Let's talk about the Wendover Porudction video about Tesla, titled: How Tesla Fumbled (Published on Feb 23, 2023). Here is the link to the video in question: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpUIZ32n9nw&t=1s
In my video I will debunk the claims made in the above mentioned video one by one using data and facts. My opinion, after making this video, is that the Wendover Productions video was a total Fumble and nothing more than a completely one-sided hit piece against $TSLA.
The main 15 claims made against Tesla in the Wendover Productions video are time stamped below for your conveninece:
00:00 Tesla's word means nothing
00:48 Tesla reliability is one of the worst in the industry
04:14 Tesla is bad at delivering cars to customers
05:12 Not enough service centers in the U.S.
06:01 Tesla is losing customers
07:09 Tesla Model Y vs. Ford Mach E
08:18 Tesla Model S vs. Lucid Air
09:49 Tesla Model 3 vs. Chevy Bolt
10:55 Tesla's cars are basic
11:40 Tesla doesn't have a truck
12:58 Ford, GM and Rivian are winning
13:51 BYD: already bigger than Tesla
14:57 Tesla can't sell cars in China
16:25 Full Self Driving claims
18:30 Tesla declining brand loyalty
19:43 Elon is a liability to Tesla
20:25 Tesla lost its advantage
22:25 Tesla Fumbled what it could have been
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Hey everybody, this is Tom and a massive channel here on YouTube called Wendover Productions Just posted an extremely critical video of Tesla titled how Tesla has fumbled for the better part of a decade now. It sold consumers on the promise, failed to deliver, made new promises, failed to deliver and repeat and repeat and repeat. 20 minutes worth of some of the most harsh accusations I've heard about Tesla In a while, the reputation Tesla has earned as a company whose word means nothing has to have an impact I'm gonna take it apart like a cheap cushion coming apart at the seams in this video, but I'm going to avoid personal attacks I'm not gonna be cursing I'm not going to be angry. No ad hominem attacks, just data versus the claims.

That's it. If you want to check it out, stay with me for the duration of this video and let's get started. Tesla has never been good at building cars. Now for me, this is one of the weakest arguments.

and it's really strange that I chose to start the video with it because there's not a lot of supporting evidence. Some empirical data that shows that what they're saying is actually true. Complaints about: Model S's with windows that leak when it rains or mispositioned wire looms and model X's with drooping window seals or mysterious rattles when reaching speed have become commonplace. Scroll YouTube's results for Tesla Build quality and the search will populate far more videos offering negative feedback than positive or take this poll on Tesla subreddit where a majority of all respondents reported at least minor or cosmetic issues with their vehicle I Mean what are you relying on by saying it a few? Scrolls on YouTube a research that's based on a Reddit poll with a thousand people Elon Saying that they had quality issues when they started ramping up five years ago in 2018 I Mean where's the empirical data You can take it from the man himself Elon Musk who admitted that the company's build quality waned when production ramped up Elon did say this and when you start ramping up, you usually have quality issues.

That was five years ago. How about some actual data from right now? The company simply struggles to deliver consistent, reliable, well-assembled Vehicles It's been a problem since the beginning. It's been a problem the company has sought to address time and time again. and it's been a problem that's taken different forms over the years.

For perhaps the most objective stance of all, there's the Consumer Reports annual Reliability Rankings where Tesla placed second to last in 2021 and 19th out of 24 manufacturers in 2022.. Now this is where I gotta push back a little bit. I've been saying that Consumer Reports is the most objective way to look at. This is a little bit ridiculous, giving the mountains of data that you can go and find about the relationship between Consumer Reports and Ford and GM and about the very long combative history between Consumer Reports in Tesla.

All of this has been discussed in abundance and it's weird that they kind of present Consumer Reports as the epitome of objectivity as far as Tesla. But let's stay with Consumer Reports As You Wish Now in this video, they're showing you 20 20 data from Consumer Reports 2021 data from Consumer Reports. But guess what? The video was posted a few days ago? we already have 2022 data. We have it since November 2022.
Why was this data not shown I Don't know why they actually omitted 2022 numbers when they were publicly available I Can guesstimate that maybe it's because it disproved a lot of their claims, but I honestly don't know. Nevertheless, even Consumer Reports which is known to be a little bit anti-tesla Let's put it mildly. I actually came out in November 2022 and did an updated study on reliability. They took 24 Brands 300, 000 cars and they checked it and the conclusions are very clear.

For 2022, Tesla and Nissan are the best as far as reliability out of all. EVS. So as far as EVS go, Tesla is right at the top, but what about the rest of the industry? It must be probably one of the worst. Well, not really.

Tesla Scored pretty average and in fact, none of Tesla vehicles are anywhere close to the bottom 10 in any category. so they, based on Consumer Reports at least this is completely debunk. Tesla may not be the best equality, but they're definitely not anywhere close to being the worst. And as far as EVS go, they're absolutely at the top as far as quality and reliability.

If Tesla is bad at building cars, then they're at best hit or miss when it comes to delivering them. Some of those who are once happy to wait showed up at delivery centers for their new model 3. others went to Twitter searching for answers when they couldn't get through to anyone at Tesla. Now in this part, they're saying the test is not only bad at building cars, they're equally as bad at delivering them.

Of course, talking about things that happened in 2018 showing Twitter posts from 2018 were in fact, right now we're in 2023 and there's publicly available data proving that this is a bunch of horse manure now. Right now, the average wait time for Tesla in the US is 30 to 60 days. That's it. In fact, the backlog from February 2022 to February 2023 have shrank from 400 000 vehicles to 100 thousand.

Vehicles Tesla has not only gotten better four times better at delivering cars, In fact, the current wait time of 30 to 60 days is probably one of the best we had. But of course, if you want to show a different picture, you show four-year-old data. The company only established 163 service centers spread across the US. Now this claim is actually somewhat on point.

What they're talking about is a very painful topic to a lot of Tesla owners. There's not enough service centers in the US 100. If you live in Wichita Kansas your nearest options are all a state border and a two-hour Drive Away There's a lot of States who prevent who forbid Tesla from opening centers of service in their state because the law says that only the dealership can do that. The manufacturer is not allowed to open its own service center.
They're doing it because this archaic old rules who are designed to protect dealerships prevent Tesla from actually providing services in those States. So it's a regulatory problem that needs to be addressed. It's not a 10 Tesla problem, so the company is burning through their existing customers the group most likely to buy future Teslas which is certainly a problem. Now, this segment sounds extremely logical, right? if Tesla is making bad cars and if Tesla can't deliver these cars on time, it's losing its customer base.

Very logical. Only problem is that Tesla is not building bad cars. Only problem is the Tesla is not having trouble delivering the cars. Only problem is that Tesla is not losing customers In fact, is growing customers.

In 2022, the growth in Tesla sales was above 50 percent. If Tesla was making cars, that would have never been the case. In fact, if you compare quarterly sales at the final quarter of 2019 just three years ago to the quarterly sales in Q4 2022, the sales went up from a hundred thousand cars in the quarter to 400 000 cars in a quarter. So Tesla quadrupled them out of quarterly cars for 2019 to 2022.

It's a little bit of a misleading thing to assume when numbers are literally telling you that Tesla is growing at a massive pace. So where this conclusion is coming from: I Honestly don't understand because the data simply proves otherwise. Compare a Model Y long range to a Mustang Machi premium and it has slightly better acceleration, slightly longer range, but a slightly higher price. As far as distinguishable differences go, there are a few.

Now this is my favorite segment so far. They're comparing the Tesla Model y to Ford Mach E. and this is a little bit like comparing a spaceship to a potato. It's not the right comparison, but let's do it now.

They do stipulate the Tesla has better performance and better capacity of battery. Better performance of speed, what not? Whatever, right? But they say Hey Look, it's close enough and the Ford Mac E is still a cheaper car. Well, that's just factually incorrect. I'm shocked that they haven't done the research because let's compare Apples to Apples.

Let's look at the numbers following the price drop. The model Y long range is 55 000. They did this to meet the EV tax credit. Now the Ford Mark E comparable model, which is the premium all-wheel Drive E all-wheel drive is 60.

Two and a half thousand dollars. It's more expensive than the Model Y long range. Not to mention that Tesla has better software, better utility, and the supercharging network. It's a similar story of market with the model S.

The Lucid air nearly matches on acceleration, beats it on range, and is close enough in price that few in this market segment would bat an eye. Now, this part is just comical. They're comparing the model S to the Lucid air, basically saying, look, the Lucid air is comparable, probably even better. And it's cheaper.
It starts at ninety thousand dollars. The model S is a hundred five thousand dollar car. But here's the kicker. Ask yourself one simple question: why Lucid has manufacturing capacity of 7 000 vehicles in 2022, but it only sold 4 400 Vehicles Why Why was there not enough demand for This Magnificent vehicle that's so much better than the model is and even cheaper? Well, it's because it's not really cheaper because the actual price of these Lucid cars starts at 90 000, but then it goes all the way up to 250 thousand for the premium version at the end of the day when you compare the best premium version of Lucid at 250 000 to the one hundred and forty thousand dollars of the model S Plaid.

This thing is literally half the price. It has better software, better full self driving, better a supercharging network. All the stuff we talked about, in fact, better engineering. So who in his right mind would buy the Lucid Air at Double the price of the model S pled in fact, I Assume that anybody who must have bought this car has two holes drilled in the roof of the Lucid air for the ears.

You know the donkey ears because anybody who's done that is a poopless donkey. Tesla is bested by Chevrolet whose base model Bowl EV starts for some fifteen thousand dollars less than the base model 3 while coming close on many specs. While this part might be the most egregious of them all, even worse than Lucid, they're actually bringing up the Chevy bolt. now.

look, I'm not a hater of the Chevy bolt. But ask yourself this simple question: why apply to this beautiful, yummy, fifteen thousand dollar car? Such a great price, so quality, so value. Only sold 40 000 cars in 2022? Well, it might have something to do with the fact that in 2021 they recalled every single Chevy bolt made because it literally had a problem of spontaneously Catching Fire allegedly. now I don't know what about you? But even at fifteen thousand dollars? I I Don't know if I wanted to sit in the car that you know had that in its history.

So now that's just a joke obviously. But more on this serious topic. Look, even at fifty thousand dollar, it's just not good enough of a car. Not enough features, not enough utility.

It doesn't have the software. no super charging. I Mean it's just a really poor very basic Bare Bones offering nobody really wants in the US Well, unique in their minimalistic design. The broad Strokes of Tesla's product lineup is uniquely basic.

Min Marco Sedan midmarket SUV Upmarket sedan upmarket SUV What are you really saying here that their cars are too boring? Sedan: Remember that in the SUV What? I Mean Look, people obviously like it. They sold 1.3 million last year based on Q4 numbers. They're in route to sell 2 million cars in 2023.. obviously people are okay with the design.
What's your point? Not to mention the fact that this is the Brilliance of Tesla the Simplicity of it look standardized Vehicles Only four real Vehicles Really only two real Vehicles the model 3 and the model Y And massive scale, cheaper production, faster ramp up, cheaper maintenance, way more data, and you're preparing yourself for the Robo Taxi. Network Year after year after year, it's never been a surprise. Who will. Top the list of American vehicle sales.

It's the Ford F series. It's always the Ford F series now. I Have to give them credit here because this segment is on point. The truck segment in the US is the best category for every auto manufacturer, and it is absolutely dominated by the F-150 which is an incredible car.

by the way. Now, Tesla's not in it. They're missing out on a lot of potential profit. He's right.

But here's where the kicker is: Tesla is a brand new company. It's ramping up. What do you expect them to make 57 different models in five years? They have to pick their poison, the semi. the model is the model 3.

The Roadster I can do all day cyber track. I mean there's only so much they can do in five years. Ford announced they just build an electric version, the F-150 Three years after that, it entered production and today there are thousands of F-150 lightnings on the road and exactly zero Tesla pickups. And yes, Ford sold 15 000 units of the F-150 True good for them.

But just five days ago, this article came out talking about Ford stopping sales completely until they can figure out why batteries on the F-150 lighting are catching fire. This is what happens when you push out a product too fast before it's finished just to be the first in the market. That's exactly what did not happen to Tesla The F-150 was merely joining a market already kicked off by the Henry V and Rivian R1t. Meaning, there are three manufacturers already in production working out the Kings ramping up to massive scale in 2023..

How massive is the ramp up? Well, GMC Hummers are about 850 units in in 2022. Riven has done a little bit of a better job with 24 000 units Hardly a massive ramp up. and I'm just going to leave you with this funny video of a GMC Hummer being charged from 49 to full and you're gonna absolutely love it. The new GMC Hammer EV truck is the quickest charging vehicle on the market right now.

One charging 120 volt using the Hummer cable. Right now, it's about 6 pm on Tuesday and it says it'll be full by Saturday at 10 55 which is four plus days of charging. That's Byd. No company globally produces more EVS They are now bigger than Tesla from a volume perspective.

Now in this part, we're seeing a manifestation of this recent trend on YouTube of hyping up Byd. Now don't get me wrong, Byd is a fine company, but the information is absolutely misleading. It's factually incorrect. They're talking about Byd being the biggest EV producer in the world, which is just plain wrong.
Byd produced 900 000 electric vehicles in 2022. That's way less according to my math versus the 1.3 million of Tesla So that doesn't put them as number one. I'm sorry I Think what they're talking about is that Byd also produced 950 000 hybrids at the same year. Now, if you combine hybrids and electric vehicles and you lump it up together, then Toyota which absolutely is not in the EV game, is now becoming the world's number one Eevee producer.

See how ridiculous that is to include hybrids in these statistics? So no. so Byd isn't the world's largest producers of electric vehicles by many stretch of the imagination. They're good company. But that's definitely false.

China is just such an immense Market that there are equivalent quality alternatives to Western products that are better suited to the needs and wants of Chinese consumers which leave Western managers dumbfounded. So in Tesla's case, inevitably, their vehicles are going to be worse for Chinese consumers than the Homegrown Alternatives. And unless they succeed where almost all their equivalents have failed, they just won't be able to understand why. Though this segment logically makes sense because they're saying, well, look, Chinese manufacturers are really good and they know what the Chinese public wants, so Tesla would never be able to compete with it.

Only problem is Beta again proves otherwise in January 6th Tesla dropped prices on its offering in China Guess what happened on February 3rd, the Chinese passenger car. Association The Cpca actually showed that Tesla sold 66 000 China-made vehicles in January at 10.4 percent increase compared to year ago and an 18.4 increase compared to December 2022. And these numbers do not include exports. It's just pure Chinese made and sold Vehicles local in China.

And by the way, in January Tesla went up in market share as far as the Chinese market from six percent December to eight and a half percent January It's a two and a half percent market share rise in the month. Tesla does not need 60 market dominance like it has in the US and we'll have for a while. It doesn't need that. It needs about 10 percent of the Chinese market to be just fine in 2016 after being dropped by its previous autonomous partner over safety concerns.

Tesla Charted a new vision for full self-driving and quickly started selling a software package referred to as full Self Driving for three thousand dollars soon after. Now this part is really annoying because this is literally a misleading way to put what happened. They're talking about the split in 2016 between Mobile and Tesla and they're saying that Mobile I dumped Tesla because of safety concerns. Now look, you can call it safety concerns, but it's very misleading if you don't give context.
The context is way more important here than you would think because what happened is we've done Elon Musk and the head guy of Mobileye had a disagreement Elon says hey, this thing eventually will be autonomous and the guy from mobile says hey, what we're building will never be autonomous at least not in our lifetime. This is always going to be a driver assist system. They have this clash in where the development is supposed to go and they split up because they saw different Visions There were no safety issues or concerns or accidents. It's absolutely a different vision for the system and so far with FSD Beta versus the mobilized system, it seems that Elon had a good point.

In fact, when they split up, this is what: Alan Joshua The head guy of Mobilize said, no matter how you spin it, autopilot is not designed for that. It is a driver assistance system and not a driverless system. Simple, but full self-driving didn't exactly mean full self driving. And yes, in this part they're talking about how.

FSD The full self-driving is not really full self driving. Well, nobody is buying this feature because they think the car is autonomous. I would struggle to find any purchaser of Tesla who purchased this Assuming He's getting an autonomous system. Full self-driving does not mean autonomous self-driving It's different things.

Yes, it's not perfect. Yes, it's work in progress. Yes, it has to get a lot better. But nobody's getting full here.

And trust me, having driven other cars, Tesla's driver assist systems starting from the autopilot on all the way to the FSD Beta from what I've seen from my friends, is top-notch and unrivaled by any of the other car manufacturers, including some of the guys who work with them in 2016. So the better part of a decade now, it sold consumers on the promise, failed to deliver, made new promises, failed to deliver, and repeat and repeat and repeat. The company has burned through its most promising customer base, existing owners, the reputation Tesla has earned as a company whose word means nothing has to have an impact. Now this segment is very strange because it has a lot of assumptions and when you assume you make an ass out of you and me, but mainly because there's actual hard data that proves what they just said in the segment is absolute horse manure.

They're saying that people are getting disgruntled because they're not getting the FSD they were promised and that's where the quitting Tesla The brand loyalty et cetera. Etc But there's literally a study by S. P Globe level and in that study, they found out that Tesla from 2021 to 2022 doubled doubled its brand loyalty from 30 to 63 percent. In fact, that 63 ranks it as the highest brand loyalty auto manufacturer in the world out of every single other auto manufacturer in the world.
So not only the Tesla clients are leaving or disgruntled, they literally have the best brand loyalty in the freaking world. How could you have not seen this research? Well, Musk might have been the Visionary behind the disruptive Behemoth Today, he's a liability. Now this part is a little bit strange because for a research-based channel that does research-based content for them to go ad hominem like this at: Elon the personal attack is very weird. calling him a liability.

Now look I may not agree with everything he says or does, but calling this dude a liability. the guy who has built Tesla from the ground up that took it from nothing into two million cars next year with mountains of cash with massive growth Global Adoption The guy who's changed the art industry I Don't know if I can agree with that. It just sounds like a very personal thing to say about somebody who has achieved a hell of a lot. Tesla's competitive Advantage was built on scarcity for most of their history.

They were the only legitimate horse in the EV race. They're claiming that the only Advantage for tested only mode is the scarcity and once the scarcity is gone, when there's more competition, then Tesla doesn't have an edge versus the other EVS in the market. To me, that's a little bit strange because you have absolutely ignored the supercharger network with 40 000 charges and 1800 stations. And I know you know of its existence because two years ago, you made a video saying that the supercharger network will never be enough to support EV adoption.

Now, ever since your video, the network has doubled in size and definitely proven that it's more than capable to do so. but somehow to absolutely never mention the supercharger. Network as far as modes and an edge, yikes. Meanwhile, 4gm Volkswagen Rivien and others are acting as the adults in the room now.

I can live with these guys. not mentioning the Supercharger network, but calling Ford and GM the responsible adults in the room. the companies that have a hundred billion dollars in debt each, but hold on about the debt that has nothing to do with what he's talking about. Ford and GM Let's look at the numbers: Ford and GM combined sold a hundred thousand electric vehicles in 2022.

that's literally what Tesla does in the weekend, not in the weekend in the month. Okay, whatever. I know I get it. I get it.

So they sold a hundred thousand combined Tesla sells 1.3 million. Uh, has the best brand loyalty in the business and somehow these guys are the responsible adults in the room now talking about VW That's a whole different discussion. Yes, VW is definitely way better position. and they did sell over 550 000 vehicles in 2022 electric vehicles.

But guess what? in Germany there's a whole new thing coming up. The German Factory is actually starting to ramp up in January Tesla sales in Germany shot up by 903 percent. Tesla's fumble is what it could have been. Now let's see exactly how Tesla fumbled its future.
Now we're talking about a company that's sitting on a pile of cash. no debt, 50 annual growth. They went from 280 000 cars in 2018 to 2 million cars this year. They'll make 2 million cars this year based on Q4 numbers.

They have the best margins in the business better than Toyota And we haven't even talked about the Cyber truck coming out the 25 000 car coming out. We haven't talked about AI We haven't talked about energy. None of these things. So how exactly have Tesla fumbled its future I mean my guy, How much faster and better would you expect Tesla to do from 2018 to 2023 I mean I don't understand this point and I'm really trying.

They could have been a giant, they could have been 4gm and Chrysler So if in 10 years Tesla is anything but the biggest car manufacturer in America the explanation will likely be less about what it does over the next decade and more about what it didn't do. Oh, come on, give me a break. If in 10 years Grandpa doesn't have balls, you'll be Grandma Come on. Now for me, the hardest part about this video was reading the pin comment.

They left basically saying well, we know that Tesla Cult will come for us because we criticize Tesla No, no, that's not the case. I'm coming for you and a lot of people are coming for you because you put out lazy, half-assed research with absolutely no objectivity to prove a point to shoehorn your point into a reality that doesn't fit what you're claiming. Now if you have done this video about VW or Alibaba or at T the result would have been the same. Yes, it gets more cloud because it's Tesla But it's not because it's a cult, it's because your video is riddled with inaccuracies and professional research and absolute horse manure of information to try and make you point.

Even better, you could have made an absolutely balanced video critiquing Tesla on the issues that it does have which might be quality which might be service aftermarket which might be Elon Personally being polarizing, all of this could have been made in a better way without you going all in and pushing it all the way in just to show how bad Tesla is I was disappointed I'm not going to stop watching this channel I think this channel puts out great content I think this is a one-off and I wish this video would not have been done I Definitely do not want you to go there and leave hate on their video. By no means do not do it while not looking for drama. but I want you to send this video to anybody who sends you the Wendover Productions video saying Hey look at Tesla it's so bad, send them my video and then go have a chat with them. And by the way, this video took a long ass time to make.

If by any chance you haven't subscribed yet to the channel I'd really appreciate it if you can on your way out, you know, just slap the like button a little bit I hate asking Yeah, a little bit cringed out but hey it's YouTube we're playing the algorithm game. Thank you so much we'll see you next video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “how tesla fumbled fair or total hit piece?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GrandmasterSethy says:

    Amazing video! Great breakdowns, and thanks for the objective information!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Harris says:

    I worked in a certain industry that studied very heavily word of mouth and what they found might be surprising.

    People on average that had a bad experience told no less than 5 others about the experience. On the other hand, those that had an excellent experience hardly told 1 other person about it.

    Good to excellent experience is what you expect, so it isn't memorable. A bad experience is memorable.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sung Shin says:

    I was subscribed to wendover, after so many inaccuracy in this video I had to unsubscribe. how many other videos on wendovers channel are inaccurate like this video. their research is questionable.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EnlightenedSavage says:

    There are independent repair service centers.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Incognito007 says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graham Thwaite says:

    Tesla Full self driving? NO company has full self driving. The problem with tesla is the lies. Even on investor day. They promised the moon on a stick but with no timelines. Any company can say they will be doing something good in the future with no time scale attached to it. For all other companies it's just called lying. Some how everybody just accepts Tesla lies.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars renaissanceman3 says:

    Shouldn't it be renamed to Bendover Productions?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sharsanyi says:

    Wish I could like this video more than once.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phallusy says:

    ITT: Tesla-tards

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rinzler D says:

    so many of the "documentaries " out there. i laugh at them all

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars devanois says:

    All I have to say about that video is that the voice is nice but his brain is empty.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BoringlyFactual says:

    Why was China data on reliability and build quality not used? Easy. Tesla was on top in 2022. Claims without meaningful data = OpEd. It should not be confused with journalism.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Per Laursen says:

    Bendover Productions?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthias Becker says:

    That Wendover video made me unsubscribe them. This video is so bad that I just suddenly cannot trust them anymore…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars johnbone0115 says:

    Thanks for making an articulate, mostly-factual rebuttal vid. I’ve been a fan of Wendover for years, but I had to unsubscribe after that poorly-researched, emotionally-driven mess of a Tesla video. I don’t even have a Tesla or Tesla stock, I’m just bothered by blatantly false content.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Me Omy says:

    Tesla has shown if it isn’t being done they will create it. I love my 2023 Bolt! I don’t believe it would exist if it wasn’t for Tesla bringing EVs to the forefront.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexandros Taderera says:

    This makes me question Wendover's other vids

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sailing on a Summer Breeze says:

    "Tesla has never been good at building cars….". To this statement – I would ask if this guy ever drove a GM or Ford. I have owned both, and have been sorely disappointed with quality, part breakdowns, etc. Poor reliability – at least for the models I drove.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enufpwr W says:

    The commentator from Wendover Productions sounds just like Parker Nirenstein from @VehicleVirgins. The voices are almost identical.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars As Aha says:

    That China only Jan sales data were incorrect it was with export or just different number ~30k

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AngryF#k says:

    Written by Wall St and Directed the Biden Admin!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Heinje says:

    I own Toyotas so to me this sound like basically he’s saying Tesla is hyped. I think the ridiculous stock prices proved that. But it’s a bit dark even to a non-EV fan. I mean Rivian? And had has GM had issues, and what about Fords huge recalls. I think he is right there is a squandered lead is why stock has dropped. But again is this a surprise. I hope they keep a start-up mentality, the auto industry needs it. So basically he says tesla will it not be the maker it might have been. I think he’s right, but as an innovator myself – dude this always happens. It like gravity. I think he’s right about trucks, but Toyota has also held back- I even wrote a letter to them essentially asking for a hybrid version of Tundra with a innovative bed cover

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete H says:

    WHO OWNS WENDOVER, GM, FORD, TOYOTA AND NISSAN? ….or maybe they just paid Wendover?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete H says:

    NICE – TOO MANY NEWS-MORONS out there! Thanks. Easy work to break down all the morons argument, but GREAT WORK ON THIS!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! burpinllama says:

    I think the Consumer Reports thing is the clincher that this was a propaganda piece with an agenda. Quite disappointing

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CjJohnWynn says:

    Just an idiot who doesn't understand how manufacturing works. He probably thinks Ford dodge and Chevy make great cars.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lawrence Ponsford says:


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