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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Oh hey everyone another. Green Day Finishing the morning up $7,000 This is some nice momentum. So this is my seventh green day in a row and I'm gonna commit like $28,000 just in the last seven days. I Mean this is a hot market.

We're finally getting that momentum and I am happy about that. This is gonna be a nice way to go into the holiday week. you know, the week, the long weekend. Thanksgiving A lot to be thankful for whenever we have a sort of a long weekend or holiday weekend.

I have this history of wanting really badly to finish with some really good green trades. so I can kind of feel good and relax on the long weekend. but because I'm overthinking it and forcing it I end up having a big loss so you know what? I have to be really mindful of that tomorrow. So I don't give back all of today's gains trying to go into the weekend feeling amazing I'm gonna try to just take this Green Day $7,000 and you know what tomorrow if I even make just 500 bucks? I'm gonna be happy with that and then day off on Thursday Thanksgiving Friday's a half day I'm not gonna be trading and then back at it on Monday All right.

So we're gonna break down all of today's trades and the recap. and as usual, any questions, any comments, leave them below and I'll come back through an answer later this afternoon. All right. so you guys first thing tomorrow morning.

All right everyone. So we're gonna do our midday market recap here. Break down the trades from this morning and I am happy to report that it is another. Green Day Finishing the morning up: Seven thousand, One hundred Seventy Four dollars and a forty five cents.

So it is my seventh. Green Day In a row, it's the 213th day of the year and this is a nice big Green Day It's definitely one that I needed. You know I'm just a little shy of where I should be tracking to get to the 40k goal this month, so this is gonna help me and you know, get another boost in the right direction. So what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna bring up my my layout or my let's my Lightspeed sterling platform.

Alright so you can see the P&L those of you guys watching on Facebook I'm gonna upload this to youtube later. For some reason I wasn't able to stream on Facebook live the way I normally do so you guys will have to watch the recap on YouTube to see the charts and everything. but you should be able to see here my P&L two stocks I traded you you. You lost a thousand bucks on it and then a NY made eight thousand dollars.

So a thousand dollar loser in eight thousand dollar winner puts me up right around seven thousand one hundred seventy four dollars on the morning. So that is a really nice day and it's unexpected. I Really wasn't expecting to have a you know, a big green day like that. but you know Now it puts me up about twenty seven thousand dollars on the month.

So you know, getting close to that forty K mark and you know it's just kind of slow and steady. Wins the race I Mean that's what that's what I always say Today I wasn't coming in looking to swing for the fences looking to hit a home run I just came in doing what I always do breaking down the watch list. found a couple stocks worth watching a NY was on the watch list this morning. didn't really think it would it would end up giving me an opportunity, but it did and that daily setup really played out well.
So you know it's it's a nice big green day. puts me up now. about four hundred forty three thousand dollars on the year. Seven hundred seventy eight thousand dollars in my account.

That I started with five hundred eighty three bucks in it a year and it's just about two years ago. Alright, so I'm gonna put this right now. Okay, so we'll break down the watchlist. You know, basically from this morning all the way to how I found those two stocks to trade.

Alright, so I'm gonna run this historical scan here so every morning, same routine I'm looking for you know, two to three stocks. They have the potential to make a twenty to thirty percent move or more. Now as it turns out, a lot of times we end up seeing stocks move 50 to 100 percent and that's fine, But at the minimum, twenty to thirty percent is kind of what I look for. So remember the checklist.

What does the stock need in order to have the potential to make that kind of move? Number One: It needs to have above-average volume today. Number two: it needs to be up at least five percent on the day. That shows it's starting to move and the volume indicates people are starting to buy it. Number Three: We like to see a catalyst, some type of news event.

Number Four: We want to see that the float is ideally less than 50 million shares, and definitely, and preferably less than 10 million shares that we're really looking for. something with homerun potential. And Number Five: we want to see if the stock is priced between $1 and $10 because that's the wheelhouse where we see generally the biggest follow-through That's where we see the biggest breakouts and the biggest percentage on the day. Okay, so this scanner right here and that we run every single morning this this morning showed us a small handful of stocks.

Really, not a lot that looked great. Oh, RPN was our leading gapper priced at a dollar forty five up, 21 percent. Two million share float, One hundred thirty thousand shares of pre market volume, and with a catalyst, so it meets all of our requirements there. However and what this one and didn't have was a very good daily chart.

So we pull up Oh our PN and what you'll see is that this had the daily 200 moving average right at a dollar eighty and it came up. It tapped that level and it faded off that level. So for me no trades on it wasn't interested. There were a couple of lower priced stocks below a dollar which I didn't care about you you you was on the scans I Knew this one was gonna be a little risky because it has a history of popping up and dropping as you can see here here and here on the daily chart.
However, I decided as it started to squeeze up that I would take a stab at it. So this one as you can see it squeezed up from a dollar 20 all the way up to a dollar 49 and I jumped in it at this is my first trade of the day I Got in at let's see a dollar 41, 42 and 43. Boom boom Boom 3000 shares for each order 9000. Wanted to see a break over the half dollar for dollar 50.

Target really was like a dollar 50 maybe dollar 60 wasn't a huge like I wasn't expecting a whole lot on it. Ended up dropping down and took the lost selling it a dollar thirty one. So it squeezes up. here.

hits a high of A dollar 49 flushes down 25. I'm still holding giving me a chance to pop back up, waiting for the first candle to make a new high. Looking for that pop back up too high a day didn't happen. and so then I stopped out on this candle as it dropped the low here.

and so I you know, cut the loss. Thousand dollars, not the way you want to start the day. but for me, that's within my risk tolerance. I Generally say that I'm willing to risk about a thousand dollars per trade I'm willing to go down two thousand dollars on the day, which would be two back-to-back losers.

but I also have a rule of three read trades in a row and I'm done. So if I have three losses back-to-back I'll walk away. Those are my one, two and three rules. You guys can modify them for your risk tolerance and everything else, but that's my.

that's kind of my rule set. So I'm down a thousand bucks and I'm kind of watching the market I'm I really don't have anything else on the scanners but pre market. We had said a couple stocks to keep on watch. one was ye Co this one made a move yesterday.

Remember ye C have spiked up to just about eight dollars on news that they bought a seventy five million dollar painting by exchanging seven point Five million shares of their stock. A trade. Now Seven point five million shares of the stock for a seventy five million dollar painting means that they were getting a valuation of ten dollars per share even though the price yesterday was only five dollars. and so short-term the price squeezes up.

it moves higher, but it doesn't really seem to be holding up. I I said it's worth watching if it breaks yesterday's high of 750, but it didn't and so that was not good. Play Eight! And why was the other one that I said I would keep an eye on? Because we had this sort of daily consolidation and as you can see, we had a move. Let's see, it was on the 14th.

So that was last Wednesday where this stock squeezed up from a dollar seventy to a high of four dollars and 25 cents. That's a big move, right? 200% 300% Whatever it is, so squeezes up. and then it pulls back for one day. a second day, and a third day and it's consolidating.
Its resting and I was waiting for the first daily candle to make a new high. Now we actually did make a new high, but it didn't hold. But what we had now was a little bit of a window from three dollars and nine cents all the way up to four dollars and 25 cents. And that was the level that I was watching.

So I had it on watch and the bell rings and it opened a little on the low side. you know it kind of. you know, wasn't super super impressive. It was at about a dollar, two dollars and 60 cents and it's going sideways and then I see a pop up here - a dollar, a two dollars and sixty eight cents and then I see it pop up - two dollars and 70 cents.

and as I saw the volume starting to come in and I can see that on the time and sales you can see this one here has all green. You see those orders coming in and I say you know what I think this is gonna make a breakout and I'm gonna jump in here. So I went ahead and took a starter of nine thousand shares at - 74 to 76 and to 77. I then added at to 93 and to 95.

So I had 15,000 shares. Now what I ended up doing is I took a little bit of profit at 3:19 and 316 I sold some of my position here and a little more at 336, 323 and 329. and then as you can see here, I pressed an order to buy back 15,000 shares at 336 and I pressed the order again at 340 30,000 shares. How did that happen? This was an accident.

What happened was as I was pressing my hot key to sell on the ask I accidentally typed L and switched over to Lowe's and then I was like whoa, whoa, So I type back in and why and what it did is it automatically populated my position and it took away two three thousand shared default order and change it to fifteen thousand shares which is what I had as my share size before I started scaling out I didn't realize that had happened and so I then I'm just watching the level 2 right here and as I see it on this one minute micro pullback, drop down and surge back up I said it looks good I'm gonna punch it twice I'm thinking I'm gonna take six thousand shares so I punch it twice and I get filled. Fifteen thousand shares at thirty six and I get filled. You know, three hundred shares at forty and you know I'm like, yes, whatever, it's a good setup I see a pop up here 256 I throw out my order to sell on the ask and I'm selling at 49, 50, 54 and I'm looking and I'm like wow, how do I have such a big position? That's weird but I'm selling I'm taking my profit and then I realize that the order window is set for 15,000 shares and that I added 15,000 right there at 36 So that was unexpected, you know? But it worked so that added an extra. You know, two thousand dollars of profit and I was already up nicely from this move here.

So you know, eight thousand dollars? probably if I hadn't, you know If I just added six thousand shares I probably would have been up closer to, you know, maybe six thousand dollars on the day on this stock. Five thousand, five hundred, or six thousand. Obviously, if I had gotten filled both of those orders and had thirty thousand shares, I would have you know I mean I would have either had a really nice big winner or potentially a really big loss. Because you can see here it did dip down to 302.
It would have been down about nine thousand dollars on that type of dip. So you know that's certainly a risk. I need to update my risk settings, but what I did do was I went into settings and I changed on. Let's see level one order that when current position changes, leave all fields unchanged.

when symbol or account changes leave all fields unchanged. So after sending order, leave all fields unchanged. So I think that will be important and that'll prevent what happened from happening again. so that's good.

And then messages on Lightspeed I'm able to put a message here for max share size, but I'm not actually able to do it as far as I'm aware for stock without doing it directly through Lightspeed and by calling Rob So for right now, this is a little bit of a I have a little bit of exposure to risk just because of the fact that you know what if I pressed it three times and I thought I was taking 9,000 shares and I filled 45,000 shares. You know I mean all of a sudden I'm taking so much more risk on a high higher risk 1-minute micro pullback then I was anticipating and I have the buying power to do that. Which is, you know one of the other risk factors: I'm sitting this morning with a hundred and forty eight thousand dollars in this account. I've been letting it grow.

You know, just because it seemed that that was a decent idea, but it means that I've got almost six hundred thousand dollars in buying power. Which means I could be buying. you know, a hundred thousand shares of some of these stocks even though I would never do that intentionally I could afford to. So I have to think a little bit about the best way to mitigate that risk.

I Suppose having now learned about this how it defaults to your position size, not your default order entry that this that shouldn't happen again. So maybe it was just a earning curve on the platform and a good good thing that I learned it and it's in a way that I didn't give me a big loss. but you know what? Again, it goes to show, regardless of your share size, the strategy is sound. Whether you're trading with six thousand shares or fifteen thousand, the setups are there and scalability is also there if you feel comfortable trading with fifteen Twenty Thirty thousand shares, you can absolutely do it.

I Generally don't because I don't like having the inevitable huge red days that come with trading with that type of size. When you trade with twenty thirty thousand shares, you have ten thousand dollar read days. It's just part of the deal right now. for me, trading with 10,000 to 15,000 shares I have five thousand dollar read days from time to time I've had to read days this month that were both right around $3,000 so you know that's par for the course.
But as you increase that share size, yes, your green days go up, but your red days are further in the red and I think for me I try to stay within a risk level that I can handle it I Just personally, when I have a day where I lose $15,000 10,000, or 15,000 I just I really feel bummed out and as much as I can say that I can afford it and that that's true, it doesn't change the fact that it feels like a lot of money. and for me, those red days feel worse than the green days feel good. So yeah, I like having green days where I make seven thousand, ten thousand dollars. It's certainly nice to have $40,000 green days, but I'm kind of at a place where I like having the emotional levels of trading down a little bit.

So instead of experiencing these extremes every day which I would experience if I was trading with massive sighs, I'm kind of. just you know, trading more within my comfort zone and that allows me to be more focused on some of the things that are also important which is teaching you guys because if I'm at, you know my emotional Peaks every day that's gonna bleed over into how I teach and how I feel. You know, last night doing a workshop from 7:00 p.m. until 10 o'clock you know if I had had a day where I just lost 25,000 that certainly would have had an impact on how I would have been able to teach and the mood that I would have been in and and all of that stuff.

So for me, it's just where I'm at. I try to bring it down a little bit. But yeah, so today a green day for sure and a little bit of luck. but again, it's more educated intuition.

You know to be able to take those setups and maybe just luck that that happened to be one of the 70% of the time that it works and it would have felt like bad luck if that had been the one time you know out of ten that it ends up flushing immediately down to like 290 and then getting halted going down and I'm holding full-size But yeah, a green day I'll be happy with that and look to do it again tomorrow. So you know progress is being made both in the small account challenge and my yearly goals. And you know I'm I've got a little ways to go to to meet that half million dollar mark, but which I've set for for this year I've got about sixty thousand dollars between me and that level. but I it can absolutely be done.

We just need to continue to see strong markets. so anyways, that's about it for me. We'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning 9:00 9:15 for our pre market analysis and then we'll do our trading tomorrow. we'll be.

you know, probably a little bit of slow day again just because of the you know, the holiday and everything markets closed on Thanksgiving half day on Friday I'm not gonna trade on Friday so just gonna be finishing up the week tomorrow and you know, trying to just finish with a Green Day So I can go into the weekend feeling good the long weekend. All right. So I will see all of you guys back at it first thing tomorrow morning and I hope you guys have a great afternoon. Any questions, any comments those you guys watching on Facebook or YouTube feel free to leave them below I'll come back for an answer and later today.
All right bye guys, if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. so why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

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30 thoughts on “$7k on my 7th green day! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YT INFLUENCER says:

    hey ross when you place your trades do you still feel that nervous feeling ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Fontenot says:

    Hey Ross quick question here and I may be leaning on wishful thinking. I heard you say an account you opened with $500 in it, well who did you open tje accou t with because I tried to open an account for trading and if I remember correctly I needed 25k to open a trading account. Your feedback is not only expected, but is also very appreciated. Thank you.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ganeskmr says:

    Sir u r the Real HULK (green guy) thank u sir.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lillianna Statler says:

    Best part of Ross' setup for trading are the marshals for speakers…this guy is awesome.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravindra Mundhe says:

    do live trading or record how where when you get trading positions

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wounded Healer says:

    QUESTION! It’s probably a dumb one for most of you but here goes: is there any reason why I couldn’t use day trading strategies as a swing trader? I want to buy Warrior Trading’s beginner course, but because it focuses more on Day Trading, I don’t want to shoot myself in the foot. Help guys?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fuzzy Wuzzy says:

    I want to momentum trade but Its extremely stressful to think about the potential loss.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars biz phone says:

    if only you stayed in til just before the close. $90k from a mistake. I got out early too and i'm kicking myself because It, DGAZ and JCP were the only plays I had planned for the day.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed Abuelhawa says:

    You are the number 1 day trader Ross , you and magic Mike 👍

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Camouflage Is here says:

    How come you didnt buy ugaz?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trelyn Pounds says:

    I'm having a hard time getting shares in the premarket… Do you think I'm buying to many shares or what would be the problem.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trelyn Pounds says:

    How important is the speed of your computer and internet? 1 to 10

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felix Gonzalez says:

    I hesitated to get in for the break of $3.00 after I missed the move from $2.60. I did not want to chase as well. I need to get better and faster at entering the trades early.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Collard says:

    What scanner are you using

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradingMonkey says:

    Wow! Great job…You can do no wrong…Great trading!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Osman GHALID says:

    So this is the $500 account wow

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greenpenny 2016 says:

    got around 100 box profit scalping a couple of times ANY at 3.60 and 4.35 with ridiculous positions in confront of yours 🙂 , I understand your strategy and I love it but I'm not confident enough to get trades right at the bell or without a lot of technical confirmations maybe too much so sometime I miss the move or I get in to late, I'm trading with all my small saving so I have to be very very careful, I'm not emotionally ready yet but I have to accept the risk involved if I really want to live trading which is my dream, for what I notice following you for more than one year you never change strategy, just adapting it at the market conditions modifying trading sizes or taking profit or cutting losses very soon in a slow market like it was this summer, building this strategy and making it work it's somrting unreal that why I admire you. I'm using an International broker, I have to, I was thinking to move on Interactive broker just because my investors hub lev 2 sucks then I listen to you speaking about execution time and I changed my mind, so remaining me only trade zero but I'll wait until 2019 to see if something will change on rules. I need hot keys an a decent execution time on a international broker, I have $6000 account, any thought? Thanks.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shockwave 1 says:

    🏆won💵 of the best mistakes ever Ross

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeromy Davis says:

    I can't seem to pull the trigger ever.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FREE ALIEN says:

    I am new and doing my best to learn all I can about how people like you do this. I have no stocks and hardly any money to invest. I get the concepts. I really appreciate you and your energy. I would love any advice possible.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Mcfarland says:

    I got in at 10;05 am for the first 5 min candle to make new high @3.63. Didnt hold up ended up stopping out at 3.51 🙁

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathan says:

    You are my inspiration

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BORDY says:

    Hey Ross, Long time listener first time commentor 😀 haha do you prefer to buy on the bid or the ask?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tako 002 says:

    So frustrasting today. For ANY, I identified the bullflag/micropullback setup, waited for lv. 2 surge of green for entry, but luck decided that I didn't deserve an easy win… My order got rejected for not enough buying power even though I only used half of my small account.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avalanche83 says:

    After going over my trading calendar for the year using tradervue I realized that this month I have FAR MORE green days than red, finally! I have 15 green days and only 3 red! This is major, considering in may-july I had some stuff going on outside of trading that nearly caused me, through stress and frustration, to blow up my account (small as it may be, but still…). Those two months definitely correlate with the fact that you need to have your mindset right, and personal life in check. Since getting things straight and actually watching more of your videos, I've managed to finally see a month that has been thus far green for the majority! Thanks for the great content man! Hope to see more green days with some actual big returns!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fraser says:

    Awesome workshop last night. Thank you for doing it in the evening! First one I got to attend. Would love to see more. Happy thanksgiving 🙂

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derick Lane says:

    Hey Ross, do you sell at the market or limit? When you are selling off your shares.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane says:

    Hey Ross, I was wondering if you could maybe sprinkle in margin restriction in your next video tomorrow, some what confusing seeing a red 100% vs a grey 25% symbol and how they affect buying power and equity. Love your videos and keep it up 👍🏻

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liam Campbell says:

    Should have stuck around damn thing closed at 6.61

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Conte says:

    Congrats! $6500 for me today

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