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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Well, I've done it again. This is gonna be one of those days that I look back on at the end of the year and I'm just like what happened I'm up $13,000 third big green day in a row. $37,000 in three days. Wow, this is crazy.

The winners. They are always clustered together just like the losers are clustered together. and the last week Thursday Friday I lost 11 grand and Monday morning I started with a $700 loser and you guys know how I felt about that. It was not pretty, but I bounced back Well today I started the day with a $57 winner $57 not very exciting, nothing to write home about and then my second trade I lost 2,000 bucks.

So now I'm down almost nineteen fifty almost two thousand dollars between the two trades and I was thinking you know this is so typical I have a couple of great days and then you know I start to be a little too aggressive and I've dropped myself right into the red. My daily max loss is 5 grand and you know, get well almost halfway there in the first five minutes of trading is not a good start, but I dug myself out of that hole and it was trading. Good quality setups. Next thing I knew I was up 3 grand, 4 grand, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 I hit a high of just under $15,000 14800 was my high today and I pulled back to being up thirteen thousand, three hundred which all things considered, it's pretty darn good.

So we'll break down the trades today. I Want to do kind of a brief overview of the trades here and then we'll get into the tentacles. So um I traded today a total of six stocks and I'm green on five out of the six, the biggest winner was on V I V V I V II which was gapping up 100% pre market and gave us a little bit of continuation out of the gates. But the trade that I took was actually a bounce off the lows.

buying the break through V app on a retest of high a day. that for me was a really great trade. It's the same one that I nailed on SES it's the same one that I lost on on Bi Mi, but it worked today on Vi-vt The second one was DTS s DTS s was really strong yesterday. Really strong is an understatement.

It it was up seven hundred percent at its high. Now it's sold off a lot, but today bounced off those lows and popped up about a hundred percent off the lows and that gave a great opportunity for about sixty six hundred dollars in profit. VI ve was seven thousand and then I had B NGO thirteen hundred dollars of profit. That was a little tricky.

it was a lower price stock pre market. it actually had a high of three dollars, came back down to about a dollar fifty and then squeezed up off that level to about 270 and I thought it was gonna retest that three dollar high and I was up about three thousand on it. And then my last trade was a $1300 loss, an 11-7 lost with twelve thousand shares lower price Stock felt comfortable taking bigger share size in the last three names GM sorry am IA only made $109 on that I PWR only 57 on that and then PSB that was the one that I lost 2,000 bucks on it was. I got in at about a dollar fifty and it dropped it back down to a dollar about dollar twenty-five So that was disappointing and you know it's a reminder that I usually don't do as well in stocks under two dollars.
My real wheelhouse is between like two fifty and eight or nine. When we start to get above ten, that starts to get tricky for me as well. Now during the recap as we go into the technical stuff, I'm going to show you an example on VI Ve where I was watching the stock consolidate near the highs and I told everyone that there was something about it that it didn't quite like. It wasn't lined up just right.

and typically that would be a setup that you would look at just at the basic level of the chart and you would probably be a buyer on it right around it was nine thirty. It ended up popping up just a little bit and then doing a big false breakout and dropping all the way to 8:30 and getting halted going down. That could have been a really big loss, but of course we're traders in the room because of me being able to say hey, there's something not quite right about it. They were able to be a little more cautious on that trade if they took it and manage their risk better or maybe avoid the trade completely.

And that's called educated intuition. It's intuition through years of experience as something that as a beginner trader, you can learn all the technicals, you can learn how to use a training platform, but the intuition that comes with time and so the benefit of being in the community is that you're able to sort of. You know you're able to get the benefit of my intuition and allow it to help you understand what a seasoned trader looks at in terms of something being high risk, low risk, great potential, you know, poor potential, etc. All right.

So we'll get into the detailed stuff. And as always guys, if you have questions, you have comments, leave them below I Personally respond to every comment posted and if you're not already subscribed to the channel, you better hit that subscribe button. All right. I'll see you guys down in the comments I'll see in the chatroom.

All right everyone. So and we're gonna do our recap here for today. this is we're gonna get into some of the technical stuff here. this was a another pretty impressive day.

I'm gonna finish the morning up 13300, 28 dollars and ten cents Wow I Mean this has been a pretty wild day In terms of momentum, it's been a wild three days. I'm up $37,000 on the week right now yesterday. I made 10,000 Monday I made 14 grand. So just like that, $37,000 That's 90 percent of my monthly goal of 40 grand.

The market is heating up. We are seeing some great opportunities right now, so this is definitely a time for me to put the pedal to the metal to bring out bigger share size. And I've definitely been doing that so we'll break down these stocks. Let's start by looking at the watch list from this morning.
Every day starts the same way going over the pre-market watchlist and this morning our leading gapper was VI Ve. Now VI Ve is kind of interesting because it was capping up a hundred and sixty-four percent with no news. There was no news to account for this move, so naturally I was a little skeptical. Um, but of course you know I was seeing a stock that was up quite a bit and so I was willing to take a trade on it.

The bell rang and it just sold off. Right away it sold off, it dipped down, it just didn't end up really holding up super well so nothing to look at there. It comes up right here and taps the Vu app of 809 and I almost bought it right there I almost bought it because I looked at that I thought if this thing hits the view app and breaks through it, it might give a move like SES on Monday where it rips right back to $10 but I said it myself. You know what, it's actually dropped quite a bit.

This could bounce off the view app and be a short. So let me just sit tight on this for a second and let's see whether or not it's actually able to hold this level. It doesn't. It comes back down all right.

But then right here is it curls back up. it curls back up and gets halted and I jumped in going into the hall right there it resumed and squeezes up to 950. All right. So on this trade, right here on the break of eight, this is where I started to get aggressive and I did really well in that breakout.

Seven thousand, one hundred and four dollars of total profit and obviously you know can't complain about that at all. That was a solid trade, so let me see if I can pull up. I'm gonna go over a couple of the trades here this morning and one of the ones I really want to show you guys was on. Let's see.

Yeah, so I've got a couple here that I'm going to show you but one of the ones that was really pretty awesome was on a course of eiv II and there were two good examples of it. So I'm just gonna drag this up here for the live recording. So this is a V I ve here. I'm in the trade.

it's just broken through the V whap and I took some profit on that break. So I've gotten myself down to 636 shares and now the next hall level is at 9:03 So I'm watching this for possible halt. but then it pulls back here for a little bit as you can see on this one-minute chart. so it pulls back and then this is where I stepped up to the plate.

Alright, so right here during this pullback, I'm watching it and now I'm thinking if it breaks over nine that this thing has a really good shot at going up to 950 and then going up to ten. So I'm watching it I've got my hand on the Bible in right here I Want to buy a dip? so boom I Jump in right there I Buy on this little dip. I'm trying to anticipate a 1-minute micro pullback. There we go.

There's Nine. I Add at Nine I have now twelve thousand shares of an eight dollar stock. I'm not going to say that that's not a big position it is, but this is the market that I'm you know, training myself to be aggressive in. This is the market that I've been waiting for all year.
October November December So I stepped up to the plate with a big position. Now we've got the halt level at 9:03 All right. So we have a little bit of pullback here for a second. I'm kind of like, oh, you know, let's see what happens.

Halt levels now moved up to 928. This at this very moment is not. you know, in hindsight, looking at it, that's kind of moment of truth because I got in on a one minute setup I'm in with a pretty big position. but I have a good amount of conviction that if this thing breaks over nine originally I thought it was gonna get halted at 9:03 and then resume probably higher and squeeze right to 990.

So there's the break. and now through that break, I'm taking some profit, which is the smart thing to do because the hot levels moved up quite a bit. So I take a little profit on that break, the break of the whole dollar and now I'm holding 3,500 shares and I'm gonna see. you know what's it gonna do and just like that flashes back down.

So good thing I took a little profit through that nine dollar spot. Now I'm on 3,500 shares and I'm in the red. it's back up to nine. So I'm gonna kind of unwind the position here now.

I will end up taking another trade on this, but what I want to do is I want to fast-forward here to 11. Oh right around 11 O 8. All right. So on this one here on at 11:08 I was watching VI ve right down here and as you can see on the five-minute chart, it had been consolidating here, consolidating right under this this level.

but there was something about it that I didn't feel comfortable with I just didn't feel like this was set up quite right and so it had the high of 950 and I watched here and I could tell there was a hidden cellar I could see that there were buying orders going through, but it wasn't breaking that level and even though originally I had thought I would get in at 950 and that would probably give us a break and then I move up to 990. At this moment, the stocks got 10 shares a volume. it's a little extended off the nine moving average. The pullback entry down here of 20 would have been okay, but I didn't take it because I hesitated because at that time the spreads were a little bit bigger.

so now it breaks but does a false breakout. Now what happens when a stock does a false breakout is a lot of people buy it who are watching it because they're thinking I was gonna break 950 and then it's gonna surge up to, you know, 975, 990, or whatever the case is the second, it doesn't Now this person who just bought at 950 is down 30 cents. So they hit the bid, they bail out and then short sellers see that weakness. They go short and they set their stop at the high of the false breakout.
So watch what's gonna happen here. Whoa, that's a drop down to eat 30 and that's where the educated intuition really comes into play. So I was very clear. I said you know what? I don't trust this false breakout.

There's something about it that I'm just not feeling. It feels a little too extended. The volume on these candles is really light when it should be higher. As we're coming into this breakout, it already did this big whip right on this candle here.

this that's this one right here where it made a high and then drop down and so I said I don't think I can trust it. If I had taken this trade, I probably would have bought 6,000 to 9,000 shares around I don't know. 9:00 9:30 to 9:40 I'd be down over 10 grand if I held through this drop. So that educated intuition saved my day.

Now that's not to say I didn't have some losses today because I did you know and that's that's bound to happen and that's okay. but being able to avoid the the losses that can be crushing is is really important all right. So anyway so that was VI ve that one is now coming back down. it was not able to break the highs, in fact, it's coming back down towards the lows I Mean it.

this is a huge range, but this is the type of stuff that we're seeing right now. So VIP I did the best on DTS s was not on my watch list pre market but of course I traded it yesterday as it broke for right here I Jumped in for the break of four dollars and we had a nice move here up to 550. it then comes back down. it drops down here.

it halts once going down a second time going down, it resumes. It hits a low of 385 and I bought 310 shares at 386 one cent off the low of the pullback. I added another 3,000 shares at four I think was 418. squeezes up to a circuit breaker halt at 4:45 now I'm up 25 30 cents.

It resumes and squeezes a little higher to 72 and that gave me a really nice win. So I had two winners on this. The first one was the breakthrough for holding into a halt at for 22nd. halted for 45 third halt at 568 Fourth halt or third halt up here 506 fourth one up here at 560 then halt going down halt going down bounced off the lows I was watching this to see if it would curl back up, but right now it's below the V WEP and it's it's not doing that just yet.

So um, you know, this has been a pretty awesome day. The Iv'e and DTS SB NGO being a little lower priced, it's been halted I can't even count how many times been halted. Let's see: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 times 13 times. My goodness.

Alright, so that was pretty crazy. Now the high a day on it is 74. It's actually holding up relatively well. The problem is, it's getting halted like every 20 cents.

This is a low price stock that's halting very quickly. So the average price the band's right now are a halt going down at 3:30 and a halt going up at - sorry, 2:30 and 260. I mean I'm certainly interested in it above 274, but it's gonna get halted to 60. And then the question, you know, does it resume higher and on this one, some of the halts have resumed and then dropped and resulted in halts going down.
So it's been kind of tricky, but it is holding up relatively well. So let's put this candle here. the high You can draw this line. Maybe kind of like this.

It's just not gonna make a clean break of three because it'll halt several times before it breaks three. So um, anyways, this overall has been really a impressive day. I Mean there's no question about it. These last three days have been the market has been on fire.

Thirty seven thousand dollars in three days. I Mean you guys have seen it right here. Those of you who are warrior pro students, you'll see the live trading archives. It can be done.

A $583 account can be turned into a hundred grand, especially when we've got this type of market. and that hundred grand can be turned into a million during these types of markets. I know because I did it so you know it's it's pretty exciting. This is some some impressive stuff those are you guys watching on.

YouTube I Again, always encourage you to leave questions and comments down below and check out some of the links in the description if you're trying to think about and figure out how to get started as a trader and you know, Darin Absolutely. I At the end of last week, I was feeling pretty bummed out because at the end of the last last week I had to read days I was down 11 grand and I had given back well, all of the profit of the entire month I was back to I was actually read on the month and I was not expecting this type of action these three days. There's no way to anticipate it or predict it, but for the most part, I'm trading the market that's right in front of me. I am being more aggressive and I'm trying to capitalize on this window of opportunity.

This window will at some point closed and the market will slow back down. But the good news is through October November December and January I Statistically make the most money as thanks to little clusters of days like these where I make you know 37,000 40,000, 50,000 My best two-day hot streak was $70,000 Seventy two thousand dollars in two days. She's pretty crazy, right? So my second best one was 56,000 And you know this is my maybe my third best hot streak here with 37,000 in three days. And let's see what we can do tomorrow.

Momentum is hot, the market is on fire. Today was just about my best day of the week until that last trade on be NGO and if I do take a couple trays this afternoon I you know I'll see if I get myself over 15,000 but I'm not sure if I will be I ve is come back down quite a bit d TSS isn't doing much and B NGO being a little cheaper is a little harder for me to get a really good kind of entry point on. but we'll see. I'll be keeping an eye on the markets because this is a time where I do have to dig deep I have to spend a little more time in the chair, try to be a little bit more disciplined, and you know, just keep myself focused.
Alright, so that's it for me. I Will see you guys first thing tomorrow morning and hopefully we will have another day of awesome momentum. Alright, I'll see you guys in the morning if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video.

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34 thoughts on “$37k in 3 days! ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jas R says:

    Great vid yet again and explaination

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Kane says:

    Ross, I wish you would speak about your numbers in terms of ROI so we can get an idea of how much you invested to begin. Simply saying you made $37K in 3 days doesn't tell us your ROI. How much money do you invest on average when you trade? It sounds like your principal investment is around $100K, but I'm not sure. Could you please start talking about % return when you talk about how much money you made? Thanks.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 11trains says:

    I'm still confused on how to know when a halt is coming etc? Is there some markers that you can see coming? Do you have a video covering halts?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N R says:

    What Vwap and MAs do you use

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kristian Chavez says:

    any good books to help with chart reading and analysis?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Hall says:

    Hi Ross, totally off topic but have you heard of anything else going on with SureTrader? I was gonna make a debit card deposit and trade with them again but that function is down and has been a few weeks. I’m wondering if it’s a carry over from their suspension a few weeks ago. Thanks

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    Man this really seems hard to understand like what a a V the opening

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trenton says:

    Thanks for mentioning that you had a few days last week of those losses, that makes us mortals feel better. I'm enjoying practicing with a TI Premium account and $25,100 , and lost $30 on about $100 worth of VIVE yesterday! Great video!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    Ross what was your opening,in GNGO how did you lose 1300

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Biz Coach Eddie says:

    I'm gonna sign up very very soon warrior pro all the way! Love the way you teach and talk rather then others out there. Your videos have given me the confidence I need to make the jump and learn with you. Thanks Ross.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    Ross did you gain back the 700 later in the day with the same stock amount.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Radiating Authenticity says:

    Hi Ross, does CMEG have a margin restriction list on penny stocks like Suretrader does? Thanks.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian O'Conner says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars skillastat says:

    I bought your book

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hollywood Stock Trader says:

    Ross is a winner. Winners are good.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Drisdelle says:

    Always love to see grateful dead qued up on the lappy in the background.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salah Alquhaif says:

    I know one guy he just got 183k in last Monday and he have YouTube channel

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony says:

    HI Ross, what broker do you use and what platform do you use?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rgasta says:

    Impressive and well explained trade by Ross ) The only one question I have is about the setup on 1st VIVE trade: I see the cursor pointing at the 5Min chart as the green bar breaks through the vwap. Is that 5min chart where you made your entry decision Ross? In The 1M chart (on the side) the break of the vwap is a little less clear, that is the reason I'm asking this question, thank you

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jade Hunter says:

    Happy for you, Ross! I had a beating yesterday trading the GBPUSD and with the BREXIT headlines I lost about 15K! I hope to be able to bounce back with what's left of my equity but I'm still reeling from my huge loss and still shookt so I think I'm just gonna stay away from my charts today and go out watch a movie, do some meditation, find my center again.. Wish me luck.. Maybe I should switch to trading stocks instead of forex. The thing is, I don't know anything about US stocks as I'm from Asia Pacific. Your videos inspire me though, love watching them, so keep 'em coming. God bless you..

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ScrapMetalJoe says:

    repeat after me…..I will never ever complain or feel down again when I have 3 consective days trading. as I said you are a scratch golfer in the grand scheme of things.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renzo Tejada says:

    Holly fuck, I’m wasting my time with my shitty engineering job… 😒 then you made 37k in 3 days stocks plus (is 3k ~ 3K) from your online courses correct

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Fremd says:

    Excellent video! Really excellent! Way to smash the gains! 👍👍

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett Nielson says:

    Hey Ross. I have a question about how you trade the momo scanner. When something pops up on the scanner, do you go through your 5 point check? Or do you jump right in? What are the things you look for when you see something pop up on the scanner?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Alberto Gonzalez says:

    Thank you so much Riss.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex D.C. says:

    Ross, I have been fallowing you for few years. could you show us how you trade using the level only 2 and time and sale ? I think its amazing!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars the alphaaa says:

    While paper trading all the patters worked

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry P says:

    I had a poor entry on VIVE yesterday at 9.30, expecting it to break HoD, but ended up selling on the drop at 8.60. Anyway, thanks for the recap Ross. I still need to learn a lot from you.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tronghung Dao says:

    Nice touch 👍👌👏

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaphaba Ch says:

    Karma is hot. Good things ll keep happening to Ross. Cuz he is unknowingly touching many aspiring traders. We need you more than yesterday. We need you daily. You are my hero.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Galanos says:

    Nice job Ross. I think my funds settle tomorrow so I’ll be back at it. Hopefully tomorrow this momentum continues. Good luck all!!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheClockworkGent says:

    Held BNGO from 3.92 through three halts and sold at 4.45. Got out at the perfect time. My best day yet (still in the simulator) and that's trading almost entirely in the afternoon! Lots more to learn, best investment I've ever made is getting into this community.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sabeen M says:

    What i really like about your videos is that you show up everyday to make it happen. Winner or looser but you make sure you give it your 100%. Your videos are also the reason that cheers me up when i have a red day. Great job Ross! I'm really happy for your green days.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jules Bar says:

    How big is your account when u made that profit?

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