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$LUNA falls down to nearly ZERO... Luna is a South Korean-based traditional cryptocurrency whose value is tied to a stablecoin called Terra. Terra, in turn, is supposed to be tied to the United States dollar.
Bryce breaks down the fall of LUNA in today's Tuohey Talk Show. He also shares his thoughts on the potential for panic in the overall crypto market, what the future holds for crypto, and what regulations might look like.
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how's it going everybody bryce toohey here your host of the tui talk show um and as you see in the uh the the title of the video today we're not only going to be talking about the crash of luna um the cryptocurrency that was once worth about 120 a few short weeks ago and even just a couple days ago worth about 70. now worth point zero zero zero five um and it was actually delisted from binance once it hit point zero zero zero five uh it was going to be delisted so it hit point zero zero zero four um i should say once it was worth under point zero zero zero five it was going to be delisted it has officially gotten de-listed and it is uh perhaps the the craziest um example of of a crash that i've seen in quite some time i put out a tweet the other day uh last night uh stocks trade did as well basically if you'd invested a million dollars five days ago it's 70 um by the time it hits low you'd be left with 71 cents and it's still technically trading now it hit point five zeros right point zero zero zero zero zero one you'd be left with seven cents of that million dollars from five date although maybe six days ago um insane right and so we're gonna talk about the house you know what it is um we're just going over all of it and you know to be completely honest my understanding of you know i'm not going to be the best person to ask about this i am not the i'm not some stable coin master but i've done some research oh we're gonna pull up my my my screen i'll kind of walk you through the um the the story that i saw it looks like this could have been either one uh an extremely well executed trade with a lot of liquidity or um a full-out attack where they were going to go like that was their plan was to do this um but you know first we need to start off with the basics for those of you that don't understand you know what luna even really is um and why it again why it did this we need some backstory here so without i'm not gonna i'm not gonna waste too much time we're just gonna get right into kind of you know what was luna and luna was a cryptocurrency uh attached or you know traded with um a stable coin known as tether and so what a stable coin is and again pardon me if i'm a little bit off but this is a general uh general synopsis right a stable coin is exactly what it's said it's a coin that remains stable at one dollar more or less axe is a middleman right so if i want to go uh let's say i've got a thousand dollars worth of bitcoin not a thousand bitcoin a thousand dollars worth of bitcoin that i want to transfer to a different cryptocurrency well i can do that in you know my my wallet but i'm going to pay fees to do that or um you know i'm gonna pay fees you're gonna have to pay fees to do that and there are some that will do it for free and that's kind of becoming a more uh it seems to become i feel like that'll be the next wave is like commission free crypto trading but we're not there yet uh and so you have to pay a fee to do that and so that that you know those stable coins that are at one u.s dollar they're they're worth one dollar you transfer your bitcoin to the stable coin and then your stable coin to whatever cryptocurrency you want to buy and so tether was the uh well is the the stable coin um that it's one of its stable coins it was you know one of the top three stable coins and so it's called a peg it's pegged at a dollar it doesn't really fluctuate from there like it doesn't at all uh because in so the other stable coins are there are plenty of others and they're backed by real world commodity or assets right they're backed by actual value that's why they don't change um but what was interesting about tether is that it wasn't uh backed by real world assets i believe it was backed by uh by bitcoin or something of that to that extent but it wasn't backed by a real world asset now there was an algorithm that um was used to essentially keep that still at a dollar right by by the buying and selling a bitcoin to keep that pegged at a dollar um but someone exploited a massive flaw with that and really put liquidity to the test and i'll get into that i've actually got that pulled up as a twitter thread right on my screen and we'll get into that momentarily and just dig through it but then we need to understand luna is what really crashed basically 100 right uh tether went from a dollar it's now trading at 22 cents so it's broken that peg from the dollar mark um and you know it's now essentially worthless because it's been completely exploited but was even more interesting is that at any point you could again exchange one tether for one u.s dollar so when it originally started taking that dip under a dollar you were able to buy and re-exchange it a dollar until that was you know rewritten because this hasn't happened before um and so that that also helped lead to the complete crash of of uh terror i'm sorry tara um terra is what it is the terra usd usdt um and that's what essentially led to that crash and so luna is tied to terra uh it trades you know through through terra again my understanding larry so but the luna itself is a cryptocurrency it's not a stable coin it's it's a cryptocurrency and i haven't looked into all the the road map and all that stuff but if if tara crashes like it did and i'll show you the chart in a moment you can kind of see it here uh on my screen but if that crashes right which isn't supposed to happen luna crashes and now the thing is luna had a limited supply of of coins right i believe and don't again don't quote me on the exact numbers here but it was roughly a 300 million uh coin supply well in order to essentially uh keep up the value of this is the one that i believe is tether um they had to increase supply that was the only way to do it uh and so that supply basically overnight you know within like a couple days went from 300 million or 30 or 300 million to like 3 trillion trillion and so it's just an example of mass dilution that they had to do in order to keep uh again i believe tether um pegged as best it could to hold up that that value and it's tara is the one that fell now i need to do a little research tether tyler crypto okay yeah tether um is what's still pegged there but insane right and so i'm gonna pull up a chart here we're just gonna go right into this i'll get to uh well i'll get into luna i actually don't have that up anymore let's pull there we go um this so let me i'll put it in a candlestick format for you again on april 5th this was trading at about 120 today well today it's been again d listed is trading at point traded at point zero zero zero four again in i'll go i'll bring up like a 30-minute chart for you just so you can really see the extent of this and you can even see the volume down here right it was trading you know minimal volume and then it was trading over by the time we got down here you know per 30 minutes was trading 80 90 almost 100 billion in volume obviously you're down at point zero zero zero four um and so this led to the loss of a lot of people's money right like it crushed people because you lost about a hundred percent of what you had in there and what i worry about is that you had people buying this dip this dip there we go with people buying this dip here um because again it's like oh well because we no one really understood what was happening why it was happening all they knew was that you got this massive panic at some point it has to bounce right well ah there there you point that way it didn't it never did bring my finger that way there we go it never it had little mini bounces we're looking at you know down from it went under a dollar and it bounced up to nearly 10 and then subsequent i mean then you even had bounces you know from from point zero zero four up to point zero five i mean within a matter of a couple hours you had a 10xer um but like it it never that was assuming you bought the dip perfectly anyone who bought i saw so many tweets oh my gosh i was looking up the you can do the cash sign uh cash tag on twitter you knew the hashtag luna l-u-n-a and i'd see tweets from you know a couple days ago people like if this dips under 70 i'm loading i'm loading i'm loading and it just kept going and going and going you just had again mass dilution mass dilution which when basic economics when supply increases demand uh and even if demand stays the same price goes down but generally as supply increases demand decreases right and so demand decreasing there's mass panic but it can't bounce because the supply grew so much and i feel like a lot of people don't even understand that part of the equation is that the supply like 20 x overnight um so that that is why very basically why this happened right from a very basic standpoint you have uh the terra terra stable coin that was at you know about a it was at a dollar right it's pegged at a dollar and then it broke which led to this mass panic and then you then again once this once we realized okay this no longer is it can be it's it's not real it's it doesn't have any backing it continued to crash and this continued crash led to this continued crash so you basically just have i i've never seen the only other thing that i've seen kind of like this is when when uh crude oil futures went under zero oh my gosh that was insane truly insane but that's about the craziest thing i've seen since then um and so again i'm gonna i've got a couple basically i was looking up because there are some terms we're about to get into that i don't even have a full understanding of but again i'm going to just this this right here is you know what kind of what a stable coin is um and you know where were we so stable coins aren't one of those ones by the way you'll see a lot of these that will a lot of coins that offer these you know uh these apis of like 18 where you're getting interest and that those are generally like ponzi schemes but aside from that you're not really getting any interest again right here stable coins are useful because they allow people to transact more seamlessly in crypto currencies that function as investments such as bitcoin or ethereum they form a bridge between volvo crypto currencies and stable real-world assets like fiat um and again with luna not being tied to a real world asset it could lead to destruction and it wasn't expected but obviously it was expected that would never have been up so high but now let's get into this thread that just really really interested me right uh so this is onshanewizard on twitter um and matt monaco actually sent me this uh because i wanted a better understanding and so again uh the ust attack right and again this this is kind of speculation here this this thread so take uh make of it what you want but dig in here um again whether where no one's talking about one how much money the attacker made or you know really how brilliant this is i would agree and so late march the luna foundation guard starts buying bitcoin to help back the ust that pegged one dollar stablecoin uh and they started accumulating bitcoin on 322 and by march 26th they had a one billion dollar bitcoin position and then this according to uh the on-chain wizard is like number one that made this attack trade or attack brilliant um and so this is the part where i'm actually pretty confused myself and so if any of you guys know talk down in the comments below or if you're in chat right now um so then there's these different like four pool three pool i don't know what that means i was trying to uh kind of get some information on that but it was kind of tough for me to see but um frax announcement for ust on april 1st uh and this was the uh announcement we'll open this in a new tab maybe maybe we won't we'll just go back um in the future we'll direct a mission so there's stable coins that pair against the four pool okay so four pool literally might just be like four pools of stable coin that's kind of what i was getting but um start of the three pool four pool uh exciting new primitive on evm chains where curve lies balancing truly decentralized stable coins with off-chain liquidity right so kind of what we're going at there where this is not a real-world stabilized coin um and so then we don't this is again just going i'm literally just reading word for word here so take it what you want i'll get kind of give my reaction or my thoughts here at the end but we don't know when the attacker borrowed a hundred thousand bitcoin to start the position other than that it was sold into quang's we he imagines it was sold into quang's buying um who again was buying all this bitcoin uh so shorting into this position um the luna what is it the luna foundation guard um bought 15 000 bitcoin between march 27th and april 11th which about an average price of 42 000 these are the pictures attached here so this is what they um the lfg luna now backstops the ust peg with 2.3 billion dollars worth of bitcoin usd uh with these again i'm assuming this is the four pool right so they have a 3 a 350 million dollar position in luna um 1.5 billion in bitcoin and then these other usdt which is the uh tether i believe tara's us no that might that might be tara um but anyways so it's it's again just backed by a different and so now by march 27th the total balance of luna back you know the reserve quote unquote is 1.16 billion all right um but someone has a 4.2 billion short position build and over that same time the attacker builds a 1 billion otc position in ust uh in that in that peg right there they're they're in peg a billion dollars worth that stage is now set to create a run on the bank and get paid on your btc short and then take anticipation of the four pool um uh the luna foundation guard initially removes 150 million from the three from three pool liquidity right here this is the community pool and this curve was pulled or liquidity was pulled on 5 8 when the attacker uses 350 million of ust to drain curve liquidity again this is kind of like advanced stuff but i'll explain a little bit here and we'll look at the charts they are interesting so um the pool balance to start draining and then you see just this mass separation here um just which should give you an idea of again the the liquidity and just that absolute drainage uh and then this only starts the depending right so when we looked at that tara chart you know it it just started it it just really i want to make sure i'm not yeah sort of just really brought this down um slightly lfg begins selling bitcoin to defend the peg causing downward pressure on bitcoin again because this is pegged on the val or on bitcoin so they have to do this um they have to sell bitcoin in order to defend uh and you know the run on the ust was just getting started and then this uh liquidity drain the attacker used the remainder of their 1 billion otc ust position about 650 million to start offloading on binance withdrawals from anchor turned to concern from concern to panic and then this caused the real deep pec like the dpeg was truly caused by uh just the mass panic and then in order to keep going they had to increase supply so lfg selling bitcoin to restore that peg that one dollar value right that we see this bounce um eventually the chain gets congested and i don't know what a cex is suspends withdrawals of ust which means right um this is what i think we were talking about earlier when i was saying that at one point you know you could convert at any time uh your your ust for one us dollar right you can do that you can just convert it to a dollar so when it's down at like 80 and 70 you can convert it to a dollar now eventually though um those withdrawals are suspended uh and that that obviously that's going to cause mass panic clearly something's wrong ustd pegs to 60 cents at the bottom and this is may 10th mind you right that this is tweeted but um as bitcoin is crashing here that just led from an absolute plunge down to below 80 cents nearly instantly uh crypto community panics wonder is they wonder how much uh bitcoin will be sold to keep the peg like how much bitcoin is needed to be sold in order to keep that one dollar threshold right because at some point you have to keep selling and selling and selling in order to keep that there uh and you know luna luna just pukes itself again very clearly i'll bring that chart back up pukes itself um because of its redemption mechanism um that they have to sell bitcoin um and so now this is more in line with the attacker part now like the attacker the trade um and so this is this is speculation it seems like but there aren't details on where the covers are but if they were able to cover the entire position around 32 000 that means they made nearly a billion dollars on the short and again bitcoin let's for just for reference bitcoin went down to 26 000. let's go back to there we go it makes that weird noise for some reason this uh site for the charting but bitcoin went down to 26 000 so this is under the assumption that the attacker covered their entire position around 32 950 million um and so that being said again speculation here but on the 350 million of the ust curve dump it probably didn't take much of a loss assuming around 11 million dollars uh assumed that all binance dumps were done at 80 cents another 125 million costs doing business it's it's and again that's like almost think of that right in more simple terms like your borrow fee not really but you get the point like it's just it's just a fee that was needed in order to make this position possible they had to um they had to hold both of these positions different sides so for a grand total profit of and because remember they were holding uh they were holding uh the ust they were holding that that peg that that stable coin um and they had to sell so grand total profit of roughly 8.15 million and so there is actually a borrow cost that's important to know right if you're shorting bitcoin which i don't i i don't know what borrowers look like like on that um but before the borrow cost of actually shorting bitcoin bitcoin is the perfect playground for the trade is liquidity was there to pull it off well having lfg involved in bitcoin and foreseeing they would sell to keep the peg right like again now we're just breaking this all down in order to keep that peg bitcoin would need to be sold so if they cause a panic they have to if if the attacker causes that panic causes that drop in bitcoin with where there is a lot of liquidity um lfg would have to sell bitcoin they'd have to keep driving the price down further causing like a crypto panic which is what happened uh lastly liquidity being low on three point advance of four pool allowed the attacker to drain it with only 350 million causing a broader panic in both both btc and usc right like we saw the entire crypto market uh had a really really rough past couple of days because of this because of that bitcoin drop um bitcoin just got smacked and not to say i mean it's it's been bitcoin's kind of been on a downward trajectory for a while now uh it's we're quite we're quite well off highs but he was stable in the 30s and that caused that panic on bitcoin um and so let's see this involves a lot of speculation assumptions but and that's fair there is a lot of speculation in this exact post right there's a lot of speculation the numbers and whatnot in terms of how much was made the position sizing for some but either way yeah if this was an attack if this was an attack they made a lot of money and it was a very brilliant attack um you just needed the liquidity to be able to do this to attack bitcoin something that is extremely extremely volatile but very liquid um and knowing that luna while luna is the coin attached to oh let's see i want to make sure i'm reading this right because there's luna or there's tether and there's tara uh and tara okay tara in which there's tara um and so tether is still again tethers still pegged but in order to keep tether pegged uh luna would have to be or the luna lfg would have to be selling bitcoin definitely definitely complicated i'm not trying to make this sound like it's very easy easy and understandable because there's a lot of terminology a lot of one speculation from that post but again the important thing to know and i'll show you guys here uh yeah again the main assumption or the main factor here is that the stable coin itself isn't backed by a real world asset like just pretend one of these i'm sure there is one uh one of these stable coins go full screen here assume one of these stable coins is backed by like gold right gold isn't all that volatile um and so the the buying and selling of such would need to just be very very minimal um to to keep that value pegged at a dollar bitcoin in theory right it is they're able to make those cells and adjust um even in the case of you know smaller panics because we haven't seen like and even even still after all has been said and done like that bitcoin panic yeah it was a thing but it wasn't like down to zero right like it wasn't it bounced off 26 000. um but i mean it was like i think it fell 25 overnight like that's that's enough that's enough of a drop and enough to prove why the tying to bitcoin was too volatile and too easy to manipulate um and so again just so much happening here but that's why because of the way it was backed someone with enough money was able to play out either again either an attack or a trade to exploit those flaws and that's why now i'm going to kind of transition away from this and i'm sorry if this was a little complicated i'll make sure to post the um the link to this if you want to read into it again on your own here i'll post the link to this thread this will be posted in the description um but this to me is why like i'm not saying i i think crypto does have absolutely have a a place in our future there's no doubt about that in my mind however same the internet did too in 2000 except almost every internet company went bankrupt right all of these coins that are trading on massively inflated value they're nothing and i mean even a lot of nfts right like this is all a bubble and at some point it has to pop in order for it to stabilize and you know there's there's a lot of a lot of benefit like i said to having a couple great ones but in order to get a couple great ones the other ones need to fall right luna luna for example luna falls uh down to nearly zero like the is just about as close to zero as you could get uh we're going to call it 100 for all intents and purposes and this i'm not saying everyone's going to fall to zero but you know coins don't really go you can't like a company can go bankrupt they can legally go file for bankruptcy crypto is still a relatively unregulated space a coin doesn't file for bankruptcy it plummets there's no halts 24 7 trading because it's a currency you ha it's i'm not saying it's a recipe for disaster on every single cryptocurrency but i am saying that there's a lot of potential for just a lot more panic in the overall crypto market and eventually the ones that are relevant for our future will will remain right they will they will be the ones that we can continue to use and there's so much there's so much unknown here still right like obviously the blockchain and then it ties back to the block chain you know blockchain is what's really why why crypto is uh does have so much potential but will that change right the internet has certainly changed a lot and i'm going to go back and use the internet example here in terms of how the internet's changed how the internet bubble popped the dot-com bubble pop in the early 2000s and then how that prevailed but like even the internet companies back then you had the really really big ones that well even but even then they were still a gamble but the internet has changed since even in the past 20 years i say even i mean basically right when the internet started to explode that really really hot um you know with the internet getting really hot in the late 90s early 2000s even when it was booming hot everyone was you know talking about the internet and it's changed right uh from i think it's web 2 web 2 like the original internet um to web 3 and i think web 4 is now like this this blockchain space but web 2 basically is like an open forum there was no algorithms there were no none of that you just typed in a website and you went and did your thing you know you can still go find pictures like memes of just these old forums these old chat rooms um that were more or less that's what the internet was you did have social media but again a lot different if you think back even if you think now to what uh what a social media is it really is just a forum but it's now so so heavily monetized uh algorithm-based um it's a lot different than what it used to be and that's changed in 20 years right you go back you show some if you take someone from if you could time travel and you bring someone of that was using the internet daily back in 2000 and then you fast forwarded them today and you're like hey this is the internet do you have a lot of similar features you know you type in your website that you want to go to and whatnot and you go to your website but it's going to look so much different it's going to be just night and day different and i know mostly you know a lot of people went through that um and so crypto could very very well be the same thing like the blockchain in itself should remain prevalent throughout the next 10 20 30 years and if that happens obviously then it probably becomes a regular part of our lives but will it remain the same exact purpose that we use it for today i would argue right we have a lot of people investing in cryptocurrency because they see it as the way of the future they see the blockchain is the way of the future but again it's a currency right like you're going to have a lot of these that are meaningless that have no real backing you're going to see them fall um and the blockchain will remain but which cryptocurrencies will will the utilization of cryptocurrencies change will we move to an all crypto based world um that uses the blockchain will the us dollar essentially will you know will all of this change and that's where we need to be looking 10 20 years down the road and we'll see it we don't know how it's going to actually go through we don't know what regulations are going to look like we can speculate but we can't know for sure um and you know just trying to get back on track here it's the luna examples right it's the it's the luna charts it's the the terra the terra pegs we'll go back to it one more time it's the this type of of action right of things that right now we think have to be true they that it can't fall from a dollar it's pegged at a dollar it can't it's not possible well it is because when stuff like this happens flaws are exploited they are taken advantage of at the cost of investors right and we need to it's good we're going to have to go through a lot more of these whether that means we're going through more hundred percent drops or more um you know 20 30 drops because at some point we that's another big issue with cryptocurrency is it's very easy to use leverage and a lot of people are over leveraged because again in investment we're thinking 10 20 years down the road a trade we're not and i think a lot of a lot of people um have a very fl a very flawed conception of what an investment is because you're not using for the most part unless you're a massive fund but you're not using massive leverage on cryptocurrency if you look at it as an investment you're looking for long-term potential because when you use leverage even if you're just using four to one a 25 drop from your average wipes out you're blown up you're at zero and as an investor you i mean even let's i'm gonna just for just for fun right i'm gonna pull up uh pull up the spy right pull up the spy we're down oh nice i mean a nice bounce today but actually even better one would be the nasdaq if you bought the top on margin a full margin you're already down in in in what uh a couple months you're blown up on margin you because as an investor you don't care necessarily like you are trying to get in on dips and whatnot right like we get that but like you're looking years down the road you're looking years that it might take to build into a position months years to build into a position and if you're i've just seen way too many examples of people that are trading crypto that are investing in crypto using so much size just all in one buy all in one buyer on one dip not realizing that if it goes down again even as just four to one leverage the two to one leverage a fifty percent drop already down fifty percent off highs from bitcoin under 50 you blow up and so it's going to and these over leveraged positions will very likely lead to a lot more panic it's going to a lot of forced selling a lot of margin calls that are going to deflate the value of crypto uh and then once all of that is over once the mass panic is over once the people who have lost all of their money are out that's generally when we see the bounce and during that time it'll probably be another year or two if we see i'm not saying every i'm not saying bitcoin i'm not saying in theory i'm not saying solana they're all going to see these massive panics but they probably will continue to see some some drawdowns and i know there's other factors that i'm not completely aware of or her i'm not claiming to be a crypto expert by any means but i'm just looking from a very very basic standpoint you're going to see a lot of price fluctuation and if you're over leveraged um you're not going to be able to you literally will get margin called for it and so anyways what i'm getting at here is that it's going to take more of these lunas more of these flaws that are exploited before we find real value in cryptocurrency so use this right use use luna for all of you people that are going by the dip buy the dip it has to go back up it doesn't it doesn't right it doesn't have to go back up um and it's it's scary so know your risk every time even as an investor know your risk know your tolerance and just understand management of your position position size and cash management there are so many basic things we're gonna have to go back to the basics for a lot of investment uh because we've just been in a bubble for so long um and so obviously luna is a very extreme example a very extreme example but even if you're buying this massive dip if there is a massive flaw in the coin in the company you know it's fundamentally not like it's proven that it's got no value it has no value this is the equivalent this is the equivalent of bankruptcy for for uh for cryptocurrency so oh anyways i feel like i've been talking in circles a little bit there so i this is going to be a little bit of a shorter episode but i did want to just recap why this all happened again i'll do a quick recap right here stable coins are at one equivalent of one u.s dollar right that's what a stablecoin is it serves as a middleman from a volatile a volatile cryptocurrency to another and so it's a way to move your money at the same value as the us dollar good it acts as a fiat it's normally it's backed it has to be backed by something and normally by real world assets that are less volatile less um you know they're real world stuff tangible they're fiats then you have luna which is um i'll just read it here for you luna is a south korean based traditional cryptocurrency whose value is tied to a stable coin called tara tara in turn is supposed to be tied to the u.s dollar tara um again that's stable coin but tara now let's go to what is i'm just gonna uh what is tara yeah well it's it's backed by bitcoin something very volatile and if i'm a little bit wrong on that um i apologize but it's it's backing is again related to bitcoin bitcoin is a volatile cryptocurrency and again as we saw here it it so knowing that in order to keep terra or tether tether pegged at a dollar the selling of bitcoin would have to occur it'd have to and so as such accumulating mass essentially forcing a mass panic on bitcoin would then lead to accelerated selling of bitcoin by lfg luna and then in doing such and again not not having never seen it before when tara was not no longer pegged at a dollar it did recover due to the selling of bitcoin but again you're instantly flawed there because once it goes under a dollar you're able to exchange one tera for one us dollar and if it's trading under a dollar they're actually i did see some people capitalized on that so that's pretty cool but when you're selling uh when you're it's free money it that can't last it's free money and so once that's you know taken away from the the promise of being able to convert one tara to one us dollar we get mass panic and with luna being attached to tara once tara's mass panicking luna continues to sell and they have to continue to dilute um dilute the value of or the the the available quantity the supply of luna in order to keep all of that flowing in order to keep tether at a dollar all of this is because tether needs to stay at a dollar and in order to do that well we just saw the whole picture bitcoin falls luna sells luna continues selling bitcoin luna dilutes the value of their coin 20-fold overnight and then you lead to the crash of luna now that being said tether is still at a dollar but uh the tara uh and i could be i might have just been like misusing tether um because tara was i know was the one that's supposed to be pegged and terra is no longer pegged uh and so i i might completely be wrong on tether um but i do believe they're somehow related again i know again this is all just so complex but you should get a good understanding here and again with tara falling then you have luna crashing because it is essentially worthless and in order to keep doing so that's what we get that's what we get so anyways i just kind of hurt my brain a little bit because i i'm still confused by all this like i understand i'm confused so i'm not expecting you guys have maybe some of you do have a better understanding but that is the general general uh reasoning for why luna is now a worthless cryptocurrency down 100 percent now 99.99995 one something percent um craziness so anyways i know i probably messed up on some stuff so let me know down in the comments below if you have a better explanation for anything i did mess up on just to help the viewers out that are watching this again i'm just here to give a very general reasoning but i know there's more in-depth uh in-depth talk on this in-depth data whatever so leave that down in the comments below so we can all have a better understanding too this is a a community right leave that down below let me know if hopefully i i hope i you know fingers crossed none of you guys lost lost everything on luna but um if you did use it as a lesson and um it's at the end of the day our biggest losses are always our lessons uh and also down in the comments too let me know what you think is the future of cryptocurrency in the blockchain did this in itself did this in itself exploit a massive flaw uh or is this just a one-off you know i'd love to hear your guys thoughts too and before you go be sure to hit the like button be sure to be subscribed to the channel and turn on your post notifications because we do this every friday and we have so much other fantastic content coming out daily so make sure you're all doing all that and i will see you guys next week on friday's tui talk show thank you for watching this is your host.

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