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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well boy, this was a crazy day I'm getting ready to head over I've got a class I'm going to teach for a bunch of students which I'm really looking forward to and man, what a crazy day. 400% squeeze shark squeeze on Wor X Out of control today. eight consecutive Green Day Over four thousand nine hundred dollars profit I Can't complain it all. eight green days in a row is that's awesome That feels good.

That's consistency and that's exactly what I was going for here in April So I haven't had a red day in April So far now my best. Green Day Hot streak was actually 56 consecutive days. We're gonna walk next door here. Fifty-six green days in a row I Don't know that I'm gonna be able to top of that but that would mean I can't have a red day going girl.

it's sprinkling here I wouldn't feel to have a red day I'm tell like June but you know even if I don't get a full 56 days, 56 green days and break that streak, you know the consistency is as the has the focus. I Think is going to be the way to go. It's so tough because you know hitting those big wins the glory of a you know, fifteen twenty thirty thousand dollar winner. It feels great.

You know it really does. It's a it's an awesome feeling, but in order to get those types of trades you guys know you've seen in my recaps, you gotta be willing to step up to the plate and take some risk. And that's where when things go wrong, it can be pretty bad. So I've stepped off of the roller coaster this month and eight days in I'm feeling good and today was actually the first of these eight days where I'm almost positive I went red on the day the my very first trips a green trade on works but and then I tried to take a trade on the brake of view Abbott failed and I was in with 3000 shares.

it dropped I added another 3,000 on the bottom, it popped back up and I sold and I was still at a loss from where I sold and I don't know how much I lost on that, but I think it put me right on the day and then I was able to, you know, finish up almost 5,000 So I've been a little worried about how I would handle the first day. I pretty confidently am red again. I'm not looking at my P&L while trading so I don't know exactly where I'm at I just kind of have a sense if that was a good trade, it was a bad trade, really bad trade, really good trade, and roughly where I'm at. So yeah today I just start to get a little bit nervous there and I did start thinking no I don't want to end my consecutive day streak and so in response to that what I said to myself was wait for the next Really good setup which is actually you know to give yourself but if the market had really slowed down and there was nothing else that looks good I Don't know if I would have gotten to a point where I would start getting frustrated than that, been more likely to jump at something that wasn't good just to try to get myself green so you know.

always something to kind of be in check with whatever you're doing, whether it's trying to set you know monthly targets or consistency records or whatever else. So times when you have a trade that throws you off that you know you have to just kind of be able to let go of that goal and just trade the trade for you know the best you can and try to let that stuff just sit at the door. It's not easy, but that's what you have to do. all right you guys.
So let's get into that recap. We'll talk about works, We'll talk about the other stocks I'd trade today. Three stocks I traded green and all three names up almost $5,000 Nice day at a dream day in a row. All right, enjoy the recap questions, Comments: leave them below and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning.

If you're not already in the chat room, you better jump in. All right guys! I'd Love to see you in the community. We've got really a great, great group of traders and it's a lot of fun so hopefully I'll see you in there soon! What's up everyone? Alright so um ma'am a little wild day today is no doubt my eighth consecutive. Green Day I know that I'm green but I think that I may have been red at one point today and it was works.

That gave me a little bit of a roller coaster on my PNL BRS Q I'm sorry B rqs that one was I trade with smaller share size but moved a lot and I CD a little higher price also smaller share size. So really the one today that was right off the watch list was works Alright so and you can see this is the chart that we've got up right now. So the thing with this one and I'll take off my lines here and we'll just draw new ones as I kind of go through things here. So this one premark went from yesterday it was at 225 to this morning at 8:05 it hit $9.95 Now it went up that much on approximately four hundred three hundred fifty thousand shares of volume.

and then it came all the way back down to a low of 527. So it gave back more than half of the move up which is kind of crazy I mean it's just such a big move to the upside than a big move back down. And then the question really was we know where is this thing gonna base out? is it gonna just fade for the rest of the day or is it gonna move back higher? So as I was doing my watchlist this morning, this was the leading gap or gapping up a hundred eighty six percent. I knew it was the one that most people would be watching.

but go to time frame here and I go to historical time of 9:20 The leading gapper of course works the second-leading gap or very light volume. third by OC it's a penny stock, don't care about it. canf I've traded before and I don't really like it that much and as you can see here, it has already given back quite a bit of the move and was looking just kind of choppy like it didn't go up all that much and then it came back down. So this one I was just kind of like now I don't think it's gonna be the one ICD I ended up trading but I was really hesitant on the float.
75 million shares are 73 and there was no news Catalyst so I was kind of like I don't know I don't know if I could really trust it I'm concerned that price range could get me into trouble so I steered clear initially and then none of these I was interested in for a variety of reasons, but mostly either. No Catalyst. Not a very nice chart, not a nice daily chart. It floats to high prices to low prices.

too high. So I said alright guys, well Works is gonna be the one we're gonna watch out of the gates. and those of you who watched my recap or we're here when I or my watch list or we're here when I was doing it, you know that I said this is gonna be expert level trading. This is not beginner stuff.

This is gonna be choppy. It's going to be difficult I'm just almost positive of it. but initially my bias was to the long side as it was starting to squeeze up and I did take a long on it right out of the gates here for this break over 660 right here. and on that trade we got a quick squeeze up to 720 which was really not bad at all.

So I traded that one and let me go back to that first trade. I Actually okay, so I bought yeah I'm just looking at my timestamp here. so I bought 2,000 shares on my first trade I sold it for what looks like was about $300 profit I then added back at 77 for the break over 8 I added again at 93 sorry for the break over 7 and then it broke 7 and I sold at 716, 708 and 702 which was really pretty solid and I had a bottom bounce after this drop. right here.

it bounced down to six and popped back up. but I had been a losing trade on it. Where was that loser? I'm just trying to find this and that was that one. So I think it was down here.

Yeah so I had a loser on this where I got in. I think it was this false break of V whap right here. I got in at 6:45 for the break over V whap here and yeah, here it is and then I stopped out as it dropped back down to $6 and so on that trade I ended up giving back looks like almost everything that I had made I'm not sure to the penny but I went from being green to you know, basically being break even on it. but I stuck with it I kept watching it and when it came back up here as it broke over 660 I got back in and that was.

We got a fast-forward a little bit right here. so I had one trade right here. a small win and then a bigger trade right there. So let's see, let's just see where I finished the day.

All right. So let's see that's awesome. Four thousand, nine hundred, eighty four dollars, eight consecutive Green Day that's awesome. That's a sweet day.

So 20 185 on works and 23 42 on B Rqs and $373 on Icd and so right in here. I had a winner I then gave it back I knew I had a good sized loss I wasn't sure I thought that I was probably red after that loss and then I came back here and so basically this $2,100 of profit was earned between the break of you app right here at 10:15 and this squeeze all the way up to a high of 835 which was awesome. So we got that nice break higher and at that point I said okay, I'm throwing in the towel. This may end up setting up a five-minute pattern here.
It looks like it is setting up one for the break over eight, but you know you got at some point no one to throw in the towel and walk away. So I'm taking the profit off the table on this and I'm happy with the trades if we dial in a little bit more closely here. The break of V Whap. We had this test here of 54 and this was an okay trade because I got in for the break of the hiatus candle which was 35 so it pulled back for a second and then surged up.

I got in, it broke through 50, hit 54 and then drop back down. It was a small winner and I was like huh I was weird, came all the way back down to a low of 590 and then it ripped back up and I was like well, if it breaks over 60 I'm getting back in because that's this level right here and I knew if it broke 60 we'd have room back up towards 7. So I got back in here it pops up to 80 which was a nice trade. Then I added for the break of 80.

Right here it hit 87, it pulls back I added for the break over 90 and I was like guys I'm looking for the break of 7 and when it broke 7, this literally went from 687 all the way up to 740 micro pullback I added for the break of 750. It then pops up to 775 little pullback and squeezes right here up to 811. So that's in a period of four or five minutes. we got a full dollar per share.

My max share size today was six thousand shares and I did take six thousand shares on a couple trades on works. So anyways, that was the high there and we got a little pullback here and then another quick little trade up to the very very top of 35. so that was works. B Rqs I initially wasn't looking at very closely.

it got halted a couple times going up I think it was right here and then right here and then right here. it resumed it pulled back and I bought this one-minute pull back right here. so that was my first trade. It was at 6:00 sorry for 42 the first one minute candle to make a new high I wasn't gonna buy it in here or here or here I needed it to pull back and so I pulled back and I was in right there.

It pops up here to five dollars which is a 60 cent breakout I took my profit as it squeezed up, held a little bit into the halt, it halted, it opened and hit a high of five away. I sold so I could focus on Wor X it then comes back up right here and I got back in for the break of five, it squeezes up to 550, pulls back, hits a high of 635 and then right here I added for the break of 650 and it's squeezed up to a high of 785. The only thing on this one is that the volume was pretty light. even right now the volume is only 1.6 million shares and so I'm it agait today the smaller size.

my biggest position was 2,000 shares and on the last trades I actually brought my share size down to 250 shares for each trade you know this as I think back on you know previous months, this is the type of stock that I might have traded ordinarily with regular share size of 6 to 12 thousand shares. and it's type of stock that you know it's got that homerun potential. If it works, it could be a big win. but if you get caught going the wrong way, this is one candle right here where it dropped from 764 to 550.
I actually tried to buy it on the bounce off view app at 560 and my order got it, did not fail and it bounced from 560 there back up to about 650 before fading lower so you know. Unfortunately, the type of stock that definitely has the potential to give you a big win but also a big loser I couldn't afford the big loss I wanted today to be my eighth consecutive green day and it is. And so I knew I needed to trade a smaller share size and I knew after the trade on works of all the early trades that I was probably not in great shape on the day, but then really, it was between 10:00 and 10:30 that I made the bulk of my profit on B Rqs on that break out on works and then also on ICD which ended up giving a nice little pullback. As you can see right here and another one right here, this was not a big winner for me.

I traded it with smaller share size I took two trades on it, but you know I was happy to get a little bit of profit on it. So where I'm sitting right now I can pull up my stats for the month I'll obviously import today's trades tomorrow so we can see how my performance is improved when we have tomorrow or today. well you know, when we look at it tomorrow. So from April 1st through today, this was the calendar so far.

so two, four, six, seven, Green days in a row before today, it's always nice to have a calendar that's bright green. you can see equity curve just going up and the detailed P&L here 71 percent accuracy I'm not sure what it'll be after today cuz I Took a lot of trades today I traded more than probably any other day, but Works was giving a lot of opportunities for quick trades and so it made sense. My average winners mm, sorry, $270 that will hopefully be higher after today. average Losing trade 176 I did have that bigger loss on Works, so those might go up as well.

you know? and this is a tough thing because if if you only have, let's say I have 22 losing trades now, maybe tomorrow I'll have 23 or 24. So you know you don't have a lot of losers. but then if you have one that becomes a bigger loser, it can really throw off your profit loss ratio. But as long as you've got a lot of winners, your accuracy will go up.

so it's kind of that battle. But having you know really high accuracy and then not as good of a profit loss ratio or a better profit loss ratio, but then the accuracy goes down a little bit. Average trades for winners seven minutes average trades for losers two minutes cutting those losers quickly which is important Biggest Loser 584 I might have topped that today on on works biggest winner 1,700 and I wouldn't have topped that today on I Don't think any individual trade, but we'll see that tomorrow when I take a look. All right, So that's where I sit as of right now, not a bad morning at all.
In fact, this is going to be the best day of April Yeah it is. So these days trading with a max of 6,000 shares, you know seems like my good green days are topping out at around 3 - you know, $5,000 Last month when I was trading with bigger share size or in February when I was trading with bigger share size, my big green days were obviously bigger. you know, 12,000 and up. But not having any red days is nice and so the question will be at the end of the month, how does that all balance out? You know I don't know? Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

but I'm feeling good about this strategy of trading with smaller share size. It's definitely a little less stressful. It's easier to get in and out of trades and it's allowing me to focus on some of the other things I need to do. which is you know, try to be a the best teacher possible for you guys who are at the beginning of your learning curve where you know really every day counts.

So a day where I'm swinging for a homerun, getting really aggressive and not focusing on much as much on you guys, it's not really gonna be super helpful. so trying to avoid that and you know that's a little bit in response to some big up-and-downs in March which was partially the result of the overall market and me just trying to really aggressively trade through it which at the end of the month, you know. even though I made about $42,000 during the first four weeks of the market crash, I ended up having a couple red days just before that and I had a couple big red days just at the end of March. So Marsh you know, wasn't a great month for me.

February was good. about $68,000 of profit, but January it wasn't very good. So at this point I'm trying to balance things and smooth things out a little bit more and it seems like I'm so far you know, eight days in here to April feeling pretty good. So you know if I could have another nice day tomorrow, that would be terrific and it'll start the same as today.

Looking at the Gap scanner I'm hoping to see something that looks decent and then trading small share size pull backs on whatever is strong and moving up. Alright you guys, so that's my recap for today. I Hope you guys all did well I know I Saw some nice people posting the PNL in the chat room so great job for those of you guys if you want to post how much you've made in the chat room I'll pull this up on screen share so others can see it so just type in the room how much how much you locked up today I Know we've already actually had about a thousand people leave for the day from where we were at a little earlier. but alright and I'll just pull this up on screen share here Ibraheim Nice nice job man.
Alright, so there we go. Um Daniel Nice. Daniel Is that real? My: Are you in the Sim 11,000 Wow Five thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Six Twenty Three hundred minus One fifty Well you know, live and learn. At least you lived Tomorrow's a new day Sim Nice.

Good job though. Fourteen hundred a thousand - mm Oh Sim So you want tighten that up? That's good that you're in the Sim. Sixty eight hundred, Thirty Seven hundred, Fifteen hundred, Ten thousand Real money Sixteen thousand Sim Nice job Kerry That's awesome. So some of you guys are stepping up to the plate with a little bit bigger share size than me and good for you, you're getting paid for that.

Alright, so give yourselves a pat on the back if you didn't come out today with as much as you wanted. study the charts, go back and look at what the better entries would have been, where things went off the rails and we'll be back at it. As always, First thing tomorrow morning and hopefully we'll have another juicy stock like Wor! X It'll give us some nice opportunities. Alright, that's it for me.

I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Bye everyone! Hey did you know that? I Go live every single morning between 9:00 and 9:15 to stream my pre market watch list. Subscribe the channel, press the bell for the alert and you'll get the notification.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “$worx short squeeze 400% ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Apex Daytrader says:

    Hi friend, is it possible to get a chart and data only sub at lightspeed?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter S says:

    Yes WORX rendered $450, many thanks!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Ricki says:

    Hello, I love your video it was very informational. Would you predict that WORX will continue to increase in price and maybe hit the $20 range?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WiNgarod says:

    what kind of trading can you buy and sell many times?do i need permit for that?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MR. E says:

    Hey Ross, sorry if I repeat a question already asked before, but is the analysis on traderview that you get free? or do you pay for that?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars karandeep tatlah says:

    Quick question sir. Do you find any difference in day trading during these volatile times compared to a few years ago in the middle of the bull run?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Dixon says:

    Nice recap, thanks 👌

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael DiMattia says:

    Although my strategy is very different than Ross', everything he talks about regarding psychology and mindset is paramount for ANY strategy! Amazing content as usual. A true pro!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randall Gordon says:

    Where can I day trade?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars punk3rz says:

    What platform is this?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Healthyliving says:

    needed to hear the talk in the beginning – I'm a beginner, traded WORX, made 200 bucks and then went red as I continued to trade in the sideways move and then there was a hammer drop and the stop got me out with a loss and I was kind of broken over it, so this really helps. Thanks!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brandon cameron says:

    Is DAS Trader a good platform to trade on? 🤔

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Winkler says:

    Def a tough day to trade, was conservative in the morning which worked but then didn't switch to more aggressive around 10 when would have been key. Ended green but phew lot of profits left on the table yesterday. Can't complain though. Nice to be back after a long weekend.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chef Bonez says:

    Are you trading on cash or margin for your small account?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mets fan says:

    I lost a bit on WORX. Not blaming Ross, but rather being somewhat inexperienced and while using basic brokerage interface.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jun Leung says:

    Hi Ross, if I were to buy the 1 year plan. complete and understand all 15 chapters, is it enough to become a successful trader like you?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socrates Trading says:

    Nice job on WORX, this was one tricky stock to trade. I bought this stock early in the day right after market open, but my order was not filling, at about $6.50 a share, at which point it reached that high point of about $7.30 a share. I then ended up buying around $6.75 a share which dropped quite a bit, at which point I sold at a loss but sure have held for the reversal. I had 2K worth of shares at that point, if I had held would have been a solid 4 figure profit. Anyhow I did also profit from ICD which was a nice green stock for me.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cook N Comedy says:

    Damn airlines and cruises made today a red day for me. What am I doing wrong

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John C says:

    TD Ameritrade crashed today. Locked out of TOS, website, and app. Couldn't close position.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henri Mera says:

    What do you mean 400% up?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheSlickTrader says:

    I’m up $4.5k this month but I’m in funk. Tough to get out!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ronen160 says:

    Ross – you were confident that your trades would fill immediately because there was so much volume? With some trades I've had in the past few days, the has not been filled immediately, or it's been partially filled two or three times to reach the full order. This is frustrating and sometimes expensive, if the stock is volatile and makes moves before my order is filled.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wtd nose says:

    You know Ross – the reason for your continuing lucky streak is… your dog! Good thing you went and got her last minute this am. Congrats on the streak!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ronen160 says:

    I'm so glad to hear you say that WORX was really for an "expert trading day" because I got hammered and was very thrown off by the fall of the stock, in the start of the day. There was a meteoric rise pre-trading, then a sell off until about 10am. Then I had trouble finding matches to the patterns i'm learning in the classes. They were more 'nuanced' patterns, i felt. Nevertheless, was confused and couldn't follow you, then I kept trying to short the stock at the wrong times. end of day i'm down $30K (in the Sim) and it was exhausting. If I had left this stock alone, perhaps been more disciplined in the trading?, I would have ended the day up $2,200.00 from trading CANF, MITT, BRQS, OBCI (small gain, but a gain)………So this is a lesson I won't forget.

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