In this video we go over the incredible story Vijay Mallya, an Indian billionaire who took on billions in debt to fund his business ventures including Kingfisher airlines. He used his wealth to live a lavish lifestyle. Eventually, his businesses when bust and didn't have enough money to pay its creditors. Instead of declaring bankruptcy and trying to negotiate an honest settlement, he fled the country to continue living his lavish lifestyle. The Indian government has tried to make him return to India to answer for his unpaid debt. However, he has leveraged his money and connections to avoid answering for his debts.
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What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial on this channel, we cover all things stocks and investing in today's video we're going to take a look at the former member of parliament of india, vijay malya malya is a billionaire indian businessman who is currently wanted By the indian government for numerous financial crimes, known as the king of good times for his opulent and extravagant lifestyle, he is currently wanted for billions of dollars of unpaid debts. In addition to a colorful political career in india, malia has run several billion dollar businesses. However, most of his businesses went belly up and he is now one of the most indebted people on the planet. He is currently a fugitive of india residing in a country estate in london, with millions of dollars of debt, unpaid and a non-bailable warrant for his arrest.

In this video we'll take a look at this fascinating tale of a billionaire with political ambitions in a playboy lifestyle who chose to run from his country rather than pay his debts. Malia was born in india to businessman vitale malia, who was the chairman of the powerful spirits company united breweries group. He attended saint xavier's college in kolkata, where he earned a bachelor's degree in commerce throughout college. He routinely did summer internships as family's business since graduating college.

He has married multiple times and lived an extremely extravagant lifestyle. He has gained the reputation of the king of good times due to his propensity to engage in playboy activities. However, he was also observed to be an astutely religious person. He reportedly prays every day and participates in the entire 41 days sabrimala fast each year.

That's a religious fast under the religion of hinduism malya is reported to be a devoted follower of lord vega, teshwara, sabrimala, ayapa and kuke sabra mania, which are various hindu gods and temples. In fact, he is so devoted to these hindu temples that in 2012 he gave three kilograms of gold bricks to the venkateshwara temple. He also donated more than one hundred thousand dollars worth of gold plated doors to the coogie summer, subramanya temple, but as we will soon see, the money he donated was ill-gotten malia was born into a high socioeconomic status. His father was an executive at a large indian corporation in the early 2000s malia got into politics in india.

By joining the janata party, he was elected to the indian parliament twice from his home state for six-year terms. In his first term, he served from 2002 to 2009.. He was re-elected in 2010 and served until 2016.. However, in may of 2016 his passport had been revoked for accusations of massive financial fraud and he resigned from his position in parliament in a show of arrogance and lack of remorse.

He declared that his reason for resigning was because he was confident that he would not be afforded a fair trial. He also said that the department of financial services had provided false information on him regarding an ethics panel that was due to vote on his expulsion. The day after he resigned, malia got his money to fund a lavish lifestyle through business. His father was the chairman of united breweries group, which is an indian conglomerate that owns many companies, one of their companies kingfisher beer currently controls more than half of the beer market.
In india, and is the leading indian beer brand worldwide, in addition to the beer, business united breweries also sell spirits under the united spirits company. United spirits is the flagship company of united breweries vijay malia served as chairman of united spirits after his father, passed away under malia, united spirits and united breweries grew tremendously and became a multinational conglomerate that expanded into many unrelated industries such as real estate, fertilizer and aviation. By the early 2000s under malia's leadership, the company had become a corporate powerhouse in 2005. Malia decided to push his luck in business with the establishment of kingfisher airlines.

Kingfisher was the same brand name of his successful beer company and he decided to give his airline the same name. However, the airline quickly fell into hard times throughout the 2000s, and early 2010s malia took out billions of dollars of loans from banks on behalf of the airline. Despite his best efforts, his success in the alcohol industry did not translate into airline business success in october 2013. It was reported that kingfisher airlines was over a year behind on paying its employees salaries.

They also at that time owed more than a billion dollars to banks in unpaid debt and quickly thereafter, melia lost his airline operator license unable to pay back those loans or bring in more revenue. The company continued incurring operations and interest expenses and instead continued to grow. However, malia refused to let his company go down in the traditional bankruptcy courts. Instead, he used the debt airlines bank funding to fund his own lavish lifestyle.

The millions of dollars of gold, bars and gold-plated doors which he had donated to hindu temples were given. During the same time that kingfisher airlines was hemorrhaging cash, he also continued to live his playboy lifestyle, seemingly unable to adjust to the fact that for the first time in his life, his family's business could not be used as an unlimited atm using his families and his Own business and political clout malia was somehow able to take out billions of dollars worth of liabilities on behalf of the airline business. However, when kingfisher airlines was unable to generate enough profits to service those debts, instead of making good on his own personal liabilities, mallya fled the country. In early 2016, a group of banks that had been valued as creditors asked the supreme court of india to prevent valia from fleeing the country in order to escape his debt burden, but it was too late.
It has been reported that at the time he had already fled to one of his estates in london later that month, another court issued a warrant for his arrest without bail. A third court in the following month issued another undated arrest warrant against malia. This warrant was relayed to money laundering charges. The enforcement directorate in india had alleged that malia had illegally used tax havens to transfer more than half a billion dollars from his bank accounts by june of 2016, the indian enforcement directorate had identified 200 million dollars of malia's assets for seizure against unpaid debts in september.

It increased that number to more than a billion dollars after several other increases. The final number came up to 1.4 billion of his assets to be attached to his debits. These assets, including real estate stock accounts and a farmhouse. However, without a court date, nothing could actually be done and with malia clearly doing whatever he could to avoid appearing before court.

Nothing happened for years. Vijay malia was not running from the banks because he knew he could not pay the debts. According to the attorney general. For india, malia used the bank's money to purchase part or full ownership stakes in dozens of businesses across the world.

The value of these business stakes far exceeded the amount owed by malia. They included a formula one racing team since fleeing to the uk, the indian income tax department, as well as the central bureau of investigation, have attempted to get him extradited back to india for trial new charges on top of non-payment of debt included, failing to appear in Court after he fled india, as well as for balancing a 70 000 check written to an airport used by his failed airline. Although the uk law enforcement community were relatively uninterested in malia's debt issues in india, the metropolitan police arrested him on behalf of the indian authorities. On accusations of fraud and money laundering, however, he was released on bail after failing to appear before the indian supreme court on may 9th 2017.

He declared that the trials were a witch hunt and said that he had done nothing wrong later. In 2017, malia was arrested. A second time on money laundering charges but again released on bail. He has been on bail ever since then living in a 30 million dollar property in the prestigious cornwall terrace in london.

The banks valia had swindled, tried to repossess the property but because malia had put it in his mother's name, the banks could do nothing. In late 2018, a uk court ruled that malia be extradited to india to face investigations. He appealed the ruling, but his appeal was rejected by the london high court in october of 2020. The uk notified india that he could not be extradited at the time due to quote confidential legal matters.
To this day it is unknown what the cause of the delay is. The story of vijay malia is still not closed, like the malaysian con man, jo lo vijay valia still owes billions of dollars to creditors and is evading the justice system by using his financial power and international boundaries. He borrowed billions of dollars from banks and small creditors under the guise of using the funds for a dying airline business, but secretly used those funds to pay for his own lavish lifestyle and other business ventures. When his airline business rolled over, he refused to pay the consequences and instead ran from his creditors.

This is a shocking story of green. At the highest level, we've seen many people like vajay malia, engage in fraudulent behavior because of their addiction to the high life and their unwillingness to face the reality of it all coming crashing down. They just play by different rules than ordinary people and when their house of cards does come falling down, they have the resources to hide from the law. For years, the jade valia is just one more billion dollar con man that the justice systems of the world that slip through their fingers and we have no way of knowing if you'll, ever have to pay up for his crimes.

Alright, guys that wraps it up. For this video, if you like the content, make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for future videos. Also, let us know what you think about vijay malia in the comments section below in the meantime. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video wall street bulletin signing out.

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27 thoughts on “How an indian billionaire became an international fugitive”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E says:

    Hahaha mcdowell whiskey is starting to enter the Indonesian market

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vijay Kumar says:

    Good to see an Indian on list 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 King of good Times 😎😎😎😎 Jail room is waiting for him for long 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nirav says:

    UK likes money. If you come with a billion dollars, no country will extradite you. Moral of the story – Get rich or kill trying.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bird is da Word says:

    Great content!!!!

    Do a piece on CAFE COFFE DAY from India…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars davesy says:

    Donating large amounts of cash to the conservative party probably stopped his extradition.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RanDomZ ™️ says:

    How much has he paid the corrupt U.K. politicians or did he suck of someone

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay McD says:

    I think it's safe to say Indians look to have abandoned the belief in Karma

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avoidingbiasbybeeingthisway says:

    Hey wall stret millennial, you could make one on the stock market scam by Harshad Mehta… It was a big one in India and exposed loopholes in the system that Harshad exploited, he is also a rags to riches story that way

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hmmer says:

    He became a playboy, one of the reasons was alcohol can't be marketed in tv ads. His downfall was he couldn't manage Kingfisher airlines. He couldn't repay the loans and flew but the UK is not helping. He is not the only billionaire who escaped to the UK.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravi Shastri says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chandrachur Niyogi says:

    UB still makes Kingfisher beer in India!!! it is said that the very formation of Kingfisher Airlines was to scam money!!! the airline should have operated a single type or at best two types of aircraft not 4 different types!!! Kingfisher Airlines was a full service airline & had they operated 28 A321-200 Neo, 13 A340-600 HGW & 5 A330-900 Neo Kingfisher Airlines would be something else today!!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rainbow Broom says:

    How to become a millionaire, easy, start with a billion and buy an airline!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rainbow Broom says:

    What is it with billionaires buying airlines they never learn

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samson Soturian says:

    Dude, you don't have to be a billionaire to be an arrogant con.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samson Soturian says:

    "Somehow able to take loans" might mean friends and… Business partners in key places.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spider_Brat says:

    He was aided by one of the most corrupt systems to escape the country with tonnes of money and the Brits have a host of these crooks splurging slush money over there.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrgyani says:

    He had enough money & assets to pay off the debt. For some reason he thought he could get away by not paying anything (as the business and personal assets were separate). Lost everything as a result..

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OLD SCHOOL says:

    Don't envy this guy- 100% guaranteed he has not had a peaceful moment or a good night's sleep for decades.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shinder Samra says:

    He plea India with powerfull people behind him, am ordinary Indian I will be able work 50 mts powerful connection they fiy no questions asked.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bye Bye Democracy says:

    What can we expect? … Indian leaders are bigger thieves than this man 🤣

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars silence says:

    You content is top fucking notch, please get a good microphone.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leshic says:

    The Donald Trump of India, but Donald Trump took took advantage of bankruptcy, 3 times, to clear his debts, to allow him to push forward again.
    Trump gets into government and puts his entire family on the government payroll.
    Takes advantage of government, buy staying at his properties and profiting from it.
    Hiding that he had plans for a Hotel in Moscow during his 2016 election..
    Got a hotel next to the white house and profited from that during his stay too, which he's now trying to sell after he's out.
    Do you think that International relationships he cultivated, were also to benefit his family business and to try and get future hotels, golf courses there?
    100% he did this. Scratch my back, I'll scratch you're, even if I don't like you.
    We're friends and you compliment me, I'll say glowing things about you, but if you don't publicly agree with me, then somehow you are suddenly the worst person on earth.
    Being president, is the ultimate position for a scam artist because nobody can take you to court when you're president.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krunal J Rana says:

    No problem, UK will force him to cast him out once his wealth will be not worthy enough for UK.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Liebenberg says:

    Assange is in prison because he exposed the Democrats, ala Clintons, Obama etc,etc.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marissa Johnson says:

    Nice video 👍 one day he will surely pay off his debts. Being successful and investing wisely is the key to financially freedom.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Encounter (Thunder Bolt) says:

    Indian government could've help kingfisher airlines like jet airways…..since he was willing to pay bank loans without interest ……and that's no issues since banks cheat customer with low interest for money in the bank…..but if you fail to pay an emi in time you need to pay double the amount with exceeding interest…….. Bank can't threatened big short only common people of every country……

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Griffin says:

    So Julian Assange is in prison and guys like this are free…this world is sick.

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