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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so finishing the morning here up $585 you can see right here will break down with the trades in a few minutes. We are live at the Inner Circle. This is our third seminar here so you can see the screen behind me and everyone out here hanging out. We're going to do a little after the midday recap.

We're gonna go over a couple of things coming up that were your trading. We're gonna demo the new chatroom, we're gonna demo the new trading simulator and it's gonna be a lot of fun. Alright, so anyways, we'll break down all of today's trades in today's midday. Parker Recap All right everybody.

So we're gonna do our midday market recap and let's see, you're gonna stream on Facebook also. I'll go fullscreen here for one second. For those of you in the chat room, let's see there we go. Oh I'm not the quite fullscreen close enough.

So here we are at the Inner Circle in Orlando Those are all of our inner circle students and their circle members. They're waving saying hello. So today was a decent day of trading and for me it was a little. The momentum was a little bit a little less than what I was hoping for.

I mean I'm up five hundred eighty five bucks I Was hoping for, you know, a five thousand dollar day because that would have gotten me back into really kind of the the top of you know after having that pullback on Friday So this morning when we were looking at the watchlist and of course watch lists are uploaded and posted on YouTube so you guys can see them. The watchlist didn't have a lot that looked really good on it. We had a couple of small caps but for the most part it was. You know it was kind of thin.

We had AVG are as a maybe. the float was like 780 thousand shares so a pretty low float and we had cattle on there as a possibility. but it wasn't something I was really too serious about. So for the most part today we had a pretty thin watchlist.

Now there are many days where I've said all right guys I'm not expecting a lot because the Gap scanner is dead and then the bell rings. a stock pops up I jump into it on the first one minute pullback and next thing you know it's a 5,000 dollar day. So just because the Gap scanner looks a little light doesn't mean I've you know ruled out the possibility that this could still be a great day. But once the bell rang we had a V gr and it popped up to a high of I Don't know like a dollar sixty or dollar 65.

you can see my net profit on it is only 200 and there $215 so you know kind of a small small winner on it with two trades. I'll move this over just a teeny but AVG are. So my first entry on this was just after the red to green move the red to green move. entry would have been at a dollar 37 and I got in just a little on the higher side at a dollar 44 and a dollar 45.

I Thought that looked like a safer entry. So what I was seeing at a dollar 45 was a pretty big seller and when we were seeing a lot of buying I thought that would be enough buying for that seller to get taken out and we would move higher. So I was in at a dollar 45 with 5,000 shares, it pops up to 54 and I'm selling a little bit at 49, 51 and 54 because I could see pretty much instantly that this was not going to be a stock that moves 30 cents. or you know, something like that.
it's gonna be five, seven, eight cent moves and I got to start taking profit as soon as I have it. So I sold for an average of five cents per share which was 250 bucks I then got back in it. it dropped down to a low of what was it? you know, 35 or something like that, it pops back up I Got back in for a retest of the highs and I ended up losing about a dollar, about a penny per share. So it was about a thirty five dollar loss.

It was a quarter of a penny or something. Three quarters of a penny. So a small loss with 5,000 shares. Not a big deal.

So from 250 to 215 dollars on that trade and again, guys, you know, $200 a day, we say that's the daily goal for a beginner trader. Get in, get out. I Got in I grabbed it I got out. It was not the most obvious setup.

It wasn't the absolute easiest, but you know it's It was fairly straightforward. Next trade was a IPT on this one, this was not on our watch list. This one. Hit our momentum scanner.

We scroll back here, hit the momentum scanner at a dollar twenty four and a dollar 25. It then pulls back for a moment and I'm watching it thinking alright, there might be something in this one for me. Had a little bit of a gap pre market so I liked that and I liked that it had room on the daily chart up to a dollar ninety two which is the 200 moving average. So I was like alright from here to here, this is good potential so I'll give it stab and on this one.

I Jumped in with 7500 shares again using my 2500 share order size. So three orders of 2500 shares I do that because number one, my default order size has been 2500 on my hotkeys. Number two: As soon as I get in, I can tell if there's a hidden cellar with that first order. If there's like 500 shares on the ask and I press the Buy button and you know that 500 shares is still there I'm gonna think there's a hidden cellar because since I'm buying 2500, I should have just taken out that guy in the ask and it should be now from 25 to 26 if that is the case.

I'm happy to press the Buy button two more times and what I usually do in my order entry area is I'll type in a dollar 35 and I'm if I press it three times I'm sending 3 limit orders at a dollar 35 which I'm gonna get filled at market price which in this case was like a dollar twenty four dollar twenty-five a dollar twenty six as its squeezing up and it has the added benefit of you know, just kind of letting you leg into a trade when you go in full size 10,000 shares or even 7,500 and then you realize there's a hidden cellar now you got to get out right away and it's not always easy to peace out. So this gives me a little bit of flexibility there. So my orders, let's see. Let me scroll down.
So I got in this one at dollar Twenty Four dollar 25, it pops up to a dollar 33 I put the order on the ask to sell half right? So I'm up Eight cents Seven cents would seventy five hundred shares, Its four hundred dollars. So I'm gonna sell half I Try to sell half and you can see I only fill 20 shares just enough for Lightspeed to collect their two dollars for me. Rob I hope you're happy. So two dollars not a big deal whatever.

so got two dollar commission on that or 250 and then immediately I'm like if I'm not feeling on the ask, how much time do I give it in this case I gave it one second. basically maybe maybe two seconds but you know, around a second and as soon as I wasn't filling on the ask I thought I thought to myself I better hit the bid and lock it up I better sell half on the bid. So I hit the bid at 32 and sold half rate at 32 out 30 740 shares. So I've sold half now I've realized a little bit of profit and then I was like okay, I'm gonna sell another quarter because I'm now at this point not seeing as much buying as I was hoping to see.

So I sell another quarter at 29. Let's see 29 and I sell the rest at 20. Does this turn off yeah? I think the battery's dead. Yeah, doubly all right, two doublea's so yeah.

So then I sold the rest of 28 and 29. I was like I'm just gonna take profit on this I'm gonna sell it and I'll be happy with that. That was because we had a 15,000 share seller that popped up at 33. So as soon as I saw that 15,000 shares seller I was like all right, you know this thing is some either someone's shorting it or someone's trying to sell, but either way I'm out I'm gonna take my profit and I'll look for the next trade.

So with that I made 300 and it was that $69 which is about five cents on seventy five hundred shares. Again, like we talked about earlier I Feel more comfortable going in seventy five hundred shares and getting out with 360 bucks. two minutes later, a minute later and then I do holding a 750 chairs for an hour even though you think she's seven or 50 shares is less risk, less money on the table for me anytime I'm in a position I feel exposure risk and I don't like that feeling and so I alleviate that by taking large positions was short for short periods of time knowing that with a 7,500 share position, I can very quickly make 350 bucks, 750 bucks, maybe 1500 bucks. If this had popped up to a dollar fifty, I could have potentially doubled over a dollar fifty and had a 15,000 share position with a cost basis of at that point maybe around a dollar 42.

Now with 15,000 shares, it squeezes up to a dollar. Sixty dollar Sixty-five It gets halted on circuit-breaker My back of the mind. Target is a dollar Ninety Two which is a two hundred moving average. It goes up to a Dollar Ninety Two, That could've been a thousand dollar winner just like that.
Now for me, that's the potential that if this goes the right way and I can add, this could be a huge winner. and for me I just. it would be very hard for me to do that with with small size. so I have to be a little bit more aggressive and willing to step up to the plate.

But then I mitigate that by trading for short periods of time. So those are my two trades today and I was perfectly willing to look for a third or a fourth or fifth trade, but the momentum scanner didn't give us anything. and right now we are kind of in that little bit of a shift between really hot markets and sort of slower markets. And so one of the things that I struggled with last year was adjusting to that shift.

and that shift started in in April things started to slow down last year in April I was read in the month of April by having 4045 hundred dollars five thousand dollars and that was you know that was really disappointing. That was my first read month in like a year and a half and I just felt like ah, you know I'm just started this $583 challenge. it's it's so disappointing And of course I have everyone watching me and I feel like I was you know, making this joke the other day or yesterday that you know I feel like Tom Brady you know the Super Bowl you know, missing an easy catch and you know everyone's gonna say oh, it's time for him to retire and I feel that pressure if I don't continue to have really really good months people are gonna say oh, he's lost it. You know his strategy doesn't work anymore and there's just that constant pressure that I have to continue to perform.

and of course that you know leads right into Superstition About. you know the different colors that I wear and you know, turning the lights on and off four times before I start trading and you know it's it. all becomes very stressful but fortunately I was able to bounce back in May although June July August were also slow last year and then this come September I had a second red month down 4500 bucks. so from April 10 burr I only net about thirty thousand dollars in profit and I was feeling really frustrated because I felt like you know I'm I'm supposed to be up here making good money and I'm only making thirty thousand in six months.

That's that. Doesn't seem acceptable now. I know that's $60,000 a year. that's the $200 a day minimum goal so you know that's good and for a lot of you guys, you'd be really happy with that.

But for me I wasn't happy and then October comes around and the momentum picks back up and I start getting a little more aggressive and in November I have my two best months or my two best days of all time a $33,000 day, the next day $40,000 day I finished November with $80,000 of probably my best month ever buy like a lot. December I made another $82,000 and in January I made one hundred and seventeen thousand dollars. So in three months I made a quarter million dollars. which is crazy because in the six months that perceived that three-month hot streak, I only made thirty thousand and now I've got two hundred fifty thousand dollars.
and then here comes February and I lose ten grand and so in March I was very concerned about you know what this month was gonna hold for me if I was going to be able to bounce back or if this was going to be the beginning of another six month slow period that I was just gonna have to deal with. and fortunately February was March is pretty good and I'm finished with 42 right around forty to forty three thousand dollars in profit. So this month we have bounced back a little bit. We saw some really good opportunities earlier in the month on our kDa I NNT te and X and DX are those are a couple of momentum stocks that really I think got people excited and kind of you know sparked this big cycle of hot momentum.

and the last couple days or the last week it seems like it has slowed down a little bit and I have to be quicker to adjust. Today $585 was good I was a dude too scalps but I wouldn't have been able to do these two trades starting with ten or fifteen thousand shares if I tried to start with that type of size I most likely would have gotten myself in trouble and I would have ended up taking losses. So that's the interesting thing we're in. When you're in a cold market, you might be able to make money on a trade with 5,000 shares, but you can't make money with 10,000 and it seems counterintuitive cuz you think, geez, if I just take more sighs I'll make more money.

but that's not always true and the reason is because of slippage number one and just the fact that some of these stocks being thinly traded, there's just not enough of a market to absorb a ten fifteen thousand share exit when you try to sell and hit the bed. So one of the things that's important for me is to really be mindful of seeing those red flags and those you know caution indicators like today, the fact that the two stocks were watching AVG are and and Cali and I guess AI PT then neither of them are really doing anything incredible today. AVG are twelve point six million shares of volume. It's got a lot of volume.

It's up 22 percent, but pretty much at the same price. that did it open that it's just been bouncing up and down and there were a couple of easy opportunities in the morning. and since then it's just been choppy. So you know getting into the habit of taking those quick profits and being willing to adjust your expectations is important I Know that there's that feeling that if you make eighty thousand dollars in a month, I should be able to expect that I can make eighty thousand every month for the rest of the year now.

I'm finishing the first quarter with a hundred and fifty thousand dollars of profit. So that means I'm tracking for six hundred thousand on the year and maybe that'll happen, but it might not because it could have three months or four months that are really, really slow. So my goal this year is four hundred thousand, maybe half a million. That would be a nice target for me and at the same time, if we do have a couple of slow months, I have to be content to adjust my expectations back to just making five hundred a day.
This might be a market where five hundred dollars a day is the best I can do and I should be really happy with that knowing that I can grind on five hundred a day until things open up. Now for those of you that watch the Discovery Channel Who in here watches the Discovery Channel by show of hands? Everyone here is raising their hands. Discovery Channel I Wouldn't mind being you know the star of a new show, but many of you guys are aware that The Deadliest Catch is getting ready to start. I Think that's their fourteenth season which is very exciting for me because one of my favorite shows and in the Deadliest Catch we noticed that there will be.

It's almost like they have the same kind of thing that we have hot streaks and cold streaks. They'll find a school of crap and they're putting down their pots and they're just picking them up. You know, Pot after pot. 500 crabs, 700 crab.

It's crazy. They're just coming over the over the rails. It's amazing. and then they'll come into a period where things are slow.

They layout a strength 100 crab. That's it. isn't there picking them up and they're all empty. It's one after another after another.

And when they have a string of empty pots, Do you think that the smart move is to set them back on that same location? No, obviously not. You have to adjust. You have to adapt. You have to adapt to changing information.

A new information comes in and you have to change your analysis. So they thought that was a good spot and well, turns out it's not. things changed and they have to adjust. And that's what we have to do as traders.

If we want to just keep doing the same thing every single day, we're gonna realize that what worked in January may not work in February and that feels confusing because you're like, well, geez, the setup that worked so well last month is not working. Buying at half dollars and whole dollars, this made me 117 thousand dollars in January and in February I lost 20 grand or 10 grand. How is that possible? And what is good in one market may not be good in another and it's again the ebb and the flow of of the momentum. So I sort of see these analogies when it comes to what we do as traders and you know anything I do whether it's race car driving or skiing or tennis or watching TV shows I can kind of see and all these different things how that relates to trading and my world revolves so much around what I do and I'm sure it does for all of you guys because this is very it's very emotionally consuming even though right now I spend about half my day trading and the other half of my day working on the different projects that were running at Warrior Trading.
The trading portion of my day is all encompassing and I think about it for the rest of the day if I have a bad day of trading I'm thinking about it for the whole rest of the day if I have a good day at trading, you know I'm thinking about that and what I could do better and how I could make the next day better. You know what my daily profit targets are and all that stuff. So taking time to store a step back and draw these comparisons with trading and other things that you're doing I think it's a good idea and for me is where I've had a hot key mistake and I've lost three thousand dollars you know and I've been like gosh darn it. This is insane I think on.

you know the Deadliest Catch where they are. you know bringing a pod over and it the the thing that they drop it on breaks and that's a three thousand dollar piece of equipment and it's the luck of the draw. Did they pick it personally the way I take a loss personally. You know I'm such an idiot for this or that.

No, it's just what it is. It's the pump. It's the cost of doing business. You have to be able to forgive yourself when you have those mistakes because they will happen and you know you just kind of have to get into this frame of mine that you got to be very quick to adapt and you got to be able to, you know, be in the zone but at the same time recognize what's happening around you because it's very easy to be so tunnel vision that you're focusing just on the level - of this stock and you're not thinking about what's happening outside of it.

What's happening on these momentum stocks is the entire market strong for momentum? Or is it weak for momentum because that is going to impact the way you should be trading this? And so anyways, just some food for thought and you know that's pretty much it for today's midday market recap. Just going over those trades and couple my thoughts as we finish here the month of: March So how many of you guys are trading in the Sim right now? Okay, good good. So at one o'clock in about two hours, what we're going to do is we're going to talk a little bit about what's coming this year Warrior Training and I'm going to show you guys a preview of our new trading simulator and I'll give you guys a little preview and a walkthrough of our new chatroom software. so we'll do that at one o'clock so that's coming up soon.

and I Think you guys will be excited to see some of the things that we've been working on for the last six months since our last Inner-circle seminar in New York City All right, so that's coming up then and we'll do in just a couple minutes. I'll talk a little bit about the cryptocurrency class that we've added. Let's see we were going to take. Yeah, we're gonna take a break, so why don't we take.
a 15 20 minute break? let you guys get some water, do your thing, and then we'll come back and we'll talk about the cryptocurrency class before we go into lunch. All right, that sounds like a game plan. Okay, all right for those of you guys watching on Facebook Live I Will see you all back in the chat room on Monday morning the markets closed on Friday So it's gonna be a long weekend, but if you guys want to join us at one o'clock I Will livestream our product, launch of the new trading sim and the new chat room. All right! So I'll see you guys in a little bit.

bye if you're still watching. you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

20 thoughts on “Green face, green day – ending march $42k!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Roth says:

    Ross Is Going Green.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sonicmax says:

    im up –600 dollars for the year last year i was up -500 dollars this blows man

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aida Mounkes says:

    I have watched every video for a year on you tube and a Facebook and I am seeing progress. I am looking forward to becoming a student soon. Thank you posting these!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guewen Veilhon says:

    Great video for learn several lessons, it was very interesting and what luck for students to meet you Ross, I'm jealous lol I hope that day will come ! While waiting, I learn to speak English , because I'm French, to better understand what you say and for traveling once I will be a profitable trader thanks to you 🙂 !!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Ziereis says:

    should i rather go for suretrader or tradezero for a small account ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mustafa Dayan says:

    Thanks, Ross for lots of useful information. I always love to listen to you when you talk about the market and analyze market content. I am just done with chapter 12 (tones of useful information) I will see you in chatroom tomorrow morning, I hope we all have a good trading day.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renee Gray says:

    Thanks Ross for all you do. I am really excited about still being a part of warrior trading. I am educating myself to trade like you. Keep up the great work!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Cobbs says:

    I notice tas on sign do you have partnership with them or was tas doing seminar also not tas broker but tas vega, boxes.etc thanks

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Centroids Lifestyle says:

    That intro 👀👀👀

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TalesOfTwoWheels says:

    Turning the lights on and off 4 times.. haahaha lol !

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Watch your live stream off your upcoming updates on the chat room very excited been with the warrior family for almost 2 years , we have come a long way see you Monday in the chat room

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keefy Aarems says:

    Excellent effort Ross .. happy Easter man

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Grant says:

    Wow that’s so cool. There is a large attendance

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ANALISTA #1 EN EL MUNDO says:

    YEE THE BIG BOSS AGAIN 👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍👍

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Williams says:

    Awesome! My 1st green month of the year!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alextwodope says:

    Got burned on AVGR but learned a good lesson, never revenge trade and/or let emotions do the trading.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Gantt says:

    Good for you, Ross! Working on a different strategy myself. Best wishes.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Driscoll says:

    will the new sim do insatant fill or time staggered ?? most sims take 2 or 3 seconds to fill and 2 or3 to sell and on a morning rush they never seem to work at all

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raghunandan Kempanna says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HIVE says:


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