An image of black smoke billowing next to a bureaucratic-looking building spread across social media Monday morning, with the claim that it showed an explosion near the Pentagon.
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So how can AI potentially disrupt the stock market? What's going on? Team: It's Ricky with Talk about Solutions A lot of you guys know that there's been a lot of advancement with AI Chat GPT again becoming a very popular online platform. Uh, where again you can literally have it, write you anything And the idea of AI becoming dangerous has kind of been on the rise right as AI begins to make some advancements. Uh, some concerns are being brought up. Uh, today was my first experience and I thought I would share it with you.

A lot of people are talking about it now. We weren't really sure what it was about 38 minutes after the stock market opened today. What caused this very very rapid sell-off And I want to show you exactly what I'm talking about. So I'm going to start sharing my screen so you guys can see here and this happened right around 10 38 I'm sorry 1008 Am Eastern Time or 38 minutes after the stock mark it open, we can see that there's a huge red candle.

A second huge red candle. We bounced off the moving average and we ended up recovering. But what caused this super quick dip? right? One of the things that was shared and this was actually during my live trading session with the Lpp team. So it was actually caught live during our live session and it says this morning an AI generated image of an explosion at the U.S Pentagon surface which again Mutual multiple news sources reporting that it was real.

the S P 500 fell 30 points in minutes. This resulted in a 500 billion dollar market cap swing of a swing of a fake image. Then it rebounded once the image was confirmed fake and then the idea of AI is becoming dangerous. So I Know that once the market rapidly began to sell off because we have so many people that are tuning on in into our live session, people continue to try to share the story in our Discord chat, people in our live chat which we're saying that there's a huge bomb that exploded in the Pentagon and this is the image.

I Mean if you look at it, it's quite convincing, right? And this image according to this report was a I well created by AI right? and it was shared on Twitter which is a very viral platform. I put no blame on Twitter I Think uh, based off of different news outlets that I'm seeing. of course if you can blame Elon Musk for anything, uh, people love to do so right? so they're trying to blame Twitter Uh, Twitter is just one of many available platforms that can go viral, right? And it's other news outlets that were reporting that it was real that wanted to jump on the story that even probably made it worse than what it was. Um, overall, it's kind of.

It does kind of bring up that question of like this is at least my first experience ever seen and like a negative influence about Ai and how it can be used to actually disrupt the market, right? I Think that we are bound to see I Think this will motivate a lot of people to create very similar type of content like this that can create a lot of fear or inject a lot of fear within a very short period of time. Luckily, this thing was confirmed uh, fake right away. Uh, but who knows right? who knows how AI can be used uh to potentially instill fear or potentially, um, you know, create demand for something within a very short period of time And yet the story might not be true. I Just think again, it's a story that I wanted to share with you guys because I think as AI becomes more popular within our world, right? We need to understand that not everything's shared online such as these stories uh, automatically mean that the story needs to be uh, confirmed true, right? and I think as AI begins to become more advanced, it will be almost more challenging to determine uh, if it's fake or if it's real.
So I just thought it was a very interesting topic. It's kind of scary, right? because a 500 billion dollar influx is what we saw within in just a couple of minutes and this was caught very early on that it was fake I mean there being a bombing at the U.S Pentagon is quite a significant story, right? but it doesn't mean other stories that might be harder to confirm if they're real or fake can't be spread and they can cause chaos in the overall. Market But beyond that story, I Just wanted to make sure that we talked about. You know what caused this quick little flash crash? It kind of reminded me.

uh, the only last thing that I wanted to share with you guys is this kind of reminds me of what happened in 2010 where for about 36 minutes there's a quick flash crash and this was because it was actually I Think some guy in India understood this type of glitch in the stock market and understood that a lot of bots were being used. When it comes down to um, you know they were being integrated into the market and he knew how they worked. He knew how to make them glitch and now knowing how powerful AI is. Imagine being able to trick all these Bots that focus on algorithmic trading and then using AI to trick them because again, these Bots aren't humans like you and I right? We're not going to almost try to verify.

I Mean they're they're based off of specific parameters and sequences and if they are easily triggered, it could cause chaos, right? It could cause more harm than good or it can cause more bind pressure that might be artificial, right? So again, something to kind of take into consideration I Think that this will only be the beginning of this type of news or fake news being shared that has to be focused on AI I Just think it's a really interesting topic and I think again if I can just bring awareness to it just to make you all a little bit more cautious and just an additional step that we can take to all confirm whatever news it is that we are reading that it is true rather than making an impulsive decision right. The only last thing that I did want to remind you is that tomorrow I'm sorry, not tomorrow on Wednesday the FMC minutes meeting is going to be happening at 2PM and this is pretty much just a summary. It's going to be a report that is released at 2 Pm eastern time. The market will most likely react to it, but it shouldn't be anything too too significant.
The only real thing that we're waiting for as of right now is waiting to see how the market ends up reacting after the debt ceiling crisis is confirmed. I Think everyone's just kind of fed up with how long it's been taking for president Trump and um I think it's McCarthy right trying to come up with a conclusion. It's always people like you and I that end up having to pay the price for their decisions. I Say let's just get it over with and obviously they're going to have to increase the limit for the debt soon, but we'll just have to wait and see how the market actually reacts again.

If you guys have any questions. I Hope that you guys know that you can always reach out to me either via Discord or via Instagram and those are all Linked In The Description: Friendly reminder: I Do Trade Live Every morning just like I did today with our Lpp team. You get to see both my green days and my red days. You get an inside look of what it is that I'm trading my thought process behind it and obviously you can ask me any questions in real time.

If you want to learn more about that, you can tune on in and watch me trade live as soon as tomorrow. That's going to be that second link in the description down below I Appreciate your time, Hope that learned a thumbs up. Please consider subscribing And like always, let's make sure that we're in the year on our green note. Take it easy team.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

23 thoughts on “explained ai is being used to crash the stock market…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Htet Win lwin says:

    no stocks no billionaire no money to manipulate work everyday eat everyday fun everyday done 😀

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Barnes says:

    You said president Trump I know you Ment Biden but I just wanted to make sure lol.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hope4Today9 Now says:

    WHAT? that move in the QQQ was tiny acting like this was a big thing shameful. The QQQ's moved like it does on any other day.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashley Joseph says:

    It's not AI that's dangerous.
    It's either incompetent journalists/news outlets who don't bother to do proper verification or deliberate.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Beeri says:

    Photoshop and idiots = AI and idiots

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Its Anonymous Lol says:

    More like a big market maker abusing their powers of the media because they got squeezed on their huge short positions. Like a random stock analyst popping out of no where to push bad news of a stock, but more desperate. Sorry just a conspiracy theorists seems to convenient 😂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the joshman says:

    so bottom line is that tech is evolving so that no digital data is honest & that soon people will put the electronics down & start talking to real people again to get facts. Hell the printing press may be the future if the digital world is a cesspool of manipulation.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Gleich says:

    Good vid

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Big Hoss says:

    AI doesn't disrupt the market but Ricky G disrupts the market.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Cisneros says:

    Very informative video Ricky

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ding Dong says:

    So RiQQQy is a Trumpy.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alabama Flip says:

    I don't think AI was to blame at all. No computer master minded the graphic image. It was a real person that was the master mind behind it. This would be like blaming the phone booth back in the day when bomb threats were on the rise. The phone booth was the vehicle used to carry out the will of a real person who was doing the evil.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcos Medina says:

    U said president trump and Mccarthy

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason A says:

    Seems to me it's a normal pullback that usually happens between 10 am and 1015. After the market hit its high right after the open, you had smaller candles and red ones showing up with topping tails. Then it dipped, and then recovered. Not blaming this on some Twitter posted picture

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Updoot Everything says:

    LOL… you serious? it broke the previous HIgher High. Nothing else, lol cmon have you ever ask who decide to create panic with AI?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red Moon Legacy says:

    Buy SQQQ 😄

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BCreative12 says:

    Black Rock 🤟

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ToxiicZombee says:

    I bet someone asked chat gpt to make a million dollars again and this what chat gpt told them to do bahahahahaha

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr_Jolly001 says:

    Most of the millionaires in this industry started investing 4-5 years ago in 2017. A market correction right now to extremely low levels could be a blessing for those with patience. Have a plan to increase your financial life

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jairo says:

    Thanks for bringing awareness!..👍👍

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JT / says:

    i made 120% off that dip lmao all off TA didnt even know this happends lol

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Armond Perrone says:

    AI is a danger. U will c

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AJ’s Abundance says:

    It’s literally just a common pull back

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