#amc #boilerroomtrading #connorpollifrone #gme #moon
How To Technical Analysis For Beginners 8/16/2021
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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls welcome back welcome back to another morning live stream thanks again for uh joining in appreciate that whoa see hodge, you got a notification today. That's surprising awesome love to hear it love to hear it so good morning. Ladies and gentlemen, um just an fyi today, at 5 00 pm there's going to be a video released regarding yesterday's video, it was supposed to only be two videos, but i realized there's just no way. I could do it in two videos, so they've been broken down into separate videos, so, ideally you're going to be having videos come out every single day for probably the next seven days or so six days, something like that um, which will cover each one of those Indicators from the video i posted yesterday, so um yeah, there's gon na - be a lot coming out, probably well today.

5 p.m. Tomorrow, fight well today, tomorrow, um thursday, friday monday et cetera, et cetera so um just kind of follow along in that series, and you should kind of understand all the things that are on my chart by the time that that series is is complete. So first thing that we're going to discuss here is going to be a m c. So reason we're talking about amc is simply because well, the stock ended up having a really good day.

Yesterday, it never fully reached our price target, or i guess you could say our at most price target, which was the high of 36 36.48. The market on amc only ended up getting up to a high of 36.18. So the way that the market is currently situated on amc is starting with the uh four hour chart. I believe the market's actually on support for amc right now.

You can see you have this um half deviation price, which comes into play right at about 35 10. You had your half candle retrace level, which is kind of the 50 percent retrace fibonacci from the previous day, which comes into play at 34.75. So if we go into pre-market, you will see that the market dipped down into that zone created a bull flag right in between the 50 and the 100 moving average on the day, and then it broke upwards towards the intraday mean okay. So, nonetheless, from last night till this morning, the market sold from the 36 price down to 34.70, which was uh the 50 retracement level from the previous day, and the half deviation price on the four hour chart, which is all in the zone of 34.77 35 bull Flag break up.

Nonetheless, the market still has yet to get through resistance. So this right now is a double bottom sort of situation, bouncing back to the long-term yearly mean, which is priced right now, at 36.45, that's probably going to change a little bit when the market opens so for right. Now the um, the resistance to breakthrough to see a bigger move on the amc market is through 3647 and ironically, if you look at where the mean is at right, if you look at where this white trend line is at, and you see where i price this Uh, my red level, if we were to extend this to the left, you're gon na, see that it comes into play basically at the top of that previous big red day. So, for most of the market, uh retail, they would be looking for a break over kind of this candle for a long which isn't really wrong um.
You know, but it's really, this uh this. This trend line right here at 36.50 that you need to get above and hold above to continue moving on the bulls side of this market so um, i guess we'll simply put it that amc has done its long move and now you're looking for a breakout play Through the 36 45 price, with amc and now, if that actually does happen - and this goes on a really big move - we would anticipate that after you break out of the 3645 area successfully, your upside target would be 44 here, yeah, not pretty much so yeah. The long target, if, in the event we successfully break that previous red candle and um this trend here, would be a move to 30 or sorry 44 to almost 45 on amc awesome, so that pretty much covers amc. I don't think we really have to touch too much more on that everybody should be caught up to speed.

Of course, we'll probably have to pop back on that one a little bit later today, but that's okay, um nick yeah. So i don't know if you heard - or maybe you did i'll - just repeat it, but the video that was made yesterday. It's gon na end up being more than two videos. It's gon na be a whole little playlist, slash series, so there's gon na be um at least like five like, like, i think, there's seven videos are to come with that.

So uh, each day at 5, 00 pm there's going to be a new video released in regards to uh my video from yesterday on the best indicators 2021. So there should be about seven videos that come from that um, so yeah a lot of content, you'll be getting over the past uh next week or so all right. So we're gon na pop on over uh to the market really quickly we're gon na run through the spy we'll run to the nasdaq and so on so forth so uh. Yesterday, the recommendation on the market was, you know, pre-market.

The market would start with the long move and then it would go bearish and our anticipated move before trying to get long. The market was to this zone. So ideally we didn't buy long the market. Yesterday we wanted to see the market retrace into the prices of 362.89 to 362.37.

We only got to a low of 363.70 before the market ended up bottoming, so we were right that market started with a little long, was gon na go bearish to these prices, but we missed our price target by about a dollar, so no long play there, but Nonetheless, markets did almost everything we anticipated except reaching our price target, but we were pretty close so markets do we thought we could do yesterday in a nutshell, markets are just flat right now, so pretty much just waiting till the open to see what we end up. Getting now, i will say that the resistance on the upside for this for the nasdaq is 370 74. um yeah i mean support's really still about the same. All right supports pretty much where we had it yesterday, which we pretty much touched, but not entirely yeah.
Maybe we really didn't and still trying to swoop down, so i'm not really, i'm not sold on the markets really running higher, even after this big recovery yesterday, but nonetheless, the upside target in the market before you'd actually reach a trending resistance would be at the price Of 370 78 on the downside, your nasdaq support starts at 362.90 to 361.50. Now i will say this since yesterday we came down to a low of 360 370, but it doesn't really matter. The fact that we came down yesterday close to the support but didn't actually go to it and bounce still leaves the possibility. The market wants to go down and test it, but since we went down pretty close yesterday but didn't fully test it, anybody who bought that bottom would be more likely to stop out on the second attempt of the support, which can actually add enough selling pressure to Break it, so if the nasdaq does roll over again into this price zone, you'd actually be more likely to break through it, as opposed to yesterday, yesterday would have been a first attempt at that price today would be a second attempt, and since the first attempt didn't Actually go to the support everybody's stop.

Loss is going to be located right at about the support, so, instead of buyers being located there now, you actually might have more sellers located there, because it's a second attempt so uh do be mindful of that. I'm not sure which way the market really wants to go uh today, so just keeping my eyes on our resistance and on our support and seeing how this really just plays out on the intraday and also this little spike candle. Here it was just a predetermined purchase. Probably by some hedge fund or something all right over to the spy now the spy was uh, definitely a little different than the nasdaq um.

Yesterday the spy kind of broke resistance. Sorry broke support. Spiked back up this morning. You can see it's falling all the way.

Back to support so um yesterday the recommendation was to watch kind of in this zone as support, which was about 4 44.. Then it went down, went back up and you can see this morning from after hours to pre-market it sold all the way back down to the trend and you're getting your bounce pre-market off of 44.58, which is your four-hour statistical mean you can see. The bottom is right: there marker goes down bottoms bounces, so let me check the daily chart and yep all about the same. So current support of the market on the spy is priced here at uh 444.90 to 444.57.

If the spy is going to continue higher and not continue lower, then we obviously want to stay above this and keep control in that price. Point there. For the day on this five, what time frame do you use uh time frame that is used is the one year day and 180 day four hour chart mainly did apple break through a bullish pennant on the four-hour chart, uh yeah it did um. That would be.
Oh hold on i'm gon na put some trend lines on here so yeah. This is a price action pattern that has broken out and obviously to the upside part of the reason that it broke up and out is obviously the markets. You know had a pretty significant day. Let me check my daily chart.

So if this is a true legitimate bullish, pennant breakout from the uh from apple, then we should be seeing apple go up to prices of 160 to 155. Again, if it's a true breakout, this is a price target. Uh you're going to be seeing now this really isn't a bad pennant. In my opinion, uh the volume you have there was a volume beat on the breakout.

You can see uh one second, let me zoom in so this is where you use volume analysis too uh. So you can see you've had this wedge pattern taking place on apple uh, we're just gon na go down to like the past, most recent red. So from like this move, the volume was higher than the red volume is still higher than the red. This volume is higher than that red.

Okay, we keep going down, you have a red right, doesn't beat out the previous green and then you go to a red. Then you go to a green and then this red finally beats this green right. There could be a sign that sellers are taking control all right, so nonetheless, you have your first seller beat and it starts within these couple candles and let me let me just zoom out a little more so then what happens? We finally get a buyer beat. So this buyer candle day beats out all the previous red days, all right so now we're on to more of a buying market buyers, take back control, and then you get your breakout with significant volume, that's obviously higher than all the previous reds.

So it does look like somewhat of a legitimate breakout there as long as the s, p, 500 and nasdaq don't crap out. This should probably continue to do. Okay, and if it's a true legitimate breakout, it would normally go for a one deviation, move and a one deviation move would be from 150 to about 160, so maybe over the next week couple weeks, as long as the market doesn't fall apart, you might see apple. Go on about an eight dollar stretch up into the one 160 price, but for right now i probably would be targeting up more closer to 155 156 on apple um.

So the reason i changed, my name was a couple things we're seeing if it maybe helps the channel which maybe it will actually when i first started my channel, it was connor polophrone and then i decided to make it the boiler room. So now it's really just back to what the original name always was in the first place and because my name, the boiler room, it competes with another channel which is boiler room, not the but boiler room. And that has like four or three million subscribers or something like techno underground like music thing, so it is also possible that um, you know, maybe there's some competition just based on names. It makes a little harder so nonetheless, really just went back to our original name.
On this channel, when i first started, which was my name uh, where is the ultimate volume system, if you go to the description of this video, there will be a link that will take you to our website to get the ultimate volume system skills bottom near. Will you be able to look into rmed? All right so looks like we have gotten to the point where i'm gon na have to grab my handy dandy notebook write down a couple of these tickers good morning good morning. If you have only three available moving averages to make your trades, which we'll use remember only three, i would probably use if i had to pick only three moving averages to use. I would use the long-term 200 exponential or simple moving average or i would use the 50 exponential or 50 sma or i would use the uh.

Let me rephrase that that's the um, the long term 200 day and the long term 50 day and the long term. Nine day, so i would use the nine day 50 day and 200 day, either ema or sma and when i say long term um, that's what i mean you want the 50 moving average that's plotted on a one year day. Chart right. You want the 200 moving average it's plotted on a one year day, time frame and you want the nine-day moving average, it's plotted on a one-year time frame.

So what i mean by all of that which is this not on my chart? Oh that's right because i was using this last night, so not all of my stuff is actually on here, so i'm going to do something really quick. I just noticed that i'm like wait a second okay yeah, so i would be using. Let me just double check. Make sure yep okay, so i would be using these ones here so um, for example.

Right you see this might not be a great example on hsdt we'll go back to apple, because we were just on that one. So i would be using this one. You see that purple on you see this red one, and you see that red one ready you so that that's what i that's. What i was getting at is these are the ones that i would use um the hash ones, because, for example, you see where this red line's at this one here when we change this - oh maybe yeah.

I should you know we change this to a one minute. Chart look where the line's at now right, you can see it's and that's not even i don't know why it's doing that! That's not right! Unless i have more of these in there that i'm supposed to have hmm that's really odd. What is that one? One? Second - and i see that's something i gotcha but anyways, what i was trying to explain is, for example, when you go into the studies here, you will see moving average exponential 50 right. So that's the 50 exponential moving average well when you switch to an intraday time frame, it usually comes pretty close to following the price action but in reality uh the 50 moving average is right down here.
You see that so, when you put in the 50 exponential moving average on think or swim and then you change time frames, the moving average actually kind of changes, whereas you want to know where the 50 moving average is based on the daily perspective. So when we switch this time frame to a one year day, you will notice that that 50 moving average right look at where it's at it's at one. Look at that that sharp or the dark dotted red line that moving average is priced at 140. 56.

Right. That's priced at 140, 56., look at the tos one, the tos one is priced at 141: okay, now watch what happens to this moving average and watch what happens to this moving average. When we switch to the one minute time frame, then we switch to one minute time frame. The tos moving average goes all the way to here 147, but our custom coded script moving average stays the same, which is down at 141..

So that is a big issue that you come across when it's with a lot of these platforms, is they repaint your moving averages incorrectly when you change time frames? So a lot of the moving averages when you want to work off of them are daily charts yearly time frames. So you want the moving average price. You want to use a moving average price, that's calculated from a yearly time frame, okay, but when you switch to a one minute time frame the yearly price vanishes - and you no longer know where that's at so you'd either have to keep up a yearly chart. To always know where the price is at or you'd have to make a reference point yourself on the chart, or you do something like we did, which is create a custom coded script that automatically plots them for you and keeps them where they're supposed to be.

So if i had to pick it would be 50 uh. If i use three, probably 50 290. long term, is it better to have a channel post, 2, 1 and stream 2 streaming messes with the algo? Sadly, um d5 central, i mean possibly, i find it hard to believe the algorithm messes with this that the stream messes with the algorithm considering mac course has 360 000 people and 85 000 people watching live, so can't really say that streaming doesn't work or the algorithm Doesn't favor streaming per se, given that but yeah anyways um? Are you thinking? We see another pop in the markets out of the gate and bleed down again uh? No, i'm not really trying to predict that this morning, like i said, i don't really know exactly how the markets want to move. Uh today exactly might know a little more as the day progresses, but for now really not a ton of thoughts and trying to decide which way the markets are going to move um.

You know we can. I mean we can see, i'm not entirely sure if streaming entirely hurts the channel. I could do some more research into it, but you know you would think it shouldn't right all right, so we're going to run through a couple of these requests from some users today. I appreciate you guys tuning in hitting the like button.
Does uh supposedly help the youtube i'll go, so i would appreciate if you guys, could take just a couple seconds and go show it a little love all right next, one on the list here is s-a-v-e, so save is a recommended. Real well asked to be looked at by some users, so you can see spirit. Airlines is getting absolutely mixed smack to the bottom um. This is probably pretty close to a bounce, so i would probably keep your eyes on the zone of excuse me.

Well, i mean that's falling with more momentum. There anyways um yeah, i think you're, probably around the corner, from a dip by on uh on this yeah. I think you should probably start considering save and let me just check i mean i figured delta is probably doing the same delta's, not as bad as save um. Let's check um american airlines, that's really not even down that bad ual uh, not even really down that bad.

So it's really just spirit. Airlines is getting its ass kicked as opposed to the other airlines, so there should be a reason as to why, but nonetheless, i would assume that uh save is probably around the corner from along, so you should probably start watching it more on the long side than You should bearish in in a sense of being optimistic that a bottom is going to be coming. If you look at the daily chart, we do have an early sign of a bearish or sorry bullish divergence. You can see the momentum bottomed here at whatever price.

You know 19. now the rsi is up at 32, as the market goes into a new low as a market reaches negative 2 deviation support, so markets are coming into negative two four hour and daily chart support, while the rsi is uh shows early signs of bullish, Divergence, so you should probably start to be looking more long bias in that box right about there anywhere in there. You should start being optimistic on a reversal, slash long point for the market and spirit airlines is trash. That's a fact.

Yeah home depot did report earnings. I want to say that earnings was a beat. I could be wrong about that, but i'm pretty sure it was all right. Next ticker next stock is lmf mctickle, a all right.

One minute chart reports, moves up cool cool, all righty uh. So this has some yeah. This has potential today, so this could be something you watch on the long side, um target right now, maybe up to 691. uh.

Let's check this, so it's a half deviation. Previous top is at eight okay, cool cool, tickle, tickle, tickle tickle. Let's do that! We're gon na do that. We're gon na do the heat day and that guy should be a little bit like uh mickey, yellow ow.

But if we go back to the four hour and the four hours just move up to them all right so um, i think i would probably remain on the long side of lmfa today and i think you might be looking for a price target anywhere from uh. 690 to eight dollars, so so yeah there's there's that one second, i'm gon na move this over to this. I was using that yesterday for my video yeah. I think you, i think you watch lmfa on the long side.
So if you look here uh one sec, let's put this full screen and kind of get back into it, yeah, so lmfa, i'm not pause, is going to be a big mover. But when we look at the actual chart of lmfa, lmfa is not overbought right. The stock isn't overbought uh, it's only on a half deviation price right now and right now, it's pressing on the long term i think daily chart mean. So this is the breakout level.

So the mark - excuse me: the market on lmfa has successfully moved up to the breakout level right. So this is the breakout level. Let me rephrase that the pre-market high is not your breakout level pre-market high, not your breakout level. Breakout level exists right here at 589., so if you can get through 589, this should have a good move to the upside and um.

If you can break 589, your first target up would be 690 before you actually run into a long-term statistical resistance. Yes, you would have a pre-market high level at 6 32, but if you look at this chart on the four hour at 6, 32 and if you look at the chart on the daily chart at 6, 32 you'll notice that that red line right there - that's the 6. 30 high. So that's the reference of the pre-market high.

So whether or not you look at a 4-hour or a daily chart level, there's no trending resistance in that point, which makes the pre-market high significantly easier to break through. Whereas if the pre-market high matches up with a statistical deviation, then the pre-market high is significantly harder to break normally is a resistance. So today the resistance to break is only at 5.89. There isn't really a whole lot of resistance at 6 30, which means it'd probably be easier to break.

So i think you should watch lmfa on the long side for today, at least for now and try to track it if it gets up and through the 588 price. Excuse me uh. Yes, we covered amc vanessa. So if you go back to the beginning of the stream, amc will be the first stock uh that we talked about uh oppa crew.

I appreciate you appreciating this channel and i appreciate that your mom had you, because if you didn't, then you wouldn't be able to appreciate this channel. So we appreciate your mom as well she's, a good lady uh. Why is why? Is that the breakout level, because most of your big breakouts happen as stocks shift through the statistical mean? Well, not all of them, but a lot of them? Okay, so we're going to pop down here to mr and a next um still looks like mrna is bearish, so not quite what i'd be on the long side of that. I would probably just let that continue going downwards for the time being um.

Let me just double check with something here: yeah right now, the market is back onto its support level that it has to hold so right now, the 300, the 360 one price on mrna, is pretty much your statistical support. So this is a level where i think mrna is going to try to do a little bounce this morning, but nonetheless you need to keep the price above the level of 361 ish or else markets will probably continue fading down on mrna. Also, if the markets continue to be bearish, then mrna will probably be it'll, be easier for mrna to be bearish. So again, markets are still kind of slightly iffy, so i'm not ready to be an extreme long, biased buyer.
On mrna, let's see if my weeble account got any buying power today. No, it didn't okay. Well, it does have some buying power, but not like. I was thinking alrighty.

So next, one on the list here is rmed. So a penny stock that spiked after hours and it crashed down to 267 looking at the long term, chart okay. So if you look at the long term chart the reason it drops so harsh last night is because it fell through its statistical means. So, mr montero montero what you just asked about: um lmfa! Why is that the breakout price - and i said that's because that's where the mean in and as stocks go through the mean big moves happen.

Here's an example where this is the same exact thing that we told you with lmfa, except it's just backwards. So what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to reverse this chart, so we can look it on a more of a bullish perspective. So if you look at it like this, you will see the market shifted through the white mean and you popped right. So that's what happens as the market see here.

Stop stop! Stop stop get through pop. So that's why we said the lmfa is got potential. If it goes to that phi like 80ish price, because that's where the long term mean is at now for rmed uh, it did in fact break down um it's a downtrending stock. I would probably not be holding that one too long by us at this point.

Um. You know what i haven't checked my email since yesterday. So give me a second. I will see if they ended up getting back to me.

I don't see this being a process. That's going to be very easy. I did get a response. Let go hi connor glad you have feedback on our product.

I forward you our email to our product related team. They will contact you later best regards lynn, lulu lin. What a savage lin deserves a pay raise. She deserves a pay raise.

I don't know who this yin yin al ian lou is but uh i she's invited to my thanksgiving party this year. That's all i got ta say wait um. What else did i get here that was 10 hours ago and i got something two hours ago sweet. So yeah they want me to uh, so they gave me an email to contact, wait.

How many emails did i get here? I forwarded your email okay, so they forwarded my email to their product team and they'll contact me. But then she also gave me a different email to contact their customer service ongoing instead of her, because it's not really her department for this situation and then they also want me to send them a video regarding what it is as well. So it looks like we're. Moving forward at this point um, so that's cool.
That's awesome, um uh, yeah, we uh. We would greatly appreciate your guys's, like your subscription, your notification and all we promise is well wait. All we ask for not only promise all we promise is you're. Gon na see this guy naked at some point, no i'm kidding so yes, please, uh, like share subscribe, share it to a friend to a family member um, we're still fighting the algo we're trying to get over like 400 people viewing live, but there's definitely some tough Resistance there, normally, whenever we get to about the 400 mark, that's uh, that's normally, where we top out.

So hopefully we can help get above that that'd be cool. I have a covered amd today. No, i haven't, and it wasn't on the list of stocks to cover until now. So all right next on the list was home depot lmfa still not up and through that 589 590.

So until it does something like that, there's not going to be really anything to uh do with that stock for the most part uh. Can i short that i can for yeah home depot down on earnings, even though i thought they beat, but it could be wrong. I didn't really look at it. I think i just like peaked in an article this morning, wow the company also reported that quarter.

Two customer transactions are down 5.8 percent year over year. Huh, that's interesting. I mean, in my opinion, real quickly. I mean you had the pandemic.

People were at home, easier for people to do work on the houses transactions up pandemic happens. The government turned the floodgates of money on and dumped a bunch of money into the world to people who didn't need it to people who didn't need it. Money was flowing into the system, unemployment things are running out, extra benefits are running out. People got to go back to work less time to work on their house.

Sales are down, it makes sense, i'm not really surprised by any means necessary, um, so anyways home depot down um. If you're, looking at the four hour chart, you were right at your statistical mean all right. So, instead of breaking the stock out, the market makers decided to shift the stock down um and it looks like they just shifted it right down to support. So i think so, let's see they went from moved it from 336.

I don't know like i said i don't know if the market bottomed here on home depot, i'm just guessing it did or close to so you have on the daily chart the long term. Trending support comes into play at 3, 24 20-ish, we'll see how home depot ended up so home depot. You can see from earnings sold down basically to that line slightly below and then traded back to it. So, ideally, the market makers move the stock on home depot down to its statistical means, so it's sort of on support, it's kind of trading around support, and it also has its half deviation price right.
There wait that doesn't seem right unless there is a really big. It's just odd, looking yeah, so so i guess the only way i could really suggest looking at this one is is basically bearish if the market can't reclaim these prices on home depot and bullish if it's reclaiming those prices, so it's really sort of an over under The price zone of like 3, 24 20 to 3 20 350 on home depot all right next, one we'll run through on the list, is baba um and then also just as an fyi uh. Would one of you guys at about 9 55 a.m. Just remind me to start the zoo meeting, because i forgot yesterday and just in case at about 9 55 will one of you guys say start the zoom meeting, okay um, so baba's down um.

The last time we talked about baba was yesterday. Um and part of the analysis with bobble was suggesting the market would go to this red line and then that's where it would probably go to yesterday and then it would go to this red line. So baba's bearish, going into all of our price targets that we suggested on the downside. Normally, i would say, you'd look for a bounce here, but i still just don't trust baba.

I mean look at the way this thing's been going. China's been cracking down on crypto. China's been cracking down more on tech companies um, so nonetheless, i think overall, you just stay bearish baba and maybe anticipate you're going to see a price of 165 90. so yeah.

I i think you follow this bearish with maybe even a move to the 186. It's not that it's gon na happen. Today i mean there was a 10 gap down or something 180 to 170. Sorry, sorry, three point yeah three or four point gap down.

Oh 181, should i even know it was at 183, 181, 22 yeah, there's about a six seven point gap down or whatever so um. I think you just overall stayed bearish on it. Anticipating you might see prices of 165.79 uh lmfa, you know, unfortunately, just being a little stick can't get up and over that 589. So, unfortunately, no real long play there.

Yet the more it touches resistance, the more the likelihood it breaks out. Um generally speaking. Yes, the more time a sock touches, a level doesn't make that stronger resistance or stronger support. It generally makes it weaker, which is contradictory to what you probably learn in most youtube: videos greetings from argentina, well greetings from michigan or the united states.

How are you doing? Oh, my god, i got ta say i'm gon na say this might actually be the best thumbnail uh that i've that i've ever made um by far. I think let me pull it up here, uh one second yeah i mean you can't you can't deny that. That is a great. I mean just look at how strong those apes are.

I mean they're, cute they're cuddly. I think they're strong, ape strong yeah for sure love it. So that's a good thumbnail good thumbnail today have you covered amd or well. You already asked me that which i wrote it down.
So that's going to be next here on the list, so i'm going to cover this one and then i'm going to take a second to look through. Some of the comments that have come in so uh amd had a big bearish day yesterday, of course, now this was also kind of what we suggested could happen, a little push up and then the market rolls over. We didn't recommend that yesterday we suggested that, like on this day, markets could spike up and then roll down which we didn't do that day, but we did the following day, so you will see exactly where the support is right. Support is right here, dink, dink, dink dink, so you already know where the breakdown level's at.

So you know if, in the event amc's go or amd, is going below 105.58 you're, probably going to see another bearish move now the price target. If you go below 105.58, i don't even have a good one, because it doesn't don't think it's going to happen, but you would be looking down to like 96 60s or something or yeah. So if you break this level here at 105, 106, then you're probably going to go down to 101.71 potentially down to 98, but right now i really wouldn't even anticipate that happens. It seems like a little far-fetched but yeah.

Nonetheless, i wouldn't be bullish right after seeing that bearish day we just had from yesterday really wouldn't be uh too optimistic on being bullish, a and b for the time being so, i would be looking for amd to either hold. If i want to be long biased. I would need to just watch a couple more days to see if, in fact, amd does hold the 105 50 plus two deviation mark and or looking forward to break down. The plus two deviation mark to the downside: uh.

No new stocks really popping on the scanner. This morning, so i don't think you have to concern yourself too much there uh. What time is what time frame is the best i particularly use 180 day and one year day, time frame. So again, if you just watch this stream, this is literally if you're looking at the stream just do everything i do and that will answer your question about the time frame to use.

You can't find the book i recommended um. You should be able to flgc, i'm pretty sure it was just yesterday we recommended you should probably be bearish flgc. You will see it end up, spiking up and then selling them. So i don't really.

It actually still kind of looks somewhat decent. We'll leave that for a little bit because it's coming up into resistance, so it's probably getting ready to do a little pullback anyways around 17 or so uh yeah. I mean we already looked at roku. Roku is kind of down towards some of its deviation supports, but still hasn't really had too much bullish fight to it.

So we're still watching uh watching that stock. Currently, but yeah, it's more of a swing trade stock than it's going to be a day trade overall. Wouldn't a good play for hd is to go long on some um. I mean it could be a good play.
Of course it will be a good play if it ends up happening. I have no idea if, if intraday it's gon na go for a gap, phil did. I cover neo, no wow a lot of questions. A lot of questions bought the dip on sprt yesterday.

What do you think it will do um? I think i'm debating if it's going to go down or if it's going to break up so right now, you're on resistance with uh with sprt. So the price point of sprt at 780 is resistance. So my assumption is you break 780 they'll spike it up the market makers, probably spike it up. Markets go up to about 820 and then the market's going to come down again yeah.

I don't really like it all that much. It does still look like a strong stock, though so i wouldn't count it out if you're going to make money on your dip, buy right away pretty much. What you have to do is get through 780 and stay over 780 and then the following day. That could create a long move, but if you fail to get through 780, this market will probably roll down towards 690 to 660..

So it's really all about tracking that 780. Today, you know i will i'll contact tradingview the same way that i contacted weibull and see if they're not able to uh to implement it. Are these silverback gorillas? Honestly, i have no idea. I just picked the cutest cuddliest lookingest api-ished ape that i could find on my little editing software and we joined teams.

Yeah is one eight facing the other way. That's i don't remember i did that really i didn't even notice hold on. I got ta check this out now. No, it's not you lying son of a gun, but one of the apes is smaller than the other apes.

So i didn't size him correctly, but that's okay! He's the runt of the group he's the runt of the group. Thank you kevin appreciate that man uh a b and b holding the mean uh, yes, b-o-n two-mil float little sketchy for sure. I have no thoughts on tim sykes. There is tons of information.

You can learn out there from tons of different people. We already covered mrna. So if you go back a little bit into the video you could find it don't know exactly when that was but uh we did cover mrna and the assumption was it's probably gon na be slightly bearish. We think uh.

I forgot the price point, it's it's on. It was pretty much its pre-market. Bottom was the support, so wherever the pre-market bottom is for mrna, currently or whatever it just was that's the support that has to hold, or else it's going to go lower. I see i see what you're saying aka.

I got you boss, i'm the ape uh, edward gennady, yeah, so yeah i mean yeah, i'm the fourth ape i got it. I figured it out. Okay, my little peanut brain finally figured it out, okay, so for the 364 of you guys tuning in this morning. Thank you very much.

If you could go ahead and hit the like button, it dramatically helps our stream also, while you're at it make sure to go over to the trading clips youtube channel. This is going to give you free scanners, all day, long to use from trade ideas and ben zynga. So again, trading clips youtube channel free scanners. What could be better? I don't know why there's not a hundred people, at least watching that already so make sure you do that.
It's a funny thing right. Scanners are one of the most popular search for youtube videos, yet you give them for free on youtube and still not many people watch them. It's kind of a funny thing. It's really odd, but anyways.

Those are free check them out, have fun um anyways we're gon na pop on to neo. Here, 8 55. never mind got to go, got ta go one. Second pop this on all righty um.

Thank you. Thank you, matthew b. Thank you chuck appreciate you guys. Okay, uh: what's a good resource to use how to understand scanners uh my youtube channel, if you go back into my youtube channel, probably a couple weeks back, i made a video regarding how to use that page for scanners and i think there is a link in The description of that video, no, there isn't, but i should put one there really.

The easiest way to know how to use scanners is literally just look at the stocks that come across and see if you like them in a nutshell: okay, we are going to be looking at mr neo now, okay, so besides the fact that neo is getting absolutely Spanked um. Well, it fell down to support here yesterday, but it doesn't look like it's holding down yeah. It looks like a pretty harsh downtrend right now on that. I think you have to stay bearish that i i really do um the way that that's broken, that low it doesn't make me think we're going to recover very quickly.

Now, here's something to be mindful of you might see a counter trend long because we came down to the negative one deviation mark here, so we actually went below that right. So we go look at the one minute chart. You will see that we gapped below that. That's what we tried to hold yesterday.

That's why the market bounced here yesterday. That's why we recommended you should be long neo at 38. Yesterday, again, we said watch neo long at 38 we also shorted neo down towards 38. So again, that's why we were bearish to 38 bullish off 38.

You can see the market bounced 38. Then it pulled back, pulled back, pulled back that weak no longer holds 38.. So today you might get a retest of 38 and then a push down. So i might consider you watch um neo slightly on the long side, for maybe a retrace back to 38 and then down, but nonetheless i probably just stay bearish on neo for now um it also if it's going for its really big move to the downside.

Sorry yeah, if it's going for a bigger move to the downside, you could still see a price of like 32 36. Now i hate saying 32 36 because it's so far away for right now that it just seems kind of like really conor you're telling the whole world isn't going to go to 38 dollars. Someone out there is going to be pissed and if it doesn't happen, someone's going to be pissed. So again, that's a it's a strong possibility.
You see the price of 32.36 um before you see 3236. You might get a counter trend bounce in here off of like 3616., so i think, if we're going to 32 30, there is a counter trend, long that happens in the downtrend that you have to be mindful of right, and i think that counter trend bounce can Happen off of 3612 all right, ladies and gentlemen, the stream is cranking. The stream is banking, we're getting up to 365 viewers right now, which means we're very close to our resistance, so which means that i don't know if we're gon na break our break. Our 400 viewers today so sad, so sad, what a mick tickler! You know what a mctickle you need more sleep.

Um i mean i s. I go to bed like 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock ish every day. You know so i don't know what the deal is. I don't think i just don't think i really fully rest when i sleep.

I've always had sleeping problems for a long time. My sleeping's actually gotten significantly better recently but yeah. I never never feel like i'm quite rusted enough. Are you long at 400 hell yeah we're long at 400 lego? We are so close to the resistance we're at 362..

I wonder if the old algo is going to allow us uh to get through that today, probably not, they would hate for us to get over. The 400 mark that could be it, maybe we're just slightly getting a little older. You need to play more golf um, that's going to happen that that is definitely that's. Definitely in the future.

Uh really no recommendations on a bounce by again, because the only thing i'm well i mean there could be um because it could do one of those awkward pullbacks before it goes higher. If it were to do that, and if it's going to do that, the pullback would be so far yeah you better sorry, yeah i mean you could see, you could see. Lmfa pull all the way, yeah! No there's really no good pullback support um that i can identify so for now would just be going off of intraday levels. So 546 is probably going to be the next level where the market goes down to on lmfa before it tries to uh to bounce a little bit for real.

If you have two devices stream on both um, i do have two devices uh. No, i did not start a golf channel, but i am really highly considering it like just like three weeks ago. I was so amped up like i just want to do it, because i want to have fun with it um. You know, and i got a friend who wants to do it too - not that he's a golfer per se but he's a film he does videography and stuff like that.

So, like i said you know um, i might do that. I might. I might do that and it's really because i just love golf. I play it so much anyways already that it's like could literally just take a camera and film it, and it's done so.
We might, we might have some fun with it, we'll see um, but obviously, if i did that you guys would know. Oh i got you. I got you, i got you, i see you're saying see what you're saying about everyone watching the stream and then without your views, gotcha all righty uh, you have any thoughts on btb. Crypto is a way up, but it's steady on the down um.

So i think my handicap nowadays is probably handicaps, probably like a nine to an eight. I think these days, but i haven't played like a full challenge. 18, that in a long time that sounds like sort of a respectable course to do your handicap, the last 18. I played was on, of course, called the preserve, which was it was just like insanely hard to play, and there was like 25 30 mile an hour winds, so probably not the best time to track your handicap.

But i think it's probably anywhere from eight to a nine right now, so it would be fun good morning, good morning, good morning, um can you talk? Take a look at the nq, i'm trading the three times etfs, so yeah, look at the enqueue sure forward. Slash and mickel q um again supports down at like 14. Now, i'm just going to look at the queues i hate. Looking at this.

The number is too big for me to say so pretty much uh simple, to put it resistance for the queues right now is 370 72 resistance for the nasdaq, cues is or sorry resistance is 370. 72 support is going to be down at 362 to uh 361.. So downside target for the bears is to hear upside target for the bulls over here. That makes sense all right.

What time is it? It's 905. lmfa still pretty much looks like uh. Pretty much looks like garbage. Let's pop on over to amc, let's see how the apes are doing.

Oh boy, what's going on with the apes this morning, why aren't they so strong? Probably because the projected move in the market was supposed to be to 3658 and that's what we did and that's really resistance. So unless you knew that 3658 was going to be your resistance, you probably were still holding on the long side um. So that is make no mick bueno. That's a no good! My friends is he saying um, but really it's not even that big of a deal it's just pulling back um, but yeah, really not even not even that much of a concern.

So, as i said again, if uh in the future, we plan to have anything cool happen from amc um, it's got ta get through uh 3658 for the time being uh. Yes, we did amc, tj short, so again, amc your current support for for the market was today was the zone of 35 11 to 34. As you can see, the market came into that zone in bounce. This is a second attempt at that zone, so it's less as of less of a support now more likely that it continues going through the resistance on the day.

For now is 36.40 you're, not gon na see a big long breaking out move unless you're able to get through that price right there. So right now, you're pretty much neutral until amc gets up and through that 3658 price or slightly bearish yeah the the best round. I've ever had, but it was only nine holes and it was on my golf league, so it's really not totally accurate, but the uh, the best nine i've ever shot was 39. That was the best and then the prior week before shooting a 39.
I was actually, i would have shot a 35 because i birdied the last hole but prior to the last hole, it's a par 5 and i shot a quadruple bogey, because i'm an idiot really just got frustrated and just gave up on the hole. It's kind of what happened but yeah it was. I was projected to shoot a 36 that day until i got a quadruple bogey and then i was shooting a 41 until i birdied the last hole and i finished at a 40. so yeah.

I think that's what happened or something so either i was going to shoot a 36 or a 35 one of the two, so should've woulda coulda never had a hole in one, but i've witnessed two people do it. I witnessed um a friend, scott shapiro. Do it and i've witnessed my friend dylan, do it dylan, did it with like a 60 degree, lob wedge and then the other guy? Did it like 170 yard par three, so pretty impressive, all right! What we're gon na do here is we're gon na pop on over to the gold market, just because i haven't seen this in a couple days and the thing i feel like i just recently said: gold should start to pull back, so the recommendation was that gold Was going to start pulling back as it got into the zone of 167 47 to 166.67, so we just reached this area on uh the gld chart, where it kind of makes sense for it to pull back, at least in my opinion - and that's also why i Mentioned yesterday, you probably didn't want to be extremely bullish on silver, because silver lags the gold price and since gold has already reached back to a nice selling zone, sort of to say, uh, silver's, probably going to sell down a little bit holy smokes. Ladies and gentlemen, we are at 391 or 375.

375, so close so close boy, the room golf tournament that would be fun yeah, so so in a nutshell, we're creating a golf channel for the scrubs of the world. Okay, we're not par golfers here and most people aren't park golfers most people just want to kick back drink a michelob and shoot decent and that's really the audience uh that we're aiming for did it. I i didn't see a pop on my end. Unfortunately, all right now i want to peek at silver, we'll take a look at silver here, see like silver is kind of lagging gold, so, like i said, i think gold really is kind of at a a little bit of a selling point.

I will take a look at wish. I know somebody asked about this earlier and if i didn't get to some of the stocks you requested, i do apologize it's kind of for my own sanity, so they don't run through so many things and get my mind all boggled for the day but wish i Uh, you could probably actually watch wish slightly along for like a little dip bounce, but i i probably wouldn't even try to do that. You can see that wish fell all the way down to the statistical mean here so again, the other week we said, watch out this probably isn't going to break out, it's probably going to drop to the mean, and then it rolled over dropped to the mean. So this is something that i'd probably just be very hesitant with for now wish yeah yeah yeah, really an eight a eight to a ten, i should probably be generous.
Eight would be like eight to nines. Like my a player uh, my d player is probably gon na, be like an 11. So we have our a games b, game c game and d game. That's important to understand.

You always have your abc game. You know um, you know, i don't really think man she's too busy. She works the same time. I work she's a psychologist, so she works with a lot of patients throughout the day.

Uh. What time does the stream start david? The stream starts at eight in the morning every single day. Uh it goes to 11, am every single day. Tsla, hmm and tesla might still give you some downside action today, folks that might be a play um.

I haven't really decided on a weekend or anything like that, or a day of that that we talked about for going uh, probably am an extended patient yeah. No, there is uh, there's no plan yet as to go live for that day. Tlry i haven't seen in a long time um, but doesn't really look all that great downtrending kind of looks gross, wouldn't even just leave it alone. Naob uh, mr man.

Yes, we covered amc, so there's a price point of 36.48. That was a projected long target from yesterday's trading day. We only hit a high of dollars and 18 cents uh. So nonetheless, don't really expect you not me all of us actually matt and trey included.

Uh, don't expect any bullish movement from amc until you at least clear the 36.48 price. Once you do that, then we can start the discussion of bigger long bias movements so right now, you're pretty much neutral. The amc market, until it surpasses 36.48 uh n-a-o-v, so naov, ended up creeping up yesterday, basically to the high. Then it sold down so this one's pretty straightforward.

This is where you're actually looking for a price action breakout so you're, just basically looking to get over the previous highs. I don't really think i'm going to concern myself with naov. I'm not a fan of the way it's trading, it's kind of choppy and annoying as opposed to easy and fluent some points um. So i think i'm just going to be probably leaving this one alone, myself, naov it's over bought two.

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6 thoughts on “How to do technical analysis 8/17/2021”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mithun mondal says:

    Hi Connor , thanks for sharing insight with us .I am new to this trading world , glad that I found your channel.
    Wondering what r those diagonal lines ? How do you draw them and for what purpose?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Haynes says:

    Really appreciate these vids bro, learn a lot, enjoy sense of humor

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G Franco says:

    Do you trade from lightspeed as well? Great content btw

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ozzy Luckham says:

    Great TA

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G G says:

    What platform is he using?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Morning Brew says:

    I want to let the world know… I freaking love this live streams. Nice work!!

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