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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so as you guys know, I set up an E trade account because I wanted to find out whether or not the free Commission's are actually worth it I wanted to know the true cost of free Commission's Well today I know I got totally buy E Trade and I am down three thousand, seven hundred and thirteen dollars on the day and it is because this platform is simply not fast enough. So what I want to do is I want to break down the trades I took I want to show you how I have it set up for for my layout for trading and I'm going to show you an example of a better execution in thinkorswim and a better execution in the Lightspeed platform. And then you can make the decision of which platform you want to use for your trading. But you know what? Each trade doesn't work for my strategy and I'm about to show you why.

All right? So what happened on each raid today were to market orders and each one of them. The first market order took 20 seconds to execute 20 seconds and the second order took 31 seconds to execute 31 seconds. Now just for reference guys, you have got I've got my screen share running here so you can see my actual screen I'm gonna put up. let's see I'll just put up my Ameritrade account here just for the heck of it.

This Ameritrade account as you can see is up 674 dollars today which is pretty good. and if I do an order here for one share as a market order, you're gonna see that that fills almost instantaneously. It is very quick just like that. I'm in and just like that I'm back out now.

Ameritrade is not quite as fast as let's say like this Right here is the Sterling software that is used with Lightspeed and with the CME Group which is a broker that allows you a day trade with Lil's 500 bucks here. I press shift 1 and look at the number just going up. That's how fast the executions are with real money. Now this is a simulator, but that's still how fast they are.

It is absolutely incredible. Now in Etrade, it ended up taking 20 seconds for my first market order to fill. which is I mean it's mind-boggling how slow it is and part of the reason for the loss is my own fall because I thought that the platform just hadn't received my order because it was taking so long. So I pressed the Buy button two more times.

So the end result was that when the orders finally went through, I had a much bigger position than I was expecting and that ended up being a bigger loss since the trade did not go in my favor which is fine. I mean that's that's part of the deal. but the issue of the 22nd and 32nd order execution is horrible. So let's look at this.

the actual fills here. My entry on this was let's see down here. this. was where I jumped in with 3000 shares.

This is where I sent my first market order to buy Bo XL 3,000 shares at 1017 and 41 seconds. All right. So what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna pull up this trade I've got it right here. So it was 40.

There we go. so it was about 47 minutes into this video. Now this video you're gonna see looks kind of crazy and that is because I was trading in three brokerage accounts at the same time. I like to challenge myself and take things to the next level.
So I had a trade Ameritrade and my Lightspeed platform all open at the same time. So let's look at this trade on Bo. XL Alright, so I'm about to press the Buy button here and actually hold up. Let's just rewind real quick.

Okay, so there we go. So we know that I press the Buy button on the Etrade account at what time was it it was 10, 17, and 41 seconds. All right. So that's when I press the first Buy button and I press it a second time at 1744.

All right. So I'll just move this down here for a second. All right. So first, I buy the shares in my Mare Trade account.

So I go first with a merit trade. not with any particular reason for that order I just clicked by here first. So I'm gonna click the Buy button and watch how fast it executes by instant. I'm in with 3000 shares current price: 262 2.62 cents I Got filled between the spread suite.

That's awesome! That's a great execution. Quick order, quick fill time, good price check Check check TD Ameritrade for the win and that's on the thinkorswim platform. So now I'm in with 3,000 shares at 62 I have Bo XL right here I have my cursor on the Buy button right here and I'm gonna press the Buy button in 3 seconds. You're gonna see me click it.

There we go I Just clicked it once and I just clicked it a second time. So I'm trying to take 6000 shares so I'm about to take the trade and TD Ameritrade All right. So right here at TD Ameritrade I'm about to press the Buy button. I'm not in any particular order, but right.

watch it. You'll see the click of the button. My mouse is right here. So there we go.

I Just bought it. So I press the Buy button and that was at seventeen, ten, seventeen, and forty seconds. One second execution. I am now filled with three thousand shares at 1017 and 41 seconds with an average price of 262 nine, which is an order filled between the spread which is a great execution that is really solid.

Okay, so now I've already brought my mouse up here to E Train and I'm about to click the Buy button I Just click the Buy button and I just clicked it a second time and now I just pressed shift one and shift one because I'm trying to figure out what happened. All right. So let's rewind. Let's look at what that means.

So I press the Buy button twice, once at forty one and a second time at forty four. So as soon as my order was filled at Ameritrade I assumed my mouse up and I press the Buy button once I Waited three seconds and nothing happened. So I thought maybe my order was declined or I wasn't sure what was happening. so I pressed the Buy button a second time.

Now, if I had had this window fully open I would have seen that my orders were in the open status and that they were pending right here. but I didn't see that because I had the the window minimized and I know John mentioned to me he's a member of the hundred K Club he's a trader in our chair who's made over half a million dollars trading the same strategy as me using thinkorswim and he said Ross you you? really? if you're good, try to do this. You should really have the windows maximize having them minimized. you're not seeing some important stuff that you need to see like your order status and I thought yeah, that's probably true, but I think it'll be okay.
Well so what happened was I press the Buy button and this order status was actually pending. It was waiting and the second 3000 share order was also waiting. and then what I did was I clicked on the montage window here and I just pressed one. Now shift one is a speed key so if I press shift one I just bought one share and that's because I went down here into my speed key setup and I changed shift one from a thousand shares to one share specifically so I could show you guys how they work.

alright. So I have the speed keys setup there and then under the settings I have speed keys checked. So I pressed shift 1 because I was like okay I want to? You know maybe my orders weren't going through because I don't have enough buying power. so instead of three thousand shares, I'll try to just buy a thousand shares.

So I press shift 1 and shift 1 and that's how as you can see right here I filled 1000 and 1000 shares. So in the video my to 1000 share orders actually filled faster than my to 3,000 share market orders. These two orders both filled at 69. Ok so now I'm still holding with a merit rate and I mean with each trade and I'm like ok I guess I'm just taking 2,000 shares probably because I didn't have enough buying power or something and now I'm going into my main account to take the position to my main account I go to my main account and I click shift one shift, one instantaneous, one second order.

Ok I'm in right now with three thousand shares 281. That's actually kind of a bad fill, but you can see how it did pop up there for a second. So I press shift 1 and I kind of, you know, whatever. I got a little bit of a bad fill, but that happens.

Ok now I just switched over my positions are gone because I switched to my retirement account. Okay, so I'm this is trading on steroids. I'm trading in four accounts at the same time. Alright, so now I'm in my retirement account if you Excel I press shift 1 and I got a partial fill in my order.

But that's not because it's a market order, it's because it's a lemon order. and I put my price at 282 and so the price is 282 by 290. So my order is filling kind of slowly because the stock is moving up quickly and then I press the 2nd order to buy at 291 that order filled. Lu LD is circuit breaker fault and I'm thinking this is gonna be a home run trade I'm starting to feel really good.
Check out my Ameritrade account down here. I'm holding three thousand shares of sixty-two I'm up over a thousand dollars. So now I end up bringing my mouse down and taking profit on a merit raid. I'm gonna do that in one second and that's just to lock up gains as I go.

and at this point I don't even know that I've realized that I'm holding 8,000 shares. so I'm like, okay, time to take some profit I'm just gonna sell market order I put my hand on the mouse and then I haven't clicked it yet I'm kind of deciding what I'm gonna do I'm going back and forth I'm like, well, if it's gonna break over three, maybe I'll hold it. Let me give it another second. So I'm really looking between this account in this account Ameritrade and each trade Ameritrade and even N and Lightspeed I go ahead and sell right there and my order executes.

Not the fastest execution ever right there, but it was still pretty much a one-second click. buy at 50 and the order is gone by 52. so that was a two-second long execution. Not bad, not great, not bad.

All right. So I just locked up six hundred and seventy four dollars and now I'm looking at this and I put my mouse here and this is my way of saying with my mouse what the, why am I holding 8,000 shares? How did this happen and so I'm confused and I look at my cost basis and I'm in at 281 which is high and I'm like, alright now I'm in it because I was up five hundred fifty-two dollars this morning on a couple of decent traits, but now all of a sudden onion with a much bigger position than I was expecting. and now I'm gonna have to see this thing through which is not what I wanted. So now I'm in the position and I've got no choice but to see it through now.

if I was in a small position, I probably just would have put in my order, put my order maybe up in the 90s to try to get back out. but now I'm in pretty heavy and so I started to get a little frenzied, a little emotional, something unexpected happened and that ended up being kind of the beginning of this. going into a really bad trade where because I was in with a bigger position, guess what? the emotional stakes are now higher and this account is only like twenty five thousand dollars of equity. Twenty five thousand five hundred.

So the five hundred dollars a profit was great. but now I'm like I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get out of this eight thousand share position without taking a good-sized loss. So I sit with it and wait. that ends up being a mistake and I'm gonna fast forward here.

Let's see to 107. So by 107, I'm trying to now get out of this position I know that I'm I'm gonna get a huge loss and it's really disappointing. The stock is now dropped down to 230, it did not break three and so now I'm trying to sell I took the loss in my main account. You know again, this is part of the deal with trading.
Sometimes this happens, but it certainly doesn't help to have this type of issue. So let's go back here. So I'm trying to sell and what I'm about to do is I'm gonna click on the sell button. so let me just fast forward one second.

So I'm all out of my main account there. Oops! I Press the sell button and nothing happens. Notice how I press the sell button at approximately 10:30 7, and 17 seconds. So I'm like again, what the heck I press it again and it says please check the number of shares So I press the cancel all button and then I press sell again and it still isn't working.

So now I'm like okay I need to I need to open up this window and see what's going on and even though I press cancel all it didn't cancel this pending sell order that is sitting from 3724. So at 37 24 I have this pending order Now the current time was just well. the current time just before I went into the full screen was 37 28. So 30 at 37 30 it's now been about six seconds and this order has not failed.

So I'm sitting here wondering what going on and now I'm just gonna play the waiting game. The order is live right now to sell 8,000 shares. The market is right there with a buyer at 2:30 and I'm waiting and I continue to wait and now I've got a partial fill. It filled 2100 shares at 28 and now it's filling a little bit more.

I'm still holding three thousand, Six Hundred fifty shares. This is not how orders are supposed to execute and there goes the rest of the order. So it finally execute. and it took about in total from when I pressed the sell button until the order finally executed.

Let's go out here. It's now ten, Thirty Eight. All right. So 10:38 will back this up here.

I Place the order at Ten Thirty Seven and 24 seconds. So ten Thirty Seven and 24 seconds and it finally execute the last of the shares right there. And the time here is oh, Seven Twelve. Alright, so Seven Twelve Thirteen.

All right. So five seconds, so subtract five seconds from that and we're at 37. 54 is when the order finally executed and I pressed it at 37 24. That took 30 seconds to execute.

That's unacceptable I Can't trade like that. Now for some of you guys, your strategy may accommodate a 30 second lag in your market order. I Will also say that trading with 3,000 shares and having 20 second lag, you might say Well, it's because I took an 8,000 share position, but it took 20 seconds of lag to buy 3000 shares. I Do recognize that placing orders for just one share seemed to execute quite quickly.

Bo Excel Oops let's take this back in here. So Bo Excel one share shift one. those seem to execute pretty fast, but no one trades with one share and also my hotkey here kind of screws up there. so I'm getting in and out here with my five shares pretty easily.

But of course every time don't use the exclamation point for your hotkey because it's gonna screw you up. But you know the point being this: this lag this 20 second lag, getting into the position and then 30 seconds getting back out. That right, there was the difference between getting a really good entry at down around 60. Well, whatever, I was filled that in my Ameritrade account.
So my Ameritrade account 674 dollars of total profit and let's look at the order execution and Ameritrade so this is my Ameritrade account. So I had a couple different trades that I took today, but Bo Excel I was in it right here at 62 execution almost instantaneous from when I press the Buy button all within one second of a 3,000 share order to buy, exit within two seconds of a 3,000 share order to sell a couple little tests right here just to you know, show you guys what's going on. So from this point forward, I'm not sure I can think of a good reason to keep using Etrade for my strategy. I'd love to hear your comments and your thoughts on it.

below. It has hotkeys. sort of. They're not great, but it has basic hotkeys.

but that order execution was downright awful and it cost me an unnecessary loss. So my two cents on it right now is that each way it's not going to work. So now the question is which is better. Ameritrade or Lightspeed What you guys think? All right? comments down below and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning.

You want to learn more about trading? Check out some of the links in my description and if you have questions, ask them in the comments. I Personally respond to every question, post it on my channel, and don't forget to subscribe.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

26 thoughts on “Etrade f%@ked me”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Wick says:

    You’re correct…horrible execution. This platform cannot be used by any trader!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lynn Wilkerson says:

    E-trade close my account and after E-trade close my E-trade account I received letters from E-trade saying I had a account direct of $9479 I received a few letters from E-trade a year later from E-trade saying my account defect of $9479 this is after my E-trade saying they closed my E-trade account over a year ago

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cfour20 says:

    I've never seen so many kiss asses in this f**** comment section are you all f*** like this guy

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel LaMontagne says:

    Yikes I’m using E*TRADE with some trading here and there Think I’m going to use another platform

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry Hartley says:

    Interactive Brokers

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elliot Moon says:

    I have shares of Abby as part of package of benefits of the company to their associates. But I'm not longer working there , so my phone number registered on the database belongs to a Abby, therefore someone also has that phone.
    Now whenever I want to sell or buy my shares it's impossible, because I have to update the personal information first
    But that's impossible I did several times but the phone didn't change.
    Unfortunately the branches are close for covid19 and phone calls are taking by a bot. What can I do .

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mushfig Samadov says:

    what is the best day trading website for the beginner?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andres M. M says:

    E*TRADE are crooks!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JJTrades says:

    I currently use Ameritrade, but Id like to switch to LightSpeed. I hate that they have a minimum amount to use it though. Guess I gotta keep getting lucky with TD first then I can make the switch

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mik B says:

    Here I am in 2021 writing this. My Etrade has been lagging 3 days in a row. Luckily I use TD for my chart but IF I were to go off Etrade charts Id be so screwed!! Solid 30-40 seconds behind on the candles/bid ask compared side by side with TD. It fills me correct prices however but again, so unnacpetable… not to mention awful customer support.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacqueline Harger says:

    Their platform struggles to keep up with large volume orders. When HCMC was in its biggest hype I got screwed over and had to buy in at a higher price than what I originally tried to buy in at.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sunny s says:

    etrade screw me close to 80k on amc because same delay like you,, i like to file lawsuit if anyone can refer me an attorney

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars swoopdog54 says:

    For the past 2 days my Etrade Pro platform has frozen up multiple times. More than multiple times. Frustrating as heck. I checked my memory use, was less than 20%. I am suspecting the use of Javascript that Etrade employs. I have 16gb of ram. Strong I7 cpu. This kind of thing can cripple a trader. But my main problem is that I love the Etrade Pro platform. The charts are the best. I also like the way the sectors section is set up with the ability to find the strongest individual stocks within a surging sector. Up until now I've been very happy with them. Anyone else with similar freezing issues? I'd hate to leave them. I've so much time invested with learning the platform. Thanks Ross.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tan poh lee says:

    do u have big timer in your screen to track whether the order is executed

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars creating randomness says:

    Otc don't always fill or right away

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ~XtraterastrielRede~ says:

    I'm going to attempt a small account build with E-Trade just to see exactly the experience for myself.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 🏴FED RAGE🏴 says:

    I have had similar issues with the etrade pro platform. It is awful. You cannot risk your capital and experience these kinds of malfunctions. I no longer day trade after this experience. The system seems to be rigged to make you loose money.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Atmosphere says:

    So what platform do you prefer.?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell smejkal says:

    I put a market sell on one of mine yesterday and it still hasn’t filled it 🤬

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W C Bailey Jr says:

    I made a deposit into my Etrade account on Friday. Why is it I still have Funds withheld from Purchasing?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JDM says:

    great content man, thanks !

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steve f says:

    Today E*TRADE fuqd everyone. E*TRADE sucks since Morgan Stanley bought em

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars djkingshameek says:

    I’ve had the same experience with Etrade. Smh

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Insanicz says:

    E trade is so dumb I can even withdrawal my money out of my e trade account

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Catamaran Channel says:

    You get what you pay for……ow wait you dont pay.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FanaticalDrummer says:

    Lol Ross’s realtime reaction must have been great when he saw that 8k share position lol

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