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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well, it's still October This is a let's see, it's October 7. So this is the seventh day in a row of rain, but it's also my fifth green day of the month making some nice progress. Now today's a day where I made the decision that I'm not gonna hit a home run I'm at least gonna get myself on base with a base hit and I hit two base hits. So two trades, two winners, about four hundred dollars a profit, not a home run.

Do you know what? I'll take 400 dollars of profit over being red any day of the week. Now for those of you guys on YouTube I want to remind you two things: Number One: Comments and questions go down below and I respond to every single comment a question that's posted Number two: I Really want to encourage you guys to jump over to the Oktoberfest landing page because tonight is the last night of our Tour Fest sale. He extended it one more day expired midnight on Sunday and then we got emails this morning from people that Miss the the coupon code coupon code wasn't working. Can we turn it back on? They really wanted to join and so what we decided to do is bring on 15 more students in addition, the students that we brought on as of last night.

All right. so we've got 15 more spots that are open, but we will be officially and you know, not extending it tonight. Midnight. All right.

So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna jump online here I'm gonna do YouTube live probably around 7 or 8 o'clock Eastern Time and then give you guys a little bit of a demo I'm gonna walk to the platform with you the warrior pro course, the simulator, the chatroom and give you guys a little preview of what it's like. For those of you who have been watching from the sidelines for a lot, are seeing Oktoberfest stay on or thinking about joining and just want to have a few questions answered. All right. So join me tonight for that.

If you don't need to watch that you want to jump right in, get over the coupon code page, use it. Get into the chat room in those classes today. All right! So I hope to see you guys in the in the chatroom in the community soon and as always questions, comments, leave. alright.

see you guys later. All right. So um, you can see my P&L here. I'm up 400 $15.08 and what I said to myself today I said You know what? Russ if you can't hit a home run, at least get yourself on base because you know the alternative is I try to run for 2nd and 3rd and then I get struck out.

You know if I'm not in a market where I'm gonna be able to hit a home run for whatever reason, then at least take the base hit and take a little bit of progress. So you know what? Today is a green day I've got two trades I've got two winners that's 100% accuracy I'm gonna put it in my calendar and make it official I said it was the market was dead on Friday and then today I said is more dead because Friday was dead. Today's more dead today just so slow. I don't know if it's all the political stuff going on, it's just kind of like weighing on things a little bit or what it is, but I am just I Can't wait for the next stock that really puts in some momentum and takes off because it's gonna be exciting.
So let's see. Let me pull up the Gap scanner for this morning. So every morning for me starts the same way right around 9:00 9:15 I come online I Drive for my house down to my office here just like I don't know it's a short drive and actually a side note: I spent a good portion of the day Saturday and Sunday washing the car clay bar getting it really good shape putting on the sealant and I was letting the sealant soak in overnight and then I was gonna do some more work on it. So I actually drove our old Subaru to work because the nice cars is too nice.

it's raining out and I want to get water spots on it? So yeah, but I took it pretty seriously this weekend and it looks brand-new alright so let's see. So anyway, so drove down the office this morning and got my Gap scanners up and the first thing I looked at here when I pulled up the Gap scanners was that we basically didn't have anything on here that looked that good. a KC A this is an 88 million sheriff load s pH s is too cheap this one I was kind of thought I would check, but a thirty million sheriff float wasn't interested in it INF you I said this morning I'm not gonna trade a stock that has fu in the title not not in this market I just can't I can't take that risk. So and I say the same thing when I'm picking out my outfit in the morning I see a red shirt? not today Genki I just can't afford it.

It's the beginning of the month, then you know we're trying to come into the hot season here. I Just I can't I can't have any of that so that that one was automatically off the list. A Bu S 53-million Sheriff low No this one. no this one twenty-six million Sheriff low So you know, just going down the list, it's like no, no, no no No.

So by 915 928 pretty much knew that there was nothing on the watch list that really looked good today. Which doesn't mean that I won't have potentially a great day I've certainly had days where I don't have anything initially off the watch list, but the bell rings. A stock hits this high a day momentum scanner it squeezes up and boom. That gives me an opportunity for a really great trade.

So you know that's fine. There's just it just means I probably won't trade in the first two minutes. Okay, so we've got nothing on watch here. Ring Central, you know.

I'm not gonna trade this. although if I'm gonna be honest, this would have been the best trade of the day. If I go to a 10 second chart on RingCentral, you'll see how this gave like a picture-perfect dip out of the gates to 168 and then surged up to 178. Ten dollars a share, but at the same time, trading a stock like this and there's a lot of risk.

and I really can't afford to take that kind of risk this early in the month. and I Just you know, this is the funny thing about my strategies I trade for income and even though I've made a million dollars in the market, and even though I could certainly afford to not trade for a month or I could afford to take a $10,000 loss if the potential was a $30,000 winner I still kind of trade every single day like I have a small account. On the one hand, that's really terrible for me because I'm really not maximizing on my potential. I mean I've got one hundred and ninety thousand dollars of buying power here.
plus I've got a hundred and eighty thousand in my. For some reason when you switch between accounts, sometimes it lags out a little bit. but anyways, yes, I've got like almost, you know, two hundred and seventy, two hundred, sixty thousand dollars and I'm really not using a lot of them so that's not great for me. But what's good for you about it is that I trade pretty much every single day as if I had the same account size that many of you guys have which is a small account and I do that because for me I just feel like every single day I have a goal of making a little bit of money and every day that I close up shop and I'm green I feel good about myself and I feel like I did my work I did a good job and having a day where I'm up thirty grand.

Yeah that's nice but having days where I'm down five or ten grand is terrible and so RingCentral here out of the gates it dips down and I kind of was watching and I was like oh you know it's kind of interesting but really outside my price range shouldn't do it. but it was a gap and go set up. it was gapping up. there was JPMorgan Chase had a price target increase out on it.

it dips down it that and there's usually on this dip. This is where I buy up a small cap stock. So I probably been buying this up around 169 170 and then adding over the pre-market high of 174. Well, this ended up squeezing up as you can see here to 178, but it didn't really hold the level very well.

It retraced pretty quickly and the spreads were really big so I'm not sure if I really missed I probably didn't really miss anything. Okay, so that one was the first one I was watching but I didn't trade it. Then Xen Tea hits the scanner I look at it and you know I I think I was just like hey, we're five minutes in, something is finally moving I'm gonna jump on it. So X Ent is moving and it's moving relatively quickly.

High volume but the floats not perfect and the price is a little too high. but I jumped in it anyways thinking maybe it would give Gap-fill up to 17 the close on Friday and then reverse off that level. So I wanted to go long and then go short. Well, it only hit a high of 1650 and I got in at 1630.

Actually it was like 1635. so I made twenty four dollars and ninety three cents and that was on three thousand five hundred shares. So you know I made less than a penny per share. but on this one I was actually down for a second on it before it came back up.
And so really, I'm just glad that I am not red on it. So I bought during this one minute pullback here I thought it was gonna break it, then pulls back and then it ripped. So I got out on this candle here and then sold the rest as it came back down here. So not a very impressive trade.

Probably wasn't even worth the stab just because of the price and the flow. So that was my first trade, just terrible. The second trade and now we're just sitting here. Nothing's happening.

nothing's happening. Am I a I saw? Hit the scanner I pulled up the chart I The first my process is I see the stock I see the float I Know it's not really a 22,000 share float, but because it's super low. It tells me if the stock has a potential to give a parabolic moves and it says it's a former runner and I'm somewhat familiar with the name and that's from back here. Scroll back a little ways when it made this big move.

Alright, so I looked at and I was like okay, you know what? Boom I'm jumping in Shift 1 I didn't even have time to enter the order. Shift 1 I jumped in. Now just for reference, Z Vzzt is a Nasdaq test stock. Watch what happens when I press shift 1.

Ok, that was a bad example. What was supposed to happen was my order would go through um I'm gonna just type in the order here. What? I missed a funny. There's a funny spread here on this thing I Don't know why it, you know what? That's interesting.

Well, it's the Nasdaq test stock, but usually the order I've never seen this spread so big on it. I Think there might be something wrong with it. In any case, usually you press the order. Let's say I just put the order for a thousand shares up here I Click the Buy button and it should be instantaneous and clearly there's something wrong with it.

What's one of the other test stocks and can someone give me one of the oh now says it's halted. This is ridiculous and there's a couple different test stocks and try to remember them. but I only remember this one anyways. what I was going to show you was the speed at which the order fills.

Of course the order needs to be working properly in order for that to happen. but in any case, on Jmi A I pull it up Jmi A I see the chart and shift one. I'm in just like that. So I just jumped in really quickly.

It squeezes up to a high of 7. I Don't know what this high was like. Seven, seven, eight seventy or something like that so you know it makes a nice move up. I actually added at fifty fifty seven and sixty.

It then did not continue and all of a sudden it started to look sort of like this where see how all these buyers are stacked up one two three four five six seven stars still really thickly traded and I was like you know what I think this might be a there's something with this that's not right I don't know if it's a bigger float or what it is, but I'm just gonna leave it alone or I'm gonna get out So I got out I hit the bid and bailed out and so I was out with three hundred ninety dollars it and that ended up being about five cents per share. So it's nothing impressive, but you know, again, better than nothing a base hit. I'll take a base hit versus a red trade any day. and again, you know if I can't hit a homerun I might as well at least try to get a base hit because you know it's $400 It's gonna put me green on obviously the day and green on the week.
which is a good start. And there's a certain aspect of trading that is about self confidence. Now those of you guys on YouTube and Facebook I love to hear you comment and you can leave comments down below on the the confidence side of things because it feels for me like I am just exponentially exponentially more confident in my trading when I'm up. even just a hundred dollars versus being read a hundred I mean not that a hundred really makes a huge difference for me, but just the you know the significance that today I'm Green, you know it just always makes me feel better.

And even though in theory you could have a strategy where you're right only 20% of the time. which means you're wrong eighty percent of time and you could still make money. And the reason would be that the 80% of the time. So let's say 20 and I'll just move this out of the way so I can draw back here.

So let's say you've got a hundred trades, but only twenty percent accuracy. You've got 20 winners and you've got 80 losers. So let's say your loss is on average are 100 bucks. All right.

So $100 on average times 80 you're down $8,000 All right. Now on the flip side, you're winners. Let's say are a thousand All right. So a thousand times twenty winners is $20,000 So even though you're wrong 80% of the time, you're making $12,000 every 100 traits for me: I Don't feel comfortable with accuracy.

that's less than 50% when I'm wrong more than half the time I just start to feel I start to get more conservative I don't take as much risk I get timid I start hesitating and then when something really does work I overcompensate by being aggressive at the wrong time. And so for me, even though I understand statistically and mathematically that you can be profitable with, you know accuracy as low as 20% I still just focus on trying to be right 70 80 percent of the time if I can. and you know today's a day where I I did end up being right 100% of the time. But certainly I had to sacrifice any possibility of a home run because I took profit at only 5 cents and here I got out with only one cent.

But that was a decision I made and of course now I'm gonna go into tomorrow feeling you know, decent and just like ok. Tradings been a little slow but hey I was green so you know, look for the next Green Day Anyway, so that's about it for me. Only two trades today. Not a lot of progress but you know I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow and hopefully we see some more momentum.
So again, those of you guys with questions and comments leave them below and I encourage you guys to be given a thumbs up subscribing to the channel. For those of you guys on Facebook and YouTube and I will see you all first thing tomorrow morning. Alright, thanks everyone! See you guys in the morning. if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video.

So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Doubles! two trades two winners ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vivd Clan says:

    Why only 2 trades a day?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Addicted to speculation says:

    How much for 2 hr phone call?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bashar Fakeer says:

    What do you think about eToro platform?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Pearce says:

    missing the youtube videos from large cap/ mike, and futures trader

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin Reenberg says:

    @Ross Another great video!
    Have a question for you: When you talking about RingCentral is outside your price range. Can´t you just trade fewer shares? Even though it´s not your usual $2-10

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars at123 says:

    Great video, Ross. I have some quick questions. 1. Do you use the platform built into Lightspeed, or something like DAZ? 2. What's the primary thing you try to be mindful of at Level II – big buyer or seller coming in? And does that buyer/seller's limit price weigh heavier on your decision the closer to market price it is? Are WarriorPro classes live, or on demand? Thanks!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Mckissick says:

    Is the chat room 1 on 1 with a mentor or a pro trader?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mr face says:

    what % of your bankroll do you recommend risking for each trade ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dr. A. Rosenberg says:

    If it was so easy to make money from the market everybody would be doing it !

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Relatable says:

    Quick question do you have any tips or videos about analyzing the pre market. I'm new to this channel and you mentioned you try to play within the first hour. But I don't know what pattern to look for right now.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Bednarz says:

    Ross, do you remember any other times where it was this slow in the last 5 years? Or is this the slowest?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yannick says:

    You have toooooo much way than me

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yannick says:

    I have done so much if you back up my Qc dipence

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yannick says:

    Illl take it

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vermin says:

    I've been playing roku for about a week, the pattern is so repetitive that I've made over 2k in about a week.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timberwolf says:

    When I trade, the movie "Rounders" comes to mind. I like to work the markets like the character "Joey Knish" in the movie. If you haven't seen the movie, it is an excellent "trader-training" tool on risk management and the mental game of trading. Let me know what you think.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Small-Cap World says:

    I like it! What do you consider a former running low float?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ubay Uddin says:

    What happened to Mike’s premarket watchlist

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kareeb beckham says:

    You are so right Ross. if I'm red my first trade even if it's 60 or 100 my confidence goes down. How do you work on that?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Visionaguilar says:

    AKCA´s float: 14.74 M (marketwatch), 15.28M (yahoo finance).

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dingo Dango says:

    You do reply! Lol
    Do you have a single twin brother 😉😉😉

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dingo Dango says:

    So where are your eyes when you are in a trade? On the level 2 or the one minute chart? X

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jorge Gomez says:

    Do you buy a breakout/red to green move at the first break given the volume is behind it or do you prefer to wait for the retest of the level?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DESI TRADING says:

    Awesome job with this slow market Ross!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liz Trader says:

    Lost $29.00 on SRNE. Thought it might breakout. I got out with my tight stop, thankfully in the nick-of-time. My equity is now $470, need to deposit more funds to have Margin back. Will give it another go. What is a good baseline in terms of number of trades to gauge whether your P/L % is at a certain level? I've only made 9 trades and at 44.44%.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Love Perfect says:

    Thank you Ross, we are truly grateful… your focus and determination to maintain an encouraging presence each morning before the market opens, this is so very motivating!! Thank you😊

    Particularly encouraged for tomorrow morning… believing for a few ginormous gappers😁

    IGMS, a recent IPO, tried to jump a bit this morning but failed… perhaps tomorrow🌱

    Godspeed to us all, Wall Street's Warriors… the trading family that doesn't surrender to uncertainty or freeze when a godsend of a stock hits our scanners⚡💵🌈

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver says:

    when you trade what are the requirements for you to take a positio in the moment and how do you normally hold it

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brayan Martinez says:

    Hi Ross. When you did set up your hot keys, did you choose the route you wanted ? Thanks.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elissa Jones says:

    Is there any way to purchase your Trade ideas MOMO scanner?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noel Timog says:

    Hello Ross…First day in the chat room,two trade’s,two green’s MEET 1 long 1 short.I made 11.50$ small acount.Thx.

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