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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are, finishing the 63rd trading Day of 2018 up over $13,000 This is obviously getting ridiculous. This is the way hot streaks are though. and you know I Look back at January and it's like a seven thousand dollar day. A fifteen thousand dollar day of Five thousand dollar day.

Nine thousand, Nine thousand units. It's just day after day after day. and you know then I'm finding that the eighteen thousand dollar a day. Well, this is what April is like in the last ten days.

I've made over seventy thousand dollars in ten days. So seven thousand dollar per day average. And you might think, well, five, six, Seven Thousand Dollar Day is good. It's not.

It's not an incredible day. It's not $20,000 day, but when you have ten of them in a row, well, you know it's really a game-changer So this is just really pretty impressive. And so with this being the 63rd trading day of 2018, I'm up about two hundred and twelve thousand dollars on the year. Which means my daily average is about thirty five hundred dollars per day.

Now my daily average was really high in January Obviously because it did so well that month and then it came down in February. It came back up a little bit in March and now in April it's coming back up again. So it was kind of hovering between a low of I think twenty eight hundred dollars per day and a high of like five thousand. But last year, over two hundred days of trading I averaged only fifteen hundred dollars per day.

So to be averaging twice what I averaged last year is is incredible. and again, this is only right now three and you know, three months and a week. so there's still certainly time where the market may be slow. Maybe it'll be slow in the summer and I'll end up you know, having more days that are only 500 or a thousand dollars or maybe I'll have losses and those will bring it.

bring down the averages. But right now at the very beginning of the year, the first three four months to be able to get this big cushion on the year. It's just it puts me in the driver's seat. It makes me feel so much more confident because now every day that I come in not behind the ball trying to catch up I'm you know, in control and feeling good and just trying to add some icing to the cake.

So and what I'll talk about in the midday recap is that two years ago in 2016, I made two hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars. That was a great year for me. I'm up 210, 212 thousand and selling April So here we are by the end of April I will most likely have made more in four months than I made in all of 2016. and I think that right there shows you the scalability of trading because even me doing the seven now seven years I'm gaining more and more confidence every year that I'm trading.

And so my growth curve is going up and up and up and up as well. And we'll see. Well, you know, we'll see where it kind of plateaus. There may be a point where it's like, okay, I'm not getting more than five hundred thousand a year.
Six hundred thousand. My goal this year is six hundred and Sixty Five thousand dollars wide. That number because last year I made three hundred and Thirty Five thousand in my account that started with five hundred Eighty Three dollars. and I want to break a million dollars this year? I've got my work cut out for me I'm only at five hundred and Forty seven thousand right now.

so I've still got you know, Four hundred Fifty thousand to go I mean it's I'm not. even, you know? well I guess I'm just past halfway. But you know it's a marathon and this is one of those things. You know you're in the middle of the Tour de France and it's like, you know I can only imagine so you just want it to be over.

You just want to get there. I Mean you're doing this to get to this goal, but you know what? Having this nice kind of big push here in sort of the middle of the marathon, it feels good. It's like having you know a leg of the race that's downhill and it's just smooth sailing. It's easy and it's just awesome.

It gives you some confidence, gives you a little bit of boost because there will be another climb section, and I don't know when it'll come, but it'll be when things get tricky again. Market gets choppy and I have to be really really disciplined so that will happen. But right now, pedal of the metal, momentum is strong. I'm loving it.

So being a breakout trader is is definitely working really well here at the beginning of a month of April So we're gonna break down all of the trades today in the midday market recap. and if you guys have any questions, comments, leave them below and we'll come back and answer them all right. Enjoy! All right everyone. So let's break down the trades from this morning: Another incredible day of momentum up 13400 $15.65 between my main account and my IRA And that means in the last 10 days it's been 10 days since my last red day.

and in these last 10 days I've made over $70,000 70 thousand bucks in 10 days. That's a hot streak. That's Momentum. So being a momentum trader, being a breakout trader, when the markets are strong like this, this is when it's time to put the pedal to the metal and be aggressive.

And I did it today. $15,000 on L.e.d.s As you can see right here. Fifteen thousand, three hundred, sixty two dollars. A couple of losses right here.

a small one on Kali A little bit of a bigger one on cone and then a $1,900 winner in my IRA on Kali. So just loving this momentum this is. you know this is really what what we need. So as of right now I'm up about sixty two thousand dollars on the month which is awesome That makes this let's see.

My best month was a hundred and seventeen in December and I had 84 Cain just sorry 117 in January 84k in December 81 km/h 68 thousand last February So as of right now, this is my fifth best month of all time. But as I look at the calendar, we still have more than two in it. We still have a solid two and a half weeks left of trading, so this will hopefully end up being at least at least my fourth best month. If I can break over 80 four thousand, this could be my second best month of all time.
If I break 117,000 it'll be my best month of all time. But I would I would have to basically double where I'm at right now I would need I Mean we'll see, we've got two and a half weeks ahead of us. so 14-day is another 70,000 It's not impossible, but that would be that would be a pretty big push. So in any case, these are the hot streaks that we love.

They allow us to, really, you know, get a big cushion in our accounts and to have really, like two super super strong months in the first half of the year for me, is fantastic. It puts me up right now about two hundred and eleven thousand dollars on the year. And remember guys, in 2016, just a couple years ago I only made two hundred only I made two hundred and twenty-two thousand dollars which at the time felt like a great A great year that was like two hundred grand. That's terrific.

It's a great year, and now I'm doing that in four months. So that's that kind of exponential growth scale that you can see as a trader. As you start to gain confidence, you feel more comfortable taking bigger and bigger share size and you know that's where the gains increase. So let's look at the trades from today.

All right. So watchlist. This morning the only one we were watching was LEDs that was all eyes were on. LEDs And that was because it was gapping up.

It was gapping up substantially. It was up. Let's see where my suppose my Gap scanner led. Yes, let's do time frame historical and we'll do this for Nine Twenty Eight.

All right. So at Nine Twenty Eight LEDs was on my scans and it was the biggest gap or gapping up 54% and price of $7.99 and it pulls back just for a second. It dips down to a low of Six Fifty Seven and as it started to pop back up. Boom Boom Boom That's when I press the Buy button and I'm long 15,000 shares at 698, 705 and 729.

my average is seven dollars and 11 cents. With 15,000 shares, it squeezes up to a high of what was the high. Let's see it hit seven I guess it hit Seven Nine all the way to 796. I sold half or I sold a quarter at 766 and another quarter at 782 and I booked about $7,000 profit right there.

I then sold more 761 and 759 before adding back 5,000 almost 7,000 shares at 775. So I added back seven thousand shares and now I'm still holding 8,000 shares Into the first halt, its halted for five minutes. At 796, it resumes and taps a high as you can see here of 875 on resumption I add at 8:45 it pops up I try to sell half at 865 I don't get filled so I hit the bid a sell on the bid 8 841 and 840 and I'm all out except for one share. if then starts to curl back up and I add back right here at 848 40s, all half at 869, the rest at 878, 55 and 846.
So that was scalping right inside this candle. Here it drops down, drops down. and my last trade was a long at $8 which was right, I was kind of like right in here getting him back into 8. it pops back up to a high of 829.

didn't really hold those levels very well. Ended up stopping out here selling somebody 19 and the rest at 777 and 784 so it dropped back down and I had to get out. So not super easy there. but 15,000 360 bucks I'm not gonna complain.

It was a it was a pretty. It was a pretty easy trade. It was right off the watchlist. It was just a little bit choppy in a couple of spots, but for the most part of his is pretty clean.

So 15,000 dollars there? Boom! that's good. Next trade comb all right. So on cone I I missed this really nice one-minute pull back at $8.50 I I was watching L.e.d.s and I had Cohn kind of on the corner of my eye and I wasn't watching it really closely and then you know boom it pops up and and so I I jump. So I missed that and then it hit a high of 963 so it worked out really well.

It pulls back here and this is where I jumped in right here for the break over 963. So I jumped in at Nine Twenty Nine, Thirty Three and Nine Twenty-eight with twelve thousand shares. That's a pretty big order, but again, right now we're in a market where I feel like I got to put the pedal to the metal and be aggressive. Pretty much as soon as I got in, I was a little bit like hesitant because it tapped I think Nine, Forty Eight and then it dropped back down.

So I tried to sell half break even just to reduce my risk I didn't get filled I tried to sell some more at Forty nine I filled some filled some more at Nine at Thirty Five and Twenty Seven, but partial fills and then all of a sudden I lose my internet connection, my internet connection is off I have no quotes I have no access to the market I can't see the current price. it pops back up for a second and I see the prices at 9:09 and I sell half and I sell another quarter and then I lose my internet again. it resent. My internet comes back on and I'm selling at Eight, Thirty Six and Eight Twenty Four.

So I lost three thousand, five hundred, eighty six dollars. And this is one of those times where you know we talked about this. the this is the cost of doing business. Yeah, it's disappointing to lose thirty five hundred dollars, but that's life.

You're gonna have trades where you'll lose your internet connection or you press the wrong hockey and you have a mistake and you just can't get around it. It's gonna happen from time to time. It's it's like trying to be a UPS truck truck driver and never get a parking ticket. It's just not gonna happen.

You're gonna get a parking ticket at some point and it just is what it is. They just budget that there's going to be this amount of money spent on parking tickets I just have to budget that there's gonna be this amount of my that's gonna go out because of losing my internet in the middle of a trade or because of pressing the wrong hotkey or because I didn't get filled the place I wanted to get filled I mean it's yeah, it's annoying but I'm not gonna get bent out of shape over it. obviously I was and I was annoyed when it first happened, but you know it's just it's just the way it is so you know so that's that's what happened to me. That was disappointing.
so lost 3,500 there I logged out of the platform I got logged back in and when I logged back in Callie was popping up I saw Callie and I was I was like you know what? this one is one that I think I'm gonna take in my IRA account because it just it looks strong and it's a former runner as we know. so I jumped in it I was watching it at 3:15 3:20 and I and I'll just pull this back to a 10-second chart. I'm gonna do this just to show you this micro pullback right here. This was a little flag right here at 3:20 you see that little pullback.

So what happened is when you're watching the level 2 it came up in a tapped 320. it was tap tap tap tap. It pulled back and right there. I Had my order ready for 4,000 shares and I was like about to press the Buy button and then I was like I don't know, maybe I'm being too aggressive I just had a loss.

Let's see if it's actually strong and it pops up here to 46 and that's when I said okay, you know what, it's showing strength I'm gonna get in. At that point it was looking better on the daily because it was breaking over some of these moving averages that were kind of in the 20s and 30s. So it pops up there I Jump in at 46 as you can see here getting filled at 46 and 50, it then is up to 16, is halted on a circuit breaker, it resumes, hits a high of four dollars and I sold it at 95 I saw on the level to some resistance at 97 98, 99 I recorded all the live trading I'm gonna annotate it. use my little you know marker here to draw lines and say this is what I saw right here.

see that and pause it and all that stuff so that'll be uploaded for the warrior Pro students later today. But yeah so I saw some resistance up here around 4:00 couldn't break that level. So I sold my main account I Was not quick enough to get in before the halt so I bought 5,000 shares out of the halt at 80 sorry, 5,000 shares at 89 and I tried to sell half at 96 and then at that point I was like the writing's on the wall I Bailed in my IRA and then came over here and bailed here. So sold at 84 and 82.

A $290 loss, but not a big deal I mean I'm not gonna sweat that. So in total 13,000 what was it? 13400 $15.65 and you know, yeah, this one when I'm on a hot streak obviously I I mean I post my my net gains every day whether it's a red day or a green day every single day I post my gains I do my midday recap and every month my broker statements are uploaded to the website. So in February you guys, you'll notice that this calendar is missing the month of February That's because I took it out of the calendar and I set it on fire I set it ablaze and put February behind me. but February I lost $10,000 and so I know it's easy for people who are watching on Facebook or YouTube to be like oh, this guy's just bragging about how much money human he makes.
He's another one of those traders, but this is just a hot streak. It's been 10 really good days I post every single day. so if it's a Green Day post, if it's a red day, I post it I was read 8 out of 15 days in February and then I fell skiing and I was out for a whole week and I just got to sit around and think about how I was read on the month and how I was gonna miss the opportunity to bounce back. so it was disappointing.

but that's part of trading. So seventeen hundred and seventeen thousand in January - ten thousand in February plus 42,000 in March and right now up 62 thousand for April. So it's just a good month, you know. and right now it's one of those things where you know the momentum, we have the ebb and the flow, and we're in a hot streak.

And so I'm going to put the pedal to the metal and I'm gonna be aggressive because I want to try to capitalize on these opportunities. That's why I took twelve thousand shares of Cohn because it had broken over ten sixty. There's a really good chance that it would have gone up to eleven and then I would have made another seventy five hundred dollars. And that's how you take a fifteen thousand dollar day and turn it into a twenty thousand dollar day.

And that's how you take 22 and turn it into 30 and from 30 to 40. And I know because my best days of $40,000 day. So you know I'm still have my you know eyes set on having a $100,000 day at some point this year. but ultimately my biggest goal will be to have a net profit of over six hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars this year.

And that's because last year I made three hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars in my small account. So three thirty-five plus 665 is one million dollars. That's the line in the sand that I'm going for sitting today at five hundred, forty six thousand dollars with four hundred and fifty three thousand to go. so you know it's a marathon.

I'm not gonna say the finish line is in sight because it's not, but this was a nice hot streak that I kind of needed at the mid midpoint of this marathon. Just you know, get the wind in my back, make some good progress, and give me a little bit of energy for going into the next cold streak which will come and you guys will most likely see And I do not want to jinx myself, but this hot streak will probably end in a dramatic fashion as most of them do it. they will end with a big loss where I'm going big I'm swinging hard and all of a sudden it's the momentum is gone and I strike out and that's will be my indicator to slow down. The goal, however, is that I won't give back more than 10% of the move up.
So right now I'm up seventy thousand dollars. That means I can afford In one day a ten percent drop would be seven thousand dollars down and that would not be I Mean yes, it would be more than my two thousand dollar max loss, but it wouldn't be out of the realm of what would be acceptable given my historical trends of you know, ten steps forward. One step back, Ten steps forward. One step back.

So and it doesn't have to be seven thousand in one day. it could be two thousand one day and then another twenty five hundred the next day and then three thousand the following day before I start to curl back up. So anyways, that's about it for me. I'm gonna go do the annotation on the live trades from this morning and get that uploaded for Warrior Pro students and I will see all of you back here bright and early tomorrow morning 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis and hopefully we just keep riding the wave.

Momentum continues All right, so that's it for me. I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Oh hey, I didn't see you there Why? I Was just working on the dream board for my next home run trade. Hopefully it comes soon.

Until then, Make sure you subscribe to get email alerts anytime. I Go live or upload new videos. Until then, Happy surfing!.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “Home run trading! $13,415.65 updated”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B B says:

    Hi do you offer trading services?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Malstryfe says:

    first time watching, do you trade crypto?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BABBAR says:

    i love your simplicity man!! your making millions and very down to earth..
    i learned alot from your videos great content. you are doing great thumbs up!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AGBUGBU clever says:

    This is great news?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marq says:

    Just adopt me already lol. I'll set my computer up right next to yours, and we'll conquer together! Lol I'll bring snacks!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mariliz Rodriguez says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Skillington says:

    I don't understand it

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L Wahler says:

    Hi Ross. I came across your video on the Tues morning of April 17th. Did I hear correctly when you stated you started this account last year with under $600? Is it possible to start with under $900 and slowly grow it and learn it to a full time income? Can you teach that to me? I hope I hear from you. Thanks and God bless and good trading

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john k says:

    Bull markets make a lot of 'great' traders. Bear market makes a lot of humble traders.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tesfa Alena says:

    I have been following you for a while, you are an inspiration, keep it up 🙂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Levente Lambert says:

    How can you dislike videos like this? I don't get it what these negative people thinking. Maybe jealousy? Pfffft GO on Ross 🙂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel Favre says:

    Very poor quality, don't see anything..

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bud Pierce says:

    Hi my brother Ross,and my dad Ross.I'm not doing good this week down $35.00 (Drip) is killing me.Having trouble on my new $900.00 TD Ameritrade ? I'm doing better on my Robinhood account turned $420 into $500 it's easier to use.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stang280 says:

    Hey Ross, do a video sometime about your trading history. How you started out, your early experiences (wins/losses/lessons, etc), how you learned to trade, etc. Would be motivational for some of us newer traders to know that someone as successful as you are started out in our shoes at one point too!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ikariam Ikariam says:

    have you ever felt tired before trading and if you have, did you trade that day?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars v vk says:

    Nice mr boss man. Im averaging 4 to 10 dollars on my small cap day.. slowly it adding up

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Dopps says:

    Wow today was a very tough day with LEDS and KONE dropping like a rock off the cash spree from yesterday, I cant wait to see how you navigated the very few possible breakaways that could be found. Looking forward to joining your premium training classes.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FUNNYZEN says:

    I’m down 1300 today wow I can’t win lol

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charioteer4Real says:

    This is yesterday's video. What is updated in video? I see you trimmed it down. Great trading though, Ross.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Griffith says:

    Or do you use 5-10 cents as an offset? Just noticing how quick some of these fast movers drop and wondering how you are able to mitigate your risk by jumping out of the way so fast

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Griffith says:

    Hey ross, when a trade starts going against you fast and your bailing on the bid.. What offset do you use? 2 or 3 cents below the bid with a hot key?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sonicmax says:

    to fast to get in once its up its up and its already on the way down

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BEAT FAME / Corner Closets says:

    I missed this one! man Congrats GREEEEEEEEEENNNN!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Landlord Picker says:

    Nice profits👍…..why did the past skiing accident you mentioned, put you out of trading. Hospital or something? Broken fingers?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Marshall says:

    Well done Ross! I love hearing about your days and learning, I’m still limited to Robinhood with only about 5k in my account but I finish college next month and start as a software engineer so hopefully I’ll be able to start more intensive swing and day trades! Thanks for the videos. Let’s get to that million 👍

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jett He says:

    wow, the video quality is garbage. Must of downloaded it from a stream.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars braxton 1 says:

    Another great recap Ross, thanks.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene Zhao says:

    Good Job Ross, saw your live trade today, don't worry about that and any other unhelpful comments in the comment section, focus on us your supporting group
    We will meet one day as equals, don't worry about the rest, your concise and professional quality classes and trading has shown many a such as me a light in the darkness

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