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How Much Money Do I Make Day Trading 2021:
🔽Time stamps:
1:33 Is day trading gambling?
2:53 How much do day traders make
5:45 My big day trading loss
8:38 Pros and cons of posting day trading profit
Learn to Day Trade:
Today we're talking about how much money do day traders make, and is day trading a real career or just a scam? Day trading is a real and profitable business for only about 90% of the people. That's because most people do not dedicate enough time into learning to day trade and study the stock market. Most people are in a hurry to turn $1000 stimulus check into a million fast. They treat day trading as gambling and a way to get rich quick!
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Can you really make money day trading and how much money do day traders make if you're new to trading or just been contemplating on getting into day trading, you must have wondered. Can you really make money from this career? This seems like gambling is day trading real or just a scam. We see many people on social media posting, big profits and very rarely any losses. All these seems extremely surreal, maybe sometimes overly glorified but risky at the same time, and that's why people with their newly received stimulus checks, are pouring them into the market, signed up for robinhood and ready to turn that one thousand dollars into a million in six months.

In this video, we're gon na be talking about the topic of day trading profits and losses known as p l's, specifically, why seeing regular p, l's and posting them could be a positive or a negative thing, and finally, we're gon na be answering the question of do. I really make money day trading. I'm also going to be sharing some personal stories from my six years now going into seven years of day trading journey. So, let's get comfortable sit back, get your popcorn ready and make sure no one is touching a trading account and, most importantly, remember to destroy that like button.

First of all, let's answer the number one question most people have regarding day trading. Is this career real or is it a scam? Is they trading just gambling, the short and sweet answer? Is it's a real and very profitable career for only about 5 to 10 of the people? Let's make it really clear, i'm certainly not saying everyone should day trade. No, it's the opposite. I think most people shouldn't day trade because, rather than treating it as a serious business and a career, most people are lazy and they treat it as a get rich.

Quick scheme like gambling, like my brother, said in my live trading with family video day trading is a risky career and most people should stay away from it. Now, let's talk about wins and losses in day trading and, yes, i did say, wins and losses because believe it or not. Everyone loses in day trading. It's just that less people are willing to share their losses.

I mean it's the same reason: everyone wants to post images with lamborghinis. Why would anyone want to be seen with a 2003 corolla or show up on youtube videos with barely any makeup right now back to the topic of how much money do day traders make well? The answer to that question is: it depends. We are traders who make hundred today thousands a day and even sometimes who make five six and even seven figures a day. Now before you get overly excited, oh, my god, you can make that much money day trading.

I need to go quit my job now to day trade. Please listen to the full story here. First, to make money in day trading, you have to be comfortable with losing first losing money in order to make profit is a concept, that's very unique to this day. Trading business day trading is probably the only job where you can show up at your office.
Computer and work very hard and give it all, and at the end of the day after eight hours, you actually lose money. I remember when i used to have a conventional nine to five job nine to five. Why am i kidding it's more like a 9-7 job, but whether i did a good job at the office was slacked off playing ping-pong all day, i'm guaranteed the paycheck at the end of the day, i'm never at the risk of losing money, just the risk of Losing my soul, when you see people post, profit screenshots on social media, it's important to know that, while both you and i may want the same profits, we probably don't have the same kind of risk. Tolerance.

It takes money to make money in this business day. Trading is a career that requires you to leverage your capital risk losing it in order to come out ahead to make that first 100 dollars, you may have to risk 20 to 50 dollars to make those thousands you may have to risk 500 and to make that Five figures of ten thousand dollars you might have to risk four to five thousand dollars, and that brings us to the next point. Everyone's wins and losses are all relative in day trading, if you're making just a hundred dollar a day consistently. That's amazing! Then one day you have a 500 profit, that's considered a big win relative to your account size and your experience.

But for somebody who is using 10 times 100 times your size and making couple thousands per day, their big win would maybe be twenty or thirty thousand dollars and again. At the same time, this small loss might be two thousand dollars and the big loss will probably be in the five figures. The point i'm trying to make is: don't compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20.. Everyone's wins and losses are all relative to their share sizes.

If you see someone else's big wins today and decide to double or quadruple your size in order to make the same profits tomorrow, that's probably not going to end so well. This was actually a huge mistake that hits very closely to home over here around three to four years ago, i was already profitable and making consistent gains from day trading. I was on a win streak. Momentum was picking up in my performance in my trading account and i finally felt like i had figured out myself and all my setups really well, then i started seeing other traders who are making two three times and even sometimes 10 times bigger profits than i am, And many times we're trading the same tickers at first.

The effect wasn't clear to me, but if you start seeing them on a daily basis and over a long period of time of weeks or months, it would start to have some psychological effect on you. At least it did on me so guess what one day after a very nice win, i see another traders who have been trading for 20 30 years, posted p, l, that's ten times bigger than mine. On the same ticker, i was like what the flying i traded. The same stock, the same price action, i'm smart, i'm a profitable trader.
I couldn't make the same profit as him, but instead i packed out i'm a loser here being proud of my five hundred dollars when i could have made ten thousand or more so. The next day, i decided to add a zero to all of my position - sizes, and just like i mentioned earlier, to make a thousand. You have to be comfortable risking 500 to make a hundred thousand. You have to be comfortable risking 20 or 50 or even more well, i wanted to make 10 times my daily consistent profit.

I wasn't prepared mentally and emotionally to take 10 times the risk and when you start becoming nervous and sweating over every single red tick on the stock that leads to some very emotional trading decisions. So you probably know where that story is leading to. I ended the day with more than 10 times my normal predetermined loss per day and that big loss wiped out over 60 percent. Of my account i essentially blew up, even though that story was not my biggest loss ever it was the biggest loss relative.

To my account, this is an experience i still hold very closely to my heart and i have a feeling many of you guys probably feel the same way and have experienced the same emotions, and this is the reason i choose not to post regular p. L, i'm not saying it's wrong to post profits or losses, it's the same as sharing your tax returns or personal information online, whether you decide to share your trading performance or not, it's nobody's decision, but your own. So let's talk about the benefits of posting p ls. Some people may find that it keeps them accountable by sharing it to an online social platforms.

Maybe it helps you connect with other traders and grow a following, and for many traders who have day trading education programs, big profits would be a great marketing tool that would most likely lead to more sales and revenue, and all these are fair reasons for posting. Your trading profits, like i said it's a personal decision and everyone has to weigh the pros and cons themselves, but think about this closely. Do you learn more about trading setups and trade planning from charts like these and perhaps recap videos with commentaries and executions or a big fat p? L screenshot like this for me personally, seeing others p l's did not help me learn as a beginner trader. In fact, it had caused me to formal trading on tilt and blow up my accounts, like the story i had just mentioned, and that was entirely my own fault.

By the way, you should never blame your losses on other traders, whoever click the buy and sell button. Following someone's trade alerts, or not, it's entirely responsible for their own outcome since seeing p, l posts did not help me as a beginner trader, and nor is it helping me now. Six years later, i decided not to post them. Actually, my first time sharing it on this youtube channel was a loss and then a profit.
Much later on, and of course, somebody would leave a snarky comment that my five figure loss was nothing then later on my four-figure profit, while trading remotely in the quarantine hotel was crap. Honestly, i don't know which world i have to live in in order to experience a life where four or five figures of us dollars isn't worth a lot. But do you see what i mean posting and seeing p l's? Don't do myself any good? I don't feel any gratification or fulfillment from prices saying wow, six thousand dollars good job, but at the same time the snarky remarks on both my profits and losses affect me and my trading negatively since we're all traders here, this risk reward ratio in the situation. Just doesn't make sense in trading the most precious thing after capital.

Preservation is your mental capital. You could probably tell that i'm an extremely optimistic and positive person. Most of the time i do find that having a positive outlook in life overall does make a huge, drastic difference in your trading trajectory social media could be beneficial but extremely draining at the same time. Yes, i do understand that if i start making videos with titles and thumbnails like how i made five thousand dollars within five minutes day trading or make a thousand dollars a day easy with a strategy, i could probably get a lot more views.

A lot more subscribers and make a lot more money, but if i do that, i would be sacrificing my mental capital that would affect my own trading performance and also that would just be betraying. Who i really am. I am 100 sure that those won't be the kind of video i enjoy making and i'm just not willing to do them. So i can make a few more bucks.

This channel you're watching right now has grown the way it has from a little more than 5 000 subscribers a year ago to now over 400, and all this is just from me standing right here sharing some of my honest insights, tips and opinions on day trading And, of course, we cannot forget the bad jokes. Those are the real selling factors here, i'm not a guru, i still have losses in trading and i'm not a hundred percent right all the time, and i share my charts executions and discuss my thoughts process in all. My recap videos to me personally and from all the feedback i've received. These recap.

Videos are way more valuable than screenshots of p l's. Last but not least, i'm still single and having these numbers out there in public eye has and will affect personal relationships. Whether you are a man or a woman, if you enjoy this video on the inside of both day trading profits and losses, please remember to drop a like at the bottom of the video. Thank you guys so much for watching.

As always, i'm the humble trader and i'll see you guys next week. Hey guys thanks for watching. I hope you enjoyed the video and the bad jokes. If you want to see more day, trading content make sure to subscribe and follow me on twitter and instagram for more.
If you'd like to trade with me daily and get my free weekend, watch list and trading journal make sure to check out the links below for more resources. Stay, green, stay, positive and i'll. See you guys next time.

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24 thoughts on “How much money do day traders make?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LiddleBlink says:

    Im only a few videos in to watching your content – its easily the best I've found so far – You're very transparent in what you say. You present your topics well and you make youre videos an easy and very educational experience – FUN!

    I've been looking into day trading over the past couple of weeks as it has seemd very interesting to me. I've been trying to find places to learn and better understand how to get started in this space and if its even for me ( I have found it seems as though it is!). There were so many thing I've struggled to find to get started with learning, but your few videos I've seen so far have finally cleared up my direction – thankyou! With you're videos I'm now extra sure that the many months ahead of learning will be an awesome experience 🙂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul van Hemmen says:

    Would like this 10 times if I could. You are a great person with a great attitude and mindset. Keep it up!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chen cohen says:

    What's a 'normal' range of % a successful day trader could expect per month or year?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve C says:

    "I'm never at the risk of losing money; just the risk of losing my soul :D"
    Freaking hilarious!

    Also, this story is exactly why risk management is so important… Generally, 1%-3% per trade is the maximum recommended by most educators, and losing 5% in a day for me is an instant stop loss. I quit for the day and come back tomorrow bc the psychology will F me up.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mantra/tantra/yantra says:

    I love when a women got far in her live from 0 respect big respect for you.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crankie says:

    Title should be "How much money do day traders lose?"

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark O'Byrne says:

    I put my pee pee in bee nest…If I get honey on pee pee it make bee sting less painful if I get stung on pee pee it swells and I wait for bees to die down so I can Capitalize on that Honey.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JustAGuy InBensalem says:

    The fact that you hardly wear any make-up makes you WAY more attractive to me. The women today looks like clowns anymore with all the make up on. Its really disgusting. Give me a chick any day without gobs of makeup.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drewskie B says:

    "I'm still single"
    Damn! I'm a year too late lol

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stuart Cormie says:

    Enjoyed your content, honesty and story. And very good advice. Thanks

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cody Geer says:

    I got into trading 10 years ago. I wouldn't recommend it to weak people. I turned it into a serious endeavor and it is changing my life. Should YOU do it? Probably not.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Robinson says:

    Greed comes from focusing on the dollar amount made and not percentages. And people are too short-sighted

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beach Thor says:

    Just bought my buddy’s 03 Corolla! Rise up Corolla squad!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rénald Christie says:

    il est possible d'apprendre la bourse sans formation payante il existe plein de vidéo sur YouTube gratuit pour vous formé. APPRENDRE, PERSÉVÉRER, PATIENCE

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muk Mason says:

    This is one of the people I really like cos Humble trader talks the truth big up!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alphahydro says:

    This is good info. Making more requires risking more. I've also learned that every day may not present an opportunity, and at times you may have to sit a day out instead of forcing an arguable trade.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yoon Tom says:

    Love your Hair, definitely reminds me of my Lamborghini……

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikos Karaklidis says:

    Every time i just bet the minimum amount ,like tasting the water how it flows, then you get the strong taste to make profits!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keyser Söze says:

    Working for any company unless you the owner you’re just another slave , freedom is risky but risky is rewarding and rewards are worth the risk of freedom 👍🏼

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trent Carr says:

    Really entertaining watching you. You're really funny.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shivam Airon says:

    i agree with you. lost lot of money in stock market so i pursued CMT. after 20+ years of experience, i can say long term investing in a blend of dividend paying and growth stocks is the best way. my best

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Basse says:

    Hi, I'm working 7:40am to 4:06pm. I'm also in Papua New Guinea. What is your advice to me to use of time?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vincent Lane says:

    I love this girl! Smart as hell and straight up with the reality of trading. Her videos are about the only ones I use now.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Chen says:

    Great video! Thank you, Humbled Trader. We all love you.

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