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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are: Fourth day trading in Italy This morning I actually set up on a boat off the island of Capri which is pretty cool and I looked at the watch list, look at the Gap scanners and then came back here to the hotel to get set up and ready to trade. So 3:30 p.m. Eastern the market opens and you know this is my setup traveling trading station. I've got the laptop monitor one monitor too and this laptop I could honestly do without but I use it for Facebook YouTube Live email and stuff like that.

So the most important thing to remember here in Italy is that you've got the right plugs because the American plugs don't work. I was prepared and made it happen and I'm gonna finish this morning up Six thousand Eight Hundred Twenty-five dollars. A nice big green day. Let's do it again tomorrow.

tomorrow is wildcard Friday So I'm excited, hope to see you guys there and I'm gonna be live streaming on YouTube starting at 9:15 a.m. and I'm gonna run the stream straight till 10:30 Alright, so especially surprise for you guys that have been watching Boyle followers on YouTube See you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Hey everyone Alright so we're gonna do our midday market recap here. Go over the traits from this morning.

I'm gonna finish the day up Six thousand eight hundred twenty-five dollars and twenty four cents I Finally got a green day and it was much needed. So nice bounce back You know? After losing Monday Tuesday and Wednesday unfortunately you know Monday I only lost like 600 bucks Wednesday I only lost two grand but the last fourteen thousand on Tuesday so disappointing. Trying to swing for a home run was up 10 grand. didn't take the profit flush down.

got caught in a halt going down. added back while it was low thinking it would move back higher, didn't work and ended up with too much sighs and then got slippage on the drop. So I was down about well. so I Guess something.

Fourteen fifteen, sixteen, seventeen thousand on the week coming into today. So happy with the Green Day still down about ten grand on the week, you know? but but hey, tomorrow is wildcard Friday So anything is possible and you know if we do see another nice opportunity like what we got today on CET X that would be terrific if we don't what I've got next week and you know I'll just make the most of the opportunities when they come. CET X is one of the ones where I was a little cautious about it initially. Now you know.

Funny enough, this was on the Gap scan or pre market but I sort of wrote it off as being not I just didn't think it was gonna be worth trading. It was up 18% flow to one point two nine million shares. However, if I right-click this and go to properties. Let's say I go to timeframe historic update and run this for nine 25 a.m.

you'll see that the volume was only 56 thousand shares I Was watching do VA out of the gates I Did not end up taking any trades on it. Being a stock in above $10 in the teens for me was risky and I didn't see any quality entry. so I ended up you know, not having any trades on it which is fine I think that was the right move. but yeah, so here's the Ova that was on.
Watch no trades Atos Wasn't really thinking it would be easy out of the gates, ended up selling off but rebounding nicely from 260 up to a high of 3. Let's see 325. Not bad at all, but now back down at 275 so definitely not seeing a good staying power. and then CTS it starts to pop up.

It breaks over the half dollar of 250 very early on in the morning at well, right about 9:30 four squeezes up to three dollars, breaks through, three hits a high of 325, pulls back. Micro pullback here. you know this is where it really started to open up. The break over 350 here was the big move.

You can see it's now selling off again back to 350, but the break over 350 here was the big move and we got to move all the way up to a high of 498. Now my final ads on this: we're actually up at 480 anticipating a possible break of 5 dollars. I added it for a B and for 90 or 95 or something like that, it hit 98. It failed and I stopped out and actually gave back a little profit I was up over seven thousand dollars on this about seven thousand.

two hundred is the highest that I saw and then it failed at that five dollar spot and I could not afford to hold it and let it pull back. So I just cut it loose and I say you know what would have been nice if I'd been able to make more money on this move. You know to have a stock go up from 250 to $5 and make only 6,800 That's a little disappointing I probably could have done better on it had I been more aggressive earlier and I held a couple of my trades a little longer instead of scalped them as quickly as I did, but you know it doesn't. But but I can't start to be Now you know, super aggressive with fifteen twenty thousand share positions When it's already up this much, it has a history of popping up and fading.

The news this morning is here, but you know it's just stocks. Recently, even with news, have been a little weak, especially in the small cap market. so I was quick to say let's just take that profit, lock it up, and not give back anymore. So sixty-eight hundred dollars of profit not bad trading from Italy you know I can be happy with that.

And basically this week has been. you know, three steps backwards. If each step in this case is about six thousand dollars. three steps back and today is one step forward.

so you know I've still got a couple more steps to get back to flat. but I should be able to get back to flat if not tomorrow. Certainly by next week. Definitely by next week.

If I just continue to focus on two thousand dollars a day slow and steady I will get there and you know that's kind of one of those things to me of today's the first day of the rest of your life. the day that you start consistently making 200 dollars a day. From that point forward, you're making 50 grand a year. so you know whatever losses you've incurred up till that point it's water under the bridge.
It doesn't really matter anymore, because from this point forward, you've got the strategy and you're good. My problem of course is that I know every so often I You know, get myself into jams where I take way too much size at the wrong spot, get just so you know, have a terrible trade and and you know that's that's a combination of my personality and the way I trade at times, the way emotions sometimes come out in my trading. Everyone else has different sort of features and quirks of their strategies that you'll notice from time to time and it's something that hmm I want to try to work on. Its what time is it here? It's like five o'clock five five twenty here in Italy So getting getting kind of tired? it's a funny time of day to do to be like trading.

Having to get kind of, you know, amped up to trade at 3:30 in the afternoon is for me, like past the bell curve of when I'm usually peak performance, so that probably hasn't helped. The Internet here has been pretty difficult. That has not helped things at all, both in terms of executions of trades and in terms of frustration levels. We've talked about this Alive where you know coming into the open you have a really bad morning or you know you're in Italy or wherever and you've got a whole bad first half of the day.

but by the time you sit down to tray, you've got all this baggage with you and it's really hard to just drop that and focus on trading. And so you know when I log in and it's like my settings are all screwed up and this monitor is not working. what's going on with it? This thing is such a frustration and I can't connect to the Wi-Fi and okay, I'm connected to the Wi-Fi but my upload speed is only one megabit per second. What's going on and you know all those things amplify to put you in a place where you're you've got a shorter, so when you've got a shorter fuse, you're more likely to crack under the pressure of FOMO and frustration.

And I I Say that for firsthand experience, the best thing you can do is tell is develop a sense of awareness where you realize the red flags so you can start to pull things back before it's too late and knock on wood. I've really only had two days in my career that I that I really let things get away from me. Those are the two days that I lost $30,000 Those were two individual days and they were both a result of a combination of sort of emotional factors building up to the point where I took it out on my trading and things you know things went wrong and unfortunately, sometimes unfortunately. I Think, maybe fortunately.

sometimes you'll have that emotional culmination of the factors that push you to a breaking point and sometimes the market will reward your bad behavior. And that's the one disadvantage of learning to trade. during a really hot market, you can get some negative reinforcement or negative. You get positive reinforcement of negative behavior so you're doing the wrong thing, but you're getting rewarded for it, Whereas in a market that we're in right now, you are getting good feedback from the market.
If you're not following the rules, you're gonna get quick losses. so it's a really good time to be learning because when the market does pick back up, you'll find that the setups that we've been trading will be even the breakouts will be even stronger, even more powerful, the volatility will be even bigger, and no doubt the profits will be bigger as well. So this is a great time to study up and get ready for the next hot streak. You know today was a great day.

It's awesome to see good momentum. Certainly I could have been looking at having a day today where I only made like $500 or even a series of days or even a week or two weeks where I'm only making 500 700 a day. So to be able to bounce back off of a red day to have a stock like CET ex-squeeze up more than a hundred percent and give me almost $7,000 a profit? That's pretty good. you know that's that's solid.

So I'm feeling good about that and let's see what tomorrow has in store for us. If it's a exciting Friday or if it's a slow end of the week, time will tell. But either way it will be my last day trading from this hotel here. and then next week I'll be trading from a house that that we rented.

So I I'm really hopeful the Internet there is better. This is one of those things with traveling you you never know. Fortunately, the Internet is more than adequate for training where it can be difficult as with a live broadcasting and streaming. But I was able to stream my audio today and we have the scanners up and running, so I'd say it wasn't really too bad.

but anyways, that's it for me. I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. We'll do our pre market analysis at 9:15 a.m. and then what I'll probably do is I will keep live-streaming straight up until about 10:30 in the morning.

So those of you guys on YouTube plan to just hang out all morning tomorrow I'm just gonna livestream I'll be on my phone. You'll get audio. There's a little bit of a lag there on the audio with the YouTube streaming servers, but you'll be able to hear what I'm watching and give you a little taste of what's like being in community. All right, so stay tuned for that.

Starting tomorrow morning 9:15 A.m. 3:15 here in Italy All right, see you guys in the morning. If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content.

Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “First green day in italy! $6,825! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Andres Medina says:

    congratulations Ross..

    was the internet speed an issue while trading from italy ? considering the data has to travel so much further to get to the exchanges ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars clint8u says:

    Wow .. 1 year ago Ross think about what’s changed for you in 1 year …. I’m at month 11 almost my complete my 1st year day trading … avg $250 a day … Lost my job last May from COVID .. not going back to corporate America … thanks to you !

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gennaro Di Stasio says:

    Benvenuto a Napoli Ross!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PPKM Level 4 says:

    guarda questo video e rendi ricco il tuo sogno

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brightboy says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Koala Kontrol Jr says:

    I don’t even know how to predict if the stocks going to blow up

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ቴክ ዶክመንተሪ says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pro Quant says:

    Are u trading 5m 1min chart in this trade?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T says:

    What was the dotted and blue moving average in your video Ross? Have fun in Italy! great recap!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sigma samurai says:

    Ross is Lit

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Surf Anonymous says:

    Hey Ross why sometimes my comments doesn't show here.. I'm actually your huge supporter and try to help people in comment section but it's almost everytime my comments are not shown

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars najwa sarfraz says:

    Hey Ross.. Awesome video as usual.

    How can I talk to your facebook support team, may I have some link for it??

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed Mohamed says:

    congrats now enjoy Italy

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The end of faith says:

    This video just put big smile on my face

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lukas Geissmann says:

    On your way back home you should stop in Switzerland and I will invite you for dinner at my favorite place. You will love it.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jorge guty says:

    dude is awsome, but you should really take it easy; is your vacation you should just enjoy your well done past years and relax!!!!!, i get your point dude but you got to relax and enjoy your knowledge, and as you say; sometimes you got to(gotta) sit on your hands and do nothing. i know that advice was for small acounts, but dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!….. you are on vacation! even thou( i hope that is well written) you are a god damn stock god you need to relax and enjoy your vacation

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NEKSUS says:

    Hello Ross! You have new usb monitors attached to your laptop? Tell me please, what are these monitors?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amy Erickson says:

    I liked the you tube feed this morning- a lot better than the other days.😃👍

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2Fab says:

    Wow, breathtaking view! Great job. It's always encouraging and good to see that smile on your face. 👍 By the way how did you manage to adjust to the jet lag that fast since Italy is many hours ahead of US time, any tricks?!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars We Run Guns says:

    solid work

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sarah Eleter says:

    Ross your literally a great human being

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Ordaz says:

    Love your channel and saving for your pro course and I and hope many others are happy about your live stream tomorrow.. glad to see what I will be seeing in the future when I’m a part of your warrior team of students

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Shooter says:

    Ross, why you now don't reveal your execution box any more, any reason ?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grand Tour Bear says:

    Educational, entertaining. Thanks Ross, flexing in Italy baby.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Bautista says:

    Have you ever been a substitute

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JMAC says:

    Ross, thank you for the free live show. Looking forward to tomorrow morning.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Butthead says:

    Can’t wait for YouTube live till 1030 thanks Ross

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P Priebs says:

    Glad to see you bounce back. Enjoy your vacation, hope you have fun.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Mickles says:

    Appreciate the stream of trade today unfortunately probably won't be able to watch tomorrow at work.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isaac Su says:

    sorry what city is this? i'm going to italy in july and i really want to get a hotel with a wtaer view like this!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tronghung Dao says:

    Great trade 👍

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