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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right, finishing the day in the green, we're going to do a recap of today's trades before: I Do I want to mention that? Episode two of my Small Count Challenge was uploaded last night. So episode two will show you the trades from Days 2, 3, 4 and day five. As I finished day five of my small Account challenge, my account was up about 140% Started with $1,000 finished on day five at about $2,400 total total in the account. So $1,400 a profit.

So solid. return. The account is growing, it's off to a good start, and I'm trading in it pretty much every day. So these Recaps are for my large account and then the small account.

I'm just doing weekly Recaps and consolidating all those trades into that recap. so make sure you check that out. And also at the end of that episode, I dropped a link to do a one- Monon trial. At Warrior trading, it doesn't rebill.

it's just one month. It includes access to our simulator, access to the charts, the scanners, and access to my live audio video broadcast. So you guys can check that out if you'd like um and I hope you do so. Now let's look at Um trades for today: I Have to say that um, you know Roma yesterday was uh, a stock that I you know was like I don't like it.

it's just I don't know, you know it's dropped 80% and then shortly after the recap, it ends up. you know, squeezing here from about 250 up to 5 drops down comes back up and I didn't trade it yesterday I didn't even look at it I was like nope I I had no idea it happened until later in the day when I saw some comments on YouTube but I didn't look at the chart. so when I looked at it this morning I was like okay yep I see that? um and I did take a couple trades on it this morning, but to be honest, the price action has not been very clean I made less than 500 bucks on it. My total P&l today is $2,793 a green day but not big winners on anything.

And the fact is, if we look at our Gap scan right now in terms of like, let's start big picture with rating for the day. our leading gapper was only 38% 38% is not a big gapper. so I gave today a score of a two. We did have some trades uh, earlier.

this is a on a scale of one out of 10. so after several days of twos and threes I would say we're in a bit of a cold stretch here. Spec: Yes, it did pop up this morning. Uh, this was the first stock I traded.

not suitable for the small account because it's too cheap. Uh, but fine for the big account. The problem is, when it first popped up, I was like, well, you know I'm familiar with spec I'm familiar with it because it was, you know, moving just a couple days ago. but on the daily chart you can see it popped up and sold off two days of pullback and now it's coming back up.

The result was that the relative volume today when it first hit the scanners was only like 26 I prefer relative volume of five or higher so the relative volume was pretty low on it. I I saw the news headline and I was like you know, launches into Trucking Market I don't know, is this going to send the stock up 50 100% I I don't really think so, have to be careful trying to analyze that news and so I pulled up the daily chart and I was like, well, what was the high from you know, a couple days ago. so I marked that out I was like, all right, so it was 435 pre-market high and it was about 323 regular trading hours High something like right around here 323 is uh and then I was like oh, there was also this sort of pivot in this area so I drew those levels out and then this morning as it started to pop up I pull up the one minute chart and I'm like well, you know it's kind of um, coming into this first resistance which let's see was right around right here around 22 23 so it's coming into that resistance level and I thought you know I don't know if this is going to work now when I first saw it hit the scanners I don't know it was like 250 or 260 270 and I just thought uh, volume is light I don't really know about it. kind of grinds higher up to 322.
pretty light volume pulls back, wasn't sure about buying right there. spreads were a little bigger, didn't trade, it goes up to 240 sorry 340 350 I was like oh gosh, all right. well you know now. look it's 2 four six, seven green candles in a row I can't really buy it up here.

so I let it make this whole move it pull back and I'm watching it in this area. but false breakout on this candle right here. so you know topping tail that's fine. false breakout right here.

another sort of false breakout right here. and so then I drew these uh to connect these lines I said this seems to be resistance and this is sort of ascending support. Uh so what I ended up doing was I took a trade uh right as it came up here for the break through this level and I was hoping it would hold and keep going and I could add but I wasn't sure it would because of this previous dogee in the topping tail so it didn't I took my profit off the table. made 1,000 bucks all right.

So that was my one trade on spec. Nothing that exciting but got green made a little money on it. ended up doing kind of a head and shoulders pattern, really like a tiny head here and then the shoulder and then coming back down so no additional trades on it. Look at the volume at the open though.

ton of volume in these first two candles and then people were like yeah, I'm done I don't care about this stock anymore so sort of funny how that worked. but um anyways so that was um SPC bkyi this one had news this morning and it all of a sudden starts to pop up right here. It's kind of wild because it pops up right here and I was like all right I'm going to jump in this uh spec was pulling back and it was the right time of day for a stock to be hitting the scanner and I knew this one had news so I was like all right I'm going to take a starter, added it I think 260 and then 275 and three it goes up to 320 uh 319 and then it starts to pull back and I sold on the way back down I was like well guess it's not going higher so made $1,000 on that one as well. 4,000 share total position but just nothing really exciting.
Small win, got out, was certainly not holding it after it pulled back this much I was I was out by 280 so it pulls back, doesn't hold and at that point I was like well our Gap scanner is awful so unless something pops up at the open I'm probably not going to take any trades. and sure enough Roma did pop up at the open uh I took my first trade on it as it came up here for the high of day break. Little scalp there made a couple hundred, gave that profit back on a dip trade here where it went lower and then got back in as it came up here for one more trade and just said you know price action on this one's a little funny and I don't really trust the stock that much Chinese stock dropped 80% on day one I'm kind of I'm kind of over it. So anyways, um so that was Roma just kind of a really I don't know.

weird weird price action. um so left that alone and uh, you know well got one trade but for the most part left it alone. and yeah, the Gap scanner is just really weak today. So I think we're right now in a little bit of a colder cycle.

um kind of wait. I'm waiting for the next stock. that makes that big explosive exciting move to get things going and you know it could happen at any time. We just, you never know.

So I keep showing up every day. I'm trading what's in front of me I'm making a little bit here and there but not hitting any home runs. That's okay. I'm locking up some base hits now if you recall, yesterday was a red day.

I was down 1,200 bucks and I said this is the fork in the road where I have to make a decision to just and I think the right decision here is just to walk away. keep the loss so small that it's like not a big deal at all and so did I miss some opportunities on Roma as the day went on. Yes, maybe you could say that, but that's also presuming that I would have traded it and made money and I could have traded it and lost money as well. So I don't feel like I really missed anything CU for me I followed my rules I walked away.

That's good. That's a win. That's a victory. So you know, coming back today with three trades or three stocks I traded I'm locking up.

You know, 2,700 bucks. Yesterday's loss is now water under the bridge I made that back basically in the first trade and my account is sitting at all-time highs so you know right now I don't feel like I need to be super aggressive I don't need to overtrade I can just focus on catching some base hits here and there and you know living to trade another day. So you know the long and the short of it is that the market is a little bit slow right now, but we are at least seeing some opportunities each day, even if they're kind of small. We're seeing a few opportunities here and there, so you know, got a little profit on Roma that was fine.
Uh, a little profit on Bkyi a little profit on spec and you know Bitcoin names were up today. the S&P 500 uh, drops down comes back up sells off. Um, we had CPI numbers at 830 and they were a little higher than expected. Not outrageous, but a little higher than expected.

That's not great. The market you know would love to see interest rates decline. Um, you know, easy borrowing. Come back.

That's going to be good for the market. good for spending. good for companies. so you know it's not the market.

would like to see that those inflation numbers are continuing to come down because they need to come down in order for the Federal Reserve to feel comfortable bringing down interest rates. So with inflation or the CPI you know being up just a little bit higher H you know Market dipped came back up. Now it's selling off a little bit more Bitcoin names number of Bitcoin names that have been strong. um today with the Bitcoin ETF um stuff going on, but you know I I've really avoided trading that I I'm still not a fan of Bitcoin or cryptocurrency at all.

so I don't I rarely trade the stocks. What is it? Btbt there's a whole bunch of them but I rarely trade these I For the most part I just leave them alone I Just don't trust this industry or the sector at all. So anyways, um yeah so there's nothing to trade there for me and overall a little bit of a slow morning, but can't really complain. Green is good so I'm going to leave to trade another day.

I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. So for those of you guys that didn't already, check out episode 2 I'll put the link um, right up here in the top corner of this video. So check out episode 2 of my small account Challenge and hope to see you guys! Uh, take advantage of the trial link that we put down there below and I'll remind you as always that trading is risky. My results aren't typical and there's no guarantee you'll find success whether you trade with me or you learn on your own.

So take it slow, practice the simulator and be cautious. All right. I'll see you for my recap tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “High accuracy trading with small losses”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @wallas5949 says:

    On SPEC, how did you compute the relative volume during premarket? Thanks for all the great info. and help given!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-ei2kd9vp5b says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lc.7372 says:

    I made 2 losses on spec I’ll never trade it again 😢😢😢😢😢

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @HeavyMusicProd says:

    Is your simulator available anytime of the day just log in and trade?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shawnalexander7914 says:

    Hey Ross just got your book in the mail today. Looking forward to reading it!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @craigarcuri1504 says:

    I started a ROTH IRA account with Think or Swim about a month ago with only $300. Doing my own account challenge. Right now, i'm down about $40 overall. I'm very limited as I can only do 3 trades every 5 days, so I'm doing 1 trade on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and I do their Paper Trading on Tuesday and Thursday. I'm happy to make $10 per trade until I can slowly build the account up. I'm trading at 68% accuracy. But, i've had 3 big losses unfortunately from sudden drops I wasn't expecting. Its definitely a grind. This has been a crappy month so far as far as A+ opportunities. I dont trade pre-market (part of my personal rules). I've definitely adapted the mindset that once I've made my one trade, win or lose, I shut it down and walk away and get ready for work and put it all out of my mind, ready to trade the next day.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @guabz___ says:

    Honest question, Is there any video from you taking an actual trade position live?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JIMDANCUBS99 says:

    I miss you LIVE on Youtube Pre-market trading.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @qftaoptionstrading6052 says:

    Traded AERT just for fun this morning.. 3.04 to 3.35 been doin little premarket trades to get the jitters out then when market opens i trade my actual stuff… nice to see my strategy works with premarket runners and its catching algorithm moves beforehand.. pretty fun stuff.. wish i could come teach with you aha

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-mf9te4mu6c says:

    Hey Ross. I have a question. I am newbie in trading, I tried crypto and I don’t think it’s for me. I want to try stocks and I really love your content. BUT, I am European 🇪🇺 and I want to know if all of your informations are usable for me or I should find some European channel for learning. Also I want to know, if I buy one of your courses, will these scanners and charts valid for trading in Europe ? I think I will use Interactive Brokers. Thanks for your respond 😊

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nikator6162 says:

    Hi Ross, I traded LAES yesterday and even though my thesis was correct and the price did go higher later on, I still finished red. And that's because my entry was bad, I entered at the top when the price started pulling back. I entered at $2.40 and cut losses at $2.33 just to see the price going higher later on. This red trade ruined my confidence and didn't trade it again. Any tips on how to improve my entry?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @garytaylor5937 says:

    How do you trade pre-market I think i have to rethink my platforms but already paid 12 month subscription. Im with "trading view" and "trade ideas"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @codyellis8390 says:

    I like your undercover idea. I think it would be interesting if you went undercover and got one of these systems from the youtube ads and see wat type of 99% bullshit they try to give you😂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @CoolBuddy9847 says:

    hey cameron have you considered using bookmap to trade, it lets you see mkt orders, bids getting put up and pulled same with ask orders.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mikedelisle6419 says:

    Nice! No trade day for me, not that the opportunities werent there, just didnt see them at the right time. I'll get em tomorrow!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @qftaoptionstrading6052 says:

    I finally broke my 13 week Thursday curse where i start green.. hop off.. come back a couple hours later and then give profits back making silly careless trades … so now im 4/4 on the week.. made some solid trades this morning.. QQQ gang babycakes! Ahah. Keep it goin ross..

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @abmorose6531 says:

    Thanks for this on point and short video. 🙏 Ross

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @IDONTQUIT1111 says:

    You're right….crypto is a tulip.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @IDONTQUIT1111 says:

    You did miss ROMA! Lol

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @paramountx says:

    Ross, you mention that was head and shoulders on SPEC, but i kinda was seeing a double bottom that failed? What are you thoughts?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Cbmountain42 says:

    I wake up at 5 am. Not a fan but can usually grab the first 2 gainers.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @55win52 says:

    I wanted to know how increase high accuracy. Thanks Ross.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @UNLOCKsilo says:

    I’m not seeing a 1 month trial in the link, what am I missing?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Hilarious_Harbor says:

    I got LAES at 2.35 limit order and sold at 2.72. I did limit order because spread was bit wide at that time. $800

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @iRembi says:

    Thanks for video, Ross. Do you trade futures (like /ES, /NQ, etc) and if not – why? How would you compare trading "mini" futures with stocks in small caps?

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