bitcoins at right and - and i don't know what the percentage gain would be but like, let's just see for fun, so the percentage gain For bitcoin, right now from current price, ish up to the daily chart mean, would be about 15 m-a-r-a from its current price. Up to its daily chart mean, oh, i have to change that hold on. One second would be about 15, literally when bitcoin goes to the mean mara is going to go to the mean if bitcoin sells off at the mean m-a-r-a is going to sell off, at the mean, so my price target for mara riot and, generally speaking, any bitcoin Craze related stock in the market is going to be the same price target as bitcoin, so wherever bitcoin's price target is which i've mentioned should be anywhere from 42 to 53. Most likely means that mara is going to see resistance right around 38 or so all right, and so i just want to show you how unique that is right.

When you look at the chart of mara in the chart of bitcoin very similar, not only do they look similar in pattern, but their standard deviation is only the same. So right now, bitcoins going for a long target to its long-term regression, mean pricing and it's the same thing happening with mara and it should be the same thing happening with riot, but i believe riot is lagging mara and bitcoin slightly. So you might look at mara and or sorry you might look at right and be like. Oh, my god, this hasn't moved like this has significantly more that it can go up than than m-a-r-a, but there's a reason why riot is lagging m-a-r-a and there there is a reason for that.
So really mara is the stronger one and probably the more reliable stock within that space, at least for this moment in time that could change years down the road or even months down the road. So, for now there is theoretically a bigger gain to be had on riot from the current price, to the mean, but there's a reason why it is that way and that's because riot isn't as trusted as much as mara for whatever that might be. So there's probably a little gain to be had on riot, but you have to be more careful because riot uh hasn't yet moved okay, so it looks like it has a lot of room to go. But if these stocks are following what bitcoins doing now, look at it, okay riots down here, you get long bitcoins almost about to enter its resistance zone.

So though it looks like you have a long way up on riot before it would hit resistance on its chart. Bitcoin will hit resistance and cause riot to drop well before it even gets to a resistance on that chart. So again, bitcoins near resistance riot isn't convincing. You there's a lot of room to go but in reality bitcoin's almost at resistance.

When bitcoin hits its resistance, it will cause riot to go down so again. Visually it looks more appealing like a bigger gain can be had than mara, but again there's a reason for it, which i've just described so um. Nonetheless, i would still be bullish riot mera. Anything bitcoin cryptocurrency related and until we get up into like those prices that i said, and i think you'll start to see some pullback and some slower trading, but still bullish, still long on the cryptos in the market.

Also, i bought some doge on robin hood. I don't even know what day, but it was last week and then i woke up this morning and bought a little bit. Did i buy some this morning or is that last night i don't know, maybe it was this morning. Wasn't this murray? No, i couldn't have been this morning.

It was last night honestly, i don't even remember but anyways. I bought some last week and i bought a little bit this week. Um and i've already owned bitcoin, but i've owned such a small fraction, but i basically don't even own bitcoin but anyway, so we're still long cryptos and all that good stuff. Okay, so that should get us pretty caught up on bitcoin uh kryptos.

All that good stuff give me a quick second, i want to go through this scanner to see if something crazy is happening and i'm missing it not really. Oh, that's so annoying, oh by the way um for the 300 of you guys watching. I appreciate you guys tuning in all, we really ask is that you make sure to tickle and or snuggle the like button, whichever you prefer. I know some of you guys are freaks in here, so you can do whatever you want to the button, but we can't say that live so just know that for the freaky ones out there, i'm thinking about what you're doing in my head - and i think i Got ta go to church soon, so you guys are you guys, are sick, all right, uh, but no seriously.
I am posting a link in the chat that will take you to our second youtube channel, where we provide live scanners all day, so you can use scanners for free there, so just make sure to check that out subscribe if you feel free or if you want All right, i am going to start covering some of the stocks that have been mentioned in the chat so right now, i'm just kind of going down and looking at anything that hasn't been discussed, um and ar i did receive your super chat. I will cover amd right now. That was also on the list of cover, so i might as well just jump into it now um. So last week we discussed amd should have been bearish.

All right. That was pretty much like the main talking point last week was was pretty much bearish amd uh looked to be bearish, we shorted a couple times. I think um wow yeah yeah. I even went up that day and then got wow dude.

You guys remember. We took a short on amd up there. Remember i'm like yeah i'll short right there at that red line and then, like just scalped it. I had no idea that was gon na happen.

That was, i i didn't, expect it to fall apart after such a bullish day, but maybe i ought to remember that setup. That might be a good thing to take a picture of one second um yeah. I got ta take a picture of that and i got ta archive that ah but hold on so mother trucker get off my screen. Thank you.

Thinker, swim. Yeah. Give me a second here guys i got ta uh i got ta. I got ta do something here.

No stop it! Okay, all right! I'm all done there! Sorry all right, so we're going back and we're going to start at the four hour chart with uh amd. So my assumption. Well, let's see so i feel as if amd wants to continue lower. I do think it wants to try that might not happen until we bounce a bit um market.

Look like it wasn't crazy bullish, um yeah, so what i would be basically what i would be looking for in the immediate right now. Yes, i think it could go lower. Yes, i think it could bounce before it goes lower. I think the trend for the time being in the short is down.

I believe the markets are going to try to break plus three to the downside, all right. So when we zoom in right now the current first d, so let me put this: let me go back. The first support level based on solid whole deviation. Marks would come into play here.

This would be essentially well. Let me let me rephrase that okay, okay, so from this down trending move. This is the first support level. Okay, so we're going up up up up up up up, pull back so now we're in a downtrend.

So therefore, anything that's long bias in the downtrend at least. First is a counter trend, long, which means it's just meant to bounce and then continue back down until it bases out finds a bottom. Bounces pulls back, creates a higher low. So this price point you're, seeing from 109 to 109.05, that is your first support zone in the market for amd.
Since it's kind of pulled back and crashed from its highs, okay, you will notice that we're getting a bullish, reversing buy here, just as we basically near that green box. So the market on amd in the immediate is not really going to go much lower until it breaks through that zone. So this is your current mini support zone of the market for amd in a downtrend, okay, and i would look to be bearish as the markets come through this point, but i really wouldn't be too bearish until the markets actually go through that point or you're shorting Or being bearish off a big top that, for whatever reason you expect is going to come down so for now you probably want to be slightly bearish. I think still anticipating is going to get to that green box um.

So i will mention, though there are instances where the market will stay above the blue line. Here this section i told you about and if they do that, generally speaking, it means that the market is a little bit stronger, not that it's going to bounce here keep running running running, but it means that just in general, a little bit of a stronger market. So this was what i would watch for your first support and i would really only consider being bearish once it breaks through that that level, so that would be kind of my my thoughts on amd right now. You don't trust crypto too overbought right now: um science, liquidas actually believe it or not.

Bitcoin is not overbought um. It's actually just returned back to slightly fair value, so if you're actually to buy bitcoin right now, but this is on this is on the course of uh 365 days to 180. So over the course of half year to a year. Theoretically, bitcoin is basically at fair value currently, so it's actually really not overbought from a statistical perspective, uh from an opinionated perspective.

Yes, it could be overbought from a statistical perspective, at least on one year to 300 or 180 days. It's actually fair value to slightly undervalued. Believe it or not, infrastructure bill will kill. Bitcoin i mean i'd have to look into it.

I really haven't looked into the infrastructure bill all that much, but it would be wise of me to sit down and actually take a look at that um. Now my thoughts on that not it's very cheap because i don't know so much, but it's very simple. If, in the event in the infrastructure bill blah blah blah or pretty much any bills that come in the future about regulating cryptocurrency, then that will actually be more bullish for cryptocurrency, believe it or not, yeah so um. If, for whatever reason, yeah people think that regulation is probably going to hurt the growth of bitcoin, it probably won't because it's going to legitimize bitcoin more so and give it more of a reason to be trusted.

Um sort of so it would probably end up. I think i'll probably end up doing more good for bitcoin uh than bad, but i mean we'll see, but that's my take on. It's actually probably be um another bowl of soup. Let's go baby, let's go.
I could get almost two bowls of panerai soup with 10 bucks. Let's go so yeah. I think i think regulation on krypto will actually cause it to be more bullish, in my opinion, draftkings buying gnog yeah. So if you look at gnog this morning, you're going to see that it's up buyout deal typically what happens most bitcoin activity was a dead cat bounce mexico raising interest rates to almost four percent plus we will have to as well um yeah at some point.

We're definitely going to be having to raise the prices. Uh, we're sorry raise interest rates and that's probably a given um yeah, it looks like gold fell um, but it probably fell down basically back to the buy zone. So if we go look at ford, slash, gc just really quickly, because it's a big self yeah, so look at the bottom of gold today, right so again when people ask why do i use standard deviations for reasons like this right? The exact bottom of the market on gold today was that negative two deviation. So you know if we were watching gold when that happened.

This would have been one of the recommended buy points for gold. We literally would have told you to buy gold at 1 680, which would have been 10 cents off the bottom, and we would have known that was a potential bottom when it was trading at 17 18. You know i mean so so when people ask why you standard deviation. That's the perfect example of why i use standard deviation again.

Look at this 180 day. Charts as over the course of the last year would have gave me a buy point for bic or not bitcoin, sorry, gold down at the price of 1 680, which would have been slightly different because it would have actually been. I would have categorized it as a buy zone, so my buy zone would have been these two red lines on ford, slash, gc or gold. This morning would have been there, so that would have been in that instance we're watching it.

This would have been your recommended. Buy zone for gold this morning thumbs up um, yeah, so uh price target on mara would be the mean or the regression level which i don't know what that is off the top of my head, but we can come back down in a second covid plays um. No really, i haven't really thought about much coveted, plays, not that there isn't money to be made on that, but really haven't put two two cents in a cove and that's probably because it kind of died off and now mainstream's bringing it back. And but no i'm not i'm not really putting too much attention uh into covet anymore um! It's something that i just kind of want to put in my past.

So i'm just kind of moving on from that. Unless the world just kind of keeps trying to suck us back in, but i'm trying to move away from that, so i'm just kind of the happy go lucky thing. I want you guys to love your family members. Love planet, earth, love the world, breathe the air.
Don't concern yourself too much with what happens on the tv love your family, because next you know a comet's gon na hit the earth tomorrow, and it would have all been for nothing anyways, okay, so just love your fams. Wake up every day! Happy! Don't concern yourself too much. What's on the tv again, it's a scary thing: uh bntx monster earners report report. This am, do you think it runs a day, or does it pull back for a few days, because the biggs would be alright um, so you had bntx yeah.

That was a mover this morning. Up to 4 30. been on, the move still has some room to run before i would categorize it as super overbought uh, not really nevermind. What does bntx do it's a biotech company, okay, yeah, so i'm suggesting that we have gotten to a good price point.

To probably sell bntx for the time being or pretty soon, so my desired selling zone or an area where i definitely wouldn't be buying the stock. Long bias would be at the price of 450 to 470. For the time being so i will say that this is my desired selling zone for the stock and that's it yeah. I think once we hit that red box, maybe slightly over, maybe slightly below - which we already kind of did but anyways, i think you're going to see bntx start to sell off pretty soon or have some sort of a more of a pullback, hmm yeah momo yeah.

I don't know if that was yesterday whenever that was yeah um. I don't know. If i read your question or not, but i'll scroll up, let me see uh, oh, this is based on it. Where i don't know what your oh, maybe the amc, one for amc.

Wouldn't they be a perfect time to sell at the money call put to expect how much it will move after the earnings report. Let me just double check one second: whatever work uh yeah today would be the day, so today would be a day where you would you'd add up the at the money call and the at the money put to come up with the implied move for amc's earnings. So um, i normally always did it towards the end of the day, because i felt it towards excuse me. I always did it towards the end of the day, because i always felt that the options were priced.

More excuse me. Hiccups were priced more accurately towards the end of the day as opposed to right in the morning, so so with amc today you can do the um yeah. You can do the at the money put at the money, call add them together, figure out how much they should move um and then yeah yep. That's it you're right about that.

One. Mr montero um i hit on x, ela 325. Let me just take a peek, because why not um yeah, so what ended up happening? Last week we talked that we were going through a dip and then you might look for a bounce, probably back to those two red lines so yep that happened. So that's good! That's actually good that xcla did that, because that keeps it kind of more on the bullish move right because, like i said, remember, wait um yeah, and i said that the remember i was like okay, the bearish market is looking to break it down here.
Remember like okay, the bears want to go below this point. The bulls want to stay above that point. We shifted below it for a little bit of the day and then the bulls bought it back up, got over and then broke it back up to the desired long target. So that's a very bullish move.

This actually gives me a very comfortable feeling to consider that you should be long bias xcla, because again this went down traded, sideways, tried to break support, did got sucked up instantly to an extremely bullish, uh hammer candle, and then we popped up to our price target. So everything that we said could happen literally happened. Um, like perfectly bears, want to break this. They broke it.

Bulls want to be up and hitting this price target. So everything's happened as we mentioned um it could. So now we will say that in the event, xcla is going to be another good good long. You need to get up at least to the price target of 335 before you can even consider it turns into like a big big rip rip so yeah you're.

Looking for xcla to break out of its plus one deviation levels, which is the price of 329, and that's probably it - i think it's just 329 now i don't know the four hours above yeah, so you can see we're stopping at the j. Look at that right! Zoom in zoom, in zoom, in zoom, in daily chart, plus one deviation priced at three dollars: 29 cents look at stock two day pre-market. Look at that! Look at that look at should i repeat this more and more and more i mean i'm gon na have to, but literally let's do that again because that's that's just impeccable zoom in zoom, in zoom, in and zoom in and zoom in and zoom in as zoom In as zoom in plus one deviation 329., you can even see it's priced there on the side in that little orange, yellow box 329. pre-market high for the day 329.

That's how you know where the pre-market high is going to be before pre-market high even exists. Oh, that was fun um, so yeah anyways uh. The only way xla is going to really go higher. Is you got to get that market up and through the prices of tree trunty, trine, so you're saying short it? No.

I would not short that nope uh. No. I wouldn't short it, and the reason i wouldn't short is because this was a bullish move back into those prices um after a big correction. So right this and the reason i'm saying that ready.

So we told you it's better to be bearish here, because this would have been a first attempt at that resistance. So this is the first attempt of the market to break through at the time the plus one deviation marks big sell-off all right now the market got bought back up and look at you look at where you were so this yellow area right down to that line. So big drop, then a bullish move back up the market would be less likely to do a sell-off like you've, seen here because well for one. It just did that two.
If you look at the move, the move started down here at 250 ran up to 350.. This had a dollar per share, move creating anywhere from a 50 cent pullback. This here really only had a move from 290 up to like 320, so it only really has like a 30 cent move which only really provides for a 15 cent pullback if indian market, if, in the event the market wanted to do a 50 retracement. So if the market wanted to do a 50 retracement, which is very common, then the market would only provide for say a 15 profit potential which really doesn't make sense for me to go bearish on not enough profit potential there.

So, no, i don't think you should be bearish this top in the sense you want to be trading it bearishly, but i think you want to be bearish this top, at least for the time being until the bulls come back in to try to force this thing. On a breakout, so so i think you can be optimistically long on this over the next couple days and your main objective is to get up and through the 335 price, and if it's a successful breakout, then you will see a price target of four dollars to 415., okay and that's uh: that's all we got on xcla here this morning who, how will you calculate earnings for pre-market stocks um? You will add up the put in the call at the end of the day before the company reports earnings same thing. You would do for after hours, oh momo, fomo, sorry, yeah. Of course, i'm saying yeah if you're gon na short, it put your account on it.

Dkng for the win, let me go. Take a peek at that. Let's see if what that's doing um wow really so that ended up yeah, see that's annoying dkng went down see we were trading this off. What day we were trying this for trans friday yeah and we wanted to hold this support level, but the market wanted to shake down, fill the gap, but nonetheless it does appear.

The dkng is still pretty bullish. So this is a situation where i think it could be doing kind of a cup and handle it's going to try to break up into prices of 58 or so so. We're gon na keep an eye on dkng today, maybe next couple days, but i mean it held, there came back up really nicely. They just did that buy out.

So i think we can be optimistic on each kng going up a little bit normal a little bit more over the next couple days and or like week or something all right. So it is monday morning it's 8. 44. um.

You know the stream is still sitting about that 355 to 400. um, so we appreciate all of you guys tuning in with us this morning. All we ask is that you hit the like button for the most part and that helps our stream. Obviously, pick up more again, if you're newer to the channel just an fyi, we run another channel with live scanners every single day, benzynga and trade idea scanner.

So if you need scanners completely free, you can use those watch those every single day on our channel monday through friday for free, so you're, basically getting professional grade scanners for free but they're, delayed by about like 5 or 10 seconds, or something like that. So just head on over to the trading clips youtube channel only two likes it's nipple time. Let's go baby! Thank you eric. I appreciate that my man i appreciate you.
Why is tesla not moving um uh in a nutshell, it'd probably just be because there's not enough people buying or selling it that create enough movement on it um, but that would be too easy of an answer right, but no it's that's just it there's just not Enough people, interacting with the stock this morning to cause market makers to move, spreads and things like that. Thank you, sir appreciate that i do use the nine moving average. You just don't know where to see my nine moving average. Is this one? So you can see it's right there, that's where my nine-day moving average is so i do use it, but i only now i, for the most part, just use the daily chart nine day moving average as opposed to an intraday nine moving average and the reason being Is because i can i can, i just know where the nine day moving average is on my own right.

If you ask me where the nine day moving average is on this chart, it's right here, right, like if i had to if i had to manually, put a nine day moving average on this chart for uh btbp. I can't do it because well it's a line! So it'll look straight, but the nine-day moving average is like right here and then the nine-day moving average broke and then it came down and then it crossed here and then it went like this. So i'm going to draw my own nine-day moving average and then we'll see how accurate it is to about there and it's there and that's going to be down below it. So, let's see how accurate that is.

So i think that's what the 90 moving average is going to look like, maybe slightly mine's, probably slightly off. It probably followed price action a little closer. So it's probably like that, but somewhere in that zone is where the 90 moving average is going to be. For this, so if we do so, i was off but yeah i mean you can see it just rides price action, so didn't really have to think much to know that it's pretty much riding the price action of that stock um.

So i just don't - i just don't need it anymore is all there's probably instances where it could help sure, but for the most part i kind of can visualize what it's doing in my head, uh. Yes, james, we have done a video on how to use those scanners. That's actually going to be a video on my youtube channel. That probably says you never have to scan for socks again, because we provide scanners for you something like that.

But there is a channel on the video. I had a link of it the other day i posted it, but there's somewhere in there uh yeah. I definitely definitely cooked my brother, but i think i probably ended up shooting didn't break 40. I think probably shot like a 43 on was a friday or saturday yeah.
It didn't break, didn't break 40 with them, but probably shot in the 43s, or something like that. Um yeah cool, all right, awesome, axsm still moving a little bit, so my calves are crazy. Uh, i have been that i have been told thank you um. The one person that disliked the stream is probably the guy that listened to the video about bitcoin and didn't buy it because he was waiting for 20 000.

So that's probably the dude that disliked the video, but that's okay, because whoever that guy is dear lord, i hope he has a great day make sure he has a great day his family's protected and that i'm not really concerned with the dislike amen um. So why did you only make a hundred and sixty one thousand, because i just don't trade gigantic size all the time um and generally speaking, as i go up, excuse me as i go up and use more money. I emotionally get worse and worse. So, generally speaking, there's just i just can't trade with a significant amount of money and keep my cool myself um.

So it's not there's like sort of a cap limit on like when i start to do worse, so to speak, um but yeah. That's about it and and because my objective isn't necessarily to like go gangbusters and make a ton of money i mean i would love to. I mean don't get me wrong, but i've tried it and i've i've bit myself extremely hard before i've done it a couple times. I've taken, you know really big trades and sometimes they panned out.

You know and other times they haven't panned out and it's like you know you set yourself back so far and then you question your reality. You're, like you know what am i doing. I might as well go work at mcdonald's. You know so that's how it feels when you get your ass kicked in the market, and so it's just like immensely, it's just so draining you get it.

You have enough of those beat downs that, like it really it, your mental fatigue becomes just beaten down. So i generally want to keep myself in an area where mentally i don't get beaten down, um, and so for me, it's just it's a comfortability thing. Um and, like i said before you know, trading is trading, is really just a small portion of an investment strategy. Right so behind the scenes i have multiple 401ks and roth iras and, like really that's my bread and butter like this is this is really i mean this is my job too, but you know at the end of the day, even if i stop trading i'll, be Fine, like i'm, not going to go broke, even if i stop trading.

Even if i stop youtube, i won't go broke right. Things like that um, so really trading is just for me, a small portion of the investment strategy so that you can make money off the short-term fluctuations of the market and then take that money to add back into the long-term growth of the market. So again, there's there you can't move millions and millions of dollars trading all the time right. So that being said, you can sit on millions of millions of dollars and let it grow.
So the objective is: take short-term fluctuations in the market. My perspective use that capital gain to move back into long-term investments to grow with compounding interest over your life. So that's kind of my investment approach, which is significantly different than the way that the day trading market is promoted. The day trading market is promoted, leave your job trade, make a bunch of money, buy a lambo have sex with a couple strippers.

Maybe do maybe do some cocaine along the way, but in reality it's more or less for me. Take your time. Learn the game. Invest.

Hopefully, you'll become good enough to make some money. You don't have to make a bunch of money, but any money is good. That's made and then take that and invest it into a long term, because you probably again it's harder to beat the market over a long-term perspective and there's nothing better than um sorry, um compounding interest and dividend growth over a long time. It crushes it.

You don't have to think about it, you're making money. So that's really my view on on the whole subject: um well, respectfully speaking, the lambo well hold on hold on hold on respectfully speaking, the strippers and cocaine are probably doable the lambo in millions of dollars. Probably not so. You could probably have that lifestyle without becoming a millionaire day trader, but again where's the fun in that right.

So you could probably accomplish two out of the four. I wouldn't recommend it uh, but you probably could on on a pretty low budget right but again, the lower the budget. That's a really bad time, probably find yourself with a little bag of sugar and uh, and i won't say the rest because that probably get me kicked off youtube yeah. So again, warrior trading experiences it.

I know he does. I know ross. Does anybody who has traded financially for a long time has done it? They have taken a big loss and it hurts you really. It really sets you back.

It's not even the losing the money, it's the mental side of it right. There will be days where i've lost tons of money trading and it's like you don't want to do anything for the day. Then i don't want to work right. Then i don't want to make a youtube video.

Then i don't want to go through my emails. Then i don't want to go through my refunds and customer service issues and i don't want to go on top of my roof and put the gutter things on. I don't want to do any of that. So then, it trickles into your life right and then it starts affecting your day day-to-day life, which is the same thing that happens with anybody who gambles a lot which again this is speculative gambling, is really what it is, which most people won't tell you, because they Want to suck you into the industry, but i will wholeheartedly tell you this is statistical speculative, investing, slash gambling when you're doing it at this pace.
You can just give yourself more of an edge, as opposed to going to the casino where it's literally, you can't win in the long it did well. Some people do actually believe it or not. So again, it's statistical gambling at the end of the day, one second um. So with that being said, yes, it can very dramatically affect your mental game that travels into your day-to-day tasks and so on.

Why does this not like? It doesn't even make sense. I hate when it's like this. I know you're right there, but it's not doing it one second guys, yes, duh! Thank you so yeah on that discussion, mentally it's a draining game and um like i said so, you know in regards to to making money and again to me really being able to pull any profit from the market is good um if it comes from a short-term Basis, whether it be options swing trading day trading, anything like that um, i think, is really good um. So, with that being said, it's very mentally draining it can be and the biggest concern i would have for myself and any for you guys watching anybody who's.

Just getting into the game is that um. That is probably the worst thing that comes with it. If you do it long enough is the mental drag that can trickle over your day-to-day life, and if you don't learn how to manage that, then it's it's a um. I have had bad years.

I've had bad months. I've had months where i didn't want to do anything because i'd been down. You know for x amount of months on my trading profits. So then you're like i'm ever going to get out of this, then you finally get out of it and then you're like oh, like life's back to normal, like this, it's like a switch like life's back to great, and then you know it's been moments for me, Like that, where i'm like whoa - i don't like this right, so i wanted more of a slower.

Hopefully i can grind it out, but i don't want to experience the big whip sauce. So you're going to have your down days. You'll have your up days, you're still going to be mentally affected, but it's just making sure that the swing as in as wild, so you don't. You know so a good example of that would be your mental game when it comes to this, you want it to be, you don't want it to be like btbt, you, you want it to be nothing like btbt, you want it to be like the spy right.

You're gon na have your little dips and everything. That's fine but, generally speaking, let's say that this middle line, like that is that's the happy medium of life you're not too high to the point where you're making stupid ass decisions and you're not so low that you're making stupid ass decisions right so you're not riding The high and being so euphoric, you think everything's so great that nothing could go wrong. Do you get caught off guard and then your life gets crumbled or you don't want your life to be so crushed that you're, so depressed, you're so down? You can't do anything and you can't function. You can't get your emails done on the day.
You want to be like this, where you're kind of just riding a normal mean you're going to have your highs, you're going to have your lows, but don't sway too far from the mean, because that's the danger zone and the only one you're going to hit the Danger zone is when you take really aggressive positions, you're too over leveraged and things like that, and so the smaller. The deviation of your mental game will keep you closer to a healthy mind, um, and so that is really my philosophy on investing and how you coincide with the two on your day-to-day lifestyle. I'm just going to go through a couple questions here: uh as we get about closer to 9 15. I want to take a second just kind of review, a couple things i don't even know what i'm going to trade today.

Like i said when i got up this morning. It's monday, i had tons of emails messages, just random things, and so i just never really got caught up on the market, so i don't know how this day is going to shape up just yet. The only really thing i'm working on, like i said, was i bought. Oh, it looks like the market broke up above my desired resistance point, so we're not going to be suggesting bearer spy anymore.

If you go look at the spy look at what just happened, the market broke above the resistance that we suggested creating like a flag breakout, but anything. The only thing i was really working on this morning was like long dogecoin from this weekend till this morning. It's a decent gain, though, actually going to sell a little bit of doge this morning, because that's a good game, so i just just now, i'm actually just selling some dojo. It was a good game, not bad, but it does look like we're going to continue up.

So i did keep on about 70 30 of that position. Okay, what a look at this guy in the in the in the youtube our youtube chat, trying to act like the boiler pin boiler like no you you loser you're gone bye, um! I don't typically, but it's something i should do more often yeah watching sectors and things like that. But that is a good idea. You can watch sectors, you know to see what sectors are down the most which stocks in that sector went down the most or up the most, and you can use that to decide whether it's something you want to want to jump in on or or not yeah.

That's the other thing too, like you might not think about it, but i do actually miss having co-workers and people that you could joke around with and hang out with at work and like discuss with you know, you don't get that as a trader and some people.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

4 thoughts on “How to do technical analysis 8/9/2021”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Manahan says:

    You can do an OnDemand backtest on some of your stocks to prove whether your Standard Deviation strategy really shows the same trend lines that you would have seen weeks ago to today

    For example on some stocks it appears as if the standard deviation lines are in perfect alignment truly predicting the support and resistance levels. however if you go back in the past what would you have seen without the benefit of hindsight and a dynamically changing indicator to fit the narrative after the fact?

    OnDemand would prove what you would have seen, so a backtest would be really great to see the projected future and if it truly got there or not, if it was in fact helpful.

    I suspect there will be cases where the previous standard deviation lines showed an uptrend and the current shows a downtrend, completely misleading someone into the opposite bias on a trade.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noctu Noctura says:

    Hate comments… that’s funny as Fck… people love to blame…especially for what they were to lazy to research themselves

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TecaTime says:

    Hi – where can I access the link for the 1 on 1 trading?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RC says:

    Please post more live trading videos if you can

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