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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right. So uh, finishing the morning here at 6 600 reminders Always trading is risky. My results are not typical so do make sure you take it slow. Um, this morning quite a bit of chop and you can see it right there again on Kscp.

I was watching this for the break through this level around 8 10 and it broke up to 8 29 and then look at that flush rejection back down to 780.. So we're just not seeing things holding up and that's disappointing. Uh, I'm I don't love seeing that it ends up being a false breakout on the five minute here, but this isn't the only one. I mean we've seen this across the board pretty much on everything today.

So my first trade was on uh, Ks Cp right here about 1500 shares as it squeezed up around 758. We got a squeeze up to 820 and I sold it eight for about 40 cents a share 600 plus dollars. Not a huge winner but that was my first one. Uh, we.

I got some more trades on it as we got a red to green right through here and then a nice break right there. And I did not take this trade right here because I didn't really trust it so got a few trades on it. Ks Cp up about 1500 bucks. Not bad, nothing to be super excited about.

Uh, biggest winners: T-e-a-d This one a little disappointing. Two big rejections here. I didn't trade the first one but I did get in on the second one. I bought at about a 311 average and then took profit and then added back and then stopped out for a loss so gave back some profit off the top on it.

Was pretty disappointed that it sold off this entire move and that set the tone a little bit for today. Dr. Ct another one that popped and pulled back. This was a recent ipo setup, so I thought it was worth taking a stab at.

Same with T T C Bp, which I was watching recent ipo setups, but these two today didn't really play out that well, which is kind of a bummer. so a little disappointed there. But uh, Vivk another sort of newer stock. I think this is a an uplist.

A little bit of volatility here. selling off and then curling up. traded it as it curled up. Lighter volume, smaller gains Nvct this one lost 90 bucks on.

So uh, took a trade right on this candle here, thinking maybe it would start to open up. It's a somewhat recent ipo, but just really a choppy day and you know that's just the way it is. Mondays can sometimes be that way, and that is the case today. My goal was to try to book some small games and continue to grow the account right.

continue to make a little bit of progress. I wasn't expecting today would be a big green day or a home run day or anything like that, but I thought perhaps I could catch you know, a couple base hits. so in slower markets like this, reducing the daily goal, reducing the target. Ultimately, just happy to be green.

So far I've had just one red day in February, which is good, so consistency has been pretty solid. Accuracy is around, uh, 70, so out of every 10 trades, about seven of them are winners, three are losers, and you know that that's good making progress green on the month. and even though I had two hundred thousand dollars as my monthly goal, I probably won't hit that unless we see some really good momentum in the next two weeks, which is always possible because we don't know what's uh, you know, what's around the corner, but I don't know that I would expect it if I can just keep coming in and hitting five thousand, ten thousand dollars a day? that's a good month, you know that has me set up for easily a one hundred thousand dollar a month which is good, and 100 000 a month 1.2 million a year That's very good. My goal this year is 2.5 million, so I would any month I don't hit 200 000.
I'm technically behind my my goal and I didn't hit it in January and I'm not on track to hit it in February, so I feel like I'm kind of starting off a little behind the ball. Um, I could reduce my annual goal right straight away to 2 million and just not feel Like I have to make up these two months. Which maybe is a good idea. I don't know.

It's hard because you know if you set a goal and then you spend the entire year behind the goal psychologically, does that make you feel like you are putting more pressure on yourself or you're constantly playing catch up. You know that you might, and that could have a negative, uh, consequence in the way you trade where you could be more aggressive, more emotionally impulsive, trying to reach too hard, rather than setting the goal a little lower and then just being happy when you exceed it if you do exceed it, Because typically they'll be in a year, a few months that are really, really good, and then some months are really, really slow, and we're getting a couple slow months here at the beginning of the year. But you know there's no way to know what this year is going to hold. Last year I thought was going to be kind of slow.

and then Gamestop happened. I had no way of expecting that, no way to predict it. And then it happened. So this year I'm sure that we'll have some things that are pretty exciting and at this moment we can't predict.

But uh, we'll be. We'll be grateful when they happen. So it could be February, it could be, could be any time. and I'll keep showing up each day and keep trading.

and uh, see if we can, uh, find some opportunities and keep my head above water. So yeah, five, ten thousand a day. Those are kind of grinding numbers for me Last year I think I averaged. I'll have to check.

Uh, probably 15 000 a day or 16 000 a day. Let me just double check. I know I'm behind that average uh, so far this year. but that's again.

that's fine. So let's see. Um, the last 90 days You know, been in a little bit of slump here. but but rallying which is good.

Smaller green days. You know, the last big green day here was in December 68 000. I'm missing those big 40 50 000 green days. They were much more consistent in the fall, but they'll happen again.
It's just the ebb and the flow. So let's see. Um. so since 2016, my average daily gain has been 7 000.

Uh, since 1 1 2020, the average daily gain has been eighteen thousand. Since Twenty Twenty One, it's been sixteen thousand. So yeah, about Fifteen thousand dollars. So I had twenty thousand as my daily goal for all of last year and the year before because I, you know, I wasn't hitting it on average every day, but I was having a lot of days where I was far exceeding it and so it made sense.

But it is important to be able to adjust that to the market you're in, right? So if it's a little bit of a slower market, tune the goal down a little bit and try to get green. Hit your goal and be grateful. It's not really the time to be trying to stretch for big big winners. Iahs popped up 36 cents stock, a little cheaper anyways.

So yeah, that's where. um, let's take a look at that for a second, but that's where that's where I'm at for today. So locking up another small green day. But these are better than red days and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

We'll see if we have cleaner action and better follow-through Traded five different stocks today. There wasn't one that was super obvious. you know there were. There was momentum and some volatility, but not one that was super super obvious, so just kind of jumped a little bit from stock to stock.

All right, that's it for me. I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. Remember, as always, trading is risky. My results are not typical.

take it slow. I hope you really enjoyed that video and make sure you hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already. Our goal is to hit 1 million subscribers this year, but we won't get there without your help. So please, please please hit that subscribe button you.

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7 thoughts on “$6.6k day trading recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abdul Hassan says:

    Do you think this Russian tensions will affect the market this week?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Rigby says:

    Grinding for independence and financial freedom. Thanks for doing what you do Ross.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M.K says:

    Keep up the great work!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TAPP Channel says:

    great job anyway! 10days like you had and I would get back where I was 3months ago :/ I have to take it slow though

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edi carlos Silva says:

    Hi buddy How are you? I am new to day trading do you have a course for beginners? what platform do you use? thanks.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zorbacci O says:

    satanic gains

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars c0rin - says:


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