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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, well here we are: Wednesday morning Wednesday Typically my best day of the week biggest Green Day I'm up sixty three hundred bucks, Six thousand, three hundred twenty dollars and 64 cents. Not bad. Six thousand ninety seven dollars and eight cents was from a IHS the leading dapper in the entire US market today gapping up a hundred and thirty seven percent. Not that so that was where I got the bulk of my profit.

It was straight off the pre-market watchlist just like yesterday and I think just like the day before actually as well It mean it's usually the case that trade right off the free market watchlist, but occasionally you know will have a stock that pops up that wasn't on the watchlist and does give some good opportunities. but that really wasn't the case Today today it was right off the watchlist a I H s and cheaper stock did the best I could and I'd like to keep trading. It's about ten fifty five now, but the writing's on the wall. My last three trades I gave back almost a thousand bucks I was up seventy two hundred seventy three hundred.

So I'm starting to slip back a little bit and that's the point where it's like alright, I'm moving in the wrong direction I Got stopped. So think of yourself. those of you guys who live in places that have snow. you know you start sliding a little bit, you know, off the edge of the road into a little bit of a bank or whatever the case is and you know you start to spin.

you're like okay, well hold up okay, spinning a little bit. Let's just give it a chance. I'm gonna call Towtruck right away I can figure this out. You know we put in four-wheel drive.

your lock, lock, your differentials, Whatever the cases are you have, you got. you. try to get out and then you start sliding deeper and deeper and deeper. And now it's like okay, now let's stop before I make things a lot worse and then have to explain the tow truck driver why.

You know the cars like ten feet further down than it really should be. and so with trading, it's kind of like that once you know I'll be aggressive, but then once I start to slip back, then I have to really keep a tight leash on it and not let myself just dig a really big hole for myself. It's only gonna make it hard for me to get back out of so might as well just stop as soon as things don't feel good. Now of course there are times where you know I could stop because I had a couple losses and then I come back later and I realize oh wow, there ended up being a lot more momentum and I missed it and I could get a little FOMO over that.

but at the same time if you can walk away with money in your pocket, you're doing something 9 that 10 traders can't do. Consistently Day trading is hard. We all know that I hope you know so you know walking away early and I think it's generally better and I'm looking at n NBC right here and I've done 280 bucks on it. It just popped 40 cents off the nine dollar spot.

Back up to the B Wow It's like man, that stock is so frustrating today. it's probably gonna break VA up and work to 10:50 without me. but if it does, it does, you know I'm gonna shut it down and take this money off the table. and I'm not gonna give in to FOMO and risk giving it back.
So one of the best things I can do right now is click this X button on my charts and stop looking at it because if I keep staring at that, I can talk myself into a tray and then next thing I know I'm trading a stock that I'm already read on that has already been chopped. that at breakout points has already failed multiple times in a row. But in that moment I'm seeing all the potential and I'm seeing all the opportunity. and I'm not thinking about more of the really downside risk and that's where things can get.

So and I say that you know absolutely from experience so you know I Hope you guys take it in and from the losses that I've had, you can avoid some of your own. Hello now So I close my charts I Still have my level 2 up and it just dropped back down towards $9 So you know, 40 cents up. 40 cents Back down. Wild Ride! So I'm closing that down as well, shutting it down.

Enjoy the recap today and remember we are still writing our fourth of July sales. So those of you guys who want to join The Warrior started class through the Warrior Pro class coupon code July 40 will save you 40% on either one whichever one you want. The starters are directory class. The Pro is the flagship course includes the starter and all of the pro level classes.

So I Hope to see you guys in the classes. Enjoy the recap today! I'll see worst things wrong. All right everyone. So we're gonna do our midday market recap.

So we're gonna go over the trades from this morning finishing the day here of six thousand, three hundred twenty dollars and 64 cents, this is gonna be the smallest Green Day I've had since last Tuesday and it's the first day I Haven't made or lost at least ten thousand dollars since. Gosh, we definitely at least some point in. June Let's see where it is though. and I'm just looking at my calendar here so it must have been at some point.

Yeah, so June 24th, June 24th I made only fifty seven hundred dollars. So this is the that was the last day I made less actually I had Monday the 29th I made only eighty four hundred. So there's been a couple days where I've made less than ten thousand. but yeah, today was just kind of slow and it started a little bit pre-market with the leading gapper which was a IHS being up only about 67 percent.

in the last few days we have been seeing. the last few weeks we've been seeing on a daily basis stocks gapping up 100 percent or more. So the fact that our leading gap or today was only gapping up you know, whatever that was 60 70 percent was kind of telling that you know we were moving in the wrong direction. So in terms of strong momentum.
So my first trade on it was the first five-minute cam to make a new high pre-market right here and I bought 20,000 shares. This stock as you can see had really a his has had a tremendous amount of volume. It's got 83 million shares of volume right now Did end up gapping up 137 percent by the time the bell was ringing because it squeezed up right through here so it hit a high of 209. it pulled back, the bell rang I got back in it and those those were the best trades right there and each of these I was trading between 20,000 and 30,000 shares.

so fairly big positions on this. 10 cents is 2500 bucks and so I was able to get I don't know whatever it is, you know 30 cents or so of total profit from my first entry down here all the way up through the highs and then there was another entry at camera booth goes around there or something. So the thing is, unfortunately just like yesterday, this one is not holding up super well and so what's stopping me right now from taking any more trades is the fact that I feel like I need something to be at high a day in order to keep trading and with some high relative volume and we don't have that a IHS the second and third leading Gabor's no trades the fourth leading gapper and NBC I'm down 280 bucks on so 280 bucks is not a big deal but you know again, this was a gapper out of the gates just it was weak and my first trade on it was actually a dip trade on this huge red candle here but it really didn't bounce off the love it but it bounced like a teeny bit but not much and so I took a loss on that and then I got back in down here on a double bottom. it broke the double bottom right here and then I got an 88 and as it curled up to 920 got out of that with profit and that got me to down only to 80.

I was down about 2000 on it after my first dip trade. So at NVC not particularly easy to trade. Kind of a bummer. A Yro hit the high a day Momo scanner earlier this morning so that tells us it was squeezing up had some momentum so let's see where was that? Yeah, it was right in here, so a yro.

nice move on it. First pullback, got bought up, made a thousand bucks on it. Nothing super exciting to see right there, but you know again, a little something on that junior JC had a small trade on that, it popped up here I actually bought this dip off the V right there on that candle. It popped back up and then flush back down so stopped out basically just above breakeven and then in KL a the biggest loss again on a larger large cap stock.

I Told myself to be a little cautious on it because large cap stocks sometimes a little bit more difficult. I bought right into 51. There was a 13,000 share seller 51 and it went 13 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 I jumped in and then it dropped and it didn't break that level I thought it was about to break but it didn't and so then I was in right at the breakout spot and drops it. You know in $745 loss so that's fine I didn't take 10,000 shares of it I took small size and I'm okay with that trade.
So yeah, generally speaking I would I would love to keep trading today I'd love to make it a $10,000 plus day, but you know what? am I gonna train? there's you know there's a couple stocks that have hit the high Damos scanner, but they either have no news or they don't have a lot of volume. This one is has neither. No news, not much of a chart to work with and the market doesn't feel really hot right now. So The Container Store popped up but not much.

you know it's so just feels like today's not the day to really. you know, step up to the plate with and try to take big risk. There's just not enough happening and sometimes it's like that and that can be really hard for a trader knowing that on another day. you know I might be able to keep trading and be up seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen thousand dollars.

But if I kept doing that today, even my last few traits I Had the last trade I took today was on. Let's see, was it on end? KLA yeah the last trade was on end KLA The trade before that was on NBC and the trade before that was on Joj See. So you know it's like alright. the last three trades I was up 7000 and gave back a little profit and that was kind of my indicator to say you know what? I think it's a good time to walk.

It's a very hard decision to make because I might walk away now and back and see that something popped up breaking news and all of a sudden off it went or that for whatever reason a yro was a little sluggish here, but then you know starts to open up, gets back above V WEP and breaks through this daily level of 818. I mean you never know. So I could come back later and see that and feel FOMO and frustration that I missed that opportunity and I could have made more. but you know the odds are when this is the type of action that we're seeing.

If I keep trading, I'm gonna continue to give back profit and of course every trade I take I pay a commission on it. you guys who are at Commission free brokers don't have that. but I do I pay commissions so you know, treading water if I'm breaking even. well I'm actually losing money after commissions.

So I've kind of got to be thoughtful when I take a big position like 20,000 shares. The 20,000 shares at point zero zero to five. ECM it's gonna be $50 to buy another $50 to sell. You know that's not nothing and that's the price you pay for direct access routing.

I'm willing to pay that price because during the hot market that precision of being able to get in quickly with ten fifteen twenty thirty thousand shares, then get out quickly with that size that can give me tens of thousands of dollars I would say more profit, maybe even hundreds of thousands versus using Smart routing. A kind of a generic broker that really doesn't cater to day traders. But during a slow market, you know every day you're trading you're you're burning. Commission So you know it's just that analogy of you know, every day this is a boat that's taking on water in the form of fees and commissions.
So you know I want to try to minimize that as much as possible. And the best way to do that is to minimize the losses because you take a loss. And then you also add the extra $50 in Commission And you know, just like that. It's really frustrating.

So you know today's a day where this wouldn't be a market where you want to be swing for the fences. You want to be really mindful of your risk. So for those you guys who you know miss, manage your risk today for whatever reason on an NBC or on whatever stock it is, go back and look at those trades and also you know, ask yourself what, why was it that I was being that aggressive in this current market, right? The market. It was not as hot today even as it was yesterday and yesterday wasn't as hot as it was on Monday So we're seeing a little bit of a progressive slowdown.

it'll pick back up again. But what we need in order for that to happen is a stock to just go bananas to go crazy so you know it's again. For those of you that are on the wrong side. today of the the PNL line and you read I I Feel that frustration.

It's been there thousand times and the only thing you could do is you know, get back up and go through and figure out where you went wrong, where things went off the rails, and try to learn from that loss. That's the biggest thing you can do. And for those who are profitable and we're able to walk away at the right time today, give yourself a pat on the back. That's good and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

All right. So I'll see you guys in the morning right around 9:00 9:00 a.m. We'll be doing free market analysis and hopefully we'll have a couple good stocks on the Gap scanner. you know, leading Gap or today 27 million share flow.

I mean not bad. but and I pulled some profit out of it for sure. but you know I Just said this is a stock where the only way I'm gonna be able to make money is to trade with Thirty twenty-five Thirty thousand shares because I don't think it's gonna move up fifty or sixty cents a share. So I think it's realistically gonna be going up in five to ten fifteen cent blocks.

So thirty thousand shares and sense is three thousand bucks. If I can do that twice, I'll be I'll be good and I you know, hey, that's not. It's the best I could do so. Had a chance maybe of opening up above two, twenty eight to thirty to forty to fifty, but there was some daily resistance there and it just couldn't do it.

So anyways, that's it for me. I Hope you guys had a good day and I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning. Oh hey, I didn't see you there. Help us hit 750,000 subscribers by hitting that subscribe button and stay tuned and check out some of my other awesome uploads right here on.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “$6k on aihs 138% ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Chris Davis says:

    AIHS! I think Uber will buy this company. 💰 💰 🚀 🚀

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate1ADC O says:

    Ross, I recently watched a video in which you talked about the diminishing returns of large size. You said then that you were going to keep your share size capped at around 12k shares. When/why did you go back to taking larger size?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IM1THE2KING3 says:

    Working on a catalyst calendar. If you know of any please lmk

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malik Brahimi says:

    If you're a pattern trader, how do you determine a possible increase (let alone 138%) during premarket hours? Isn't the action in premarket pretty inaccurate for patterns?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Forster says:

    Lost $2020 on IAHS Yesterday. Made $2650 0n it today.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colton Florentz says:

    Hey, Ross, I sent you an email asking what things you can do to practice/study trading after hours or times when you're not trading. I would love it if you could email me back!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jervis Bowles says:

    Hey Ross, What if (just for now) I want to be a "swing trader" (buy stocks, and hold them overnight, then sell the next day, to avoid the PDT rule) can I do it? And if so, how many stocks, Am I allowed to trade?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roel van de Ven says:

    Does anyone know whether it is possible to put a stop loss with CMEG and sell at the same time? Seems whenever I have a stop loss in place I am unable to to the sell the position. First need to cancel the stop loss before selling. Many Thanks

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julia 2018 says:

    Great Video again – thanks! Because you are talking about commissions – sometimes I wondered why you jump in to a stock several times instead of holding the position the whole time and having some kind of a trailing stop?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Damien Lery says:

    got one game for you Ross would you do a $500 per day for on month no leverage to see what we can get to? there is then a minimum loss of 500, a restricted win, but at least we can see what we can do with minimum risk. i mean you canchoose the amount like 1000 if you like but every day with out reinvesting exept when needed to reload the account …. would it be nice ???

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maurice E39_M5 says:

    Thanks again Ross for sharing!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yamasdi captial says:

    Hi Ross, happy for the green day !! I want to ask how do you know when the market is HOT or not ? Like today you said like the market not that HOT as usual. Thanks Ross, hello from Indonesia.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trader Gman says:

    Ro$$ – If you are trading momo and don't get filled when selling on the ask, do you immediately cancel the order and bail on the bid? I got burned today during PH on a stock that popped up .05 but I couldn't get filled on ask. I canceled the order and tried to sell on ask again immediately, but still no fill (price dropped .20 at this point). Then bailed on the bid for a .60 loss. Should I just immediately bail, period?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KJD says:

    My bearded brother!! Quick question.. How many of your students have used your method and were able to duplicate your results in a similar amount of time? The small account to deliciously sized account?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cesar Borrego says:

    Another green day! awesome job Ross! thank you for the video!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lily Mou says:

    I shorted it, and made around $9000 by $22000 invest. lovely day.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Christlieb says:

    I love the shirt!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Ayon says:

    Nice Ross, on not breaking your rules. That's the difference between a trader in this for the long haul vs the gambling man. Baseball analogy, when you won 1-0 you still beat your opponent wether it was 1-1000 . This is the long game … Thank you Ross !

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tropicalpnch says:

    Great recap! I had a red day, but my stops were tight and it wasn't a FULL red day where I had to stop myself trading. Hoping for a better day tomorrow 😀

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcelo Estrada says:

    I figured it out… its the man bun!! Screw it, I am growing out my hair too! Btw Good work Ross Green is Good!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Channing says:

    Hi Ross, what do you look for on level 2 right before you entry a trade big buyers?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Ferreira says:

    @warriortrading what’s your preference on TOS. Buy the bid, sell the ask? Vice versa? Or say screw it and take the market slippage?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TruckerJazz808 says:

    You the best 😊

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L-M K says:

    Hi Ross, congratulations on the massive success. I just have to ask, how did you start day trading with $500, because when I check out the different accounts on lightspeed they ALL require a $25000 minimum

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jefferson Silva says:

    You are awesome!!! thank you for everything

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikeb63 says:

    great job today ross hey since your the worlds top day trader what do you think of warren buffets new buy ….. also size 43% of his portfolio in apple …. 91 billion i mean….. that is crazy isnt it ?? i dont think he knows how to use one of those phones but i guess every one else does and most of them spend 1100 every two years on new phones he also got 10 billion in natural gass assets … does this mean we can see a good future for oil and gass …. i guess oil will be back at $80 hopfully soon but with the second wave coming in i guess we will be using our phones more then our trucks. can you talk about warrens latest purchases tomorrow morning i think lots of ppl might find that interesting ?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony McGuckin says:

    Since I had a good day yesterday I sized down today and had another green day. I was only 1/2 my normal size. That allowed me to stay focused and not chase.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahmed Hussein says:

    Lets get a million subscribers!!!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahmed Hussein says:

    even $ayro went from 6.10 to 6.90 after I sold at 6.10 for profit lol smh

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahmed Hussein says:

    yeah I walked away as soon as I was green cause I was all of a sudden red after entering green so I added to my red position then get out first chance I could on green. it was so choppy.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Richard says:

    $40K on NKLA today. 4000 shares… Took a chance. It looked awesome at 9:30am…. rode it all the way to 3:57 PM.. almost pulled out a couple of hours before that. Glad I didn't… Sometimes being done before noon just won't work 🤪. Right Ross?! It's been a while since I sat and stared at it all day

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