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4. I started with less than $1000 and turned it into over $1mil πŸ’΅ πŸ’° in trading profits πŸ‘€ - Remember, my results are NOT typical. Day trading is very difficult.
5. Okay, so I make money...But here's the big question, do any of my students make money?Β  Check out this student success story about John's path to making over $500k πŸ’°πŸ’΅ since he learned to trade my momentum day trading strategies. John's results are NOT typical and are not intended to be a representation, warranty, or guarantee that simliar results will be obtained by you -
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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are. It's Friday. It's my third trading day for the month of June and I'm up 56 000 Leds. It's up over 60 65 right now.

Big Momentum stock, no news, shelf registration so S3 risk of secondary offering but provided some great opportunities yesterday which I totally missed. But today we got a nice some really nice moves from 19 20 all the way up to a high right now of 27.86 which is phenomenal. So we're seeing some nice Momentum. Uh, yesterday I traded Amc and Blackberry.

that's sort of meme stocks. I did okay. made 8 500 on those. I'll break down.

uh, those trades in today's recap as well. So I'm gonna recap both days. And then, uh, Wednesday was like forty five hundred dollars or something like that. That was a slower day, but a green day.

So three green days accuracy so far in the month uh, before today was 78, which is phenomenal. I'm hoping to keep that up. Uh, today felt very strong. Not very many losers, so I should be able to maintain that.

I think, um, today once my metrics are imported and we look at them next week. So as always, my results are not typical. My experience trading has not been typical. This was a great day.

My training career has been really solid, but you know the fact is most beginner traders lose money. You should assume that you will also lose money. And with that assumption in mind, trading a simulator before you put real money on the line, manage your risk. all right, so I hope you guys really enjoy the recap.

I'll be back at it first thing Monday morning back in my office and Summer School starts on Tuesday. so you haven't already checked out our Summer School event that's running and a special sale that we've got for students coming into Summer School. Check out the link right down there and I hope to see you on a Monday morning and then Summer School and Tuesday. All right, have a great weekend.

I'll see you next week. All right everyone. So we're going to do a recap here. I'm gonna turn down the music this was um, Grateful Dead from 1977 keeping me going today for a 56 thousand dollar Green day.

That is a great way to end the week. This is the first week of the month of June and uh, I was up 8 500 yesterday, didn't do a recap, but I'll talk about those trades today and was up about forty 4 hundred on Um, Wednesday and I did not trade on Tuesday. So a three day week for me and over sixty five thousand dollars in profit. That is a terrific start to the month.

Um, I you know I I sat down today not sure that I was going to do too much trading because I had a little bit of a close call yesterday uh with some uh, some data lag and I had it today as well. So I'm on my traveling training station as you guys know, so I use my um these Usb monitors right here so you know this is fine. These monitors though are are small. My monitors at home are 24 inch.

This is a 15 inch so the same screen but it's a lot smaller. So I got squint my eyes a little bit especially when looking at the charts and the candles. uh and I only have two of them. So two Usb monitors, one on either side of the laptop.
uh whereas at home I have um well I have. Let's see it's one, two, three, four that I have set up right now. Three of them. I'm really using so but they're they're bigger.

So anyways, um and of course I've got my dedicated fiber line at home. Really fast internet. So on Tuesday or no Wednesday when I was trading Wednesday morning I noticed when I was trading that I felt like my quotes were kind of a little bit lagging And that happens to me sometimes when I travel. When I'm trading and traveling, I mean that's kind of part of the deal.

I usually go to this website and then I'll check my my internet speed and it's You know it's coming in pretty good. you know, 150 160. So I'm usually like all right hey that's fine I'm okay to trade here. Now You've got another website called If you go to it'll also show you your ping and uh, your upload speed.

So, but they've got a bunch of advertisements on their website. It's kind of obnoxious anyway. So um, you know I I think and I'm I'm on Wi-fi and again, this is really uncommon. This is very typical for for me when I trade and travel, but it does sometimes cause issues and what I usually will notice is my quotes start kind of jamming up or stalling out a little bit.

So what will happen is they'll be flowing and then they'll pause for like you know, half a second so everything will stop and then they'll flow again. Kind of like do a big burst to like, catch up to what it just missed and then it'll It'll stop again. So they kind of. So I can tell when that's happening that my quotes are are.

There's like a little bit of a data bottleneck. but what ended up happening yesterday uh, and it happened again today was really that I was lagging so I wasn't getting that stopping and starting on my quotes. I was just behind the actual market. So for instance, if I press the buy right here at 24.29 um, the order might not go through because the actual market had already moved up to 20, 24, 39, or 2440.

Or I'd press the sell button at 24 and I'd get filled at 23.80 and I'd be like wait a second and it's because the market had already moved down a little against me. So trading is very hard. Very risky. As we all know, it's hard enough without adding in tech issues like this.

However, you know this is. You know, One of the nice things about trading is the fact that you can pack up your laptop and go trade in an airport or a, you know, Airbnb, or a hotel or wherever you want. But then you've got these kind of little things to deal with. So what happened to me yesterday? Uh, was I bought? So yesterday was 8 500 and I did pretty well on Amc and I did quite well on Blackberry.
So Blackberry was the one that I did the best on yesterday. so I'll just show you that chart for one quick second. Um, so on Blackberry yesterday we got, uh, some nice trades right at the open, the market opened and I jumped in, um, basically immediately and I knew I knew from from jumping in that I was already in trouble because I bought 9000 shares and I thought that I don't remember. I think I was trying to get in at 19, like 50 or something like that and I definitely filled high.

I feel like 1980 and I was like or 79 or something like that and I was like oh okay, I'm already in this, um like hi my So sometimes when you punch the buy button within the first minute you will get some big slippage on an order. So sometimes you know you can say okay, that's just that's what it is. But it happened on that trade. I was able to it dropped down.

I was able to get out with some good profit on that squeeze up to 20 dollars and 20 cents. But then it sold off again here and so that was my only trade on Blackberry. Was right here at the open for this squeeze. actually sorry it was.

I got in like down here anyways. um I had a couple trades on it but the first trade right out of the gates was the one that I had some high some data. uh kind of lag on and then I had Amc. so Amc um on this one yesterday.

Very volatile as you certainly recall. Um, we got this. uh let's see, where was this It was right. Uh, it's right in right here.

So I got a couple trades on. So my first trade on this was a long uh right here for this red to green move and I made about eighteen hundred bucks on it. So eighteen hundred bucks? hey what are you doing back there you whisper uh so made like hey, what did we see yesterday when we went out in the boat? did we see a crab? What was it doing? Was it sleeping? Yeah, was it sleeping upside down at the top of the water on its back? Did it have only one claw? Yeah. that crab sleeps in a really funny way.

So all right So you say here you sit here and I'm going to give you my recap. Okay this is what I did yesterday. Uh so it's pops up and then it starts to drop back down right here and it actually halts going down. Uh sorry.

It helps going down right here at 50. it resumes, it dips. I got I bought 2 000 shares and I was like whoa that's awesome. I feel that 48-15 because I thought I was getting filled like I would have been getting filled like 49.

I was trying to buy 49 for the break back over 50. I tried to then add another 2 000 shares. no fill. Well sometimes I don't get filled.

That's not totally uncommon. But then I tried to sell and my sell orders not getting filled. Then I tried to do a market order to sell my market order also not getting filled and then it's getting halted going down. So I got on the phone lightspeed.

I was like what's happening. I'm stuck in a hall going down. I've got two thousand shares. I'm down Five dollars a share.
It's ten thousand dollars and they said i don't know we're going to look into this So I uploaded my log. They looked into it and during that time it halted going back up then pulled back squeezed back up to here and I got back Outbreak. Even so, you know all's well, it ends well. So I talked to Lightspeed on the phone Later I said well what was going on and they said you used you know 20 cent offset on your orders right and I said yes, I use a 20 cent option on my work and they said okay, well we see where you are putting the the order to sell like you were.

You're pressing the button at 24. The order let's just say was 24.80 Which means when you pressed it, you were seeing a price of 25. Well on our side, the actual data at that time was like 23. it already dropped, so your order to sell at 2480 was certainly not filling because the actual market was well below your current price.

So you were trading essentially on delayed data by about 15 seconds is what they said. My orders were about 15 seconds behind what the actual price was, you know and I was pretty quick to to say listen, I want you to get me on the phone You know, the with your manager and I, I wasn't I wasn't I mean I actually didn't do that, but I was. I was feeling frustrated and I was very quick to just assume that this was. you know, this is a broker issue, Uh, which it could have been and it wouldn't shock me necessarily if I had a broker issue because those do happen from time to time, but it knock on wood has never actually happened to me with the broker that I've been using.

Lightspeed and I don't get paid. I don't get any affiliate revenue from them, so it's You know. It makes no difference to me if you use them or not use them. Hey, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, we're gonna.

We gotta get into a focus zone. All right, I'm gonna give you something to look at here right there. That's a great idea. So um, anyways.

so yeah, so I was saying. Um, I don't really have any reason to not just tell you exactly what happened. It doesn't change anything for me. If I really wasn't happy, I would just go to a different broker.

I I genuinely think that it probably was an internet issue. You know, I'm in an Airbnb. The internet seems okay, but it did feel like I was getting a little bit of lag yesterday. A little bit of lag on Wednesday.

I was definitely getting lag yesterday. and then it happened again today. trading Leds and I could tell pretty much right away that my orders were filling very differently from what I thought they should be filling at. and that was clearly because my data was just just a little bit behind.

So uh, you know the challenge there is that you know if you're trying to, I mean, sure, you could just go and take a vacation and just put the whole computer on the shelf and come back when you're back, when you know, when you're home, whatever. Um, I've never liked to do that. You know, I trading it's a really hard thing to not show up every day and even taking a four-day weekend, I felt a little rusty on Wednesday. coming back.
I mean I really did. I felt like I was a little rusty on my hot keys and I it's you know you. Just it doesn't take much to kind of start to get a little rusty. So I like to stay in the game and the idea of taking weeks off or several weeks off a year.

I don't really want to do that. and then of course today. look I just I did end up making 56 000 so it was definitely the right move. But on the other hand, I could have you know, yesterday had I gone into Amc with 10 000 shares and said two thousand I would have been down fifty grand and then just like that it could have ruined my whole vacation so I don't know.

It's a it really is a tough call. Um, I think generally it's a good idea when on a travel and trading station to reduce risk, trade more conservatively and I did that today. My biggest position on Leds was I believe 15 000 shares and that was um, as I was trading it from pretty much the open through this first move and then I started to size down. right Here I said, okay, I'm sizing down to 6 000 shares for the rest of the morning and at that point I think I was up 42 000.

And so I still made another 15 000 with 6 000 share max size. But I started to reduce my risk because I just didn't want to get caught in a candle like this where I bought the top and then it flushes back down and you know that that was it. So this may continue. It is sort of forming an abcd pattern on the five minute, a false breakout on the five, but uh, perhaps that becomes an Abcd pattern.

I don't know. In any case, I'm going to take my profit off the table and not overstay my welcome. And you know, in terms of trading and traveling I I I knew that I was going to be traveling a bit this summer. obviously didn't travel at all last summer.

But uh, it is a little bit of the luck of the draw. I had an Airbnb that I rented in Italy a couple years ago and he said I had high-speed internet and I went in and it was a 56k dial-up modem. I was shocked. I was appalled.

I mean, that's that is if you call that high-speed I'd like to see what normal is because that's just crazy. So I had an Airbnb and then I had to go. Um, stay in a hotel so I could trade. Now the fact that I went and rented a hotel room, you know, for whatever was like 500 a night it was in Florence.

Um then I was like I'm I have now have two hotels, I have an Airbnb and I have a hotel. I've got to make even more money to cover it. Maybe it's not worth it, but but I did it and I don't remember how much I made or lost. But in any case, it's just part of the deal.

So yeah, you know, Usually I'll ask people for a speed test or ask people what the actual internet is. Is it Dsl? Is it cable? Is it fiber? and I've had some great experiences and I've had some not so great experiences. This one's been from the internet perspective, not as great of a place. I probably would hesitate to come back to this Airbnb because of that unfortunately.
Um, you know. but at least if I was planning on trading. but there's so many Airbnbs in the world, I'll go back to the same place twice anyways, just go somewhere else. But yeah so I I was a little fr I was definitely frustrated yesterday on Amc I the and I was like I tried different limit orders they weren't going through.

I tried market orders they didn't go through and then I was caught in the hall going down. when it happened today. I logged out and logged back in and when I logged out and logged back in, I was able to sell my last position on Leds and that was when I called it a day when that happened. but I was having some issues on it sort of all morning.

but you know, of course, as it was trending up, it wasn't too much of a problem. I was a little concerned on some of my dip trade attempts, but we had a really nice Abcd setup. like right here. we had a nice pullback right there, a nice red to green move right here.

I mean, there were some great opportunities on this today and it's up 56 60 right now, but it does have an active shelf registration. We were talking about that this morning, which means at any time it could get halted and we could get the news of a secondary offering. So that is a very real risk factor. It was something that I was concerned about and was another reason I wanted to reduce my risk.

as we got further into the day, I think traders would be certainly smart to do that. A lot of small cap companies do have second shelf registrations and then do secondary offerings. Even Amc did secondary offerings. This isn't uncommon, but it's um, when you have something that's up as much as this is with no news, it's something you got to be mindful of.

So anyways, that's it for me. You know. I these last three days I've been trading with a number of distractions, have been able to stay green, stay in the zone enough to get green. and I think I did go red on Tuesday, but recovered to green so that was good or where that was on Wednesday.

And yeah, today. I I didn't really have, um, any big losses looking at my metrics from the last, um, two days. My biggest winner is two thousand eight hundred dollars and my biggest winner was one thousand seven hundred dollars with 78 accuracy, 78 accuracy on the month, 41 trades and 32 winners. So that's a great start to the month.

Uh, profit loss ratio is Uh, one to one, Uh, 540. Average winner is 523 average losers. So that's a good start to the month and that does not include today. So today's profits.

uh, I'll be able to import into the software at the beginning of Um, well, probably as soon as tomorrow. The trades have to just settle overnight. But actually, you know what? Um, this is going to today is going to put me, um, over 2 million in gross profit on the year, gross profit before fees and commissions, which is a nice number to look at. Of course the actual profit is the net profit, but I I like to look at the gross profit so uh, 1.974 so that's going to be 2 million gross profit on the year.
This is the second best year of my trading career. Last year was gross. profit was right around five. Let's see refresh this which was phenomenal.

So you know here we are in June. Um, so you know, Coming up to halfway through the year and I'm sitting at about 2 million, I do not expect that I'm going to break last year's high. I did have a fantastic start with some great trades on Gamestop and you know, a few others the beginning of the month of the year, but I I don't know if I don't know. But of course then Amc Big Big moves there too.

so who knows. maybe we do get, um, some nice action this summer We? I guess we already have on Amc. I made some on it, but not as much as I could have. So anyways, that's it for me.

As always, you know trading is risky. My results are not typical. My experience of trading is not typical, so you should assume that you will lose money trading. That's a safe assumption and with that assumption in mind, do yourself a favor and practice in a simulator before you put real money on the line.

All right. So uh with that I will let you guys go. I hope you enjoy the weekend and I will see you back here first thing on Monday morning. All right, see you on Monday I hope you really enjoyed that video and make sure you hit the thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already.

Our goal is to hit 1 million subscribers this year, but we won't get there without your help. So please please please hit that subscribe.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “+$56k on (nasdaq: leds) | recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Hannie says:

    Hello, how did you get slippage pre-market? TDA only allows me to do limit orders.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Wu says:

    Loved your recap, Ross! What monitors do you use for traveling? And what laptop do you use? Thanks!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars clint8u says:

    Ross .. man … I love watching your recaps everyday … you have no idea the good you are doing for the rest of us !!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L P says:

    To alleviate some of the strain on your CPU, most trade software will late you alter the the refresh rate. Consider your computer's CPU cooling and speed along with your internet connectivity.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ryan barrow says:

    Ross I love you man, truly. I know and understand you do this for us. You genuinely care, which is why your sharing this knowledge even during intimate settings. I'm grateful… and I owe you more than you know. Your true intent comes though your videos and you ARE changing lives…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stocks Now says:

    Looking at AX, CDNA, FLXS, IDYA today. Good day across the board.
    Accumulation happening in the Markets today. Strongest sectors happen
    to be Tech, Health Care, and Financials and Industries being Software,
    BioTech's, Pharmaceuticals, and Banks.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Allen says:

    ROSS we need your help on AMC ,what do you think? Hold or sell ,i have been holding for 3 days now, im loosing my freaking mind.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wendy Long says:

    It wasn't an internet issue. I had issues with WeBull and I saw many people say they were having issues on Etrade.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ishmeet Singh says:

    If a stock is trading high volume, what would u say is around the max share size for being able to enter and exit safely without sizing in or out? Thanks!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jslparsons says:

    Your videos give me hope man,I just lost 1600$ after almost making over 3k because I was too greedy. I'm very new to this and it made me so sad and ashamed to have lost that much as I only have like 5k total that has taken forever to get to. I just watched how you lost 250k on your birthday and literally everything you were saying hit home! Trying to make a life for my kids and I think, hopefully, after learning from you and others that I won't have to keep living the same life forever. You are an amazing teacher and I love the transparency.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Schmor Braten says:

    4k!! finally! thank you so much. will help A LOT to decipher more details from the stock screens.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flower Spikes says:

    Curious monkey: I went back and added all his videos P/L, I mean that money is enough for you and kids, what is all about courses? Are you that greedy or nothing to do ?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarika RAMONDA says:

    Your kid is really good that he is not disturb you at all… good boy!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave says:

    Ross, have you ever tried hosting your light speed app on Amazon or some VM and then remote desktop connecting into it? Then you know the data going to light speed would always be top notch. You’d still have to worry about speed of the Remote Desktop updates but may be less data to transmit over a slower connection than all the market data.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mariano Maidana says:

    Ross what do you think about cryptos for daytrading. THnks for the great content.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Tucker says:

    Currently new to day trading. Pulled $6x,xxx out of my savings and looking to start day trading. Been trading stocks for the long run for a while now with more losses then gains.
    It's time for a change. Where can I find your stock selections ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Ngui says:

    I never noticed before, but you were trading with Blackberry at the $20 area. Are you in Canada or do you trade the Canadian ticker because the Canadian dollar is weaker?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maitreya says:

    Where do I buy that trading laptop with the two screens on the side?!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars horacio b valenzuela says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    Yipee Ross !!! Its wonderful that you had a great green day !!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Lanning says:

    Any good tips to help setup a scan to be able to find stuff like this in the mornings?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saul Flores says:

    the amc thing happened across the board, I couldn't sell either

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bizcocho Dulce says:

    Thanks for the recap! Excellent day! Have a great weekend!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bible Truth says:

    you can win on simulators and then lose in the real market, they are safe but useless

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Sent says:

    hey big bro!! congrats on your big win today !! well deserved πŸ€“

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aztecgold says:

    Ross u have the same monitors, wat are those clamps that you have on your screens?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Live free and wise says:

    I was able to fill AMC right at the low candle of the halt with a market order, and sold just fine with TD ameritrade. It fell all the way down and then went all the way backup because the aped brain people on reddit are only trained to do one thing in 1 thing only… and that's buy the dip.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jean Lucas says:

    Hello, I'm new to forex trade and have been making huge losses but I recently see a lot of people earning from it. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt J says:

    Today was a good day. Lot’s of green stocks. I made $70 on AMSC with only a share size of 25 while I was at work. It’s not much compared to what you all do but I was happy with it.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott sargent says:

    W/r/t verifying internet speeds: if the host is amenable, you could hire a tech from a local mom&pop computer repair store to run by the site and check it. If you're dealing with wi-fi, I would ask them to run a wi-fi analyzer app and check for channel congestion. In hotels, I use the GL.iNet GL-AR750S. Carry it with me everywhere, actually, now that I'm using Visible, which only allows tethering to one device. Of course, avoiding wifi altogether is preferable.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete says:

    Forgive my lack of knowledge but what is the program in dark mode that almost all day traders seem to use? That's on all the screens with graphs and other info.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rafael Rivera says:

    Summer School link (Warrior pro bundles) are not working. Message… This site is under maintenance.

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