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Hey guys trader bryce here this is a totally different style of small cap recap, but i realized that i'm actually always talking about the importance of studying during you know this slower market. So i'm doing something a little bit different today. Today's small cap recap is actually going to be a small cap rockets webinar one of the more recent ones. I want to show you real examples of how i study how i help my students study and basically just give.

You tips, give you a general idea of what to be doing during this again slower market um check it out. If you guys, like this style of webinar, i really really urge you to try the link in the description below to be a trial to small cap rockets, and, if you like it, we do these webinars all the time. This is the perfect way to utilize a slower time in the market, so anyways without further ado. We're gon na get into uh this previous webinar.

If you like it hit that link down below - and i hope you guys enjoy this style for a small recap - see ya. What's up, ladies and germs, probably haven't heard that one in a while i'm just gon na go live for a little bit here. I'm in the trade so figured. Why not? I got that bwv um looking for my first exit of 420 shares at 690 because i am 12 years old.

Um ulna looks good prpl um, whoever bro, i think, jojo brought that up good either. That's a that's! A unique one now get over i'll go over that in a second um. In the meantime, let's see what we can get on bwv here, uh, just risking that 642 low uh kinda, i'm at like a two to one right now, but i want to have some shares for this for potential high a day break and like a maybe maybe A 750 swipe um, i just think i don't know um, and i should change that too. I think that math checks out.

No, it should be there. We go um yeah, i just i like the potential this has especially this. This looks like a very just kind of traditional i'll, probably actually have an order at 680 as well um, just to get off a little bit of size. I only have 5 000 shares, so nothing too crazy.

But again i would like to have like at least 2 500 stuff like to have half my size for a high a day test. Just because i mean this daily chart is just really nice. In my eyes, right, like you, just have a pretty clean, seven breakout again, knowing that there are warrants at seven. That doesn't mean they have to exercise them they more often than not.

They will, but you could get a pretty interesting squeeze um if they don't dump it. You know i mean these. These are the charts for shorts, like oh i'll, just add through i'll add i'll. Add i'll.

Add, like the risk, really should be 712 right, like that. That previous high, and so, if that breaks, you get an interesting potential where okay shorts aren't gon na cover. Yet they're gon na wait for those warrants to start getting exercised and wait for that top um, where they'll likely just be adding, which is why, if they're not exercising warrants at seven um, you're gon na get a just like an over piled crowd of shorts uh. Without a real risk level that just end up again, if, if you know this is like, if if this is true, and they don't exercise, you have that potential for an actual, a real squeeze.
Now let me get the float check up a little flotation check. Six mil yeah, i mean that just has all the. In fact, i'm actually gon na cancel my order at 680, for probably it's gon na say for better or worse, but probably for worse um. I mean we're just we're this.

It's true like it's accumu someone's accumulating here and they have to right, like that's that's why we're moving up like this um and generally, this isn't a daily chart that i trust right, it's very manipulative, but is there a reason for that? Then you know there are times where i'm like okay. Well, why is it being manipulated and again more likely than not it's to dump right over seven, which is why i say a potentially 750 swipe before they just really start unloading. Try to hold it up at seven for a while. Here's how i would like envision this chart looking if it were to do what i think it can do.

Let's make this like that. You know. Let's say you get the breakout, you know you get the seven test: chop 750, just hover in the sevens, um right above seven before they, you know finish, dumping um and more likely than not in my opinion, but again the the really important thing. I think to note here is that you know over the past few days it's dumped into clothes, and these so far it hasn't right, like midday, has kind of been the death of this stock.

Um we're here again midday um and then once again, yes over here is where we had that fall off. But let's see if we can get something here, anyways uh, i got ta readjust that there we go so we got that break by a penny through 7 675, which now it's not doing anything. I don't know if i like that a whole lot there's a lot of selling there at 675, like a lot of hidden selling. That's that's all hidden size on the ask um i'm taking half off there.

I mean that that that's a lot of hidden selling - i mean we just had you know a couple hundred thousand shares two hundred thousand shares go through without the ask getting any bigger. Okay. Now i got a little bigger um. You know that that that's a lot of hidden selling for for this now they're again prob.

Oh tough, that's tough! Although i'm glad i dumped that um not to say can't, go higher just something to keep an eye on like that is clearly and again. What's the reason for this, so back in the day when there wasn't as much liquidity as there is today um, you would have it'd be very easy to manipulate the price of a stock with one person with big money, uh or one fund, or whatever loading up. Both sides right so they'd, be buying dips and shorting pops, and at that point they're they're boxed. They can then determine whatever way they want the stock to go right if the float is six million, if they lock up, four million shares and they're.
Also short, like three million shares, okay. Well, now they cover their position and they start loading long. They start buying into their covers you're, forcing a squeeze you're, literally just you're, forcing a squeeze, and so that oftentimes, is why you know, during this you're going to get that hidden selling, if that's someone with big size accumulating, there's a reason for that. Now again, that was back in the day when there's lots of liquidity, but again like let's take a look here and this isn't trading an unreasonably high number of shares.

Right like that is possible, you know perhaps they're, perhaps that's what they were doing with these dumps. Right, perhaps that's what all of these dumps were, where i'm just shorting down there. You know. Maybe this was them that started this the buying and the fours um and then shorting up in the six and then buying more in the fours than shorting more on the sixes and then same same thing, and so maybe that's them doing this again here, maybe they've Got they're building into that short position, knowing they're already loaded again.

This is full speculation um, but you know knowing they got a sub five average now they're shorting near seven again, or it could just be one massive short. That's like this isn't going higher uh. I didn't even look through the filings, maybe maybe their warrant isn't uh or their warrants aren't directly at seven. In fact, let's, let's see, let's try to go through that right now, let's see if i can find it anywhere um more hidden selling, it's 675.

What do you know? What do you know? Okay, is this it right here, let's see we'll go with the we'll just go with the html. If it wants to load nice, a bunch of twos looks like i might need to dig into a different uh. Oh there's a little okay there's a little dipski there. Let me get ready to exit the remainder of my shares just in case canceled.

My 420 shares sell, uh, okay, anyways back to okay, there's load words, let's see. Ah, this is a wainwright pump interesting. So i'm just doing a little digging here, just kind of after completing this offering assuming full ice house. Okay, so that'll literally double the float.

I haven't done this in forever, like really looked through trying to see if there's a price, i might just missed it all right, there's some size at 6.75, see if they take it out. Um per share might be in a different document too april 19th. Okay, hc wainwright, that is awesome, hc wainwright pumps are just they're they're the i mean that's about as sketchy as you can get. I mean.

So, let's put our warranty shares in such a plan of distribution page 157.. How do i find the uh here? We go down here. Maybe i'm just trying to see if i can find a price. Okay, uh, let's see.

Okay, those exercise prices are at 10. 35.. This no okay, well, i've just seen 10 35 so far, um, but you know a reason for that. I also they might.
This might not be accounting for i'll need to do some more digging there. 10. 35 again yeah, okay! Well, i'm seeing 10 35. So you guys can see me live right.

You got. Can you guys hear me? I'm not just streaming to myself? Am i let me do a chat? If you guys can hear me, i think you should be able to uh someone just asked bwv here, though i do like it. I still like it um. I don't know i mean i think the risk for me is still at 640 level, i'm not going to trust that uh 650.

and i don't think i'll add to this ulna it just sucks. That was a really nice looking chart too this prpl okay, i said i'd get into that very interesting. There's been there's. Clearly it's found a bottom okay perfect, so they beat earnings right, but this is like a very real stock like this was a real.

This is real right. I mean this was a really crazy move and now we're down from 40 down to three we're down 90 plus off plus off highs. They beat earnings, so we have a real bounce potential like maybe up to i mean i i guess it depends. I think the float on this is like 40 mil um, and so it's not going to rotate float.

It's clearly a slower mover, but this setup i've found i've seen this exact intraday setup a number of times i'd be buying a trend, break um, low risk, a low like a low risk scenario, thing i'm racing like 374. um. You have a lot of stuff all right. Let's see i'm going to get my order back for 6.90, if you can break through that, but this just feels like a trap, though now it feels like they're they're waiting for like that.

That looks too easy, but we'll see we'll see if they dump it again here see. If i can get my 690 sell for 420 come on lady nope. No, oh, maybe all right, i sold a little more there like 682 um again just feels too easy, but i mean that that trap is kind of interesting, though too right like that. That dump is interesting, but again i it just it feels like they know that people are waiting for this right.

Like that's, that's what it feels like to me, and i also know that this is halted down before like this is this is not i mean this is just dumped on air in the afternoon, so i want to stay safe. I've got 20, oh 2. 000 shares left um trying to sell 420 at 690, just because yolo, in which case then i'll just hold the 1500. For, like i mean if, if we hold up i'll literally just put my risk uh at that 6 40 level and just see what happens if we close at like 750 i'll swing it right like if we.

If because then, then i have a feeling we have. They try to gap it up. Something like that. I also wanted to keep an eye on rivian see if we recovered a little bit uh held that low nice, we get bat perk up over view op and consolidate right at view up.

We have that abcd pattern. Still intact, uh, so i'll keep an eye on that they're. An earnings winner kind of i think the fact that it didn't just plummet on earnings is actually the more important factor like they didn't they didn't. Ah, these stupid asks.
Oh my gosh. Just let me hit 690, oh my gosh six cents away and i have to sell it 690. It's just an iconic number. You know uh bttx, someone said watch oops, okay, interesting.

We have a little first green day potential here. Yeah i mean i would argue. That's that's probably the nicest looked um for a potential first green day. That's a good eye, good eye.

I'd keep an eye on that for maybe a pop-up to like 225. You know nothing, nothing crazy, but if we can get some consolidation, that's a great watch for a first green day. So, and if especially it's in the afternoon right, you broke you kind of broke this little multi-day base there in the 180s and then recovered um and again, the every other. First green day attempt has been out of the gates.

This is the afternoon one that didn't even try this morning i mean a tiny bit, but really not at no volume. It wasn't like this had trapped people right, people were getting trapped in there um and now you know now. I like that. I like that watch.

You got some bitters um, that's a that's a good one! That's a good one to watch it's still, relatively speaking on the daily chart. I know it's a little hard for you guys to see that daily chart, but it's relatively speaking, holding up just fine um, so that first green day really could actually lead to like a 250 pop again still uh. Looking at purple. Prpl all right come on baby fill me fill me fill me, oh, come on two cents away, or do i just set tops with my massive share? Count? Uh, you know i it can.

It can eat through. 25. 000 shares it's uh 675, but i know my 420 at 690 is a big level of resistance, so we'll see yeah i if this. If this does break through seven though and holds well, i think we get another pop again, like i explained um kind of my.

My theory we'll see if that, actually you know something like that happens, but something like that. Something like that right, where you get this seven test, consolidation popped through 750 and if it it's, oh, it's 690 come on. Let's go! Oh iconic! That's iconic! Oh man, that that just made my day, i don't even care. If i lose on the rest of this.

Oh i got ta. I got ta send this to the boys. Matt monaco's facetiming me declined him all right. I am gon na um get going here, though guys you guys know my plan on this um, but again, just that's that's kind of what i wanted to go through just kind of like what i'm looking at right.

Um so we'll see i'll try to i'll try to hop back on, though i'm gon na be looking at purple. Through that trend break, i got ta call matt back, though uh i'll keep an eye on bttx. I do like that. Look and um yeah.
Just we'll see how it plays out again, i'm pretty sure i uh one of my good friends, a short bias, trader, uh and he's not short. This he's just he was just you know, posting his thoughts uh we're mentioning they had warrants at seven. So i'm just gon na keep, keep that and note on that and again just know how that um know what that can mean, but doesn't have to mean there's exerciser. They can push it to 20 if they want so anyways all right i'll try to hop back on before like power hour time.

But that's that's what we're looking that's what i'm looking at so far, so we hope you guys enjoyed that last video thanks. So much for watching and being a part of the stocks trade community - we wouldn't be here without you guys be sure to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel. If you haven't already our is to get 100 000 subscribers by the end of the year. But we can't do it without your help.

So if you enjoy what we're putting out and want to hear more, be sure to hit that subscribe, button i'll see you guys in the next video.

By Stock Chat

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