Fortinet [FTNT] Stock Review: Still Cheap or Overvalued?
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I have a long position in FTNT.
DISCLAIMER: All of Tom's trades, strategies, and news coverage are based on his own opinions alone and are only done for entertainment purposes. If you are watching To'ms videos, please Don't take any of this content as guidance for buying or selling any type of investment or security. Tom Nash is not a financial advisor and anything said on this YouTube channel should not be seen as financial advice. Tom is merely sharing his own personal opinion. Your own results in the stock market or with any type of investment may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of risks associated with investing in the stock market so do your own research and due diligence before making any investment decisions.

Now, in february i put out a patriot notice, an alert so to speak, about a company called fortinet ftnt, a cyber security company out of california. The company was then priced at 148 dollars, and i told you that i think it is extremely undervalued. My target price was 260 dollars and people kind of laughed at me for getting too bullish on this company, but now only five months later we not only hit the target price. It blew right past.

It like it was a semi track on the way to a convention of burgers. I mean that was pretty much crazy, that's 275 dollars, which is the current price of the stock. At this moment - and i don't know where it's headed - i don't know - what's going to happen with the stock, but whenever we have a stock that blasts through our target price, we have to be analytical about it. We're not gon na get emotional we're gon na make a full analysis to see if this stock is worth hanging on to beyond 275, or is it time to take profits and sell? It's completely analytical emotion, free and it's not going to be any hoo-ha and haha.

Just based on the numbers, so, let's get to it, my name is tom nash and i quit my corporate job as a senior financial analyst to break down companies for you there's one thing you need to know about me: i don't take from anybody. So, first of all, thank you for staying with me. If this is your first time on our channel, don't click, nothing, don't smash, nothing don't buy! Nothing! Don't subscribe to nothing. All of this is irrelevant.

Just give me your attention. Everything else is irrelevant now in case you don't know me, my name is tom. I used to be a senior financial analyst for over a decade, but now i'm 100 on youtube. Talking to you about the stocks economics, sometimes even about fake gurus, which is a video.

I did yesterday, which was kind of funny. I brought it back from retirement, but essentially i want to give you the best information without the bias that i see in mainstream media. That's why i started this channel and in this video we're talking about fortinet ftnt, a cyber security company that was initially in one of my alerts for my patreon community on february, 2nd. If i'm not mistaken, and in that alert, i told you that the company is overvalued, and now it blew past the target price.

Now, if you're new on this channel, this is how we operate. Whenever we have a company blowing past the target price we sit down. We do a full analysis, a full dcf, and we try to figure out if there's any fundamental base justification to raise the target price and hold on to the stock, or is it time to sell. Now, just a few days ago, we made a similar video about nvidia and we decided to get out at close to 200..

Now, let's see what happens with fortinet and again, if you're new - here, you probably haven't seen this before, but i'm about to give away the ending of this movie right in the beginning. I don't like to hold you hostage, so the bottom line in my videos comes first every single time, and the only thing i ask in return is that you don't click, nothing, don't smash, nothing don't buy. Nothing just give me your attention. So here's the thing fortinet is a company out of california that was traditionally kind of lagging behind.
It wasn't as innovative as the new kids on the block, but lately they're like this uncle, who just decided to quit his corporate job as an accountant and start an etsy shop. That's pretty much what happened! They moved away from the hardware into cloud and cyber security and that paid off big time, because this is one of the best industries to be in right now and for the next five years. I've been very vocal about it and that led to the insane run that the stock had over the past year over 103, almost 104 percent over the course of the year. Now we got on most of it and we got about 86 percent, but some people even got better so good for them.

The question is: is now a good price to get in or is now a good price to get out? So here's the deal, the fundamentals of fortinet are amazing: it's profitable, it's growing, the business is going phenomenally well and that's the big problem in fortinet. Everybody knows about it, and now they drove the price way beyond where it should be, and, in my opinion, this company, even if you consider a 35 annual growth from here on for the next five years, which is very aggressive, you're still getting about 260 dollars per Share there's no fundamental justification to pay 275 for the stock, because, even at max assumptions of max profitability, this is a 260 dollar stock. So the 275 is, i think, pure hype, and i think it's a good time to get out. That was the bottom line.

If that's the only thing you needed from this video go right ahead, but if you want to see the analysis, you want to see why and potentially poke some holes. In my theory, you're more than welcome to stay grab, some coffee grab a beer and let's get started okay. So these are the highlights for fortinet before we dive deep. Let's look at the main numbers: it's a 45 billion company very low short interest, 1.5 extremely low, and it had a 104 run up over the course of the past year.

Now i'm not one to analyze charts, but this chart looks worse than my grandpa's alcohol consumptions. Over the past five years, this is insane now check this out and if you look at the growth pattern, this is where you see where they move more to software from hardware, because you can see the growth is. Definitely there. Twenty percent this year expected to remain course next year.

Maybe the growth is out of this world even for next year. This is extremely well run, especially when you consider how all this company is. This is one of the oldest players in the market and they're, showing startup level growth numbers. This is impressive, but that's the big problem with this company everybody's, seeing it everybody sees how good this company is, but that means that the price gets driven up way out of control.
I'm going to show you my dcf and i'm going to show you why i'm not paying a penny beyond 260 for this company, but hang on a second there's more before we go through my dcf. Just look at the multiples because the multiples tell the whole story here. This is a phenomenal company, i'm a huge bull, but look at this p gap. 93.

That's almost 180 percent overvalued. Look at this ev sales 15, which is 250 percent of our value. Ev sells forward 235 percent of the value ebitda trading 12 months 72, which is 250 overvalued. You see the drift price to sales 16 280 over value.

You can see clearly that this is a very good company, but it's been run up by people who actually agree with me to a whole new price level which doesn't get justified by the fundamentals. Let me show you so this is the main page for tip ranks and, as you can see right here, the tip ranks average price for fortinet is 242 dollars. Now i personally think that it's a bit on the low side. I have a 260 target price for this stock, but they're currently at 242, which is way lower than the current 275 dollars.

If you actually do a five-star analysis performance - and you only look at the top analyst - you can clearly see that the vast majority are seeing this company as overvalued. We have one here with 10 upside one here with seven percent upside, but mainly it's a negative now, if you scroll down here and you sort by analyst performance and you only let in the five-star analyst, you can clearly see that outside of these two guys, who Have 7.2 and 10.6 most of these analysts have a negative rating, essentially meaning that it's overvalued. Let's take a look at etai kidron, which is one of the main guys we actually cover on this channel, and this is his profile. I guess you never saw this guy before he's ranked number five in the nation out of seven thousand six hundred.

He is one of the best literally and if you take a look at his profile and you scroll all the way down, this is what he has for fortinet. Now he has a lot of buy ratings before buy, buy, buy buy and he was right every single time, three out of three ratings 100. He did 55, not as good as me on this stock. I did 86 but he's definitely been a ball.

But now he's saying that it's 20 overvalued, so it gives it to 225 price. I have it slightly higher, but in any case we both agree as well as every other analyst that we've seen here apart from two that's five stars and four and a half stars. So to speak, good analysts are definitely thinking that this company is overvalued, but why take their word? Let's go through the dcf and i'll show you why i think it's overvalued by about 15 and now let me show you this dcf. Now this dcf is based on a 35 annual growth presumption for the next five years for this company.
I have to explain to you how aggressive that is, that is maxing out the volume on your amplifier, like marty, mcfly in the back to the future movie. That's all the way up, so with that in mind, we're looking at a ten percent discount rate, four percent annual rate and an 80 percent ebitda multiple. What i did here, i used a blended rate 25 for software and 12 for pc hardware, and i put them in the middle around 18, and what we have here is the total valuation of 260 dollars, blended rate 216 for perpetual approach, 300 for the ebitda approach And you know i always like to blend them. Some people don't like to do it.

That's how i do things and i see a 260 target price and with that in mind, looking at the current price of 275 dollars, it's clear that this is a sale. Now, i'm in love with this company, i think that they're doing phenomenal work, they're really killing it. I'm absolutely bullish unfortunate, but every deal has its price and here's the story, even though i'm a huge fortinet fan and i'm a huge bull and i've been for the past five months, you can't say i'm bearish on this company. I love what they're doing.

I love the financials. I love the pivoting they're doing into software, but here's the problem not at any price. At a certain point. The market is going to make you an offer, which you can't refuse, and i feel the market is offering me that right now, 275 is good enough for me, based on my valuation, based on my dcf, that's about 15 over the max of what this company could Be again, i've been wrong before i'm, not the oracle, i'm just the guy on the internet, i'm not a financial advisor.

This is just an opinion, which means it might be. Inaccurate might be wrong, might be the ramblings of a madman. You still have to do your own research and find out if this is a good investment for you or not. This is just me sharing my opinion.

That's all it is thank you again for the channel members and the patrons this this year. The actual dcf that i ran for fortinet is going to be available to download on our patreon page and for channel members. So if you want to join it's five bucks per month, you'll be supporting the channel and you get access to a lot of cool perks. For example, we have a zoom call today at 2 pm eastern just for ages and channel members swing by.

If you join today and i'll see you tomorrow, in any case.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “Fortinet [ftnt] stock review: still cheap or overvalued?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lance Leverage says:

    So much for indicators mattering in this market 😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NeauxChill says:

    Ftnt is 320 atm what are your thoughts

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars b20hatch says:

    Thanks Tom.. looks like the same is playing out for CRWD

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nisto says:

    Not to be a hater, i like the content, but how about all of those red stocks, i mean people are so hyped about 80+% but what about those – 50 stocks. My point is do your own research and use this video as "how to" rather than "what to buy"

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Fitz says:

    Well it is August 2 and it just went up 5% and is 285. I haven't sold yet. I am watching. I better set a stop loss.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Brown says:

    My notes say you sold FTNT Apr 9. No?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kiet Dao says:

    Thanks to you that I made a profit on this stock. 12k gain so far.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars South Florida Waterman says:

    Make your money on PPBT Kathie Woods has been loading heavily in her IZRL fund and now holding 743k shares on this low float stock.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Parth Aggarwal says:

    I checked out your paterons plan, do you send trade alerts in the most basic tier?
    Great content btw!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Woodman Jr says:

    Hats off for your information and analysis.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edith says:

    Sampling bias. For every one good pick there will be 10 bad picks. Don’t be enchanted, there is no free money 🙂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Hooker says:

    Man a day after this video came out it’s at $271! Nice work Tom!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MT HF says:

    holding CRSR till it reach your target price

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars plv702 says:

    Hi Tom! If I join your $5 patreon will I have access to your stock picks like FTNT in this video?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edmond Gutknecht says:

    What is an easy difference between P/E ratio and EV Sales? Are they tracking the same thing?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vapor Citizen says:

    Yes great advice always take profits thanks Tom.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Parham says:

    Tom, Thanks so much I brought at 155 and held it when you say sell now approaching 90% gain. Thanks so much.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kromekicks says:

    TOM, please do a DCF Review on ENPH. THANKS from TEXAS!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kirg says:

    Tom, anybody could score 10 points shooting randomly at a target with a Kalashnikov. How about the rest of your predictions?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars माधवी रामदीन says:

    Heeey, where was the 'blabla motherf-ing bla'?! 😉

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M. de Kleijn says:

    Just like Oracle — right on the money, Tom 💪🏻

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikolay MINTCHEV says:

    You were so right! I am soo angry I sold at under 200$…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars saintnestor says:

    Your awesome thanks for your love ☺️😘💝 thanks

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheng Teoh says:

    I might be wrong but it looks like your annual growth rate is at 40% from the numbers you are showing on EBITDA instead of the 35% annual growth assumption that you said your calculations are based on. I could be entirely wrong but please make sure … newbie here.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheLocalFawz says:

    Not very appealing, looking like the elevator is already nearing the top floor

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Myron Hamedi says:

    Last time I listened to this dude I lost 70% of my share price. That stock was SENS. I’m still hanging on. Now I’m subscribed so I know what not to do.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nice Tub & Tile Refinishing says:

    Tom, I caught a 70% gain w/ FTNT because of your first video on this company. Thank You

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vlad says:

    hello tom if you can you can record your videos from zum? not everyone can always see live!
    Ty 💪💪💪

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ash says:

    damn it. I sold this one at $200 from your initial post. FOMO!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K. M. says:

    I definitely got some "haha" from "no hoo-ha"

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Swami Vivekananda - Cyclonic Monk - Quotes says:

    You are doing Tenet thing. Inversion to the day you predicted prices 🙂.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Next Level Madame Defarge says:

    I luv u dude. Don't click don't buy anything ☺️🥰. I am here for all ur vds. Total respect. Wish u were around back then. Would hv handed the company to u. Rt up ur alley. We were catching bad guys in Crypto..cyber security.fightback coin token.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ASX Investor says:

    Very excited to see some of Tom's breakdowns on the Megacap Tech numbers 🙏

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DuggyBuckets says:

    Used it at my last job for vpn security.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jason gray says:

    Can you do an analysis on COUP. It just keeps coming down.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DouglasGW says:

    I found this stock and never bought it just kept it on one of my many lists. I hate picking winners I don’t profit from it’s like missing out in free money

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