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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well here we are. Monday morning. I'm finishing the day up 7 800 bucks. This was kind of a wild day because I was up 11 000 and then gave almost all of it back.

It was up only 1200 bucks. Then I worked my way back to up 12 000 and then gave 3 000 back and said I'm not doing what I did before. This is where I'm going to walk away. And you know, although I might be a little disappointed that I'm not finishing it my high a day and I gave back some profit, I'd much rather walk away with 7 800 than only 1300 or certainly than going red.

And this is one of those tough things of when to walk away. You walk away too soon, you kick yourself, you feel like, oh, five other stocks ended up making big moves after I left. I certainly could have not only gotten back to my highs, maybe even had a really awesome day, or you keep trading, you keep giving back profit, and at the end of the day you're sitting looking at a red P L and you're thinking man, why didn't I just walk away sooner and it's a struggle that we all have. I think that, um, you know today I I, in one trade gave back all my morning profit or almost and I was frustrated and even at that point that maybe should have been the time to just walk away.

But I said to myself, you know it's it's still early and you know June said the same. She's like don't give up, you know, keep looking for opportunities And I did find some more and so I you know, got myself back up. But what I did tell myself in that moment was if I go red on the day, I gotta stop. So going Red was my kind of line in the sand and from up 12 000 or 10 000 whatever it was to going Red, that would be really disappointing.

but it happened last week it was on. I don't remember what day it was Wednesday I think or Tuesday when I was up 57 000 or 54 000 and then I was down 7 000 before getting myself to Green 20 or 25, 20, 20, 19. So that was a wild day and I really don't want a repeat of that. So anyways, learn from these types of days.

I hope you're learning from me and for those that want to keep learning tomorrow Tuesday 1 p.m Eastern I'm gonna host a free workshop. It's gonna be a free day trading class. We're gonna walk you through how I find the stocks I trade each morning, what my criteria are for weeding out kind of the junky stocks from the ones I think have potential, and then once I've found them, where I get in, where I get out in, order as much as possible, minimize my risk and maximize my profit potential. So there'll be a link right down in the description and pin probably to the top of the comments for you to register.

tomorrow's workshop. It's not going to be live streaming uh, here on Youtube or in the chat room, It's going to be in our um, uh, looks like a live broadcast uh kind of software. so it'll be there. and everyone who attends you're getting a copy of my best-selling book titled How To Daydream.

All right. So make sure you register, make sure you show up, and I will see you guys Then Now of course I'll still be doing my pre-market watch list tomorrow morning around 8 45 9 a.m. So I'll remind you guys again tomorrow morning to make sure you register for the workshop at 1pm and hopefully we have a good morning tomorrow and then a really great workshop. All right, So that's it for me.
I hope you guys have a great day and enjoy the recap and I'll see you first thing tomorrow. All right everyone. So we're gonna do our recap for this morning up 7 862.08 cents which is not bad. I have a couple positions that I'm um, still holding in my, uh, longer term retirement account on Oops, Apple and Etsy and the Spy.

Why is that not holding well? In any case, um, and I'm on hold with the Dmv. I've got 215 collars ahead of me, so I'm gonna be, uh, hanging tight there for a little bit. Yeah, here you go. Um, so anyways, turn off the speaker phone so let's see Um I.

I would say this was a little bit of a um, kind of a tricky morning just in that we didn't have really good follow-through which was kind of discouraging. So there's my there's my open positions there on in my retirement so Imrn some nice action. You can see my biggest winner is on Rmbl then Imrn Dpw, Capr, Lghl, Srne, Xbio, Ibio Coda Psdb Wow, I traded a lot of stocks today. I uh, I did.

you know and it was because I kept trying to find something that was moving and there wasn't really clear direction today and so as a result I really didn't do super well. First trades of the day were on. um what was it? Dpw Dpw pre-market You can see I'm at 2700. So my first trade on this was, uh earlier this morning.

just I'm just checking. I was just making sure. Um, so let's see. Uh my first trade pre-market was right.

Uh, here for the break of the pre-market high and that popped up to a high of 522. then pulled back so I made about 1500 pre-market on this. took a couple trades, the bell rings. I took a dip trade at 5, 8, 489.

looking for the breakthrough. Five and again fourth or fifth day in a row. This um you know, just uh could not hold up. and it's really frustrating that we're seeing these Gappers fail.

But uh, you know this is another failed gapper so it gapped up, failed, It did a break of ewap setup right here which you can see so there was one opportunity there, but it couldn't hold above view app and then it came back down. so that was Dpw. Uh, then I had a trade on Imrn and I actually made about ten thousand dollars on this and then gave back most of it. So this broke over the view app right here, pulled back, held this level and from 1275 ended up ripping up to 13 and then squeezing up and getting halted right here at 14.71 going into that halt, I had already booked profit on this from the entry, uh, right down here.

and as it squeezed up into the halt I was holding and thinking this looks great on resumption, it tapped 15. I added for the break of 15 and it drops in one candle to 13.80 a dollar and 30 cents. So flush is down 1.20 cents. whatever.
Uh, I added at 14. I was down about eight thousand dollars. It squeezes up first, one minute kill will make a new high and as it rips through the high, I take my profit. It squeezes into a halt.

it then goes higher all the way up to a high of 1953 mostly without me. Then it, uh, drops right here. and on this dip I went long, it pops up to 1750, flushes down and I lost seven thousand dollars. So you know I felt really frustrated because I I was up 10 000 on the day I was up 10 000 on that stock and then on that trade I did.

I was trying to take the first one minute candle to make a new high buying the dip and as you can see it did not. uh didn't work and I stopped out with a good size loss. So I went there uh to up only I think it. let's see.

Um I'm trying to remember if I uh took a note on it. let's see. Um yeah I was up 11 000 and then was up only 1300 on the day. 1300 bucks.

So I basically had to start over right after this trade at 10 15. Uh so at that point um I I guess I don't remember I where was the next trade on this stock? I think I did. I definitely did some more trades in this area. uh bounce off V-wap down here.

So I I think I was actually uh break even on Imrn or close to it. and then I made back some money as it. um as I got some of these dip trades our Mbl this was a nice one. 4 400 on this squeezes into a halt right here and I missed it.

I wasn't in it but on resumption I bought the dip down here and it uh popped up to here and actually all the way up to 3250 and I did capture that. So 4 400 of profit buying On resumption after the halt we had. um let's see small winner on Capr. This was hitting the scans and kind of popping up here right in this area.

small winner on Lghl Srne and losses on Coda which I bought on resumption coming out of the halt and then stopped out right down here. came back to my entry, but whatever and Pdsb I took a loss on as well. This one was earlier this morning. I bought it actually at four dollars on this dip looking for the break of 420 added up here and stopped as it came back down here.

So the order of trades this morning was Dpw. Then I had, uh, let's see, Xbio, Pdsb, Imrn, a bunch of trades on Imrn, then I gave back almost all the profit on Imrn, and then I had to work my way back to up three thousand. a couple more trades on Dpw Breaking V Web from 455 460 up to five. So that one, uh, you know because on Dpw, that trade at the Open that I lost on might have put me back to break even versus my pre-market trade.

So then I got i guess 2800 there. and then I had after Dpw more on Imrn Lghl, Ibio started trading that one and Ibio is actually the last one that I just traded and I'm actually down 160 on it. My last trade I gave back um let's see it was uh well I guess just about uh 2500 bucks. This was the last trade on it.
I bought the dip on it right here 709, 710, 710 added at 97, 96, 97, 97, 99, 25 000 shares and stopped out at 90 and that was right in this area right here. So it hit a high of 715 and then pulled back and I added in this area and then stopped out in this area as well. So I did have profit on Ibio, but I gave back 3 000 bucks on that last trade with 25 000 shares. So I basically today worked my way up to up 11 000, then gave it back.

it was up only 1300. Then I was back to up 11 000 and now I'm up only 7 800.. So this is the point where I'm saying all right, I'm going to walk away before I give back more of my profit. Today was a little choppy.

I had to trade a lot of stocks to find any real um, you know, serious profit and my daily goal was ten thousand bucks and I hit it twice. but I, I, I can't I'm not able to stay above it now. I could keep trading. You know, I mean I'm I'm I'm still up 7 800.

I've still got a big cushion on the day. I could keep trading. But uh, you know, the risk is that I jump into something else and there's another false breakout and there's been a lot of them today. and next thing I know I'm up only five.

And then I'm starting to get frustrated. and then next thing I know I'm up only four and then three, and then two. and then one. You know, Rmbl is the one that I've made the most on, but if we look at this chart, it's not super pretty.

It's come back from 3250 all the way back down to 25 15.. I mean, this is just a wild move and I only got the kind of little window up here, so as it comes back up, you know, where would I trust it? Where would I feel okay about it? And right now I'm not sure where that spot is, even though you can see it just popped from 27 up to 28. almost a dollar a share. yesterday.

it really sold off pretty hard, which is why initially I was hesitant on it and so it needs to get back over the high of 32.50 I mean, I could certainly trade it in this range, but it's decreased volume. it's going to be harder to get in and get out, and it's going to start getting frustrating. Multiple false breakouts create frustration, and when you start getting frustrated and annoyed while you're trading, you know you can start doing things that are more emotional. like saying, you know what, Forget it.

I'm not stopping out of this. It's another stupid false breakout. I'm not selling this. I'm just going to hold it.

I'm going to hold it. I'm going to give it a chance. And next thing you know, you're down 25 cents with 25 000 shares and you know you're down over five. Six thousand dollars.

It's like wow. All right, I should have just stopped out, but now I'm already down so much now. What do I do Now Do I just add more? Do I take the big loss? You know what do I do And so walking away before you fall into that spot where you're gonna start getting emotional and frustrated and trading you know from that place is I think really important. So I you know Again, I mean it's not not the end of the world.
Uh, 7 800 is a good day. It's not as much as I was up an hour ago or whatever it was when I was at my high and it's not as much as I made on some of my good days last week. I think my worst day last week. Well I guess my worst day was Friday and I made only like 2 500 bucks.

So you know better than Friday which is good and hopefully we see things pick up a little bit more Tuesday and Wednesday and you know again, just be grateful for being green if you're green today. even if it's not your daily goal, but you're you've got some profit. You're starting to build that cushion and you know we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. This is the way trading is.

It's two steps forward. Two steps back, Three steps forward. One step back. Three steps forward.

Two steps back. I mean, it's it's always about. You know, some winners, some losers, some winners, some losers, and hopefully you finish more days green than you do red. But you know, red days happen.

Red trades happen. I've got a number of them. Today my biggest loss was on Imrn almost 10 000 or whatever it was. Uh, 7 thousand? Uh, then Pdsb coda, and then that last trade on Dpw or sorry I Ibio so you know not not the best day I've I've seen here, but we'll get it back.

It's just kind of in a little bit of a a little churn right now, especially with some of these high volume stocks that are choppy on the one minute chart. Rmbl was definitely impressive. On Friday was the biggest mover and was one of the biggest movers again today. I mean, this squeezed from 24 to 32.

even though I only traded it from 30 to 32, I still made 4 000. So if I could have gotten in the sooner which I could have, I just didn't think I had the potential. But you know if we see something like that that squeezes up 10 15? Um, you know, 20 a share? That's where things can get really exciting. And that's where you know fifty thousand hundred thousand, even two hundred thousand dollar green days? Uh, it can happen.

So let's see. Um, Vcnx? Yeah, I see that one hit. The scanners popped up a little bit, a little choppy. Again, no Catalyst.

No news. Makes me a little cautious on it. so an Lga gel. just a little bit of a bounce off the low today.

nothing really exciting. Also, no news, but you can see a nice five minute setup right here. breakout and then a five minute pullback. So it was worth a stab I guess, but didn't take a lot of.

Um, didn't take big size on it, just because I, I wasn't totally sure without fresh news that it was gonna work. So fresh. Catalyst is obviously ideal. We had it on, uh, several of the stocks today Imrn, Dpw, Ibio, and so those gave us some good opportunities, although I wasn't able to fully capitalize on really any of them.
But again, you know, let's trade another day. So a little choppy today, but we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. And so I'll see you guys around 8, 45, 9 a.m for our pre-market watch list. All right, see you guys in the morning And that right There was an entire video with no ads.

I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. But do me a favor. please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trading.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “$7.8k after digging out of a hole ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! massimo cinotti says:

    Very nice music

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kekoa Norman says:

    I’ve been watching your videos for a while, and I’ve attended your free webinar, and have a copy of your book. I’m having trouble on deciding what class to choose on the website. What class do i need tot ale in order to go from not trading at all to trading full time for a living. I want to learn everything and learn how to develop a strategy and be able to make a living off of trading. Any i for would help, thanks!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Meister says:

    I’m using thinkorswim, how do I know if I’m looking at a one minute candle or a five minute candle on that platform?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Davis says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julia 2018 says:

    You must have nerves like steel:-) After these losses to stay on and turn the next trades agin to green – just great!!! Unfortunately I can't join your workshop today but I really hope you will repeat that another day.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darius FX says:

    How we made +5R on GBPJPY and +6R on EURGBP – Top down Analysis – Risk Reward – Forex Trading

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Georgy Munger says:

    Hi Ross, Can you please tell me is it always like this on the stock market with lots of opportunities, or this is just a special moment because of covid19? How the trading day looks like in the normal situation like one year ago, can you find opportunities like this?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! DOUNUT TV 🍩 says:

    IMRN was so lousy today. A few times I thought it was going to squeeze it kept failing.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! DOUNUT TV 🍩 says:

    Same for me except I stayed red haha. Up green, then flat, then red. lame.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ok says:

    Always learning from you, Ross!!! Please keep an eye on low-float (<10 Mil) $ATOS for provisional patent acceptance for an inhalable Vero SARS-CoV-2 inhibitor that shows much stronger preclinical data than Remdesivir. Clinical trial submission acceptance by EOM in Australia. CEO Steven Quay owns > 5million shares. This is an $ALT like play with a much lower float. 6 Phase 2 trials ongoing. To all who see this post, please do your own DD! Cheers!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max M. says:

    Ross, thanks for all the content you put out. Ive been practicing trading for months now and I’m almost ready to pull the trigger but I’m still wondering one thing; what’s the easiest way to do taxes as a trader? Is there a software you use? Is that why you import your trades after every trading day? Sorry for long question and thanks in advance!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cameron Childers says:

    Do you have any suggestions about using USTOCKTRADE? $1 commission and $1 per trade with no pdt rule. Read the book by the way and love it!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavno Nadoroge says:

    today imrn at $10.50, lol???

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Funny Youtube Shorts says:

    Dear Ross, can you do a video on intelligent/practical ways to remove profit from a trading account? I recently grew a day trading account from 1.5k to 35k during the lockdown, but am not sure when to take out money and how much to take out. I don't need the money currently, so it would just sit in my bank account, but am really scared to lose it all, because I have blown up an account in the past. On the other hand, I also want to keep money in the account so I can trade with more size to have the potential to keep growing. Please share your wisdom on this topic, because nobody talks about it at all.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lily Mou says:

    I trade Brqs today, bought 10000 shares at $1.1, sold at $1.83. Made $7000 .

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ganeskmr says:

    Thank u ross for the recap

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Winner1 says:

    Hello Ross, really enjoy your insightful videos. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. One tiny recommendation to improve your content, your videos are a bit long with redundant details. I try hard to focus but find myself sleepy after 15 minutes into them. Would be so much better if you concisely polished your content. Again thanks a lot. You’re the best!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cesar Gonzalez says:

    Ross, what market maker do you use (AMEX, ARCA BATS, EDGEX, NSDQ, NYSE) as you place your orders? which one is better?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brutus guzman says:

    I jumped in about 5 min before u did on Dpw pre Market and I swear right when I sold it shot up leaving like .30 per share on the table lol I Really need to learn how to Peice out my trades. Keep Ballin man! ur Madd inspirational…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BABY ZEE FPV says:

    I could’ve made some more profit at the end of the day making more aggressive moves, but I walked away knowing that I’d beat My last record trading day, which was 750.

    Walking away is the hardest thing to do. Even when you know you’re talented enough to take a little more, and a little more profit off the table.

    I think being humble and walking away is the best move. 90% of traders Probably can’t do this. What is the real statistic on this?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BABY ZEE FPV says:

    Well…It’s been a while since I’ve given you any updates. Last Tuesday I have a $750 trading day, and then broke my cell phone whenever I slipped and fell back onto some river rocks while on my lawn route.

    Used a different device. Failed miserably for three days.

    Wednesday: -1,200
    Thursday: -600
    Friday: -120

    Today…I came back from the red (-1100) calm, collective, new device back in hand. In a simulator. I got back into the green $860!

    I had some ideas of where’s a few trades were going to go, but got stopped out a few times. I’m glad that today you got out of your hole too. Good deal Ross. You’re always a winner. No matter what.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa Delawder says:

    I did sign up for the workshop, unfortunately I have to work. Will I be able to watch it later somehow?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thisheadofmine says:

    I walked away with $12! Didn’t want to overstay my welcome! 😅

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graeson Howland says:

    Love seeing your process, thanks.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergey Anikeev says:

    Thats right, Ross. You did not have this $7.8k when you woke up this morning. It's better to have a bird in the hand than two in the bush. See you tomorrow.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sherman Mangal says:

    Hey Ross good job!!#….I just opened an account with questrade…and its been 2 days I'm trying to take my first every real money trade but let me tell you…its different than the sim….I'm nervous, if I did take the trades I would have been up almost 1000…smh

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    Wow Ross great job like always !!! I love the t shirt & I also love all the music that you do 2. .

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qamar Mood says:


  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Audiophile Polak says:

    Weird. The follow through on the stocks on my scanner was amazing today!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar Corzo says:

    great work ross

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AmBikes&Boards says:

    Who's June?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smart Investing says:

    Congrats on finishing green Ross. Cutting your losses and calling it a day is always a good move.

    Its tough digging out the hole which is why i prefer investing for the most part. Yea RMBL was seriously on a hot streak last Friday. i should of mentioned it to you sooner, all good though i got you next time.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary B says:

    stopped out on ibio down 1200.00 on 4k shares then got back in with 3k shares and finished up 1351.00 for the day. whew

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter S says:

    Over 2k green today! I felt more in control today, thank you Ross for your help!

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