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Hey this is tom, and in case you haven't heard this has been a pretty wild day. We got alex carp donating two hundred thousand dollars to some homeless guy to rebuild his home. We got only fans banning nudie nudes from their website, which is unthinkable to me. We got china coming out with more regulation, who would have thought kathy.

Wood is being criticized again for being overvalued by somebody. Who's not michael berry, including kathy wood, actually buying up more valentia stock and the fed will come up with the new guidance about tapering next week. They absolutely have to that's the annual speech it's going to come next week on friday. I'm sure john paul does not want to give that speech, but he has to so in this video.

I'm going to talk all about it. Stick around with me. It's going to be insane as always. Don't click, nothing, don't smash.

Nothing don't buy nothing! No courses, no sponsorships, just your attention, so the first story of the day is kind of insane. It's like apple, saying, they're, not gon, na sell iphones anymore. Now we have only fans saying no more nudity on their platform, no more, not safe, for work content on their platform, they're under pressure from payment processors and banks and potential investors. They got ta clean up their platform.

Now i'm sure they're doing it for the right reasons and the logic actually makes sense to me. But i want them to understand what they did here, because this is nothing short of shooting themselves in the foot, while they're sitting on the tree, sawing off the branch they're sitting on. That's the combined effect of what they're about to do now. This is going to be effective as of october 1st, now i'm not even talking about the girls and the guys who's going to be basically jobless after this, which is kind of unfortunate.

But let's talk about the platform. The main appeal of this platform was this type of content, and still is so essentially, this would be like buying a playboy magazine just strictly for the articles and this time for real. You know when you lie and say: well, i'm just reading the articles. No, this time there's only articles no more of the pictures.

So would you buy playboy magazine just for the pictures? No there's other vod platforms that give you professional content for a premium such as skillshare such as a curiosity stream, there's so many better nebula. There's a lot of different stuff that actually show you vod, not to mention the big players. So if it's just a vod master class, i mean there's a lot of different examples, just as a vod platform. What kind of relative advantage do they have can't think of any now, not to mention that it's kind of a ironic play so they take these mostly women, i would say i'm sure, there's some guys making good money there, but i'm sure the vast majority is women.

So these women essentially brought them to the top to the evaluation they have today and now. They're here, they're, basically discarding them, and i think it's just ridiculous. I mean this is definitely not a good way to treat your creators. Let me just remind you, the first people who didn't treat their creators right and actually got ruined because of it was vine.
If you remember, wine in the day was huge. The main reason vine actually fell apart because they didn't know how to treat their creators correctly. Let me remind you that you're only fans, you have no platform without the creators, it's just ridiculous. You can't treat the creators as discardable disposable, one-time use.

I mean that's just not right. These are human beings who built careers of this platform, and there has to be a better way of addressing this. Now you know me i like to joke around and think this is definitely a funny situation, but i think it's just not cool just on the moral human being level to do it to these people who actually make a living. Now it's funny to make fun of the simps.

You know who pay money to watching some nudity nudes, but i mean it's: just business nobody's getting hurt, nobody's getting hustled. I think it's fair. Now i wouldn't pay money to watches the boobs. I mean, i think it's ridiculous.

I mean i might charge for my own, only friends at some point, but i guess it's just business and in business i mean you can't expect people to be fair or just right. I just think it's just not cool, but it would be interesting to see if they actually face some heat from the public about this, and if they do will they change their policy from now until october, 1st, where this decision is supposed to go effective, let's see What happens but in any case, i think that if they leave they create this vacuum, there's going to be a new player, that's going to move in and pick up this content which actually made them billionaires and they're going to replicate this formula. So i'm not really worried that much about creators. I just don't think it was a cool move to do.

Let's move on to the next story so check this out, fed officials will seek to avoid a tantrum as they keep taper talk going at jackson, hole firing. The fact that jackson hall sounds like the name of a bar at the edge of town, i'm just gon na tell you right now that i'm sure the fed, as well as jay pal. Nobody wants to go on tv right now and say anything about this, because no matter what you say, you're gon na be a loser. There's half of the people have eddie that support keeping the money going into the funds into the bonds and basically feeding the market and there's half that's saying it's too much: it's causing inflation, so no matter what decisions they make they're going to feel the suffer.

It's a 50 50 decision. There's no way to win this mind you that every time that jay paul goes on tv regardless, he manages to crash the market. So there's that as well now on a more serious note, what can we expect from next week? Now? I'm sure it's going to be more of the same, the fed, as well as everybody who's involved in this, are slowly trying to massage you into the understanding that they have to reduce asset purchases and there's going to be more of this basically than saying well, we Think now, even more harder than before than last week, that we need to start reducing bond purchases, and it's going to be more psychological, massage to get you used to the idea that your car is total. If you remember my example now, the whole idea here is quite simple: i think fed and jerome powell.
Essentially, they just want to go to halftime without getting three touchdowns. They want to go to halftime with a draw and try to regroup for the next half. This is what's going on here. I don't think you hear anything crazy out of jay paul.

It's gon na be very simple, very basic! It's gon na be more of the same he's going to be trying to relax the market while slowly feeding the notion that asset purchases will be slowing down by the end of the year. Now, if you don't know why asset purchases have anything to do with the stock market, the interest rates there's a video put up really yesterday. So i can put the link right here: go watch the video that i did yesterday. I explained how this works.

I'm not gon na do this in the video. Let's move to the next piece of news, so the next piece of news is coming out of elon musk and tesla. They had the ai day and it was insanely interesting again, not a lot of operational stuff. For today, but the stuff we've seen there were revolutionary and now let's talk about elon musk and what just went on at aida.

Now i'm not an engineer, i'm not a guy who understand anything about robotics or ai, but i do know that i'm a gamer and i played a game called detroit whatever, with these robots, that thing looks very similar. Now, i'm sure eon was inspired by detroit because it really looks like the video game. This is futuristic level stuff now. Well, i'm kind of excited about this, but i'm also kind of scared.

I mean imagine this robot having intercourse with the boston dynamics. Robot. That thing is going to be a vicious robot, i mean imagine the physical capabilities of that parkour robot that can actually you know, do crazy stuff and this smart robot i mean their kid is going to be pretty much skynet i mean i don't want to do Anything with these robots, i'm literally terrified, but on a serious note, i can already see the headlines, gordon johnson's, going to come out saying. Well, you know mercedes did this five years ago or some nonsense like this mainstream media is going to come out and say well.

Elon musk is over promising again there's no way he delivers this to next year. Who gives a it's just a fun little project, it's just another way to show the engineering of tesla and to attract new talent. Let me explain the purpose of ai day. For those of you don't understand, it has no correlation with actually increasing the share price.
The only purpose, this whole purpose of ai day is to attract new talent they're competing with the best companies in the world for the smartest people. This is the sole purpose. This was a tease to get them on board very simple, and i think it was really really effective if you're an engineer, if you do anything in robotics or ai building stuff like this and basically you know potentially merging it with the boston dynamics. Portables i mean what could be more exciting than this.

I mean think about it, and now i want you to look at this article kathy wood's arc portfolio is fundamentally overvalued fund manager, chris bloomstrand, so here's the thing for most people. This is gon na. Be enough. This headline is gon na, be everything they're not gon na read the article they're.

Definitely not gon na research who this chris bloom strat is so i actually did it. I read it and i researched it so here's it what chris bloomstrand president and chief investment officer of semper augustus investment group said friday kathy woods, blah blah blah. Basically, it's trash right, so this dude is accusing kathy wood of being overvalued. Now, let me explain who is accusing who of what? This is the equivalent of a guy who plays pro basketball in lithuania, accusing lebron of being overvalued.

This is pretty much the same thing. If you don't believe me check the numbers, chris bloomstrand is the chief investment officer of a 300 million dollar fund. It's a tiny ass fund almost to the point of relevance, it's like being the number seventh player on the rotation in some team in lithuania. In the second division, this is as big as his fund is now he's, accusing a 53 billion dollar fund of being overvalued.

Now, for me, it's quite clear: if you want to be making these sort of accusations, you got ta, either be as big as successful or as famous now, since i've never heard of this. Chris bloom's chat. I've never heard of this fund and since it's a 300 million dollar fund and even if you go to the fund website, look at this, you go to the website the investment performance information. So this is the type of fund that doesn't even put the investment performance information on their website.

So essentially you have here a guy who's, accusing a fund that's 150 times bigger than what he's doing at being overvalued. Now, when you look at their portfolio, you understand why this is the classic warren buffett. Wannabe i mean they invest in berkshire hathaway in oil and a bunch of you know berkshire hathaway style stock. I mean it's pretty obvious.

I mean this is the sort of fun where you know they sit around in leather chairs in their private clubs, where there's cigars or you know the pipes talking about how things used to be better, i mean give me a break and for the final piece of News today check this out tech. Billionaire alex carp gives two hundred thousand dollars to ousted hermit river dave. So here's a few things i have to say about this article. First of all, they call alex carp a billionaire which is just true on paper, not really physically.
He's not physically anywhere close to being a billionaire. He has a lot of stock. That's worth that, but he's only selling that stock just to pay the tax bill to exercise more of it, so his salary is 1 million per year. And if you look right here, he just gave away 180 000.

Imagine he just gave away 180 000. His annual salary, the cash is getting, is 1 million, so he gave away 20 of his annual salary to this dude because he needed a home. That's the sort of guy alex carpes and with that we're going to end our video with this picture. With this headline, i absolutely salute alex carr for doing this.

This was super cool and he didn't even do it for the publicity not from him. This didn't come from him. This came from dave. He didn't want.

This didn't come from the talenteer pr. None of this. I love this move, as always huge shout out to the channel members and the patrons i'll see you guys in tomorrow's video.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “Elon musk just did the unthinkable…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SKarea51 says:

    Elon Musk is a pathological liar, attention seeker, Male Elizabeth Holmes….. 10 years from now all the Musk fans will look like complete morons falling for his marketing/pyramid scam. That guy should be examinate by professionals…. Tom you are a fool…. humanoid now, selling electricity tomorrow. Insurance, hyperloop….. MUSK DOEAS EVERYTHING FOR THE SHARE PRICE, NO HIDDEN AGENDA!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Taylor says:

    I love tesla but end of the day there's not a hope in hell they will ever have a bot by end of next year. They said fsd would be here like 5 years ago lol and it still isn't done, even though I think they will do it. It worries me there's too much hype and over pricing on things that simply are not achievable in the near future. It is still possible they fail on fsd, technically.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Super Nova says:

    Whatever the government decides for the public to see, there is 10 times more in private. Frightening is an understatement

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K. M. says:

    I'm pretty sure Alex Karp makes more than 1 million per year.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stridentlamb says:

    AEI has partnered with TESLA to create E-Homes, electric charging units and more and it’s super cheap

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quidpro Quo says:

    Nearly everything is overvalued/at or near ath’s …p8cking and choosing is absurd.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glenn Katz says:

    There is a Jackson's hole Grill in Nelson B.C. Canada

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul LoPiccolo says:

    You’re missing the most important part about only fans. It wasn’t the company that did it it was the banks that did it it’s the banks that are choosing the morality allowed for the company. I believe it’s the banks trying to force women back into the labor market, because many of them stepped out and have been making more on only fans and they would possibly ever make on an hourly wage. So only fans is a bank attack to create more hourly workers so they could flood the workplaceWith lower cost labor by having enough labor.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peaceful Sunsets says:

    Why don’t you have a LinkedIn page Tom? Let’s see where you were an analyst as you claim.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peaceful Sunsets says:

    Why don’t you have a LinkedIn page Tom? Let’s see where you were an analyst as you claim.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scoots 007 says:

    I’m gonna start an onlyfans featuring Tesla robots, who’s in….

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bosko Jovanovic says:

    There always porn hub as an alternative platform 😂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Word says:

    Remember Tumbler? They did the same thing. Now they are irrelevant

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert Pavliukovic says:

    Lithuania is either not known in the World or only for basketball. The stereotype lives on 😀 !

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CL says:

    As the 7th player on the rotation of a Lithuanian basketball team in the second division, I am deeply offended by Tom's comments.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Stone says:

    Come on Tom jump on the train with Lucid Motors. I own Tesla also but bought it ten years ago. Now is the time to invest in (LCID).

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Ellenburg says:

    why have i been subscribed since the dan bilzerian videos yet i never get any of your videos recommended

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Sutton says:

    Oh so “content creators” on only fans have to get a real job? So sad.


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shiran says:

    I would pay Tom onlyfans to see those sexy nice and solid stocks

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lap ju says:

    Now I wanna buy more palantir knowing Alex karp is a generous man

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coaching For Today says:

    I woiuldn't worry about the women on Onlyfans. They will quickly find a new way to de-value themselves.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edith says:

    Tom Nash just did the unthinkable. Click here to find out!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john long says:

    Nice video, but onlyfans is in a very tricky position. The reason they are doing it is due to payment processing. They getting pressured and they did not make this decision of the cuff, they have done the cost-benefit analysis. And processing payments for adult content is just not worth it for their bottom line. And if people read the press release they are getting rid of hardcore content first, and they will see from there.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Carnes says:

    This is the only stock market news I need in my life. Love your personality, you're funny asf but right on the money 😂

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nully B says:

    I laughed my head off at the some of the jokes. Not sure if i smoked too much…

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Short Travel Clips says:

    I want a reply video on Sven's Carlin video on Palantir! Two of my fav youtubers Sven and Tom!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Huy Nguyen says:

    Only explicit sexual contents only. Nudity is still allowed.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p. body says:

    I think you’re absolutely spot on about the whole “softening the blow” strategy. It makes sense, and honestly I kinda get why they would do it that way.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars p. body says:

    Well, Playboy doesn’t do nudes like they used to, so if you bought one today, it might actually be just for the articles.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GntlTch says:

    I am impressed. You really got the motivation and purpose of the Tesla Bot – recruitbait!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Naked Sushi Entertainment says:

    Dear ONLY FANS when you said F*ckem, we didn’t mean that literally. Then again that how this bull 💩 started in the first place.

    Another great video. Keep up the great work bruh 🙂

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Investment Club says:

    You nailed it on AI day.. if the robot inspired top talent engineers to join, so be it!! Too many people have overlooked all the incredible announcements made regarding DOJO, neural net etc., but then again they did the same thing with battery day.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucky Luke says:

    Don’t give Gordy Johnson any more clout. He’s a troll looking for attention. He simply sucks bad at what he does. One of the worst financial analysts in the market. Let him work for CNBS. They deserve him. But don’t mention his name here.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xavier says:

    Cannot wait to see Tom and Optimus (Prime) Tesla bot on a Onlyfans!
    Omg GJhonson doing another brain-fart after AI Day.
    Just seen on Steven Channel.
    Just give me another Vodka! Hahaha (just kidding).

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