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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are: Monday morning I'm boldly wearing red and finishing in the green, happy with that of $1,200 Today's a day where I actually have horrible accuracy I took four trays and I'm green on only one of them. So 25% accuracy accuracy today versus 75% accuracy or like 73 percent for the entire month of October. So you know a little bit of a dip and accuracy today. a little bit of a you know, whatever to be that low.

but the reality is I can still be green as long as the winners are bigger than the losers. That's what really matters. So the three losers were $700 $800 and I think $400 and the one winner was 3,200 bucks and with the potential to be a $15,000 winner if that trade really worked. So you know that's kind of what I go for is, you know I I Look for trades that have basehit potential or maybe homerun potential with a really good probability of being a solid base hit.

And whenever I take those trades, I try to risk as little as possible. So even on the trade where I had the potential to make fifteen thousand, my initial risk was only about $1,000 so that'd be a 15 to 1 profit loss ratio, which is awesome. So another green day here. Well, second green day of the month I was red on Friday But you know, get myself back in the driver's seat in the green and you know, beginning of the week that feels good.

It's a nice way to start the week. So we Back at it first thing tomorrow morning 9:00 9:15 for pre mark analysis, hoping for a couple more good trades you know, GAAP scans Momo scanner alerts and you know, keep booking those profits. All right. So I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning.

Any questions, any comments? leave them below and I'll answer later this afternoon. All right everyone. So time for our midday market recap here. Finished the morning up 1280 $1.68 and that's a green day.

You know I can be happy with that. Today is a Monday redemption. Getting back, you know a little bit of those profits that I lost on the red day on Friday so you know. Overall, that's great, but when we look at the P&L you're gonna see that it's not really what I want it to be.

I'm red in my IRA account right here. one thousand, two hundred fifty seven dollars. That is very disappointing. I Really don't like having red days in the IRA so you know that one.

That's just frustrating, but you know it is what it is. So read there and then up 2500 in my main account. So you know today's one of those days where I'm actually read on three out of four names. but I'm still walking away green.

So even though I only have twenty five percent accuracy today, I'm up 1200 bucks, you know? And that's that says something about profit loss ratio. That's really what it's all about. None of these losses are more than a thousand bucks. And then the one trade that worked out of $3,200 winner.

So it makes up for all the losers even with only twenty five percent accuracy, you know. I'm green today, so I'm happy about that. We'll go over kind of each of these four trades, but it's definitely, you know, disappointing to have red days in the IRA I felt pretty confident on s con, but then that one failed and by that point I was already in Ch CI And so I sort of knew that that was probably not going to be good for the CH CI trade. Today was one of those days where we just didn't have the level of momentum that I was sort of expecting and so a little bit of a you know disappointing morning in that sense.
But you know, a day where I'm walking away with more money than I had two hours ago. So you know progress is good. all right. So I'm gonna push this down here.

I'll put the Lightspeed account there and the IRA account right here. Okay, so first trade of the day was a whitey you. Now this was off of our Gap scanner. So remember every morning starts the same way.

You know it's just the kind of you know it's our it's our morning routine. So I'm looking at the Gap scanner and looking at the stocks that are gonna open higher this morning. Then they closed yesterday and we can see the leading gap or is I I nu V gapping up a hundred and sixty eight percent. Now as it turns out, this stock has entered into a definitive merger agreement and so I usually don't like to trade merger agreements either when stocks are being bought out or they're merging.

That's just not really the strongest catalyst in my experience. So that one I I left alone next one down. A why to you on this one I'm looking at the pre market chart and you know you kind of do have first pullback, second pullback and I ended up buying the third pullback I have a rule that I don't usually buy the third pullback I like to buy the first and second. however the time.

the only time that I will buy the third pullback is when it happens right at the open because what we often see is a squeeze right out of the gates. Unfortunately on this one, that is not what we saw I jumped in it out of the gates. it dipped down for just a second. It then surged up over a dollar 55 right here.

So I got in with 9,000 shares a dollar or six thousand shares of dollar 55 and then added another three thousand shares of the dollar 57. Alright, so 9,000 share position and then I stopped out at 48 for a $736 loss. You know it, it, dropped down to 39 so my stop was good I saved myself 900 bucks by getting out fast, but it just didn't hold up. So disappointing that it didn't touch the pre-market high of 65.

I was looking for a break over 65. so about a 7 to 15 cent profit, target and us in this case of 7 cent loss. So that was my first trade on a Ytu. my second trade was on PLA G Now this one was also on the Gap scanners.

You can see right here gapping up 10% this morning. I had it on watch as you know stock just to keep an eye on because you never know with these. It's obviously a former runners you can see here from the day that it went from two dollars to eleven dollars, then came all the way back down. but then it squeezed back up.
sideways. Consolidation. Whatever. I'm watching it for a move.

you know, up to the high side. so the bell rings and it's kind of sideways. sideways, sideways and then right here it pops up to 5:30 and as it goes up to 540 and 550, that's where I jumped in. So I'm in this at 549, 551, adding at 558, adding at 552, adding at 593 and adding at $6 So on this one I took 15,000 shares and you can see I'm adding within a 50 cent range.

My first position is at 550 and my last Adams's at $6 So I really was pretty aggressive on this one and the reason is because I looked at this on the daily chart as having potential if it broke over $6 to go up to 645 and if it broke 6, it has room all the way back up to this high right here which is 874. So this to me was a definite you know homerun potential type of stock. and so I stepped up to the plate with pretty big size on it. As you can see, it squeezes up here.

it tapped 6, it pulls back, it then surges up over 6, doesn't hold that level. it pulls back and so right in here. I sell about 10,000 shares. I'm still holding 5,000 through here through here through here and I ended up selling them right here.

I gave it a chance to make a new high and pop up right here at 87. It made a new high but didn't go immediately to day and so my stop was the low of the pullback and I stopped out right here as it came back down. so I was actually up closer to $4,000 on it and then because I added at 6:00 I You know I sold that for a loss, but this was a green trade with $33,000 with the potential to make anywhere from seventy five hundred to maybe even fifteen thousand and my max risk on this when I first got in I with three thousand shares and then six thousand. I'm really only risking about ten fifteen cents so risking about 600 and then $1,500 maybe at most and then profit was thirty two hundred and that was worst case.

kind of worst case scenario of a green trade because it didn't really work out as well as I hoped it would. So that's again, that's really good profit loss ratio. So that was my first and second trades of the day and that was all I did in a main account. So 2500 bucks here in this account and that actually makes up for almost all of Friday's loss which is which is good.

and my Friday's loss was in the main. Actually know one of them now I can't remember. Yeah yeah, Friday's loss was in the main account. I got my calendar here so yeah, actually I didn't even write it in the calendar.

Um, love to go back and check, but I was down about 3000 on Friday so minus 3.2 K approximately. And then today is this two hundred and second trading day of the year. plus one thousand, two hundred, eighty $1.68 Alright, so it's in the calendar. There we go.
Reminder everyone tomorrow's election Day! Okay, so we've got, so that's that's all I did in the main account. Alright, so then I've got the IRA So I finish I close up the trade on PLA G and I'm like alright I'm feeling a little momentum right? A nice big green trade I went from red on the day back into the green. by you know, thirty eight hundred dollars. So now I'm watching the scanners and let's see I'm gonna reset this scanner for this morning.

All right. So boom boom boom boom see LSD Yep PLA G yep s con hits the scanner, it hits the scanner, rips up I'm looking at it and I'm like okay, you know I just had a big momentum trade. It looks like the markets starting to pick up so it squeezes up here and I jump in it Now Yes, the truth is when you look at this, it's easy for you to say Ross You know you just jumped into a stock squeezing up. You didn't wait for the pullback or anything like that.

In this instance, the trade didn't work. However, what more often what happens more often than not is they squeeze up like this. they get halted. which this did it halted it 45 or no saw sorry I halted it 35 and I was in it at I Got a partial fill on this.

Where was my entry at 35 400 shares. so I'm in 400 shares at 35. Whatever. It then squeezes up, taps a high of 50 and I added at 47.

So I have a new cost basis of 44 or right around 40. And what typically happens is they oh, they squeeze up. They get halted, they open higher and they make these kind of big parabolic moves. The daily chart this stock shows.

You know it has a good amount of room 211 that I look at. So I really thought this one you know had the look. The only thing that was missing was news. However, you know what I said earlier about the bite first, ask questions later.

That's kind of the mentality with a lot of momentum traders. You see something starting to take off and you know we often jump into it and then we look and see what's the catalyst what's causing it. and sometimes these end up fading as this one did and other times they end up holding up pretty well. continuing higher and being the stock that does go to five six, seven dollars in one day on no news, it just starts to take off.

So anyways I'm in it with 400 shares I Add coming out of the halt looking a scalp it from 50 up to 60 maybe 75 and it immediately flashes down to 220. it drops down but further to 14. I'm waiting for the first one minute candle to make a new hi. My stop is now the low of the pullback.

This candle doesn't make a new high, it drops down and I stopped out So lost 843 dollars on that trade. Really just so disappointing to have that happen in the IRA account. I Just you know can't afford these types of losses. and now this is my second pretty big red day in the IRA account.

So that's s Caan and while I'm in s con CH Ci pops up and does the same thing and I'm like okay, it's another one taking off I'm gonna jump in it I jump in as it squeezes up I get filled at 79 with 2,000 shares right here and right here and it opens and drops back down to 250. All right, 246. So I lose 400 bucks on that one. Now this one ended up holding up and eventually going all the way back up to $3 but you know I followed the rules and stopped out.
So kind of disappointing to have those two stocks take off in the surge of momentum and just by the top and then get stopped out of them. You know I mean it's it's it's sort of the luck of the draw that sometimes that happens. Now what I want to do is I want to show you guys my let's see my October statements here. So I just uploaded my broker statements for the month of October so these are all posted now on the website.

Oops, let me just go back here. Okay, so if you went, if you go to our website and you scroll down, what's going on here, you scroll down to the very bottom. You'd see earnings and broker statements right here. Alright, so 2017 2018 I Keep the last two years on here.

Alright, so anyways, October is right here. so this is where I finished the month of: October 42,000 dollars in net profits after commissions which is great. This is net a number of winning trades seven I only took 102 trades. so figure 102 trades.

It's about 25 trades a week, right? 25 trades a week for four weeks out of the month. That's 100 trades. So 25 trades a week? You know that's about five trades a day. Five times five equals 25.

25 times four equals 100. So you know, averaging about five trades a day with 73% accuracy in the month of October That's nice. That's actually about about 5% above above average for me, so that's nice to see 73% a nice little bump. Their average winning trade 900 Salvage Losing trade 957 Profit loss ratio dips a little down below the 1 to 1 ratio that we usually look for.

We kind of. It's hard to do dots with this thing anyways so that you know that's a little bit disappointing. The one thing I wish maybe is that either I could have tightened up some of those losers or had more big winners. My biggest winner with 9,000 bucks.

That's nice. Biggest loser 3,400 So I would say you know it just sort of looks like I had a lot of ending up being small winners. That brought down that average and maybe a couple of bigger losers. and part of the other thing with the profit loss ratio.

since I only had 27 losers, you know a few bigger ones do bring up that average. And maybe if I had had more breakeven trades that were just minus ten dollars or something like that I you know those wouldn't have been as bad. it would have brought my average back down. But anyways, commissions and fees about three thousand dollars in fees 1,700 Commission So $4,800 in fees and commissions.

so I'd be up 46,000 if it weren't for fees and commissions. So they account for about 10% of my profit right around there. But this is just kind of a high level and of you know all these trades I was doing a lot of things of what I did today on CHC is con. Today just happens to be a day where you know on the wrong side of you know the momentum line.
So I've got my traditional margin trading account. this is my P&L and everything for the month. and then I've got my IRA trading account right down here which was a $1,300 loss on the month made $400 and then lost 1700 on that day. So disappointing There you know again to be read last month and be read again so far this month also by about 1200.

well 12 yeah it's gonna be about the same $1,300 so you know I got the rest of the month turn around but you know, just kind of showing you this so you guys get a sense of overall. you know this method works really well. Today's a day where you know I'm a little below my accuracy target, but the profit loss ratio is strong and that's good. so you guys are always welcome to review these.

I'm one of the only traders out there that posts these types of broker statements. So from 583 dollars and 15 cents to a million dollars, I'm a seven hundred and forty nine thousand dollars as of the end of October with four hundred and fourteen thousand dollars this year and three hundred thirty five thousand last year. So this is probably going to be a challenge that carries me into 2019. So we'll have you know, three years combined here, but it's pretty.

It's pretty exciting. You can go to 2017 to see the very beginning of the challenge which was on Shore trader right here Swiss America This was sort of. you know where it all started. There we go I Got to update this image.

I Don't know why this is kind of a small version, but anyways, yeah, $41,000 a short trader before I Move the money out and started trading at a U.s. broker. So it's been a pretty fun journey here and still, you know about 25% left to go seventy-five percent of the way there. So just a little update on that challenge and where it stands.

I Know a lot of you guys have gone back and watched on YouTube like the very first video in in this challenge the 583 day it originally was $583 to $100,000 and then I once I crossed 100k and like a month and a half I was like alright, what's next so let's see. let me search my videos here, sort by most popular. Okay all right so you guys many of you guys have seen this four point eight million views on the most popular one three three videos above a million views right now. but this is the one day trading starting with $583 at share trader.

This was day one of the small account challenge. There we go. So I'll post this check out video one from the $583 $15 to 1 million dollar challenge. All right there we go.

Yeah, so you're welcome to check that out if you want, but you know really what I do today is no different from what I was doing almost two years ago at the very beginning of the challenge. it's really just you know. Starting with, you know, one trade each day trying to get green build the momentum today I started red but was able to get back on the second trade into the green taking a couple scalp trades, a couple momentum trades trying to keep the winners bigger than the losers and slow and steady wins. The race added in a new scan here for former low float Momo stock I'm gonna test this out for a couple days and then if I like it I'll add it to the warrior pro classes for our students.
All right? So anyways, that's about it for me. I Hope you guys have a great afternoon when we back at it first thing tomorrow morning 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis and hopefully we will have you know a couple of good stocks on the scanner. so I can keep making a little bit of money and then have to wait till Wednesday again to trade in the IRA account. but whatever.

I'm just gonna try not to sweat that too much. Maybe I just need to wait on trading in that until we have like, really official strong momentum. You know, I've been kind of jumping the gun on that the last few times I've traded in it and obviously lost money. So and I'll try to pull it back together with that account, but you know Green is good.

I'm have more money in my pocket than I had two hours ago, so that's always good product progress. Alright, so anyways, that's it for me. I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Those of you watching on Facebook and YouTube leave comments below.

give us a thumbs up if you like the videos and I'll see you guys in the morning. All right bye everyone, if you're still watching you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

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23 thoughts on “Green while wearing red! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shard French says:

    Plag always come thru lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rohit Awasthi says:

    what are brokerages in your both accounts?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paulino Gonzalez says:

    How can I get your book

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dreamcatching Sevens says:

    Another good one, Ross. Thanks for reminding about 1st and 2nd pullbacks but to be cautious about anymore. I forgot that might be a better way to think of it that way.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XXXNO NAMEXXX says:

    That was me yesterday. Green day on mostly bad trades. Today I was down 800. Just couldn't get things going. Setting on a position in AAPL now. I thought October was gone….

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruhop60 says:

    Your Video's are great! Thanks for sharing. BTW, loved the San Francisco videos. I was there in a hotel room two months trading while the wife attended a seminar. Good stuff…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tasty Trees says:

    I'm in the same boat right now, I took four trades last week and only one of them panned out. One of them was PXS and I panicked and sold in a dip rather than doubling my money on it 🙁 thanks for all the information brother I appreciate you.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick K says:

    Wow great job Ross from //$583toamost 800K Awesome man

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Vivanco says:

    In Austin for the week, no trades since I don’t have a mobile station yet 😏

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars csmith6278 says:

    Lost $683.00 today 🙁 back at it tm

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Delgado says:

    SCON failed miserably smh..that hurt.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TJ Frass says:

    No Loss Ross ?? For the remaining of November??

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Reeder says:

    Do you have any videos on how to read candle stick charts and patterns for absoulte beginners ?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradingMonkey says:

    doing it! doing it! doing it! nothing more to say…your job is secure..

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey H says:

    @Ross Where would you have stopped out on the $plag trade if it flushed back down after the first pop ?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GPAC78 says:

    In this market, small acccount challenge is not a good idea! Just not much momentum or strength. Come on market … pull your socks up… lol.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShinyPuppy 101 says:

    Dude I love how you keep it real and show that your system is legit and not bs like some

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chicken Chipotle Sandwich says:

    Hi Ross, I have been trading for 2 years now the most I've made in one day is 400$ and the most I have lost is 280$ but my account just doesn't seem to move at all, like some days i'm happy i kinda know what I'm doing because i haven't lost huge but other days i just feel like I suck I because every time I make money the markets take it back. I cant seem to get a couple green trades in a row to really get some profit in my account, I want to start trading in the simulator i need to get better! how can i start?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F Davis says:

    Ross dude, another cool t-shirt. I guess you have excellent taste in music. Paul Simon, Bob Dylan, and the Rolling Stones are rock 'n roll legends. 👍

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Fresh says:

    What's your best suggestion in turning $2k into $4k?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emanuel Huff says:

    Ross is a green candle

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sid C. says:

    I saw PLAG jump up in two candles..I thought you were in that pop…I was right

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ruststar says:

    Opposite strategy, I see what you did there, congrats on a winning day

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