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Everyone, first of all, congratulations if you went in on dwac, absolutely congratulations! We talked about it this morning and i mentioned this is going to be one of those it's going to be very, very volatile, especially as it goes through the cycle of a peak media. There's going to be so much attention on this one - and i saw some of you in the comments here before the video was starting talking about how you first heard about dwac this morning, and you decided to invest in it. It was up about 20 30 percent. This morning, i think it opened up about 40 percent fell to about 30 28 up and then it skyrocketed.

Now this is one of those where you've got to know. There are a few things going on here. This is actually very eerily similar to gamestop uh. This is a situation where you have very low availability of shares, a lot of people buying it, some people buying it for political reasons, some people buying it because spax have been shorted and there's a short interest.

Uh other people buying it because they want to trade. It there's a lot of buying attention you're getting mentions in cnbc fox cnn. This is like a this is way out shadowing. We work that thing's up like eight percent or whatever, but it makes sense because it keeps getting halted.

The things up like 300, something percent. You can't short the stock. You can't buy options on the stock. You can't do calls you're, not gon na have a gamma squeeze, but you're, probably not gon na, have that anyway, you're not gon na have uh people able to short it through puts so.

Basically, the only way to go is up on the darn thing which go for it like that is excellent, uh. I just personally, i'm all for trading this kind of stuff uh. I am just always wanting to mention - be careful because there are no fundamentals like xero. The the valuation is is based on some wireframes and an outline of a website in a social media platform.

Well, and look i'm all for the narrative of like stick it to facebook and twitter, i'm all for that. Facebook deleted my announcement post when i ran for governor back before i had green hair and uh twitter. Despite me, meeting all of the criteria refuses to verify me either as a normal person or as a candidate. Why? I don't know, but we know they're they like those democratic governors.

You know uh so anyway, uh it's not to be political, but this one's definitely gon na be politicized, and so you got this insane insane movement uh, so bert's account here said your warning against dwc. Actually paid for my meet kevin course four times over. Well, that's awesome, yeah, and so what i would do here to trade this is like get in get out, get in get out and now heads up. Okay, when you go into the closing on a day trader stock, what do day traders do they close before the close, so i would say, probably the the weakest time to buy it.

Uh is, or, though sorry probably one of the best times to sell. It is usually right before close. Not always you never know. I have not been watching this thing.
Okay, so, like i left off this morning, going hey, you know good, make money, great hats off to you. This i went off. I did my own thing. I was researching cryptocurrencies and all this other stuff.

This thing exploded, absolutely exploded. I am happy for everybody making money on it, but like if there's one thing i can say please please please, please, please do not diamond hand. This thing. Okay, this is not a diamond handy stock, don't don't act, cool and diamond-handed take profits; okay, that's it uh and, like i mean again, super happy for anybody in it, but on something like this, if i could i'd short it, i was gon na short it when It was up 40 that would have been horrible for that short for the time being, uh, but anyway, yeah like this is awesome.

So uh just know that's sort of the trajectory we're on here and be careful. That's my only cost to be careful but make money. Look get in it a good trick by the way, set a trailing stop loss when it's going up. So let me give you an example: okay, so let's go in here and it's falling right now fine hold on.

Can i switch cameras? Yet? No, let me get this other camera here. I need this other camera, but the other camera. You can see me better. Okay, darn thing: okay, here we go ah perfect, okay, good! So here's what we're gon na do.

Let's, let's go in on this! Let's say we're expecting uh green candles here right: oh, i hate that it's doing this weeble must have updated in a weird way or something all right. So let's say we're expecting green candles. Now, because that's just what this thing does, this is unpredictable, which is fine, but let's just say we we green candle on this thing, so you buy this thing at 40, bucks or whatever here, and i'm not gon na alert on this, because i'm just gon na Do one one share just as an example, so i'm gon na set a uh a one share buy and i'm gon na buy this thing. Okay buying one share just just for giggles all right there.

Now, i'm in at 43. uh now i'm going to throw in a sell order. Let me hide myself really now i'm going to sell this thing and you could set it for market you set it for limit, you can set it for trailing stop. This is probably my favorite thing to do, and i'm gon na say if this thing goes down by more than three dollars: convert this into a market order and dump it okay.

So then, i'm gon na put this order in for uh. You know essentially a trail amount of three dollars, so we're gon na put this order in and we'll wait to see what happens so uh. This way, if it runs the goal, is that's the goal. The goal is - and i i rarely do trailing stops like super super - rarely because usually when i'm trading i'm trying to trade off catalysts uh, not just like - i mean this insanity.

This is like awesome like. If you made money on this folks, lottery ticket bank bank, it bank and bank it uh and i'm happy for you like i, i am totally happy for you uh, but bank it so anyway, uh and so now now that one share ah sitting at like 42a Or whatever, but anyway, so my trigger point i want to say, for that was like um. What was it? 40 42.83? So if this share, if this thing goes down to 39, i should get uh this order, transition over into a market order and it'll just execute. As a cell at like 39.83, or something like that, the benefit of that kind of order is if this thing now runs - and it goes over to let's say 50 dollars before the close or something crazy right now, a trailing stop is going to follow that three Dollar, my three dollar sell is gon na, follow that to fifty dollars.
Now, if it goes from 50 to 47, it'll sell at 47 and then i made profit between a 43 and a 44 right sometimes trailing stops suck though like over here, you could have probably gotten trailing stuff. So let's say: let's say you bought it over here at 50 39 you set a trailing, stop, uh and, and the darn thing fell down to 40.. I mean obviously you you would have sold out at that point uh, and i mean i guess that would be an example of where it would have been a benefit so because it would have protected you and sold out at like 58 right. But let's say you zoom in over here and you're somewhere over here: let's say you bought it at 1883 and you set a trailing stop for a dollar and then it went down to 1783.

So now you would have automatically sold and you would have potentially missed this right. The run up here so just a quick example. Here, uh it is uh. It is definitely a very, very interesting one because you've got a combination of of craziness happening happening here.

So uh you made two thousand dollars. Congratulations. Somebody says three hundred twelve thousand shares available to shore uh. Well, i at interactive brokers i actually just applied to see but like honestly, so far, their application process has been a disaster.

Uh hasn't been great uh. I don't know i'm gon na i'm gon na. Try, though, all right get. Why aren't you i i have to wire your money in you got to get approved.

I don't know it takes forever. It doesn't do like. Oh, you instantly have money available or whatever. So it's a little bit more complicated and uh overwhelming, but that's okay i'll get through it! Um yeah! I got ta remember to do that, but anyway uh.

You know there is a real danger, though, that if you short something like oh yeah here, look at that die loosen it. If you short something uh, you know, and then it goes to the moon, you can get screwed right and momentum. Momentum is very dangerous. To short, very, very dangerous, stop losses or for weenie babies.

No, no, no, no, take profits. Uh, surprise, coinbase is down after buying outside uh. You think coinbase would uh. That would make coinbase surprise coinbase is down after oh, oh, oh, i see the stock ah yeah.
I don't think the people trading coinbase stock are so heavily concerned about that the binance flash crash there, but i thought that flash crash was a very good educational opportunity to where you know, limit orders can and market orders can really screw you. So let's see caught the news this morning and made forty three thousand dollars on warrants. Let's go! Congratulations! That's awesome! That is awesome. Awesome, awesome! Uh! I'm i actually like paypal uh this the volatility skyrocketed today, you could do all you could get some really nice credits.

Doing sell puts on paypal, i actually uh in the uh. Where is it? It was down a bit this morning. Where is it paypal? 5.73 yeah? I think it just keeps selling down. I think it's very juicy right now uh because it just keeps going down which i like.

Let me see here uh. Let me see if i can get 240s for a good price here problem is, i don't have much uh buy options buying power left over here at weeble? I don't even know if i can get 10 in. Let me try. Oh i don't.

I don't know if it'll, let me sell. Oh it. Let me put 10 in okay, all right good, so uh i'll explain that in just a second uh. Let me uh uh for what was that i did april yeah, uh, okay, so um yeah.

The volatility on paypal right now is so high because of this pinterest news that i've actually gone pretty heavy on selling puts on it. I don't really care to own paypal or not, i wouldn't mind owning paypal. I think it's a great company you've got. I think you have a very low risk, extremely low risk of the company going bankrupt right uh.

You also have 20 plus percent growth. The fact that this company is is selling off on pinterest news, give me more buy the dip opportunities. I mean that's what i'm looking for like this is a high quality in my opinion, opportunity. I really really like it so i'm selling puts on it i'm not buying shares, because again i don't really care to own it.

I just want to trade the option on it. That's that's what i'm most interested in, so yeah selling puts paypal. Yes, in my opinion, not financial advice at all anyway, so i'm going to go ahead and lock this so we'll keep an eye on on dwac. We talked a lot about here about the trailing stop-loss uh worth noting uh hold on somebody.

Just tweeted paypal has now lost 33 billion in market cap after it proposed buying pins at 39 billion dollars. Yeah. That's that's exactly why i'm selling puts because it doesn't make sense at all. That's basically like take paypal before the pinterest deal and add pinterest in at six dollars.

A share is is basically what the market's saying like. Oh no, we don't value this at all, like they're, not giving any value to this asset. I love it. I love it.

Uh i'll take it so uh, okay, we're gon na watch. Look at that 333 uh! That is uh. That's that's just amazing uh! Just for giggles, if you got in at let's say you put in, i don't know if i were if i would have traded something like this right. I usually when i trade.
I do like 30 to 50k, i'm gon na go with the low number because i don't want to pretend like i would have done the bigger one. I would probably like 30 grand for giggles, okay, so 30 30 grand which i know that's that's a large number. I don't want to sound like unrelatable, i'm just being honest, okay, so that's what i would probably done so then, if i do uh well essentially, let's say that was at 12 right at 12, a share, so i would have had uh or i'll call it. Thirteen dollars a share so well, twelve dollars is easier.

Math there we go. I would have twenty five hundred shares. Well now it's at forty, three dollars and thirty cents, so that thirty grand would have about three x today, which is kinda crazy uh. That's that's awesome! More than more than 3x yeah, it's like three and a half x, so anyway uh, but that's that's the classic, woulda coulda shoulda, here's the thing! Okay, and this is where it gets scary.

This is where i want to be cautionary for you, okay, cautionary! You go in here and all of a sudden tomorrow, this thing's down 50 percent. It's 54k hey you're, still up right, but what happens if the next day it's down 50 as well, you're at 27k, you're less than where you started. This is what i'm just saying. Like if you're making money on this realize, this is not no way in, he double hockey sticks fundamentally worth 43 dollars is a spec with a par value of ten dollars, no way zero chance at all.

Okay, like i'll, give it like a 0.01 percent chance, because i i don't want to back myself too much into a quarter. Uh yeah well warrants. Okay warrants are options, and so the warrants move a lot faster. Let's see what the warrants are doing.

2. 000 yeah. This is normal. The fl, like the same kind of speed, is something you would see on uh on options right.

So this is. This is normal, but anyway it's cool good job uh. If, if you made money on it, i'm happy for oh dede. Look at that! Dede coming up 14 very nice, very nice move here on dd uh bloomberg is running a headline trump spack soars 400 on retail trader interest; uh bitcoin crashed 87 on binance u.s exchange due to algobug yeah folks.

I made a video this morning about that 80 plus percent crash and people got so mad at me. They're, like oh, my gosh. It was a glitch. How could you, how could you you know, make a video and it's like? No, like you got to be educated that that exchanges can screw you uh.

You know it's, it's an education, that's the! In my opinion. That's the point of youtube is educate either entertainment or education. I'm obviously i hope it's obvious in the education space uh. Maybe a little bit of entertainment too.

After all, i am a level 99 arranged gabby drinker, yeah anyway. Can we check sam earnings today bought calls for november 19th? Should you hold um? Well, i don't even know what that is yeah. I hate here's, the okay, oh boston, beer, dude, okay, i'm not! Oh it's running into the clothes too. I'd be dumping.
That thing me, this is not financial advice for you, i'm too much of a baby to hold boston beer into closing uh for for earnings. Uh. Now it look at how much it's sold off. Okay, it's sold off like cray-cray.

Let me look at the volatility. After earnings volatility use usually goes down. I would only hold this if, for some reason, volatility was really low, which maybe it is oh look right now hold on. Oh, we don't have long to hold on.

We got two and a half minutes. Volatility is actually pretty low, it's actually pretty low. You had a massive spike of volatility: the middle of july yeah, that's right here. This is when you had a massive spike in volatility.

Yeah i mean with how much this has sold off. That's actually, potentially one at this support level here, potentially one that i would keep i'll like i'm gon na giggles on this uh. You know what i'm just can't be. I'm gon na join you on it, because why not? But i'm not going to put a lot of money into this, i'm going to do 18.

000. Okay, i have no idea. I'm looking at this is just ta, i'm throwing it in uh. This is i'm going to call this a little yolo option.

I'm going to join you on it: yolo on sam uh, eighteen thousand dollars uh for five calls on sam 520 strike no 19 uh uh, okay yeah. I the reason i say that is the volatility is surprisingly low uh. This is solely ta uh, very quick, ta too sole ta super quick and dirty uh. No fundamental reason could plummet dangerous, okay, uh.

So maybe this is an entertainment channel. Maybe you all have been duped uh, but hey at least you can get up to seventy dollars. In free stocks with public, by going to mckevin.com public uh, they don't buy or sell your information and you get up to 70 in free stocks if you sign up but anyway, so the options volatility. Just so you know it's a it's a 10 up volatility sitting at 20.4.

Right now for the 10-day average, its 100-day average is 56, but that includes july, if we take out july we're at 25, so we're about 20 low on volatility and the thing's been selling off like crazy. It's sitting at basically like a summer of 2020 support level. This, actually it's not so dirty it's not as dirty as i thought, and you know what i threw 18k on it. Okay, we'll see what happens we'll know within the next five minutes.

It's gon na be either instant, regret or instant gratification. All right, let's find out the s p y'all, once again, all right there we go russell 2000.3.29, nasdaq at 0.62 technologies leading dow jones, basically flat at 0.02, and the s p 500 at 0.30 s, p 500 post record close at 4, 549 and 78 cents. Now we need to do earnings, oh it doesn't matter. If it goes red, you got to wait for earnings, it does literally does not matter what it does until um.
We get the earnings but yeah watch it just tanks, and then you all can make fun of me hey. But at least i'm honest like that's the that's, the thing is like uh, okay, let's get sam up um. You know anybody can record a video and if stuff doesn't go their way, not post it right uh, it's harder to do this. Crap live and you all see me do it every day, and so, if you want to learn more about my mentality, check out the stocks on psychology and money program, i really call it stocks and psychology for a reason, because there's a lot that goes into it.

Uh sometimes that keeps me away uh from from things that are super super risky, but uh. Sometimes that's really good, because i've seen a lot of people like buy and huddle stuff that they really shouldn't and a lot of folks by the way, a lot of y'all really happy with the program. So thank you for all the compliments you've been sending okay, so um, okay, we're pulling up earnings right now. We got a lot of earnings, we have mattel, we have whirlpool, we have chipotle, we have intel, we have snap and we have boston beer.

Okay. So lots of earnings right now a lot of earnings which is good in. Let me see here, okay for for what it's worth. While we wait really quick for um, because some some people have been asking me, while we wait for uh, what's it called earnings, you can go to met kevin.com chat and you could join the uh uh the free chat discord, but then there's also a feedback and Testimonial section, so when that way, if you wanted to, you could see testimonials like this.

I was very skeptical about your course three months ago, but i took the leap of faith and bought stocks and psychology money already 10x. The price of the course i paid for it that was really cool. I yolowed the dip on homer simpson when it took 10 days yesterday. You know so little little fun comments that we have here uh anyway, so we we, we throw some.

This just kind of gives you an example uh thank you for telling us to buy tesla in may, whatever these are just some that just came out within the last couple days. They were really nice. Some really nice comments, some some of us joke around in there. So it's a really good time when we get together and chat, but anyway, let's focus on what's happening with earnings right now, wait hold on.

What's this on the child tax credit, that's nice and this call last night were significantly curtailed from that under this program. It would begin in 2024, individuals could only qualify if they were making less than 150 000, and it would only last as long as the 100 billion dollars in funding allocated to it would last and my sources say that would be roughly four years now. Of course, the white house has long said that compromise is hard, but it is needed to get a package and that the ideal for the white house would be the original proposal and not what's going to end up going through the legislative process. But this is okay.
All right we're gon na pull well, actually we'll just leave some of these programs, but, of course, uh. Anything and everything seems to still be on the table as they try to uh bring the cost down. Okay, intel earnings in let's go ahead and do earnings right now. Uh intel earnings just hit intel uh forecast slightly up 18.3 billion for fourth quarter adjusted uh estimate is 18.26.

Their q3 revenue was 19.2 billion dollars, adjusted eps of 171. uh fiscal year, just at eps. Their guidance is really good. Uh guidance really good right now on intel uh.

Let me pull over to this. It's falling, though, like crazy see. This is why i don't like playing earnings like i call it my. I call it yolos to play earnings uh, but anyway, uh yeah, this one, this one's getting hurt.

So what do you have here? Uh 18.3 uh intel c's fiscal year. Adjusted revenue of about 73.5 estimate, uh okay, fiscal year is a little is a miss. The forecast is a little bit of a miss coming in at 73.5 versus 73.65 expected, but the fourth quarter they think, is going to be strong. I mean a good fourth.

Quarter is good margin. Guidance. 56. I'm not exactly sure what the original estimate was on it.

Oh, it's here, eps missed, oh, oh, it missed a lot. Eps came in at 90 cents. The estimate was a dollar too. That's like a you know.

Almost 12 percent miss that's a big eps missed, so their fourth quarter was good, but their third quarter hurt, and i wonder how much we're going to hear about supply chain issues on intel. That's going to be really interesting. Now we're waiting for sam snap, chipotle whirlpool, mattel, uh sam, rising a little bit now before we get into uh earnings, we'll see what happens here. This earnings could be such a crap shoot it's it's.

I call it um roulette on a tilted table, so we'll call it tilted roulette and the reason i call it tilted roulette is is because again you could have great earnings and uh everything can go crap with the stock. So yeah, look at that. Dwac uh is up about 10, since i bought one share. Uh yeah took a 20 super chat to get kevin's attention.

Well, i've also been yapping a lot uh wait. So why wait a sec? Why are they saying it bead? How did it be? It said miss fiscal. What's wrong with this: oh the forecast, it's the forecast. Oh a third quarter, was 171 versus one one, one estimated so so q3 was fine, but the forecast on adjusted eps was 90 cents versus uh 102 expected, and so that's what's hurting it.

I wonder if it's because of inflation, uh and uh supply chain issues so we'll see. We have no idea sam by the way reports at uh 4 15.. We should have whirlpool out oh whirlpool, just in there it is whirlpool netstairs a little low on whirlpool uh 5.49 versus 5.73 expected whirlpool yeah down 2.71 uh ongoing eps okay. What is this ongoing? Q3? So sales came in low, but earnings per share b, eps coming in at 668 versus 612 expected.
So that's a miss on sales but beat on the bottom line. So really intel is the one getting screwed, probably again, probably because of that chip shortage is amd running on that miss that that would be interesting to see. I wonder why amd is running, that that is interesting. I i wonder.

Oh mattel, mattel operating margin, 47.8 percent, uh earnings earnings earnings come on. Where is it? Where is it so much? Sales came in at 1.76, slight beat the estimate was 1.68 eps beat adjusted 84 versus 72., mattel hell, yeah uh good job. Mattel, that's awesome there. Mattel is part of my supply shortage pie, five percent.

Let's go uh! Thank you, james york, for saying that i deserve the high compliments. You earned a cave. You helped so much in addition to personal financial education. The community you've created is awesome, place for ideas and discussion.

Thank you for that. I appreciate that uh yeah we've really been enjoying doing the thread. Discussions we've been doing too, but uh. That's good yeah.

So mattel's part of that supply chain disruption, pi and they're doing well. So this is very good. I want to look at later intel to see what went wrong. I don't have them in my pie, but mattel i do so that's a that's.

A win good! Can't win them all, though, so maybe that's a bad omen for boston beer. I hope not, but anyway, chipotle is going to be a big one. Uh snap and boston beer. Next one should be snap and chipotle in 40 seconds.

Oh mattel is kicking butt on the snooze good job, mattel uh. Where is it? Do i not have it on oh yeah? Well, now i do there. We go okay, mattel's up about 4.8, nothing compared to digital world, though it's at 49 low liquidity in the after hours. Oh man, it's not so all right, we're waiting for snap and chipotle.

Let's go ahead and drop in snap right here. Let's assume that they're they're gon na - oh - oh, oh, oh there - it is it comes in at wow. The computers must respond to this one adjusted ebitda of 174.2 versus 135 expected that's. A big beat active users at 306 versus the estimated 302.

That's a beat. Why is it down so much where's eps, adjusted eps comes in at 17.. Oh revenue missed, but only by uh 1.07 billion versus 1.1 expected on revenue, so they missed on revenue. Active users beat the bottom line, beat the top line or uh yeah.

The top line missed wow holy crap. Oh my gosh, it's down! 19 percent. Why chipotle comes in up uh 15 on comp sales? We have uh eps of 718 versus 2.282 year over year, adjusted eps comes in at seven dollars versus seven dollars and two cents versus the 635 expected that's a big beat on chipotle uh. What's their oh cmg, i never understood that big beat and they're up 1.83 nominal, miss on snap and they're down.
19 23. Now, no way holy moly. Why? Why is snap shares tumble 24 after revenue forecast trails estimate q4? Oh, they did. A q4 estimate was 1.35 billion forecast or the current guide is 1.17 to 1.21.

Oh brutal yeah, the paypal dip will stop. Eventually, when more clarity comes out on pinterest is my expectation but uh yeah. I would expect pain to continue until that clarity is over or once until the clarity comes in holy moly. I don't even know what to think why.

Why is it so bad does it? I. I don't know that it deserves that. That seems ridiculously overdone to me. So, let's see, let me see if i can pull it hold on a second, let's see here that seems overdone on snapchat, let's see if i can get in here, let's get the tools loaded up facebook.

What about facebook did they report today? I don't think they report today. They don't report today, uh, okay, you just scream a ticker and not tell me what the problem is: snap, okay, snap, okay, snapchat.com hold on a second snapchat data has actually not been bad. Their website rankings have gone up substantially, uh their at least their their website. Traffic.

Their bounce rate is down their time on websites up uh last five years. It's kind of been on a little bit of a downtrend, but it's had a recent uptrend. What can somebody please tell me oh facebook's down because of snap? Oh facebook, sympathy with okay, okay, okay, can somebody tell me why snapchat has gone up here recently? Uh, like i look, i don't use snapchat, i don't understand, but can can somebody explain this? Why would snapchat go up in the last 30 days? Uh i'd like to know that and if somebody knows and then facebook, oh, the sympathy plummet on facebook. You're right is twitter.

Tanking too, that's probably gon na. I wonder if that's gon na hurt etsy too. Oh twitter's down six point: four: four: four! Oh and oh look at that on etsy, but etsy. It's only one point: six: nine percent! Oh, oh! Oh yeah, okay, guys 30 seconds for sam! This is either gon na, be a big old red.

I bet you! It's gon na be red and then you're gon na see me having gambled eighteen thousand dollars and cry actually, no, i'm not gon na cry because i went into it knowing it was just a yolo and uh somebody paid twenty dollars to get me to do it. So it's their fault if it goes bad, it's their fault. If it goes right, i'm gon na pitch my course on building your wealth link down below just kidding. This is a yolo.

This is not. This is what not to do uh, but it should come out any second now and the computers trade way faster than i can even read what the earnings are uh they're not out yet. Oh, oh, oh, oh see, that's computer trading right there, uh loss per share comes in at 476.. I still don't have numbers.

I see a big red candle, though that first percent went away and it still hasn't updated. I don't have the are they just not updating this third quarter. Uh see, i don't have it third quarter depletion they're gon na make me read this. I can't read this.
I don't have any summary right now hold on yeah, because i don't know what the estimates were. Let me try to pull estimates. All i can see. Is it's gone down a little bit from that post, so estimate was q q3 for adjusted? Okay, i have to manually, do this seriously: 4.521 eps a 3.690 and revenue of 527 rev, and let me see here on, oh here, we go.

Revenue comes in at 327 was the expectation it beat. The revenue came in really good. The loss was slightly higher, so the revenue beat like crazy revenue comes. It came in at 561.6 versus 527 expected look at that they hate it.

The market hates it. Oh well lost due to costs on hard slower growth on hard sell. Sir boom that evaporated, darn uh, but anyway uh 5.6 1.6 mill on revenue, estimate of 527, so big beat on revenue, but the loss came in slightly higher at 4.76 versus 452 expected oopsies. There goes that uh and trying to see if there are other updates on it, but i mean i think that pretty much speaks to it.

So what was the yeah revenue was good. Third quarter. Loss of 476 represents a decrease i'm trying to parse this here. Really quick year-to-date revenue was still a 34 increase uh.

Here we go. Listen to this quote i mean the quotes, aren't so good. Unexpected rapid slowdown of hard seltzer category growth this summer significantly impacted our business while truly has continued to uh grow gain, share and solidify long run position. The slower category performance has reduced our full year: growth expectations by 20 to 25 year-over-year yeah, that's horrible! That's just bad all right! Well, i mean i'm gon na trade out of it tomorrow, um uh, yeah, okay, so uh anyway.

Now what what else? No, i see um anyway. What's what am i trying to do? Wait hold on a second huh, okay hold on. Let's see what else is happening here, okay, so what do we have here? Snap 26 to the downside? Did anybody say why we had an increase in movement on this? This is insane. Why why there was an increase in what is it september or whatever, here september, to october? Why did this push up? Does anybody know about this? If somebody can tell us that i'd like to have a dialogue on this, but i don't know why this is up.

Um and another thing that i'm trying to understand is so it's not just snapchat, but let's also look at dwac again dwac now sitting at about 45 in the afters here: hmm, okay, so mattel's up 6.25. So that did really well on earnings that will hopefully offset my the oopsies on sam uh, but that happens. That's why earnings so dangerous uh, let's see somebody says goog's falling! Is that true? Why is google down three percent the entire market's freaking out wow? Look at that google down to 27.74. What's the news on google forget about sam for a second alphabet? How what no? The only news today was: google uh reducing its commission in the app store, but that happened earlier today.
A lot of these painful movements, though off snapchat scanning snapchat, did facebook or amazon go down too yeah they're. All all of the internet stocks are not liking this. This is so weird all of the i mean this. This is probably going to be supply uh.

Well, this is very interesting and then uh yeah look at this pinterest down 2.61 boston. Beer is only down like 2.36, so it's not like um or somewhere it'll, probably open up somewhere down like two or three percent or whatever uh and then whatever. So it's like, it depends if volatility goes up or down tomorrow, volatility could go up ironically uh, as the price goes down so options. Pricing could be really interesting tomorrow, we'll see what happens but um options.

Pricing should be down on it, obviously right, but uh yeah. Whatever so, whatever whatever is, it is we'll take the take the hit on it move on, then we've got what i'm very curious, though, about snap and i'm having trouble wrapping my head around this, because it's making the entire tech sector sell off kevin. I think you got distracted before clicking place order on sam huh, really she that would be really good, but also really bad, because i said i did it. Okay hold on.

Let's see here, uh cancel it. Few orders fail. That's huh holy crap holy shisis. Well, that was probably the the best mistake i could have ever made in my life folks, it's not here.

Well now, i feel terrible though uh this has never happened before wow i mean on one side, that's good uh, because i played roulette for free with my emotions, but i also feel bad because i did talk about going in on that, and so anybody else who Did that i mean not that you ever want to follow me uh. You know because stupid things happen, but anyway um uh yeah, so that i need like a big eggplant and the clown um wow. That's stupid, uh yeah! Don't is this the place to say: don't sue me um? Well, so that's what we need to do. We need to do a community choice, yolo now in fairness, that now we got to do a community choice.

Uh yolo, that's crazy, yeah. So what what you could see here is the one share i bought of dwac and the uh. My last filled trade. You know i could expand this obviously uh my paypal puts or whatever, but my last trades here.

Well so does that mean? I don't have my my paypal one either. I wonder if, oh maybe my paypal one didn't go through then either. Oh, my paypal um my paper. What the hell what's wrong with weeble today or me, um yeah wow.

What a that's that's very odd! Now i still uh tomorrow, i want to i'd, be happy to pick up the paypal one, but obviously the 18k yolo i mean that's awesome. I mean whatever it so it okay, so it's gon na be down, you know 10 or whatever that option tomorrow. So it's like 1800 bucks, um, but yeah. That's that's crazy! So all right um! So anyway, yeah wow.
How did tesla do today tesla's down about a half percent in after hours 94? It did touch 900 there for a minute at some point during the day yeah there. It is look at that 900. so anyway, yeah i'll, take um i'll, take recommendations, uh but yeah shorts on snap, covering here yeah look at the 20. I don't understand.

Oh, i have three of these. Oh, i think i got three of those for free at some point, but anyway snapchat 23. I really don't understand to look. Let me look a little bit more at the snap earnings here, because it feels a little like an excessive decline.

Here. Revenue falls: oh apple privacy bite. Oh, it's, the apple privacy hurting its business. Oh, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, see! That's that's interesting! That's why the other companies are falling because of google ads facebook ads twitter ads targeting ads they're all getting whacked um all right anyway.

This was entertaining uh, i'm gon na go now. Thank you for being here. That was this felt like a crazy, live stream. Very curious to see what happens to dwac tomorrow, uh and that that one share i have so we'll see what happens tomorrow.

Uh it's gon na, be all over the news later today and uh yeah wow. What a day, a great day for tesla great day for a firm, a lot of things, pretty red in the after hours, so uh, yeah nick m power - is this true? Does anybody dispute this nick m power says he's the one that pointed out the mistake on sam as a result, i need to now go 18 000 into warrants on digital world is. Is that is that what i have to do uh? I don't even think you could buy those that's. This is such a horrible idea.

Uh all right, i'll, run a poll, it's very dumb uh to make up for my uh sam order, execution mistake 18k into dwac warrants. Very dangerous could lose 100.? Okay. Yes, no! We're gon na run a poll. Okay, ah we'll see what the poll says.

I say: don't it it's a choice. 18K on snap, see 18k on snap would be smart. Dwac would be stupid, but also funny, oh no! No! No! I don't i'd rather buy, like one-week call options on paypal, yeah. That's a there's another option for that.

Okay! So for right now it says 56 percent of you say yes on the dwac warrants 44 say no! Okay! Let's let me try something else. I'm gon na end that poll another option or for this one we call on paypal. One week call on snap uh one week call on what's another one. Give me another one: baba, okay and one week call on.

I don't know: what's another one: amc amc, that's an option, facebook. So far. Um i mean they don't have options on crypto right. It was.

It was a stock mistake. So tattoo chef, yes, yes, uh. Okay, i put the i put the cola, a poll up. So uh to make up for the execution mistake: do we do a one-week yolo on paypal, snap, which those are the ones that have dipped right, that would that would probably be smart, uh baba or tattooed chef? Let's see what happens there? Uh! Oh my gosh.
Let's see what the votes are, somebody says i refuse to vote in. That poll is that? Why is that? Because it should be dwacs is that is that why i mean the other thing is i could just do a one week. You know 12k or a 9k into dw, ac and 9k into the into snap, or something like that right, that's funny so yeah. I do both yeah.

That sounds good. Yes, okay, all right are we. Let me see, no, no it'd have to be 9k in shares. Okay, are we good with this 9k uh 9k wait wac warrants or and 9k snap one week call pwac, plus snap one week call dwac w plus snap one week call or all in on snap or all in on dwac all right.

Last poll: let's, let's see, let's see what you all think on this one: that's why i'm just gon na throw it in here all right, so i just posted that poll. Interesting y'all are an interesting crowd. It doesn't surprise me because i think many of us think alike, we might have our differences of opinion, but there's a lot of similarity here: it'll lose bigly um. This is gon na, be the make it or break it.

Poll, okay, they're, like nine thousand you're watching this is the making or breaking poll. I'm gon na there's gon na be another one minute to vote, one more minute to vote, and then i got ta go okay, 50 seconds and then i'm ending the poll and then and then that'll be we'll um we'll make it happen first thing tomorrow morning. All right, okay, i'm gon na end the poll. I think it's pretty much decided.

Okay. The community has decided that tomorrow morning i'm gon na write this down. Okay, so tomorrow morning i need to buy buy one week. Snap call 18k: it's been decided, uh yeah the cost of screwing up all right.

Well, i did my best. I make mistakes. It happens. I appreciate you.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “Dwac and stocks go nuts”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Kirchner says:

    stock is tanking and I bought way too high. do I dump or is it coming back in a few months

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rigged System says:

    DIAMOND HAND all the way this is a movement KEVIN not a BS broke ass company GME AMC garbage this is a global movement, buying DWAC is like voting for TRUMP again. HODL

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donnie Popavich says:

    PHUN to $2 again DWAC to $1000+ imo. The trump pump hasn’t even started. He’s going to blow it up at his upcoming trump rallies.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maxx Dogg says:

    Well my 5k is now 20k and I don't have woke hair 🤣

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JaNEz Treboslek says:

    I love the content but Talkin' investing brings out a bit more knowledge to the table.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Keith says:

    Bought in at premarket cost base of $77 on only 4shares , set a trailing stop of $5 dollars. Made 350… so not bad considering I couldn't watch it while I was at work.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Dodge says:

    Too bad you didn't buy those 18k warrants at ~$11!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VFX Supervisor says:

    Similar to GME?? Kevin??? Hello?? Game Stop has been around for decades… DWAC is brand new… one has a reputation, the other doesn’t… etc etc.. bad comparison. Don’t try to play both side so hard.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lorenzo says:

    Kevin if you are going to daytrade you should do Lightspeed broker best execution and level 2 by far 👍🏻

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rachel Beltz says:

    Lol 30k could help us not lose our house 💀😂

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Father Son says:

    Crushed it at 13 blew past Twitter next target price Facebook price. Dropping in more first thing.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sola Scriptura says:

    If anyone is the least bit frustrated about social media SJWs censoring free speech– including: all social media platforms signed an agreement to remove people, immediately– you SHOULD be happy about Trump's idea of a like platform.
    So far, Locals, and Minds are our only other options (to my knowledge).

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I go by Benny says:

    The question that is haunting me right now about DWAC.. How much meme could a meme stock stalk if a meme stock could stalk stock?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beyond the Box says:

    This guy is wrong. It’s gonna keep going up on Friday.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Treasured says:

    This is TRUMP Kevin. This will be 100 plus stock. I wouldn’t short! Should have yolo DWAC. Starting it off F Facebook. Trumps social media will Trump them all.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Treasured says:

    Kevin Kevin!! It’s bigger!
    They are going to raise money off of the share price. It’s going to be big.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bassmaster1953 says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Schmidt says:

    That 1% APY margin interest at Interscrive brokers is nice. Only use overnight margin on stocks that are bottomed out like BYND below $100. a share.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Natalie W says:

    Get in early on this one! AMC is going to have history record breaking squeeze. Buy tomorrow while it’s on clearance! It is the last mini dip!!!! The walls are closing in on AMC! 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🚀🚀🚀🚀💥💥💥💎💎💎💎💵💵💵💵

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Regina Phalange says:

    Can’t believe Kevin didn’t buy this!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramy says:

    i am a carpenter and was busy all day didnt even know trump is about to open social media. i will buy first thing in the morning i dont care how much it cost, i will buy 100 share and keep it until 2024

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars susan wolf says:

    Who ever is for free and not censored speech should buy this stock and hold it!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buller Anse says:

    That was bad acting, you didn’t buy SAM deliberately

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth James says:

    He will finally be a multi billionaire

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars River Big says:

    Up to 72 dollars as I watch your video

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Ceesay says:

    This will either last a week or depending on the news cycle a month. Either way I wouldn’t hold past November / December. News coverage is key as more and more supporters and traders will go in.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars backstabber89 says:

    this will be a success, just like his blog he closed down after a few months recently xD

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rashaan Moore says:

    this might be a very personal question but I've been curious to know how you balance making all of this content on YouTube and managing your brokerage while having time for your family?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars edgar correa says:

    Kevin obv didn't buy today…

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars backstabber89 says:

    they already announce they will censor anyone critizising Trump xD so much for "non censored", it is just gonna be a right wing propaganda platform (german style)

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pipe Ranks says:

    Kevin, can you make a video on "is mining crypto still profitable" ? Thanks bro.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wakawaka says:

    lol market melt up in the making! epic!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chrystal Lee says:

    I didn't listen to you this morning (DWAC) @MeetKevin. I bought in at $14😏

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HH says:

    You guys know that you can make 20% a day trading eminnis? Right?

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