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⚠️⚠️⚠️ #ElonMusk #Tesla #ElizabethWarren ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Elon Musk just DESTROYED Elizabeth Warren. Tax returns exposed.
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Oh, my gosh folks, you are not gon na believe what is happening between eli musk and elizabeth warren, but, more importantly, you are not gon na believe the dirt that i just pulled up. I found it all by myself, i'm very happy about that. Okay, this is so exciting because it's so ridiculous: okay, okay, okay, let's get started with the ludwas tweet storm and then let's show you the dirty dirt: okay, okay, sorry, i got ta stay composed here. Folks, first of all follow me on twitter at realme kevin and remember, there's a coupon code for my programs on building your wealth link down below that does expire after christmas.

So we start here with elizabeth warren: let's change the rigged tax code, so the person of the year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else by freeloading off of everyone else. Elizabeth warren is talking about credits that companies like spacex and tesla have received. Elizabeth warren is, of course, reacting to elon musk being named the time person of the year now. Elon musk is about to go on a rampage which i'll show you in just a moment, but i think it's worth just mentioning for a moment.

Some of these subsidies that we're talking about here, uh politico, recently, did a piece on some of these subsidies and they talked about how since 2000. Well, i mean there's a history here of subsidies uh, but all in all we're probably sitting sitting somewhere between five to ten billion dollars in subsidies for spacex and tesla and a politico uh in conjunction with an older. I know this is older, but 2015 l.a times sort of expose broke down what some of these subsidies were for and what i thought i would do is just add a little bit of color to these subsidies, because when you actually look at the the additional research Behind these things start making a little bit more sense after we go through that we're gon na go ahead and look at elon musk's reaction and we're gon na save the best for last, which is, of course, the madness of what we found out about good old Elizabeth warren, okay, so let's go ahead and get started with these credits. We'll make this nice and snappy so uh.

Here's what you got so in 2012, musk received 5.6 million dollars in federal estate subsidies to spacex tesla received about 2.5 million, also in 2012., and these are sort of some of the initial subsidies just to keep these companies alive and from going bankrupt. And one of the things to always remember about these initial subsidies is they're, really an investment by the government and to the private sector to hopefully provide a return to society right. That's why we have a small business administration so that way, businesses can thrive, create jobs, employ people and ideally, innovate. That's very important uh and so the la times broke down that hey look.

You got solar city making all these tax breaks, and this is a very important one to remember. Okay, remember this 30 tax break because the la times is saying: hey! Look at this. You know if solar city, which wasn't bought by tesla until 2016, bear in mind, but if the la times is putting together, which i hate the ali times by the way, but anyway uh. If the le times is saying, hey, look tesla's benefiting to the tune of 1.5 billion dollars, because 217 595 customers up through 2015 got tax credits, estimated at 30 percent of an average of 23 000 per solar system, which works out to about 1.5 billion dollars.
Then wait a minute. This is the government paying for the benefit of solar city, paying for the benefit of tesla, which now owns solarcity, uh and uh, basically paying for for the growth of these companies and elon musk's net worth right. So that's what the la times is arguing here. The la times is like hey.

Look. We subsidize your customers, so we're helping you grow wealth. Keep this 30 tax break in mind, okay, because the la times is slamming that tax break and using that tax break to slam elon musk. That becomes very important in just a moment uh.

Regarding factory construction. They complain that in new york, spent 750 million dollars on a solar panel factory in buffalo for solar city tesla will lease it for one dollar per year: no property taxes for a decade worth about 260 mil. Now that information was provided by the la times. I did a little bit more research and i found out that wait a minute.

This is a factory that employs 1500 people. It was built seven years ago, so that means you really paid about. Seventy one thousand four hundred dollars per employee for the last seven years per year. Okay, that's a lot to build out that facility, but facilities built, probably as a 30-year useful life and you've now created 1500 permanent jobs, really important to consider that right unless the company goes bankrupt, those should be permanent jobs where one job could lead to two jobs.

This is also important because when sometimes when people hear one permanent job they're like oh a person's not going to work there forever right, but that spot will tend to always be filled by some person again, unless the company's going bankrupt. We can do the same math over here in that nevada agreed to provide 1.3 billion in incentives to build a massive battery factor, a factory in nevada, one of the the battery gigafactories for tesla. This is true, but folks this is a gigafactory that employs 7 000 people, that's about 31 000 per employee per uh for the first six years, and now it's paid for uh at what that's even a better deal than what you saw in new york right and Now you've got permanent jobs, permanent gdp creators like this is a really good investment for the government and we'll do some more comparisons. In just a moment and we're going to talk about the hypocrisy of government.

Spacex has received 20 million dollars in subsidies uh from texas to build a facility there, but guess what it's turned into. So this is what the elite - the la times complained about the green part here, but now guess what this is: a company with 9 500 employees in texas and elon moved there come on folks. That was a smart decision for texas to do that, attracting more people to texas. These are smart investments.
You can't bag on tesla. If anything, you should be applauding tesla for taking the subsidy and actually making something out of it same thing with spacex. You know, then you got the li times complaining that oh, but spacex is also receiving grant funding or government contract money, not necessarily grant funding, but government contract money from nasa or air force or the air force yeah. So if they didn't get it, then blue origin would get it or lockheed martin would get it or or who knows uh rocketdyne or any of these other companies right there's so many different companies uh that that could be getting these subsidies.

So it's kind of like hey, don't get so angry about these credits anyway, we'll keep going. Take a look at this uh. Oh then they complain about, of course, the vehicle credits and tax credits and rebates that buyers get for tesla vehicles. We know that, but folks what else do we also know - and these were just some sort of notes that i made and then we're going to get to the big old hypocrisy and elon musk's response.

Elon musk has taken these credits and as chauffeur or basically chauffeured in an ev revolution. You get the first u.s company here to get to mass scale, battery production and not go bankrupt in the 20th century, 21st century now, of course, but since the 20th century middle 20th century you've got a battery revolution, that's been ushered in by elon musk, especially home Storage you've got reusable rockets to get to space and bring satellites to space which we've never had before. Now. You've got companies with over 70 000 employees at tesla, with over 9500 spacex employees.

You've got an ev race and a self-driving and autonomous driving race. That has really been started by tesla now in fairness, companies like mobile, i have been working on this technology for a while, but wait a minute tesla popularized it i mean: what company can you go out there right now and buy a car with the full self-driving Beta that tesla has and not be trapped on uh. You know in an individual city like waymo or whatever it doesn't exist like these. Are this is a frontier freaking company right at the same time now the hypocrisy folks, elizabeth warren is bashing elon musk, suggesting that he is a freeloader, so elon musk is a freeloader for creating all these jobs and all these innovations, elon musk, is the freeloader at The same time, elon musk makes it clear that wait a minute.

If you opened your eyes for two seconds, you would realize i pay more taxes than any american in history this year in history that ever has elon musk is going to pay more taxes than any american has ever paid before, and he says, don't spend it all. At once, oh wait: you already did uh, then she elon musk kind of goes on a tweet storm here. It says: stop projecting about eliza any quotes, sort of fox news, article about elizabeth warren, being a fraud about our lives about being a native american. I'm not going to go into that fox news article we're going to go into something else, but elon musk does continue with you remind me of when i was a kid and my father's or my friend's angry mom would just randomly randomly yell at anyone or everyone For no reason, please don't call the manager on me senator karen senator karen then ended up going trending, but not only that folks, it gets worse.
Okay, you have, if you go, google elizabeth warren and you go to her campaign website folks. This is what she's, using to beg for donations: 100, clean energy for america. Please donate seriously so you're the kind of politician who wants to beg for donations to help companies go green and to help america go green. Yet now you're falsely accusing a pioneer in green energy of being a freeloader elizabeth warren you're, the fraud.

You know what they say. You point one finger three fingers point back at yourself, so stop pointing the finger at elon, but wait but wait a minute. Not only are you requesting donations from people on the premise that you're going to help america become 100 clean in terms of energy folks, it gets more ridiculous, and i found this myself because i decided to go through elizabeth warren's tax returns. I went through her tax returns and you won't believe this one okay.

In her 2018, i found her tax return and in 2018, look at what we have here: residential energy credit bruce and elizabeth warren, taking a 30 tax credit on their 46 452 solar system. That's a 13 936 dollar 30 credit, which is the same exact credit. The liberal, leaning leftists at the la times, were complaining about the same 30 percent. That they're saying is propping up a company now owned by tesla solar city that the li times is complaining about which people like elizabeth warren, get introduced into law.

The same liberals who are complaining about elon building a company using this, the same credit is being used by elizabeth warren. So it's like wait a minute. I think thou protests too much like you can't. You can't be on this side of hey donate to me, i'm going to make the world green and i'm going to let people use credits to make the world go green, donate to me and i'll campaign for that in congress and then, on the other hand, complain That people are using the credits that meanwhile you're using the credits as well and to complain that elon musk isn't paying any taxes when that's not even remotely.

True, that's just asinine, that's just dumb, but not only is that dumb. Consider this who spends money better folks and i'm not saying we don't, need any government but who spends money better, the government or the free market? Well, let's just do a comparison for a moment just round one of the paycheck protection program cost four thousand seven hundred. Seventy nine dollars per week to keep one person employed and they kept one person employed for eight weeks through the ppp program. Four thousand seven hundred seventy nine dollars per week, even if you doubled the tesla and spacex credits, that articles say they've received and you rounded to ten billion dollars in subsidies divided by the somewhere around 80 85 000 employees.
That spacex and tesla have that's a spend rate of just 2 250 per week to create a permanent green job. So the spend rate per week to keep a job is basically two times as expensive at the government to keep a private sector job than when the private sector tries to keep a private job. That's two times the spent. That means the government wastes exactly as much as the private sector uses to create a permanent job.

That's insane! So when you make this sort of like when you actually go through the details - and you make these comparisons about how yeah sure the government made investments, they offered tax credits, they offered rebates, they offered partnerships, they made investments to get people to move to texas to Move to nevada to to create jobs in new york or buffalo, or whatever things that apparently aren't realized or appreciated by people like elizabeth warren, who are more than willing to take the tax credits that liberal leftists are using to complain about capitalists. Helping people take advantage of that's insane it's backwards. It's insane! It's dumb! It's frustrating elizabeth warren. You are a hypocrite.

You should get off elon, musk's back or at least do some proper research before you start spewing. Crap.

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26 thoughts on “Elon musk just rekt elizabeth warren tax returns exposed”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neil Aleksandrov says:

    Hey Kevin really appreciate the research and depth of this video. Glad I saw this especially since more recently reading an article and thinking that Elon overstepped by disrespecting an elected Representative of the people and my general respect for Senator Warren. Definitely a refresher and made me step back and think twice again about who is right here.

    On a side note can I ask how do you find the tax returns of elected representatives? Is there a government database for this. Much appreciated if youd share!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Furie says:

    Why hasn't warren gone after wall street because they lobby (bribe) and Elon won't. It takes a lot of money to win elections.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Nguyen says:

    Once again. Being financially illiterate as a nation is hurting us.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DeadpoolCrypto says:

    Warren fake teacher and gives ALL teachers a bad name

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ammalric Agvidd says:

    why do you cover up the graphics with your clownish face? Quit that!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MT says:

    Democrats have never built anything, all they do is destroy. Yeah, Senator Karen!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MT says:

    All Democrats are liars and cheats. Senator Karen is no exception!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Secretly a Celebrity says:

    Oh god.elon is gonna tweet…. TURN ON THE GANGSTER RAP 🙏

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amados74 says:

    How about resign and give the job to someone who will do a better job helping the citizens of this country

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1966Gutzy says:

    This is not news, everyone KNWOS ALL politicians ARE CROOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Hypocrites!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Juan Carlos Guzman says:

    Typical socialism mentality. When they are the one that benefits from the system. I am sure she and her family take advantage of the tax code

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars orlando mendes says:

    Socialists think just in: race, tax, and sex.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RMA Studio says:

    Haha suck it Pocahontas. Let’s go Brandon! Amc, gme. , Tesla, dogecoin and shiba inu to the moon!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JoeJesus says:

    LA Times: homeless people are holier than thou!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars raffpants618 says:

    Do batteries power the mchines to make batteries? LOL – Thank god we drive Teslas to save the environmnet. Biggest scam ever

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will Barks says:

    You need to run for office as an independent. You are not a Democrat by your fiscal savvy.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Minnesnowta Minnesnowta says:

    Pocahontas doesn't know when to shut up

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Roden says:

    elon started a company that employs10,000 people with stock value he got from paypal. he almost lost it all because the first 3 rockets didnt function correctly. he doesnt sit on and play in a scrooge mcduck tower of cash / gold. she is an absolute CLOWN

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel G says:

    Very constructive criticism of Senator Karen.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Si Habte says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Si Habte says:


  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew & Lilly’s shorts says:

    Everyone send this YouTube video to Elon and Elizabeth

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ninja says:

    Elon Musk made his fortune legitimately, in the private sector. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie made millions through corruption while working for the government AND IN DETRIMENT TO TAXPAYERS! Those career politician criminals had insider trading, “book dealers” which THE GOVERNMENT PAID for their books, the list goes on.
    I love Elon Musk’s responses to these idiots. His reply to Bernie was the BEST… “I didn’t know you’re still alive” 🤣🤣🤣

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pickle MeTimbers says:

    E Warren is one of the most bitter people I have heard. She must be so depressed inside. Poor old lady.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Parrish says:

    This is my first time seeing your vids and I will continue. You are spot on and went into detail of the leftist hypocrisy! Continue putting out the truth and great work. Very much appreciated.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skitzee Skotz says:

    Have you not worked out yet that liberals are are a disease on humanity?????

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