In today’s episode, you’ll discover how you can build an amazing trading career.
So go watch it right now...
The Ultimate Guide to Price Action Trading:
The Monster Guide to Candlestick Patterns:
Pro Traders Edge:
Pullback Stock Trading System:
Price Action Trading Secrets:

Hey hey: what's up my friends, so in today's episode right i want to talk about how do you have an amazing trading career? So what i'm about to share with you is just my point of view. Right is the things that uh will happen right for me to have an amazing trading career. It might be different from your point of view. You might have different goals whatsoever right so so take it with a pinch of salt right and if it makes sense for you great something that you can aspire to.

If it doesn't right, you know you can. You know, watch something else altogether. Okay, so to have an amazing training career, at least for me, right from from the way i look at things right, it's uh broken up into five stages right stage. Number one is the newbie stage.

So at this stage, right is where you learn. You know everything and anything about trading. That's where your hopes are high. Your expectations are high.

You know you're going to be you're going to be the next world world-class trader right. So at this newbie stage you know you're soaking, up everything right that you come across day trading position. Trading sculpting chart patterns everything okay, so after you progress right to the next to the next stage, which is which is what i call the mastery stage during the mastery stage right at this stage, you are focusing right, you kind of realize that you can't trade everything In anything, right at least not at this current stage, because your resources are limited and you'll find yourself leaning towards a certain trading methodology, for example, let's say quantitative trading. If you lean more towards quantitative trading at this stage right, you will focus entirely right on corn trading.

You'll ignore everything else, all right, so all the stuff that you have learned in stage, one you'll discard them so you'll discard you know: price action, trading, you'll, throw away your candlestick patterns, knowledge, you'll, ignore the chart patterns whatsoever and just focus on quantitative training right. So what happens in this stage is that you will focus on one trading methodology until you become profitable with it right and that's your bread and butter all right. So this is the second stage, the mastery stage, where you just focus on one and get good with one trading methodology. Then you move on to the third stage.

Right is what i call the scaling up stage at this stage right, you kind of realize that, yes, right, you are a profitable trader, but there is still a limit right to how much you can potentially earn, because that's where you realize that you need money to Make money in trading, for example, let's say you make an average of 20 a year on a thousand dollars trading account that's about 200 bucks a year. But if you have a million dollar trading account, that's 200 000 a year, a huge difference, and so, when you realize this right, you start to you know, find ways to to grow. Your trading account right. You might rob a bank, i'm just kidding right.
You might, you know, get money from your family and friends to trade. For them you might use the money from your your part-time job, your full-time job, to increase the size of your trading account you'll, do as much as possible right to scale up your trading account. So you can make more money from trading, so that's the third stage right stage. Three, then you move on to the fourth stage in this stage, you're pretty much proficient in your trading.

You know you're getting consistent results and you realize that hey trading is just one way to make money right and it's not the only way, because you can actually use the knowledge that you have and make more money. For example, that's where you offer trading courses, that's where you mentor other traders, or maybe that's where you start to you, know, promote or recommend trading products and services that you believe in. Like you know brokerage, you know uh trading tools or whatsoever. So that's the fourth stage right: that's where you diversify your earnings right away from trading itself and at this stage right the fourth stage you realize that it's actually also part of scaling up, because when you diversify, you have more money now again from different sources.

Besides trading and you can actually grow, your trading account further okay, so after the fourth stage is where you go to the fifth stage. At this stage right, you probably have like. Maybe a six-figure trading account, maybe even seven and you kind of realize it's uh, it's it's! It's uh you're, not very comfortable right, just trading so much money on one trading strategy, because you understand that a trading strategy goes through a period of drawdown. For example, let's say you, trade, uh, uh uh, a trend following strategy in the stock market.

You know that if the stock market is bullish right, then hey you'll make money in the stock market. But if it's bearish right, then you know you'll go through a drawdown. You know you might, you know, lose 20 30 of your your portfolio returns so at this top at this point, you're starting to think right. What, if i employ multiple trading strategies which are uncorrelated to one another that actually can help? You reduce your overall returns, for example, let's say earlier right: the stock trend following strategy.

Let's say you don't just trade, the stock markets. You also apply a trend following strategy to let's say the forex and futures market. So let's say the stock market is bad. It's down 30, okay, but because of the fact that you also have another trading strategy for the forex and futures market, that strategy could be, let's say up 30, and when you trade both strategy right, you actually realize that you are break even right.

You're not up or down for the year and that's much better compared to just trading that stock strategy right and down 30 right during a recession. So that's the beauty of trading, multiple uncorrelated strategy, because the strength or weakness of one strategy right can be compensated by another different trading strategy and in a grand scheme of things it does two things number one. It reduces your overall drawdown right. That's what you've seen earlier so, for example, uh trading strategy has a max drawdown of 30.
If you employ, let's say two or three uncorrelated trading strategy that drawdown could be reduced to maybe 20, maybe even 15. The second thing is that your returns will be less lumpy, so, instead of putting all your money into one strategy and then the strategy does well, your equity curve will go up up and down very jaggedly. If you trade, multiple uncorrelated, correlated strategy right, your returns are less lumpy, it's much more smoother over time. So when you're trading larger amount of money, you can actually sleep better at night and that matters a lot right, and so that's what the fifth stage is all about: the ultimate diversification.

So it's a quick recap right number one. The newbie stage is where you learn everything and anything about trading. You know, you're hyped up, you're excited stage. Number two is the mastery stage is where you develop your bread and butter trading strategy and become consistently profitable stage.

Three is a scaling up stage where you don't add funds to your trading account to make more money stage. Four is the diversification uh using trading right uh to make money right besides trading? I know that sounds weird, but using yeah your trading knowledge to make money right, like you know, courses, mentoring, coaching, affiliate, etc, and the fifth and final stage is the ultimate diversification stage. Where you trade, multiple uncorrelated trading strategies. Right then, you know to really grow your portfolio, all right so with that's it.

I wish you good luck and good trading. I will talk to you soon. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “How to build an amazing trading career”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Dorcas says:

    We’re just trading for a better living

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars caio says:

    I'm 3 weeks into trading, so I'm still in stage 1. Lots of informations over my head to dig into. Hope I'm soon out of this noisy stage, I've been learning a lot though, and you have given me many insights. Thank you so much, my friend 🙂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Investoprime TV says:

    I totally agree with you. I have had the same experiences as yourself. I also talk about it on my channel. You are really doing a good thing here. Keep it up Ryan.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farzad Peyravi says:

    Wow. Thanks bro. Now I'm in second stage and simultaneously working on multiple strategies on price action in crypto.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Save Your Unit Link says:

    Thank you Rayner.. Just pass my stage 2,now in stage 3 for a while. Good to know there still 2 more stage in front of me.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ding says:

    How long did it take you in each stage to progress to the next ?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saroj Nanda says:

    I am currently in the stage 1 long way to go with you sir

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mzie yanis says:

    I pray everyone reading this be a successful trader

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Truitt says:

    Really good as usual. Just stepped in to step 2 and it feels great turning off all the noise – so many strategies, markets, and gurus. A sense of peace finally comes over you when you’ve your first consistent edge that suits your personality.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shailesh Patel says:

    Hey man great vids, just subscribed! I have a question. If you place a trade with OCO bracket orders and you then close out trading view. For me it logs me off of my broker which I am using with trading view. Would this make the OCO bracket orders disappear or make them meaningless? Thanks!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SWETALL S SHAH says:

    Hey Reyner…you are in between 4th and 5th Stage 🙂 !!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deepak Kalra says:

    Sir please make video based on intraday trading ..when to take entry ..what time frame to use….etc..

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amogh girgaonkar says:

    How to get the physical copy of yohr books in india

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Firass M says:

    Nice video as usual but I think the jump from Newbie to Mastery was too quick vs real life. There are at least two phases in between

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Promotionz Channel says:

    Hey there Rayner, i have a question.
    On Telegram is a guy who says he is you and ask people to join a VIP group for money…….is this realy you or is someone trying to earn money under your name ?

    Please keep me informed

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mish says:

    I been watching a lot of your content and I got to say you're very knowledgeable in the trading market. I have learnt a lot from your videos. I have only one question, Do you intraday trade? I would love to see you put some of this knowledge in action. What I'm trying to say is, I would like some live recordings of you're day trading skills lol. Anyway, I do appreciate all the free knowledge you do share on your channel. Thank you

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rajesh behura says:

    Sir please can u make videos on indicator ichemoku cloud 👍

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremiah Egonmwan says:

    Hey teo, I have been reading your books, I downloaded the 4 gifts you included in your website, but I can't find the book on price action even after putting my Gmail account, please how do I get it from you sir. I want to trade what I see on the charts

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus C says:

    Stage 1: Newbie (Stock up trading information)

    Stage 2: Mastery (Focus on one trading methodology)

    Stage 3: Scaling up (Rob a bank to add funds to your account)

    Stage 4: Diversification (Create multiple sources of income using you trading skills outside of trading)

    Stage 5: Ultimate Diversification (Use several uncorrelated trading strategies to ensure more consistency)

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars attituderoyale says:

    Rayner, I'm 3 months into trading. I focus on potential breakouts and pull backs at support/resistance levels. I've also back tested it 50 times and it works well, at the very least 60% of the time! Also with a currency strength metre I'm able to find at least 3 of these set ups per day…Luckily I have a job where i can monitor my trades throughout the day so i do intra day trading/scalping every day…point is, I'm a little concerned when I hear people say things like a 20% growth per year is a realistic goal…Like am I doing something wrong or running too fast??? I risk a maximum of 2% per trade, i usually do at least 3 times per day (I sometimes use the 15 min chart). And it's working out well. As in, for every 10 trades at least 6 of then are profitable…Everything is almost going too well if I compare it to the expectations people have of new traders…like I feel like I'm profitable if I stick to this streategy as I back test more and develop my arsenal. But I'm worried cause so many youtubers say every trader blows their first account…is this negative hype or Pending doom!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rohit Mishra says:

    What do you think about Umar Ashraf, If he would have been trading 20% per year 😑

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savalis Adkins says:

    THANKS BIG RAY! Your content always puts things in perspective for me. Keep it going.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zaid Meb says:

    Hello Rayner Teo, I am your new subscriber. I can not find your email or contact information. Could you send me your contact information link please. Thank you for your sharing.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars usakicksass says:

    Seriously Rayner, you are doing Gods work.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew Smith says:

    I was a subscriber when you had 200-300k subscribers, I’m so happy to see how big your following has gotten in YouTube, you earned it man💪

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Investing And Trading - Adventures and Us says:

    I always use different strategies to diversify.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joyce Mbulu says:

    U look tired today,but u kept it real to give back to the society as always, thank u.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alastair Munro says:

    I think everyone has a different story and motivation. For me its about growing my portfolio so that i have a good retirement nest egg. The other thing is alot of places are covid lockdown and its difficult to go out and work and make a living and trading is something you can do at home and still make some money. I swing trade at present.

    Anyhow love your channel and have learned alot from your videos. So many thanks! I keep learning all the time; maybe that is just life?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 5D Jax says:

    Ive been looking for an explanation like this that links the stages of learning how to trade. Thank you!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fikaso says:

    First stage here! sponsoring skilled traders right now 😁

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kng vendetta says:

    Thanks 🙏🏾 for the knowledge ur sharing. And about your hairline are u sick 🤕 or it’s just your barber messing u up?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ueki Kosuke says:

    This is new! I'm at stage 2 I need to master my trading plan.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anand Pradhan says:

    Trading is just one way to income,not only way

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Agbe Duse says:

    Greetings from Ghana 🇬🇭.
    “Content General”

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vivek says:

    Hi Rayner… You look sick ..what happen

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoWomanNoPants says:

    Im at stage 6 making my own indicator jk Im in stage 1

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