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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Hey everyone, what'd you say? Get off your seat, it's my seat. I work here, this is my office. All right. you go to work, you do the training for me.

Today feels like a red day, but it is a green day. I'm uh, up 34 000 in my main account and down 21 000 in my retirement account. Never like losing in my retirement account. Uh, but you know it is the the case today.

So um, I thought maybe a good approach for today was to do kind of a little bit of gratitude, being grateful for what I have. Even this dog here who's whining because he wants to go outside, but he can't because there's someone here working on something in the house and this girl here who barks and barks and that little fella who's taken over and is trading for the rest of the day. Sometimes it's easy to get into a mood, especially with trading to get frustrated. Disappointed I didn't trade as well as I could have, I gave back a lot of gains.

I was up 34, 000, lost 21. So I'm really only up 13. it feels like a losing day, but it's not a losing day. It's a green day.

So the dog's barking so it's raining outside. So um, uh, my trading day is cut a little short. That's all. Okay, I think.

um, the benefit of doing some type of gratitude practice is reminding yourself that this is enough. You know the 13 000 for instance today, that that's enough that that's a good day because I could very easily get myself triggered. I know the stock that I lost on ended up ripping back up into another halt and I could have gotten back in. And if I had and then I lost on it a second time, I would have blown a gasket.

I would have been so angry I would have exploded. And so I just said. You know what, be grateful for what you got. Today is not the easiest day.

It's a little choppy. Come back tomorrow Monday. Maybe it'll be a little bit better. I think we could all do that on, you know, various days.

Whatever, your daily goal is. If your daily goal is 200 and you make 600 and then you lose 500 and you're only up 100. It feels like a loss because you were up 600. Now you're only up 100.

But it's not it's perception, it's perspective. So I encourage you guys to do a little gratitude practice. We're at the end of the week. Try to be grateful for what you have.

I want to remind you guys. As always, trading is risky. It is. It's hard takes a long time to get good at it.

For those that do get good at it, my results are not typical. Most beginner traders lose money and um, we're in a market right now that requires quite a lot of patience, Right girl? It's not easy. It's frustrating, but we will get through it and I'm looking forward to getting the other side of it. We had a couple, um, nice opportunities yesterday.

A couple nice opportunities today. You know I made some money, but you know, then gave it back so we're not out of the woods yet. We got to go slow and steady so I hope you guys enjoy the recap today. Please hit the thumbs up if you haven't already subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and I'll see you guys on Monday morning.
All right, enjoy the weekend. I'll see you on Monday. All right? Well, quick recap here. Just gave back, um, half my morning.

I'm down 21 000 in my retirement account. I lost 15 000 on tirx. I didn't buy it going into the halt. I passed on it.

I then bought on the dip on resumption for the rip and then just stopped out here as it broke 13.. So I lost 14 000 on that trade. Prior to that, I was down 6 700 in my retirement account and up 34 000 in my main account. So I was up 28 000 on the day between the two accounts and I just gave back half of it.

So now I'm up only 14 000 and I cannot afford to keep trading because I can't afford to lose more. I would rather walk away green with 14 000 in my pocket, then walk away. Well, break even or red. I just can't let it happen.

So uh, ebet, out of the gates while pre-market and then out of the gates. Um, gave some opportunities but was a bit disappointing. I thought this break of V app right here. Pop pull back and then at the open I was looking for a squeeze into a halt.

like what happened on Utme. Utme was really strong on his ipo day. pulled back rips higher, pulls back, rips higher, halting out of the open, going straight up. and on this one on Ebet.

We ended up getting this flush at the open which gave a red to green but only up to 54 and it didn't continue. So this had the potential to be a nice 28 30 000 day. and um, unfortunately I you know, well it's just the way it is with trading. Sometimes I I look at this trade as it the dip in the rip is a fine setup, I just it just didn't work and so anyways I just don't want to.

You know, psychologically go further down. So I'm actually only up thirteen thousand, not even fifteen. I'm up. I'm down up thirty four.

I'm up thirteen thousand on the day. So from twenty eight thousand, uh or so twenty six thousand up, only thirteen. Still gave back half just in one trade. And this is a spot where it's like man, it's only 10 a.m You know there's certainly opportunity.

I could keep trading. You know we've got this. We've got a couple ipos coming up today. I could I could make back some of this loss.

Maybe I could even make it all back. Maybe I could. maybe. But what's the alternative? If I don't make money on the trades and I lose money on the trades, then I could go from down 21 in this account to down 25, 28, 29, 30, 35.

And then all of a sudden I'm flat on the day, right? So then I'd be flat on the day between the two accounts. and then do I? You know how how angry does that make me? Then do I take one more trade and I actually go red? So you know. My rule of thumb is if I give back half my gains after crossing the daily goal, that's the time to stop. And I don't know I I thought Ti Rx looked good.
it was. I thought for a daily first daily candle to make a new high it looked good. but um, I don't know. I guess on that one I just was wrong.

So it hit a high of 1394, dropped back down to 12.50 I stopped out, comes back up a little bit, but let's just I don't know. You know this and this kind of what I thought was going to be typical right now. one day's hot, next day is cold, one day's hot, next day is cold. Today was kind of nice on Eb Et.

it seemed like okay. we've got something and then it started to roll over. Gave back some gains. Uh, probably gave back.

I don't know. 7 000 off the top. so I probably was up about 34 000, then was up only 28 000 and then up only now 13.. So 13 000? Let's look at the glasses half full.

That's still a green day. That's not bad, that's you know it's it's It's hard to have that perspective when. Um, it's hard to have the perspective if it's not bad when you know you just had twice that. um, you know sometimes.

um you know I'll see people say something like oh man, I'm I'm only up, you know, four hundred dollars. I was up three thousand and it's like man, you're still green, you're still at 400. it's easy to say that, but in reality it, um, it's hard and I could probably look at that. Um, you know there could probably be someone out there who's like man, I'm only up two hundred thousand.

I was up seven hundred, but now I'm only up two hundred and I'm like I would be happy to be up two hundred thousand. Want to trade places? but you know, part of the experience of that person at that moment is that they're up only 200 because they gave back more than half of what they had. So it's a perspective issue. and uh yeah, it's a it's a tough one That that of course is what makes trading so difficult.

It's the emotions. and then you know. see this. Uh, back.

Coming back up to basically where I got out. That's a slap in the face. You know this is if it rips through 14 and goes to 15 and 16. It's like just adding salt to an open wound.

But then what do you do? What do I get back in at 14 and then it drops to 12 Again, you know. And then I'm really, really angry. So today's a day where, uh, we didn't have a lot moving and ti Rx for me. I just, uh, I I guess I just it's not strong enough.

it's only up six percent. Uh, honestly, it's just not up enough to probably really. um, you know, get people that interested in it. So it's yeah, it's always relative.

but uh. anyway. so locking up a red day and my retirement account green in this account. So hey, it's a green day.

That's good. Uh, it's not as big of a green day as it could have been, but that's you could say that probably any day. Uh, so whatever. it is what it is, it's an end to the week.

It's been kind of a tough week. Um, I was green on Monday, but then read on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday was a great day and then now Friday is kind of like all right. Well you know, But the fact is, on Monday I'm just looking at my uh, trader view here.
So on Monday I was up um, 8 000 and I was down 4 000 on Tuesday, down 9 000 on Wednesday and then green yesterday a little under 60 000 and then today 13.. So you know, puts me up over probably a little over 100 000 on the month. Um, that's good. It's good.

It's good. It's halfway through the month. Hopefully we see things start to pick up a little bit more. We get some more volatility some more opportunity, but it's a it's a choppy market and I probably should have sized down.

I took too much size on Ti Rx. I jumped in with 12 000 shares right away, scaled up to 17 000 and then stopped out. So I I should have maybe scaled back a little bit. Uh, and I actually did something similar yesterday on Whlm.

Uh, towards the end of the day. uh towards the end of the day I took this trade right here with like 27 000 shares or something like that and just was like why am I trading that aggressively It's not the right time of day I think that I'm probably I would say and I'm going to close this so I don't take any more trades. I would say that it's probably for me, a bit of an issue of, um, kind of restlessness and boredom in a way kind of waiting for wanting that big momentum stock. Missing the excitement and the thrill of the Gamestop market.

And so when something starts to pick up, I'm like, okay, size up. You know if you have a huge move but you don't have enough size, you won't make a lot of money. So it's the combination of needing the big momentum and the big share size. So sometimes I will get aggressive and take the big share size.

but the markets not really supporting it. so that's where I end up taking bigger losses than it's necessary. My daily goal through the hot market is 20 000 a day through the cold market. I was sort of just like if I could just keep my head above water, that's good.

So maybe 5 000, 10, 000. and then some days, uh, some days might be better and others might be slower so that's gonna be it for me. Green Day Recap: Feels like a red day recap. but it's a green day recap.

It's just a kind of not a great one. So funny. end of the week but got the weekend clear. my head glass is half full.

I'm walking away green this week and good job For those you guys that got green and are staying green as well as always. Trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money. My results are not typical you should expect as a beginner that you will also lose money.

And uh, I would encourage you to practice in a simulator before you put real money on the line. All right, I'll see you guys on Monday morning. Thanks everyone And that right, there was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content.
But do me a favor. Please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trades. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “Feeling grateful $13k recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephane Montpeirous says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Archaic Hero says:

    Hey Ross, so that's what is really going on behind camera… You are making videos and your son is trading stocks. Now I get it. 😉

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Ruppel says:

    First 100 dollar day in real money for me

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Van Van Von Voyage says:

    I’ve found this to be such a cool channel, I wish I lived in such a calm lovely home and environment .
    I sent friends in the UK links to this channel and to my daughter hoping she is encouraged to learn.
    Well done 👏 with this venture and channel and all your responses, what a charming human being .

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lummie Wilson says:

    Do you have penny stocks? If so, which ones are your favorite?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TiruppurBulls Shares says:

    Cool video

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malexius says:

    Your nephew will get a good trader 💪👍

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin McCloud says:

    Ross your practice platform that you give your student does it work in real time? Or is it still 15min delay ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Barrymore says:

    Ross what kind of record player is that?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KenJohn says:

    I kind of had the same day like you. I made 3K between TIRX and EEIQ, but I got overconfident and start buying stocks trying to anticipate their move and loss 1.5K. It is very frustrating, but thanks to you I have learned to walk away and live to trade another day😎. Keep the hard work Ross!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j m says:

    I swear i don't learn anything from you i wish you explain what did you buy and why

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chanelle Velazquez says:

    Recaps 💣

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ISRAEL QUITO says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jkdmmabox says:

    Ross – I hope that liking your videos and subscribing puts some money in your pocket. You deserve it, and it's the least we can do until we are ready to join your program. Thank you for your knowledge and your content!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lummie Wilson says:

    Warrior trading I am brand new to this channel and am just starting to get into trading stocks. What videos should I watch first and anything you recommend as of now?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pól O'Loughlin says:

    i dont make €13k a year!! always be grateful, regardless! truely inspirational

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahmed B says:

    May I get your CMEG promo code?
    Thank you.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee Goto says:

    On 26 Mar you had 75 trades and generated $27K I am curious how much money was allocated for trades to generate that return? I am guessing $750,000 to well over a $1,000,000. What is your return on investment?. The ROI is a much better barometer of successful trading than how much money did you make. So let use for this example: $27,000/ $1,000,000 = 2.7 percent return on the investment. If I am wrong please correct my numbers.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z75 says:

    thank u for always telling me to becarefull when emotion comes in great lesson from recap

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emmunel Doulat says:

    Thanks and God bless you

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max D says:

    Did you change below $10 to over $10

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David L says:

    Hey Ross, what’s the chat room you’ve been referring to? What platform and is it free to join in? Thanks for always great videos!!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaime iz Real says:

    Ross? Lmao! I over-traded today, and guess what happened? Of course you know what happened — I lost money. Not much but it's still aggravating, considering I was up and knew I was over-trading. I managed my losses and stopped trading as the market died. Looking forward to Monday though! It seems the market was a bit more volatile today (in my opinion).

    Keep it up!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bradley Keane says:

    looks like a modern turntable…and some kind of a modern disc, what band?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alexander escobar says:

    I was up $1500 gave back $1100

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bradley Keane says:

    i never saw the black dog before …two dogs?…oh it was dog that wanted your seat, i thought it was your son

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Sent says:

    Lil Ross making a special appearance 🥲

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Sent says:

    hey ross have a great weekend big bro 😎

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earth Explorer says:

    Hey Ross how about a small account challange in this slow market?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Davis says:

    🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐a little momentum today let’s see more have a great weekend!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BeginnerDayTrader says:

    How many shares do you trade with..

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JV MOVERS LLC, says:

    Thanks Ross have nice weekend.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Finding Unicorns Stocks says:

    Pretty sure the OTC Market is at the bottom after 10 red days in a row. Today was my first green day, hoping it continues and becomes another bull run.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1mintradr says:

    for the week. 17 green trades. 1 red trade. be safe. be green. have a good weekend. ross. thanks for sharing your trades. i learn from u what to do right.

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