Do you want to learn how to day trade part-time while still having a full-time job? If so, then this video is for you! In it, we'll show you the best ways to balance day trading with a full-time job, as well as some strategies for trading part-time.
By following these tips, you can make day trading part-time a successful and enjoyable experience. If you're interested in learning more about day trading, be sure to watch this video!
By following these tips, you can make day trading part-time a successful and enjoyable experience. If you're interested in learning more about day trading, be sure to watch this video!
If you're a part-time Trader At the moment you will want to learn from a costly mistakes I Know you won't like hearing this. know when to walk away from Trading It's not necessarily hard to make money, but extremely difficult to keep it when I was trading part-time I find it very hard to shut down my computer and pull myself out of the market to go away to work if I had a good day and the market is really hot I will want to keep on pushing and really try to make more money, but if I had a bad day then I would want to stick around longer to make back my losses. Both of these situations will lead me to over trade and give back all my morning gains or even worse, make me lose even more money than I already had as a part-time Trader With a full-time job, you shouldn't have to push all that hard every single day. so remember to take it easy and slow down.
Put in the hard work yes, but the market is going to be open again tomorrow.
Just like my early days 😁😁😁
H.T. When i feel like loosing more money i lay down till the feeling goes away.
That a great pro tip. Try to trade with fresh mind.
facts! been there done that. now I hit my number and I'm done. I can sit and watch because I have the discipline to keep my gains. I dont care what the market does when I'm done, I'm done.
Always love your stuff Shay, TY!💙
great report Shay, thank you for the info, I smashed the like and always a heart just for you❤👍
Keep up the great work Shay 🙏👍🏼
Thats is my number one mistake!!!
You're my internet crush 😍
If working, it’s better to just look at the daily candle and determine the direction of the close. It’s similar to day trading but each candle is moving one day at a time. Be more patient.
i dont care what you say i love you
Really wise
Thank you
Very wise words. Thanks again, Shay! ❤