In today's video, we will be talking about Tesla, and how it is literally ending the competition with its latest moves. New information shows more China demand for Tesla, Wedbush upgrades stock price to $225 and many other stories I want you to hear about.
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00:00 intro
00:25 Tesla Raising Prices
01:57 Tesla Just Ended The Competition
03:09 Tesla's China Demand Increasing
04:20 Wedbush: 1.8 million Cars For Tesla
04:44 Future of Tesla's Stock Price
05:40 Elon Musk Drops Twitter Bombshell
07:22 Amazon and Meta Earnings Update
08:30 China Spy Balloon Aftermath
09:10 Turkey Earthquake
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Hey, this is Tom and it seems we cannot have a normal Monday with our Tesla and Elon Musk dropping a massive bombshell on the stock market. In fact, they dropped a few and we have to cover everything and cover with Shell now. I'm not gonna waste your time with promos or intros to any other stuff. I Value your time.

so let's jump straight into the video without all the hoopla and nonsense in the beginning. So we obviously have to talk first of all about the big bombs of the morning. Tesla is Raising prices on the Model Y again. Now for all of you who celebrated Tesla's lack of demand and how it was forced through prices at this point, I'm assuming you're eating your hat because at this point I mean you're not having a good day.

So Tesla raises prices for the Model Y. Model Y performance goes up to 58 000. Model Y long range all the way up to 55 000. Now the reason being is because the government decided to actually do its job and revamp the tax credit so it's a little bit more applicable to actual SUVs I'm not gonna dive into the tax credit.

it's not that interesting, but basically the government actually did what it was supposed to do and actually changed up the conditions a little bit so it's more workable. and then what Tesla does is immediately it raises prices back up. Now if this was the actual analytical discussion where we have to analyze what just happened here: I Think what just happened over the past two, three, four weeks proves that this was not a demand driven move by. Tesla cutting prices had nothing to do with demand because changing the EV tax credit should not have incentivized Tesla to raise prices.

Again, if they had a demand problem. The fact of the matter is if Tesla just raised prices the minute the government actually revamped the tax credit, it proves this move had nothing to do with demand. It was all about the tax credit and screwing a little bit with Ford and GM which they did. Now talking about screwing with Ford and GM What in the world World 4 do right now if you take a look at Tesla it's really not a huge deal for them.

Tesla's currently making about 9 500 per vehicle on a net profit basis. There isn't a single Legacy automaker out there, including Byd, by the way, that comes anywhere close to these numbers. All the other manufacturers by the included are in the same range of a thousand to two thousand dollars per vehicle on a net profit basis, including Toyota including Byd including every single one of them out there. Tesla is literally making five times more margin on the net profit basis per vehicle than any other auto manufacturers out there.

So the fact of the matter, if they drop the price by 1500, they raise the price by 1500. This is just a 4G chess move to screw with the competition. Their margins are the best in the business and this production will scale which it will. The margins will only get better the more scale you have, the cheaper per unit price you pay.
It's just basic economics, so this is a huge problem for the other auto manufacturers. The fact is that Tesla is so light on the trigger as far as raising prices shows me there isn't really a demand problem. Now talking about the demand problem, there was a huge narrative about how Tesla has lost. China China has fallen.

Byd has taken over Tesla is leaving China folding up the factory, going back home. now. obviously this was a bunch of horse nonsense because now we have Wet Bush which is one of my favorite analysts out there. I Interviewed then eyes on my channel and had a blast with him.

He actually raised his Target price for Tesla from 200 to 225 setting specifically a research they actually carried out in China showing increased demand for Tesla following the price Cuts Following China reopening at this point I feel a little bit odd mentioning this because this was bound to happen China was locked down Tesla was overcharging for their vehicles anyways because they literally can't make enough of them to sell. They have a waiting list, so the minute Tesla cut prices the minute China reopened, this was bound to happen. Yes, Byd will be a great second place for sure, but to prematurely announce Byd as the winner in China and test as the loser at this point seems a little bit a little bit premature. That's all I'm going to say about it.

Shout out to their knives and what Bush for raising the price of 225 Also, then Ice was really conservative. His 225 price Target is actually based on 1.8 million vehicles in 2023 by Tesla I Think that is an extremely conservative number I Think Tesla will do at least 2 million Vehicles So that just goes to show you that the 225 price Target is just based on the very conservative assumptions. I Think Tesla will actually break through now. I Don't want to mention that the Tesla stock price in general is extremely volatile because of the high retail participation, especially in the really very shaky macro environment.

So Tesla stock price might go to 100 this year, might go to 300 this year. Nobody knows, including the knives, including myself. But here's the thing. the long-term investors.

They don't care. But there's another group, a subgroup you can find on social media of people arguing against investing in Tesla And their arguments are really phenomenally funny. Because what they're saying, when the stock price was extremely high, these people were telling you, hey, you shouldn't Us in Tesla They're a great company, but the stock price is just darn too expensive. These same people are right now telling you, well, you know the stock price has fallen so much.

There must be something wrong with Tesla We probably could get it at 80 per share. now you might I don't know. but all I'm gonna say is that people who do not want to invest in Tesla will always find excuses why it's a bad idea. Now we have to talk about Twitter because we have another bombshell from Elon Musk this time about Twitter Now Elon Musk and Twitter is a kind of a love and hate very odd relationship.
Elon Musk just came out and said hey, for the past three months I've been busy trying to keep Twitter from going out of business, but now it seems to be trending towards and equilibrium towards a break-even point now. He basically said for the past three months he hasn't slept in between Tesla Twitter SpaceX he has no sleep whatsoever. He's exhausted. In fact, he tweeted out saying I'm concerned for myself when somebody asked him about it now I Do want to mention one thing: Twitter seems to be stabilizing and I'm sure Elon will do a phenomenal job with it as he did with every single Venture he actually jumped into.

But let me just tell you one thing: I Can't think of anybody who can manage SpaceX on its own of its complexities. the amount of engineering knowledge you have to have, the amount of financial knowledge, the amount of visionary aspects I mean Tesla same who will be the new CEO of Tesla walks away tomorrow I Can't think of anybody. What about neuraling projects? What about the Starling stuff? I mean every single one of Elon's projects will have a difficult time of finding a replacement CEO Because of the complexities of running this business and now think about it. he's doing all of them at once together.

I've never seen in fact, we as human beings, have never seen and multitasker like Elon and he doesn't get burned out. I've never seen anything like this For Better or For Worse People complain about Illa must be peculiar and having weird tweets I mean take the good with the bad I mean we've never seen anybody like this I Feel like it's like watching Michael Jordan play at his prime. We're never going to see this again folks. so enjoy the view and I Do want to mention that yesterday I posted two write-ups one about Amazon the other one about Facebook basically showing you a little bit behind the scenes under the hood.

Not everything is as shiny as mainstream is showing you. There's a lot of BS in the earnings of these two companies. I Want you to see now. These write-ups are posted on my Patreon, so if your patreons of mine go right over there, check it out if your channel member into the channel member section.

If you're not yet, you can join by. you know, clicking the link below. It's like five bucks per month. Now the way I Do it I Actually use my own software called stock MVP The link is also below.

You can do it with every company in two minutes. Look under the hood and see everything because on stock. MVP We can actually show you historical performance. So when you see earnings, you see what they did the year before, the year before the before or ebitda, or losses, or any sort of expenditures or debt.

everything is right there in the open. It's the easiest way to analyze companies on the Fly Quick Now enough with the sales pitch. obviously I Know it's a little bit of a sales pitch I know. but I want to promote it because I love it I've created it.
It's my baby. No, sue me now. I Do want to mention the Chinese balloon. Apparently there's another one.

uh, at this point I don't know how many more are there now. look China is buying after the US the US is spying after China This isn't new. This happens all the time and will keep happening. The one thing I do want to mention is two things.

Number one: the speed at which the US government shut down this balloon. I wish they had that speed for bringing down inflation I Mean jokes aside. look which five to them, this five after us. The whole different differences.

We spy after them using satellites that can read the time off of your hand. And they spy with balloons So you kind of see the technical differences between China and the US. So for all the China fans I Mean it's like horseback soldiers. I Mean it's a little bit outdated balloons my guy.

but hey, it is what it is before. I Let you guys go Condolences to the people of Turkey Syria and everybody in the Middle East We just saw the earthquake news 7.8 on Richter Scale Massive tragedy, you know, just goes to show you that life is precious. Every day isn't guaranteed. One day we're worried about inflation the other way you know.

The other day, Such a huge strategy. Millions of people are homeless. Absolutely tragic, Sending my positive energy to everybody out there hoping for the best well wishes. We'll see you guys next! Video.

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23 thoughts on “Elon musk just dropped a massive bombshell about tesla s future”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mücadelemiz Galatasaray says:

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  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bu kanal kapanmıştır says:

    TU23cE is my safety asset along with tether so i'm really glad to hear all this!! thank you very much

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nakşibendi Yolu Haznevi says:

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  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lope YT says:

    Boys is it best to invest in TU23cE monthly or weekly? I'm thinking the fees will be higher if done weekly.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pelle ljungström says:

    2024 stock will be worth 3000 usd best regards tslabull

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No One says:

    should give out free shares with cars instead of discount the price

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vladimir Pavliv says:

    None of that is "Elons project"

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dirk Diggler K.O.S says:

    Elon is not human joker!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seattle's F1nest says:

    Nice video! Energy is back 💪

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars roodeehuhh says:

    Your comparison of the balloon vs satellite of USA for spying made me realize that your not as smart as i initially thought.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gamer Dell says:

    Come on elon, help us retire.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim TravelNomad says:

    China has satellites too… baloons have unique advantages.. not necessarily inferior.

    "Tom Karako, director of the missile defense project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said one benefit of these balloons is that they hover closer to the ground than satellites and may be able to intercept communication or electronic signals that orbiting systems can't."

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dxelson says:

    I highly doubt it was a spy balloon lmao

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Powell Jr says:

    Great margins, or they are ripping off their customers?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars czthor says:

    Elon is so Brilliant! I hope he has a plan set in Stone for anyone who takes the reins if the D e e p S t a t e hurts him for Exposing OUR GOVERNMENT / THIS A D M I N I S T R A T I O N T H A T VIOLATED ALL OF OUR RIGHTS BY HIRING Private Company's to Sensor ALL OF AMERICAN & our First Amendment Rights! ON SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS & So much More! GO ELON! THANK YOU

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iamthe1 Truehermaphrodite says:

    To ; All Humanity

    You cannot blame on the ghost descend. It's all about the Scientist who steal all around the world all individuals Embryo to clone or create an humanlike robot.

    Do uou remember an articles stated in Chinese China CCP who forced to get all Women Embryo in all country? Even if they don't but they might have steal the Embryo from one Gynaecology might be helping them to store. This is why they can clone a doppelganger individual of anyone after killing the individuals and steal their assets and money. Base on reasonate, logical and truth facts, reality. Don't accused or assume when the decreased descend existence did nothing wrong and had live just a simple ordinary life like you all. But now that individual had been killed and nowheere to be found.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mia Kiceh says:

    Psychologically, Tesla created a "regret" in consumers by only offering a sale price for a short term.

    This works on the perspective consumer's desire… therfore, makes the prospect of purchase more desirable.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jchong416 says:

    I don't know why you think China is this backwater shithole. They got tech that America can't keep up with. Most advanced drones out there. 5g everywhere in tier 1 and 2 cities. 6g on the way. America is great too but tearing down China does not make America better.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Sethares says:

    Thank you for the message at the end 🙏🏼 Life as we know it could change in an instant for any of us as it did for all those in the middle east

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seikojin Sama says:

    All Elon needs to do is have Optimus bots present in all areas and remote control them from one location.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Futt Bucker says:

    Much love as always

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