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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are: Thursday morning, second day of May 7 490. Another solid day. I I really can't complain. I mean, I'm up 20 000 in the last two days.

So now I've got a really nice cushion. On the month of May, I'm halfway to my profit target of 40 grand. And you know I mean this is the wins at my back. Now things are going to be a little bit smooth sailing from here.

I don't have to feel as aggressive. I don't have to push this hard. Of course, if we have good opportunities, I know I've got a cushion so I can go ahead and take a little more risk. It just always feels better to start the month strong.

Now that doesn't always happen. I've had a lot of months where I started in the red, digging myself a hole and gave myself, you know, gave me a project for the rest of the month to try to dig my way out. So you know I've been on both sides, but I'm always grateful when I start the month with some really hot momentum. And that's what we got today on Abio and today we finally got a lot of sympathy.

Momentum: There were about five different stocks that ended up being really strong and so I just kind of kept getting low profit off of each one of them. So enjoy the recap today. As always, leave questions, leave comments below if you have any and I will see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. I'm gonna be trading on my traveling trading station location to be determined.

All right, So I'll see you guys tomorrow morning. All right everyone. So uh, we're gonna do midday market recap here. Go over the trades from this morning.

Today is the second big green day in a row. up seven thousand, four hundred, ninety four dollars, and seventy nine cents. which is awesome. So seeing some good momentum here and as I'm doing this recap, I see Abio coming up and looking like maybe it's going to break through the V app circuit breaker halt level is a 1671.

this is one that I made 2600 on this morning. Uh, with a quick scalp right out of the gates. Uh, this morning this was our leading gap and of course I made about 14 000 on this one. Yesterday this morning it was gapping up 80 percent.

Uh, with about a million shares of volume. It's a super low float stock you know history of making. Uh, this, uh, you know these big moves. And so this morning the level that I was watching was, um, right around 19.

Kind of right in this area. And so as soon as the bell rang, this thing, um, ended up squeezing up and breaking the high of 1875.. the bell rang and it opened at 1840. It dipped down for a second and then as it surged back up.

boom, That's where I jumped in. I jumped in anticipating the break over 18 and 50, which was, um, right here. So in at 18, 33, 40, and 47 only buying a thousand shares on each one, I wasn't going super aggressive. I was being conservative, uh, immediately sold half at 29, 1929 as it broke through 19, but it ended up squeezing all the way up to 20 dollars and 45 cents.
My best exit was at Um 2039 which was pretty good. And and then you know, 30 seconds later, I was selling the rest down. Two dollars a share back in 1833. So you know it, It didn't end up holding that level very well.

I was watching it to get back in. it sold off and held at the View app right here. It started to pop up and I was watching it really closely, right in this area. and then it dropped, broke the V web and since then has just been fading and going lower.

So really, until just, um, these last few minutes where it started to open up a bit. Um, so you know, I'm not sure that you know yesterday. it's kind of interesting because it did end up breaking the V web, it sold off, was looking pretty weak, it had retraced more than 50 percent of the move, and then it ended up breaking that V-wap and squeezing all the way up to 13. So this morning this does look weak, no doubt about it.

But if it breaks over 18, you know. Next thing you know, we're gonna. I think we're gonna see the the high a day so it would be one to probably keep an eye on. but um I'm not totally sure it's gonna work and I can't tell if the Facebook feed is coming through.

Okay if you guys are able to to see it and hear, I don't see any comments on Facebook which is kind of unusual. Had an issue with Facebook yesterday as well. Let's see. let me copy this copy.

Um, it's fine. Okay, cool. All right. So uh anyway.

so so that was Abio so I got 2 600 of profit. Um which is fine and you know at this point could see if it holds the V-wap and then maybe it you know gives another move. I mean this, this could end up being one that that really opens up. I I just don't know.

Um, you know and for me, the ability to get in and take profit that quickly. It's all about reading the level two. At that point I'm not even really looking at the chart, I'm looking at the tape, the level two and when I see that big breakout I see it squeeze. I see a price target.

I'm gonna start to take some profit. Uh, you know, putting half on the ask or on the bid or whatever the case may be. Um so you know some good trades there on on Abio, um the next ones. Uh, our Gap scanner this morning, Abio and then Nspr.

These were the two leading Gappers and so Nspr opened in kind of a similar way. It was sort of weak and then surged back up. I took my first trade on it right here, buying this one minute micro pullback and right there squeezed up to a high of seven dollars so that was a quick 25 profit. It then pulled back, it then squeezed up over seven and hit a high of 751..

So in this move right here I was able to make two thousand, two hundred, ninety eight dollars. and just like that I was up four thousand, uh, 800 on the day which is a great day. you know, really solid by you know 9 45. Then we had, um, ears.

This one popped up and got halted. I jumped in as it was squeezing up getting filled at 5.25 it ends up going to a high of 650 which is a huge move and then coming back down. I sold some of it here, some of it here and the rest of it here. So I total total in total made 1900 on it with 5 000 shares which wasn't too bad.
um not a huge position but a small scalp and then at the same time that that was halted dffn was halted. So what we ended up seeing was several stocks getting halted sort of all at the same time. Um, and that was definitely because of the just crazy amount of volatility that we've seen on Abio Fomo was kicking in. Traders are getting more and more aggressive and today my job was to capitalize on the emotion in the market without falling victim to it.

So my first trade on Dffm was coming out of the hall right here. It popped up to a high of 425, but I wasn't able to lock up. The profit ended up losing about a thousand dollars. I got back in as it squeezed up right here and made back about 200 or no, I made back about 700 so I was only down 300.

and then my final trade was right up here trying to scalp the break over five. It hit a high of 490 and then drop back down. So I end up I'm this is the one I'm going to be right on 587 and Tate was the last one. This one I jumped into for the breakout over seven and it ended up hitting a high of seven dollars and 35 cents which gave me about twelve hundred dollars of profit.

So decent trading today. Some really good opportunities. Um, you know I'm I'm happy to have a a nice solid green day. It's going to put me up over 20 000 on the month of May already.

I'm halfway to my monthly goal and it's May 2nd and that's the reality of trading. You get a couple of really good days and you know you're going to hit your monthly goal immediately. Um, and then on the flip side, you may have a couple of days where. And we had this last week coming into Monday and Tuesday.

Um, I don't know. Today's what was. I'm now losing track of the days, but in any case, um, you know, I guess Monday was green, Tuesday was red. Um.

but and then Wednesday was good. In any case, um, you'll notice that there will be some days where we have. um, really. not a lot of momentum and the best thing for you to do is just to sit tight and hold your hands and not trade.

And even though it's like, well for me to hit my monthly goals, I need to be trading every day and you need to be making x amount each day. You know I get that. But at the same time, if the market doesn't give you anything you can really, you know, sink your teeth into, you're just going to end up losing money. And then on the days like today where you do have great follow-through and you have some nice profits, these are just getting you out of the hole.

They're not putting you into the green. So right now, I'm at all-time highs in in my account here. At one one million, Uh, over a million dollars, I've got about eight thousand dollars. Um, a profit above the million dollar level? Or maybe 8 500.
So my goal ultimately is to never have this account drop back below a million dollars of profit. So that means you know, I just got to keep moving forward and I got to try to get as much of a hot streak in as I can. Um, you know, before things cool down before I have some red trades. So when I have that first pullback, it doesn't dip me down below the million dollar mark.

So right now I've only got about an 8 500 cushion. But that's certainly better than I had two hours ago when we started the day. So I'm fine with that. You know progress is being made tomorrow.

You know, try to finish up the week with, you know one or two more green trades go into next week feeling good. You know, with this profit cushion and as a result the pressure being off inevitably, you're going to make better decisions about when to be aggressive and when to take trades. Because you're not making those trades out of desperation, you're doing them just because. Genuinely, you feel like they look good.

So you know that's always the nice thing about getting a cushion the beginning of the month. It doesn't always happen. I've certainly had months where on the first day I've hit my max loss. Um, that's happened to me many times, so you know it doesn't mean you can't get out, but it's always nicer to start the month with a little bit of a hot streak.

Um, and you know I've been able to do it here these first two days and uh, sounds like a lot of you guys were as well. Yes, that's a good question, Caesar. So he asked, um, my million dollar Challenge does it include commissions? So let's take a look at, uh, the million Dollar Challenge. So I'm gonna go here to May 1st and filter and then we'll go to the reports view.

I'm going to move this out of the way here so you guys can see what's hitting the scanner. So um, my net profit is um, 1 million over 1 million Right here. My gross profit. The gross is before commissions.

My gross profit is 1.14 million. So I've actually been above a million for quite a while. A gross profit. But um, but net profit has been below.

So look at this coming back up to 18. You know that it's tempting. The the thing for me is that I was acknowledging that I probably was not going to be able to hit a home run on Abio because the stock was over 10 and so therefore the risk is going to be a lot higher. Abio now halted at 7 17, 93, you know, but be looking for a move up towards 2050.

although if we actually got that far, that would be a a big U-shape a big double top, and we probably need a period of pullback. But we did get a little pullback here, so let's see what it does in any case. So yeah, I made 1.14 million before commissions and commissions. Uh, were 47 000 and my Ecn fees for direct access routing Five thousand dollars over the course of two and a half years.
So about 130 grand in fees and commissions, which um, is just a little more than ten percent of my gross profit going back to commissions. Uh, and that's you know, that's pretty much been steady. Um, you know for the last several years. I have 2016 also in Trader View, so we'll go up to 1.4 gross, um, commissions.

Here you know about 165 000 so you know I mean it's yeah, the broker is doing well. uh with me, that's for sure. But you know, I I trade, I'm an aggressive trader and I, you know, often trade with big size, so that's you know, my choice to trade that way and the commissions are going to be that way. But yeah, in terms of like business overhead, think of the commissions is just the cost of doing business.

it's only 10. So the rest is is profit which is great. So yeah, this is, um, average about 70. Accuracy before commission 67 percent after 68 percent after average Winners average Losers about the same pretty darn close.

Average Winners about seven minutes long Average losers about 12 minutes long. So some some pretty interesting metrics there: Biggest Winner: 31 Grand Biggest Loser: 19 grand So Abio the halt time was um 10 46 in 54 seconds. So resumption should be 10, 51 and 54 seconds if it's a five minute long halt. which is what I would expect.

Nice looking looking, good. Seeing you guys making money is always nice just looking at inner circle students sharing his P L. So you know, trade smart know when to walk away every day you have a choice. You're either leaving money on the table or you're giving back profits.

Today I'm going to be leaving. Um, well, my last trade was on Dffn. so I guess I'm leaving. I guess I'm actually giving back a little bit of profit on Dffn, and I might be leaving a little profit on the table on Abio by not continuing to trade it.

But um, you know, I'd rather just continue to build the cushion trading during the first hour when I do my best. And um, you know, once I've got a little bit of a bigger cushion, maybe I'll be okay taking a little bit more risk. All right. So that's it for me.

I hope you guys all have, um a a great afternoon. We'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. All right. see you guys in the morning if you're still watching.

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28 thoughts on “$7k win for the day ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mblade says:

    Ross do you do forex trading as well? Love to see your take on that

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Core Vision says:

    How much did you invest to have such return?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Siddhant Vaidya says:

    Hey Ross! That was a brilliant trade on $ABIO. I was watching it too. But I noticed that the spread was pretty large, even 40cents+ at times, so I didn't know how to place my stop loss. Additionally, the stock was very choppy. So when you entered the trade, what was your stop loss at?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    Dear Ross,
    I am curious what your metrics are from 9/1/2018 to 12/31/2018 only reason I ask is because NASDAQ was going through a hard correction during this time. If a correction can be spotted on a higher timeframe of the overall index then this may be a time to be more conservative with share size, but if you still found killer momentum plays during this time then perhaps not, just my two cents. Thanks.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shandayle Shaw says:

    I don't want to trade for the money but for the freedom …I want to trade and experience the world.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shandayle Shaw says:

    how can I get started?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Burhan Ali says:

    Congratulations Ross. Is your trading techniques and strategies can be applied to Asean Stock market?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pursuit of freedom says:

    $20k in 2 days. 20k in 6 months for me on the j.o.b. job. just over broke. Ross is truly a Warrior trader. Time for me to binge watch his entire million dollar challenge.
    Thanks Ross for sharing your knowledge and trades.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colin Maharaj says:

    Made 1200 swing trading AMD on the earnings. Crazy setup.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lolz says:

    If you sell a share of say Target for example that you bought at a previous trading day, and then re-buy more target shares that same day but do not sell any is that a daytrade cause u sold shares u bought at a prior trading day and bought more (but didn't sell those new ones) ??? anyone know

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars P M says:

    I’m watching the moving bid / ask when attempting to discern the direction and timing my entries and exits. It sounds like you’re eschewing that in favor of the tape. Do you ignore the bid / ask entirely and remain focused exclusively on the tape and hot key out as soon as the tape stops climbing? Trying to exit on the ask, but moving to the bid if you aren’t immediately filled?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JChan59 says:

    -66 on DFFN. back at it tomorrow

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Roettger says:

    Hey Ross, where can I find upcoming IPO's?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TeikYewLee MD says:

    What is your next goal Ross? or planning a new challenge?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leconte says:

    Hi Ross, can you explain what is meant by 'a stock being halted' ?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nilayan moodley says:

    Can I day trade if I live in South Africa? Is there a place I can learn ? I so keen to learn about this

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars illVibes88 says:

    So if you trade Conservatively it looks like your account grows + 📈Aggressively instead of vice versa!..✊🏽

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Harnack says:

    It seems to me that you primarily focus on trading breakouts, whether it be breaking through premarkets highs, breaking out of a flag, etc. I've been entering trades when the stock has moved up some but is dropping down towards a support level, such as VWAP, an MA, or a relevant price level. I haven't been able to make this strategy consistently profitable though. Are breakouts just the best entries for day trading and not entries near support levels? Thanks for all the energy and time you put into this by the way, wouldn't have discovered my passion for trading if it weren't for you.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hiroko Santana says:

    You are an inspiration that others can do.

    Now the real challenge, 1 million to 1 billion.
    Your past record shows it can be done.
    The numbers prove it can be done.
    The methodology proves it can be done.

    Therefore Trade Warrior, DO IT!
    Show us the way.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Day Trader Survivor says:

    Nice Trade, Didn't had the same lack in my first trading day of the month

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rapunzel says:

    Great job, Ross! Been following you since your very beginning and I'm really happy for you and all you've accomplished.

    I had quite the day myself, 6.5K today and 11K in the last two days, and now I'm officially profitable! (never thought that day would come).

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nomen Ama says:

    Hi Ross, is there no news data on the sim platform?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ely Pelowski says:

    Ross, Are commissions a tax write off?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dayan mederos says:

    Great day ! Hopefully it will stay like this for a while. Thank you Ross !

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Getachew Woldeamanuel says:

    I'm so happy watching your success and recaps, although I'm not a formal student of the warrior trading academy.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Let's be Yannis says:

    Ross now that you have more equity would you consider large caps , with bigger size thus bigger gain trades?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sri Kalapala says:

    Hi Ross, with stocks like ABIO that are fast moving, I struggle to decide whether to buy at bid or buy at market. With bid, I don't always get filled, but when market price jumps around so fast and Im worried that I would get filled at a higher price. When you entered ABIO at market open, did you do a market buy? Thanks in advance.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ASCEEE says:

    Congrats on the great trades and making it to 1mil!!! Would you be able to make a new video describing both your office setup and your mobile workstation?

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