Here's my step by step guide on how I pick the best stocks to invest in. By the end of this video you’ll know my actual value investing strategies for picking great stocks.
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So there are 2 main ways to attempt to predict the stock market these are called technical and fundamental analysis. A good way to think about this is like a scale, usually short term day traders are purely focused on the technical aspects this includes looking at charts and patterns.
However like I mentioned it’s a scale, so I do cast my eye over the occasional chart in order to find the best time to buy. This approach has helped me find some really good investments over the years rather than just dipping in and out trying to make profit everyday.
Part 1: Quantitative analysis
This may sound quite daunting however it is relatively straight forward once you know where to look as it’s all public information. Whenever I am thinking of investing in a company I make sure to look at all these figure first.
There are three main aspects I look at, the balance sheet, income statement & statement of cashflow.
Now once I’ve had a look at all of these numbers it’s time to get into the juicy stuff and that’s all about analysing the qualities of a company, this is known as qualitative analysis.
Part 2: Qualitative analysis
1. Brand Recognition
When people are presented with a choice of 2 new things they nearly always take the choice they know and trust this means that these companies are much more resilient to threats from competition and when a companies brand name spans multiple languages that’s even better!
2. The News
I always keep an eye on it and in particular rumours on social media. You may have heard recently about the whole GameStop situation.
They were able to use this to their advantage to earn a lot of money. But once the news broke and more people started the jump on the bandwagon the big profits had already been made. This is a great example of the age old saying 'buy the rumour, sell the news’.
3. The leadership of the company
Even more so nowadays with social media and what the leader says having a huge effect on the price of the stock.
Just imagine that Elon Musk decided he was bored with making electric cars and tweeted that he was standing down from Tesla to focus on SpaceX and his mission to colonize Mars. In my opinion the stock price would crash.
4. Emerging Future Industries
These types of investments are really your growth stocks. My friend Simon Squib often tells me he believes that in the future, doctors will be replaced by artificial intelligence. I’ve learnt never to dismiss something I don’t fully believe.
5. Shift In Sector
During my time investing I have seen a huge shift within each sector. I remember sitting at my grandmas house and watching a guy come along with a sack of Coal on his back which he would deliver to my grandma so that she could heat the house.
So that’s 3 major shifts I will experience in my lifetime. If I had been stuck in my ways and not taken notice of these changes then my investments would be left in the past just like the Coal industry.
BONUS: When's The Best Time To Invest?
There is a strategy I use to get around this and it’s called dollar cost averaging. This is also known as ‘Buying The dip’, instead of getting scared and selling like the majority of people would, the idea is to buy more because it’s like a garage sale and if you have done all your research, and you like the company then the stock is at bargain prices!
For business inquires only, please use this email: mark
*Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Mark Tilbury will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. The Info in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

Hi guys it's mark, so i've got a secret it's about time. We talked about it. This is my crystal ball and it allows me to predict everything the stock market's going to do in the future. Look if anyone tells you that never believe them they're, probably just trying to sell you one of those courses for 997 dollars.

So, even though, there's no magic ball that can tell you when to buy a stock before it rockets in value and makes you a millionaire overnight. There is certainly a few things i do to tip the odds in my favor and that's what i'd like to share with you guys today, as i've got older and slightly grayer. I've found that, knowing the reason behind why i stopped my changing prices, helped me make and save a lot of money. If you're new to the stock market, then a stock is a small part of a company and when you buy, you actually become a part owner.

The idea is to buy parts of a company that you believe will go up in value, so you're able to multiply your money without doing any extra work, but let's face it, investing in the stock market can be pretty confusing and most people just pick companies on A whim, however, that's not how i do it so by the end of this video you'll know my actual strategies for picking great stocks and don't worry, i won't be trying to sell you anything, so you can just sit back and relax, so there are two main Ways to attempt to predict the stock market - these are called technical and fundamental analysis. A good way to think about this is like a scale usually short-term day. Traders are purely focused on technical aspects. These include looking at charts and patterns.

They believe that they can predict how the stock will change in price by judging the highs and the lows on the graphs they're, the geeky ones, nah, i'm only kidding it's just not how i do it. My whole investment strategy is about keeping it simple: lots of people talk about using margin and options, but that's really not something. I worry about i'm a long-term investor, so this means i'm a lot more focused on the fundamentals of a company. This includes the financials, the leadership and the brand recognition, as i believe this is where the information lies to indicate the long-term success of a stock.

However, like i mentioned it's a scale, so i do cast my eye over the occasional chart in order to find the best time to buy. This approach has helped me to find some really good investments over the years, rather than just dipping in and out and trying to make a profit on a daily basis. The amazing thing is, the majority of professional traders are still unable to be a low-cost index fund. Over the long term, this may sound quite complicated, but it's actually very simple, so this bucket represents an individual stock and the water is me pumping all of my money into that company.

This represents an index fund, each cup being a different company and the water i'm putting in is the money i'm spreading between each of them in one easy investment, for whatever reason, if this company goes bankrupt, then guess what or my money goes down the drain now This is the same company and it still goes bankrupt, but the good thing is, i may lose my money in that small investment. However, i've got so many more stocks and i've done really well in some of them, which means i've actually made a profit overall. My favorite index funds track the s p 500, which are the top 500 public companies in the usa. So, even though the majority of my money goes into index fund investing, i also have a lot of fun picking individual stocks and watching my portfolio grow.
On this note, if you'd like an easy way to get started, public are currently giving away a free stock worth all the way up to 50 dollars. When you fund your account, if you want to pick that up i'll leave a link in the description and if you're in the uk free trade are giving away a free stock that could be worth up to 200 pound when you deposit as little as two pounds. I'll leave that link below as well it's a great way to get started with individual stocks and basically it's free money right so now you've got your free stock and you're ready to invest into some more. But where should you start well if you're anything like me, it makes sense to start with the numbers.

We call this quantitative analysis whenever i'm thinking about investing in a company, i make sure to look at all these figures. First, if the financials don't look good to me, then it's very rare that i do any further research into the company, it's kind of like when you go on a first date with someone and they seem really nice. However, it isn't until you really start getting to know all the details about them, that you might start to notice their flaws like eating with their mouth, open or picking their nose, if only they gave you a non-biased comprehensive list of how they actually are. So you can make an educated decision, whether you want to date them or not.

I don't have a solution to this problem, but luckily that's exactly what companies do? It's brilliant! You can find out this information for free on yahoo finance, which is the website that i use. There are three main aspects that i look at. First, let's break down the balance sheet. I know it doesn't sound too interesting, but trust me.

This is where you find some of the real juicy information. The whole purpose of this sheet is, in the name to balance, assets and liabilities. Think of it a bit like this, you may own a watch or a rental property, and these are your assets. But let's say you have loads of credit card debt.

This is one of your liabilities, so let's break down some of the gobbledygook terms, so you can easily understand this complicated, looking sheet and impress your friends, assets are broken down into three categories. Current assets are things that could be turned into cash within 12 months longer term assets are things like their headquarters, which they usually don't sell in a hurry. Companies can also have assets that you can't physically touch known as non-tangible assets, such as the brand recognition of an established business that has been trusted for generations. I like to think of coca-cola, and then we come to the liabilities, and what i'm really interested in here are the current liabilities, as this is the debt that they'll need to repay within 12 months.
With this, there is a simple calculation you can do to easily know if the company is high risk or not, and that is total current assets divided by total current liabilities. A good rule of thumb here is the number should be above one, but how does this work in practice? Let's take apple's balance sheet, for example, apple's total current assets divided by their total current liability, comes to 1.4 when rounded up. This is great as now we know that apple are able to pay off all their short-term debt, nearly one and a half times. The second document, that's really important to have a look at is the income statement.

If you've ever heard the saying of the top and bottom line, this is where it comes from at the top of the statement. This is the total revenue, which is the total the business take and at the bottom is the net income, which is the money the company makes. After all, the expenses have been deducted every business has these expenses, the cost of operation and the cost of revenue. So, let's take a simple business like a smoothie company, their cost of revenue is fruit.

They can't make the smoothies without buying that. Therefore, that is a cost. They have no choice about it's a simple fact of running their business, but the next thing they do have a choice about which is their operating expenses, who they're hiring and what kind of wages that they're paying them after these expenses are deducted from the total amount Of money they take from their customers, you get the operating income. So here's my simple calculation that lets me know if the business is healthy, operating income divided by total revenue times 100.

Ideally, i look for above 15 using apple again. Let's take this number divided by this number and we get 27, which is great. The last one of the big three is the statement of cash flow. I'm not going to spend too much time on this one as when you boil it down, it's pretty simple.

The main thing i look out for is if the company i'm investing in, has increase in free cash flow year on year, which is money they can use to reinvest or pay back to investors. A big red flag here is sometimes i see. The cash flow is negative, but the company is still paying dividends back to its investors. It's just unsustainable and eventually the business is just going to run out of cash.

Now, once i've had a good look at all these numbers, it's time to get into the juicy stuff and that's all about analyzing, the qualities of a company. This is known as qualitative analysis. One of the qualities i look for is brand recognition. When i say the word apple, most people think about the company rather than the fruit.
I know i keep referring to it, but it's a great example of amazing brand recognition that won't be going away anytime soon being a household brand name comes with a lot of consumer trust. So when they launch a new product, people are much more likely to try. It out, especially if it's something unique or groundbreaking, such as the ipad, and we like to show it to you today for the first time and we call it the ipad. This helps companies like apple shape, our future and create entire new markets and revenue streams.

Another great example of brand awareness is coca-cola. It's the second most recognized word in the world after okay, something that really affects price movements is the news i always keep an eye on it and, in particular, rumors on social media. You may have heard about the whole gamestop situation, where a small bunch of retail investors managed to outsmart the top hedge funds by finding a flaw in their strategy. They were able to use this to their advantage and earn a lot of money tonight.

It's wall street's david versus goliath, the struggling video game, retailer gamestop skyrocketing about 8 000 percent over six months, but once the news broke and more people started to jump onto the bandwagon, the big profits had already been made. This is a great example of the age old saying: buy the rumor sell the news. I learned this valuable lesson during the dot-com boom in the 90s. When i started investing people were amazed that i was pouring money into companies whose main asset was a dot-com domain.

Name, however, within six months it seemed that everyone's telling me that they were buying shares in dot-com companies. Even my hairdresser, i decided to start selling to buy more real estate just weeks before the bubble burst, and i managed to save the majority of my profits. Others weren't so lucky. Everyone thought that internet businesses were the future and they were eventually right.

However, most of the original companies never recovered, and i saw some of my friends make millions just to lose 90 percent of their investment when everything crashed only a handful of companies managed to weather the storm such as amazon. This showed me that the hype generated by the news and other people talking about it really just caused the prices to get out of control and become unsustainable. So whenever i feel like hype is driving the price of a particular stock, i know that it probably isn't a great long-term investment, although with the dot-com bubble, it is true that a lot of companies did rebound eventually. The next important factor is the leadership of the company, even more so nowadays with social media and what the leaders say is having a huge effect on the price of the stock.
A prime example of this is elon musk, who is very clearly the visionary behind all of his companies, one of them, of course, being tesla. Just imagine if elon musk decided he was bored of making electric cars and tweeted that he was standing down from tesla to focus on spacex and his mission to colonize mars. I think this reliance on elon musk is one of tesla's greatest strengths, but also one of its greatest weaknesses, as the company is highly affected by his actions. This brings me to my next point, which is to look out for emerging future industries like electric vehicle technology, which tesla is leading the way in these types of investments are really your growth stocks.

My friend, simon squibb, often tells me he believes that in the future, doctors will be replaced by artificial intelligence. This sounds like the stuff of science fiction. However, when i was younger, this was what i used to see on star trek spark spark here. In fact, this is even better.

I actually first heard of tesla when it was featured on top gear in 2008. It wasn't a very flattering review, as they showed the car running out of batteries in 50 miles, which was only a quarter of the advertised range elon. Wasn't very happy about this and he actually later filed a lawsuit against the show. However, the segment certainly piqued my interest, and i could see they were onto something during my time.

Investing i've seen a huge shift in each sector or, if you're american, at home sectors. Let me take you back to when i was younger. If you can imagine that far back, i remember sitting at my grandma's house and watching this guy come along with a sack of coal on his back, which he would deliver to my grandma. So she could heat her house nowadays.

Most people use gas, so no more. Mr coleman and this sector is all set to change again with the introduction of renewable electricity. But that's three major shifts that i'll experience in my lifetime. If i'd been stuck in my ways and not taking notice of these changes, then my investments would have been left in the past, just like the coal industry.

So, before investing in a stock, i always think about whether a future shift in sector will have a positive or negative impact on that company. But how do i predict when the best time to buy is you don't but there's a strategy i use to get around this and it's called dollar cost averaging? Let's imagine you were to invest once a month for three months month, one the stock might cost you two hundred dollars month, two hundred and fifty dollars a month, three hundred and thirty dollars. Of course, if you knew it was going to dip to 130 you'd have bought, then, however, no one knows how low the price will go, but by doing this instead of investing all your money in month, one when your stock was at 200, you actually lower your Average buying price to 160 dollars. This is also known as buying the dip.
Instead of getting scared and selling like the majority of people, would the idea is to buy more because it's like having a garage sale and if you've done all your research and you like the company, then the stock is at a bargain price. So i'm going to leave the next video right up there, but don't click on it just yet make sure to subscribe for more videos and pick up your free stocks with the links below okay i'll see you over there.

By Stock Chat

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32 thoughts on “How i pick my stocks: investing for beginners”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ava garcia says:

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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Suarez says:

    Obsessed with your channel. So much useful knowledge!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! usernamenotfound says:

    what website does he use to look at the balance sheets

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Diego Valenzuela Estrella says:

    Hi Mark, i really like your videos. i was making what you teach us but i found a stock globalstar and it has a negative operating income and a positive cash flow. what does it means? stock label GSAT.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turtle says:

    I'm gonna get two Ford stocks is that a good choice? I know they don't mice much but they are making an electric mustang and truck

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheJensnider2 says:

    When I looked at the company income statement and did the calculation you suggested, I got over 300% for 2 different companies. What does that mean when that happens? Thank you for your help! Your videos are helping me navigate the stock market much easier!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erika Furuzono - Rapid Transformation Expert says:

    Thank you so much for easy to understand educational video

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kian-kian-kian says:

    Also invest money in stocks when they are going to drop new products such as apple before they drop the new iPhone or gamestop or Sony when a new PlayStation drops, those type of things because when those drop they will gain profit and your stock will increase

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avery Thompkins says:

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    All thanks to this man up here 👆 I invested with him through a legit brokerage firm he introduced to me and I got my profits just in 7 days!!! He’s such a genius.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcloi Cardona says:

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    Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payouts, with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThrashnTrash Gaming says:

    How do i get to the full balance sheet on yahoo finance

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Garcia says:

    This dude is a millionare and im suposed to belive he investigates his stocks in yahoo finance

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stefan karl says:

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  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul McCabe says:

    Thank you, this is one of the best free videos I've ever watched to actually teach me something I needed to know. I'm so glad I found you Mark 🙂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fish N Steve says:

    From the thumbnail, reading the first view words of the title made me think you wanted to pick your nose

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hunter Murphy says:

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  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kralju9 gaming says:

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  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fortknight Boy says:

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  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chankinwah1963 says:

    Hi, Mark, a very informative video. I hope u could help me. In 1998, my dad bought a lot of Palmer Medical Inc.stock from Nasdaq. (It says Nasdaq.OBB). He got a share certificate for the purchase. He bought it from Lee Goldman Asia In in the Phillipines. I just found the share cert in the attic yesterday. My question is , does the cert still have any value. I tried to search for the company in Nasdaq, but i couldnt find it. Not sure whether the company has folded or change its name. Can u advice me on how to see if this share cert still has any value. Thanks in advance.

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    I literally come to YouTube everyday to check the notification “someone liked your comment” and “you have a new subscriber” It always make my day

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Esho maker says:

    I’ve been looking at the Numbers of a few stocks on yahoo. Sometimes the number is negative, what does this mean and how do I look at the company? For example if the operative income is negative what does this mean?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ashly smith says:

    Awesome video, As a beginner, I’ve come to realize that experience beats hard work, I made weak profit investing on my own, but since the past 2 months I’ve been investing with the guidance of Jeremy Richard Deering, i’ve made over £150,000 Profit using a capital of £50,000

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ARTHUR LESTER says:

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  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars monkeyanything says:

    Great video! I just had one question. When you did your operating income/total income why do you want over 15% wouldn’t you want that number to be smaller? Doesn’t the smaller the percentage mean they are making more than they are spending? Thank you in advance for your help!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Varad 2 says:

    I am a 15 year old interested in stocks , this video is helpful

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Tech Pro says:

    Bro I literally got and ad where a man is trying to sell his webinar to me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DatMan says:

    The things Mark teaches us and how he does it makes him far more superior than most financial based youtubers. He's the kind of man who teaches you how to fish to feed yourself again and again instead of giving you the fish to feed just once.

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