This is what's stopping you becoming rich. Imagine this is you working your way through life. Every month you collect your paycheck and the cycle continues. Your riant on the next piece of track always being there.
But what if it isn't working for a set wage? no matter how big it is, will always be risky as it's out of your control. That's why you need multiple income streams and equity in businesses so that you can never be derailed.
My train flies✈️
You are rich, when you are health and free. Everything else doesn't matter
Thx sir
Bro is the granddad of the girl that said "if you are homeless, just buy a home"
Thank you for telling me my mom is a woman
I think this works best for the people with good income but bad spending habits. People who are barely managing their lives don't have any extra money to start investing. I hope "get rich" tips start coming for them too.
Nice train🚂🚋🚃🚋🚃🚋🚃.. Where can i get one??
Oh! Well I didn't know it was that easy. If only I had known earlier that the reason I'm poor is because I don't have multiple income streams!
It's easy when you're white
But, mo money, mo problems 😂
You're Only Supposed to Blow the Bloody Doors Off! 😂
Those train hi jacker te what train I got battery 🔋
question is how?
Multiple sources of Income 👍🏽 !
Pro tip: never sleep, retire after a thousand year reign
“If ya gunna doi, then, stop doi’ing!”
people bsing over internet all the time, fake world getting in
And your making videos with a train set
How to get equity ? , yes by money
21 year old girl: “What I need is a boob job in order to access a steady source of income”
But then you just running in a circle?
I need that toy train
Do you suffer from being poor? Easy solution, get more money!
This is acually solid advice. So I need two jobs right?
Everybody say it with me
🎶Jobs pay $1.90 an hour🎶
thsnk you, rich guy!