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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right everyone. So I'm back for a second recap. although um I don't have any I didn't actually take any more trades so thank God because usually usually when I come back for a second recap, it's because it's a I've done something terrible I've made a terrible mistake. Uh, but I wanted to go over the trades on Hpx that I saw and Danny's here with me.

So uh, many of you already recognize I'm sure Danny because he's in the chat room every day and he's teaching classes. he's or he's he's got classy. he's taught. he's also doing um Mentor sessions you're on Friday at is it 11 or 12.

11 A.M Friday he's doing uh weekly Mentor sessions for warrior Pro members. So um, so but you did get some trades on Hpx so I did so walk me through. Um, this one and so Hpx right now is up 238 percent. It must have been up at least 300.

What was the highest percentage that you saw on this thing? Um, let's see. Um I don't I mean oh, 347 347 on the scan right there. So holy smokes, Yeah, what a nice move. I mean nice in terms of the range.

Um, in terms of price action, it was pretty difficult. These these can be really hard to trade. Um I mean you're looking at one two three four five, six, seven, eight green candles in a row going halt to Halt just straight up pretty much they're already already inning now that I I hear you talking, your audio is breaking out just like a little bit. I don't know if it's um, what are you using for your mic? You test.

It's just my built-in mic, huh? Okay, all right, well we'll see if it gets that was it? How's that now? Um, it was just kind of like giving a little like weird feedback. but I don't know why. I'll move my other computer over. Okay, maybe that'll um, yeah, let me know if it changes or it gets worse or better.

I have another mic that I could, uh, switch computers and plug in. Okay, uh yeah. so I was saying. We had like eight green candles in a row going straight up on Hpx just going halt to Halt and they can be really hard to trade.

Um, they can be really hard to handle emotionally too. unless you're already in from like 14 13 and scaling out. You know where do you get an entry? Um, so that move up was nice to see, but when that's happening, you kind of just have to let them go and then let them tell you where they pull back to and then let it set up past that if it's going to. now if this was a lower price stock.

I and and I'm looking at the 10 second chart on it right now and I'm not even seeing really very much of micro pullbacks, but on a usually on something like this I would look at the 10 second chart for micro pullback and you kind of see that there was one around 18 and then it went into the halt up at 20 and 19 ish. and then it opened and kind of dipped down and was red and then it came back up to 24 and halted up. Um, and then there was maybe another small micro pullback which would have been super risky at 33.65 goes into the halt up at 34. So like that one wouldn't have worked, but possibly basically on resumption after that first halt at 1450 or 15..
it opened, it dipped and it ripped into a second halt. that would have been the only safe place that I probably would have considered it because it's a dip and rip following the first halt. but yeah, I agree. I Mean when these are going up back-to-back halts on light volume and especially with these ones when you start to get up to the 30 price range at one point I was looking at it.

Well, even right now, the spread is 34. By 36, you've got two point spread. Yeah yeah. so now I mean if you press the buy button for 2 000 shares of this at 36, you're down four grand.

Instant Unrealized. Bid And if you try to hit the bid, I Mean you might be able to get filled 2 000 shares without a problem, but it's possible that you would get slippage and you'd end up losing five grand. You know, another 50 cents a slippage on something like this. So so all right.

Well so then you so you watched it squeeze up and where did you take your first? Trace I didn't take my trade until actually much later. Uh okay and that that pullback. that little micro pullback that you were talking about I think is where Jess took his position at 17. oh going into that yeah, um so yeah.

it had that really weird halt resumption. it halt it up go at 36.33 and then it resumed lower, went straight into some halts down yeah once it hurled back after that. So we have that candle halted up at 11 27. yeah, that was where I was like okay, this is kind of interesting now and yeah, you you mentioned the spreads can be so choppy like I did not really have much of a cushion today to start with.

yeah and so if I'm looking at getting in I'm like I have to understand if I get into this, there's a good chance I'll be down or I'll get in at the high right. and um, if I need to get out, it's not going to be good. so you really have to be careful with your share size on stuff like this. But we had this halt coming back up and it's curling.

It's looking like it's going through levels at this point and so I look at these types of moves as you might have some shorts who are in there from earlier. It would make a lot of sense for them to stop out over 35 36. Yeah, that halt was a longer one. It actually opened at 14 minutes which is odd.

Um, these nicy stocks. Sometimes they just open at really odd intervals. Um, but it opened at 38 14. um I saw the ask Pop to 40.

pretty much immediately and I I loaded up small size I took a position I sent a market order that actually filled me or no I I filled an order just above the bid. um I sent a hotkey order to fill just above the bid I got in at 38.32 and I scaled out partial share size just under the ask as it pushed up. Nice. Yeah.

So I was able to get um, about two dollars a share out of that and I was holding. um I was holding just really small partial share size as it was chopping around over 40. 42 43 looking for it to keep going into another Halt and just keep holding right I was basically like I've taken most of my profit at this point I'm trying to let it give me a reason to stop it out. Yeah, and and then it.
It did it. It shot down pretty quickly to 40 and I was like I don't want to let this go down to my entry. get out flat I'll just stop out now and then it. you know we see it hauled up again and I'm like I'm uh, kind of frustrating, but you know I did the best I could with what I was seeing in real time.

Yeah, that's basically I mean that basically is a dip and rip on resumption from a hot tub that gapped higher at a point where you may have seen some short covering and maybe some more Longs Get in because the dip and rip following resumption is a spot where a lot of people will jump in so nice and then as it sits right down. I mean you know the fact is, it's not a bad looking pattern. Your five-minute chart has a lot of green candles, low volume red candles. but it's expensive and you've got big spreads right? So how do you pull the trigger up here and it's getting later into the day? This is gets in the spot where you know we had Lunar L-u-n-r um last week.

That made this pretty epic move. So I think that some people are probably you know thinking about that one as they watch the price action on this one. Although you have to remember what goes up does come back down and Lunar did come back down dramatically. But yeah, but it did.

Um, you know through the afternoon it kept going and it was sort of similar. high volume green candles like volume red candles. It broke through. you know? First, it goes 30, 40, 50, 60, then 80.

then up to 85 into 100, then 110 140. So you know, like whoa, that really pulled away. Hhrs was another one the other day they put in a big move. so I think you have some people that are probably keeping a really close eye on this just in case.

Um, you know. But one of the things that I'm thinking about naturally is the first day of the month. I'm grateful to be green and you know I obviously I don't mind taking a couple high-risk High reward trades here and there, but you know your first sort of order of business early in the month is to kind of start to build your cushion build a little momentum because like a stock like this, you could jump into with 2 000 shares potentially and all of a sudden. Now listen, you could trade with 200 shares, but I know for myself that once I start getting dialed in on something I can start to get sucked in.

The next thing you know I'm punch in bigger orders and yep, really quickly it could go. Yeah, it could go bad on something like this and it's not. That's something that I've had to pay attention to very closely lately because we've had a lot of moves that have gone up and down and I'm mostly just really considering. like do I want to start trading this because I know if I start trading it and kind of like break the seal and take the first trade, there's a good chance that I can get sucked into whatever price action and and start going down a path that I really didn't mean to.
Yeah so I'm thinking the same thing. it was a really slow day until we had this move I had really not much profit cushion now I'm sitting on a decent Green Day it's the first day of the month, it's been slower I don't know why I would push it today right? fomo. the fear of missing the fear of missing yeah that if it goes to 100 I'm gonna be sitting on the sidelines I mean that would be the that's the biggest driver and I I do feel and by the way, your audio is still a little screwed up so let's figure out how to get it. It's like it's so funny.

it's uh almost. Yeah it's just like does these like buzz kind of sounds like Cuts you off buzzes and then I'm getting I'm getting a little crackles from your side I wonder if we just have not the best connection? Maybe Maybe so um hopefully it's workable. Yeah, but yeah I think the video will be okay. but in any case, um yeah I I think that.

um I don't know what I was gonna start to say something maybe about Fomo, but um as an introvert I've really honed that skill of the the Jomo the joy of missing out. Oh really? um no. I mean in terms of stocks, it's been something that's yeah, been a hard skill to work on as I'm sure you know, yeah, but the thing for me is like I know even Lunar moving to 136 or whatever it was last week, it wasn't really that clean or easy to trade. Totally yeah, it would be just as easy to give Profit back.

Oh for sure. Yeah, No. I I agree with you on that. Um, and that that is definitely true that in hindsight, you can look at this and be like whoa I should have made ten thousand dollars, but unless you were willing to punch orders with a really big spread, um, it probably it probably wouldn't have happened.

So I excuse me? I think for me, you know I'm just content right now with knowing that there's a time of the day when I trade the best and that I have to focus on that time. and although it's awesome to see things that are, um, you know, big big moves when it's you know I guess it's nice just in general to see that if it's outside my window that can, um, right that can cause problems for me. So I just have to stick with what I'm got and not overstate welcome. And that means today, You know I'm gonna call it a day with what I'm at where I'm at.

and yeah, Hpx, maybe it goes higher. Maybe it does go to 100 I hope it does. but um yeah. One thing that I've been doing really well this year is really just focusing on my strategy and these types of moves are kind of outside of.

They're definitely outside of my main strategy. Um, what I do look at them for is this is a nice move that maybe can spark some more momentum. sure and some better moves. So that's really why I'm like let's go to 100.
I'm probably not going to trade it, but maybe it'll help out with other momentum in the market? Yep, no, that could definitely happen. That could definitely happen. And I see that other stock that I had on watch Cdio popping up a little bit here on the scans. this one was a, um yeah, this one I had watched I actually took a trade on to pre-market at 65 or say around 60 and it failed.

but yesterday's high was four although it rejected off of four pretty hard and it did yeah again though. this is the type of thing where the longer you sit in the chair the more you see something like this and you think I could punch it here at 77. Next thing you know it'll be at 87.97 and it's easy to get optimistic and then get yourself into a couple of losses which is why I just shut down my platform. So I don't uh, fall into that trap first day of the month.

It's important to build a little bit of, uh, you know, a little bit of a track record first. Yeah, so all right. Well, um I'll look at that for a little bit. but yeah, I got other stuff to do too.

Yeah, same here. So all right. Well, um, we'll figure out the audio issues and try to get that tuned in. Uh, tuned up for the next uh episode.

but I hope you guys enjoy this. Uh, hopefully you found this interesting and maybe you had some good trades today. so feel free to share those with us down in the comments and we'll see you for the next episode real soon. A reminder as always that trading is risky.

our results aren't typical, and there's no guarantee you'll find success whether you're trading your own. You'll learn from me. So take it slow and we'll see you back here tomorrow.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

16 thoughts on “$hpx 347%”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F A says:

    Have no idea what was the Pont of this video

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ישראל מאיר לוין says:

    How much does it cost to use your stock scanner per month

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shayne dool says:

    good job bud. i got burnt on the lion halt mid day. but tomorrows another day!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Front Line Media says:

    The major problem with these stocks is there is no history. There's nothing to gauge by. They're just there

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lil porky says:

    Can someone tell me why the stock had not moved at all befor this? And what was the reason for the rip?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wyatt Wheelwright says:

    Is it possible to upload your top stocks any earlier in the day? Love to follow your daily stock blog!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Felipe says:

    Great job, I would like to know what is the instruments you trade in, they are CFDs?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Music/Bill Art says:

    Crackling was on Both sides. But, good vid regardless, Thanks!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian S. says:

    Really nice teaching session. 👍

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lisa says:

    Hi Danny, what is the main strategy you use?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FinZippo says:

    What a day. I was well red today taking one stupid trade. So I punched out. I needed to check about my market data orders 1.5h before close and saw CDIO levels and saw opportunity to scalp. Ended up scalping 30+ times. Now only small red. Because of been red I didnt take my normal "full" scalp positions, and able to make 3/4 back from my red, so actually it was good (this time) to punch back in. Kinda little bummer I didnt take full positions, but then again the risk management element was there. Looking at book, there was double amount buys vs. sells the time I was trading it, and that usually is part of my strategy when scalping. If the buy/sell ratio starts evening or being more sells, I size down or stop completely.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Hughes says:

    Cdio was incredible to trade all day into the close also! I found 8 trendline / bull flag breaks! Simple strategy! I'd post a pic but I can't

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brooke Sindorf says:

    what would be the best broker for someone starting off with $500-$1000 and what trading platform can the broker be used on?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darth Bane says:

    I seen that on your scanner my best entry was 14.95 and I held it all the way up started scaling down 38 , 39 , and 43

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Schuler says:

    The audio is trash. Lots of drops and cracks from both of you.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dapp Centre says:

    Buy the dip!! 🚀

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