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Government’s Coronavirus Research Documents. 01/29/2024 15:22 PT
✅ Government documents exposed by the “US Right to Know” group suggest scientists purposefully amplified coronavirus development in bats to spray bats in caves with vaccine-like particle mist to prevent soldiers, in the future, from getting sick in the area.
✅ Document shows debates over pay, wages, funding, tricking the funding system, lowering-safety standards to save costs, and risks.
😇 This was a quite wild look into how coronavirus research is/was conducted in 2018. It’s also scary.
This video is not personalized advice for the viewer.

I'm about to show you some documents from a foyer request straight from the government on the research that was going on in 2018 on Corona viruses and what they were trying to do with bats. using $40 million I'll give you a quick preview first and then I'll show you the documents and you can make your own conclusion. but I have to say this is this is some crazy freaking stuff on Co What if I told you that some virologist and researchers thought hey, maybe the Us will go deploy in forests and caves around China One day in war and we need to protect those scientists from bats. So what we're going to do is we're going to set up bat vaccine spraying machines that'll squirt vaccine molecules into the air and protect bats from having Corona viruses because some little bits of uh, naturally occurring Corona viruses which keep in mind the common cold is also a Corona virus happen to spill over to a human population.

and in order to study this, we need at least $40 million to get started on doing this and we're going to work with Wuhan on doing it. and we're going to use less strict biosafety standards because it'll be cheaper. Yeah, yeah, that would sound wild, right? Let's just look at some of these foyo requested documents and see if that that potential preview uh has any semblance in at least what some of these foyer requested documents are suggesting. I'm just going to say some of this is a little wild.

okay deploy automated techn Tech ology or delivery technology that we will develop in caves that Harbor bats carrying these viruses. Yes, that is part of the scope of the project because after all, do we have technology like this today and does it work? Uh, no, we don't have technology like this. but it's important because after all, there is a clear and present danger to our military personnel not currently deployed there. but maybe in the future might be there and therefore we must.

We must study to protect Global health because after all directed Evolution and screwing around with Corona viruses will help protect us. no chance of hurting us. this is this is Eerie reading some of this anyway. so their goal in this project is to reduce the risk of viral shedding from bats.

kind of like hey look, bats float around and they pee and poo and they they spread viruses and that's not good. And there's evidence that if you look at the surrounding Ing populations of people who live near these bat caves in China of the people that we sampled, we could see some people have Covid antibodies in their system. notice there or maybe not. I shouldn't say covid because that's you know SARS K2 right? But they have Corona certain car SARS co uh Corona virus antibodies in their body suggesting that maybe the bats are the reason for this.

Nothing else. It's the bats. the bats must be causing this. Therefore, we want to inoculate all the bats by finding concentrated populations of bat caves.

I'm just going to I'm just going to read it to you now I'm going to I'll stop with summary, but this is just crazy to me. Uh, SARS Kovi are diverse with a Rec combinant regularly identified in the field and lab. Okay, so they're normal. They're around okay.
Got it? Furthermore, we have identified SARS like strains in a single cave in Yudan that Harbor every Gene found in the human SAR Coronav virus strains detected during the 2002 to 2003 epidemic within this bat population. An ideal evolutionary sup exists that could produce new human strains by high frequency RNA recombination. So in other words, there is a soup that if we like adrenaline shot accelerate, we might be able to create some new human Corona viruses. And this is not scary.

This is instead a perfect Target for 21st generation intervention strategies. Yes, Yes! so we should screw around with the Corona viruses because it'll take way too long for that to happen naturally. Instead, we should accelerate the process ourselves so we can protect everybody from the problem we caused. Wait, sorry I said no more summaries, but wait a minute.

That's literally what they said here Gan drives would likely take many decad to run through a population so that proof of concept of transmission blocking in DARPA time scale wouldn't be possible. In other words, if we just let this happen naturally, it might never happen and so then we wouldn't be able to practice our uh, you know, intervention strategies of spraying covid vaccinations or Corona virus vaccinations into the air for bats. Oh, but I still haven't gotten to to to that part. sorry uh.

here we go. Okay, so what do we have? Oh, by the way, we're going to need an app. Okay, so we're going to need to produce an app, a prototype app for the quote Warf fighter So like if you're in, you know a Navy SEAL or whatever you're going to deploy to China You're going to make sure you download on the Google godamn on the Android or Apple App Store the high-risk bats near me app. Uh, so that way you could evaluate the likelihood of bats harboring dangerous viral pathogens near you based on the analysis that this project is going to help provide.

as long as they're funded with many millions of dollars and we're going to partner with the Wuhan Institute of virology uh, to conduct testing on the samples of all the bat species and caves as as sort of part of this inventory that we're working through. Okay, all right. Okay, because remember feal blood and and other things. You know that's how bat spread.

There diseases that apparently don't actually really often naturally occur and we're going to accelerate that now. Okay, all right, got it. So what else do we have in here? Uh oh yeah, here we go. The Bsl2 nature of work on SARS Corona Viruses.

Listen to this makes our system highly costeffective relative to other bat virus systems. Okay, so to understand this, you need to know what BSL levels are. So I think the easiest thing to do here is just show you what these are. Uh, we could just literally Google this really quickly here.
By the way, if after reading this, you're like disgusted and you need life insurance just quickly, go to Lifee. they're a paid partner of the channel and and then you can get yourself life insurance really quickly. But anyway, BSL Level One Controlled Access handwashing stations. Got it? Okay, then we go to level two, which is handwashing physical containment devices like.

This is what you're going to look like in BSL 2. Okay, basically you got yourself some gloves on here. Okay, cool. Oh yeah.

and then you've got the little ventilated Hood over here. Got it. Uh, BSL Level Three: You need to be airtight. so you're going to have a little hoodie on here when you're working in this little containment chamber.

Uh, and then number four, you're going to go. You're going to go all like crazy mode here. Okay, so so as you can see, it is way more cost effective not to use this or this. Instead, we'll just go with this cuz it's just Corona virus after all.

And quite frankly, our system is highly cost effective relative to other bat systems. This is okay. Anyway, there's some notes here about basically how they're trying to introduce different doctors. and hey, this professor, this doctor.

whomever. they've got experience in working with Spike proteins and they're fighting over salaries and fighting over how much people were supposed to get paid. Here's one edit where they're like, Okay, okay, okay, maybe we should go with BSL level three. There was literally a comment on one of the the pages the people in America will freak out if they hear we use BSL 2 instead of three.

Reality is, they should have probably been at four anyway all along. But remember, cost, my friends got to make that app. Here is, uh, a picture of their sort of model of the concept and the part that I hadn't shown you yet. Is this part right here? All right boys.

the system set up. Push the button, deploy the vax. This is scary. Uh, this is scary.

They even go in here. As far as saying that, uh, in their work in China they've shown that the spillover into local populations Is frequent from Corona virus is spilling over to people and and people having antibodies notice how they don't talk about people dropping dead from that spillover. This could literally be like oh no, they got a cold. Okay, uh then yeah, they're going to make the mobile application and here you go.

Okay, this is the the fancy way to describe it. We are going to inoculate the bats with immune modulators to upregulate innate immune response and downregulate viral replication transiently, reducing the risk of viral shedding and spillover. Again, using a machine to just blow into the air. The vaccine? Uh, and for this, we are going to need $40 million over 3 and 1/2 years.
And uh, you know, this is probably somewhere around $14.8 million per team that we can get. Uh, this is where you could see a little bit about the clear and persistent danger of a new Sars-like pandemic just because people within 6 kilometers of these bats have, uh, an indication of having coronavirus antibodies. Again, no talk about people dying since 2002 or 2003. Just talk that oh no, these bats have Corona viruses.

It's going to take decades for them to replicate something on their own. Let's accelerate how quickly they can actually develop something on their own and then we can inoculate them. There are literally debates here about restricting salaries and negotiating different amounts like certain budgets. I Mean this is A400 Page document I'll link it at so just go to You'll see it there.

But this is pretty wild because you could go through all these 1400 pages and it's just crazy. I Mean they even go as far as this. Like here's one agency uh, person from the USGS uh who writes uh I would probably have to put a subcontract out for bid in and this is basically a way of saying like hey, we got your bid but you know this is a large number so we're going to have to have other companies bid on it. You know, to make sure we're getting a good deal.

But quote This is their quote I Suppose we can worry about all that and shift the budget around if we get funding. Bro, this this is literally like is is this what our government does? This is embarrassing. Uh, it's it's like debating over Animal Care and rabies protection and I get it. We want rabies protection and and rabies care.

And and all these things. And somebody's got to pay for the bats. See, we need up to 60 bats for 120 days at $12,600 and all these things are outlined in that link is pretty wild. but look at this.

here's that. Uh. in collaboration with Dr Jerome Unidad of Palo Elto Research Center we will explore the use of an Innovative aerosol techn ology that could be used in cave settings in the form of a field Deployable spray device triggered by timers and movement detectors at critical entry at critical cave entry points. Bro, this is crazy.

Uh, this is by far one of the most bizarre document sets I think I have read on Covid. Uh, here's another one about bad experiments are quite costly. Uh, because they require us trapping them and hand feeding them on a daily basis. Also, full personal protection equipment, protective equipment because they potentially carry rabes.

The person literally asking for money on this project literally goes as far as saying we had an outbreak in our facility last year. You can't make this crap up. Okay, so where is this from? because this is wild. uh I Want to be clear this: I got this: uh from a uh Foya uh request that a particular uh scientist had written a Blog piece about uh I will link that down below.
it's through the website us right to know, pursuing truth and transparency for public health blah blah blah blah and Emily cop did a piece on this. uh, she links the actual Foya documents I Didn't read much of her piece because I just wanted to go to the documents. so I mostly just read the documents. Uh, that was and and this is this is me like I I didn't read every single word of the for 1400 pages and these are the words that I found and I'm like what the hell is going on out there? This is crazy.

So anyway, paid promotion, get yourself life insurance in as little as 5 minutes. Learn about Building Wealth at I've got courses that can help you become a multi-millionaire in real estate and build your wealth the real way. and uh I'll keep sharing perspective here if you want that for free, subscribe thanks so much and stay away from the bats or the virologist. I'm not sure which one worse.

why not advertise these things that you told us here? I Feel like nobody else knows about this? We'll We'll try a little advertising and see how it goes. Congratulations man, you have done so much. People love you people. look up to you Kevin PA there financial analyst and YouTuber meet Kevin Always great to get your take even though I'm a licensed financial adviser, real estate broker, and becoming a stock broker.

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26 thoughts on “F**king insane leaked government covid documents covid origin”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @StefanKingdom says:

    Wow 🤦🏻‍♂️

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mwolrich says:

    the more we read about this disaster, brings up an old expresion (which is among the great lies of all time):
    “ I’m from the goverment, I’m here to help”

    Anthony Fauci for PRISON. The Democrats are wasting their time with Trump, when there are clearly much more evil targets 😳

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lizmcgrail884 says:

    Bioweapons ..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @chasethehorizonx says:

    They knew nobody was paying attention.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @nigelsenchez says:

    Crazy that trump and co where running the country and decided to shut shit down fuck us all and print trillions to fuck us more.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Mark-cd3vd says:

    Gain of functions

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Pkilla80 says:

    Lost all my money in tesla so now I'm doing conspiracy videos. My fans are all Q

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @flowergarden1426 says:

    Never forget!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AmazinFireMan says:

    Everything looks ok to me. Rilly liked yer explanation of BSL-2.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @stevenandrushko8380 says:

    Demonized liars. It’s all about altering God’s Creation.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @alecapin says:

    Kevin pretending he was not a sheeple? Who paid him to make this video? Suspicious

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tonybegg7324 says:

    Confirms what I have been thinking all along. Biowarfare.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ChadLuciano says:

    cocaine does terrible things

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @joeproeverts8278 says:

    "Conspiracy theorists" are like 171-0

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @modelsclameater says:

    Hhmm, Perhaps it would be more beneficial to hear from experts in the field rather than relying on Kevin's perspective. There could be aspects of the field, process, and purpose that he may not grasp or choose to overlook. It seems his focus is primarily on financial figures and politics, possibly presenting an opportunity to criticize the government.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @NVSTRZ34 says:

    So basically, it seems like they created the issue, tried to cover their tracks, and tried to make a buck off of it on the way out the door (at the expense of social turmoil….).

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TheHypnotstCollector says:

    But Dr Fuckie tod me this disease popped up in a public market some miles from the weapon lab that maybe sorta coulda made it all happen. And be sure to wear your ritual shame muzzle with holes Many times larger (like 1000x) than the bug.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @theresistance1111 says:

    Kevin the governments are worse

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Gkc890 says:

    😂😂😂😂 yeah, keep on believing what the government says because you can believe that😂😂😂 fuck no you can’t😂😂😂

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @skylergrey3507 says:

    And fauci gave them our cash

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @surimaribo24 says:

    how long before youtube be a dck and take this out .

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @skylergrey3507 says:

    We create the problem then create the solution. Idea. Leave shit alone!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @skylergrey3507 says:

    When has china ever given a fuck about any animal? Never

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lucapistolesi5447 says:

    Better later than never: the independent info channels/people found this out sine years now. I am happy that you are getting the red pill 🙂

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @conanbillybone2218 says:

    Who was the President when all this was going on?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @robertdmr3260 says:

    Fauci lied people people died

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