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I do not have any positions in HIMS.
DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Okay, so in today's video i want to show you this company called hems and hers health inc. The company, as you can see right here, looks like a dove of a cliff, a classic spec result, but in this case this seems to be more interesting that i initially assume this stock actually was shown to me by one of our subscribers and the more. I look into it. This 45 drop over the last six months seems like an opportunity now.

The first sign where you actually would see that this is not as bad as it seems. Is this little thing right here, so the short interest of this company is only six point, four percent, which means that at eight dollars and 21 cents most of the market, in fact, 93 of the market is not shorting. This stock, which is a really good sign, that this is a comfortable price now, obviously, this was hyped, otherwise this cliff doesn't happen. But the question is: how good is this company at this particular price, and before i do my own analysis, i always like to show you the tip rank stuff right so tip pranks meet my viewers.

My viewers made their pranks. Most of you know that i've been using tip pranks for over a year and a half they actually approached me, even though i am a paying customer of the service and they basically said hey you're, showing your stuff on the videos right. So here's an affiliate link. I said fine, why not? I love the product anyways, so there is an affiliate link in the description.

If you click it, you get a 10 discount on their premium software, which actually i am paying for so i was a paying customer in advance. So basically, what it gives me is the opportunity to see what other analysts are saying about the stock. In the case of hemes and hers, the ticker by the way is h. I m s hymns, so the stock price is currently at eight dollars: 21 cents.

The consensus is 11 for the stock, so a massive upside, as you can see, it's only like three dollars, but i mean for an eight dollar stock. That's a lot! So basically, i just weirded out everything: that's not five stars, so i just want to see what the five star analysts are saying. So we have these. I, i think one, two three four analysts and one doesn't have an upside down side rating, only a buy.

The other ones have 46 percent, 94.8 percent and 22. So these analysts, which are all five star, let me just show you an example what it means. It means that this dude is ranked in the top five percent out of seven thousand six hundred. And similarly, if you go through these analysts, you'll see that they're from citigroup - and you know this one is from piper sandler.

All these guys are quite accomplished, and you know they're good analysts objectively. So this would be the first indication for me to say: well, there might be something here and when i research a little bit more deep into it. The one thing i want to look at is the market cap right here, so the market cap is 1.6 1.7 billion dollars. Now this is a little hefty for a company.
That's making only 150 million trillion 12 months as i'm about to show you, but i think it makes a lot of sense. So i do want to show you this article. This was posted on seeking alpha by henry blumpster, shout out to henry actually one of the better articles i read recently on seeking alpha and he breaks down the business of this company. I suggest you read it.

It has a lot of good explanation about how this business works and what not. I just want to share this two paragraph, because they're really important to understanding what this company is. So this is basically a telehealth, a telemedicine company, but there's a really good explanation here, which henry actually provides, unlike the more widely known teledoc, which is primarily a b2b business himself, is a consumer healthcare brand. So, first of all right there and then i like this a lot.

I don't really believe in the b2b business as an opportunity to go ballistic. I've said it before about talenteer, for example, it needs to be a b2c business. If you look at the biggest best companies in the world, the top five or six they're all b2c - and i really like that approach but hold on a second so basically he's giving the breakdown of how you, basically, you know, get prescriptions. You get access to doctors, you don't have to drive waiting in the waiting room.

Obviously you know the pandemic made their business much more interesting than it really was before. But i got ta be honest with you. Telemedicine was a huge trend before the pandemic. Everybody was talking about telemedicine for years and years, so it only accelerated what's kind of inevitable.

I mean it's not really efficient to drive to the doctor's office. You know look for parking sit in the waiting room, full of patients, that's coughing at you and then drive back home. I mean, if you can do it from a comfortable home. I mean it's literally like going to the store and buying stuff versus buying on amazon.

So this is basically the development of healthcare, so i only see the pandemic as an accelerator of something that meant to happen. So i really like that business. The numbers are also very impressive, is about to show, but in this article he actually recaps very nicely by the way shout out to henry a really good article, so hims and hers are actually hymns and hairs health inc, new york stock exchange. H-I-M-S is a young company, it was founded in november 2017 so just three years ago, and it took only three years for the company to make an annual revenue of 150 million.

Now, if you had any sort of business experience or business consultancy experience, you'd know that getting to 150 million of revenue within three years. It's not easy. It's really impressive. Another way to describe the impressive start would be through the cumulative number of telehealth consultations, while hymns and harris had performed over 3.4 million telehealth consultations since its launch, this 3.4 million can be compared with taladoc that did 2.6 million visits just in 2020.
So he's basically saying well that looks like a lot right, but it took nearly two decades for turadoc to that that number basically 20 years to get to 2.6 million versus three years for this company to get to 3.4 million. So that puts it a little bit more into perspective now the gross profit margin, which is also very interesting, i'm about to share right now, went from 29 to 54 to 74 all in the span of three years. So in three years they went from 29 to 74 gross profit, which is really impressive and 80 gross profit is where you want to be as a sas company really like it. There's a lot more to read in this article, go right ahead and read it.

I think it's really good, but i do want to show you the numbers now that you understand kind of the business. It's a booming industry. It actually suffered because it's a spec, so it's packed and then it basically did what every spec does. It basically goes down.

45 last month, it's kind of going flat, as you can see, so i think it's an opportunity, but let me show you some more stuff, so this is the margins, as you saw earlier 77. That's the gross profit margin, which is really indicative of a good sas company. This is quite low, but if you look at the adjusted ebitda, it's much higher uh the ebitda minus 36 percent. I think it's just because a lot of the money goes back into marketing.

Growing market share so they're not expected to have a very high ebitda within the next couple of years, they're on the growth spurt, they're, basically trying to grab as much of the market as they can, and so those numbers are not really interesting. For me for growth company, but the 76.7 sorry 77 is a good indication that this is a good sas company. Now, if you look here, this is quite impressive, so we have 74 growth year over year and post reopening they're still doing 57.4 according to consensus estimate. So this is the post-mandemic reopening.

Obviously, if the ripening doesn't happen, this number will go up, but in the worst case scenario i mean worse as far as the company 57 is where they're gon na be next year. This is crowdstrike level numbers, and yet the price is plummeting, so this growth story seems to be in check at a very reasonable price. So if you look at the multiples right here, speaking of price, so price to sales is six, which is very reasonable. Ev sales is almost seven, which is very reasonable.

Ev sales next year is supposed to be at 5.3 depends, i mean if they sell even more with the pandemic coming back. This is really good pricing. This is not expensive, which is something you don't see every day. I mean in this stock market to see a growth company with good growth, good story, good industry and good financials, which i'm about to show you at a reasonable price, is very surprising.
I'm really shocked about this company. Look it lost 45. In the last six months. 41 last three months, so it really came down to this bargain basement level of pricing, which is really interesting for me as a potential investor.

So, looking at the finances right here, you can see the growth i mean it's pretty astonishing. Look. They went from 26.7 to 82.6 to 150 million 200 million trailing 12 months, so you can see the growth is going out of this world gross profit is very nice, and i mean the problem is: if you take a look at the cash cash equivalents, i'll show You so the ratios are insane i'll. Show you the problem, though, so the ratios are insane we're talking about 317, pretty much in accessible cash, total assets, 336, so 330 million in assets over current liabilities and total liabilities of 54..

So six times more assets than liabilities. Extremely impressive, no debt whatsoever, if i scroll all the way down you see, the total debt is zero, so no debt, this company is really well managed. Now, if you look at the cash flow, is there? Is there a problem with this company a little bit but not too bad, so cash flow wise? Their net cash from operation is 12 and a half million negative, not too bad over the last 12 months. But if you add in the capex, which is something they do have to spend, and basically all this other stuff, it they're not really profitable, they're bleeding money, but not too much.

I mean this 173 million is unusual because you can see investment in marketable inequity security. This is an unusual expense, so probably looking at about 30 to 40 million, as we can see in these previous years right here, which will give them a 10 year runway with the current cash position. So they don't really need a lot of cash now looking at their financials, this is actually getting interesting. So i specifically paused on this.

I want to show you something really interesting: that's indicative of a good company. So, as you can see right here for the first three months of 2020 versus the first three months of 2021, they doubled revenue, which is a really nice growth story, but hold on look at this cost of revenue, pretty much what it costs for them to make. Those sales only went up by three while this doubled from 35 to 60.. This only went up by 10 to 13 by 3 million, so a 25 million upside in revenue cost them only three added more millions, just for the cost of revenue, which is a really good sign.

It shows me that there's a lot of scalability starting to happen that this is a sas business, doesn't need a lot of money to scale up. This is something i always try to look at the difference between the growth and the cost of revenue, because if the cost of revenue is completely correlated to the growth, it's just meaningless, fluff numbers this, however, isn't this is a really good number now i do want To show you this, this is really important. This is the revenue of the company, the breakdown of the revenue. So, as you can see right here, while the wholesale business is pretty much stagnant, i don't think they really care about the wholesale business.
The online is where they're growing 33 to 58 61 to 108.. So basically, this is going for online revenue for telemedicine on the b2c level. I think it's a phenomenal business to be in i'm absolutely in love with this business model. I think they're going to make a lot of money, however they're not profitable, yet you have to remember this you're buying into a girl story, but it's down 44, since it's packed pretty much.

So it's a huge discount 8.21. The pranks are giving 11 everybody's talking about this company as the next big thing. The growth numbers are insane look at. The growth numbers here are pretty much wild revenue.

Growth is 57 for next year last, 12 months 74. So it's a growing company. A lot of growth, a lot of upside, and yet it's not priced in to the stock price, which is highly unusual. So for me this is easily an 11 stock.

I might even keep it at a higher price. I probably will, but at this point i'll give it an 11.. I can't do a cash flow dcf here, because it's a cash flow negative company. At this point, i need to see more numbers, or maybe in a couple of quarters i'll - do like a proper dcf when there's more data coming out of the cash flow of the company and how it works postpandemic, i don't want to use the covered numbers here.

So for me, even without a proper dcf, this is an 11 stock and i think it's going to be way higher than this, but you know we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope this was helpful and let me know below what you think about this company. I definitely am a fan, but hey.

Let me know if i missed any issues, any problems and i'll see you tomorrow, you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

27 thoughts on “Hims stock review: multiple risks and opportunities for investors”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gazi Sajjad Hossain says:

    Hi Tom, I always follow your videos, because you always have an honest opinion. As well as I am a long bull with Tesla and Palantir like you. However, I am particularly glad today that you covered $HIMS stock. This also covers a lot in my portfolio as I am long bull with this one. Thank you, Tom, for this analysis.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars patrick wiersma says:

    Im buying some, but not as much as i would want because il buy the rest in case the price drops. And if it rises thats free money

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian M says:

    Hello Tom, always love your videos and I was Doing a little DD of my own on HIMS after watching Vid and I found out that on the day this was posted (6 days ago) the CFO Spencer Lee stepped down?….any knowledge why…??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rish says:

    Thanks for the analysis. Seems like a good stock to do further study on my end.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Rodriguez says:

    Nice video! I was able to build a big income stream during the covid-19 pandemic investing with a professional broker, Mrs Elizabeth Wesley.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Welcome Welcome says:

    I bought this stock based in your recommendation, it looks very promising long term, especially the Covid situation will be here indefinitely.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Hyde says:

    Tom, it is videos like this that caused me to join your Patreon Group even though I am a diamond hands holder of PLTR!!! Thanks again for your observations and insight. I am going to look at the actual business offering of HIMS to get a sense of how they offer services. My concern is how quickly a well financed competitor could disrupt them. The health care insurance companies had a lot of money to throw at ways to reduce their expenses.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiet Dao says:

    I got profit from your Fortinet video months back so I am not going to smash anything, just click buy ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elie Bellama says:

    Cathie was buying lots of this stick. Did she sell it or still holding? Might be good to see.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iftikhar Alam says:

    Dear Tom: Tip Rank $SUNL 'Strong Buy' today only $5.52. Huge upside for this Solar Play. Please Check. Thank you Tom!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FU Jobu says:

    Tom- could you analyze SOFI. I think itโ€™s a hugely undervalued stock right now. Trading for $15 with a 12x multiple growing at 70%, already EBITDA positive. Membership growth has been accelerating the past 8 years, they are about to get a bank charter to gather deposits lowering their cost of capital. They have 20 year naming rights to SOFI stadium who is hosting the super bowl this year.. mgmt is excellent.. most competitor growth stocks are trading at 30x multiples for the same growth and same revenue of around $1B.. it seems like market manipulation for it to be priced this low. Institutional ownership has increased from 5% to 40% the past few months, lots of insider buying by the CEOโ€ฆtip ranks has it at $26, Rosenblatt assigned a price target of $30 100% upside hereโ€ฆseems like the perfect set up.. thoughts?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars office archive says:

    There's an opportunity for newbies to capitalize on, it's quite a shame people can't see this, cryptocurrency stocks, forex… And lot more

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars elcat9091 says:

    Just about 1/2 hour before seeing your video, I had seen that a director had bought a fair amount of the stock, yet the stock is down nearly 50% already this year. Then I realized that this is the stock of the company with the guy on tv that used to be trying to sell ED pills and hair loss remedies. It seems that there are a lot of these ads on Tinder, too, for ED. Actually, this doesn't say much about me, since they are spending lots of money that is lost on me, for example, which means their advertising dollars are not being well spent. Based on the company's presentation via its website and commercials, I don't really see anybody under 45 using their services regularly. (It is all too obviously a too little millenial, in my view.) So, their market is basically 18-45 year old men in the western world, whose insurance is accepted at the company. Additionally, what is the competitive advantage? Basically anybody could hire some psychiatrists and other mds, or contract them, set up a website and supply chain, and bingo bango, you are in business. The non-rx products are just cutely repackaged commodity products.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pawel K says:

    Tom, I love your videos but I don't understand why you keep ignoring SG&A. These are genuine costs that consist of most important and high for SaaS expenses – marketing and commissions for sales executives. Can you make a vid to explain? Thx, ex CRM employee.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryad ABI FADEL says:

    IPO valuation @ 2.0bn (share price of 10) with 27mn rev in 2018, 83mn in 2019, 150mn in 2020 and expected 200mn in 2021 (growth yoy in 21 of 35% tapering down vs previous years) – EBITDA margin high at 75% in 2020, no guidance on 2021, but they are still losing NI -118mn in 2020 and even EBITDA negative. Overal assuming 200mn rev with 25% NI (eventually if they sort their costs out) and a PE of 35 –> 1,750 valuation. So hard to see this stock flying

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramon Plocher says:

    Lack of trading discipline is the primary reason for intraday trading losses it is estimated that nearly 80-85% of intraday traders end up losing money in the stock market Experiencing loss is also part of the game but that donโ€™t mean you should give up.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Bat says:

    i bought the stock at 13$ and sold it at 24.50 right before SPAC crash.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Paxon says:

    When you have the hair of Ivan Drago and the financial skills of Warren Buffett, it's all upside

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alain Fattal says:

    Sorry Tom, I had to click the Like button… the stock analysis was too good.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Music 4 every 1 says:

    Man i bought $10k into this stock at around $20 a share. Tough one year!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Calderon says:

    I bought 2 shares of this stock 3 weeks ago and I didn't know it was booming til today I seenthose stocks were gaining alot

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xicheng Wang says:

    the CEO of this company seems to be thin spread across multiple ventures. Just FYI

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Canivet says:

    Does anyone know what platform he is using to show the chart and analysis etc?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Mullaly says:

    No feelings about the stock. But Iโ€™m a customer and it was a pleasure doing business on their platform. Note about their virtual visits vs Teladoc. They arenโ€™t getting paid for visits like Teladoc, itโ€™s just a necessity for them to be able to sell product.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock Lesnar says:

    Not totally sold on this one yet, but interesting for sure! Definitely seems like a good short term play for me, id have to do a bit more DD to decide for the long term though.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Danger says:

    I got this confused with that company that sends you clothes with a subscription. This company makes sense for a boner pill. The next Viagra

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cody Jones says:

    Do you get a benefit from us using your tip ranks affiliate link? Asking because Iโ€™ve been on the fence about getting tipranks and Iโ€™d be happy to give back a little for all the value you give us

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