Finding Your Lane: How to Direct Your Focus When You’re Doing It All | Tom Ferry Podcast Experience
Susan and Paul Kadilak are a powerhouse couple. Within a year of releasing their first video, their business shot up by 60%. Now they run a design and renovation business on top of their brokerage, and, oh yeah… they’ve even been nominated for an Emmy Award.
But no matter how much they have on their plate, they never sacrifice the quality of anything they do. So, how do they manage their time so effectively? Paul says it comes down to “staying in their lane,” which might mean something a lot different than you think.
I sat down with Paul and Susan to discuss what their authentic lane is, how anyone can find theirs, time management, and shooting Emmy-worthy videos.
Not only will you learn lots of great tips, but these two are also hilarious, so make sure to watch and leave us a comment.
In this episode, we discuss…
00:00 – How Susan got started
03:12 – How Paul got started (and met Susan)
08:05 – Kadilak time management
12:17 – Managing management
15:26 – Dynamic and design
20:21 – Summit promo code
21:03 – Advice from experience
25:57 – Finding your lane
30:25 – Social vs TV for growth
34:00 – Let your video evolve
38:09 – Team, transparency, and honesty
41:12 – Hope is a powerful thing
46:20 – Wrapping up
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So welcome back to the podcast uh check this out from realtors to reality show show from doing videos on youtube to being nominated for an emmy. The stars are rekindle susan and paul cadillac in the house. Welcome youtube. How's it going.

Good. What's going on tom thank you thank you for having us. I got i got crazy. And hey yeah.

What's going on yeah paul's always up here and i'm always down here. But if you were both the same one of you wouldn't be necessary totally true. So uh. I actually wrote this down from watching my youtube channel to becoming a client to actually starting to do videos.

Like thank you for doing videos to getting offered a show to an emmy nomination. That was the plan all along correct oh totally in my head. This is what you wrote down like when you were a fireman yes. Exactly i'm still a fireman so all right so so i think people need to get some contacts.

Maybe they haven't seen the show maybe they haven't seen you guys on stage. You know have you know you guys are you guys have just blown up the last couple years. So susan take us back to the beginning. How long you been selling real estate.

When did crazy join you know didn't you stop selling houses for a while like give us the story. Yeah so i got licensed in 2002. So 20. So this year's 20 years for me which yeah it goes by fast it's not if i sound old saying that out loud.

But how old are you 40 oh i started when i was 20. Yeah. Exactly yeah. The other realtors made fun of me they were like you're not even old enough to drink.

I was like i'm not here to drink yeah. I'm here i'm here to sell houses. I don't need to drink um. But i think that's but that's total realtor speaking.

Yeah you're not even all that to drink. It's the first thing that comes down and then i look around and i'm like oh yeah. That's what they do here. But we all drink it right.

And i was like okay well i'll be fine. Why did you go into real estate versus anything else so i so i was a young mom and i had a daughter and i needed to you know make money my cousin was a realtor up in canada and i was trying to figure out what to do and you know. He said well how long does it take you to take your get your real estate license. You have to go to school for six months.

I said i think it's a weekend and he said well what's it gonna cost you he goes. It's gonna cost you a thousand bucks. I said i think it's like 200 and he said if you don't go home and get your real estate license. You're an idiot and i said okay so i went home and got my real estate license and that's kind of how i got into it um and then also my family.

My grandfather was a builder. My dad was a builder so i was also into that and i got licensed as a builder when i was 23 built my first house when i was 23. My first backhoe so i kind of jumped in early just because you know i kind of kind of had to yeah um. So i was selling real estate.

I met paul 15 years ago. And he was in sales 15 glorious years ago. 15. Amazing kids.
Wow is there an anniversary happening right now in front of you we have no idea when we actually got married. We don't even know neither one of us could actually tell you the day she we got married it was a jop. It was a 10 minute ceremony. She went and did open houses after and i took the boys yeah.

Yeah. He said i have a very nice 10 minute thing for you i said can you make it like three bit. I got a listing. Yeah.

I don't have time for this welcome to the true hustle right. There. I'm like this is a sunday and i'm busy yes okay so so paul what about your back story. Like what you know how did you first like what were you doing before this were you always in housing.

You you know firemen like what's what's the deal well so when when i was a young tadpole you know if i was 16 at the time. I was like i wanted to be a firefighter. So i started doing the processes to get on the department. So yeah 18.

I started taking the test so it took me 12 years to actually get on i tested it really yeah. They offer a police test one year and a fire. The other so that's the way they do where we are and uh. So just to be clear to stay on the list you have to continuously take the test right because someone pointed out that when it says.

It he says. It took him 12 years. It makes it sound like yeah. He maybe didn't right that was yeah.

That's that's what was going through my head so most people were lying. I was like we should probably clarify that at a certain point maybe you should stop taking the test. Right no. So you have to you take the test you're on the list.

If you get moved to the next level then they move you on and if you don't then you have to go take the test again right the list expires. So you have to continually take it okay so i had to keep taking the test. So how many times did you take the test before you actually passed. Oh no i passed every time.

I was in the mid to high 90s every time all right. It's a very sought after job a lot of guys want that job you know for sure for sure um. So i i knew that i wanted i wanted a feel good job. I want a job.

My kids would be proud of me i wanted to help people that's what i like to do and uh. I kept taking the test finally like 12 years i get on but prior to me just get i just getting on i was doing sales prior to that i like to call it kitchen design is really what i was in but it was yeah. I was selling appliances and i was crushing it by the way selling appliances. Yeah definitely yeah.

That's why we want a video for our kohler video that we did how did you two meet. We met through a mutual friend. So you can tell that story. So.

I i i was like we're going deep here. Oh yeah. We're in it we're in the store. We're getting real right now yeah everybody with us we're getting real this is the real emmy nominated next question first time you had sex okay keep going introduction how'd you guys get with a person.
So yes. This is the show so uh so i was uh. I was at the time. I was going through.

I had been married previously things didn't work out so forth susan was in the same boat. So mutual friend of oz is like hey you gotta meet this girl. She says to me. She's like you should get a kid like you i have a daughter as well she's like you gotta you know blah blah.

I said. I'm good i got enough of my own problems to deal with i was like no i'm good so there was a christmas party. She was going to i was like you going. I was like yeah.

Yeah. Maybe i'll see you guys there. So i go to the party. Susan walks in with a friend and i was like oh.

I'm gonna go talk to her first thing he does is show me is my space account in my first oh he's like my team was like yeah. He's like you're my first friend tom yeah on myspace. Yeah. He's like you have my space.

I was like i'm i'm not you're like no i sell houses right right exactly. So yeah. I did i showed him my mind. I'm like you haven't heard myspace like what and i started my myspace page.

And then uh the next day. I i didn't want to wait to call it because i was like i'm waiting everybody's like dude. Don't call her. I'm like dude eat.

I'm calling oh can we swear you guys beat that up this is family friendly. Everybody's so it's fine all right. I just asked when you guys had sex with the first time so. Like yeah.

It couldn't be that family more boundaries. Yeah. So um yeah so susan and i uh. I went the next.

The next day. I called her yeah and i i went i went to her house. She actually made me chicken palm and yeah. I've been together since and the funny part is when i picked pulled up to her house.

She had a dump truck in her driveway and you were like well i was like like i go uh whose dump truck is that and she's like it's mine and i was like huh. I was like i gotta. I can explore this a little bit more see what this is all about every girl should have a dumb truck okay so okay for the person that's like not watching the video that's just listening right now when i think of you i don't think dump truck. I've heard you tell the story before so why did you have a dump truck because we were doing because i was doing construction.

I was building houses. I was you know i was doing projects and so we i was selling real estate and doing construction. You know construction jobs and we needed a dump truck. So so which almost killed me by the way several times.

But it didn't but it didn't you're still here no it's a dump truck you drive it and it violently shake like a wheel fell off of the thing in the middle of the highway no it's a dump truck. Yeah yeah this no i'm talking about this wheel though i was like wow this is ghetto dump truck. I mean kind of yes yeah yes. But that's gone now right this could be the most subdued.
I've ever seen your husband. Oh yeah. I don't know i'm building up. It's still okay he's gonna unleash anyway all right okay so i'm ready i'm ready i'm just letting you know i've been working on my materials.

So so fast forward to you know you guys become clients. You know somehow you guys get you you figured this out because you got a team yeah. But you have renovations also and your home building. That's busy yeah right and then kids and life and all like so i'm going to ask you first like before we get into all the the nitty gritty.

How do you guys manage your time between filming and running your team and everything else you guys i mean most would argue you have way too much going on we have the um wwtw like what would tom do. Yeah. Yeah. Wwtd something like that yes.

Whatever you obviously can't spell. This earlier. Yeah um. Because i'm like how does tom made his time.

He's got so much going on people say that t. All the time. Yeah you guys are busy they say to us you guys and i hate when people say that because i'm like everybody's busy like not everybody's busy at our level. Though so you guys got some hacks or is it just as simple as just getting the schedule and go yeah.

I mean we just kind of like it's like every day. It's like what do we have this week. We need to prioritize do the kids have any games. You know who's got what and we just figure it out and go i mean i feel like if we have to stop and think about it we'll never get anything done so we just you know it's like what's most important.

What's what do we have to prioritize and what do the kids need what do we need to do and just you know just go i mean filming and stuff when we saw it when we first started the show. It was out of control because right you were filming everything because we were still trying to get the format down of what we were trying to do so we were like we can't miss anything we got in our producers. So we were filming. I don't even we were filming a ton.

I mean we had a ton of footage to go through so. But i mean you just i think you you know you just kind of see the long view of okay. What are we you know what are we trying to do and sometimes you're you know you're working more sometimes you're home more just just figure it out do you think being a single mom. Gave you that grittiness or did you have that someplace else like did that i mean i'm one of six kids.

Yeah. I gotcha. There's no cookies in the cookies oh no i tell my kids all the time. I'm like if there were cookies in my house when i was a kid if you didn't dive in and be the first one to grab it you were getting that right yeah.

So you know she's not obviously if you're not first you're last exactly bobby she's a problem solver you know that's what she does she just like goes. It's not yeah. It's not the we always talk about the no you know people that just say. No.
Oh yeah. No we say turn the no to oh. You got to make that shift and change. Oh let me think about it okay.

What's the what's the problem. Yeah. There's a problem. Yeah.

What are the options yeah solve that problem yeah because in building when we build and stuff too. It's like if we go to a client like sorry we can't get hardwood floors yeah yeah we want hardwood floors right like right we come and say we can't get this but here's what we can get so we don't go to them until. We have a solution right so if you if you compartmentalized your life in chunks and by the way. I liked how you answered first like well.

What do the kids have like what are the sports like you went family first which a lot like the question was open you could have just said my business life is bing bing bing bing bing so i appreciate that if you compartmentalize your time how much time is it on um and i'm going to take family out of it and just do business for a sec. How much time of it is in the real estate team actually listing and selling real estate filming. The show which means you're in the middle of a renovation. But it's probably longer than you would normally do because you're filming right right so like and you know beyond like the first life just those major chunks of running a big team right selling houses.

Renovating property you guys are building your own personal house. Right now we are that's always not stressful. Yeah. How much time are you spending at a typical day or week on all four of those big blocks.

I mean 18 minutes probably on people to get yeah together right hurry up people yes. We're filming at least one full day a week. Yeah and then you know the businesses are it depends it could be one yeah. Like one day is all real estate.

One day is all construction. It could be that the day is split it could be a lot of times. I'm you know still going through it on the weekends. Because we're still kind of in the building phase.

So you know so we just it's you know again it just goes back to priority like this week. We're filming this is what's coming up this is what we need to do we work seven days a week. I mean there's no you know like yeah we work a lot we work every day. I mean i don't know it's an entrepreneur that doesn't yeah.

That's what i mean right i mean and it goes like you get time off and we're with our families. And you know family dinners and all the fun and kids and sports of life. But every entrepreneur is working seven days a week. I don't care and if they say they aren't they're full of yeah.

Yeah. I agree so so how do you then like like give us the like your your management team. Is there a managed team for the renovation business for the construction business is there a management team for the sales business or am. I staring at them.
Yeah. You're kind of staring at them. So how do you you know like what's the process to keep it all together. So we i mean we so on the construction side.

I'll say we've had we have an amazing team our crews have been with us for a long time so so to be hon like well let me just add to that all of our people. That work with us are amazing office like because they're they're. All inc. They're all kind of like they all do a little bit of something in all the business 1000.

Everybody's kind of in and knowing what we're doing so just like an example on the construction side. We had one project you know i went you know i went by i'm talking to the guys. And i said oh this other project is ready for this and they said oh it's already in process because one of the other guys already knew it had to be done yeah and they you know so the team is very fluid in that way so if someone sees something. Everyone's communicating you know i went by this project.

This needs to be done sometimes i'm the last to hear about it like oh. We already took care of that um you know and in that way. We you know we have amazing people who you know who kind of see the whole picture and see what we're trying to do and you know really having good people. I think is super important so some would argue right now especially the the last 24 months.

Whether you were building new construction or you're doing renovation or fixing flips like talent was hard to come by yeah and and everybody's prices went up right not just the cost of goods. But you know cost of employees cost of teammates like everything skyrocketed. Yeah. How are you guys able to maintain people like how are we able to keep them.

Because it's just too easy to be picked off well. We i i would say loyalty like we we had some projects. Where you know maybe sometimes our guys were a little bit backed up and we have we would have clients who would say can well can we just get someone else in here and we said no these are our guys. This is you know that this is our crew and everybody's busy right now and we weren't willing to sacrifice quality to maybe get a little bit more time when we knew you know who knows who we who we could have got or you know what so right you know we won't cut the standards down right yeah and take a guess at it to try to get it done we want it to be done a certain way people see the instagram they see all that stuff and that's what they want when they call us.

And that's what the video's really done for us you can't give on that right yeah right they want that they want to be on the on the instagram page. They're like is my kitchen going to be on instagram you know they asked oh for sure for sure. The video has helped push that i think along with absolutely the trust of clients and everything. And i mean you know you've been touting video for i don't even know several years yeah six months yeah well that's what everybody feels like when you say it like i feel like people in the room sometimes look like he's talking about video like he talks about video every single time.
But nobody's 2007. But i mean you know even like you know the video like susan is very like the the way she manages. She draws a lot of loyalty from everybody if if i was managing they'd probably all quit. I think i mean they could be entertained they would be entertained.

But they'd be like is this guy going to pay me this week. Did you even know this payroll have we paid anybody right yeah. So so you guys have such a yin and yang right to your relationship. And i think for a lot of people listening like you're so different.

But you guys have so much in common how do you make it work like not just relationship. But like relationship biz like i see you guys on the show. And i literally see you at times like rolling your eyes and i don't know if that's like inten like sorry like it's like traditional like oh. Yeah.

You see oh my gosh right. So you're like okay right. I'm just doing what everyone else is thinking. I'm like you're ridiculous yes.

But but lovable and and a craftsman like craftsman scraftman like really does insanely great work do you think that some people like look at you paul like you're you're too crazy too. Much fun or do people just find like he's my guy like she's my you know what i mean like like like or like we just we fall in love with these characters right yeah. So i i think people are attracted to our dynamic because you you can't if susan and i were both off the charts goofy nobody they'd be like oh they're entertaining. But i don't want them building my house right now what are they gonna put a couple sticks.

Together. You know what i mean so. Like that you have to have the serious piece of that too and you also have the end result right yeah. I mean right you got to produce results exactly right and i mean the you know her designing it like you know i it's crazy because i look at what she does and i still haven't met somebody similar to her where it's like she can encompass like what's your renovation.

Going to cost how much is going to increase your home value. Yeah. You know is it worth doing the renovation. Because how what's your long term plan.

You're going to be here for five years. You're going to be right two years you maybe for ten is this your i always say forever. Now house yeah right so it's like what are those pieces and and though digging into those questions. So it's like when we meet clients like what's the problem.

Why we i hate my kitchen well everybody hates their kitchen because it's ugly right yeah well why do you hate your kitchen. Yeah what else well me and my husband can't be in here at the same time and cook okay now we're digging into it a little bit more right so. It's really the listening thing is the space thing and now i'm going to reimagine this and yes exactly did you did you guys all like did you always have that in you did that come over time like i've always done design as part of our construction project. And it's funny because we had a project years ago.
We got a little bit of attention for and he went back to the clients. And he said why did you hire us and they said well because you we knew that you weren't going to just build. What was on the plan and i said yeah well who builds what's on the plan. Why would you do that yeah.

My we did have a plan. We haven't looked at that in a while right i mean i know that exact feeling yeah. They went well anyway once the frame goes up. I say burn.

The plants. And do what the house feels. So yeah um. So i feel like i've always just always done that in projects.

I just felt like it was just a natural part of as you're building right now you're only doing this one she tackles. Things yeah whether she she's naive and like failing like she doesn't know what failing is like she just does like she's like we're doing this and that's what we're doing and that draws from the rest of the team like you know they see what she's putting together and like getting in place. She doesn't even the thought doesn't come into her head. Like we might be okay at this.

It's like nope. This is what we're doing blah blah blah. Like even the videos when we right when we hired our video offer. He's like do you guys want to talk about this like nope.

We're going to do it and you're going to look at it and you're going to end it because if i have to look at it it's not going to go out. Oh. My god i would delete them all right right. But don't you think that's just a leadership quality right like you know in any leader.

I don't care if it's your family. If it's the military. It's firefighting. It's real estate.

It's development like someone has to say this is what we're doing absolutely like there's always going to be an obstacle. There's always going to be a problem and this is what we're doing anyway right no she's the she's the captain of the ship you know i mean i'm on the front like you know the songs playing you know like titanic you know what i mean god please. If you're listening please. Watch.

I mean the visual is worth it i have a much different view on things from being a firefighter. You know it's like i see a lot of really bad things and when people call. It's not they're not in a happy moment right these are like some of the worst points in their life that they come across that we show up on right so it's like seeing people it really humbles you to things that you you know have or come across a people for sure you know so um. I think i always look at like when people are getting real amped up and that they're stressed about you know the project or the real.
I was like nobody's dying okay everything can be fixed right nobody's done and when you cut it down to something as simple as that people can kind of go. Okay. You know and and that way like real estate construction. It's all very similar these are like the most stressful right you know for some reason.

We're like okay. What are the most stressful periods in people's lives. Let's work on that let's work out both yeah home disruption. Let's do it whether they're moving and we'll throw in fire.

Yeah. So like i think you know when you say to people find us too crazy. I think one thing that the video has done is that they know what they're getting before they call they know that they're going to see some video of paul doing something weird in their house. Bringing shaker bananas.

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That's summit15 to get 15 off your ticket. So make your reservation and let's get back to the show. So so switch gears. Okay for a lot of people television is out of reach right.

But not but creating content isn't no so so what advice you guys have like looking back um. You know throughout this whole experience. What would you have done differently. Or what would you recommend to the person.

That's listening right now. The the biggest thing that i think i take away from what we've done is we stay in our lane. And what i mean by that is we focus on what we do we're not looking at the noise. You know it's like if you are like what are they doing over here your focus shifts and there's already enough it's already hard enough to focus with your phone going off all day and everything else right then you're paying attention to what this person's doing and what this said this person said i'm like hey.

There's people that are these people are not going to like your videos. There's a club someone that's probably that guy's an idiot. You know talking about you know paul's a club whatever. And that's fine.

I would probably join that club you know what i mean if they sent me calls you know so it's like people you you have to learn to like look. The one thing. The video will help you do yeah. And and the firehouse has actually helped you just you really learn about you right.
Yeah. The things you learn about yourself you're like oh like the guy's like you're so ocd about this and i'm like i guess i am. You know like and i was like you know so it's like it's it's you learn about you and you just accept things that you do and it's not you know it's not something that you're like okay with it you know what i mean like yeah. Yeah.

I have ocd. Yeah. You know so you laugh about it about it with yourself. So it's like those are the type of things you really learn you're studying yourself so much like when you do that you know what i mean like how do you be a better you like when we were first filming.

She's like you were spicy that day and i was like no i wasn't you know and then i see the video. What do you mean just go watch the video again right let me know yeah. And i would watch a video back and when you're in those moments. You're not recognizing that you're being spicy right you're just reacting to something.

Sure. And then you see it fluently across you're like oh yeah. I was being spicy that you know. But so you kind of you make these you know adjustments to how you respond and react and situations that come up again.

You know you you'll be different about that in a good way you know so it's really you know even the podcasts and all that kind of stuff. I listen back to them not because i want to hear the sound of my own voice over because i want to kind of i mean i mean come on listen to that voice. I know i got a family from revilla. So i'm like i'm in like seventh heaven.

So so. Paul said stay in your lane. Yeah. So i think tac like tactically that means just being authentic right so.

When people see what we're putting out. And then they call us. It makes sense what they what we put out that that's what they get when they call yeah. And you know i think trying to figure out what works for you what kind of videos you want to put out does what you're putting out jive with what they get when they call you yeah right because i think that's super important to be authentic because people want to know people want to know who they're doing business with before they call and they want to know what they're getting and you're going to attract your right clients that way by putting that out there because you know to your point.

There. There are probably some people who you know think it's you know we're too crazy or you know whatever they're not gonna call us. Yeah. So we're not gonna that's gonna you know it's almost kind of a filtering.

Where we're not wasting time exactly for not calling us yes. I agree exactly i agree the customer is not always right and and what i mean by that well yeah. I mean yeah what i mean by that it's like you know you like the customer. The client and and you you have to get along right yes because it is a very emotional process.
Yeah like this is like you're raising family here there's memories they've lived in this house for so long the renovations can change like it's i mean i can't even tell you how humbling. It is when we do these reveals like we're like literally sitting in there with them they can smell. The new hardwood and they haven't seen it like i locked them out. Tom.

Yeah. Yeah. I put a lock box on i literally changed. The lock in a garage.

You can't go in here. And i put plywood walls inside the house because they were still living there. I'm like you're not seeing anything and i'd be back there making noise. And i'd be like hey it looks great in here.

It's like here it is yeah. But they but they like that they want to feel relaxed. You have that build up to something that's going to surprise them and capturing those moments on video. We have we have a client and i'm sorry i'm spacing on your name so i apologize.

But it is so beautiful what she does she hires a professional photographer to go in the first day. The family is settled in the house and do beautiful photos of them and then that's what she posts as her just sold cards that's awesome. It's the story of the new family. The story of the individual that buys that home and they're like people are calling like we want to work with you and we can we also get the photos right like but but that's that's something that she it wasn't like a gimmick.

She was like i just sold these people their house right like this was an emotional experience. What a way to capture that experience now that thing that authentic thing stay in your lane has become like something that people are asking for right so it's beautiful. What do you say to the person. That's like i don't know what my lane is like i'm i'm a generalist.

I just kind of do a lot of everything you can't be good at everything. That's what we've learned building houses right susan. I had sitting here hammering every nail right and running every wire. You know we're orchestrating all that but you can't be good at everything.

But what you can be good at is being resourceful right so our producer fun he says to us when we so one of the things we talked about when show started he's like how do you want to do demo. He's like you got to be like shooting out of a cannon. This and i was like i want to play the triangle and he was like what i'm like i want to play hit the triangle and say it's demo time and he goes i love it it's hilarious and so i'm so funny so i'm seeing like phil jackson and the chicago bulls. The triangle.

I was like how's he gonna run that plays at work is right behind me i'm like that's all i think so now i have 500 years ding ding ding. It's like it's demo time ding and then like machines are crushing houses and stuff you know behind us. So it's like i but i said to him i go i need a shirt for that and i left the meeting that we were in i came back and i had a shirt made that said it's demo time and he goes you two are some of the best producers. I've ever worked with you guys yeah you get it done you guys just know we need this.
This is what we do so we're very resourceful in a sen in a sense of like if we can't find it yeah. We will find someone who can help us with it or build it you know if it doesn't work we'll build it if it doesn't you know design everything so. He says don't be a generalist so i would say if you don't know what your lane is what your message is i would say one read your own reviews would your clients say about you right and and like ask your friends. Ask your real reviews.

Right yeah. You're on google zillow whatever and like what are people talking about right when they're talking about you exactly right that's because i think that's going to give you a reflection on you know what it what are they what do they see. Yeah. You know when they come in front of you.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then you know some people are more introverted.

They want to they want to do more informational stuff. Some people are not introverted at all and they are you working on that i'm trying okay therapy step. 23 of four yeah. Four four some people want to wear you know dress up and do weird things whatever you are whatever your style is just like embrace it and yeah.

I mean it should be fun. I mean. It's a fun process buying a house. It should be fun.

It shouldn't be a different person who shows up you know what you put out there. It should be the same it should be the same company the same person right it's like pasta tom. Al dente you got to be yeah you got to be authentic you're speaking my lovely dutch right now. It's got to be exactly how i make my fit.

Last time. Yes. Yeah. I mean like you know you're touting.

The video. Really has changed dramatically things for us in a business sense yes. So that's what i want to say like we we you know it is humbling that we got nominated for i mean like we never even first of all making. The first like making a video first right you're like yeah.

Okay. This is crazy to make a video. Then it's like because. The first video.

Yeah. Exactly yes. Susan why am. I doing this right.

This. Is the kitchen. Yeah you know you're like you you can't you know you're like yeah uh. What do i do with my hand.

You know like yeah. I feel weird you know as you the more you do it you kind of make some adjustments and you get better at it right you know our producer's great all the guys are great they really are and and it's just like thinking about you guys going to make video to an emmy nomination. It's just crazy right. It's bananas.
You know what it is you know the ecosystem of tom harry's wood is probably the most incredible thing about everything that you do and i want to say it's really it's the people. It is it's all the relationships and it's all the like even what we're going to go do next. Which is like it takes a bunch of the best agents and everyone's going to go here's my marketing here's my presentations here's how i present stuff and like just that alone sharing. He's caring sharon is caring baby.

That's bananas. We're in this ecosystem. And we're all little tom pulls swimming around you know to each. Other you know it's like okay.

He may have got a little hey what do you got what do you got i got marketing. What do you got now you know so it's like i know how to hire sales people you gotta be party marketing. Tell them like become a tom paul join. Me.

I'm just you know we just take that and we're just going to edit that that's going to be all of my ads. Going together. I want to be a tom paul. He came up with that this morning.

He was like i got it i know what i'm going to talk to tom about him. It's like a lightning bolt of idiot hits me every day at some point during the day. And it's like that's it and i just blurted out because i'm i'm um. I think out loud and how do i not roll my eyes.

I think yeah right right. I mean what else can i do you just go. That's just is what it is okay so does anybody actually watch tv. Anymore.

So there's that's another great question. I will let susan answer that or who watches tv like who calls you guys so wow nobody watches tv that's the thing. It's all the convenience factor now right so it's a behavior of people. And what they do that's what susan tracks.

She's like so the show aired locally on tv in new england. Where we are but it's also on an app because for that very reason because we have you know all of our social media. Everyone's like where can i see the show so we have an app. Where you can all 10 download.

Because that's how people watch now they don't want to sit every friday night and wait for tgif and steve can i do that yeah. Yeah. There's a new episode coming out they want to sit down right. Watch the whole season bench and call it a day.

Yeah yeah. It's it's true it's just the behaviors. Like she tracks the behaviors like of what people are doing just like what you do you know it's like people did watch tv. Now they the stream.

It's all a convenience factor right so. The convenience makes people change their behavior right so did you build an app in order to do this did did the like the show producers say we got to do this like you'd also mention like lessons we were talking sort of off camera last night about like lessons you guys had learned along the way right sort of having knowing what you know now what we would have done from some other friends in the ecosystem. That have shows yes so did they build the app. Did you guys build the app.
Who came up with that that concept so we kind of collectively. Because you know because of our social media audience. People saying where can i see it where can i see it and we all kind of you know talked about it. And said.

We need to have a way where people you know where people can see it so just kind of collectively as a group. We all said you know this is probably the best way to do it where it's accessible it can be convenient and all like the app store so it's you know we just want to make it accessible so that it would be easy. It's the show plus your social. So you guys like basically build like a like almost like a web portal.

Just for everything you guys are doing so that the app. Only has it has season one it has some bonus content. So it doesn't have all the social. So social content is on social media.

Yeah through that that was kind of the the beginning of it and then this is kind of the next. How many downloads on the app. Seven and they're all yeah. I mean you know like when somebody signs up we get like notified.

Yeah. He's like you know they signed up. But i mean it's always been yeah i mean the i don't know it's like you look at just. Like said behaviors.

You know like look at uh blockbuster video right i used to go there and move now netflix kill blockbuster right so it's that streaming convenience right now you don't have to drive to store. Now you just push a button and you can watch it right then then it's that pattern. So like the tv piece of that for us was really it was a it's a it's an iconic thing right it's like a stepping stone. So it's like so so it's like from social to stream.

Yeah right so it's like that that path right so it's like a lot of people still do watch tv. I mean. But it's but people want the convenience you know they don't want to have to be at a certain time every week or recording it or have to be in front of their tv. People want it portable.

They want to be able to see it anywhere. And that's pretty much everyone has watched us until now with our social content. It's on facebook. It's on youtube.

It's on instagram so i mean i feel like that's kind of where people have seen us do you think that is the bigger driver of growth than the social or is the bigger driver growth tv or is it hard to you know determine between the blend. I would say it's hard to determine right now just because the show's so new. But i mean social has definitely. It's been a huge drive of growth for us.

I mean we and we saw that pretty much you know pretty much immediately after the first after the first year that we were putting out video. Our business went up 60. And it was pretty and our videos were terrible say that again please so after the first year of putting out horrible videos. Our business went up sixty percent yeah six zero of everybody and we're not talking 2020.
Right no no no no we're talking 2017. Yeah. Okay so just for context. This is oh well 2020.

2021. Then right you've been doing video for a. While yeah. So yep yeah so and and looking back like you know someone's going to go to your youtube channel.

They're going to go to your instagram page. Which i i strongly recommend and what i loved is when i was here it's like you could see the evolution of like like even on my channel like i go back to like 2000. My first channel 2007. And it was like you know if there was a microphone.

I was doing this okay tom i was watching i was studying some of yours horrible. I was studying you have like all this background noise. The marker on the board. I was doing shows live on my sales floor like people are walking by and like waving and i'm like i just didn't care right.

I mean. I was testing and that's the thing like you just gotta go for it and that's why when we hired our videographer. He said do we want to sit down and you know plan this out and i was like no because i will we'll just keep thinking about it let's just go out shoot some stuff figure it out we'll adjust as we go. And that's kind of what we've done i mean tom.

I said to susan all the time right i i'm i'm i'm not a licensed agent on purpose for things we do and you know i've watched you speak and i always say i i've never seen someone captivate. People like you you do the way you have it thought out to where it's like okay. I know i got to get them up get the energy going. Yeah.

You know when somebody's sitting there for more than 15 20. Minutes. That you start to see the head bob your neighbor high five your buddy have a cup you break you hit this he looks for those breaks well. I it's what this is my ocd.

Me is i i see how you doing it's it's incredible how well you have mastered that craft and how you know how to keep people in tune. So it's like sometimes you have speakers on and these people are amazing like what they do and then i'm like listening to it i'm like yeah. I'm heading on him. Because i'm like i'm used to tom's like shooting through the moon.

Like we're doing this tell stories. Yeah. Yeah. Those are all those are all learned skills right you guys have learned on tv and video.

Those are all learned skills holding chords right you got a whole and it's the same idea. If someone's you know i don't know how to do that i'm nervous about doing that it's all stuff that you know you can figure out i of all people i mean i think i've told you you know at one point. I was like i'm never doing video. I hate doing video.

I am not i don't want to be on video. But i will yes and the real take out today give her television. You know i'm like sure put him next to her right. I mean i'll be fine.
It's almost like i'm extra that way with her too because this is a true statement here one thing that i love about our relationship is that you know i could be sitting in the bedroom like talking with her and i will do dumb stuff. And she will laugh with me and like those moments for me are like some of the best moments. I have with her i agree yeah. I agree you know when she's like crying laughing at things so like when i'm on the videos.

It's also like she is not as comfortable and i am so it's like if i can make her more comfortable by being the way that i am yeah and take some of that heat off her way. She doesn't feel like oh. My husband is just he's an idiot yeah. You know because she is she's beautiful.

She's poor polish. She's the leader you know what i mean she runs the ship you know what i'm saying like i said. I'm i'm over the you know court jester yeah. Just started doing a bunch of real estate videos.

He's got all these characters and he's like why yes. And he says why don't you dress up as a character. I was like i no you are the character. I am not dressing up i will be susan right.

Yes. That's what i want people to look at right look at some of our stuff. If you're if you think you don't look good just look at what i am doing literally. I'm saying this so that they feel comfortable to try and do it and i challenge.

All everyone in the ecosystem to make their video and they've got to do a spoof of tom. That's your first video is a spoof of like give your best tom ferry impression whatever. It is so you're not even focusing on real estate. It's just getting out of the gate.

They don't even know how to do that they don't like how do i do it make a tom ferry spoof right. We have that be the the instagram reel. Please talking to my editing team right now all right so so last. Question.

What about the real estate team right i mean we talked a lot of renovation. A lot of the two of you tv social. Yeah. How's the team doing when did you put it together.

What's it look like and how does it all fit into everything else you're doing here. Yeah. So we've been really you know really working on building. The construction company and building that over the past couple years.

And i you know i was in real estate for a while i took a break when i had our older son. I kind of jumped back in you know i got to this point. I'm selling you know 50 houses. I took over breastfeeding of course so supportive so supportive you know so i'm at this point.

I'm you know selling 50 plus houses a year by myself so you know we kind of started. The team and it's funny because the videos were supposed to be for real estate and i said. I don't want to mess up the real estate company. Let's practice on the construction company and the construction company kind of took off so we've been pretty focused on that but we're starting to build the team now we've got seven agents um yeah and we're just you know we're we're we're yeah we're very much growth mobile.
You drive an automatic or stick yeah. This is the times we live in now you've got to shift and just quick don't grind. Again you got to shift shift fast things change. It's like books right.

I say books come out they're a guide because a new book comes out that has changes right so it's like everything evolves. It changes. That's always that's that's that is what we live in now and that's what that information has done when i was a kid going to school you they'd be like you have to go to college. If you don't go to college.

You never get a good job never make any money. This is the thing now college is now online right if you want to get information before i go to encyclopedia britannica. Go get my dewey decimal system out i'll pull a card catalog and be like oh. I'm gonna get this truck.

You know who wants to do that hey siri right right bang. Yeah. That's what our kids do yeah i mean one day i was like what's the damn wi fi password my son grabs the remote. And he's like what's the wi fi and it pops up on the screen.

And i'm like you gotta be careful so it's like that's gonna be 2022 yes exactly it's like the information is there now right so i think the big thing for us is like you know i like daniel pink. I'm sure you're fine. Yeah of course guys of course like his view on things like the information's there you got to be transparent with your clients right so the transparency the honesty like that's what they want they want a tall shipping cup of transparent tea yeah yes that's what when the water's murky nobody wants to dip their toenails. But when they can see they're like i'm good let's just jump in certainty right.

People want certainty and we provide that through being the knowledge broker. Being the educator running a great business. So so the real estate team is newer. Then it's a new yeah.

It's a newer team and of course. It you know we added a bunch of agents through the it was like right. And then the pandemic happened so it was a little bit yeah. It was great timing.

So it's a little bit crazy there for you know at the beginning. But now everybody's starting to pick up steam. Everybody's doing well we have a great team and everybody's pretty much how many people put their foot on the gas. From the pandemic hit on social media.

Right. She says. Oh yeah. She goes guys full throttle right full throttle right double.

Where is everyone you know everyone's online. This is where everyone is right and especially like in the massachusetts area right like where you know the pandemic hit hard or like new york city. Where it hit hard and you know people were just there was so much uncertainty that like that was my whole sort of plea to the industry was be the voice right right. If you're not going to be the voice of like like hey here's what's going on.
And you know you can move forward at least just reach out to every client and say how are you right you know how you guys doing you guys okay like you talked about it yesterday in the mastermind. The people that did that like the the unintended consequences. It wasn't about more referrals. It was not like there's so much uncertainty.

Let's just be good to people right like doing the right thing is always the right thing right so doing it on social making. The phone calls like it certainly paid off one of the biggest sales tools that people probably don't even think. About is hope is a powerful thing. Oh yeah.

You know when this belief is hope. I mean. I see susan do it with the clients. When they have this house and they just don't know what to do with it and they're just like we have this hope of having a everybody wants to have a beautiful home.

We always say everybody deserves to have a home yeah right they do you know yeah. I love where you live right exactly. And it's like the the the fact that they change people's lives in that sense of like when you're sitting there tom. I mean really when we're in the room with them the blindfolds are on they can smell the the new wood and everything right and they're like you know amped up like christmas.

I draw it out a little bit more just like a few more seconds. Like you guys ready to see a house like yes. I'm like are you sure we can take a break no we want to you know suddenly. We're like take those.

This is made for television. Right yeah. Yeah. As soon as they go like this and they pull that blindfold right.

And you just hear the the emotion in the room crying. It's very like it's a powerful 60 seconds. You sit there and you can feel that from them you know because it's like they finally feel like they made it like that they they've done. Something that does something they wanted paul.

It makes me think that um that people should reimagine like the closing table or reimagining. The first opening the door when it's your home. Yeah. Like like if you really thought like that moment.

I go back to like um. The zillow commercial from years ago. When it was the military couple right the husband's clearly in fatigues baby. I gotta go like he's like it's assuming.

He's going into war they're looking for the house. Okay we found the one close the laptop and like they opened the door with the real estate agent and who's sitting there right the husband in full fatigue jumps up and it's just like that that's such an it's like i'm thinking i'm watching a real estate portal commercial. Yeah and i'm crying yeah like this was incredible right. But that's powerful that's what a reveal is and i think for the person listening right now you know and here's your key is this game crying.
July. And then you're getting here's bottle champagne right like there is a way to make that experience like so much more memorable and you talk about an emotional anchor to you right as the professional like that's powerful and this is like i tell the agents. All the time like you're not selling houses that's not what you're doing you know. This is this is people are spending the most money they've ever spent in their life.

They're trusting. You yeah. They've seen their entire life right like this this is like a moment in their life. And you know and they're trusting you to guide them through that and it's a big you know anyone who comes in and says i want to get into real estate because i like houses.

I'm like oh. This isn't really that's not what this business is yo. I like porn dude. But i'm not getting into it.

But that's what it's like when someone says i'm going to just like i'm just i'm going to get into porn like right dude. You can't just jump in a real like what are you like when people like i decided i needed a career change. I'm gonna get a real estate. Do you know you have any idea.

What you're getting into bro do you even know what you're talking about you know i mean like you you think real estate's easy because you got your license in a weekend. That's the easiest thing you do he's trying to get off the hook right now i have no idea. I'm i'm i'm torn in between because i absolutely love the confidence just let him go laughing. And then i look at you i'm like sorry.

No sorry not sorry yes. And she's never she's never restricted me. And i've always tried to push her in that direction that she wants she's like this is what we're doing i'm like okay all right cool like sometimes people will say well like you could you know can you do you try to get him to tone that down. I'm like i have nothing to do with that yeah i'm like if it gets too crazy to step away tom.

I played the harmonica on the elevator. He did i love this music. And he always carries some crazy things there i walked in there's this woman in a robe with bags and i go how you guys doing they're all like good. I was like there's no elevated music.

I was like i can help with that and i pulled up my hulk and i was like and then they all just started laughing and i said told them i go i actually used to um review elevator rides on youtube. That was my job before. I was like this is hot. This is constant.

It is constant. I used to review elevator music elevator rides two to three how's that show sorry. We need to like search. For that like whoever has that show is a legend yeah.

Okay. We we actually have to wrap this up. But i feel like if there was wine here. We could have just gone all night and just kept just jamming on this i mean at the end of the day.

I want to say thank you to tom. I mean you know susan you haven't you have encouraged susan. Which in turn has also encouraged what we do we never in a million years. If you said you guys are going to get nominated for no that's a good one you know what i love it when i hear you speak because i come back to the office.
I'm like guys i have a great idea we're going to do these 700 things by tomorrow. She doesn't even know we've got any more. Tom perry's seminars. Please don't do that she doesn't even well.

It's funny because somebody just like i don't know about tom. And then now they're drawing into the system. Yeah they're becoming they're they're becoming little tom. Following the process right i'm not sure if that one's going to land yeah.

I don't know i don't know we have to work on that one yeah. I told tom when i first met him i think. I said uh you need to have like a spring event and call. It fairy blossom spring to the market.

You know like like okay um. For my marketing team no yeah. He's just going to keep pitching. So i know i know i know okay okay.

It's all good we talking about really important stuff too guys. That's why i'm gonna say hey thank you guys for watching if you like this channel please make sure you hit the subscribe button below and like tom's videos if you don't you're a fool go sell some houses do the right thing love your neighbor. Have your pet spayed or neutered. And we'll see you next time.

Thank you very much we're out you.

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