In this video we go over the insane story of how Elliot Management, an activist hedge fund, seized an Argentinian navy vessel in an attempt to pressure them to make good on bond payments they had previously defaulted on. This is a classic case of a so called vulture hedge fund using unconventional methods to make profit. In the end, Elliot's endeavor worked out and they made a roughly $2 billion profit.
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What's up guys and welcome back to wall street millennial in today's society, those at the very top dominate the system and engage in activities that would seem ludicrous to normal people. Money, fame and politics are things that all come and go fast for these circles in the financial industry. These groups are largely made up of the biggest hedge funds in the world. Carl icahn ray dalio, jim simons and many others have made a name for themselves.

Over decades of superstar investment performance with their funds, they have made billions of dollars for their investors, who are largely made up of other rich individuals or big institutions. They enjoy the respect and envy of countless young professionals in the banking and finance industries landing a job at one of the top performing hedge funds is viewed by many to be a dream, come true and the fast track to a good life. But not everyone perceives the hedge fund industry. In this light, millions of people have been directly negatively impacted by the activities of hedge fund heavyweights and thousands have been severely negatively impacted in this case being severely negatively.

Impacted means the level of losing your job. As a result of actions taken by hedge funds, all in the name of making a quick buck, some may remember the hedge fund, legend george soros when he famously broke the bank of england in a trade that both made him billions of dollars and incurred a cost To the british people estimated to be equivalent to 20 for every single citizen, others might remember carl icahn's earlier days in activist investing when he once fired 12 floors of people from a company that he bought just to flip the company shortly thereafter for a profit stories. Like these are commonplace, especially among activist hedge funds and so-called vulture funds, today, we're going to talk about one of the most insane examples of an activist hedge fund flexing its financial muscles. This is the saga where one of the premier activist hedge funds, in the world, run by paul singer brought argentina to its knees.

Even the mighty argentine navy could not escape the grip of paul singer's hedge fund. In the end, argentina paid a whopping 4.6 billion dollars to elliot and several other hedge funds to settle all their debt claims. Paul singer's portion was 2.4 billion dollars, but before we get into the settlement first some background from 1998 through 2002 argentina endured a severe recession. It has even been called the argentine great depression because of the severity it started after the russian and brazilian financial crisis earlier in the 90s, which had ripple effects throughout argentina and other countries.

The russian financial crisis during the 90s was severe enough to trigger the epic unraveling of us-based long-term capital management. The famous hedge fund run by nobel prize winning economists. These crises in brazil and russia were followed by widespread economic hardship in argentina, which saw a huge rise in unemployment riots and political turmoil. By the end of 2001, argentina was forced to default on nearly 100 billion us dollars worth of sovereign debt, most of which was debt taken out during the recession.
Argentina then experienced the flight of foreign capital and investment in the country inflation of up to 40 and double-digit annual declines in gdp. Argentina was eventually able to recover from the recession. In the later half of the decade, they were able to restructure about 75 of their debt in 2005, which was largely held by individuals from both within the country and other countries, including the us, germany, japan and many others. A second restructuring in 2010 was accepted by the majority of the creditors, who had rejected the first restructuring, but a few private bondholders holding about seven percent of the original debt refused this second restructuring program and sought to collect the full face value of the debt.

One of those bondholders was elliot management, one of the biggest activist hedge funds in the world run by legendary investor paul singer. Elliott has developed a reputation over the years for fighting rough with their investment targets and being able to force change in their favor. One of elliot's units nml capital, purchased about 49 million dollars worth of argentina's debt in 2008. The face value of the debt was nearly five times that amount and elliot wanted to collect on it eventually elliot built up a position in the bonds worth more than two billion dollars.

Nominally in 2012, elliott took argentina to court in the u.s to attempt to force argentina to honor its debt. The u.s court ended up ruling in favor of elliot and ruled that argentina must repay elliot. The full amount of the debt that elliot held argentina still refused to pay saying that the court ruling was illegal. Elia also won court cases in the uk, but argentina still refused to pay at this point, elliot decided to take things into their own hands as part of the court rulings against argentina.

Assets could be seized from the argentine government to repay the debts. Elliot started closely. Monitoring argentine assets outside of argentina's jurisdiction, including navy vessels, the presidential jet and even assets held in the federal reserve bank of new york in the second half of 2012 elliott, realized that a large argentine navy vessel, the ara libertad, was docked in a harbor in ghana. The libertad was a three-masted ship used by the navy for training new recruits.

It was on a training mission with approximately 200 people on board, including navy personnel and students. Elliot was able to convince a court in ghana to detain the ship not allowing it to return to argentina until a portion of its debt was repaid to eliot. This was a major step up from traditional activist investor actions to collect on debt. The majority of bondholders had agreed to one of the two restructuring plans.
Argentina organized and of the remaining holdouts only elliot had the political and financial firepower to essentially seize a navy ship. Ghana is a comparatively advanced west african country, in many respects, with a strong reputation for its rule of law, ranking above many other countries, including spain, portugal and brazil. The fact that eliot was able to convince the courts in ghana that they were right to detain the argentine vessel is a testament to the resources that elliot has at its disposal. The libertad was eventually released from ghana later that year.

The u.n tribunal for the law of the sea ordered that, because the ship was a military vessel, it was immune from seizure. Eliot did not receive the 20 million dollars that had demanded in exchange for the ship. Despite this failure, the episode with the ship sent home a strong message to argentina that eliot would not stop until her debt was settled with any other hedge fund. This would not have been an issue for a country as big as argentina, but being able to detain a navy vessel proved the point that the elliott issue was something that argentina would have to resolve in 2015.

Argentina had a change of leadership with the new president. Mauricio macri taking office a key point in his campaign, was to resolve the long-standing conflict with elliot once and for all. The recession and resulting debt crisis from 2001 was still lingering in argentina for nearly 15 years because of the issue and the country was eager to. Finally, put the issue behind it.

President mccree was inaugurated on december 10 2015 and only two and a half months later, in february 2016, it was announced that a settlement had been reached with elliott. The special master appointed to preside over negotiations between argentina and its hold out bondholders announced quote the agreement in principle. If consummated will pay the funds managed by elliott management, aurelius capital, davidson, kempner and bracebridge capital 75 of their full judgments, including principal and interest, plus, a payment to settle claims outside the southern district of new york and certain legal fees and expenses incurred by them. Over a 15-year period, this was a major win by elliott, although it took 15 years and they only got 75 of their full judgment.

The amount that they originally paid for the bonds was just a small fraction of the amount awarded, although the full amount that they paid for all their bond holdings is unknown. It is estimated to be in the range of about one to two hundred million dollars. They purchased most of their holdings in 2008, eight years before the eventual payout in total elliot's share of the settlement was an eye-watering 2.4 billion dollars comfortably more than 10 times what they likely paid for their stake in the bonds. That's a 33 return on a nine-figure investment, but then that is what elliott is known for outside returns as a result of their activism.
At the time that argentina defaulted on its debts in 2001 and again during the restructurings of 2005 and 2010, nobody thought they would ever repay their bonds in full, despite the recovery of their economy in the decade following the argentine great depression, more than 90 percent of The bondholders agreed to receive just 30 percent of the nominal values of their bonds in the restructurings after the 2010 restructuring. Argentina nearly put the credit default from 2001 behind them once and for all little did they know at the time what lengths elliott would go to to collect on the bombs. The story of elliot's involvement with argentine sovereign debt is hardly unique, even within elliot's own history. There are many other examples of the fund taking on national governments as well as state-run enterprises, while the majority of activism campaigns end without making headlines every so often, a story like this one makes the headlines elliot has a long list of companies and countries that has Been involved with including blue chip, american mega corporations like twitter, as well as countries like peru, vietnam and the republic of the congo for more content, like this make sure you're subscribed to the channel.

Also, if you liked hearing about this episode with elliot, seizing a navy warship, make sure to smash that like button and leave a comment saying what you think about this whole interaction in the meantime. Thank you. So much for watching and we'll see you in the next video wall street millennial, signing out.

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27 thoughts on “How a hedge fund seized a navy ship to extort argentina”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nicolashrv says:

    It is said the Elliot fund was just a straw owner for that debt, and the real owners were the Kirchner family……..they bought the debt and used the Elliot fund as a front, in order to then sue their own government, and then get 100% compensation for bonds they bought for a fraction………..the suspisions got more evident, because the Argentinian government NEVER appealed the case, and in fact, PROMOTED IT TO BE RESOLVED IN ELLIOT's favor, by public threatening the judge who was in charge of the mediation (Griesa in fact, had a long history of giving favorable rules to the Argentinian country, and also gave Argentina ALL the resources to settle this without reaching the court sentence, which obviously will have to be to pay 100% to the fund…..he even stated before sentencing Argentina to pay the debt, he did NOT UNDERSTAND why Argentina was so reluctant to settle the case without going to trial)…………is not the first and last time the Kirchner family stolen $$$ from Argentinian reserves…….they also commited a severe fraud of buying federal land for cents, and then re-sell it to a chilean company (Cencosud) for millions of USD (just of that transaction, they stolen 7 millions USD, selling each m2 of land for USD 2.000, while they paid for it $0.25 of pesos (or at that time 5 cents of a dollar).

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nicolashrv says:

    Some things to correct:
    Argentina did not took those loans due to the recession……..after the convertibility plan of the early 90s when the USD was equalized to the ARG Peso, one of the new laws the Central Bank was forced to implement is they could NOT print any more money, unless there was a USD as a reserve (basically, instead a gold standard, it was a US Dollar Standard)……..problem is, to uphold this convertibility, the government should have CUT all the deficit (or rise taxes)…………they couldn't rise taxes, because they came out of a hyperinflation 3 years before…… what the Carlos Menem government did was to privatize all the companies he could, but instead of fully cutting the deficit, THEY DECIDED TO FINANCE the deficit with loans from the USA and the FMI………problem is after the Tequila effect, those loans started to be in shortage…..

    PLUS the fact it was discovered the argentinian government was printing CLONED BILLS (yes, they printed twice the same bill, to avoid being detected the monetary base was actually increasing against the USD……anyone who lived in the late 90s, will remember the bills were also totally destroyed because the government also was not destroying the old currency in bad shape, and instead, it was re-released into the market…..there were some TV news who tested how many bacterias and fungus was in an argentinian peso, because they were so old, dirty and was so many years in circulation, they even STINK from the distance)

    All this started to cripple even more the trust in Argentina, and started to receive even less investments and loans…..eventually, only ONE last FMI loan of 10 billion was sent in the late 99, but it was stolen by the politicians almost instantly, and was not used for the purpose requiered…….eventually, the default was just an excuse to get out of the convertibility, because the politicians wanted to keep printing money to cover the deficit they created (just to give an idea, from the 1 ARG$ = 1 USD of the 2001, today the peso is 185 = 1 USD……literally, during the second mandate of Cretina Kirchner, they had to send orders to print pesos in Brasil and Europe, because the argentinian currency house coudn't keep up with the demand (the demand of the politicians, not of the people, people at the instant they get a peso, they exchange it for USD, becase for the last 10 years, Argentina had an average of 50% inflation per year).

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anan Mai says:

    Technically, He Never Seizes The Ship, Without Ghana Court supports, IF U.S. UK other Ruled In Elliot Management Favor Ghana Court Common-Sense, only Hold the Ship",,, Seizes, is WHEN Takes ownership or Invaded SAMETHING",,,,

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3D-PT says:

    I wonder if Argentina could arrest him for piracy… the argument being he did not have permission to board the ship or to size a gov vessel.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rugger104 says:

    They bought the Sovereign Debt, and wanted to collect on the debt anyway they could. How is that extortion? Lol

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jmitterii2 says:

    "Nobel prize winning economists".

    First, there is no real Nobel prize for Economics. Nobel himself decried every giving such a political study a prize as it would elite to dogmatic nonsense as if it were scientific fact.
    It's prize in memory of A. Nobel.

    Second, irony. This should provide yet more evidence of the dubious study of Economics; it's very much not a physical science as it tries to sell itself as. It's a liberal arts degree at the most, or rubbish pseudoscience akin to reading tea leaves and looking into crystal balls and astrology.

    Our biggest problem is the sales job done by the plutocrats on the out sized importance on finance and banking. And pretending economists are the sages who know best.
    When they tend to know nothing at all with a dangerous delusion they know it all.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars obliviouz says:

    Wouldn't have had happened if Argentina had just repaid what they had borrowed. Seriously – pay your debts. It applies to normal people, it applies to countries too.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BARRACUDA008 L says:

    There is no extortion but a country that paid fortune to their politicians but no pay their debt

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sphinx Rising says:

    Had Argentina not provoked a mini war with the UK, things might not have been so bad.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chrisk730 says:

    It's not extortion, Argentina owed the money. This is standard operating procedure for collecting debt, happens all the time with auto loans.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noelio Emerald-Isle says:

    Singer is a dangerous nut, and applying to a UK 🇬🇧 court was laughable……. given the Falklands war (Las Malvinas) in the early 80s

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew David Townsend says:

    Argentina has been beset for more than 100 years with corrupt politicians who ruined the countries economy. At the turn of the 20th century the country standard of living and wealth was on par with the USA and Northern European countries.
    It might be ruthless what Elliot Capital did. But the country should have never allowed to put itself in that position.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars smh124 says:

    This is some serious click bait. THEY didn't seize the ship, the Ghanaian court did because the hedge fund presented a fair argument, and even then it was released without any payment. Not exactly "Argentina brought to it's knees" imo, plus the reason they got paid was because the issue was an embarrassment for the country and the new president promised to resolve it.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Stern says:

    Forcing the Argentine population to pay 10x what was paid to purchase the debt.
    The depth of human suffering that this caused is totally ignored.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MeGawOOt99 says:

    Well at least this time Argentina didn't try to invade the Falklands to distract everyone from their failing economy.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Acheampong says:

    Love to see how they got South Korea's president impeached and indicted and also SAMSUNG heir indicted. You didn't speak about how they got the Argentinian president prosecuted. Good content though.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pontifex Maximus says:

    You should do one on BlackRock's involvement in Argentina's debt in recent years.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marissa Johnson says:

    The rich get richer by investing by the poor get poorer by spending like the like.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan B says:

    So a hedge fund ransomed the war vessel of a sovereign nation… 🤣 INSANE

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Phil Thornton says:

    These countries borrow the money they should pay it back or be seized by creditors

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cinema Ipswich says:

    When ABBA toured Australia they did not want to be paid in cash. They bought assigned commodities (export wheat) and got paid at the other end. No tax. Costs as a deduction.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars carloa877 says:

    I blame Argentina more on this debacle. I mean, they keep on screwing their fiscal health, and the fact that they could fund naval exercises outside their shores baffles me.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diego Aduriz says:

    Well , I do remember the whole issue as if it was yesterday. I am argentinian, live in Argentina, and that was a very difficult time for our country to go through.
    Great video. Regards.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patty Roberts says:

    Elon probably posting the best tweet of his life tomorrow to get Cryptos back up. The dip is just an opportunity to get more Cryptos

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ted Chou says:

    Some might think the hedge fund is evil. But I think Argentina is reckless instead. These days, countries just borrow money and get away with people thinking they are riskless.
    On an individual person level, we have to work hard to repay our debts, why doesn't that apply to countries like Argentina? They still have assets and still have reserves outside their country, they are not entirely broke and they think they can forget about their debt and move on?

    Be responsible financially, even if you are a country.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Steel says:

    They’d never try that with Israel or Italy. People would mysteriously disappear.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashish Patel says:

    um that inst extortion. agentina owes people money and those people have a right to seize assets to pay back the loans they defaulted on.

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