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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so today's one of those days where I'm fishing in the green. but I'm not happy about it. Why is that? Well, I'm up. seven thousand dollars five.

Six years ago, seven thousand dollars I would have been pumped about it. but what happened this morning is on my very first trade I made 12 grand and on my next two trades I lost $5,000 So you know I'm ending the day after two red trades feeling a little bit bummed out. Yeah, Green is good, but you know seven thousand isn't as good as twelve thousand. And what makes it worse is that I lost two thousand dollars in my IRA I Really couldn't afford that, but it is what it is.

So anyways, we'll break it all down in today's midday market recap. All right everyone. So we're gonna go over our trades from today. Not an easy day and this is you know the life of a trader to make seven thousand, one hundred, forty seven dollars, and six cents and still be a little disappointed with it to still feel like I didn't trade as well as I could have.

And seven thousand is not as good as twelve thousand. It was up twelve thousand dollars this morning on my I don't know second trade first trade and gave back five thousand of it. So that's where the market is sort of always humbling you. It just you know it's It's not all green.

Yes, today's a green day. It's It's a great day. But it's not as good as it was at nine. you know, nine.

Whatever, it was nine. Thirty five. So we'll break down the trades here so you guys can see what what went down. Most disappointing part is losing almost two thousand dollars in my IRA Really a bummer there I Pushed my luck a little bit and that cost me.

So we'll go over this trade here and the main account. So main accounts up nine thousand, eighty seven dollars and six cents which is not bad at all. This a good day and it's thanks to here. so har.

All right let's look at it. So pre market we only had three stocks on watch. see Gix was on watch and that was because it was gapping up. We were watching it for all possible long over 140 but I said I Don't think this is gonna be the type of stock that's gonna make a 40, 30 40 cent move at best.

We're talking about 510 cents and that's really all we got from 39. It popped up to a high of 55 15 cents and then it faded so didn't really give us a great opportunity there so no trades on it. Then we were also watching. SS C This one was our Gap scanner as well.

Market opens and it sells off so it doesn't trigger an entry over the pre market. Hi, there's just no trade on it and the third one was HEA R This was not a Gapper, but it was on watch for continuation because it was strong on Friday So I thought alright, if this can break back over $4 it's worth watching. And as soon as the bell rang I mean as soon as the bell rang, it popped up, it opened and squeezed up to let's see Four, Twenty Four Twenty Three and I jumped in with 15,000 shares at 4:19 I saw that and I was like yep, this one's breaking out on the daily chart I like it. So I'm in 15,000 shares for nineteen, it pops up to 450 I add another 2,500 shares to go to 17,000 being aggressive, No doubt about it, you know I am.
but we've been in a hot market. Let's look at my calendar. Today is my let's see two, Four Six Eight, Nine ninth Green Day of the Month, and Nine Ten Eleven Twelve I think 12th or 13th green day in a row. I'm up about eighty thousand dollars in the last twelve days.

If there was ever a time to take fifteen and twenty thousand share positions, this is it. So yeah, I'm stepping up to the plate. Here it pops up to 93. I try to sell half I sell 500 shares it drops down and then I decided to add another 2500 at 89 for the break over five.

I'm selling half at Five I've got now just under 20,000 shares, selling half at five, More at Five. Oh one more at Five Thirty Two And then it drops back down. Alright, so that's in this first candle right here in boom I'm up $12,500 or right around there. So really solid trade.

just continuation over the previous day's high. It worked out really well, but I didn't take it in the IRA mostly because the trade happened so fast and you didn't really have time. but as it pulled back here, I was like okay I'll get in on the first pullback and so I put the order and bought 4,000 shares. at 494 it pops up to 531 and I sell but this was my mistake.

Instead of selling on the bid, I tried to sell on the ask and I only filled 200 shares and I'm gonna go in right now and I'm just gonna take that hot key away because I don't want to sell on the ask right now. I'm gonna delete the key and delete the key for L Let's see, where is it? Maybe that's the only one I have. So I'm just gonna delete that key for right now because what they sent up, there's one right there. delete key and it looks like that said so I guess I thought I had one for L but I'm not seeing it.

Yeah So anyways, here's the problem. As soon as it filled 200 shares, I was like and it dropped I was like oh no because that would have been $1,200 Great trade but it dropped and then I was like oh no I only had one trade left today so if I cancel that order and sell again I'm gonna be using up two of my trades and I'm gonna be breaking the three trade rule. you get one pass they call it I think it's a I don't know what the camera or the cards but they give you one pass and I'm gonna have to use that one pass because I ended up having to sell the rest down here at 441 so I didn't want to have to have to take that hit. I wanted to use that have that back card that that card in my back pocket that I could use it later for if it I needed to and so here I only filled 200 shares and I was like okay I'm gonna hold this and give it a second.

yeah it's dropping down. it dropped down to 54. it popped back up here and I'm thinking okay if it first five-minute Campbell make first woman--it Kimmel makes a new high This thing can go back to the highs so I'll hold tight and give it a second and in my main account I ended up actually adding at five dollars and then stopping out at 774 or 474 I added back in my main account at 480 and that was right. See now we're consolidating.
consolidating I added right here, right on that candle I added For the break over 485, we hit a high of 505 and then we dropped all the way to 435. It was a false breakout. very disappointing and so there I stopped out and lost $3,000 in my main account when forming up twelve thousand on the data up only nine thousand and I had to take the loss in my IRA selling at 4:41 Now if I wasn't restricted by the PDT rule, I would have just sold this break-even at five dollars, right? I wouldn't have had to think about. Oh, if I sell I'm gonna take.

you know I'm gonna be using that fourth trade and I'm gonna get in trouble. so I you know I wouldn't have had any of that I would just sold. It would have been breakeven, but because of the PDT rule and thinking well I don't want to take the loss I end up holding it and it turns into a ninth out a $1,900 loss. So I'm gonna open tomorrow back around eighteen thousand five hundred giving back all my profit from last week which is really disappointing so you know it's just you know it's it is what it is.

an errand. I can't add more money to this account. it's it's a retirement account. I'm limited to only being able to add five thousand five hundred per year.

So I added five thousand five hundred already for 2017 and I've added it for 2018. So I started with eleven thousand and it's accountants at twenty thousand right now. Twelve eighteen thousand. So that's the thing.

I can't just add money to get above the 25k. I have to work to get there. so a little bit of a step backwards here. I'm disappointed on it, but it is what it is.

So yeah, here's the day where I'm up seven thousand dollars between these two accounts and I'm disappointed I'm not happy with. You know, you know, really, the way I traded I I was a little too aggressive. This I shouldn't have probably gotten in that high I should just said you know you missed in the IRA just leave it alone and I pushed my luck and so that's costing me a little bit. Having said that, I'm now up $70,000 on the month of April.

We still have really two weeks left of trading ten days left of trading. So this is now my fourth best month of all time. and I have an opportunity here if I get over 85,000 to make it my second best month of all time. If I get over a hundred and seventeen thousand, it would be my best month of all time.

I'm not setting my sights on 117, but I'd like to get above 85,000 85,000 would make it my second best month and that would be pretty cool. And I think there's a chance that maybe I could tap 100,000 I think I have a chance of hitting a hundred thousand this month, but you know today was pay ten thousand. Well, ten thousand in the main account. Seven thousand dollar day is not bad and a couple more days like that I'll get there so you know I'm gonna have to probably take a couple days off of trading in the Interactive Brokers account because I got a you know catch up now.
I've used up too many trades so this accounts probably done for the rest of the week and maybe I'll trade it with it on Friday or something. but I I did screw up there a little bit and you know, so dug myself a hole. gonna have to climb out of it. It's gonna take some time, but that's just the way it goes.

So I'm just making a note here. it's sold in two blocks. Whoops! All right. So just as a reminder there, and yeah, I'm glad that we saw a good opportunity on this out of the gates.

It only takes one trade and today we got, you know, one really, really solid trade. but Joe yeah I I'm being more aggressive with trading more shares because the market is strong I mean that because we're I'm not I didn't make a $70,000 this month just because of larger share size. My average winners this month are 33 cents per trade. I Can pull up my trader view stats just so you guys can see them.

My metrics this month are are really great. I Mean they're much better than they were last month, so let me just show you in the reports view. This was up through what was this. this was up through Wednesday of last week so it doesn't include Thursday but you know whatever.

close enough. So let's look here from April first. Alright, so average Winners: $2,300 average losers: 1200 bucks So that's a two-to-one profit loss ratio and my accuracy is 79. son.

Now accuracy is gonna come down a little bit because of today. Whatever. But you know this is really, really solid so you know very, very pumped about that. Let's compare that to the month of March March their average winners in March A thousand average losers Eleven hundred Accuracy seventy six percent net profit growth well net after commissions for two thousand.

Still a good month, but though the private loss ratio is only one to one. so that's the difference is that the profit loss ratio is much better this month with similar accuracy. and that's why I'm up almost twice as much so you know that's really what it is. It's when the winds at your back, you just want to enjoy it.

Capitalize on it. and I'm definitely doing that. So I'll continue to trade with Big Size this month until we start to see things turn around. Alright, yeah, and I'll be here tomorrow.

So anyways, that's about it for me here. Just want to give you guys the midday market recap and I'll see you all first thing tomorrow morning 9:00 A.m. 9:15 pre market analysis and hopefully we find another a couple good trades and make some more money. All right! I'll see you guys in the morning if you're still watching.
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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Happy i made $7k, sad i lost $5k”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GeneRical says:

    Was up 200$ and gave back 130$. Green 70$, green is green!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phil Mckrackin says:

    Why not stop at 12K???

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars monk e says:

    Hey Ross, Huge fan and warrior pro member. Sorry a day late, I'm a noob with 3 days in FST under my belt (lots o red). I was watching 4 stocks and HEAR was one of them. I used the default hot keys and filled for 4.75, then using hot keys to try to catch some profit i didn't get filled until 4.52. Funny how that play went so different for me. Anyway, I'm curious how you picked up on that one so quick and did you use all hot keys? When you say you're watching the price are you watching the bid, the ask, or time and sales? Am I just too slow? Thank you thank you. I've been extremely inspired by you!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asif Raza says:

    hi Ross i have a question abut warrior trading chatroom if i am subscribing one of the package from 3 options will i be able to watch your trades live from the bell ? or just recap thanks

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dr 2th says:

    Hey Ross , As a warrior Pro student i ask myself : did you just really deleted the sell on the ask hotkeys ?. From now on only selling on the bid ? 😉

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Arenson says:

    !!Hey Ross
    Do you or Mike have any video that you talk about how to build a position during a trade(how (and when to add share size when the trade works for you
    I watch so many recaps and it's very difficult to understand the rationale because it's happen so fast!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vic1torius says:

    Ross the Boss

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcin Budny says:

    Great work on HEAR. I wonder how did you manage to jump in so quickly on it. Did you observe it going up or did it hit your scanner? It hit my scanner but I managed to get in when the price was 5 so i didn't make too much a profit

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars v vk says:

    It happens my friend. Im complaining about about 5 to 10 dollars lost.. dont give up. It just a chapter in your book. Many more to come

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Golovin says:

    Lol i made 17 dollars today trading large caps with huge size. I can see why you like garbage smaller cap companies. They are easier to trade.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tm says:

    When are you projecting the GB office to be finished?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars go says:

    I love all your videos. Keep it up.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Kusakabe says:

    Ross, the loser was your que that the trade is over, time to quit. More importantly you kept it a green day, not green to red. Nice job!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan Neff says:

    When do you feel we'll see a Midday Market Recap from Mike? Also, wondering if he'll have a chat sometime soon. I've learned the hard way Gap and Go is not my strength. To much adrenalin dump for me… Large caps similar to Mike's style is definitely more my speed. Also, does the Warrior Trading Pro offer large cap trading and if so…how much of the program is dedicated to large caps

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aljade M says:

    Hi Ross. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't a daytrade consumed if you had a roundtrip trade? Like if I bought a stock and sold it how many times I want, that's one daytrade. But say on your case, if I cancelled the partial fill and sold on the bid, that's still one "roundtrip", right?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike White says:

    Congratulations on a profitable day ross. I do understand and feel your frustration when losses happen even when you are green over all. I am still trading paper until I get my account fully funded , however I would like to stop and thank you for providing us with all of your incredible experience . It has helped me so much more than I could have imagined. Before I found your channel I was losing consistently and just didn't get it . Since finding your channel I have made a complete 180 from where I was just 3 months or so ago. Now my accuracy is in the 70% range and most importantly my losses are small , on average being 25 to 100 dollars , where as my average winners have been 150 to 300 dollars range . Gaining confidence by the day thanks in large part to your excellent instruction and explanations. You are the man ross win or lose you have made such a difference in my trading style for the better and I'm sure the same is true for many others. As I have said before once I am able to join your classroom I am going to be all over it . Have a great evening and I look forward to seeing you post another successful day tomorrow.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJ Joune says:

    Hey Ross, If you bought one time, you can scale out and sell in pieces. it is only considered 2 day trades is when you buy multiple times and sell multiple times.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tomás Magalhães says:

    Hey Ross, do you import your trades aurtomatically into TradeVue or manually? Thanks

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Social Media Guru says:

    Ross, how did you identify the range on $CGIX?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john forsyth says:

    Still a great days trading ross. Your the boss👍🏻👍🏻

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sailor d-life says:


  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3vilchina.is.doomed says:

    still good job ross

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus says:

    HEAR continuation, Good job Ross.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melbourne Shorts says:

    do you only trade open market gap ups?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Crooks says:

    Again great perspective. Sounds pretty challenging to be trading in the two accounts!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soccer Life says:

    What is your capital? What is your average monthly profit %?

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