#Election2020 #PresidentialElection #ElectionDay2020
Uncertain times like these we have to hold on to rituals and actions that help create certainty.
Why buy into the uncertainty and underperform? In this moment of time filled with challenges, you’ve been choosing to overachieve, to make your calls, create videos, and sell houses. I want to challenge you now to continue down that path and choose actions that multiply certainty. If you’re in your head, I want you to interrupt the pattern and go out and run so hard that it hurts.
It’s your personal responsibility to find joy, to create impact with your values and surround yourself with certainty.
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All right so we're in dallas uh election night was was last night last night. I know you wanted to touch on that a little bit. So you know trista knows that i'm not a very political person um, but what i am as a human being is someone that demands of myself certainty and and creating rituals to create certainty, especially in uncertain times and and no better example than the last 24 hours Right so i haven't looked at a news, media outlet or anything today. I don't really have any interest in doing so, and i know for some person watching that you're going to think.

Oh, that's very irresponsible, and i would just argue that when they decide who it is, that's who it is and and the thing that i'm messaging out to people right now is hey. If you've been in the business as long as i've been in it, you sold houses when bill clinton was the president. You sold houses when george bush was the president. You sold houses when obama was the president, you sold houses while trump has been the president and whether trump is next or biden is next.

You will continue to sell houses, so the question is: why would i buy into the uncertainty? Why would i allow myself unless you just need a break like some people, just like you've been grinding so hard, like that you know, rather than getting a massage or going to the gym or walking, you know, walking a nice walk to relax and let your mind You know get settled. This is your way of unwinding. Do you want to be, i think, there's tristan, there's a lot of people out there that, like this, is their emotional release. Ah cnn fox news right like i just it doesn't do it for me right.

What does it for me is creating certainty, so so the thing that i've been talking about for the last couple weeks is like achievers versus people that are underperforming on their potential and that that that phrase like under performing on their potential that has a lot of Weight right, like underperforming on your potential versus someone, that is achieving the kind of results that they want to achieve both can happen in this market in this moment of time anywhere around the world in the most challenging of circumstances and in the easier markets that we've Ever dealt with it just comes down to personal responsibility, the choice that, if it's going to be - and it's so stupidly, motivational and cliche, but it's true like if it's going to be i'm the one that's going to make it happen. Nobody else is gon na. Do it for me right how many videos have we shot tristan over the last? You know two three years where i'm like? It's your fault, that's why your life is where it's at. It's your fault, nobody else's! You're, fat! It's your fault! You don't have any money.

It's your fault, your relationship has gone sour. I feel bad for you. I do. I have empathy, it's your fault, you let it deteriorate to that moment.

So i would just man. I would just challenge you. I would just challenge you for the next 58 days. 56 days, 52 days, whatever it is between now and the end of the year, what, if you leaned in to a couple disciplines that bring you certainty? What, if you leaned into a couple things that you could do every single day, every single day that are like certain degenerators? If there was such a thing like, i think about things like affirmations, meditation visualization, you know all these things that we can do to try and settle our brains or focus on.
We want um, having calls with my mastermind buddies um having calls with powerful people. In my life, like all those things, create certainty for me going to the gym, doing cardio doing yoga going for a long, walk being in a step challenge. Those activities create certainty. For me.

They don't create uncertainty, i'm at 8 000 steps. I want to get to 15 000.. I think i need to go for a walk. Let's go certainty, action! That's what i would stress to people right now and if you're watching this and and you're really in your head, i can't say the guy's name, but a great client of mine would just call him jay from uh uh.

I can't even say it because you guys will all know and - and he texts me this morning and he's like man, i'm just so stressed, like we don't know who the president's gon na be and like. How can i call people and i'm just freaking out - and i was like - go for a five mile run? That's what you do, and i know this guy's. You know like that's, not a normal thing from like run so hard. It hurts or go train so hard that you feel like throwing up, go, do something that exhausts your body physically, and you have to throw yourself into it and be present in the moment.

Then you, you can't be in that crazy loop that you're in right, like we just get stuck in these loops. Like, oh, my god, is it going to happen? Oh my god am. I am i going to make it. Oh my god.

What if this happens? What, if that happens, should i buy that house? Should i not do that deal? Should i tell my clients to buy a house, it's now the wrong time, what's going to happen with capital mark and we just we freak ourselves out and - and we know like i go back to like joseph mcclendon iii from the summit. What do you do you put a smile on your face? Dopamine rush, you shake your booty, you do a little dance move and it sounds silly, but what happens is it interrupts the pattern? It interrupts the pattern. I can't be like who's the next president and then shake my ass and like put a smile on my face because it doesn't, it doesn't uh. It doesn't resonate right, it's not like in integrity with one another.

So what do you want to do? Do you want to be shaking your ass, putting a smile on your face having a good time right, or do you want to be like who's? Today's birthday, like it's, your choice, like that's the whole thing, personal responsibility? If it's going to be it's up to me, i got to do it. It's my life. I sent it over to a group of people we were chatting with i'm like. I don't look to the to the present united states.
For my moral compass, like i look to myself for that like what? What are my values? What do i want he's just doing his job, whoever he is he's just doing his job, i'm going to do my job and things will settle and we'll all think you know we'll make things happen. So i don't know. That's that's so great that sign just said, find joy, i'm looking for a sign and i just saw it it said, find joy, that's it personal responsibility. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

13 thoughts on “Election day uncertainty?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daylyn All Over says:

    Great message, thank you Tom.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gulf Coast Fishing Homes Realty Greg Klesius says:

    I needed that this morning.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toni Rappa says:

    Rally for President Trump NOW. Who are we if we do not stand up to the far. Radical left. Corrupt BiDen family God Bless President. Trump

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Auer says:

    Agree, but would add … spend more time on your sphere! Reach out, see how they’re doing and see if there’s anything you can do to help them …try that!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wowthatsdeepman says:

    Met Tom at a conference in NY…awesome conference. Found it weird he never really sold real estate himself

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Iracheta says:

    2021 Goals

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K says:

    What matter is that the China government controlled man as a President since his no skill no experience son got millions of dollars from there yearly.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B B says:

    YES 👍

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julie Davis says:

    Yeaaass!! So agree!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jen H says:

    problem is… people are voting for a man with NO MORAL COMPASS…. the man doesn't do ANYTHING if he can't make a buck from it. If he could have bottled 911 dust and sold it, he's have done it. So if the current WH occupant matches your morals… you need to review your morals.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Casey Burns Investing says:

    One thing’s for certain, we’re all going to kill it if we’ve got a tenth of Tom’s enthusiasm and hustle.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ashlee Bonds says:

    I like watching your videos like this there real…like shows you're a real person….not everything is scripted or edited. Thanx!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MsDanielisa says:

    Well said

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