For information on Ross's New Small Account Challenge click here
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4. I started with less than $1000 and turned it into over $1mil πŸ’΅ πŸ’° in trading profits πŸ‘€ - Remember, my results are NOT typical. Day trading is very difficult.
5. Okay, so I make money...But here's the big question, do any of my students make money?Β  Check out this student success story about John's path to making over $500k πŸ’°πŸ’΅ since he learned to trade my momentum day trading strategies. John's results are NOT typical and are not intended to be a representation, warranty, or guarantee that simliar results will be obtained by you -
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#daytrading #warriortrading #rosscameron #stocks #learntotrade
Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. So here we are. Thursday morning and close call. First trade today, lost 5 500 bucks.

Second trade lost another 500. I was down 6 000 and that was at 10 a.m and I was thinking man, I don't know if I'm gonna get a chance to go green Today the market was cold. I didn't have any good gappers mrin, um Arav. yeah, Arab, those two two leading gappers in the market.

I didn't really like either of them. Price wasn't right on Mri n I didn't really like it was kind of not a great char. So uh, I was sitting in the first 15 minutes, no trades waiting and then I jumped into Orph. lost 5 500.

like that, jumped into Leds. lost another six hundred on that, was down six thousand on the day coming into 10 A.m 10 A.m is usually when I want to start. kind of slowing down so that was where I hit my max loss on the day. Sat tight and we got two halls.

One was an ipo stock and the other was a halt on um, breaking news. traded. Both of them made five thousand on one made seven thousand on the other and like that, went from red to green. So right now I'm up a little over seven thousand dollars on the day, which is, um, certainly better than being red.

It's not my daily goal, but it's a great swing from in the red to in the green, so I'll take it. It's a small green day, it puts me kind of a little bit closer to my all-time highs on the month, which I hit um, a week ago yesterday and then a week ago. Today was a 37 000 red day. So I'm still kind of working on recouping some of the losses from the end of last week, but I'm moving the right direction.

Uh, at the end of the recap, I mentioned the small account challenge that's starting on July 6th and how their my approach during the small account challenge I'm thinking is going to be to trade maybe just once or twice a day in a small account. You know, I trade a lot more actively in my big account, but usually in a small account, you've got to be really careful about over trading. You know, commissions add up and so fewer trades higher quality trades is a better approach, So I think what I'll probably do is take one or maybe two trades, maybe three trades a day in the small account. Less is more though.

so maybe just one trade for the first like week, and then once I've hit my kind of one trade in my small account. Then I'll put that aside and I'll trade in my regular account for the rest of the day. So I think I'll probably do that. I'll be active in both accounts.

So small account looking for that one really good trade that I think is just like great. Great setup and then once I've got that some of the riskier stuff, maybe higher price stuff that I just can't trade in a small account. I can still trade in the big account so I'll do a little bit of both and I'll be explaining and you'll be able to see the P L on both accounts of you know which one I'm in, which stock is for which account and et cetera et cetera. So anyways, stay tuned for that that's coming up Tuesday the 6th.
And those of you guys that are out there that haven't checked out our website over at We've got tons of resources. If you want to learn about day trading, this is the place to be. right here on this Youtube channel and at If you didn't already know the day trading is risky, then let me be the first to tell you. trading is risky.

Most beginner traders lose money and my results are not typical. I would encourage you to trade in a simulator before you put real money on the line. I believe in it so much that my Warrior Starter and Warrior Pro students have access to a simulator so they can practice the strategies they're learning before risking real money. It's very important.

Okay, so with that, I hope you guys enjoy the recap and I'll see you first thing tomorrow. All right everyone. So um, recap here. Nearly a red day but I recovered.

uh. finishing the day in the green turn my light up a little bit here. So uh, up 7 600 in my main account, down 587 in my retirement account. So up about 7 000 on the day before commissions.

But my first trade was a five thousand dollar loss on Orph. and then my second trade was a five thousand dollar loss or five hundred dollar loss on Leds. So I was down about six thousand. Uh, but my max loss is around ten.

Well, ten, twenty thousand. Twenty thousand is pretty hard set. That's my daily goal. I don't like to go lower than that.

ten thousand. Sometimes I'll try to trade out of it. But anyway, so down about six thousand dollars. And sort of stepped back because there wasn't much that looked good.

Our Gap scanner this morning had Mrin, which was choppy. I didn't even trade it, I watched it, but I didn't see any opportunities. Arav. This one wasn't easy either.

It was very choppy as well. My chart seems to be loading slowly. We had staff, which wasn't that interesting. Gtt wasn't that interesting.

Let's see if I get a Rav to load this time. No, Rc Us wasn't interested in that. Igc wasn't interested in that, but Orph was on the the list and so on this one pre-market Um, I could have taken the trade over 850 right here. 840 850.

And it did squeeze up to 888. And you know I. I kind of wasn't sure about it. I felt like I.

don't know if it's the obvious gap or I. I I don't feel like it is. it's you know, the seventh leading gapper. I don't know.

It just doesn't feel like it's obvious. I don't think that it's gonna get good follow through. It's daily charts kind of messed up. Um, you know, I'm just not sure.

So I passed on it. and then at the open, it rips up to 998.95 and it drops down. I didn't trade it there and then it rips up right here. Second attempt and I got in like right here.

Basically like right in here. micro pullback. round 67 or something like that and was looking for that and then it just dropped so I shouldn't have even bothered trading it. but it is what it is.
So there was that one Leds. I kind of tried to jump on the momentum on this one. it moved up but I got red on it. It went higher without me and then I was sitting tight and Dbgi got halted.

Now this got halted on news that came out at 10 a.m Right here, halted up at 5 18. it opened higher, It opened at 6 19. I bought at 6 21 and it squeezed up to 681 and then on resumption from the second halt, it's showing that it hit a high of 747, but I didn't see that. I saw I don't know maybe the 80s, but I didn't see all the way up there anyways.

So uh so made some money on it. Five thousand dollars, it sells off. got a couple dips on it, it's starting to curl back up here and I'm just a little thrown off by this topping tail with the red can with the high red volume. So for right now I'm sort of sitting tight.

But what I liked about it is that it's a Blue Sky setup. So we talk about this for Warrior Pro Students: Blue Sky all-time highs. so you got a Blue Sky Recent ipo setup That's a good technical setup. It's a pretty low float stock.

It's got a news catalyst so everything lined up there for for some trades on it and it may continue to provide opportunities. But having gone down 6 000 and now cross through first to break even then to up 300 because my first trade on Dbgi i think it was Dbgi got me breakeven and then I had Bond B-o-n This was an ipo today. it ipo'd and immediately halted going up and so someone said hey, bonds ipo and it just halted going up so I pulled it up. I looked at it and I thought all right um let's see what we can do.

It resumes and I bought it at 8.25 and it goes into the next halt at 8.73 It then resumes and I do another small dip trade and it squeezes up to 10.53 and I take some profit if false halts, reverses, and halts going down. on resumption, I buy the dip. I take a little bit of profit out up here and then I don't remember if I did this. Double bottom.

I don't think I did, I think I left that one alone. But um, anyways, now it's coming back down a little bit lower. So I I was hoping that maybe we would break back through V Wap and squeeze back through 10, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen anytime soon. So that trade then put me green on the day.

So you know, a recovery for sure from red on the day to green and this, you know not. I'm not thinking about how many consecutive green days I've had or anything like that, but uh, obviously I I know. I was having some red days at the end of last week and um, I knew that I needed one more good green day to kind of get myself back to flat. This is not going to cut it so I'm not back to whole versus the red streak that started last Thursday and lasted for three days.

Thursday, Friday and Monday were three red days for me. So um, even though I've been green now for a few days since Tuesday, Wednesday here and Thursday, that's great, but I still haven't quite made back everything I lost in those those three days. You know, the thing with trading is that, um, every day you trade, you know you you have commissions and so not only do I have to recoup, um, the losses, I also have to recoup, you know, kind of the commissions because those put me down a little bit more. So these three days that have been green are great, but then the commissions of course, make them the green day.
a little bit smaller, so it just sort of sets it up so it's just a little harder, a little harder, a little harder to dig yourself out of the hole. Especially if you deal with, um, losing so much that your buying power decreases and then you don't have the buying power to take the Pis. You know you had a lot of buying power that allowed you to take a big position. You took a huge loss.

Now you don't have the buying power so you can't take big positions so you won't have big winners. So that's kind of like the worst thing that can happen for a a trader is that you you take a huge loss and as a result, you now no longer have the ability to take the level of trades you were taking previously To, you know, even just have like average winners. Now you're doing like a small account challenge. So, but not intentionally so.

anyways, um, that that's not. Uh, that wasn't an issue for me, although if I tried to trade something like Gamestop for sure, that would be a problem. Uh, because those are that? that's a 300 stock or whatever it is today 200 stock? That's gonna tie up a lot of money. But but everything that I was trading today the most expensive one was Leds and I think I bought 4 000 shares of it so that wasn't That wasn't too bad.

So anyways, um, that's it for me. Um, those you guys in the Warrior Pro classes Summer School Q A session at 11 so make sure you jump in um to the class for that and again a reminder. Small Account Challenge starts on Tuesday, July 6 with 2 500 so I will be excited for that and what I will probably do. My thought is that in the Small Account Challenge and I'm not, I'm not.

This isn't set in stone, but I'm kind of thinking that I might do like one trade a day in the Small Count Challenge, especially in the first week. I I mean if we see something that's really really hot, maybe I will take a few trades, but usually if I can focus on like one really really good trade that usually does better for me than getting in and getting out, then getting back in too high and then getting out. so I'll probably trade less in that account. So maybe I'll just take one or maybe two trades a day in the first week or so.

but I will still have my main account here. So once I've kind of hit my small account goal which will be my focus each day, then I can trade the rest of the day more aggressively or kind of as usual in my big account. So it'll give you guys some sort of perspective of okay, this is a stock I might say. Listen, I like it and I can trade it in my big account, but I can't touch it in my small account.
It's too risky, it's too expensive or whatever it is, so there you know will be some conversation about maybe a leading gap around one day is a 65 stock and it's like I like it, but this one's just not going to work for the small account today. so that account is going to have to maybe sit on the sidelines for that day. But anyways, we'll we'll We'll see how it goes and we'll see what the market gives us. So that's the game plan and I hope you guys have a great rest of the day.

We back at it first thing tomorrow, morning, Friday, finish up the week, hopefully with, um, a couple of nice trades and going to the weekend feeling good. All right, enjoy the rest of the day. I'll see you guys tomorrow. I hope you really enjoyed that video and make sure you hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already.

Our goal is to hit 1 million subscribers this year, but we won't get there without your help. So please, please, please hit that subscribe.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “+$5k on dbgi & +$7.9k on bon | recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    Yay Ross on a green day !!! 862 k.subscribers !!!! Getting there..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chinonso obetta says:

    Please sir which timeframe are you using for trading and which are you recommending for beginners .

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zerose7en1 says:

    <Your contents are really educative. Crypto currency to me, is one of the best digital space I can bet on. As many are yet to understand what decentralization can really do, it's the wonderful technology in finance that has come to stay. As a trader, I have been able to understand that there are two sides when it comes to crypto and everyone has their opinions on choosing sides. i see it as an old and odd strategy to just hodl and wait till coin values goes bullish when they can actually take advantage of the market by involving in day trading or copying trades alert from a professional trader that understand the market and use strategy to generate signals daily to grow your portfolio. I have been on this path with Cory O'brianhis grow my initial 2 btc to 6. btc. You have to rethink and see that trading right is more better profit able. Green Trust is very accurate and always yields a great positive return on investment.. he can be reach via tel egram (Briantrades7) for more insights.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Morgan Freeman says:

    I bet you make more money with the educationnal lessons than you do with trading. Would you be transparent with those earnings also ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mainchain says:

    You must have been trading SPCE today! Damn its flying, shorting The thing as we speak

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maurices levines says:

    Friday is pay day with ALF. Time to call it a day. 13 to 17 to 20 dollars.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith D says:

    Hey Ross excited about small account challenge always learn so much from it are the morning pre market streams coming back to ?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars miamiapachi74 says:

    What is the point in subscribing to you anymore. No more morning stream?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Schmidt says:

    This might not be your style of investing buy maybe buy and hold SPCE on this FAA approval of commercial space flight. If you put 1 million of your money on space and just hold it, could be 500 dollar stock by end of the year.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Byro Γ–z says:

    Hi Ross, Thanks for the recap.. My question is how do you decide which stocks you should trade on that day you make any research before ? or on that date you just decide..Thanks in advance..

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tc Linn says:

    You're back grazing the green pastures, good job bro!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gary c says:

    Hearing what you did is great but we need to know how to do it for our own profits.. the technique is more important than your profits on huge accounts. We want huge accounts too.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Risky Trader says:

    How many shares do you buy on average…maybe make an updated video on position size and how many shares it takes to make 5k on average…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars victor mccord says:

    What didn’t you like about MRIN, why do you mean the price wasn’t right please explain. Thank you for your recaps πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆ

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Ahmad Abotteen says:

    Ross, TTD maaaaan!! Get in that tomorrow, we can make $700,000

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 6Deep6 says:

    I think you are a legend. I've been trading full-time (retail futures) for the past 16 years and my results are not even close to yours. Legendary results, legendary personality, legendary content. Maximum respect, stay humble.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JC Q says:

    What broker will you be using for this small account challenge?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Caudron says:

    Can you explain why MRIN was not a good setup ? Thanks again for everything you're doing for the community !

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Hannie says:

    Question I have to ask, why is it β€œbest” to be a long term investor and not sell at strong resistance? I’m just curious on the rationale behind it bc unless news comes to pole vault it, it seems the % chance of a breakout is low. And if it does you can jump back in. Lol, what am I missing? TY!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HeavenWithaD says:

    Will you be recording the first day of the small account on the live trading recordings section of the member dashboard?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ForexBlackBox says:

    Ross, Don't think too much of red/green days, you job is to make money as much as possible everyday, check at the end of the month.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Trader Chick says:

    Nice market recap. I really enjoy it. Not all days are green days but, nicely played Ross. You really managed everything pretty well. That's true, everyone that's a beginner should start practicing, testing strategies, indicator and backtest a lot, until you feel good with something and stick with it.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kink in my Slinky says:

    Made $5k on facebook calls today. Sure beats losing $5k on FB calls! Lol. Using your higher highs/higher lows vise versa strategy works like a boss. I got out before the 3pm plunge.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter O says:

    I sold $MRIN 1 second later as it dropped booking the loss then it popped 30 cents and I felt like an idiot! Not a big deal but very sloppy trading.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Money says:

    Down 500 on moxc πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ did not see that coming or understand why it happen.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jason mekush says:

    Can't stop Won't stop – Gamestop GME yep they go with or without ya. Called that one and sold like a warrior ninja. $ 227 $ 224 sell points.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larissa Pekol says:

    Amazing recovery Ross, very happy for you! I continue to struggle in a small account with over trading, making some, giving some back. Hearing this from you as you prepare for your small account challenge really helps rein me in, with a new rule, of 1-3 good quality trades a day. Thanks! Enjoy your Green Day!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Joy says:

    Hey Ross! Have you already decided on what your small account broker will be?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Movieaire says:

    The problem I have during market open is that 4-5 stocks look good and I can't hone in on one, not knowing which one truly is gonna be the gapper

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Sent says:

    that’s the worst when you take such a big loss that you can’t even size up anymore to make decent money which also forces you to recoup your loss slower and not be yourself. you have to have so much discipline to not let your emotions get the best of you and make the right decisions to get yourself back on track.

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